If you're a US citizen, and you are 18 or maybe just haven't bothered in the past, I'm asking you now to please register to vote. While it may seem like you can't make a difference with just one vote, you can. It shows that you have an opinion, and you care what this country (and how the world sees us!) does, and what person you feel can lead it most competently.

Below is a link to the Rock the Vote campaign, which has registered over 2 million young voters (including myself!) for this upcoming election.

I'm not trying to push any politics on you - just asking you to make your voice heard.

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Posted by Keith


Voting should never be mandatory. The last thing we need are people who don't bother to make a decision for themselves and, because they are forced to vote, just vote for the name they like the best or whoever their parents/family/friends are voting for. I'm registering as an out-of-country citizen today. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_heart.gif" border="0" />


I fully and wholeheartedly agree - everyone should register to vote, and even better, take time to research each candidate running so that they know exactly what they stand for and what's going to happen if they get elected. That's the beauty of democracy - cherish it, since there's no country in the world quite like the U.S. in terms of power and election process! Everyone - no matter what party or candidate you support - should have the opportunity. People who don't vote are slapping the Founding Fathers in the face and turning a cherished liberty into a commodity. So, go vote! <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


I also live in Australia where it is compulsory to vote. We voted last year and we have a shiny new government. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


I live in Australia, where voting is compulsory.
I think it's a great idea, cause then pretty much everyone has a say in who is gonna run the country ^^

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Scy64: im sure you do, but now- A bit late isnt it? Like this election- <br />ANyhoo- goodluck with your choice-

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Mistygou;<br />Well what if you don't know who to vote for because you think that neither of the candidates you are to choose are worthy of a vote or you just don't trust?<br />What are you supposed to do then? Sure, sure, you can protest... for some reason, but in the long run, your still not going to vote now are you?


This is such an amazing election, and such a revolutionary time in American history..yes I dared to say it...revolutionary!!! We are changing how we do things, how we think, trying to become more responsible, take more ownership for our communities, and the younger people are more forward thinking then ever before. I say this is your site and more power to you for posting things you feel are positive, and will create positive ripples beyond. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_heart.gif" border="0" />


The only political statement I can see being made by refusing to be a part of the political process is a desire for anarchy which kind of disturbs me <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" /> <br /><br />Actually to be honest I'm interested in hearing why people think being silent during a voting period is a political statement? Smail me if you want to share :3 (I'm serious, I want to know!)<br /><br />Also, to the "The elections are rigged" comment, omg, I read about those a looong time ago and its freaking scary! I'm so glad Oregon votes by mail, there's paper proof :| *shudder* I will never vote by machine!


ClarySage - Taking no part in a political process is the exact OPPOSITE of a political statement. <br /><br />just a note: I'm not yelling when I capitalize, I just have no way to bold words. Just so you know I'm not yelling at you <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


you're vote doesn't count. The elections are rigged, especially with the touch screen voting machines. check out blackboxvoting.org.

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You don't have to register in Holland, everyone over 18 gets a letter at home and you have to bring that when you go to vote. you don't have to vote, but you can always decide to vote last minute.


Sometimes I wish we could force people to vote-- but that defeats the purpose ! I strongly approve of this.. I don't care who you vote for, or how you feel about the subjects, but you should educate yourself on the campaign, register to vote (if you haven't already) and cast in! I happen to live in Oregon where we vote by mail, but I know other states have machines and such. The more people who don't vote, the more skewed the process becomes, a lack of proper representation is bad! Get with a friend and research the candidates and stuff! Go! Go Go Go!<br /><br />Also, to everyone who is already registered and plans to make their voice heard... Cheers!!!! <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif" border="0" /><br /><br /><br />And as a random fact, I have a giant "WE DECIDE" poster above my bed <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_shocked.gif" border="0" /> (actually, my walls are covered literally in posters and pictures and things, so its not that strange..) VOTE! AHORA!


I know in the UK you have to register so you can vote every year. Believe me, it is surprisingly hard to get some people just to sign the form, even when I'm standing outside their door <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_sweatdrop.gif" border="0" />;<br />I think they don't realise (even though I tell them every year) that you have to register so you can vote, but you don't have to vote if they don't want to.

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Hey there.<br />(I'm the sister of Aether, that's why I have the same IP)<br />I agree with this post, because Keith isn't forcing us to vote for one of the runers.<br />I have read what Tessalia has posted -yesterday we were talking about that- and I think that this announcement isn't that worst.<br />Because it's the first time that I see this kind of announcement.<br />If it were more times, I would start to complain and something like this but, erh...you know.<br />And this happens every 4 years...I understand the point of view of Keith.<br />Well, I think that everyone have a different point of view.This is mine.<br /><br /><br />ZyX

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Even though I'm not a US Citizen, and not old enough if I was, I think it's really good of you to bring this up. Thank you.


I was saying: despite I'm not an US citizien I approve so much this message from Keith. It means a lot in our life to express our politic willing and it is a sign of civilism. Do it!! Great Keith!!!




Personally, I don't understand non-voters. Are you guys against democracy or what? Do you want a Communist society where the people have no control over the government's actions and they're all decided amongst themselves? Not to sound ultra-patriotic, I'm really not. But, I mean, really, you can't really complain about a president or any of the issues of this country when you haven't even like... bothered to make an attempt to change things. You might as WELL vote, you know? Even if it comes down to the "lesser of two evils", you can still make it so that the less evil person wins!<br />So yeah, really, there's no reason to not vote. I'm not going to say "people died for that right", but all I'm saying is people WILL die if we all decide to not care about important issues in our country... say, our failing economy? Social Security, which is getting to the point where the only age where you can collect social security is past the age of the average lifespan? Gas prices? ALL of these things effect you, ESPECIALLY if you're 18 or older! Take a stance, do the research, and help improve your quality of living!<br />Me though, I'm just 4 months short of being able to vote! <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/smiley_sadface.gif" border="0" /> How stupid is that? Oh well, someone better vote for Obama in my place.

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I'm already registered. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif" border="0" />

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What if they are making a political statement?<br />Not everyone is lazy you know.


Thank you all of the apathetic people who prove the very point why there are campaigns like Rock the Vote in the first place. <br /><br />Subeta may be an escape from the world, but for MOST of your life (cough) you do live in the real world. If you don't care about the future, then realize you are silencing your own voice......except for when you complain to people for reminding you maybe you should care.<br /><br />Those of you who think you are voting for the lesser of evils, I can understand the basis of your feelings. But think back to 8 years ago (though many of you were probably in grade school at the time) and the very same conversation took place between Bush and Gore. I believe that this nation would be in a VERY different place if Gore had one. Yet, EVERY.SINGLE.ELECTION. has that very same discussion. Yes, yes it does.<br /><br /> I have been around for 4 presidential terms as a voter (though that is only between 2 people, good god!!). It's always going to be between two people who lie. They are politicians! That's what they do! <br /><br />But they serve different masters. Some care more about their friends than they do their constituents. Some care more about image for their parties. <br /><br />YOU have to live in the world they create. Have SOME kind of influence on who is going to shape it. That counts for any nation that holds democratic elections.<br /><br />And if you truly are so apathetic you don't care, so nihilistic you don't want to participate or so cynical that you think your time is better spent at home that day, for the love of Our Pete, don't try to spread your form of laziness as some kind of political statement. You are just embarrassing yourself. Have the fortitude to just call a spade a spade and don't complain about the world that gets made while you slumber.


Don't forget to check your local laws on registration deadlines. I think you have to be signed up 20 days before the election. I'm suffering from news overload on the election myself. I hope everyone who decides to vote will be responsible and inform themselves. Research your candidates, go to their websites, read political blogs, pick at least 5 issues you think are most important to you and google up their opinions on them, check their voting records in the Senate to see how they really stand on things you're interested in. Now's the time to start looking into stuff like that.. November will be here quicker than you think!


DarKnight: Lots of people in the US care about the issues. Not all of us agree with what's going on now, and that's spurring many people to learn about the issues and make an educated choice about the upcoming elections.

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wow- is that how easy it is to Vote in the US-<br />Its much Strikter in AUS- but we care about politics

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thank you for the reminder.


man, the dogin' and moanin' about a simply reminder. Let's admit it, people often get so wrapped up in their own lives, we need a reminder that we have the OPTION to vote if we so choose to do so. Whether someone finds it important is subjective. But what one person said about silence the same can be said for the opposite.<br /><br />Register if you want and believe in it. If you don't then that's your choice but I believe the encouragement to vote in general comes from the intention of being proactive. And for that I don't see how it can be such a heated topic. No one here is campaigning one side or the other.


Amen to that! Its bout time we make a change. Only way of making it happen is to VOTE! America needs some hope!

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lol, this is like your guy's crappy cult motto. xD<br />Don't complain if you don't vote.<br />Good luck on the next election. x3


SO important, and I'm glad you gave it a mention! <br /><br />I will vote.... but I'm not sure how at this point as I've been severely disappointed. Ugh. Don't complain if you don't vote, though <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif" border="0" />


I've been registered to vote for years...but I am not going to vote in this one. How can I chose who is going to do a better Job when they all lie through their teeth? There is no lesser of any of the evils.


*sigh* I'm a year short.. I'm turning 17, not 18 this year. >_>


Thanks for the reminder and the link! Regardless of one's political inclinations, its a good idea to vote and make the voice of your demographic heard. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" /> And it is all too easy to forget to register, or just not get around to it, after turning 18.


it's beyond me how people can say, "don't vote - don't complain"... silence is just as loud of an opinion. last i checked, voting is a choice, not an obligation. it's ridiculous that people are insulted for making a choice... much less that those insults are being hurled by the ignorant. people boycott all the time... even the most recent olympics. to say, "don't vote - don't complain" is like making an olympic boycott irrelevant merely because no one bothered to go to china to gripe. *eye roll*

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I hope the world ends before a president is chosen. <br /><img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/smiley_sadface.gif" border="0" />


I believe that if people don't get out and vote, they are wasting a highly fought-for privilege. Many people in other countries are not able to vote, or only certain people can vote. It is not like that here. I think that everyone should take full advantage of the fact that once you turn 18, you can vote. BTW, I am all for abolishing the Electoral College. That is why candidates can win the popular vote, and not win the presidency. Politics can be very interesting. I believe that it is our duty as Americans (no offense, anyone from out of country) to vote for our leaders. It is one of the things that we have and do not take advantage of because people believe that not just one person can make a difference. We can all work together and make a difference. And all it takes is one person with initiative.<br />(Forgive the run-on sentence(s). It is late. Math homework killed my brain.)


I'm a year short. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" /> I really wanted to vote for Obama. GO OBAMA! OBAMA AND YOUR MAMA!

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"Thanks Keith! I wish that Canada tried as hard as the US to get people registered to vote."<br /><br />I don\'t know where in Canada you live, but in my high school they had so many bloody flyers up everywhere about voting that you would have thought the polls were being set up in our gym! They had announcements put on every morning reminding everyone to register and vote. We had representatives from the political parties visit our school, and we had many students ask some serious questions (there was some media coverage and everything, quite an interesting experience). Canada works just as hard as the U.S., and I\'d like to know where you are in Canada that you\'re left under a rock?<br /><br />I was surprised to see this in the news, especially given how politics generally aren\'t approached so bluntly.<br />It\'s nice that so many of you are politically involved, but it isn\'t for everyone and they have the right NOT to vote just as much as they have the right TO vote. It\'s a personal decision, and someone shouldn\'t feel bad for deciding not to vote. <br /><br /><br />I live in Ontario, right in the GTA and not once did I see a flyer put up anywhere asking for us to vote. I thought it was odd. I do pay attention to the news when it comes to elections, I will be voting when I come of age. But the issue is that where I live the idea of voting isn't pushed, nothing like what you've experienced. To me it didn't seem like the government made it seem all too important. In university and college I can see that they would try to get at the people there. High school, not so much because only senior students are able to vote.


Since I live in North Dakota, I don't have to register to vote. Only state in the Union that doesn't make you register. I just have to show up, give my ID, and I can vote.<br /><br />Still, it's great to support Rock the Vote, especially since they are trying to get the youth to vote, and we are the future.


Jury duty selection differs from state to state ...

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Okay, so im not old enough to vote but soon will be. But, i think people are pretty darn tired of hearing about all this. Most of us come here to leave the real world and now you're bringing it in here too. Come on! Give me a break.


"Thanks Keith! I wish that Canada tried as hard as the US to get people registered to vote."<br /><br />I don't know where in Canada you live, but in my high school they had so many bloody flyers up everywhere about voting that you would have thought the polls were being set up in our gym! They had announcements put on every morning reminding everyone to register and vote. We had representatives from the political parties visit our school, and we had many students ask some serious questions (there was some media coverage and everything, quite an interesting experience). Canada works just as hard as the U.S., and I'd like to know where you are in Canada that you're left under a rock?<br /><br />I was surprised to see this in the news, especially given how politics generally aren't approached so bluntly.<br />It's nice that so many of you are politically involved, but it isn't for everyone and they have the right NOT to vote just as much as they have the right TO vote. It's a personal decision, and someone shouldn't feel bad for deciding not to vote.


I think that is a good idea ^^ well i'm not from US, but i like the idea. It is better to vote, than to do nothing.


Just because your vote doesn't <i>make the difference</i> between one candidate being elected and another, doesn't mean it's irrelevant. <br /><br />And lol RazberrieTart. If voting were mandatory then you'd have inaccurate results. People would just randomly select names, which defeats the purpose of having an election.


I really have mixed feelings about posting this on a website like this. Yeah, it's one thing to make a thread in the appropriate forums to promote this - but to put it in the news? Especially when we have LOTS of out of the country users. I mean... Yeah - I'm all for using your rights and junk like that, but for some reason it REALLY irks me when people try to push things on a huge group of people. It's like the people who solicitate their religions... I see this news post as EXACTLY the same - even if it is less pushy. It's propaganda. If people live in the states AND they're +18 - I'm sure they've heard this "GO VOTE" thing more than once or twice. WHY? OH WHY? bring it up on a site like this? I don't know... It seems really unneeded. But, that's just me..

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I'm not trying to be obnoxious, or argumentative, so please, don't take me that way.<br /><br />I am, however, going to mention that I would much rather not take responsibility for voting someone into office, that we all may later regret.<br /><br />Not saying there's anything wrong with voting, so please, enjoy yourselves.

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Thank you for posting this. Some people don't realize the privilege it is to have the ability to vote. It's your right, you should exercise it.

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RazberrieTart the last part of your post is very confusing. Dx<br />I don't know what to say about this news update. I have mixed feels as in, it's a good idea to remind people to vote, yet at the same time maybe commenting about this shouldn't be allowed since everyone has opinions and some may get offended.<br />Also, even people who vote complain about the elected personie. So it's not really fair to pressure people and assume everyone who doesn't vote complains. I have know people to complain about who they voted for as well.<br />What I do hope is that who wants to vote, votes for who they want and aren't going to be lazy about getting up and going to the polls. x3


I love you, Keith, for being a conscious elector. Just a shame the Mayor and Prefect elections here in Rio de Janeiro are obligatory... I haven't seen any good candidates around. =( At least I can null my vote.


Voting should not be required or mandatory. I am not voting this year. But the awareness to vote should be out there.


I'm registered for voting too! This is going to be my first presidental election. ^w^<br /><br />I love that you did this, Keith!


As has been said. If you don't vote you can't complain. And don't we all just LOVE whining? So go vote already. What's it going to cost you? <br /><br />Obama 08! Woo!


I registered to vote a few years ago, before the last "election". Technically, our vote doesn't matter, but it's still good to vote. At least you can say you tried. Even though, really, American votes don't matter, Electoral college and all that. <br /><br /><br />Voting should be REQUIRED. it should be MANDATORY. Only allowing some to vote guarantees an unfair result, no matter who runs. ALWAYS. Either EVERYONE votes, or NO ONE does. But then again, since when is this place a democracy ?<br /><br /><br />I will be throwing my vote away, but I can say I voted. Even though who I have selected will not win, I believe they would have been a better choice if who we vote for really was voted for by all.

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I know I'm only 16 but I can't wait to be able to vote. Thank you for helping to get people aware of what's going on. It's a step towards making our world a better place to get the young people aware. haha, we are the future!! <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif" border="0" />

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I'm not american and I'm not even +18, so I can't register. Not that I would in my country.<br />Even though I must agree it is weird to see this in the "news", I didn't expect it but I think the intention is good.<br />Yet, since I'm not american this post makes no difference to me, so T_T


Then I have no idea. You're not registered under any agency like that (you've never worked or ever got a drivers license etc), and you still got called? Weird. I wonder how they got your name o_o


"If you work, drive, vote. or file taes you have a chance of being selected. All those agencies give names, not just one."<br /><br />I don't do any of those things...


Don't you love my typos? 'Cause I do. I think I need sleep... Maybe food...


About jury duty in the states. Here is how it works:<br />If you <strong>work, drive, vote. or file taes</strong> you have a chance of being selected. All those agencies give names, not just one.


"You may want to check into registering anyway; I read somewhere that some states will still allow you to vote if you turn 18 within that month or year."<br /><br />Really? *checks California law*


What exactly is the connection between voting and jury duty I keep seeing on this board? You are called to jury duty not because you\'re registered to vote, but because you file your taxes every year. I was called to jury duty earlier this year and I am not registered to vote (yet). Voting is important and I plan to make my opinion heard this November.<br /><br />Um....I'm not registered to vote nor have I ever filed taxes. So how was I called to jury duty??


Nice, Keith <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" /> I wish there were better ways to get awareness out there. If I could punch people in the face, I would use the ability to punch people who don't vote and then complain about our government. Even if the person you vote for has no chance of becoming an elected official, you know that you did your part to voice your approval for a person who you believe in. <br /><br />And if you think there is a lesser evil, just remember that every vote he/she gets is a vote NOT going to the other candidates <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif" border="0" />


Keith, again I find myself saying you are awesome.<br />I'm a citizen, but not a resident -is special with her Canadian citizenship aswell hehehe- so I don't think I can vote. Which is sad. I always know more about US elections. Canada is pathetic like that.


Foamy: You may want to check into registering anyway; I read somewhere that some states will still allow you to vote if you turn 18 within that month or year.


Excellent news post! I don't care which way people vote, as long as they do it because of how important it is. I'm ready to vote in my second presidential election and couldn't be more excited!!


This dosen't apply to me but I know I am never going to vote.

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Nope. Sorry. Never gonna vote for SO many reasons.


i wish i was old enough to vote..


I was only 17 last time around, so I didn't get an opportunity to vote. I registered as soon as I turned 18, though, and I've been anxiously awaiting my first election...<br />...wouldn't miss it for the world!


wow, great timing Keith. I'm 30 and I just registered to vote 2 days ago <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />. The main reason I had never registered before is because I had never seen any candidate worth voting for until now, at least in my opinion. But I"m glad I'm registered now. And I'm glad you posted this Keith <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


if everyone thought "oh my opinion didn't matter," then no one would vote, hm? that thought process is so silly, seriously.<br /><br />as for me, I've already registered. I always was going to, but I'm pretty excited since this campaign has been so interesting so far. 83


I think it will be higher this time around, hopefully.<br /><br />To answer CRXPs question. Someone said they didn't register cuz then they would have to do jury duty. I believe we have since blown that theory out of the water....


Great idea Keith <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif" border="0" /> I voted for Kerry/Edwards last election. Voting is compulsory in Australia? I actually like that idea very much. In the U.S. voter turnout was only 56% last presidential election, which is a crying shame. Obama/Biden '08!


I would vote in the 2008 Presidential election, but my 18th birthday is a week after the election. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/smiley_sadface.gif" border="0" /> So close.


What exactly is the connection between voting and jury duty I keep seeing on this board? You are called to jury duty not because you're registered to vote, but because you file your taxes every year. I was called to jury duty earlier this year and I am not registered to vote (yet). Voting is important and I plan to make my opinion heard this November.


Wow, Keith. I really appreciate being a part of site that's owned by someone so socially-conscious. Thanks for being so chill.


I too live in Australia and voting is compulsory....

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I am already registered but I would be much happier if Ralph Nader was running for the Green Party.


I'm not an American but no matter in which country you are, voting is important. I always vote, when an elections or (in some cases) referendum are held. If you do not vote, your opinion (or vote) is lost. <br /><br />Even if it is a lot of paperwork in your country to get registered as a voter, just grit your teeth and work through it.


Voting is good and all but none of the candidates are any good to me anyways. :/ But hey, anyone would be better then Bush XDDD


I am glad to say that I'm a registered Democrat voting here in Florida! Obama/Biden!


Vote Bob Bar, you know you want to. xD Unfortunately I'm not old enough.


Hey, since the USA's getting a new president, does that mean Subeta is going to produce a new line of support/oppose ___ pins for the HAs?


Awesome, Keith. Good to know I'm not the only American that thinks voting is important. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" /> I'm already registered and backing Obama/Biden.

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This doesn't apply to me since I'm Canadian, but I think having this as a news post was a good idea.


I live in Australia where voting is compulsory.


Wooo, politics talk <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_sigh.gif" border="0" />#<br />Anyway, thanks for the link, that was super easy. I needed to re-register cause of an address change. Wouldn't want to miss my first presidential election!


P.S. Obama/Biden '08! <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif" border="0" />


Already re-registered with my new address n.n I can't wait to vote...this'll be the first presidential election I have voted in <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif" border="0" />

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Darn, I wish I were 18. ;A;<br />I would vote for McCain, but, that's only me. Go ahead and pick whichever, guys. XD


Another way to look at it, if you don't vote, you really don't have any right to complain about anything! <br />Preserve your right to complain and be heard, vote!


No, voting for the third party can actually cost someone an election (very much like what happened in 2000)<br /><br />It's not a wise choice, and especially not the right choice to make if you don't like the politics of the other two runners.


I'm too young...<br /><img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" />


i know they have no chance of winning thats the point. its less detrimental than not liking iether candidate, and not voting for anything. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


Voting Third Party is actually detrimental...<br /><br />They have no chance of winning, and they only ruin the votes like they did in 2000...


I may not live in the US, but its good to see so many people making their voice heard and caring about what happens in their country <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" /><br />


"Posted by Stagnant<br /><br />I\'d register, but really, I don\'t think anyone who is running should be president. "<br /><br />you said it! vote third party. third party candidates push just a few issues to get them out there, and make the bigger candidates talk about stuff they might not normally have. that way, you can give power to an issue you think is important.<br /><br /> and you dont have to wince when you vote for say... the candidate who won't kill you with taxes right after you get out of college and try to stand on your own two feet, but on the otherhand is a big jerk.


Thanks for doing this. Not nearly enough people vote.


Wow, how ... insightful. I'm suprised you'd bring this to the site, but in a nice way C: I hope you sway more to vote ;D


Voting is great! Just make sure you are an INFORMED voter! Don't just vote for something because someone else said to, or someone famous endorses them. That's probably one of the WORST ways to decide how to vote, unless that person is someone you trust very much (like a parent). Even then, I would still read up on the candidates and issues before voting. After all, wouldn't it be terrible if you voted yes on some prop, only to find out later you hated the thing?

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i would totally enter, but I'm not 18. darn... <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" />


Wooo! I'll be 18 in September. Ah, i'm excited.... X3


Ok, I said I would shut up but I had to reply, really I had! *tomatoes are thrown at her* ouch...<br /><br />Anyway, I agree that this post was a good decision (I was proven wrong by 3 people in my last comment about it being otherwise, and I take my hat off to them), and yeah, I was referring to the whole Keith fangirls thing. I know many people adore him, but really, was this announcement the right place to do so? What was more important: the message or the messenger? People were overdoing it with the whole "we love the messenger" thing O_o<br />Also, I was proved wrong about everyone being fangirls, because right after my comment two whole well-thought comments were made, so I am very happy to say I lost again (thank the Oracle!)<br /><br />About the typos... yeah, everyone makes some, but not many write entire sentences with two typos in each word...


I've been registered for about 15 years now and I have only had jury duty once. I got called a couple of times other than that but none panned out. I don't WANT to go to jury duty, but for all the things I DO get for being an American, I can put up with jd every once in awhile.

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I'm too young. Only by a year, but I'm still too young.


*I applaud you on your efforts to open the eyes of the young. It is important that the younger generations learn now that their opinions matter than the wake up one day and realize that when they had the opportunity to improve this country they didn\'t. I\'m not a huge fan of politics myself but this election is going to set an example of just how many people crawl out of the wood works to vote. I know this is going down in history... So keep it up, Keith. You rock the vote*<br /><br />Amen to this user! Go register! It is your right and duty. Besides if you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain when you don't like how the country is run! hehe<br />I have been voting for many years and am very proud of it so...<br />GO REGISTER to VOTE<br />Yay Keith having the initiative to help people get registered!!!<br />Thank you <br />*getting of her soap box now <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif" border="0" /> *


Everyone makes a typo at some time and not everyone is an expert typist. I try not to judge people by their typing skills as I know I make my fair share of mistakes. As for the fangirl attitudes, I am not sure what you mean by that. Fangirls over Keith or politicians? <br />no matter...I still say that this news post is awesome and full of win. The Prseident of the United States of America has a whole lot of power not just in the States, but also in the world. He(or maybe someday she) holds the reins on one of the most powerful militaries in the world and over trillions of trillions of dollars. They influence things as simple and as lowbrow as stand up comedians' acts and as large and important as whether we go to war or not. Voting (preferably casting an educated vote) is hugely important. As an American it is quite possibly the most important act we can make to influence our government. Any attention brought to that is great in my opinion.

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I'm already registered, and am going to vote. The federal government is currently run on a fatally flawed system, and whoever I vote for would be the lesser of many evils, but I'm going to vote anyway, because I can(whether it's drowned out by everything else or not) and it's an important gesture.<br /><br />Though it IS good to get registered to vote. Yeah, Jury Duty, I know, but that's an INSANELY important function of government and the fact that you're even asked is one of the good points of politics. Also, if you're registered you can vote in more local elections, where your voice will actually be heard and the arena is small enough for individuals to actually make a difference... unlike federal government.<br /><br />Holy crap, I went on a ramble, sorry. =P


"<br />Not sure why you are scared by some of the comments here. All I see are people saying they support getting the word out about how important voting is or that they have now been encouraged to vote or at least register. How is that scary?"<br /><br />Because people are talking like children or fangirls, instead of sounding like the young adults they are... and the typos don't help much... I'm sure many are lying about their age, too, if the typos are anything to go by XS<br />Anyway, people: VOTE but THINK before you do it, 'kay? ^^<br /><br />I'm going to stop commenting here before I really get banned (do NOT want), although I think I'm not being rude, one never knows... xDD;;;


And by the way, having a drivers license also puts you on jury duty list. So not registering to vote simply for that reason is a poor excuse.


I'm in two minds about this. On the one hand, I use pet sites to escape from the real world, so seeing something like this is a bit jarring. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif" border="0" /> On the other hand, I think it is really important to encourage people to be more involved in political processes, and this really is a critical election.<br /><br />As for me, I cast my vote during the primaries and I'm definitely voting in the presidential election.


Yay Keith! Ignoring something doesn't make it go away, or make it less disgusting. But voting to change it is a step in the right direction <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">I am never registering to vote. If you register to vote, they make you do jury duty. And I HATE being bored. I\'ve been to court *Don\'t ask..* And yeah.. its boring. So I\'ll pass.</blockquote><br /><br />I'M dreaming to be on jury duty! Chaning the world, one decision at a time.<br /><br /><br />And, my BFF is a lawyer. The Law Scene is awesome!


I'm surprised this wasn't put on the forums and was put in the news instead.


Same here, Kirce. <br />I miss it by a little. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" />


"Sorry to say this, but I\'m getting kind of scared because of some of the comments posted here... made by people of voting age, to be exact. Please, be more serious about this. I don\'t think this was posted just to get everyone\'s gratitude, ya\' know? xD"<br /><br /><br />Not sure why you are scared by some of the comments here. All I see are people saying they support getting the word out about how important voting is or that they have now been encouraged to vote or at least register. How is that scary?


When people are too busy, or too bored to vote, then corruption and bogus politicians stay in power. My friends issued a challenge to all of their friends...everyone had to bring one new person to the polls. End result, we got a strong opposition voice in government, we felt good about making a difference and we made a bunch of new friends! Way to go Keith...the power of one does rock!


Sorry to say this, but I'm getting kind of scared because of some of the comments posted here... made by people of voting age, to be exact. Please, be more serious about this. I don't think this was posted just to get everyone's gratitude, ya' know? xD

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Politics. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/smiley_xface.gif" border="0" />


Good for you Keith!!!!!!! This is one chance to let your opinion count!!! *yay* to everyone who can vote that does!!!


been registered and i am for sure going to vote in the upcoming election, but this is a great incentive for those who were undecided. i applaud you keith for posting this ^^ thank you for pushing this cause!


I'm less than one year short on being 18. It bites majorly. But thanks Keith. :] 4 more years, and I'll vote. xD

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nice im 21 and its my first time voting im excited soo exicted im going around telling people about whose runninng ang informing them there nothing worse than people who dont vote but complain about the way things are.


Awesome, Keith. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" /> I'm already registered. Registered on my 18th birthday, actually. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif" border="0" /> But it's awesome to see someone in a position of "influence" being so awesome about it. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif" border="0" />

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I'm too young to vote, anyways. But I don't believe in either of the candidates... <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif" border="0" /><br />None of the third party candidates interest me, either :0


Thank you for posting this, it's just the motivation I needed! I've been meaning to register and haven't, but now I've filled out the form and will mail it asap! :]


Thank you for putting this up! It's important that young Americans have their voice heard, particularly in this election! But I also encourage that everybody do research on all the candidates to make an informed choice about who they are voting for. (Email forwards don't count as research.)


Great announcement. I wish I could vote, but I'm helping in other ways. Next election I'll be out there at the polls!! <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


sadly, I'm pretty disgusted with politics lately and I'm still hanging on the fence...


He's not endorsing anyone specific - even if he was - it's his site you know. It IS your civic duty to vote so it does belong here if that's what he wants to put here. It's very important and not enuff people do it. <br /><br />Besides, if you DONT vote then you can't complain about who the president is for the next FOUR years. And what fun would that be?


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">I am never registering to vote. If you register to vote, they make you do jury duty. And I HATE being bored. I\'ve been to court *Don\'t ask..* And yeah.. its boring. So I\'ll pass.</blockquote> <br /><br />Ok you can get jury duty just by your drivers license I know I got it. So that reason is lame on so many levels


I'm already registered, but I'm doing a write-in vote.

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I can't wait until I'm 18! Only a few more years!


This just makes me even prouder to be involved with this site <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" /> Thanks for posting this! I'm so glad to see so many getting or preparing to be involved with our country <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif" border="0" />


Keith good job I keep forgetting to registe rat my new place Thanks for teh helpful reminder


Hey maybe when the time comes, a I VOTED button or sticker or both could be made.. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif" border="0" />


But dont just register-- get out and VOTE then your cool!! :X


Way to go Keith! <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif" border="0" />


I am not from the US, so i can't vote. But in the UK i am old enough and DO vote when the time comes. <br />I don't see anything wrong with posting this on the news as it reminds people about something important. Always a good thing to be well informed


Thanks for putting this up Keith. Voting is incredibly important. Once every four years we are allowed to express our opinion on who we believe should lead our country. Vote if you can!!


@ Adi: from what I gather, they are making a bit deal of this because many people do not vote even though they can, and this announcement is bringing that fact to the light.


Good for you Keith! I may not always agree with certain things, but this shows a great amount of integrity and responsibility. I'm also impressed with the majority of the responses on here. For those of you just starting out, your right to vote is the most important thing you have. It may not seem like it counts for anything, but it counts for absolutely nothing if you don't let your voice be heard. This will be my 11th presidential election (that's 44 years of voting!) that I have had the privilege of voting in and even if my candidate doesn't win, I will know I did my part.

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Thanks Keith! I wish that Canada tried as hard as the US to get people registered to vote.


This is all well and good,I will give you that.But not all of us can vote in america,I live here as a student from russia.Voted in March and still,Dmitry won and we all move on.I'm sorry I guess I just don't see why this is such a big deal,yes I agree people should vote but why make a bigger deal than it is.


Wow. I didn't expect to have something like this on the news post.


I agree 100 % KEITH! Get informed, get registered, and VOTE!


Ok, ok, I'll shut up now xD<br /><br />Sorry for being so annoying, I just like to express my point of view whenever I can. Thanks for letting me go on for as long as I have, this proves that you really don't ban people whenever they disagree with you.<br /><br />In this case, though, I ended up understanding what you mean... and yep, this is your website after all, so I'm sorry for trying to tell you how to run it --which, looking back at my previous comments, is what it seems I was trying to do u///u

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I am already registered. Thanks for posting it though. Like I have always been told, if you do not vote, do not complain. That obviously does not apply to those in other countries or those who are not old enough to vote yet. Together, a difference can be made.


I think it's great!!! I'm from Germany so I won't vote but since my exchange year in the US I'm concerned about this country just as much as the citizens and I hope everyone who can will use his chance to set the future pass.


Like I said - this is something that happens every 4 years, and encompasses all of those issues. The president handles (and sways congress) on all the important issues.


I registered as soon as I turned 18. Which was 4 and a half years ago now.<br /><br />But thank you for this!


@HighLandlass: I agree with what you said.<br /><br />However, this is a turning point of Subeta. They have taught some users (I see many already knew about this website) something useful to get to know more about politics. Now, the real question is:<br /><br />Should Subeta support other websites that teach teens useful things (sex Ed, environmental issues, etc) and make the website someplace where you can have fun and learn at the same time?<br /><br />P.S: not that I'd learn anything with this, I'm old enough to know xD


Voting is important! ^^


I love Subeta. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_heart.gif" border="0" />


You know what Keith? I am not registered to vote but your news post has made me want to be able to vote! So I believe that you done great with the news post and thanks for making all of us think about it. I mean think about the things you DONT like about the usa, your vote could change that. One vote makes a difference. I am going to visit the site and register to vote. I am 25 years old and have never voted, guess it's time to start <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


Keith, it's pretty awesome to see that you're encouraging us to vote. It really brings me comfort to know that people do care what happens to our country and our politics. Apathy has become a huge problem lately concerning our government...though if anyone wants a positive change for them, they should take part in something as simple as voting. :0 Doesn't seem like much, but all it takes is one voice to change our future for the better.<br /><br />I wish I had been born earlier so I could vote for this particular election...:C Boo.


I see where you're coming from, but I think that once every 4 years having an announcement about one of the biggest elections in the world is something that I can announce, when it comes around.<br /><br />Also keeping in mind that this is my site, and I can make announcements for things like this if I want. I don't need to back it up - I just think it's an important issue, and as many young people as possible should be able to voice their opinions.


Oh yeah, btw. I don't care if this sort of stuff is posted in the news. It is important to be aware of the world..even if you decide not to participate in it <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


Oops sorry for the blank post, my mouse did it


To answer the users question about whether this belongs in the news...HELL YES! Most of Subeta players are American, the company is based in America and who our President is can and most likely will affect Subeta directly at some point in time as the internet and privacy have become hot issues here in America as of late. Our legislative bodies are pondering several rules to try to govern the web. Again...I applaud Keith for at least trying to raise awareness among the younger users of Subeta that voting is important and that they should check out some resources about voting(Rock The Vote has many links and resources that are unbiased, but still give great info on why voting is important and how to get registered). I have been of voting age for over a decade now and I still harass my friends to get off their butts and participate in our government. If they don't vote, I won't listen when they whine about politicians. I simply remind them that they had an opportunity to vote for a change and they didn't. <br /><br />As long as Keith isn't endorsing a candidate, I see no problem with this news post.


This is... strange.


I am never registering to vote. If you register to vote, they make you do jury duty. And I HATE being bored. I've been to court *Don't ask..* And yeah.. its boring. So I'll pass.


Thanks for using your platform for a good cause.<br /><br />I hope your intentions are right though and not just for profits.


Keith, I understand your reasons. But please, understand my fear: I do not want Subeta to end up making advertisements to other websites via announcement.<br /><br />Also, if you get implied in politic awareness -which, I repeat, is great and, in my country, is taught at school and at home- you have to get implied in other things by default. Or is it ok to promote politic awareness but not AIDS awareness?<br /><br />See what moral dilemma I see here?


I don't wanna vote cause I don't care anymore who gonna run the usa.


I registered 4 years ago for a free doughnut @ School How cool am I? <br /><br />And I'm glad this is on the news and not the forums, since in the news it'll reach MORE users. Which means MORE VOTES.<br /><br />I'm hoping this year the person I vote for will be elected.


This.. is amazing. I see no reason why it shouldn't be posted in a news post.. I mean, it's not like he's telling you WHO to vote for, just that you SHOULD. I registered the day I turned 18, and so did my husband. We got to vote in the last election, and while that one was also a lesser of the two evils (and my evil didn't win), at least I get to complain about our current president. I think if I hadn't TRIED to change things, I don't deserve the right.


...even if you vote your opinion ultimately doesn't matter, its decided in the long run by the electoral college, so to me why bother xP<br /><br />but i do believe that awareness is important and one's individual thoughts/ beliefs<br /><br />cast your votes well and good luck chaps ;D

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Already registered ;D


One more reason to adore Keith...<img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


I can't vote, since I'm a 'Legal Alien', not a citizen. Everyone on my campus keeps telling me to vote, haha. It's great that young people are getting so involved.


I was born 8 days too late <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" /> oh well next time


Some people just don't care.


-Not American-, but, cool! =3


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;"><br />Remember, if you can vote and choose not to, don\'t whine about how horrible the next president is. Thanks for the awareness. </blockquote><br /><br />That is 100% what I think.<br /><br />And - I'll say it like this. I think that voting is very important, and since it concerns not only the internet (John McCaine is NOT for net neutrality) which is where Subeta is, but the largest part of the user base (US Citizens), I think it's important enough to point out.


I'm not American, so no voting for me this year. Can't wait to get to vote in my own country though, but that is a few years ahead. If I don't know what to vote for at that time, I will just throw in a blank vote. I'd like to at least show that I appreciate that I do get the opportunity to vote. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


Yay for real world awareness!<br />Ill vote... next time... in Mexico xD


I'd register, but really, I don't think anyone who is running should be president.


I registered with my state's website. =3 I'm all ready for voting!


I've already registered, but thanks for the reminder.<br />ELECTION TIME. OH YEAH. 8D


*applauds*<br /><br />


I already registered. Too late for the California primary, but I'll be casting my vote in November.


I agree with everyone on the fact that awareness is important.<br /><br />Next announcement: Sex Ed in Subeta? O_o<br /><br />Please, understand why I find this is completely out of place... in any case, it should have been posted in the forums, no? O_o<br /><br />What do you all think?


I am not a U.S. citizen, but I like what you wrote. BRAVO!


great idea!<br />I live in germany, so no voting there for me, but still it feels god you make people care abaout that!


Remember, if you can vote and choose not to, don't whine about how horrible the next president is. Thanks for the awareness.


I'm from Italy and we had election too in April and I fought with a lot of people who didn't want to vote. I think every vote counts and even if you don't win in the end you'll know you've done you civil job! So I agree with you, Keith :3


I'm really glad you posted this. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


Do it, just do it, it's your right and your duty!


Thanks for letting people be aware of this! If you're old enough to vote you should. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif" border="0" />


Nope, we are not sponsored (or get any money) from Rock the Vote, its just a campaign that I believe in.<br /><br />I think that voting is a very important right that all people in the US have, and they should use it.


My school handed out voting registration forms to everyone once they turned 18 and mailed them in for us. So all of us are now registered to vote. lol I'm 19 now though so that was almost two years ago. I plan on voting this upcoming election. ^_*

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I cannot say that I was expecting to see a news post about voting on Subeta, but I am quite thrilled that it did show up! While I am not yet old enough to vote, I plan on registering to as soon as I turn 18. In any case, I applaud your efforts to raise awareness. It is really quite inspiring!


I'm not American so obviously I will not register myself in that, I already have enough trying to decide who to vote in Spain, thank you very much xD<br /><br />I hope this place sponsors you, otherwise it's pretty silly to advertise it. Subeta is a place for people to have fun, not to discuss politics (at least in my opinion...of course there is always a thread in the forums, which is absolutely fine by me, but this kind of announcement is, in my opinion, not good) ^^


Registered as soon as I turned 18, and I so plan to vote. Thanks for the announcement, I bet a lot of people will vote now ^.^


Not the news post I was expecting to see but none the less, I love it. This will actually be my 1st year voting even though Ive been able to for the past 8 years. Kudos Keith!!!

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I can't figure out why anyone who could wouldnt vote, people act like politics doesn't affect them. Thanks Keith!


I'm already registered!!!


I'm too young to vote, but I don't think I would. I hate politics.


already did <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


Im all ready register to vote. I voted today for my local state elections for the 1st time so it was empowering. <br />Cant wait for election day though.


Ohay I voted in a Florida primary today! <br />I've obviously already registered but I love that this cause is being pushed.


I have been registered many years now. I always vote in every election. <br />Kudos to you Keith! Its a wonderful thing you are doing.<br />


Ive been registered and voting for many years now, but I do remember how uninformed young people were when I started voting most never even thought about registering till they were well into their 20's at that most just voted for whoever their friends told them to sad but anyway I do believe it will be a close election so every vote will count. Get informed and get involved in your future!! Very very nice Keith <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


I applaud you, Keith but.. No way am I voting. I don't like any of the people running. Depending on how things go after the winner is sworn in, I very well could be high tailing it to Italy or Canada. xD

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That is awesome! I'm already registered, but I think awareness is important. If your link gets even one person to register and vote...then thats a great change. <br />


Nice work posting this... don't waste your vote by not voting!


Thank you for bringing this to young people's attention! <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" /> It's nice that Subeta can exist in the REAL world and not hide and pretend the world outside of itself doesn't exist. Like some sites...

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I need to register still..but the paperwork is all filled out. I need to get a new ID at the Department of Motor Vehicals v-v Need to make my way up there in teh next couple weeks.


When I turned 18 one of the first things I did was to register to vote - it was the first time that 18 year olds were given the right to vote and was a very big deal. I have been exercising that right ever since.

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Yep, I'm registered. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" /> Ready to start pokin' those chads <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif" border="0" />


I live in Estonia..so no register..and i am 17.


This will be the third election that I get to vote in. Hopefully, unlike the last two, this one will swing my way! <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_shocked.gif" border="0" />


I register already =] but this was a good idea, shows you realy care about what happens in this country.


I applaud you on your efforts to open the eyes of the young. It is important that the younger generations learn now that their opinions matter than the wake up one day and realize that when they had the opportunity to improve this country they didn't. I'm not a huge fan of politics myself but this election is going to set an example of just how many people crawl out of the wood works to vote. I know this is going down in history... So keep it up, Keith. You rock the vote <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


Though I'd be more than willing to sign up to vote, time constraints of my move are keeping me from doing so this year. I assure you that I will be signed up for the midterm elections and the next presidential election. ♥


Yes but if you vote for the weird parties because you don't think they will win, eventually enough people that think the same thing will vote them in XD<br /><br />I don't know about politics in general, I am registered but I feel like it's voting for the less of two evils.<br /><br />Thank you for getting some awareness out to the younger crowd Keith, we need a new voice!


You can urge someone to register to vote and then to actually do so - but how can you be sure they're making an educated decision when casting their ballot? Some people may just vote for someone because they're from the same state as them or because someone tells them to. Maybe you should insist that people get to know the candidates instead.


I find US politics quite strange, I never quite understand what goes on. xD But then I bet you find UK politics strange, I mean WHY do we have Gordon Brown when we didn't even vote him in? =P When I'm 18 I'll definitely vote, though I'll probably be voting for all the weird parties that never have a chance of winning. x)


I've been registered. We actually got to do that in class at school. We took the whole period to do so <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


This is pretty cool of you Keith. I applaud you trying to get the younger people who are eligible to vote interested in making their voices heard.


is this like a sponsorship or are you just doing it for awareness

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Cool idea, Keith. I'm not old enough yet but by the next election I will be. I'll keep this in mind.


I've already registered. YAY voting!!! I'm opinionated enough to let the world know what I think. <3

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