
Torikal has a minion!

Mayfair the Myliege

Legacy Name: Torikal

The Hydrus Torrey
Owner: emiliers

Age: 17 years, 8 months, 4 weeks

Born: September 2nd, 2006

Adopted: 17 years, 8 months, 4 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: September 2nd, 2006 (Legacy)


  • Level: 42
  • Strength: 97
  • Defense: 43
  • Speed: 38
  • Health: 41
  • HP: 41/41
  • Intelligence: 67
  • Books Read: 68
  • Food Eaten: 59
  • Job: Weapons Tester

Name: Tori
Species: Human Mage
(though Shiro thinks he's really a demon in disguise--he isn't)
Likes: order, logic, sound judgments
Dislikes: chaos, irresponsibility, people
Other: servant of the Deity Iria


Tori is the responsible one of the group. He's the one constantly kicking everyone else into shape and making sure they aren't doing anything illegal, much less life-threatening. He takes his responsibilities grudgingly but seriously, and will not hesitate to take drastic measures if people aren't meeting up to his expectations

Tori isn't very fond of people, in general. He doesn't tend to think much of them and nearly always expects the worse--which is partly how he is able to respond the best. He doesn't really have faith in others, and when he does trust someone, he's trusting them to do their job based on their prior actions rather than any emotional basis.

Simply put, Tori is a misanthrope whose only real passion in life is maintaining order. (Though, really, he would much rather be left alone to his own devices. People are so disruptive.)

Nevertheless, Tori is an extremely calm and mild-mannered individual. He is polite and courteous to most people he meets, and it is only when they weasel themselves into his life that he begins to get annoyed.

He and Shiro are childhood friends, or something like that, and Tori is constantly getting Shiro out of trouble. Tori, while agitated about the whole thing, approaches it with a kind of world-weary resignation. He has even said that while Shiro is exactly the type of person he hates on sight, he doesn't hate Shiro himself. He supposes that it's just one of those inescapable types of relationships that no one can really do anything about.

Family-wise, Tori has one elder sister and average, working parents. He meets up with them for all the usual family-oriented holidays, but he seems to take his relationship as more of a duty than a joy.


Pet Treasure

Crystal Shard

Pet Friends