
Watarai has a minion!

Koria the Constellation

Legacy Name: Watarai

The Hydrus Devonti
Owner: Dragon_Cloud01

Age: 17 years, 3 months, 5 days

Born: March 17th, 2007

Adopted: 17 years, 3 months, 5 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: March 17th, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 14
  • Strength: 36
  • Defense: 34
  • Speed: 35
  • Health: 28
  • HP: 0/28
  • Intelligence: 3
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Manager Watarai
Ideals that Work
Age: 27 Years
Occupation: First Try Courier Service Owner
Minion Name
Minion Description
Age: [unknown ]Years
Occupation:Something goes here

I know the price of success:
dedication, hard work,
and an unremitting devotion
to the things you want to see

Frank Lloyd Wright

Based in one of the main cities, Watarai owns a small courier service. Zipping in and out of traffic with so many near misses as they rush to their destination. Although the number of accidents is small within this courier service, its shows that most of the people that work under him are not all 'normal'. As three-quarters of the 'Force' out on the street are Therians, their unique abilities give them an edge over the Halvens.

While Watarai is often the first person of contact to their clients, no matter if they phone order or come to the small place in person. He has a small force under his leadership as they deliver by bike or air almost always on time. Smart, streetwise and with a dress sense some would question, Watarai is quick to think in a spur of the moment decision and he takes care of his workers. Making sure they have a good bill of health [and a clean record] he can see that some of them will go far.

While his workforce behind the scenes are a handful of secretarial students--both 'Therian' and 'normal', to keep track of the all important paperwork for some collage money and that all essential first job in bookkeeping that would give them a step over the ones that never bothered. Practical experience was a great thing to have on your first application to the first 'proper' job.

Watarai has an air of confidence and belief in his workers that has a reassuring effect on their customers. While the Team is always on the go and never in the base for more that a sandwich and a drink—speed and efficiency being the road to the big pay in this 'game', he is always floating around the base making sure things are going smoothly. A personal hand in as many of the deliveries as possible, either making sure that the paperwork is filed away correctly or the customer is completely satisfied.

in his younger years, school held a sour memory in his mind. When he started he was told by his parents that keeping his temper in check and his Therian abilities hidden from all was a necessity. Violence against the 'half-breeds' was common and certainly not unheard of. Wearing a pair of tinted glasses to hide his odd eyes, the pupils slanted like a sheeps. The only thing aside from a small set of horn stubs on his head that gave away the fact he was a Therian. One of the more rarer 'kinds' of therian, who could almost completely hide his 'abnormalities'.

He made a few select friends as he gone through school mixing in fairly well and gaining a fair reputation in any throwing games as his aim and perception was said to be uncanny. As well as making one or two close friends, he built up some loose classmate 'bonds'. In class they would team together for the group assignments and outside of the class they would greet each other in the corridors but that was about it. Loose Friendship, 'yea I know him, what about him?' sort of thing.

Watarai was finishing his last year of a special four year Senior program when he was walking across the parking lot/car park in the school grounds. In the car it seemed that the person wasn't paying due attention and although Watarai had checked for moving cars and stepped out when all seemed quiet, the driver maybe on his mobile phone backed out without a glance. Watarai didnt see him coming and never had a chance.

The worst thing that could have happened, did happen. While Watarai was in a state of shock, he changed to his other form. While sheep-like in appearance, Blue 'tattoos' ran up his legs from his hooves and also marked his cheeks and the second pair of larger horns that where now visible. A long brown, furry coat made him look bigger than he actually was as he lay there on the tarmac. His breathing was fast and rapid and his thoughts scattered so much he couldn't think straight. He knew people were standing around staring, wondering what the heck had happened. He had managed to keep this hidden for so long, he was scared. He didn't know what was going to happen. Would his 'friendships' hold up now that he secret was out?

A Face stood out from the crowd, or it could have been the fact that the person bent over him and actually helped. He remembered vaguely, large bat-like wings and a tail that twitched with impatience as he dealt with the operator. Trying to get back in control as the paramedics arrived he managed to catch the boys name, Jesney. He wouldn't forget him.

Not long after he graduated, Watarai gathered a few therians whose abilities that he would find useful to him. Explaining that the courier services within this town contained only the Halven people and to gather a force of therians whose ability would benefit the wider community, as well as help create a positive image of therians everywhere. It worked well and gained support from the therian community. Thus First Try Couriers was created.

A few years gone by and things were going pretty well, business was steady and they had gained a good reputation. Through a few contacts Watarai learned that Jesney, the boy who saved his life had gotten into trouble with the police. Managing to get the times and place for the hearing, Watarai was going to repay an old but not forgotten debt.

Pet Treasure

Chocolate Eggnog

Luminaire Lamb Plushie

Iced Green Tea

Eco-Friendly Prunes

Cask of Rum

Pet Friends

Watarai owes this young man his life.