
Lujei has a minion!

Regrets the Dead Person

Legacy Name: Lujei

The Glacier Neela
Owner: Lea

Age: 6 years, 1 week, 5 days

Born: April 20th, 2018

Adopted: 6 years, 1 week, 4 days ago

Adopted: April 21st, 2018


  • Level: 68
  • Strength: 166
  • Defense: 163
  • Speed: 162
  • Health: 162
  • HP: 162/162
  • Intelligence: 260
  • Books Read: 255
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Certified Mad Scientist

love and devotion

character blurb sort of thing - short description meant as an intro.


- married to eliam and the mother of sinta
- after she and eliam experienced a number of hardships as a young and desperately in-love couple, eliam made a questionable pact that slowly transformed him into a monster
- lujei was troubled by what was happening and denied it for a long time, but ultimately chose to stay at her husband's side even as his moral code warped beyond recognition
- she became more codependent and desensitized to violence over time, eventually even encouraging her husband's violence at times when it would benefit them
- part of her is aware of just how wrong everything that has happened is, but she can't bring herself to care about that like she knows she should; she feels more guilt over her lack of guilt than at the situation itself
- she's grateful for the way that sinta has changed since leaving home and exploring her more human side. lujei feels that sinta, at least, isn't beyond redemption like she and eliam are. (though part of her wonders how much of that is genuine and how much of that is just wistfulness talking; she knows that her daughter can be a monster like the rest of them)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent faucibus enim augue, a dictum augue condimentum et. Nullam cursus varius dolor vel ullamcorper. Fusce sodales ante ut ullamcorper lacinia. Etiam eleifend enim vel ligula ullamcorper porttitor. In et suscipit felis. Vestibulum consequat fermentum purus, ut lacinia nulla tempor eu. Suspendisse est lectus, faucibus eget nunc non, dapibus lobortis enim.

Vivamus ultrices ac nisi quis viverra. Ut et enim eget purus euismod lobortis non et ante. Suspendisse leo odio, eleifend nec tempor eu, pellentesque eu nunc. Donec tincidunt augue ac nibh interdum ultricies. In elementum nunc massa, in gravida sem porta vel. Aenean nec tristique elit, ac efficitur lorem. Nunc consequat ante nec nibh efficitur, vitae egestas ex vulputate. Nullam eget ex tortor. Nulla commodo fermentum nisl eget finibus.

In congue ornare metus in tempus. In sed mauris mattis, suscipit mi id, rutrum ipsum. Fusce hendrerit quis ligula eget porttitor. Nulla volutpat, ipsum vel pellentesque iaculis, magna magna dignissim nunc, ut dignissim neque magna quis arcu. Nullam diam velit, aliquet vel turpis cursus, feugiat vulputate dolor. Nullam sit amet tellus eget eros efficitur tincidunt eu nec ex. Fusce magna elit, convallis vel interdum ac, fermentum eget nulla. Morbi vitae arcu consequat, tristique est at, sodales tellus. Donec euismod id ante eget fermentum.

to-do list

-- better organization of content
-- credits will be dropdown on right side
-- organize css
-- custom scrollbar
-- font awesome icons ?
-- ... don't especially like the treasure chest layout but i'm not sure what else to do... sighs. maybe display item name on hover only?
- make version for smaller screens (dropdowns will not be positioned to the side of the other content)
Profile by Lea.

ColourLovers won't load so I guess I'll do more credits later lol

Pet Treasure

Pure Love Letter

Chest Bursting Love

Valentines True Lovers Knot

Pork Meat Pie

Simple Bronze Wedding Band

True Love

The Art of Falling in Love

Love Diary

Small Vial of Red Cologne

Dead Nightshade

Dying Purple Flower

Dying Purple Hydrangea

Broken Ornamented Mirror

Worn Picnic Blanket

Salted Meat in Gravy

The Mistakes We Make

Stained and Torn Family Album

Dead Person

Dead Purple Spider Chrysanthemum

Old Coins

Bone Orchard Marker

Pet Friends