Let me make this simple.

The artists, and other staff members on subeta, are on subeta becuase they like it.

That does not mean, that you are allowed to come on subeta, and send them advertisements to join your site, beg them to join your staff, harrass them on AIM.

Becuase thats exactly what it is. And, I will be happy to ban you from subeta, and place a happy call with your ISP, if you do this.

If anyone wants to work for your site, they will get there themselves, stop attempting to steal staff.

This also goes for any users, who have entered in the art gallery, or have made an artist application. If there are other users harrassing you about joining their sites, and you don't want to, please notify a staff member ASAP.
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Posted by Keith


*joins sparxz and stands in front of artists and other staff members, holding a stick, ready to beat back anyone who harrasses them*


LOL This is my site. I try to get people I met at the big site to join here but I have to do it at DA or via AIM. That is how I got Kaos here. She is a very good artist but hasn't drawn anything as she is going on a Holiday to Canada. Also everyone knows Lycan is the one who got me to come here. If I see good artists I say oh go to www.subeta.org and put in an Artist application.

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*hugs her arty friends*
<br>I suppose I've been kinda lucky that I've never had to deal with that sort of thing, but I know a few people who have art stolen before, which is really sad, but eventually with some help managed to get thier stuff taken off the site and it was all okay again :3


OMG .. XD I like that little other-site-blocker-outer-thinger .. . . << >> *runs and hides*


I concur. I saw someone asking one of the artists here on DA to join this " <img src=/images/icons/fileico.gif><b>Help</b>: <a href="/help/index.php?act=search&search=Other Pet Sites" title="Articles related to Other Pet Sites"><u>Other Pet Sites</u></a> " [ don't hurt me D: ] site .. which is . . down .. . at the moment .. BUTK. I didn't like it either. ): Subeta pwnz ALL. <3 <3

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and yay i would be mad if any artist left here they are all great xD

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Is it any different when staff tell people to apply and join the artist staff? j/w xD

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*gets out sporks* Next time someone tries and I hear about it, Im so poking them o.o Subeta rules and the artists on it rules. Therefore, they wish to stay and they shall keep their long, warty noses out of here!


GO KEITH!! i would never leave subeta even though im not staff on here, the only staff im on is my own site staff, and ive heard about this happening a lot, so thanks for putting a stop to it XD

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XD *licks his lovely subeta* <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0> I couldn't leave my precious... <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>

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I agree Moonfighter. I've told a few people off cause of it.


ANd that SAS, is a reason that other sites are coming here and trying to steal the artists.


I HATE it when other people advertise their sites on here...it's rude and annoying. --; They SHOULD be banned...though I hope it won't come to it.

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o.o I wouldn't leave Subeta for another site o.o Subeta has the best art I have seen in a LONG time <33

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Honestly, some people. I hope people that had that happen to them chose to stay on subeta. I'm not staff, or a drawer but if someone asked me, I'd never leave subeta for them. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif border=0>


BAH, Thank you Keith!! I had to block IM's on AIM sense I started my application because someone kept IMing me on new names, and then other random people, but the main guy has been frozen, he wanted me to work for kojopets if you want to do something about that =.


woah, that sounds serious. People can be so rude... attempted to steal staff. Who would leave subeta willingly just to work for some other cwappy site? hehe, I don't know anyone who would!

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