A new trivia question has been added!
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Posted by Judgement_126

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i didnt cheat and i got it right i dont see the point in cheatting plus i didnt even know you could cheat by checking other sites!! i would never cheat!!!

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Wait....why award the cheaters with GA medals??? You should have just changed the prize...I mean, it just seems unfair that even when you knew how many people were cheating...you still gave them medals...
<br>Especially when not many people had a chance to actually try it <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sigh.gif border=0>


Zandricks, they've all only been whining about it since it was over yesterday. Didn't you read any of it?
<br>People cheated. LOTS OF PEOPLE. Cheated. And they caught it early, and cut it short before MORE PEOPLE could get away with it.

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-sigh- i was trying to figure out the last answer yesterday why did you make it so fast i was just about to answer it too.

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darn it.....i didnt go into subeta for one day....and i missed one of the easiest trivias yet.......and it was a really good prize...


Yeah... well, having someone do it for you is wrong. I definitely agree with that.


There's nothing wrong with looking the formula up, as you're working towards the answer. Asking for the formula on Subeta is though.
<br>People had others do the problem for them. x__x


How is looking up the formula for the problem cheating? Like anyone other than physics students would know that off the top of their head?
<br>I think that's a bit unfair to expect people to know something like that without looking it up.
<br>Now, I can understand that going to a homework site and having someone figure it out for you is wrong. But, I went digging through an old textbook of mine that the college didn't take back and found a really complicated, but apparently correct way of doing it. Is what I did wrong? Or, if I had found the formula and an example to help me figure it out on some teacher's website... would that have been wrong?
<br>I'm just curious as to where the line is, that's all.


GA's are still selling for 500k+. Blah, I HATE cheaters >_<

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gah this one i have an item in mind but i dont know how to check if theres anything older than it : (

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Well, actually, considering these medals are bought with real life money, they cant just GIVE them away....and there arent really any more options other than USING the trivia. And maybe they though a few people would cheat..but ya know what...They didnt know the numerous ammount of people. The fact is, they shouldnt have to think whether people are going to cheat or not..Its just plain pathetic...the people that cheat are lazy, bums who need to go get themselves lives beacuse they have a no good life other than faking their way through life. And if your reading this and you cheated..i dont give a crap...your pathetic...and you need some mental help. But the point is, if its gotten to the point to where staff has to put up crappy items as a trivia just because people are cheating, then that just makes you think whats the point? If there cant be any good trivia items...you might as well get rid of the trivia as a whole. I like the idea where the prize is kept a secret until its distributed....that might possibly stop some cheating and influence more users to do it constantly.


No offense, but the staff did to know people would cheat. They have changed the format for trivia multiple times in the past BECAUSE they knew people were cheating.
<br>If they made the GA medal a prize for the trivia in an attempt to lower the prices of GA medals, they failed in their task. GA Medals are going for the same price. If the goal was to impact the economy, like MoonFighter666 suggested, they were not wise to use the trivia as a means of doing so. There are numerous other ways the prices of items can be altered.

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Well, no offense Jessyta, but the staff shouldnt be worried whether or not people will cheat. They had no clue people would cheat and the idea never came to their mind most likely. Its so sad to see great ideas to help the economy ruined by filthy pathetic people who would rather lie their way through life. (yes, i realize this is just a game, but MOST OF THE TIME, not all, you portray yourself the way you do in real life some time or another)and its also pathetic to see people sticking up for them...=/. I mean, every idea the staff comes up with is great. It might not be wonderful for the first couple of days or so that it happens, but the outcome will be so much better than the before thought.


I just think if you are going to 'interfer' with the economy, you should give more thought to HOW you are going to do so. Because obviously your plan wasn't very well thought out. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>

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I got the last one right.......But I put a comma.

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I think I would have struggled with the last one, but annoyingly enough it would have been one I actually attempted! <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif border=0> I haven't so much as tried a trivia in many weeks. Congrats to those that got their answer in on time. Except the cheaters - You're a waste of cyberspace.

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Maybe the prize shouldn't be shown or told until the game is over. That way you don't know exactly what your playing for. That might work, maybe <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>.


I was going to answer the last one this morning then i get on and see this... pfft


<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sigh.gif border=0> And I couldn't even use the helpsite, something I apparently didn't have on my computer or something. Which was fortunate, but I couldn't even solve using the examples because the site had been too blinding.


<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sigh.gif border=0> And I couldn't even use the helpsite, something I apparently didn't have on my computer or something. Which was fortunate, but I couldn't even solve using the examples because the site had been too blinding.


Huh? My brother, mister smart-as-can-be got it wrong? <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0> Awww

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Tharonx: Now there's a formula I can do..No idea what the one I found was construed from. So ashamed x-O


Thanks alot to all the friggin cheaters. Way to ruin it for everyon!


Why must people cheat!? I could of figured the question out but I didn't have enough time!!!


Jessyta, it was an attempt to help users defeat the GA inflation. But if this is your way of asking us not to interfere with the economy, we can't do that <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif border=0>


don't know this one so I might not even bother with it <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_whatthe.gif border=0>

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Er, I found it out by searching google for a similiar problem, then substituting in everything by changing what they had. Here is the site:
<br>It explains it with the angles 70. 50, and 200n instead of 2k. Just replace 70 with 30, 50 with 40, and 200 with 2k. You end up getting a number that rounds to 1630.


well done cheaters ruin it all for us who actually figure the answers out ourselfs shame on you. oh well i shall have to save up for a GA again :p

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Cheaters ruin everything - But you'll never stop them. *shrug* There will always be people who can't be bothered to find out things for themselves, and there will always be people who'll neglect the rules by spreading the asnwer. That's life. Wow - I must say, a less than 24hr trivia really annoyed me, but I understand the staff's reasons for taking it down. It would completely undermine the value of a GA. I'm not sure if blaspheming is in any way against subeta law, but I would politely ask that people try to refrain using it here - purely because it can offend members of faith, like myself. Apologies to staff, if it's out-of-line to mention it. *bows head*


I thought the whole point of makign these new trivias Subeta related was to eliminate cheating... so how is it still happening? :/
<br>Maybe Staff shouldn't make the prizes for trivia THAT nice so people are less tempted? <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>


Aww...it was changed before I had a chance to work out my answer...


If someone can cheat at an online game, just imagine what they are capable of in 'real life'. Actually, based on the places I've worked, those people will become managers. Getting someone else to do the work and then taking the credit/reward for it.


<br>I just put in my answer then another thought of another item popped into my head. DX


-sadsadsad- Stupid cheaters..


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">You can cheat on /anything/, guys. At least let all the users have a go! I was at friggin' school the whole day, to find the trivia's changed TWICE and I didn't have a go.
<br>/Very/ annoyed.</blockquote>
<br>Right, if it was a <b>normal item</b> then I could understand us leaving it up for a <b>little</b> bit longer.
<br>However, when it's something like <b>gold accounts</b> which hold actual real life value, it's a little harder.


You can cheat on /anything/, guys. At least let all the users have a go! I was at friggin' school the whole day, to find the trivia's changed TWICE and I didn't have a go.
<br>/Very/ annoyed.


Oh for christ sake. It's just a GA. Save up your pennies and you'll be able to buy one with your fictional currency. I made 400K by selling stuff I stored in my vault for a while. You should try it sometime, seriously.
<br>How do you guys plan to stop cheating all together? I still don't understand how it's possible as long as the trivias exist...


You guys have no idea how much that upset me.
<br>Stop cheating.

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*sighs* I've never asked about the answer. I didn't ask about answer of last trivia, because I didn't understand the question XD Maybe I should work longer with my dictionary *sighs*

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Okay thanks for the idea <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif border=0> you have been very helpfull.


Karma, if you make a thread about the trivia in Games (If there isn't one already) and smail the link to Quetzal she'll be happy to explain how one could get the answer.

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humm thats werid im almost positive i got it right i worked it out on papper and rounded and everything im 100% sure i got it right humm werid. O_o


Well e__e Hope those cheaters are enjoying their GAs at everyone else's expense. Woopie!

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D'oh! I just checked the answer and I was SOOOO close. Grrr.

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I didn't cheat and I still got the answer wrong. I thought I was so right. lol


Yes, Twister, and it's not really fair to us (It loses us money which hurts everyone in the long run) and the users that actually WORKED for it to let additional cheaters get prizes.


Oh wow. T__T How smelly. So even the ones who cheated their way into the right answer got the medal?


No, Karma. Whoever entered already had their answers judged and, if they were right, still got their GA. It was just cut short.


I have my working, but it's kind of... messy? XD
<br>If someone makes a thread somewhere, I'll post what I have. Other people should as well, as there is probably more than one, but similar ways, to get the answer.


Well, the few that actually worked it out and got it right didn't cheat. Those who used Yahoo did.

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I care very much x-x I was so spazzed about this having just graduated from physics AP. I'd definately like to hear from one of the winners how they did it.

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so even if you got it right you didnt actually get it because people cheated?


Ohhh... well if anyone wants to know how to solve it, I'm sure there are people who are willing to help you solve it, if anyone still cares XD

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Example like how a physics text book gives you problems at the end to work out.


Oh, I see.. it's not that people researched themselves... just when the lazy ones posted somewhere to get someone ELSE to work it out FOR them. Those lil .... chits. Yeah. Wish they could be caught and frozen for it. Boy, THAT would discourage that sort of thing, eh?
<br>Thanks for clearing that up, Moon - I was worried I'd have gotten myself in trouble by Googling to help me check formulae. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>


Example? Huh?

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I guessed a random number. Obviously lost. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>


No. They used a site with users that would give out the answers on a webpage.
<br>Staff caught it early. Shame on some of you.

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Ah, I stand corrected, i was ruined x-x. It's sad that those people hadn't learned having already been informed that they ruined it for everyone in the past.

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The last one wasn't ruined, it was limited.
<br>I was so excited about that last one, found an example problem and substituted and everything..Having taken physics, I can atest to the fact that it wasn't my math, I swear the example was shoddy x-x. Congratulations to those who won.


Blue, the point of other trivias, before the change, was to test knowledge and/or your ability to research. We NEVER allowed the use of helpsites like Yahoo, where someone else does the work for you.
<br>Now all the trivias have to do i nsome way with Subeta. We decided to be nice and give away free GAs, but some users insisted on, again, using helpsites; the same thing that got the trivia changed in the first place.
<br>Google was fine because users WORKED for the answer. Helpsites were NEVER fine. Someone else did the work for you.


Yes, it's always too bad when others ruin it for everyone else! I hadn't even attempted to work it out yet; I'm not on my A-game for Math at this time of night (I'm a writer! lol) Figured I'd work it out tomorrow, Pythagorean Theorem and all.
<br>I'm slightly confused, though - I guess it used to be okay to Google and get help figuring this stuff out, just not giving out the answers. But now it's not okay to Google for help sites on a difficult mathematical problem? Just asking, because I probably WOULD have Googled for math help sites to make sure I had the formulae right.. it's still summer, you know. I haven't been in school for 3 months and my math is a bit rusty. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_shocked.gif border=0>


<br>I entered the answer wrong for this new one.
<br>Accidentally put an extra letter.


What? AHD.
<br>Thanks anyways.
<br>I'll get on this one. *sigh*


Aww .__.; At... least this one's kinda easier huh?!

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