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Rating: 12.08%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: Looks like you found Waldo.


Rating: 12.06%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: I have cosplayed as Antoine Dodson, the overnight internet sensation. For those who do not know him, here is a brief overview. His internet fame spawned from news coverage of the attempted rape of his sister by “some idiot in the projects.” While the story itself is no laughing matter, I dare say that Antoine’s comments and threats to the culprit struck the creative funny bone of users on Youtube, specifically the fellows who do the Auto-Tune the News videos. I recommend anyone who does not know of Antoine Dodson and is curious to look up “Bed Intruder Song iTunes version” on YouTube. The song itself is composed of auto tuned audio from the original news story covering the Dodson’s ordeal.
For the background, I originally tried to find something that gave off a “projects” feel, but with this zombie one conveniently involving a window, “they climbing in ur window” went off in my head, and ultimately, I think it fits! I have yet to come across the perfect Antoine Dodson Subetan hairstyle, but the Dark Shaman Dreadlocks fit the best.
As for the outfit, well, even after watching the videos of Antoine Dodson, only the bandana and the tank top are dead on to the reference. During the “Bed Intruder Song” video, one scene shows that he is wearing shorts, to which I assume are black shorts but it is hard to tell. Most people wear flipflops or sandals with their shorts, so I imagined he would be wearing something along those lines. His prop is the Arid Magic Wand, which looked the most like his rolled up sheet of paper or whatever he is holding as he declares “We gon find you.”
That is Antoine Dodson, so “run and tell that, homeboy.”


Rating: 12.04%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: Pokemon No. 094 - Gengar


Rating: 12.03%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: Link and his steed Epona from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time.

Not the best cosplay, I know, but Link is still one of my most favorite video game characters.

Cosplay made over a pretty good amount of time and a low budget.


Rating: 11.96%

Team: Manwar

In Their Own Words: Merlin from the recent BBC series!


Rating: 11.93%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: I'm a huge House MD fan so I just had to make an ode to Hugh Laurie. "Arrogance has to be earned. Tell me what you've done to earn yours."


Rating: 11.92%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: I love The Nightmare Before Christmas, so I decided to cosplay either Jack or Sally. In the end, I chose Sally :)


Rating: 11.88%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: Velma Kelly from Chicago. I was mainly inspired by her costume during "All That Jazz".


Rating: 11.87%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: Sesshomaru from the anime Inuyasha.


Rating: 11.8%

Team: Manwar

In Their Own Words: Bobblehead Nurse from Silent Hill 2