Escalade Revamps

Cream Escalade Elixir
Lilac Escalade Elixir
Dawn Escalade Elixir

In the honor of the escalade's shiny new coat, the Magic Box has gone and updated their escalade elixirs.
User Avatar: 217

Posted by Amber


The face looks like it ran into a sliding glass door and got smashed in and the helmet it too smooth now, I liked the angles of the spikes, they were bent like boomerangs, how they looked sharp and angled. Also, with the front leg being bent, it doesn't look like it stepping anymore, just standing awkward. Armor needs to be shinier and sharper.

The only things I like are the claws and fur, sorry.


And one more note that I COMPLETELY blew off: It's not about "Older is better." It's about the pet's personality. People here like more serious personalities and less cutesy ones. That's why the last Escalade was liked so much.


Also, the face doesn't look anywhere near that defomred in the earlier models.


But people didn't like THOSE models. They liked the last one.


I think that is exactly the point. If we want to get into the whole "older is better" thing, if anything the newest version is actually more on model than the one before it.


Lol...I come back to Subeta to face this, eh? I'll have to change my Nuclear Escalade to something else now. :/ I started using this site because most of the pets WEREN'T cutesy.


I really, really don't like the new face. My feelings aren't helped by the fact that the nuclear version got a yellowier skin-tone. I can appreciate the cleaner lines, though.


That's not really the point.


For those complaining that the personality was changed, have some pictures of the pre-PRE-revamped Escalade:



@Nepolink I made the same mistake.


Grammatical fix: I don't see why people think this revamp should have been polled first.


How was this even poll-worthy? Nothing drastic was changed in the design of the Escalade, no extra wings or spots or heterochromia eyes. The pose is practically the same, angled different I think. It's still a creative-looking creature, and honestly looks fine! I kinda agree that I miss the more dynamic, stand-offish expression--but that doesn't ruin the entire pet for me. There's plenty more good going for it.


Body is great, face is just.... So "cute" looking. They don't look at all intimidating now. The horns are also to smooth. Otherwise I like it.


Hmm i didn't need to comment like that... Sorry.
The pet is not ruined lie that, the body is ways better but their snout need a little fix.

Actually why i even complain, i didnt own any escalade, was only planning.


Did they punch those escalade in the face? I mean their snouts are horrible off!
The face is disgusting in my honest opinion. Why do they make always the face more ugly and the body more awesome...

Escalade didn't deserve this weirdo face. I take my plans for nuclear escalade back..
If those comments of people hurt, let them be! Another pet is ruined again. Shame


Ok, you know why i didn't offer any constructive criticism for this? Because i actually don't have any problem with the art itself...there's nothing about the art on its own i particularly find fault with. I think it's lovely artwork. The problem is the complete change in personality - i simply prefer the old one's more intense expression and angular features. (Yes, i'm using an overlay on mine, so don't jump all over me about how i can do that...I KNOW. I can still give my opinion, and i do encounter my pet elsewhere on the site where the overlay doesn't cover it.) When i said a terrible thing happened and the revamp ruined its face, i didn't mean the artwork itself was a complete disaster, just that the change in expression does not at all fit how i think of my own pet. I am truly sorry if what i said offended the artist; it's really great work...for someone else's Escalade. I do approve of the bigger claws though.

Basically, i agree completely with Silverevilchao's last comment. I was about to say the same thing even before i read their comment (except the bit about Chelons; i don't recall ever having a problem with the Chelons). I LIKE this art. I just don't like the fact that it replaced the old art. I guess i'll get used to it though.


I asked my husband, who doesn't even play (and asks me every day WHY I play lol) to look at an old Escalade and a new Escalade and what one he liked better. I didn't tell him what one was what. Just one version on the left and the other on the right. He liked the OLD one better. He doesn't play at all and he liked the old one more
I really wanted to make one of my pets into an Escalade because to me, they looked like a warrior. Loved the pointy helmet and spikes by the tail. Loved their eyes. The new ones - though they have nice tails and claws - just look too cutesy; and to me, that's what Chibi pets are for. The helmet doesn't look as... Helmet-y, it looks soft. The tail spikes look soft. The eyes look soft and nice now. The old ones, to me didn't look mean or anything, but they gave the pet it's personality. And, though in the first, it is kinda hard to see the back front leg... In the new one, it's even more hard to see it. :(


Yeah, I think this would look MUCH better with the head fashioned more like the older one. The head is kind of the first thing I see on a character, and is often what tells me whether a character looks cool or not. And like most people, I preferred the older more serious and dangerous head to the... I... I'm sorry. I really cannot think of any word to describe the new head for me besides "ugly." I mean, the shading is excellent and all, but that head...

Also, as pointed out by someone else, I started noticing the legs.


It turned out really pretty. A bit weirded out by the snout, but overall it's an amazing redraw.


I don't agree with directly targeting the artist with hateful speech (i.e. you suck, go die). However, negative words about the style and pet should be expected in these types of situations and they're good. They point out what's wrong with the site so the site can fix itself. Nothing's perfect. We don't expect perfection. We do expect a certain level of quality though. We expect to be listened to. To have our voices heard. Not shunned and told to GTFO. Some artists have released pets that have had a huge negative reaction. They then thought about the criticisms and fixed it or had multiple versions up to be polled or scrapped the new update entirely. This went on until the majority of the user base found the pet tolerable or satisfactory. Sure, some users were still upset but the masses had been tamed. And a lot were satisfied just by being listened to and NOT told they know nothing and should suck it up and shut up.

The last site I was on that decided to do a major overhaul on pets without user feedback was Neo and I quit that day. I spend hundreds of dollars on Subeta. I LOVE Subeta as hard as that may seem sometimes. I criticize because I love it. I want it to be the best. To look the best. If there is a flaw I want it fixed. I don't want to wear rose colored glasses and just "lalalala" forcing myself to tolerate things that could easily be fixed. The majority of the users prefer the personality and face of the old with updated artwork. That shouldn't be so hard. I've been on here almost 8 yrs and I hope to be on here till the day I die. However, I will quit if Subeta becomes like Neo and loses touch with the user base. Sure, we're a fickle bunch. But we do love you Subeta. Even during 404 errors ;)


Honestly, I don't even think it's the artist's fault that I don't like the new pet, because anatomically, shading etc etc, it's really's just the new personality that has me so upset.

The problem being a smaller symptom of an even larger one - even with pets with different artists, the same thing keeps happening: the excising of the old pet's personality to make it cuter, cuddlier, friendlier, which just makes all of the species look more the same with each other and more forgettable. Which would indicate that no, it's not an artist problem, it's a design issue, it's the suspicion that the artists are being told that "cute sells more, so revamp this species to be cuter and more smiley". Any personality the pets are having now is in the redraws, but even those are themed, so you don't get that much variation either.

So I should probably correct myself re: my knee-jerked last post: Hagane, YOUR Escalade is awesome - great fur texturing and shading in particular. The problem is that now it's replacing a different Escalade that many people got pets of that species for, my precious Hakuoro included. Which was particularly frustrating given that the Escalade was a species that wasn't that old or outdated anatomically...the shading of it could've been redone, but other than that, it was no old-school Chelon that was a damn blight on the side art-wise.


Although there were a couple of needlessly rude comments, the majority have simply been honest and respectful opinions, and this feedback is necessary for the artists to know what players want. With each revamp, the expression/personality/stance of the species is changed, and usually made the polar opposite of the original. This is what most people are taking issue with. Bearing this in mind, I gently suggest that the illustrators try to retain as much of the *feeling* of the pet as possible in future revamps. And if a preexisting pet sparks some creativity, go with it and see where it takes you--everyone enjoys a new species. Also, as you can see, the polls are clearly appreciated. Thank you subeta-team for all your hard work, and I apologize for rambling.


The once fierce kickass pet got reduced to a fluffy cuddly plushie :/


While I do appreciate the artist's attempts and hard work on the Escalade revamp, the original design of the face, helmet and horns should have been kept. The bracelets look a little bit more clunky on the new then on the old one,and the way the forth leg is mostly hidden gives it the appearance of it being only three legged. I also preferred the old shading a bit more. Perhaps something can be worked out to blend in what people like myself liked best about the Escalade with the new design so everyone would be happier. I did like the design of the tail, the crystals and the claws though.

And despite what some people are saying about critique, I'm not going to sit there and lie like some are hoping we would do. There is a big difference between giving a good critique, and just lying both to the artist and ourselves. How is an artist ever going to learn to improve their work if we just lie to them? I'm not excusing those who said terrible things about the artist or called her work ugly or anything else that was mean spirited. I just feel that once again that we have those board dictators are wanting us to just jump and down be happy for yet another change instead of us expressing our opinions. I really don't like this revamp much, but that is just how I feel.


Wow, I haven't seen this level of nastiness and thinly veiled insults in a while -_- .


i wasn't a big fan of escalades before, but the revamp has really changed my opinion. i think they look great now, and i'm definitely gonna change one of my pets into an arid escalade soon. love this revamp! :)



I am so glad to see someone else who knows how to give proper critique! I always feel like I am the only one. That one of the first things we learned in my college art class.


Oh... wow. What a change!


The new body looks fabulous (fluffy, great shading) but the head looks odd and the face has lost it's original personality. If the head/face got revamped to look more like the old one (less flat, horns not tilted to the right) the entire design would be superb. Just my two cents. ;)


Another thing I noticed: all of the armor is less sharp. Why would you even make that change?


I for one really like the revamp.
They looked like they were made entirely of plastic before. The softer shading is 1000x better and I personally feel that the heads have gotten an improvement. The angle of the old heads looked too harsh in comparison to the body; I think it looks much more natural now. And can I just point out the way the helmet casts a shadow on the fur around the neck? The attention to detail is beautiful. Also, THOSE COLORS. I LOVE THEM.


Man, I feel so bad for hagane. :c I hope I didn't come out as rude before, it was bugging me my whole work shift.
I don't think I'm gonna change my Tungsten now, even though I'm not entirely happy with the changes. I bet she worked on the new design really hard! I just think many of us (including me) need to remember the people behind the art have feelings and put their heart into their artwork. Cheesy sounding, but true y'all.


I have to agree with those who aren't fond of this one. Whereas the body and shading is nicer, the face looks a bit squished and... It went from a serious, elegant species to a derpy, 'cute' one. Wouldn't be as unsettling if it wasn't a revamp.

No offense to the staff/team and artists, but I'm almost convinced they're changing so much in revamps on purpose so that unhappy people might buy the CSC overlays. :( Especially with the lack of polls and the seeming refusal to revert to the old art once again to please the community.

But what do I know?


The body and shading look much better than they did before! The tails look so fluffy now, ahhh. 'w'/ I miss the old Escalade's face and helmet, though. The sharp, serious look the old ones had always seemed characteristic of the species to me, and it feels weird that they look so cute and round now. :c I also miss the tube-feet with their little claw toes. Those are my only complaints, though! Everything else looks really good. :3


The /one and only/ issue I have with these is that they lost their aggressive expression. That was the one thing that really turned me on to the escalade. The darkmatters and glaciers still have that, though, so it's no major loss to me.


LavaBeast, why would you say no offense? That's a compliment, I love hot dogs! :P


Legitimately pleased with how beautiful my Escalades are. ^_^


I agree with Zekumi c:


I have to say, when I saw the new Escalade for Snow, I was a bit surprised about his face (loved the body, though!), but in some ways, I think this revamp will fit his personality better. I remember back when the Tigrean got updated and I switched Larexene to a different species for a bit, but it didn't fit her as well as the Tigrean did. Although I'm not as used to it, I did save the old art as an overlay, which'll work for her pet page, and while I'll have to look at the new art where the other places I see her, I still think she looks great either in her old or new art. As for Snow, I'm starting to dig his new art.


Perhaps people would find it easier to give appropriate criticism if they always used the form of a compliment sandwich: one positive, one negative, one positive.

As for me, if we could pull out that nose a little more, I'd be a happy camper. I'm crazy for the new tail and shades of color.


mmmmmh~ hotdooogs~
great, now i'm hungry..


Every person who comments on a news post smells like hotdogs.
~no offense~


I think you people need to slow your roll. Don't like it? Don't get one. Or better yet, spend years becoming a good artist who meets deadlines and is very good at her job then get a job here and draw shot how you want.


Oh, I can definitely code in an overlay (thanks for the offer, tho), but it's still a bit frustrating that 1.) old art that was fine anatomically and style-wise was replaced, which seems to be a waste of resources to me, 2.) the new art decided to change the personality of the pet, which is less of a problem with the artist and more of a problem with the fact that the site wants to make the pets more generic in general, and 3.) now it's going to take me even more time/effort/sP to solve a problem that shouldn't even be there to begin with.


Umm. Overlays you can code into pet pages, not the ridiculous sitewide overlays that cost CSC? Overlays like all my otherwise-normal pets have? I do them for free. >.>


Also have to chime in again to add that there is indeed a person behind this art. The Escalade is THEIR species. I wouldn't blame Hagane for feeling terrible right about now - some of these comments are flat-out rude. :s


Because apparently non-hacked overlays require CSC, correct? Yeah.


I think the main problem is that a lot of the newer revamps have made changes to designs that most people thought were fine, and that the revamps changed a lot of what people liked about the older designs. After several designs like this, it's kind of hard to be polite about it.


@Charles Easy for you to say, I'm damn poor. I can't afford an overlay, nor am I willing to spend real money on a petsite when I have other, tangible, expenses for that money to go to.


People also need to remember that overlays exist. If you don't like a pet's expression, then use the old art as an overlay? Or give the new one a different expression? :s


Jessi, I think the big issue people have is when a pet's look is changed THIS much (which yes, it is a serious change. The face looks entirely different, it's fluffier, and it's claws were changed), then people expect a poll.

I have zero doubts that if a poll had been put up, you would have had an overwhelming amount of people saying keep the old one. The new face does not look right. It is proportioned oddly, and honestly, just looks like someone shoved 2 gemstones into a balloon. >_>;

The rest of it, to me, is incredible. But the face ruins it completely.


@HippyKat13 Sorry. I tried to make my second post cause I agreed I was being too rude.


@Autobot Sorry.


D: Nooooo, why?!

There was nothing wrong with the old art. Why replace it? Especially with art that doesn't even look that different outside of the general body language/expression.

Maaaan, now I have to change Hakuoro to something else. :( His facial expression looks nothing like his namesake now.


I feel so terrible for the artist after viewing some of these comments. It seems that actually constructive criticism is dead...not to mention the comments that were just flat-out rude and unnecessary. It's okay to voice a negative opinion, but as Kilala said, there is a way to do it politely.


Oh. I am very pleased with this. :D
Beautiful. I love the subtler shading on the fur - it doesn't look shiny and wet anymore. And the head and tail covers...I like the rounder edges.
I approve wholeheartedly.


I'm just glad this isn't a favorite pet of mine c: I guess that's why it doesn't bother me so much XD.


I don't understand all the rudeness going on :c I mean I can agree that maybe some changes make the pet look less "fierce" I guess that's the word everyone is using and is why everyone is upset? But that's no reason to be rude and say really hurtful things ;/ honestly if I was an artist member for Subeta, I'd probably wouldn't draw anything since some people can be seriously mean. Yes you can voice your opinions, but there's a way to voice your opinions without being awfully rude about it.


I honestly am shocked at some comments. Given that this is just one artist looking over just some of the pets art, i don't think its fair to say that theirs didn't need a revamp or that their art isn't up to your standards of whats expected. The fact that i see some people saying that other pets needed the revamp more like this artist has control over it is quite rude. Never expected this from this community. I wont go on about it, but i wanted to say that although they are a bit different than what they were before, I love how they look. If any changes were made, they should be just to make some parts more angular to give it that neutral and original look. other than that this is absolutely lovely


I don't understand why people think they are entitled to a poll on everything. Yes, this was a species revamp. Yes, there usually polls for entire species revamps. But not always! The pose didn't change and the overall design didn't change. This was an update to the art.

It is fine to not like something. It is fine to re-potion or re-elixir your pet if you don't like it. It is fine to use the old art if you don't like the new. But some of the rude comments here seriously make me shake my head.

As for this revamp, I think it is wonderful. The face is a big change and will take some getting used to but I mean look at that gorgeous tail! And the shading is wonderful. I like that it no longer looks plastic like an action figure. Makes me miss my BR escalade. Can't wait to see that revamp!


I really like this revamp. I have a minor soft spot for Escalades, and it's still there. The only niggle I have is that I can't help but see this as three legged...


Lol Jessi, I'm flabbergasted that you're flabbergasted at rudeness, when you're so used to spewing out rude comments yourself.

Oh and if you think I'm being rude by calling you rude, that's wrong ^o^


I can tell you guys right now- Being rude and disrespectful is NOT going to get the escalade back. I agree- I don't really like the face or the helmet compared to the original. I liked the calamity and mystery which people see as being 'fierce' that were lost with the eyes being closer in, lightly shaded and less slanted or angular. Yes, I do agree the nose is a little too squished and the escalade has become a little too 'kawaii' for my taste.
BUT- The artist worked hard. 90% of us want the original face and helmet back... but you know what, you should at LEAST respect the mass of effort placed into this work of art. It is not 'ugly' it is not 'hideous' it is not 'horrible'. It's a freaking work of art people. I understand, as I made the same mistakes when they revamped my favorite pet (Tigrean) and I despised it, and add some awful news... needless to say I snapped. It's still no excuse.
So all of you who are being so rude take a step back and stop looking at it as an escalade and more a beautiful drawing. Make criticisms that will help make it better. Not your gut reactions.
I'd rather have this revamp permanent than listen to this. I'm tearing up at how horribly you guys are speaking of it. Could you imagine if this was your drawing? :(


they kinda look like a man's... bits... popping out of hair. Not sure how I feel about these O.o


Disgusting seeing some of these comments where it's literally like people are trying to hard to just troll and outright disrespect the artists and their hard work. Since coming back from my hiatus seems like Subeta has taken a huge hit on their community respect and etiquette. Obviously those just outright trashing the artists do not understand hard work because if they did, I'm sure they would hate being told the job they just did sucked, even though they put in their best efforts.

Anyways, love the revamp. My only critique input I can add is, shrink the nose a little and narrow the eyes a bit more to seem a little more "mysterious"


I'm seriously baffled at how flat out rude some of these comments are (like the one about the art looking like a corpse, with a quick "no offense" thrown in - which is only used when something is offensive...). If I was hagane, I wouldn't bother to draw Escalades again for a very, very, VERY long time. I guess it's a good thing I'm not a staff artist, but as a staff member (and... Lindsey's wife), I'm just flabbergasted at how rude some of you are.


I agree with Autobot, MugoUrth was very hypocritical -_-
(see MugoUrth's first post, really rude and very disrespectful)


The art is definitely gorgeous, and while a revamp was needed for it to match the other pets and the site's style more... I have to say, there was a more sharp, strong look to the old version that I'll miss. Its old face was part of the reason the Escalade was one of my favourite pets... While it looks lovely overall, with many improvements, I kinda miss that attitude the old Escalade had!


I kinda miss the fierce look of the old version. Suddenly these look cute and cuddly.


And ok there's a difference between being a "nay-sayer", not liking the revamp, giving critique, etc, and just being really obnoxious and rude and over the top, like most of the "nay-sayers" here have been. Some words that do not belong in a constructive critique or simple expression of dislike would be "fucking ugly", "ruined", "hideous", and "terrible". I'm not gonna respect anyone that makes comments like that.


I know people are kind of nagging at the nay-sayers, so I guess I can make a more friendly post.

While the shading is pretty good, the face just looks wrong. It's so round and chubby that it looks a bit creepy, plus it looks less serious and dangerous in this revamp. I can understand that someone put time and effort into it, but still.


"People have the weirdest overly specific descriptions of the old expressions of pets sometimes. I never saw the old Escalade as "fierce" as so many people are saying, I saw it as calm and totally neutral. Like basically without any real discernible mood. So I guess I'm just totally lost on that point because people are acting like it used to look like something that was ready to murder some babies but I just don't see that at all."

I guess "fierce" is too strong a word to describe it, but the old design was sharper, which will often come across as more badass compared to the more child-like design.

...Actually, I thought there was a poll for the Escalade earlier. o.o Maybe I'm just mixing it up with another pet revamp, though.


The front leg of the new one looks broken too.. poor Esca D:


Alot of others have said the same already.. but I liked the older pose, face expression and claws more. Though..From this one I like the shading and the tails!
I am still not a fan of the pet though.. and will probably never own one hehe xD


The fact just looks REALLY weird.

I wasn't a big fan of the old escalades, but their faces were 10000000x better. :S


i really love the new escalades


People have the weirdest overly specific descriptions of the old expressions of pets sometimes. I never saw the old Escalade as "fierce" as so many people are saying, I saw it as calm and totally neutral. Like basically without any real discernible mood. So I guess I'm just totally lost on that point because people are acting like it used to look like something that was ready to murder some babies but I just don't see that at all.

And that seems to be everyone's main complaint so I am just sitting here with question marks rapidly flying out of my head.My thoughts exactly xD I love the revamp :)


People have the weirdest overly specific descriptions of the old expressions of pets sometimes. I never saw the old Escalade as "fierce" as so many people are saying, I saw it as calm and totally neutral. Like basically without any real discernible mood. So I guess I'm just totally lost on that point because people are acting like it used to look like something that was ready to murder some babies but I just don't see that at all.

And that seems to be everyone's main complaint so I am just sitting here with question marks rapidly flying out of my head.


i really love the new escalade


I have to say, I -love- the softer outline on these guys. They're so fluffy and I love, love, love the coloring on their armor. I am, sadly, in agreement with a lot of others--I'm a little sad that their expressions are more mild. That was one of the things I really loved about them--is that they had that 'excuse me?' look to them. Otherwise, I'm really digging them. c: The bigger claws, especially! Wouldn't want to be swatted with those, ouch.~


I love the new ones a lot actually :D The old ones looked too shiny and plastic to me.


The older ones looked more bad/evil, this one is too cute :/ Please, be careful when revamping the other colors, I own 7 escladaes and wouldn't want them to look cute as this revamped ones :/


I... Like it, but I thought this was a pet that really, really didn't need a revamp to begin with.... So many others need it worse.


Ahh nooo the new ones are too... cutesy ;; I miss the badassery of the old ones.
The shading and coloring is a nice improvement but... not at the expense of the face.

Oh well, its not a pet I personally owned anyway, but I can see why people are upset.


I think the artist did a great job, but the face does look a little mannequin-like when you've got the old and new up side-by-side. The eyes have lost femininity (although I imagine that was probably intentional, to achieve a more unisex design) and the new nose gives the illusion that the face is now nearly flat, like a brachycephalic animal.

Species revamps are always really tough. It takes a brave artist to do one knowing it's almost a guarantee that there's going to be dissonance.


If I didn't like the old escalade so much I probably would have shrugged about this, but I used to have one and thought it badass. This revamp... yeah, I don't particularly like the face. To me the escalade was like an alien half-feral ox/deer, while the new face reminds me of some sort of bug's life not-scary, stub-nosed ant. Add the new pupiless eyes, plus the removal of the threatening feel from the helmet rim's position, and the effect is pretty alienating to me. I'm not saying that the art itself is bad - the lack of super light highlights for instance is an improvement - it's just that this change in the pet's expression is so big that I cannot help but feel negatively about the revamp.


I LOVE THIS REVAMP they are so fluffy i just want to pet all of the escalades now
the shading is so good aaaa


I think it's fantasitic how such a small change in the angles and the shape of the helmet can make such a big difference in the personality of the pet. Look at them, they aren't really that different! But look at the helmet - while the old one had a "V" shape, making it look a lot more dangerous and "in-to-your-face", the new one has a "3" shape, removing completely the "attacking" pose the v-shape has.
Also, the old one had a different use on the colors, using more highly saturated colors and whites to do the highlights, giving it a "metallic" look overall. The fur didn't look fluffy and puffy, it looked slend. The other way around happens in the new one.

So, the issue clearly does not have to do with art quality, but with a massage the artist was trying to pass, instead. However, it seemed most people chose the Escalade because it had that menacing look. It had a misterious look, as you can almost see just half of his face. Now it's a more open, friendly instance.

I personally prefer the old one, but I still think a revamp would be necessary. Keeping the old features, but improving in quality (i like the smoother lines on the new one).


Also, the spikes on the helmet are way too curved.. :/


Love everything, but wishes the eyes were squintier and nose not as, hmm, squished in :I


Like the new look, wish they would have kept the old style eyes though.


why this


Re-reading my comment now, it comes off as much harsher than I intended. Having a surly Saturday, I guess.


...Am I the only one who loves how cute and fluffy they look now? xD I dunno man, I've always been a fan of escalades, but I was slightly bothered by how mean the old one looked. I really like the revamp, to be completely honest!


Granted, the shading is better but they look too cuddly now. The old ones looked more bad-ass. They looked SO much better with the old version. I was thinking about getting escalade in the future but if this is what they look like now I'm reconsidering.


Never liked this species, just kind of bleh.

The tails look better, but I think overall I prefer the older version.


Everything about this revamp is good. Better pose, better shading, better lines, better colors. Even though I've never liked this pet, this was SO needed. Wonderful revamp. Thank you!


The shading is slightly improved in the newer versions, but I liked the faces of the old ones MUCH, much better, including the shape of the horns.
Ah well, you gain some you lose some. Not everyone's going to be satisfied, but I'm sure plenty of people are xD


An Idiots Guide to Constructive Criticism

An Idiots Guide to Constructive Criticism


I can tell the artist put a lot of time and effort into creating the new pet style. Think of the artists feelings. Someone worked really hard on this ^_^.

Now to decide which of my 13 pets to turn into one ^_^.


The shading looks lumpy in places and a bit...flat? Plastic-like. The shading on top of the head is off too, as it looks like there are two entirely different light looks too shiny in places. It has the potential to be cute but this is not what I think a final stage released design should look like, I'm sorry.


The new face is absolutely hideous.


Yeah, I personally like the expression and attitude of the old one, but the fluff and detail on these new ones. It'd be nice if a medium was met.
(Please don't revamp the DM Escalade, I like it how it is. ,':c)


Nice art, but I do see a few things that look...wonky to me?
The shading on the fur is nice, but it looks too much like one big clump- the old style had a bit more definition and depth, so you could tell where the back and front legs are.
The new face is too pudgy and round, and the new eyes look less...alive.
And though it's cool they kept the same overall pose, the new one looks like it's definitely missing a front leg. D:
I agree that the helmet looks more like plastic now, and less sharp/metal from the old one.

I'm glad I don't have an Escalade- I can't say I would have been happy with the changes :c


first like the softer line art and look of the escalades it just me or do they kinda remind you of a llama or an alpaca, you can see the curve of there neck now....hmmm



Though I do kind of prefer the overall shape of the old face, these updates are absolutely gorgeous. I really, really love Escalades, and I LOVE the common posed ones so much. I'll definitely get used to these. Wow, I'm so happy that these guys got attention and I AM JUST LOSING MY MIND they look so beautiful and fluffy like they should be. Again, my jaw totally dropped with the original revamp of them, and they immediately became my favorites, so this will take a little getting used to, but overall I am so happy with this. Wow oh my god.

My biggest complaint is that you changed my Eldin's eye color!! :P but that's no big deal~


I wish we had the choice of if we wanted to go with the revamp or stick with the old style. This is one thing that i don't like about this site :(


Though the new body looks amazing, I prefer the old face also.


I agree, the new shading is gorgeous, and the Escalade needed it pretty badly, but overall, I have to say I don't much care for this revamp.
The face just looks so...derpy. It looks so flat and cross-eyed, while the old one looked like it was glaring daggers at something. It used to have this awesome attitude to it, but now it just looks, as I said, derpy.


Their new face look terrible, flat and like a face of a water corpse compared to the old one which was elegant and more unique. I also dislike how the helmet horn got the feel of some cheap plastic over the metallic shine it had before.

The whole now feels like an taiwan cheap toy version of the original concept. No offence on the artist, and it is appreciated the work and effort but this pet lost a lot from its characteristic the way it looks like. I was not fan of this pet much earlier but now not even want to think getting ever one. Sorry (


Whoops, I meant I mistook its far back leg for its front leg, not vice versa.


Is this an attempt to get some more use out of the CS site-wide overlay feature?

OK, I kid, I kid. But in all honesty I don't think this improves the pet in any respect. Not only does this change the personality significantly, going from fierce to friendly, I don't think this update actually improves the art. It's not awful art particularly, it's just not better. I mean, yes, superficially it's sleeker and fluffier, but there are really blatant perspective issues - the spikes on the top of the helmet are all skewed to the right, and its stance is also weirdly skewed. The lighting is here there and everywhere. The pose is also so awkward that I mistook its far front leg for its back leg and one tail tip for the hind foot.

Happy I don't own one of these guys.


New pictures are pretty and I really love the escalade's body but I like the old face better. I like my escalades fierce warriors. Otherwise they are very beautiful~ :)


The perspective on the helmet is waaaaay off D: I like the shading on the fur and the overall quality of the new art. But yeah, add me to the chorus of people complaining about the new face. I had been considering changing one of my pets to an escalade, but the new face is so cutesy and bland compared to the old one and the helmet has lost all of its edge and is now just a weird confusing mess of half-circles. The spikes on the old helmet were a bit curvy, but its clear that the lower ones were meant to follow the line of the head, and the back spikes of the old one look ear-shaped, not leaf shaped, and the top spike was iffy but certainly nothing that I would translate to 'circular'.


Hm, to me, these look "cuddlier" now, so I'm not a fan. I mean, the hair looks better, but overall I don't like it. I don't have "constructive criticism" because it wont make a difference if I did, just not a fan. I'll be using an overlay.


The art is better, with the exception of the eye expression.

We went from "I am better than you" to "UGUU~"


.... WHY? These were the LAST pet to need a revamp. And frankly, this isn't the best revamp.... :/ The old face was much better in terms of detail and expression, plus the metal looked like METAL and not plastic..... And I dunno about anyone else but the coat seems less shiny to me now. D: The new tail looks fabulous, but thats about all I can say that does.... Overall, I prefer the old one. (Why weren't we polled like we usually are...?) We really dont need more "cute" pets; this one should have remained bold and fierce looking for our edgier populous. Just my opinion... but I see quite a few basically said the same things already. Sorry, bros. :c

The new potions are pretty though! I like the use of the tail design on the bottles.


Lol I forgot what the old ones looked like till i looked down in the before comments. These look SERIOUSLY great! hehe match epicon


In general I like the art, the hair looks better now but I also miss tha expresion that have the old one and I liked the separation in the claws that it had, I don't know why, but for me the separation looked more realistic.
In the color I like a lot the change, Dawn, Field and Marsh looks much better,the colors were better combined and they highlight more.
Considering the others opinion, I would change at least the expression.


In general I like the art, the hair looks better now but I also miss tha expresion that have the old one and I liked the separation in the claws that it had, I don't know why, but for me the separation looked more realistic.
In the color I like a lot the change, Dawn, Field and Marsh looks much better,the colors were better combined and they highlight more.
Considering the others opinion, I would change at least the expression.


I have no idea who the user is that put up the Stylish coding to change the pet images on here, I love you very much! Only thing is I can't get the image to resize on the Your Pets page. However, now I can see Hakkai (or in this case the old field color) as he was everywhere. :heart:


I'll miss their old faces and how their eyes were slanted, but the new ones look really pretty :)!


Ehhh I much prefered the old ones. The art in general is nice. but the features and the face....gosh the face. >< It looks so odd now. <:


The shading is better on the new one.
And that is pretty much everything I like about this revamp.

Even the new pose looks like it's gonna fall over; I can't see where this anatomy is an improvement, sorry :/
I also liked the old attitude more.

You can't please everybody.


Oy, what is this terrible thing that has happened to my Nuclear Escalade?! They've always been one of my favorite species but this revamp has ruined their face. This will never do. Nope, nope, nope...thank goodness for overlays! (Also, what is this "shiny new coat" you speak of? Their old coat looked shinier; now they look quite dull.)


I will say though that I like the new skin color on the nuclear one, silly comparison but I always thought the old one looked like a ninja turtle


they look kinda chibi and happy now, I loved the old ones that looked sleek and edgy.... I always loved that pet too. I hate this revamp, they just don't look appealing to me anymore


The old ones looked fine. Not sure why they "needed" an update. :/


Escalade looked good enough before? It didn't really need a revamp


I have to agree with the others, the art is an improvement, but the original expression is completely lost. this seems to be happening with a lot of pet revamps lately and it's really the one thing I dread with revamps because a lot of times I pick a certain species/color based on the general mood the pet gives off :<


The art is much better but I have to say I like the old Esclades' face better. I liked the wild look better then the innocent, tame look.


It seems that I'm not the only one who liked the old face better. I appreciate the effort on behalf of the artists. I enjoy the tails, but this revamp truly deserved a poll. I would say, make the face as it was before, keep the tails, fix the angles and shading of the helmet... Give it a longer face, give it it's eyes back, maybe make it's claws smaller...

Guys, let's stay away from the 'ugly' and 'stupid'. Not many are happy with this update, but let's at least appreciate the effort.

In my opinion it kind of looks like it was the other way around :( Sorry subeta, this one was not a favorable change. The helmet is too soft and the face and eyes look too pudgy. I preferred the general head of the old one :)


I must say I'm really not a fan. It lacks the fierceness the old one had, and it just looks kind of... flat.


I totally agree with @Azulias. The head looks very strange but the pose does look odd as well. I wish the Escalade would have gotten a entirely new pose :(


The escalade was one of my favorite pets on here. I really wish this was polled. I.... that face. It's so puffy and... flat looking? The old one was nice and angular, with sharp "you don't want to mess with me" eyes. I loved that. Not to mention the legs on this new one are so... unnatural looking, with how far apart they are.


I loved the sharper nose and eyes of the older one, but otherwise I really love these (: great job!


Oy, more nitpicking.


I like the heads on the old ones and the tails of the new ones D:


Woah looking at it a little better what in the world is going on with the back legs?? They looked too splayed out.
Besides that the anatomy looks fine, besides the pug face. :x


It seems like the majority have a problem with the head... but I don't just have a problem with the head but the body as well...
The shading is MUCH better than the old one but... The pose looks so unnatural...

The hind legs in particular bother me. The legs look too far apart. The old stance looks more natural and less awkward.
Also, the body as well as face looks like it got squashed in between a book. Overall I think the old one is superior. The few improvements I see in the new one are the colouring, shading and lining.


Jesus christ, once again some people don't know how to fucking critique. Fuck you if you call someone's artwork hideous. Someone MADE THIS AND SPENT TIME ON IT AND YOU SHIT ON IT LIKE THEY DIDN'T TRY AT ALL.


Oof I'm not a fan of the face at all. They look like weird bubble creatures now :c
Normally I really like revamped pets, but looking at the old vs new side by side it really looks like a step back


I like it. :D Good job guys! Please keep up the good work!


Nooooooo D: I don't like it
now i will have to find a different species for my battle pet
i loved it the way it was before


Yeah. The old was better. They didn't even need an update!


Not a fan of the face ^_^;


I don't like the new escalade either... the old one only needed the new shading and coloring, I loved everything else. The new face is pudgy and un-fierce, and I do agree that the new fur doesn't contour the body right :(


I'm not happy with the change in eye shape. I also feel like the body lost a little bit of contour with the way the fur is drawn :/


The new head does not look fabulous. Not a fan, I prefer the old head.


...why no poll?

honestly, what reason could there possibly be for not having a poll about this?


I do like the new art, but I really like the old one's expression.

As other's have said, the old expression makes the Escalade look fierce.


I think it's pretty unanimous that users aren't fond of this change, and I, too, am disappointed by the lack of a poll. The only thing I can figure is that maybe the escalade was not considered a "popular" enough pet to warrant feedback on its alterations. I really don't like the update, as my Nightmare escalade was specifically chosen because it was a menacing, fearsome, and evil-looking beast...the change to the eyes and the mask are what bother me most, since they make the escalade look docile. I guess I will just have to copy the current Nightmare escalade and upload it to my photobucket in preparation of countering the inevitable update...

Given how unhappy the general userbase seems to be in response to this revamp, I hope the artist and Keith will consider a second (or third) pass at modifying the pet.




Why did Blackmoon change his Escalades into chibified plastic toys? Explain. :)


Cute. Although I can see why people miss the more fierce look the old one had.


I like the art update, but not the personality update...I thought Escalades were supposed to be tough and badass, and they do look a tad too cutesy for me now. :c That being said, the updates to the shading and such are much-needed! Good job, artist. c:


I liked the old one's personality so much was one of the few non-cutesy pets on Subeta. And while I like the new one too and I'd probably get's just not what an escalade is supposed to be. I agree that there should have been a poll and room for critique before the revamp was pushed. I'm torn on this one.


Why would you not put up a poll for this? The art itself is pretty, yes, but it doesn't even look like an Escalade in the face anymore. It went from sleek to cutesy, and as everyone else said, completely did a 180 in personality. At the very least, the artist could have benefited from critique and change things before you pushed the revamp through. Ugh. I'm glad I don't own an Escalade anymore or I'd just elixir it asap.


Edge - thanks. I was considering buying a Marsh potion if it didn't update, too. 8/ Here I come, Graveyard. Damn.
Screwed the pooch on this one, guys. Polls are good ideas. Really.


DaemonSpade - Marsh has been revamped too so if you are still seeing the old image on your Pet it's because your cache hasn't updated yet. Do a hard refresh to fix that. C:

Also, I agree why wasn't there a poll before the revamp? Sure, the pose was kept but the personality has changed drastically imo so a poll beforehand would have been nice...


Also, there are SO many pets that need redraws and updates. Like, really REALLY badly need updates. Why update the Escalade when it really didn't need it...?


Way too cute and fluffy. No please. :c


No. Sorry. No.
As pointed out many times--featureless face, flat, puggy nose that looks lumpy; legs too close together; helmet now looks like plastic and in an awkward angle.
This is now /cute/ instead of /cool/ as an Escalade is supposed to be, imo. It was the first pet I fell in love with, and now it is the first I can't stand. Thank you. Now to find a Graveyard potion to try to fix some of the damage. Or will the Marsh be revamped, too? Because I do like that colour for my Grindelwald...but I'm afraid it'll be revamped, too.

Why revamp THESE? Serpenths need it. Escalades were gorgeous, I honestly thought that they were new art! The coat was detailed and shiny, the tails were sleek, the helmet was perfect, the face was sharp! This looks like a Pokemon.


Well, there goes the serious, stern personality I loved of Escalades.
Ughh. Now I'm gonna have to find a different color for my arid one because it's just gonna bug the living crap outta me. D:

(psst where was the poll for this pssssst)


I find it painful to look at the new face... :(


Aww, I'm now torn. Escalades have always been my favorite pet but I am not a fan of this soft shading on the helmet and the other metal pieces. It looks fine on hair and the body but it makes the metal look more like plastic. :( Unless that was the idea and I am wrong over the helmet being metal. I also agree on the face being too different.

I'm also sad because the field color no longer works for Hakkai.


Not a fan of the face. /:


I like the new body, but this new face is almost featureless.


Idk, I kinda preferred the old one. The face at least.


Not liking it I'm afraid, the face is just off imo. I think it's a shame there was no poll on this, as it seems a lot of people are unhappy with the revamp :/


So, have all the colors been revamped?
I like that the revamp is not dramatic..


I really prefer the old ones. The new ones look way too cute and innocent, while I always liked this pet as a tough, cool-looking one. Not the best revamp, in my opinion :/


I love the art, but as many have said, I do miss their sharper faces/horns that made the Escalade seem more ominous. That being said, I do like the change still!


...nooooo :( My beautiful Escalade. I really don't like this, I'm sorry. The face just throws me off.


I see the problem vs the old one now. The new ones are *all* curves, whereas the old one had more angular features, more angular horns, points and sharpness, like a cyber-type pet rather than a "chibified" or curvy pet. Now, I don't and never will have but my one pet, but this is just something I happened to notice.


The only negative feedback I have on the new escalade is that the nose looks rather flat, and that the angles of the horn things don't look quite right. Overall the new artwork for these basic colors matches how the spectrum, angelic, glacier, graveyard, and sweetheart escalades have been drawn.

This is such a bizarre species lol


What the... derpy as heck.

The art quality is much improved, but this revamp is not for me. The old face had much more personality :(


I like the revamp in terms of art quality, but the species itself did a complete 180 in terms of personality. I look at the previous revamp and see a serious, stoic beast, while I look at these and see a regal house pet. The art is an improvement, but I feel like I'm looking at an entirely different pet. This could easily be adjusted with some touches to the eyes/face.


They look fucking UGLY now! They didn't look that amazing before, but now they just look hideous. It's only a matter of time before they ruin one of my absolute favorites with one of these ugly, unnecessary revamps, which except in Fester's case, usually look awful.


The tails and helmets and fur look really amazing. The only thing holding me back is that face... its just so... squishy looking. Squishy and cute-sy. I feel like it should be more angular and hard to maintain the cool factor they had in the past.


Like other people I have to agree that they look to I dunno... puffy in the face? I know the special colored ones have cute looking faces with a few exceptions, but I liked the sharp-eyed stare of the common poses. I also miss the sharp look of the old helmets. The fur looks nice, though.


The new nose bothers me slightly but I love everything else :heart:


This update makes me very happy. They are not so vastly different that they do not look like the pets we know and love but they are different enough that they have grown up and they are now more interesting to look up and in keeping with art style.
I really love the fact that we are getting updates that are still similar enough to what we like about the originals. Oh and also the helmets are more realistic...


Maybe it's just me, but I get the feeling their muzzle is wonky towards the right side of their face.

I like the new linework and shading style, but it's just so different from the old art.
Where the old ones looked like hunters, these ones come across as what dogs are to wolves. Whether or not I think that is a bad thing, I can't really say.


I don't like the faces now. Too cutesy. I like escalades because they have never looked cutesy.
It doesn't affect my graveyard one though so I guess I'm not too bothered >.<


I really want to like these, but as many people have pointed out, the faces are really different and much friendlier and less cool. I haven't seen anyone say anything about this yet, but I think the front legs are so close together that it almost looks like it only has three legs and the back legs look like they might be spread just a bit too far apart. The neck's a bit wonky, too.
I know I haven't really said anything constructive in this criticism, but they really do look odd to me. Of course the shading is better (that's a given), but I don't feel like that's enough to save it from the general weirdness.


Oh, and the nose is much bigger than the old one, that might be the cause of their strange appearance as well.


Beautiful revamp, I really like the coloring and the body. But I have to agree with everyone, the face doesn't do it for me.
The helmet shows too much of their forehead and makes them have a friendly expression. The eyes are not as menacing as before. The blades on the helmet are too curvy. You completely changed the character of the Escalade with these aspects.
If you'd keep the new body and redraw the face to make it more similar with the old one, that'd be perfect.


They look so fluffy! The eyes look a little less intimidating, but nice overall.


The changes to the body are nice, but I definitely prefer the old face to the new.


They went from sharp-eyed keen intelligent fluffs to kind-eyed sops. I don't understand.
And their shoulder is really protruding in the new ones, it is rather awkward looking...
Even if the shading on their bands, tails and tail-spikes is better, I really liked their sharp eyes...


Why is its face all squishy now? :C
The old ones looked fierce. They look too goofy now :(


The blue escalade is reminding me more of Megaman every time I see it...


I liked the old faces better. The new is good but the old ones look more "Mean" I liked that better. but that just me


Dislike the face, but I don't have an escalade so meh.


I didn't think they needed much of a change, I preferred the old ones faces. But the new one's anatomy and lining looks better compared. Well I now know I won't use the Nuclear Escalade as a future pet! There's always the nuclear serpenth anyways.


I really liked the look of the old face better.


i dont mind the change in the face so much, but i'll miss how angular the horns were. the new ones curve a bit too gently for my tastes.


Love the new coloring style, but those faces... D: They looked much more elegant before.


Everything looks great, but that went from cool to chubby chibi. I was thinking of getting one until it had its attitude removed :(


I liked the old ones much better :( the new face is so bland


They seem so fluffy now :D but I preferred the old eyes


Old vs New

The new ones look amazing! :D


The art is good, but aww I really like the old one better... I'm not a big fan of their new face :/


so fluffy


With my darned memory, I can't remember what the old ones looked like. But they still look great, nonetheless. :)


The revamp of the body is great but I am not a fan of the new face.


the nuclear escalade, Subeta. you can't do this to me. I have no names to make into a nuclear escalade. :U


Oh no! No no no no no. D: *cries*


Ohh want to fluff them *-*

Hope you revamp some Serpenths soon too


OOooo. Very nice!


I like the old face better. It was more menacing. But overall, I like the changes to the escalade's body. :3






They look so pretty now :D

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