
Raihara has a minion!

Bartholomew the Bookmark

Legacy Name: Raihara

The Reborn Tigrean
Owner: emiliers

Age: 17 years, 9 months, 2 weeks

Born: September 2nd, 2006

Adopted: 17 years, 9 months, 2 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: September 2nd, 2006 (Legacy)


  • Level: 27
  • Strength: 40
  • Defense: 20
  • Speed: 20
  • Health: 20
  • HP: 20/20
  • Intelligence: 347
  • Books Read: 346
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Lead Librarian

Name: Raihara, or Rai
Species: Minor God (of the attached-to-a-specific-piece-of-land variety)
Likes: ??? (does he even like anything?)
Dislikes: ???


Rai is the emotionless, stoic type who, quote-unquote, is basically a "stone-cold bastard but people can't help but like him anyway" (according to Shiro, of course).

Back when he first moved in, there was rampant speculation of what exactly he was. Shiro thought he was an android, Sakura voted for a golem, and Loki just really, really wanted them to shut up about the whole thing. In the end, Rai finally stepped in and told them when the attempts to find out his "true identity" got more and more ludicrous. (Really? Was stealing a construction crane really necessary?) Shiro didn't really believe him, at first--since, really, why would a god, even a minor land-based one, be interested in living in a run-down townhouse with a bunch of crazy kids?--but then Ara and Ryu and Hikari and Ai moved in and they confirmed that, yes, Rai is indeed a god, and, no, he is not a man-made being. So Shiro guesses it's legit. Mostly.

Now, everyone just chalks up his emotional distance to his godliness and takes it in stride. And whenever Rai disappears for days on end, people just assume he's doing god-related-ish things and leave him to it. Shiro still occasionally tries to spy on him or whatever to try and find out the specifics, but Rai is quick on the uptake, and instead of finding out the secrets of the universe, Shiro usually just finds his room three different shades of neon green instead.

Usually, Rai keeps to himself in his room. Apparently, he moonlights as an author part-time, and his books actually sell decently enough. (And, no, he doesn't advertise himself as a god. His life as an author and his life as a god are strictly separate.) It doesn't really take much to get him to go out, though, especially if it's someone he enjoys spending time with. The entire place is his land after all, and as the god, he loves it as much as the next person. It's probably the only thing he openly loves (or will admit to loving).

While he's a calm and level-headed person, Rai is an incredibly horrible person to go to for advice. Hikari made the mistake of trying once, and it ended with the roof totaled. (Hikari claims it was an accident, but everyone kind of guesses that she had been aiming for Rai.) Rai simply doesn't understand the reasons behind human actions. He's not socially incompetent, but the most he does in social instances is copy human displays. He doesn't really understand the need for, say, smiles and laughter and bodily contact. It probably would seem silly to him if he can comprehend the idea behind finding something silly.

Regardless, Rai does have a soft spot for Loki, his roommate, though, and while he doesn't really act any differently around the other, he does tend to agree more readily to things when Loki suggests them. Shiro's kind of crass about the whole thing sometimes, but that's fine. Rearranging the other's room so that everything is upside-down and inside-out is good control practice for Rai anyway, and if he feels a little better doing it... well, one of the reasons he decided to live with humans is to try and understand them better, anyhow, so it's all par for the course.

Pet Treasure

Cherry Typewriter

Steel Dip Pen

Subeta Tribune Special Issue VII

Subeta Tribune Special Issue VI

Subeta Tribune Special Issue V

Subeta Tribune Special Issue IV

Subeta Tribune Special Issue III

Subeta Tribune Special Issue II

Subeta Tribune

Pile of Treasured Tomes

Classic Typewriter

Black Inkwell

Black Ink Ballpoint

Saggitarius Pen Set

Winter Night Pen Set

Bottled Cream Quill

How to Write III

How to Write II

How to Write I

Pet Friends