Pet Spotlight Update!

The Pet Spotlight has undergone a revamp! The rules have been updated and clarified to be a little clearer and simpler, and we now are able to give denial reasons when we reject pets from the spotlight. We've also updated our Pet Spotlight forum thread where we will be able to continue clarifying if need be, as well as adding things like helpful guides and examples.

One of the main rule updates is to the 'Show us your pet' section. Some users felt prior guidelines implied that as a pet spotlight, we were looking to spotlight pets only and not humanoid-type characters. We having been accepting human characters for a while, but have reviewed and updated the rules to be clearer: It is now a requirement to include your actual Subeta pet, or Custom overlay equivalent, on your pet profile. We want to see the connection between Subeta's artwork and your character creation!

We look forward to seeing your spotlight entries, and to helping you achieve those spotlight trophies!

Note: There will be a two-week grandfathering-in period in which any pet currently in the queue to win could potentially still win with their human character. We will be messaging each user in the win queue that doesn't follow the rule update to give them a chance to change it, but after two weeks the new rules will be fully in motion for every user.
User Avatar: 744

Posted by SubetaTeam


The comments from some users towards the users who were effected by this change come off as rude,inconsiderate,condescending and hateful.You know what other users sound just like this?The ones on Neopets that also supported negative destructive changes and were ugly towards other users.And that is also one of the other reasons Neopets went downhill fast.The next time Subeta goes and implements a change or takes something away, and some of these same users who were rude and condescending start complaining I'm going to be same towards them.In fact I hope some of the other users they talked down to like dogs also treat them the same way.


Honestly though this is a slap in the fact to so many users and the fact that people's justified anger at such a big change being implemented immediately without any real warning or discussion is being written off as "salt" is spitting in the face of people who have a legitimate and vested concern. There are people who've spent hundreds of dollars on art and profiles (which you can't always just throw a pet image on, because, surprise, sometimes it doesn't work with the design) who may now have to commission even more art or new profiles just to accommodate this change.

Like there were actual critiques of the pet spotlight system (the wait times, ambiguous denial reasons, the lack of staffers actually going through the queue, the fact that staff don't feel qualified to approve/deny pets) but this is a concern that it seems like nobody was voicing that was just added for funsies lol!


Some of these comments, lol. I guess if you're nonspecific enough you can be as personally superior as you want.

Regardless: Too many people are totally missing the point that the original spark for these changes (along with the denial reasons) was several people pointing out how ignored the PS has been for eons. With it's current ruleset.

Too many pets in the queue with the current rules who've been waiting entirely too long to be reviewed or win? Well, we could improve that, or we could improve that AND change everything!!


Wow, there's a lot of mean-spirited people on this site. No complaints or criticism allowed, huh? Have the "pet" spotlight all to yourselves, then, so you can go on about how much better your characters are just because they have quad forms. Now I remember why I stopped coming to this site as often as I used to.


We've had the Pet Spotlight since 2010. Why is it taking 6 years to decide that pet images/overlays have to be shown on the profile now?

Tbh I'm not taking this as "human characters are not allowed" or whatever. I am just not fond of this change because I'm imagining how many pet profile commissioners will have to be bothered revisiting old pet profiles just to slap in code to show the Subeta pet since not everyone knows how to do it themselves. (I assume this will happen anyway.)

The new rule just seems a bit too picky to me, imo.


It's amazing how many people are taking this like "no humans allowed ever"... You're allowed to have as human a character as you want, it just needs one subeta-type representation somewhere on the profile. Literally nothing else has to change about your characters.


Wow, I've never had anything to do with Pet Spotlight before and this thread is kind of putting me off to even trying to enter. But, it's not because of the change... it's because of how much drama is here.

Isn't the key word "pet" in Pet Spotlight? This new change makes so much sense and I don't see why how displaying a Subeta drawing is an issue. There's even the option of having the pet image display when you hover over an image. If none of the Subeta pets exactly "fit" your character, then you can still create a custom pet.

Despite my hesitation, I'm still going to try to enter one day, and I already have ideas on how to make this work on Frappe, who is a human.


This entire comment thread was a riot to read at four am. But then again who needs sleep when you've got DRAMA

Anyway, just wanted to commend @Rah and other folks (especially staff) on this thread trying to explain the new rules. Y'all are getting so much pure vitriol and spite from people and you manage to stay patient and friendly despite it— that takes a level of professionalism few people possess. I have my own feelings about this change but I think I'm gonna leave them be. You guys don't deserve the brattiness and entitlement people are showing here; thanks for giving us a pet spotlight (and subeta) in the first place.


And I'm just sitting here wondering what "quad" and "anthro" pets/characters mean...


As an outsider coming in from previously winning several Pet Spotlights, I would like to give my view.

I am seeing a lot of salt, a lot of talk of "but muh creativity" and "but all the money I spent", and even at least few people over-reacting and acting immaturely and like children, over a simple rule change. As someone who has spent lots of money on pet profiles to enter the Spotlight in the past, this response is not endearing. It is not helping your case. If anything, it makes you guys seem like you have a massive sense of entitlement when it comes to this. But the fact of the matter is that spending money, however much, on a profile you want to win the Pet Spotlight DOES NOT ENTITLE YOU TO A WIN.

You guys are forgetting what the Pet Spotlight is at its core: the PET Spotlight. Showcasing your pets, not your characters! As some of you have even admitted, some of your characters come from other sites than Subeta. This is fine. I understand the frustration of paying for a profile, and then it getting rejected, denied, or having to start all over again from scratch. It sucks, it really does.

However, the whole "I'mma flounce out of the room because I am now required to have a pet image" is just ridiculous. Even with my human characters - see Kuvira - I have ALWAYS asked for an inclusion of a pet image, even if it's a hover image. I also spend money on custom Pet Overlays, because that's the whole point of the Spotlight - to showcase your PET. "The staff should have enforced the rules from the start or clarified"? Well, I say you should have had the foresight and forethought to think, "Hmm, well, it's the PET spotlight, and there are Custom Overlays...maybe I should also ask for a hover pet image to be coded in before paying for the profile commission."

Because that's what I've always done, and because of that, I am not affected in any way by this rule change. I also fully support the measures taken to keep this site exactly what it is - PET site. Not a "character site". A PET site.

As for "but it hampers muh creativity"? You have all the creativity to think of a human character, give them a personality, write up a profile, etc...but somehow can't think of what they would look like as an animal, pet, or anthro and depict that? Seriously?? That sounds like a really weak, and honestly really silly, argument.


@Rah thank you so very much. I can work with these rules.


To ask that pet art be visible for the Pet Spotlight entries, that's fair. If this were a character-building site, then it would be limiting, but it isn't. It's a pet site, where you adopt animals or animal-like creatures. Giving them human equivalents is fine, but if you can't find a way to link your pet art into the profile, maybe the Pet Spotlight isn't for you.

You can still create a beautiful profile and show it off, you just can't have a 100x100 pixel trophy and one day of backhanded compliments from strangers. ;)

Consider Charahub?


Okay. I get this is a pet site. I get that you want a representation of the color/species on the page. But when the pet image is so disjointed because it's physical appearance has nothing to do with/ doesn't fit in the story at all, that's just going to count against the profile because there's random art that has no reason to be there other than you want us to have a visual representation. It makes no sense;-;


Y'all know you can make your quad pet appear on a hover, right? You can still do human pets and just have the quad appear when you hover over a certain location.


@Saint - On another board, we were told that we are only getting denial reasons now (as opposed to the well over a year ago when they were promised) because some "spare programming time" opened up. A back-end fix to this, as well as the issue of not date-tracking the entrants, are really the best solutions. But who knows when programmers will get time to care/fix the spotlight again. :/
Guess we can just hope that the backlash here helps staff and programmers consider making some back-end fixes to this sooner, rather than later.




Man... good thing I didn't spend tons of money on humanoid pet profiles and art... O wait. lol. I don't participate in Pet Spotlight, regardless, but I really feel bad for people like me that don't necessarily care for anthro/interspecies/whatever interactions on Subeta-- trust me, I know plenty of people do. I have far more interest in humanoid types of pets. I just won't be checking the Pet Spotlight anymore. -shrug-


I don't understand all the uproar, it is a pet spotlight,so it stands to reason it would spotlight a pet. I have never entered before though I've been working on a story but my story is about my Subeta drawn pet. Then I started to notice most of the winners are custom drawn so would mine even be considered? Is it more about the art or the story?


i agree a backend fix such as making their queue page display the pet image, species, gender, and color if they don't already have that (i would suspect they don't, given the "solution" they've put forth) would be a far better solution for everyone.

but of course that's ~work~ and while im pretty sure it wouldnt be too intensive to make, it probably won't happen. if it does, being that it's backend for staff we probably won't directly hear about it.


@Saint - Oh yeah, I know they can probably still see the owner and pet names. Like, there are times where they cannot avoid that, and as such, bias is possible (not even going to try and dispute that). I just thought I remembered them saying that they were trying to limit bias that way. But the owner/name part aside, it does make me wonder to what extent they can see official information about the pet. Can they see the official overlay, species, color, and gender outside of the profile? I think that the staff seeing it while judging is far more important than other people seeing it while viewing the profile when a pet wins. I mean, I personally don't really look at the official winning pet to compare to the profile (I mean, I look at the overlay displayed, but I don't care if it really matches the pet's profile).
If this change is more about the judging aspect, they it should be correctable on the back-end/judging pages.
If this is more about pet spotlight aesthetic, or constricting what types of entrants are nominated/win, then that is a really big issue here that needs to be addressed beyond just "you have to have a pet image."



yeah this argument to me is 100% about profile creativity being limited and as someone who enjoys original profiles that makes me a very Angry Web Designer, being forced to place in elements that may just look really bad or out of place

ah pretty sure they can see the owner name on at least some of them. sure, they could hide .owner_name, but some people more experienced with profiles may make their own owner name class to do something different with. besides, the pet name has to be visible. most people are generally aware of their friends' pet names or characters anyway.


@Saint - Yeah, there are definitely some pets where it is harder than others (Chris is awesome BTW, I swear I have seen him before... and I always just assumed the animal-creature over the humans shoulder was the "pet," but that just shows how little I know about Persona 3 LOL). And it seems that pets like this were the reason that the judging staff didn't use to care too much about it. Not really sure why they are changing it now. Maybe a happy medium would be to make it a "and/or" requirement. You can have a "pet image" and/or meet some other requirement that doesn't involve a visual image, but is more than just the pet species/color text. I know that staff have said the reason for requiring the image was to deter against misrepresenting the pet (people lying about what pet they have), but that is really a weak reason (I figured that was just an excuse that sounds more official than just "we don't want only human characters anymore").

Actually, now that I think about it, years and years ago, I thought we were told that staff could not see the owner's name on the profile to not bias judgement... and that they could only see pet species/color on the profile page, which is why it was important to have the official text on there. Is that still true? Because simply making it so that the judges can see what the pet species/color/overlay is on the back-end while judging could definitely help with the misrepresentation part. Like, the staff can clearly see that the pet is supposed to be a blue kumos on the judging page, but when they go to the profile, they see that it is a gold rreign displayed. If this is really about stopping misrepresentation, then something like that should be good enough, right?


Oh I intend for the pet to be submitted to spotlight once I work on the profile and correctly zap him. (Also it was accepted but I am not using it because it would state Crappy the Custom Nightmare Tigerean which is not the intended form) Also the 2nd part wasn't directed at you, I thought I put a hr line inbetween but I guess I didn't. My point was that if I finish up the profile and upload the story and nominate it with it stating Crappy the Custom Nightmare Tigerean then it should be declined. There is no connection of cute poop emoji creature to scary black tiger.



you don't submit the pet that's getting the overlay when the overlay is submitted. if it would be accepted for that experiment, it will be accepted regardless. (though i'm not sure it'd be accepted at all tbh)


Thanks for the clarification because I honestly only checked after reading the original comment in question. I understand how that is furstrating but I am going to guess it was a oversight.

However in terms of the whole misrepresentation which I did agrue for, you guys have to give staff more credit in terms of common sense when it comes to the overlays. I am a user who uses custom overlays and have had them denied in the past. In that regard they give great feedback as to why it is denied and we usually work together to get something approved. I have a custom overlay of a Poop with a face for my pet Crappy. It was approved but currently Crappy is nightmare tigrean, do you think my custom overlay of a poop with a smile is going to be ok'd? No it won't but it will be ok'd as an overlay for the Common Experiment #5162 which is just a black melty blob with eyes. Some of these things are just common sense things. Same with with my custom overlay for Sperm. It is a custom chibi xotl because logically a frog like pet should have a tadpole like chibi but we don't, but logically it makes sense.

When it comes to those types of things yeah dog overlays fall over like 3 species: Ruffie, Kumos, Telenine. But it is not that hard to get the connection between the two. Dragons could fit a number of species .etc .etc.


Also: the idea of adding a requirement to a feature that you then have to turn around and encourage a large portion (if not the majority) of the people using that feature to literally hide as much as possible is just lol as well.

And of course it was the old thread, I figured. But it speaks to either/or the care that goes into making such an edit/announcement/how easy it is for staff to overlook something that's unnecessary for the profile to function quite well/as hidden as staff is saying you can make it.

Several of the other examples have minor coding things that (likely/hopefully) weren't there when they won, so guessing they just weren't checked but it's still a silly thing to overlook, even if minor.

And on the finalest mostly unrelated note (I swear, make myself just get up and walk away heh) Admin post feed -really- needs news comments exactly for situations like this. They could at least be highlighted at the top of the news comments :c


@Lexx oOPS i screwed that up

chris for realsies

dang my inability to edit news posts


@Lexx believe me i was pretty clear on what used to be rules, and the people who used to approve PSL entries are trigger happy af in trying to find reasons to deny.

besides, the "pet" image is shown on the news post when the pet actually wins the spotlight. why be redundant and have to show it on the profile too?

i should also note that all this is coming from someone who actually enjoys making anthro versions of my human characters for overlays. it is something i've done before, have commissioned others to do, because i like doing it. but there are some (a lot, actually) of profile ideas that won't look right if you have to incorporate an overlay into it. my pet Chris for instance, has a gorgeous overlay by jag that i'd love to show off, but it just doesn't work with the type of profile i wanted him to have. it hampers that kind of creativity, the thinking outside the box type that gets you really interesting profiles.

(not that Chris would win anyway because he doesn't have a "story" to speak of in that profile -- and i accept that! but he was just an example of a profile a pet image really doesn't work on.)


Final thought before I lol my way to do something else: One of the things mentioned in the thread was the increasing standards of the pet spotlight. This goes against that, hard. Even if it's 'just' a little more for someone with means, it's still more. And for someone without as many means it's a lot more. Old winners don't need their trophies taken away, but the night and day between them and even getting approved to win now (part of why the queue was backed up was staff passing on pets they were unsure on) is crazy.

And attaching a 'pet'/anthro image to a character that it doesn't fit or have any place with in that person's mind just to win a contest sucks. 'Just don't try to win the contest' is also an incredibly shitty answer for those already in queue/working on pets and putting time, effort, and again - money, into winning said contest. Not to mention achievements/on site prestige, however minor some may argue it is.

It's always been a stylistic choice. You can have Steve Rodgers the human, or Steve Rodgers the human with a cute dog/Kumos overlay. But it's very much a style. Steve Rodgers with the cute overlay is never going to be quite the same no matter how well it's hidden.


@Tribunal - The pet spotlight thread wasn't completely re-written, it was the old one edited. I'm currently finding a new pet to replace it with.


Of course they stealthly removed it... Did you expect them to make an announcement for it? xD

Is funny that they didn't think to change it before the announcement tho, but I guess they forgot!



I want to like/love your post 10000x because it is so true.
So I can have a dragon overlay for my pet Irion because I like the bloodred Irion more than the bloodred Endeavor.
Yeah, totally not misrepresentation. But who cares! At least it isn't a human! 8)


@Saint - Well yeah, but that is because they are saying that the pet representation follows custom overlay rules, which are quite open. Really, the custom overlay rules have very few limitations, and as such, the images used on the pet profiles then also have very few limitations. So putting the "subeta pet picture" on the profile somewhere is (hopefully) not as limiting either. It sounds like they just want the fact that this is a pet profile to be acknowledged through some form of "pet" art, which is defined quite loosely due to custom overlay rules. Or at least, that is what I have gathered from the comments by Rah in this news post. As I am not a staff member, I can only look through the comments here as a way to try to understand why they made this change... though, for all I know, they were just re-reading their own rules and went "Oops, we should probably actually follow the things we said were rules" and then made this change (which, let's be honest, is probably what happened).


Why do I get a feeling that will shortly be 'had', lol.



they stealth removed Cryptozoology, who has no overlay



come on staff if you're going to be shitty and show obvious favoritism about who you pick despite not following your own rules at least own up to it everyone fucking saw that cryptozoology was there all day and that it has no overlay


Which of the example pets in the remade pet thread do not have a subeta pet or custom overlay equivalent? They all have some form of anthro or quad representation.




Dat stealth edit tho.



the point of "representation" for proper color/species is moot when you can literally have a kumos and upload an overlay of a basset hound. now what is it? is it a common kumos? cream kumos? bloodred kumos? a telenine? a ruffie? montre? experiment 333??? and any of the colors that any of those come in?

frankly its a little bit of a double standard claiming it's for " proper representation" reasons when a quad character will literally get by pretty much no matter what


@Saint - True, but they have decided that pet art is another way they want that representation, which was required before (but not enforced). Hopefully a staff member can acknowledge to what extent pet art must be shown (like, would a 50x50 pixel be enough, or are size requirements in place, etc.). People are creative, so I am sure they can find ways to meet the requirement. People have been working ways to limit the impact of the name/color/species/gender/owner text for a long time. This may just be another thing that needs working in.

I mean, I can really see both sides of this (both for and against). I am just one of those people who will work with it either way. *Shrug*


You guys, you can still have as much humanoid and non-subeta characters as you want enter and win the spotlight. It literally needs one extra image somewhere on their profile. This is a pretty small change. Nobody said you can't have pets win that aren't their own unique non-subeta-inspired characters. There isn't anything to hamper creativity, you just need one extra code to add a hover image or something. You already need the pet gender, species and color on the page, so you're already including subeta-unique information to your non-subeta characters. It's not that drastic of a change.



pet representation is achieved by listing the pet name, gender, color, and species, all of which were 100% required before this change.



holy shit im laughing youre right

good fucking show subeta


Technically, the requirement for a pet representation has always been in the rules. Really, this is just the staff not reinforcing it for the longest time. So this is more of a "we finally are going to do what we should have been doing for a while" change, not necessarily a rule change.

I like to think of the pet image as a form of "credit." We have to credit if someone made the profile. We have to credit if someone made the art. Now we just have to credit the pet whose page we are using to show off all of this stuff.
If your profile already shows off that pet through art, then you are already crediting. Awesome!
If your profile doesn't, because the story is about a humanoid, and the pet is just a vehicle for showing off the character, then you need to credit the pet whose page you are using. Kinda makes sense.
The fact that it has to be an image does not mean it has to be official art. It does not have to "match" the humanoid. It doesn't have to be easily seen. It doesn't have to be planned in the profile art/coding. I am sure that staff understand that people choose pet species/color combos for different reasons. As long as it is there, they will be happy. Maybe it is annoying to you, but they are just going to be enforcing a rule that was always there... kind of like when you are filling out paperwork and they ask for your phone number. They never plan on calling you. You never want to hear from them. But you cannot submit the paperwork without it. If you really want to be entered, find a way to slip it in somewhere.

The changes listed here aside, I still hope this is just the first step towards further change. I am happy to have denial reasons, but there are plenty of other issues that also need to be addressed. Commitment from staff to judge the contest, add new coding (date stamping to remove randomness in the queues is really needed here), and loosening of rules to allow more people to enter are still on the list of "Needs Improvement." Hopefully this is not just another "patch" that has to keep us at bay for a few more months.


And for the *subeta cherry on top* (the final facepalm? the #subetafail? name tbd) not all of the example pets selected for the remade thread - not even touching who was selected - have overlays showing!

Win. Just win.



I totally agree with your case. I honestly do not see how this required overlay will fix the issue when the custom overlay can look nothing like the original pet.


congratulations that aspect of my post wasn't supposed to sound serious or be a ""reach"" for something. it's meant to point out how ridiculous everyone being about the word pet.


**edit: And yes, I know it's 'just art'/'just an overlay'.

Not everyone can art to their own standards. That's time/money outlay to design and purchase something you never wanted in the first place/wasn't previously -that- required.


Why why why would you take people's gripes that the system has been ignored and non-functional as an opportunity to turn the system on it's head?? Oh subeta. Sweet summer child.

At least you hopefully-maybe fixed the gripes (technical was only part of it, staff attention/time has to keep up too).

But really, pets as vehicles for human characters/showing off and liking human characters has been a thing for this for so long. Subeta even created a side project for it.
I honestly know this is over-cynical and misplaced but it seems like staff preference is at play here, lol. Which would have been fine from the beginning but has 0 place this far into it.



Well considering that I have "characters" and not "pets," I guess I'm out of the spotlights for good. Oftentimes, the pet image itself is based solely on my character's personality, and has no real bearing on the design of the character itself. Similarly, three of my pets aren't even characters - two are entire worlds that I am building (you have no idea the amount of effort I am putting into them), and the third is for the races that live within that world. But I suppose now that effort doesn't matter if I don't have the pet image on the layout.

It used to be that just having it written somewhere (i.e. Aimsir, the male Experiment #870) was enough. I've had two pets win that had absolutely no pet art whatsoever - one didn't even have art at all, just a banging story.

I thought this "award" was based on creativity, not how well you can relate your ideas to x pet. I'm extremely disappointed in this change.


I'm laughing so hard at the salt and reaches oh my god

they are literally not saying that they have to be regular dogs and cats, nor are they saying that humans are not allowed...? lol


if you want to talk about it being *~*~*pet*~*~* spotlight than all of your sparkle dogs or really cool dragons or my forest spirit or anything like that shouldn't be allowed either if they're not directly inspired a subeta pet species/color. or all of your pet's stories have to be about literal, owner-by-someone pets. your choice.i have yet to see a good argument as to why the pet image is needed on the profile when you'll see it on the news anyways. you're still experiencing the *~*~*pet*~*~* aspect whether it's on the profile or not.

you can tell me all you want that i can shove the pet image for one of my characters in the description but when I literally don't have the character space to do so and I have been waiting in the winner's queue for a year or longer, i really don't see why i should have to. why weren't more necessary changes made? people can literally buy their pet spotlight without putting any effort into their pet and this is what you guys decided to change?

also i worked hard to make my pet a fun and unique experience for everyone, but thanks for reducing her to just "fancy coding". : ')


I think fashionisto brought up a good point, fanpets are way more of a burden to judge (because the judges are not aware of every single fandom ever) than anthro pets.

So, fandom pets, which can take a while to go and validate and research to see if they're a good representation of the source material, are free to go, but human characters are not? I'm not sure it's actually going to solve anything.


I wonder what would people say if the rule said "no spotlight will be awarded anymore to pets inspired by characters others created - ie tribute pets of stuff like Harry Potter, The Little Mermaid, so on..."


Love this! I am all for the clarification of the rules and for bringing the pet spotlight back to the pets and not what fancy coding people are capable of.


For those with human characters with no animal based art what-so-ever on the profile... there is only one question to ask:


YES? Then add some pet art hidden under the human image.
NO? Then your life hasn't changed! Congrats! feel free to keep enjoying what you're doing without even the slightest road bump, and feel free to still show off your OC in the forms/to friends/your OC cult/wherever and keep on living your life.

I could understand the barking if this was a new site rule but it's just for the ~PET~ spotlight. Which, y'know.. is kinda called the PET spotlight. Like if there was a wardrobe spotlight and someone with 50 things won because they managed to find all the things with the word "boot" is that really fair? No. Because they didn't even go out of their way to look for things that looked like boots/were called other things that still meant boot.. had boot in the description, etc.


I second everything @Zelly said. I fully support this change since, like Zelly said, this is a pet site. It's kind of the team to allow users to have humanoid "pets" at all, really! Can't say the same for Neopets, honestly. xD;;

I also love the idea of giving rejection reasons, which allows whoever entered to improve their pet's lookup for the better. I'm all for feedback myself, and the changes to the forum should help me improve my own pets' lookups.

Just remember that helpful critique isn't supposed to be a personal attack, y'all! It's someone trying to help you improve. <3


oh my god @ all the people complaining tho. Literally all my human pets have the pet form displayed too, because I feel that's how it should be! I pick all my species to match the character, so I really don't have a problem with this, and think it's an excellent rule! :D

Also yay @ people not gonna enter any more!!! Guess it'll be easier to win and I'll get to see some nice pet characters now! ^__^


I agree completely with @Zelly. Everything that was said! I also really like that if any of my pets in the que are rejected, I will know and not still be hopeful and will also know why. Thanks Subeta!


@Masquerade - yup, Muerte's post is pretty much accurate :)


Like many others, I do not like these changes. I do not want to be required to add a pet image to link my story to a subeta pet. Some of my storie/ideas are humanoid only and the pets I choose tend to resemble their personality and not an actual animal which should be enough imo.

I thought the whole point of creating pets and stories were wholly on the creativity and not having it based on an actual animal/creature. I feel that this is just limiting creativity and will cause many such as my self lose interest in bothering with spotlight moving forward.

Although I really like the rejection notice, I feel it is now pointless with how many will no longer bother with spotlight due to the other change.


@spooky for most pets I would agree, but there's some like Error 502 that are based on a particular layout (for that one, it's the error 502 layout), where it just looks weird to have the pet image sitting in there.

However, at least with the new rejection reason alerts, it should be a lot easier to figure out what's "wrong" with pets that get booted from the spotlight now :D


Second everything Zelly said! I personally think it makes perfect sense for the pet image/official or overlay to be displayed on all profiles to be considered for Spotlight. I don't see how it could cause SO much disruption in a profile, surely a smaller 50x50px image would work, too?


I personally am happy for this change, the denial reasons are great, and while I feel bad for people that feel like they are having their rights taken away by this becoming a "Pet Spotlight" instead of a "Whatever Person or Creature I Treasure Spotlight" But really whether or not users are 'over' pet sites or anthros, or whatever, Subeta is a Pet Site and so it makes sense that the spotlight showing off user pets would be of Pets. Last I checked in most places it is wrong either morally or lawfully or both to own a human/humanoid being, so for everyone getting their feathers ruffled over not being able to have their pets be just humans, try to understand that from the position of a pet site it really isn't logical have non pets in the Pet Spotlight.
I think Subeta staff as a whole has tried to find a happy medium where those who's characters are human can still display them as humans as long as they have a pet image somewhere on the profile. Whether hidden by hovers/in the bottom of a description or whatever. If you don't want it seen bury it under all the story stuff if you wanna but to get so upset over what I think is a reasonable requirement for a Pet Spotlight on a Pet Site isn't going to solve anything except make yourself feel bad. If you are that determined to have a spotlight winner, it's really a minor concession to even have just a tiny image in the description which wouldn't require a whole profile recode or a hidden hover image if coding is your thing. If the spotlight doesn't matter to you and you just want a place to showcase your characters in an aesthetically pleasing way, then you don't have to change anything at all.


Yay for clearer rules :D Although it does mean Error 502's profile will be a pain to rework to include the pet image (given that it's based on the actual error page.... and of course that doesn't have a pet image on there) :K
*makes a note to add in a hover over one of the images*


As for the people saying "just add a hover to your profile" - if someone purchased a profile from another user they cannot just go ahead and change the coding.


I don't actually have a problem with Remembered. They won spotlight awhile ago (I wouldn't even change them if they hadn't won). I was just using them as an example as to how adding a pet image can interfere with an already existing profile design. C:

I'm not a fan of random hovers that have no indication of them existing before you find them. They're more often than not way too jarring for me, and to me there's little point in alternating between their official custom overlay image and their current profile image.

Re: Girouette. The difference here is that you're not redisplaying the information, though. My point is that there is no point for me to have to put Thief's custom overlay image (or pet image, if he didn't have a custom overlay) or any other pet's pet image on the profile when the exact same image is going to be displayed prior on the news before people even click into my pet. No one is gaining anything by enforcing this, because you're going to see the pet image regardless of whether it's on the profile or not. It's still being connected to the character, and it not being on the profile doesn't really change that. Y'all are fine to put pet images on your profiles all you want, but I hate having them on mine because I prefer a streamlined, minimalist look with only information I find necessary for my pet's page. And that's exactly why I don't like this change.


Awesome! I love that including denial reasons is being implemented. I've had two pets that I've been revamping and creating/coding new profiles for over and over only to be rejected so I've given up trying to fix them to-a-T according to the previous guidelines; it was very much a waste of time. Now I can finally see what I'm doing wrong.


P.S.: Sorry for any typos, being on mobile is cruel especially before I had my first coffee. *crawls to the kitchen*


From what I've read some time ago on the forums you had intended to make the rules simpler. Now I come here and see this restriction that, in my opinion, makes things even harder.
I don't even participate in the spotlight but checked my Pets now just for fun - at least three of them would be affected by this new rule, one being a Pet I spent quite a few dollars on in regards to profile, artwork etc.. He also is a Neela (which cost me real money as well) because this is the species/color that just matches his character in my head. The Neela itself isn't displayed on his profile though, not because I dislike seeing a pet on a pet profile but simply because in this case the colors of the profile/art and the pet would clash. What would be my options now if I wanted him to be in the Spotlight?

1) I could buy a new profile from a true magician who manages to keep the colors from clashing.
2) I could buy a Pet overlay even though I love the official Subeta art for him and actually don't want him to be cream-colored, brown or whatever.
3) I change his species/color to a Pet matching the profile colors but not mathing my idea of him. I have to add that I'm picky with my pet choices so this would be next to impossible unless I want to risk ruining the whole concept of the character for myself.
4) I could just put the pet image as it is in the text box, the outcome most probably being a rejection for my profile being unaesthetic.

So, in the end my options would be spending even more money on my pet or limiting my artistic freedom and tbh I don't see that as an improvement.
I really hope you reconsider this change and I'm super sorry for the users that are affected by this.


Hmm, so I'm wondering if we already have profiles made to not show the pet image, are we able to put the pet's image in it's description?


So, concerning my pet, Raiden the Lightning Bolt, with how I've got his profile done (still working to make his story a bit less unwieldy than it already is), would it still work with these new guidelines?
Here it is, in case anyone else wants to see:

Not putting it up for the pet spotlight since I'm working on his story still.


Great I guess i can go ahead and remove all my pets from the queue.


For so long, I've been debating if I should open up the nomination link on my pet profiles and this just confirmed it for me to not do it. I'll do my thing like I've been doing. I could care less now in getting any pet nominations. Thanks for making my decision clear for me.


Yay for denial reasons. No thank you to the required pet overlay.

Yes, you do not want misrepresentation of the pet's color, but what about the overlays that look NOTHING like the official pet? I have seen a bunch of custom overlays that don't look like the pet at all. Where does the line draw there? Sure, I can't have a human represent my glade ruffie but I can have a pembroke welsh corgi overlay represent it... Honestly, the problem you are trying to fix while forcing this rule is not fixing it.


I'm not following all the spotlight threads closely, but I thought a lot feedback pointed to the direction of encouraging diversity instead of more restrictions? Or maybe I was just living in my own world.

Also, even though I'm not actively participating in the spotlight right now, I feel that the update is devaluing how we pick color/species for our human characters. I usually hide the official pet art if I don't have an overlay because 1. it will mess up the profile designs especially for the minimalist styles (I know a hover can fix this, but still) 2. it's a bit redundant to display an unaltered official art when everybody knows what a spectrum archan looks like. Does not displaying the art means there's no connection between my human characters and a subeta pet? Do you know how much time and sP/CSC we often spend just to figure out the perfectly fitting color/species for our humans?


Continuing off of my last comment... not to say there's anything wrong with people who ARE into having pet humans I just don't think it's that unreasonable for a pet site to ask that you include a pet somewhere on the page even in a super secret hover.


@Rah can we get confirmation that Muerte's post at 07/29/16 11:21 pm is accurate, this post explains everything best so far.

@Muerte I'd love to steal this explanation for the PS Support board.


I for one am cool with this... I don't enter the spotlight myself but whenever I go to a winners page if all I see is human art I usually close the tab without reading it. It's a PET site, they should be pets? I was always confused about this. I appreciate the art and time put into them and it bugs me less if there IS a pet shown somewhere but there's way too many humanoids. I can see having human designs of already made pets for fun but I still don't want my pet to be human.


Great, so the profiles I have and have paid for for my human and elven characters now prevent me from passing the guidelines because they don't show the subeta pet itself. -.- Just dandy.


I thought this was always the rule 8D; Its why I find pet types that match my human ocs personality. Then make overlays that look even more close to that (like a snake in diff colours than the site art) so I dont think this is a big issue.

Most winners I see have an anthro overlay if its a human oc. So yup. Nothing different to me, its just more set in stone.


As someone who isn't so much into quad/anthro characters aside from a few exceptions, I'm not a fan of this. I liked basing the color/species on their personalities, and sometimes using it as inspiration. In a way, I always felt like those pets were more creative then, hey, here's my sparkle dragon - I'll make it a dawn rreign. (no offense to anyone's sparkle dragons of course. I love me some dragons.)

I would like some actual clarification on the overlay bit, though. Like, does it have to be a 200x200 overlay type thing, or does art that's part of the profile cover it, like with my Yaretzi? @Rah


If the pet is human the pet version has to be on the page (such as, a cat when the pet is a feli; it can be the official feli, or ones own personal version of a feli, or just a cat).
If the pet is an animal, and goes with the assigned pet (like a dragon when the pet is a mahar), you're good.
If the pet is anthro, and goes with the assigned pet (see above), you're good.

So ask yourself:
IF YES: Needs a pet form represented in some way. Does it have to be official art ? No.
IF NO: Is it an animal/anthro ? Yes ? You're good.

IF YES: You're good.
IF NO: I mean you're still good, you just might have to alter something slightly.


tbh i don't think Remembered even needs additional pet art, considering the artwork at the top could very well be considered their "pet art." i think it's mainly referring to pets that don't have any image of themself on their page, or pets that only have a humanoid or otherwise non-pet image.

...which, still, bugs me because plenty of pets aren't created because the color/species fits them visually, but personality-wise, so the connection is more conceptual than anything else and that shouldn't need to be explicated right there on the page. so what if my sweetheart kerubi is actually a cute cyclops girl with pink hair? why do you need to SEE the sweetheart kerubi? it says she's a sweetheart kerubi, we already know what that looks like, and if she won, the first thing people would see on the news page would be a sweetheart kerubi anyway. so it just seems like a very arbitrary requirement. for those whose characters' pet forms are intrinsic to their character, fine, great, that's how most of my pets are anyway. but for those who aren't, it just. seems pretty dumb.


(at least thats how I understand it)


@Rah Pretty sure you meant chainsaw rather than Lux.


@Cyroris @gere

If the image fits the guidelines for the custom overlay system its fine to use. It doesnt have to be the official subeta art


I'm probably tired or someone worded it slightly differently. It's similar to @gere 's question. If the art you used for the profile is the exact same as the approved art for the overlay do I need to toss in a pet image? (Example of what I mean: Sony or Woodcraft)


As happy as I am to see some work being done on the Spotlight, I have to admit, I'm not crazy about the pet/overlay requirement either.

Shortly after joining my first pet cult here, there was a newer user in the forums and off-site mocking the human characters people attached to their "dogs and dragons". It upset a lot of people in and out of the cult and she regretted what she said later, but she wasn't the first to have said something like that- every so often I've seen boards pop up where someone hates on pets that have no apparent (to them) ties to one of Subeta's species.
When I first joined Subeta though, it was pretty common to see Keith refer to them as "characters" instead of "pets". I don't know if this was some attempt to be different from other pet sites, but as someone who wasn't big on anthro or quad characters, I found it really inviting and accepting. It's one of the first good feelings I can remember having about this site.

This rule change doesn't affect me much personally; I've grown to like designing quad forms for my characters just for the hell of it. But for a lot of people, Subeta isn't really a pet site so much as an additional way to enjoy and show off their existing characters, which might be human or from a different game entirely.

I know that these changes only apply to the Spotlight and not pet pages that won't be submitted to it, but when people would complain about human characters in the forums before, it wasn't uncommon for a staff member to say that Subeta's users were free to interpret their pets however they wanted. I'm just a little sad to see that type of expression is still accepted but no longer rewarded.


i have a question- with the pet image needed to be displayed on the profile... i'm a little confused. i have a completed pet profile, mute, and as part of her layout i have a large drawing of her that i did. will that still pass the qualification, or will it need to include the site's official pet image?


This is blatant furry propaganda.


@lux - what's wrong with Tropical? Anthros are fine - I can see the text says she's a tutani, which doesn't match the art there which looks more feline or canine, but if the story tied this in in some way it would be fine.


@Autobot - if you're using Papyrus or Comic Sans on a pet that's CALLED Papyrus or Sans, we can see that it's important to the pet's character/design in a way that no other font would do!


With your pet Remembered, I feel like a hover over their main image would work for an "overlay space". That way it can be like an "ah, there it is" sort of thing, but when you're done hovering the profile's back to "normal". I did that with my pet Zero the Winged Knight. I didn't really have a space where his overlay didn't interfere with stuff, so I made it the hover over the main image. It's still there to represent him and to be shown off, but the main layout is only disturbed temporarily.

Also a reason for it to be re-displayed could be found in my pet Girouette. I don't have an "overlay-sized" image for him, and he doesn't have a custom overlay. I do have a piece of art for him though, so I put that as a hover on his profile. So when if he wins spotlight, the basic cherry demi image would be shown, but on his page there's his actual design.


I guess the spotlight's going to get a heck of a lot easier for a while with all the people apparently abandoning the spotlight ship and pulling their pets out.


As someone who has a (garbage, needs to be remade) Sans pet let me tell you it was very painful for me to put everything in comic sans LMFAO

WE SUFFER hopefully the staff will understand our pain.


"Choose nice fonts (we can’t look at comic sans or papyrus anymore)." but.......but what about the undertale fanpets??


well there goes the profile i just commissioned for tropical thanks subeta


Even though I haven't even won a pet spotlight, I'm not to thrilled about having the pet image on there now. There wasn't much need for it, in my opinion.

At least my Astaire is done since his layout is actually Fred Astaire and has a pet image on it. But its going to be a helluva job to work with my Merlin, Star Lord and Captain Hook to make them look decent with art/their layouts.


At first I was kinda 'meh' about the change, but after more thought and reading some other valid comments, I gotta say I don't care for it. Oh well, I'm not super focused on the sportlight anyway haha



ok on the one hand yes i am very happy that these issues have been addressed... on the other hand i would VERY STRONGLY URGE YOU to reconsider the requirement for displaying the pet's image. it's a terrible fucking idea. please get rid of it at once. it is absolutely not necessary because not only are we required to display their color and species information anyway, but also guess what, when a pet wins the spotlight, what do people see on the news page? oh that's right, their pet image! please please please i hate this requirement, there is no need for it and it's a terrible idea and like. please. i'm literally begging you. everything else sounds great but really. whose idea was this. please undo.


@sentinel - apologies, the pet we mistakenly thought was yours had its profile made by you, and we got the name mixed up with the owner name. Thanks for pointing this out, we've now mailed the correct owner :)


also when y'all send out messages about try to make sure you don't send a message to someone about a pet they don't own lmao


a lot of profiles* : )


Firstly, yes, adding a pet image CAN interfere with a profile design, and pretty drastically too. If I were to add an overlay to Remembered, for example, it would completely wreck the design, seeing as there's literally no space for it anywhere. A tab on one side or the other would ruin the balance. This can be said for a lot of the profile. The arguement that this is to ensure that a pet is ACTUALLY whatever species the profile says it is a stretch, seeing as it doesn't look like it's not required on quad pets and you still can't confirm if a pet is ACTUALLY a graveyard kumos if the pet is a custom graveyard kumos. This entirely limits creativity, and I'm really tired of seeing the it's PET spotlight not HUMAN spotlight arguement. If it was going to be that way, it should have been implemented at the BEGINNING of spotlight when it was added years ago. My characters are usually tied to whatever color/species I choose for them, and I don't see why this needs to be explicitly tied to the profile. Usually, people experience whatever pet color/species combo I have when I win spotlight because it's in the news post, and it provides a nice first impression of my character. I see no reason for this to be redisplayed on the profile. This is bullshit change that wasn't needed and wasn't even asked for.

But whatever!! I've always enjoyed the creative freedom allowed with pets. I hate to see that going away with this spotlight change!! : ) Y'all won't see my pets anymore I guess, regardless of whether this changed effects them. Still upset even effects Rosemarie, seeing as she was nominated a year ago.

Again, she's literally at the character limit for profiles. I don't even know if I'd be able to fit an image code in there. Not to mention there's some odd 50+ different outcomes to the pokemon battle in her story.


Alright, can't say I agree but since it's something you guys are set on /shrug agree to disagree.


There's a lot of complaints about being required to have the pet image somewhere on the profile... I can understand the frustration if you aren't into that aesthetic, and I'm sorry for the people who now have to change their profiles to accommodate the new rule, but really, it makes sense. It is a pet site. It's not unreasonable for a pet site to ask that we make certain the pet art aspect isn't forgotten (even if they are, for lack of a better name, "vessels" through which some of us display completely human characters). Besides, we all have reasons for tying our characters to certain species/color combinations, right? The idea that it's nice to see the correlation between species/color and character design makes sense.

I'm even happier that we are still allowed to nominate pets with human characters, though! Lord knows I haven't had a quad character since my dark pre-teen years. :') Also, I'm really digging the fact that we'll now get rejection reasons - I struggled with rejection (from the spotlight, ahem) a LOT back when I was making giant, bold profiles, so for people who still do that I'm certain it'll help a lot! I know I have a friend or two who will be really pleased with this update.


@Lexx - and a good point about what to do :) I've added that to the first post of the Pet Spotlight sticky!


I like the fact that there's a denial system in effect now. I remember when they said they wouldn't/couldn't give reasons and it was a pain in the neck to try to figure out what the problem was as to why something was getting denied again and again. So yay!

I don't think it's restrictive at all to say we need to link the actual pet in more than just the info of "the male arid montre" sort of thing. I like that on a site that has pets as a main feature of the site itself, (kind of one of the points of being here) that they'd like people to represent the site pets instead of just their own characters which can be shown on any character site out there. So yes, def okay with the changes/updates and me likey lots! ^.^

Also, for one clarification, the overlay doesn't have to be only quad- anthro is allowed too (just not human). =)


@Rah - Aha, that makes sense! And that's okay! I know mistakes happen. :) Still good to know who to ping in case I need to in the future. ^^


@Lexx - oh, whoops! That was me, I looked super hard, I -think- that my hover wasn't working as I'd just moved my computer into a different room as I was checking those. I had realised that pages weren't loading properly and refreshed most of them, but because the rest of yours loaded except for the hover I thought it wasn't there. My fault!

As for communicating an overlooked/not seen feature, the best place to do this would be to ping me, Ariel or Destiny on the Pet Spotlight thread in the pet forum! (You can ignore that smail now, I'll take you off the list!)


@Rah - I just received a sMail that one of my pets (Bairer) does not show his pet form... when his cybill overlay is there (it is hidden under an invisible hover, but when your mouse is over his human art, the pet image shows up quickly). This brings up two questions:
1. How should we communicate with staff if a reason for denial is due to a staff member overlooking something? (I know this is not a denial, but I want to make sure my pet is not marked for removal, when the image is definitely there).
2. If we hide the image, such as with a hover that does not have any sort of cue to hover there, do we have to make sure to label the hover area? Like, do I need to but some text that says hover? Or make it low opacity so that people know to hover to make it fully viewable?
Just checking these so I know for future profiles as well.


I still don't understand why people can't nominate their own pets but have to rely on other people to do so, without even being able to ask them to? On neopets you can just submit your own pet for the pet spotlight once it's ready, so why can't we, what's the reason?


@Erelyna - it /helps/ with the misrepresentation thing. It's not a perfect system in that regard, but it helps to cut down on that particular problem. The other reason being that we want to see pets in our pet spotlight, it's what we love and why we started the spotlight in the first place. So it doesn't have to be the official pet image, it can be custom art - because we've already got the custom overlay rules set up, so anything that they allow is what can be shown on the page as pet art.


So the new rule does require the official pet image somewhere on the page? If not, I guess I'm just not seeing how this would help with misrepresentation(accidental or otherwise).


@far - Oh, whoops! Ok then, that's good :)


I went back to read and I realized that I've confused myself too while reading.
(but can't edit my comment). Thank you for answering back tho.


@far - what do you mean about making a monologue? You've had a few pets win the spotlight already and you seem able to fulfill the requirements without having to change anything? (Sorry, just confused there!)


@Amber definitely an improvement over the former rejection process, then.


It is lovely. Especially since you can somewhat customize it to be specific to a user's entry.


@Amber - way to post my tester rejection, I will at least use proper spelling when I do it officially!


@Satyr You do get an alert! We tested with one of my pets that keeps getting nominated, and this is the alert I got:

Taco's pet spotlight nomination was denied for the following reason(s):
• Unfinished section(s)
• Fill up that green box plz


Well, at least this makes the pet spotlights a little less ridiculous. To have a pet site, with pets, and a contest for those pets, with tons of human RP character entries and winners that have nothing to do with those pets was just.... well, ridiculous. Not quite absurd, just ridiculous. I'd had to wonder why on earth you even bothered to call it "Pet Spotlight", or why it had anything to do with pets, when it was more accurately a generic "Character Spotlight".

So way to.... try to sort of tie it back around! Hopefully now there will be some more relevant entries, and not just stuff with characters and creatures from Nameless Planet #2,165.


... I posted early gdi.

But I'm not against the change. However, making a monologue about my pet because I need to explain ... it's just a tiny bit weird?


Oh well. Bye spotlight 8)


been a while since i've flexed my creative muscles and actually worked on pet profiles, so i can't complain or rejoice much, but i am happy to see denial reasons being implemented. i've always thought those should've been a thing from the start.

on that note, will users be getting an alert if they're denied, or how would that info be otherwise relayed?


@Erelyna - often we have people who have the wrong pet without even realising it. For example, if you'd done a name swap with another pet but forgot to change the pet species, or if you had adopted a pet and changed the profile without changing the pet species/colour to be what you wanted, we would be able to message the user and just tell them that they don't match up, and often we've had users just thank us for pointing it out. If the pet actually wins spotlight and it's the wrong colour/species, there's sometimes a lot of user outrage and we'd rather avoid it getting to that point! We like to give people a chance to fix things before the mob sets upon them :)


I'm aware of that, what I mean is that if this is meant to be an easy check for misrepresentation it won't work if someone wants to break the rules anyway.


For anyone having an issue with the pet image or overlay being on the profile you're significantly forgetting that its a PET PROFILE obviously the pet needs to be on the page to win.


What I mean is that they could change both, so the staff would have to check anyway. Besides, it's already been clarified below that it's not the official image that needs to be on the page, just some sort of quad form, even if it's not a Subeta pet at all.


I'm glad that you are all making progress towards making Pet Spotlight better :) Please keep up the good work, I'd love to see mini mods on the pet spotlight reviewing committee~


The "well I can't afford/make nice profiles ho hum" argument has always bothered me, too. If you really care about wanting to have your pets look pretty, why wouldn't you save up sP to spend on stuff like that? It takes me like less than an hour to do all my quests for a day, and that makes me several mill. I don't do them EVERY day but I still have 200mil sitting in my vault after like, a couple weeks of work.

Also, I've started teaching myself to code and whatnot. There's lots of free art programs, that I use, and I also started making my own profiles recently. Sure maybe they're not the ultimate best, but I still WORKED on them and gave it a SHOT, and have IMPROVED. That's kinda how any kind of creative thing works. If you wanna buy all your stuff, that's fine, you work for the sp. If you wanna learn to make it yourself, you LEARN.

I also make my own edited overlays. My first one was like 8 years ago. I've improved a lot. With WORK.


@Mackenzi Ah okay thanks for that explanation :)


It says in the rules "If your “pet” is a human character or anything else disallowed by the Custom Pet Overlay rules, that’s fine! But you must still include a Subeta pet representation on the pet page." and also "Is your pet the hero of the story? Or maybe an information pet? Or maybe even a tribute character. We want to know!" so I think fan pets are still just fine, any type of character is fine you just have to have a subeta representation of the character.


"I've long been over "pet sites" "

well subeta is a pet site.. so....

Using unaltered official subeta art as an overlay is already against the rules in general.


That's the point I am making. Besides having the requirement to keep the text now there is an easier way for staff to check that the text is accurate. Without a pet image there you would have to go through site code or through the user's battle page to see what species the pet is. That is if they hide their pets from the profile. It makes it easier for staff to be like YUP it is X color X species. Even if it is just a tiny little image in a hover


We're already required to keep the text for that, though, and someone who changes the text for their common pet to say angelic instead could easily swap the image out, too.


Oh, and I just read this, but thanks for making full crediting a requirement! That's really good.


Because that way it is easy to confirm a pet's color, pet's species (requirements of the pet spotlight since the beginning) especially if those are put in the graphic versus coded.


I'm still confused and I enter my pet I think only 3 times :) I guess I will never get it lol :)


Wow I wasn't expecting something so soon, thanks so much for giving the spotlight a little dusting off. I don't think the new requirements are too harsh and are probably pretty easy to do with only minor updates to peoples' profiles.


I agree with Erelyna completely. I enjoy this site to show off my characters. I've long been over "pet sites" and customizing my HA in general but use Subeta as a place to have pretty profiles and show off my awesome characters (Winning a spotlight is a lovely bonus feature the at makes me feel like my characters are on point and unique) I enjoy the freedom subeta has over other sites but this feels more restrictive :( Some of my characters were inspired by subeta pets but most were not.


Not that I'd probably enter anyway because I can't make or afford profile layouts/overlays, but what I'm getting is fan pets won't will all together now and you have to have an actual pet design, not a human design overlay for the pet name?


so humans aren't supposed to be pets?


:heart: Yay, we finally get denial reasons!
I think it would be nice to also know what queue we're in.


If we're allowed to hide the image through hovers or whatever anyway, what's the point of requiring a pet/quad image? It doesn't add anything to the page if it's hidden. It's just a meaningless restriction, and this is coming from someone who does keep the images showing. Not every character was inspired by a Subeta pet, either(absolutely none of mine were), some people just like being able to show off the characters they already have.


lmao yeah it's super unfair that pet profiles on a petsite have to be tangentially related to the pet itself in order to win the pet spotlight


Also if you have a pet image you need to be made transparent and can't do it yourself, just msg me I'll do it for you for like 100k lol


@Lindsey - that's correct! And it doesn't have to be the exact site image of the pet, if can be artwork of the pet or some kind of pet-form representation.

@Tea - it doesn't have to be the default, white-background pet image. It can be any pet-form image, and you can use any coding you like to hide it behind a hover/dropdown - as long as we can access it somehow from the pet profile.


Oh yeah and for some of my pets that have non-overlay-dimension art, I use a hover, like my pet Girouette. There's creative ways to do it and I guarantee this won't destroy your profiles forever.


All my non-fanpets are humans but they still have "quad" designs. It's the PET spotlight yo, not just generic character spotlight. I really agree they should have SOME connection to the subeta pet, because that's the vessel you're expressing them through. With some of my human pets, I just put their pet "overlay" at the bottom of their story box. It's... really not difficult and doesn't interfere with the profile design at all.


shitty rule rather


@Lindsey - Yep! You can have human characters still, as long as you put a pet image somewhere on the page (even if it is hidden with a hover or spoiler). I got this clarified below. :)


the overlay rule is a shotty rule and hampers profile creativity by requiring it


@FLUX - people can still use human art as the main image, they just have to also include pet art representation somewhere as this is a pet spotlight.

@sentinel - Even including the overlay as a small image at the bottom of the story would be acceptable.


I'm not sure how I feel about the pet image requirement. For aesthetic reasons, I prefer not to show the pet image (especially when default pet images have that white background). Not having a pet image doesn't take away from the character but certainly having one can add to it. A lot of pets only have human art on their profiles, that shouldn't disqualify them if they executed a great story, character, and profile.


I need this clarified --

so my pet pages need to be showing their actual pet image, but my pet can still win as a human character, correct? I hope that's what it's saying, otherwise I'm never winning the spotlight again :/


Excellent because I've been dying to know why my girls, Maika and Seren, got rejected before. I know they were nominated once, but neither has been nominated since then, and I wish I knew why so I could fix them. For all I know, it's technical issues with the coding, causing the profiles to appear different on different screen sizes and what not. I have no idea. I would like to find out so I can fix the problem. xD


I only have one human character so I guess that's not so hard for me

I like that we will get notifications and reason for denial

But what I've wanted most is to know what queue we are in!


Not a fan of this ~ won't ever win a spotlight again most likely xD

Good luck to the rest.


Thanks for the update


lmao okay....
not a fan of this change at all. i don't see why it's necessary to have the pet image or overlay on the profile. i design my profiles to only have what is necessary to experience the character, and a lot of times the pet image/overlay are not necessary for that. sucks that rosemarie wont be able to win after the fuck ton of work i put into her profile and "story" and after a year, if not longer, in the queue. sucks that people won't be able to experience her now unless they find her through other means (: i don't even think i have the character space to add a code for a pet image tab even if i wanted to.

guess i won't be entering spotlight anymore. out of all the changes needed to spotlight, this wasn't the one needed.


so what actually was improved here


Out of the dozens and dozens of things needed to be done to improve the spotlight, ou guys instead chose to implement a pointless restriction? For fuck sake. Glad I barely come on here these days, bet all the people who spent millions of sP or paid real money are so happy they can't use their art as intended now.


@Rah - Okay, that's what I thought, but just wanted to double-check! I am one of those people that always has a pet version on there somewhere anyway, but love to use pet designs as ways to influence character personalities, more than just having kitty ears or something. ^^ Thanks for the clarification!
Though I am the same as User not found: riedy - I always thought the rule that pets had to at least show an overlay or some sort of pet art on there somewhere was pretty clear. That's probably why I was confused by the clarification. lol. ^^;;;;

Thanks again for these changes! It has definitely inspired me to know the pet spotlight was being worked on. I have made two pet profiles (and working on a third) in the past two days... forgot how addicting working on my pets could be. LOL


@introvert - yeah, I totally realise they will not fit in with a lot of profiles, but hovers or making them little or any workaround you want is really fine as long as somehow we can see the pet on the page! (But hopefully some people will be encouraged to make lovely pet versions of their human characters and display those too)


@Rah yas good because that would be v bad for all the people who I already made profiles for (sorry but some subeta art just looks very out of place on some profiles GOTTA HIDE IT)

but yay at least human pets are still allowed :3


@Lexx - that's exactly right! Mostly we want to check for misrepresentation, but also we just like seeing how our Subeta art has influenced characters that aren't in any way a Subeta pet anymore. We want to still see the connection, because we're proud of our site art!


Thanks for the clarification, @Rah!


I'm really surprised that 'the pet must be on the pet profile' wasn't all that clear before, that seems like a given fact. :)


@introvert - that's honestly fine, as long as we can see it somewhere :) (And check that there's no misrepresentation)

@Yoshi - Anything that the custom overlay rules allows if fine :)


I have to draw pet versions of a couple of finished or near finished pets now. *Dramatically throws table*
Alright I'm not actually upset I just hated that table.


@Rah - Okay, so this change is more about adding non-human art than the character itself? Here, I will give an example.
I have a pet that I was wanting to make a shopkeeper in Saherimos. I was going to write the story as if he was human (or the same race as the other subeta NPCs that live in Saherimos). However, I DO have a pet design for him (and a custom overlay ready for whenever aqua neelas become a reality), and plan to prominently display this overlay as the main art on his page.
So, as long as a character has at least some pet version art, the character itself is okay? I could still write it like he was a humanoid NPC? Or would I have to make it sound like he was more anthropomorphic in the writing?


Just for clarification does the profile literally need to have a subeta pet species as far as art, or can someone have a generic dog/dragon/etc? None of my pets are subeta pets but they're not humans either. They're just generic fantasy animals like dragons or griffins.


/hides all pet art under hovers

gl with that requirement


@Lexx - give me some examples of what you're unsure on. Under the new rules, humans are allowed, but there must also be pet type art on there too. Anthros are allowed (like Angrybeard, Chase etc), quads with human minds or that wear clothes are allowed. If you have a character that looks like a relative of Quentin, we want to see the pet equivalent of that and not just the human art.


It'll be good to know the denial reasons, thank you for the update! :blush:


Thanks for the update! :D :+1:


Yay for denial reasons and rule updates!

However, I do want to ask about this humanoid-type character part. What about pets that are anthropomorphic (subeta pets with human qualities)? And what about characters that are based on subeta humanoid races (such as the human-like NPCs and people who supposedly live in the different Subetan worlds)? I can understand not allowing straight up humans, but what about humanoids that are based on the Subetan world?



Awesome thanks! 8D


@wayne - yes, that's fine :) Anything that's allowed in the Custom Overlay rules is a-ok. Anthropomorphism is welcomed!


Yeah all the more reason I don't do the spotlight stuff anymore. -shrug-


Best idea ever!


So are pets that have human characteristics still allowed? ie. A pet of mine wearing human clothing.



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