
Obligatory has a minion!

Noelle the Shamosh

Legacy Name: Obligatory

The Bloodred Montre
Owner: emiliers

Age: 17 years, 7 months, 1 week

Born: November 16th, 2006

Adopted: 17 years, 7 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: November 16th, 2006 (Legacy)


  • Level: 24
  • Strength: 56
  • Defense: 15
  • Speed: 13
  • Health: 13
  • HP: 13/13
  • Intelligence: 25
  • Books Read: 25
  • Food Eaten: 1
  • Job: Junior Lifeguard

Name: Loki
(he will not be happy if you try to call him anything else)
Species: Dhampir (three quarters human, a quarter vampire, specifically)
Likes: coffee, Rai, peace and quiet
Dislikes: mornings, noise


Loki is one of those calm older brothers you see on television who plays the straight man to everyone else's craziness. Except Loki is technically younger and not-really-anyone's brother and not-quite-straight either, but, hey, who's counting?

And, true to form, no one really, well, listens to him at all. It isn't always intentional, but things being said kind of get lost under all the pie-throwing and the mud-slinging. It's kind of hard to keep track of things around here, and Loki gets that. Well, usually. But even so, is it really too much to ask to get at least a few moments of freaking peace and quiet around here? He really wants to go at least three steps without stepping on someone's toes. Seriously, please.

Other than the usual breakdowns every month or so, Loki is a pretty calm person. Usually. Well, not calm like Rai who is an immovable fortress, but calm in that he doesn't raise his voice, doesn't cuss, doesn't-- well, throw things at people when he has every right to. Right. Calm.

Shiro says he's like the grim reaper, deathly silent right before catching people unawares. Loki privately thinks Shiro's eaten a few too many suspicious-looking brownies of late. Besides, it can't be helped that he likes black. It's a good color. Nice. Solid. Easy on the eyes. It has nothing to do with a preoccupation with death, or any bodily harm whatsoever (usually). It's far too much of a cliche anyway, he thinks.

Sakura thinks he should change his name because, really, quote, "Who names their fucking kid Loki anyway?" unquote. Loki thinks she's crass and should stop sticking her nose into trouble. He happens to like his name, thank you very much, and it can't be helped that his parents liked Norse Mythology just enough to name their son after one of the most infamous gods in it. It also can't be helped that some ridiculous film popularized the name in a "tall, dark, and oh please not another 'poor, misunderstood villain' character" way, all the while butchering the actual mythologies they came from. But, hey, who was he to judge how ignorant and uninformed the masses were? He's just a regular guy, who is definitely not the grim reaper or any relation thereof.

Ai thinks he should start dressing in rainbow colors and watching more cartoons about the power of love and friendship. Loki forgives her for suggesting the former and actually joins her on the couch on Saturday mornings for the latter because she shoves coffee in his face every time. The wonders that caffeine is able to do for his nerves are remarkable. Really, you have to be there to witness it.


Pet Treasure



Yellow Household Broom

White Household Broom

Red Household Broom

Purple Household Broom

Pink Household Broom

Orange Household Broom

Green Household Broom

Black Household Broom

Blue Household Broom

Hand-held Vacuum

Retro Vacuum


Standard Vacuum

Blood Soup

Bloody Gravy

Aged Blood Sauce

Bloodred Furikake

Bag of Blood

Study Charm

Little Book of Calm

Pet Friends