
Toshirou has a minion!

Pepperoni the I-Love-You Pizza Slice

Legacy Name: Toshirou

The Hydrus Darkonite
Owner: emiliers

Age: 17 years, 3 months, 3 weeks

Born: February 3rd, 2007

Adopted: 17 years, 3 months, 3 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: February 3rd, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 13
  • Strength: 32
  • Defense: 32
  • Speed: 27
  • Health: 28
  • HP: 28/28
  • Intelligence: 74
  • Books Read: 74
  • Food Eaten: 494
  • Job: Head of Competitions

Name: Toshirou
(but, really, just call him Shiro--he doesn't respond to anything else)
Species: Human Mage
Likes: fun, games, sleeping, eating, lazing around
Dislikes: work, being bored, exercise, responsibility
Other: servant of the Deity Iria


Shiro is trouble incarnate, albeit, often unintentionally. He has a tendency of going through periods where he's completely obsessed with one single thing which is the best thing in the whole, wide world--! ...And he often ends up getting into big, enormous trouble. Somehow. In his pursuit of happiness and glory and fun.

He and Tori are somewhat childhood friends. Emphasis on the "childhood" bit and a little less on the "friend" part. But they are friends--usually. Or at least Tori always consistently bails Shiro out of jail when he's in trouble, so Shiro supposes that's as good as a friendship can get, really. Though he's still on a search for "best friend" material. You know the kind: nice, caring, and will go along with your crazy schemes and get landed in deep shit along with you. Yeah, that one. He's taking applications now if anyone's offering!

Shiro also claims to have a kind of love/hate relationship with Sakura. Though it's really more like two really similar people coming together and wreaking havoc on everything, including each other. Neither of them honestly hates (or loves) the other, but they like having arguments and disagreements and plain outright brawls just for kicks. It's that kind of relationship.

Shiro also tends to make fun of basically everyone else in the house, from Ara (who is an expert at putting people into headlocks, let him tell you) to Loki (man, his arms still hurt from that one). If they live in the same vicinity as him, chances are, Shiro's made a joke at their expense before.

Shiro's not a bad guy. Not really. He actually has some good points too. He's unfailingly optimistic, always looking for the good in life and willing to let the bad slide. He's cheerful and easygoing, and if he likes you, he's willing to go out of his way to help you, even if it ruins his afternoon nap. He's also actually intelligent, when he feels like doing work, and he's a fairly good judge of character, surprisingly enough.

He's just... kind of a careless human being. He did grow up with a fairly wealthy family, after all. And since he was the first son, he was basically spoiled rotten. Well, that is, until his parents died, and people started coming at him for his magical power. But, it really wasn't that difficult, even then. He had Tori and his two sisters watching his back, and he also had the ability to kick everyone's asses. Shiro's had it easy for a long time, and that's just the way he likes it. It doesn't give him much opportunity to be a better person, though, but maybe someday someone will kick him into shape.

Pet Treasure


Blue Ten-sided Dice

Emerald Twenty-sided Die

Beer Battleship

Flying Beer Pong

Beer Pong

Cookie with Sprinkles

Chocolate Chip Cookie

Black Candy Bar

Regurgitated Candy

Mysterious Eggplant

IOU Slip

Toilet Plunger

Onyx Twenty-sided Die

Blue Topaz Twenty-sided Die

Gold Twenty-sided Die

Oddly Pixelated Axe

Cork Gun

Field Gamepet

Foamy Hand of Perpetual Poking

You Smell Funny Shirt

Pinstripe Bill Self-Centered Glasses

Party Goggles

Pet Friends