I have reviewed Emma's petition to make Peka Glade a protected resource and agree with her sentiments. If we are going to have enjoyment from this pristine location for generations to come, we must act responsibly. Therefore, from this day forward, the glade shall only be open to citizens of Subeta twice daily. The rest of the day it will be closed to preserve the waters and the surrounding home of the creatures living therein.


Why is it so expensive? And how do you get a pitcher? I would love a glade kora...


I'm thinking that from what I've read here is that the times in which the glade is open is 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM and 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM, I donno they vary it from day to day so people can't farm it.


Lulz @ people saying 'it's not real' for both arguments. Hehe, I can't wait to get my hands on one (even if it means buying it from a user). Rare colours rock, especially this one since it's something I've wanted to see for a while now. ^^

-waiting patiently for the glade lasirus- =)


I didnt even have a chance at the everyday one atall >.>
Also i live in england and times are diffrent here... so im likely to miss them >; But ill give it a chance ;3


O.o everyone's so hostile over this new rule. I understand it might make it harder to get, but you need to realize its brand new and there will be plenty of chances to make your pet Glade. Anyway it looks like people have figured out when the Glade is open, so be patient. And people who are getting mad at others for complaining should stop. It's unnecessary to add fuel to the fire and everyone will just keep fighting :/


Oh, says pepsi, the grown up throwing a hissy fit over people complaining. No one's even complaining about the Glade stuff anymore, there's just you people whining about whiners. Hellooo, do you even read before typing that?


Yeesh, so many people getting so defensive.

I guess you'll all have to deal with the fact that Keith hates you personally and that his greatest pleasure in life is to make Subeta users suffer.


Shut the fuck up and quit whining on how 'hard' it is to get.

It's a PET which is a PIXEL which turns into an IMAGE.

You don't NEED it, so why complain? You all act like spoiled 4-year-olds at a Wal-Mart.

This is actually easy to get for something so great!

They could just have the stupid pitcher only be able to be bought for 50 dollars. WOULD THAT MAKE YOU HAPPY? c:

And another note: It's YOUR REPSONSIBLITY for these things:
1. Having the amount of tokens to buy it
2. Having a good timing and sP to buy it
3. Having a good time to be at the Glade.

You act like they need to adjust just so they can make it easy on you.
Well, get this: They can, but they won't.



*sigh* what you don't get is that you are yourselves complaining likes mall childs, Tennyo and dracos_hogwarts. You're whining over whiners. Get a grip and stop being a hipocrite, ffs.


i totally had my own little fit when i missed the very first restock in the TS. but i think everyone needs to stop complaining, it's all getting very old.. so what if it's hard to get a Glade Pet? i think the Galactic Pets are just as hard, as well as the Hydrus Pets. shut your traps, and be patient.


I think people need to remember we are debating about PIXELS!


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">*shakes head* All of this is starting to make me not like Glade pets. I have a real life outside of Subeta, which includes a very active 3 year old son. I can't just sit around and try and restock ONE pitcher, much less try and be online during the one hour the Glade is open. And yes, I understand the potion can be bought, but I know people will jack up the price, making it harder on those who can't be online 24/7 to obtain potions. As cute as the Glade pets are, I think I'll stick with pets I can obtain easier.</blockquote>

Are we supposed to feel sorry for you? Should the staff hand you a free pitcher because you have an "active three year old son?"

We all have lives and other things going on in our lives. Today I missed a TS restock by only a half hour, and I've been sitting on over a thousand tokens in anticipation. Oops oh well, it will happen again.

No one is forcing you to play Subeta. You are here of your own volition. You wanting a Glade Pet is partially your own fault, and it's not like your life will end if you don't get one right now this very minute.

Besides, the pitchers have been out for what, a week now at most? Just be patient and stop throwing a fit like a small child.


Lake, Glade same thing


Just so everyone knows, the Peka Lake is open at 8am and 8pm <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


Wow I knew the glade closed but I didn't know when I went randomly like 20 min ago and it worked. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif" border="0" />


It's open! 8.02pm


The Glade Is Open Now


Yes Nacht, I am spoiled because I'm glad they released the pitchers. Way to make sense.
And kiruna... you seriously think what you're doing isn't bitching?

And yes I have spent real american dollars on the site, that makes me a customer, thank you.

Destiny, today it was open from 8:00 am to 8:59 am.


This has officially turned into a ridiculous debate. :3

User not found:

*sigh .....us poor people have it rough.....oh well WORK HARD!!! WAHAHAHA!!! I WILL GET THAT THINGY!! =3 a little overconfident...


Does anyone happen to know the time that the Glade opens up? I finally got a pitcher, now im waiting to fill it so that Mr.Jiggles can be painted Glade.


haha tfsr at least we know when we can get galactic pets =P


Um, we do realize that this is a potion that's kinda like, supposed to be rare, right? Not everyone will get it in the first week it's available... And, we don't even know what all species can be potioned!!! Why not chill for a few??
We <i>should</i> be glad that they see fit to grace us with such an awesome color, with a neat way to have to get it, when after all that work so many of us just bitch...


It has nothing to do with being spoiled, and yes the pitcher/water etc aren't actually being bought on site with real dollars but the comments were that playing Subeta is a privilege which it isn't esp when we pay real dollars to it,, it then becomes a business hence anything done on the site whether it be trading, buying with sp's is still a part of that business so there is no "privilege" however if you don't play buy the rules you can cease to be a customer of the site and speaking up for a service that you are buying and feel it is lacking is within your rights, has nothing to do with being spoiled,,


I can't even get a pitcher because I never have any token to use at the shop so it seems that this event is now null an void for those of us who have no token an can't possibly stay on line 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year, though it appears that some people are able to do that. (I have noticed it on other sites)

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<b>Quote By Jibrille:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">

Anyway they listened to us and released pitchers, so there, complaining was good for something. </blockquote>

wow..you must be very spoiled...


being as none of us are paying for the pitcher/potion/water, yes, that does make it a privilege and they can distribute it however they please. lulz

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The "only people who will get it are in Subeta's timezone" argument's rather week. I have Subeta's timezone and I miss out like more than half of token shop restocks/other one-timey things. xD Just because Keith posts at 1 am doesn't mean that everyone on the east coast is awake at that time and on subeta.

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what in the world?? when is twice daily???!!!


Well good. Wonderful rare things should be rare. It's a potion. It shouldn't be the easiest thing to get.
Way to go Sebastian, you fictional, pixerlated man you. Rawr. ;D


What you don't understand is, not all of us can stay online ALL DAY checking if it's open, or get up at the wee hours of the morning when it most likely is, since thats when subeta always releases things. Some people work, go to school, etc, and have to get their sleep. It was hard enough to get this thing (or ANYTHING in the token shop), why make it harder?
It's stupid to use the excuse that you need to 'protect' it. It's not real. Its a picture made of combined pixels. If every person on this site visited it, it wouldn't do any harm, because its NOT REAL.

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tsfr, your points have already been pointed and discussed out - there's no need for you to bash on those who were able to critizise constructively (you should try it, it's nice, but you'll feel bad afterwards, cause you've criticized something you love - its much easier und more fun to pick on the unhappy, isn't it?!)


It's more funny how people are BAWWWWing over people bawing *giggles* whiteknighting much?


However, if they left it open 24/7, it'd probably give the staff a chance for some plot where the lake gets infected and all the glade pets turn into diseased things and the glade's closed permanently.

Then we'd still bitch and whine. But for other reasons!


Oh, wow, you guys. Seriously?

It's a new potion. <strong>That's why it's hard to get.</strong> You don't need to get these pets AS SOON AS THEY COME OUT. They aren't limited-time pets. They'll be around in a month, two, three. And maybe the glade potions'll become a little more abundant on the site as people get their fills and start selling rather than using. Aching for instant gratification rots your teeth and gives you cavities, kids.

It's funny you guys are BAWWWing about the fact that we only get two hours a day to get them. If you want a galactic pet, you've got to wait a fucking month.

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"I'm sorry but Some people are just ridiculous!!! I think this is great. We save a beautiful place and yet still have some access to it. I am so glad that it isn't closing completely!!!! Thank you Keith for letting us have some time in this beautiful spring!!!" It's a cartoon picture there's no threat to a virtual picture.


Lol @ the "Subeta is a priviledge not a right" comments. I spent a whole lot of REAL MONEY on it, so it's a business, tyvm. *cough*whiteknights*coughs*
Anyway they listened to us and released pitchers, so there, complaining was good for something.

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Actually Meow, the only potion i've seen in the magic shop, is the marsh one


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">i think glade potion is the most easy potion to get...
i mean.. is there any other potion that RESTOCKS at a MAIN SHOP???

Actually Natch; Reborn, Bloodred, Spectrum, Graveyard and so on all stock at the Magic Box, which is a Main Shop. XD

I think the only potions that don't are Marsh and Nightmare?


I'm sorry but Some people are just ridiculous!!! I think this is great. We save a beautiful place and yet still have some access to it. I am so glad that it isn't closing completely!!!! Thank you Keith for letting us have some time in this beautiful spring!!!

User not found:

and yes.. that's the actual face all your complains make me do ----->

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i think glade potion is the most easy potion to get...
i mean.. is there any other potion that RESTOCKS at a MAIN SHOP???

plus, the fact that the lake will only open 2 times a day has NOTHING to do with getting the pitcher...


Subeta isn't a privilege, its a business,, if you are paying for something its is a service or a product, whether its a pixel or material and when you pay for something you have the right to complain if the product or service is lacking,



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Super weak! Why don't they just make it a little harder to change your pet? Oh wait they probably will. This event has just gotten officially ridiculous.


The harder is smth to get - the more you treasure it.
That's all I'm gonna say.


Everyone needs to calm the heck down. Its not that hard to just stop by the glade once an hour, especially if you have the pitcher and want to get the potion. Really.
Im getting fed up with the complaining, youre all acting like spoiled brats. Maybe its getting to that time when you should get off the computer and /actually/ go outside, instead of bitching over the fact that you can only go there twice a day.

Sure you have the right to complain, but enough is enough. As someone said before, Subeta is a privilege, not a right, which is one of the reasons why if you get frozen you cant make a new account.
Two hours a day isn't that insane, perhaps you should think about what youre about to bitch about before opening your mouth. It makes you sound silly, to say the least.

I think this is a great idea. Its a beautiful color.

User not found:

Impudence! >:U We want our lake back!! *throws a rotten tomato*


*shakes head* All of this is starting to make me not like Glade pets. I have a real life outside of Subeta, which includes a very active 3 year old son. I can't just sit around and try and restock ONE pitcher, much less try and be online during the one hour the Glade is open. And yes, I understand the potion can be bought, but I know people will jack up the price, making it harder on those who can't be online 24/7 to obtain potions. As cute as the Glade pets are, I think I'll stick with pets I can obtain easier.


yes Vespera - the potion is what you make when you fill the pitcher at the springs

it seems the glade is opened for an hour when it is opened


I kinda foreseen there being another stipulation after Vesnali ends. It does add to the specialness of the potion in some sense making it such a rare thing, but is unfair to those outside of the timezones.

I don't however thing it's okay for people to bash others who are disappointed. It's okay to not like something and express that you don't. Some could do it in a little more mature fashion, but when you're upset things tend to come out frantic.


Glade was still open at 8:34 am subeta time .. so it stays open for an hour?


To be honest, I think the fact that it's only open twice a day seems to be the least of your worries if you're trying to get a potion, considering how hard they seem to be to restock (for most people I've talked to anyway) and the fact that they'll be going up in rarity soon. :3

I'm sure the glade will open at times that are convenient for people in any time zone, and even if you have trouble getting on during the week due to other commitments, then there's always the weekend. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />

I kind of would have expected maybe an hour twice a week or something to make it even harder. xD Or one day a month, though I guess that's a little too similar to Galactic. Anyway, I don't have a problem with this. Working for the pet is half the fun? xD

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Well, for all those who are complaining... I haven't gotten a pitcher yet, so I could be wrong, but once it's filled by someone doesn't it become the "Glade Potion" which people can then sell? Yeah, it's probably more expensive than finding a pitcher and filling it yourself, but if you really can't get online at the time when the glade is open, then couldn't you just buy an already filled pitcher? *shrug* Perhaps I'm mistaken...


The Glade is open now ----- 8:00am Subeta Time

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Well, Peka Glade is open at the moment...I'd be glad if it was each day at this time... *different timezone*


all I hear is "waaaahhhh I can't get an item that's meant to be rare, wahhhhh"


People have the right to have an opinion, even if it is a negative one. If you don't like them, don't read them. No need to be rude.
And I deeply apologise for having a real life that doesn't let me log on anytime I want to, or not living in the same time zone as Subeta. What a horrible person I am indeed, shame on me.


Haha, I think I would have to first worry about getting a pitcher than getting into the Glade at the right time. ^^;


I love how it never occurs to the people going HOW DARE YOU COMPLAIN YOU UNGRATEFUL BRATS! that they're doing just as much pissing and moaning as what they're complaining about.

Oh no, people have an opinion, I better insult those little brats!

Pretty easy to tell who the players without outside commitments are too, given the "well, just get online no matter what time it is!" responses that come up in response to everything ever.

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Wow thats reduced my chances of getting one.. oh well..


So.... Is there a set time for it, or is it totally random? Either way, I have no chance in hell for one.


People are only complaining because they're afraid that because they aren't in Subeta's timezone, they won't be able to actually GET the damn potion.

What's worse than the complainers are the people who act like they know everything, and yell at them. It's hard being in other timezones, and when you want a pet glade, this is just frustrating.

So just stop fighting and admire the pretty artwork.

User not found:

The issue isn't that twice a day is inconvenient (as others have said, twice a month is pretty damn inconvenient, but I have my Galactic pet anyways), it's that it's inconvenient for anyone outside of Subeta's timezone. Subeta time is not far off my own, and yet I'm still willing to bet I won't ever be available at whatever specific times are set, with work and school. It's just TOO specific. It would be a lot more accommodating if it were, say, only open on Wednesdays and Sundays or something silly like that. At least that way, no one would be shafted for what timezone they're in.


Thanks for the lovely new colour <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" /> Hopefully the times will be random each day, so they suit people from all time zones <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif" border="0" />


"How about we put Phoenix and Emma in the battle coliseum so we can beat them up" -
NICE idea! i'd love that. ^^

while it sounds logic i realy hope the times arn't unlucky for me (and most others) - "Just get your ass online when it's open." - and when you're at work on thoose times? risk to get fired (if it comes to worst)? great way to go!! not everyone has sparetime (or a pc at all) on weekends either.


Now we have a super rare color besides angelic, that's quite fine with me. ^^ I just hope that one of those times when you can visit the glade is one where I'm actually awake. XD


Oh my God. Why is everyone being so uptight?

You can still make your pet glade at that certain time of the day. Just get your ass online when it's open.



Oh, come on. The Glade Potion is hard enough to get as it is, but making a time limit on how long the place stays open?

I was with you at first, because you were just trying to keep the potion rare, but this is just annoying. :c


... with this color?

<img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" /> Subeta cut my message. ;_;


Um. Am I the only one who isn't <i>fascinated</i> with this color? I think it's beautiful, but uh, just not tempted here. >_>


I really don't understand why people are making a fuss over this recent development. So the glade is only open for a limited time per day, so what? It takes only a couple of minutes to dip your pitcher in and make a potion. If I really wanted a glade pet, I wouldn't care if the glade were only open at 4am...I'd haul my ass out of bed, make the damn potion, and go back to sleep knowing that I wouldn't have to bother with that again. Also, it's a NEW item. Yes, the rarity will increase but there's still a chance that you can zap your pet glade or win the pitcher from a quest. If it were a "common" colour that came in elixir format and restocked at the magic shop I don't care how pretty the art is, people wouldn't be nearly as excited. The fact that it's rare is what is making most people crazy to begin with.
I don't know where Keith gets his patience....if it were me I'd ban all the complainers and tell them to get the f- off my site. But I guess that's why I'll never run a successful website <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif" border="0" />


This is fine with me, so long as different time zones are taken into account. I mean, it's not like it's going to be once every few months or whatever. And I like how Emma's plot ties in with everything.

However, I can understand why some people are complaining, and I don't think they should be insulted for complaining, unless they are insulting in their complaints.


Posted by Feel

Holy loveing CRAP.
Could getting a glade pet be ANY HARDER!?

Yes, they could make it much harder

User not found:

Holy fucking CRAP.
Could getting a glade pet be ANY HARDER!?


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">And btw I think people have a right to complain (if they have, that is, cba to read 200 coments rofl) 'cause I think it's unfair to change the rule *now* after so many people have got a glade pet any time they want, and besides the rarity of the pitcher's rare enough as it is, and the rarity is still going to GO UP, I just don't see why it has to be made even rarer o.o</blockquote>

But we were told a few days to a week (can't remember exactly) that Emma was petitioning to protect the Glade so that too many people aren't there all the time. We knew this was coming.

And no you don't have the right to complain. Subeta is a privilege, not a right. Just be thankful for what you do have instead of griping about what you don't.


Cool. As long as it's open, I'm happy.
I just have to spend a little time looking out for when it's open. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">Based on the fact that there are no Pitchers or Potions for sale at the time of writing this, and the rarity will soon be going any higher, I personally feel that there aren't enough Glade potions out.
What's the point of releasing such an utterly amazing new color and rapidly releasing a bunch of them if there simply isn't any supply?</blockquote>

My sentiments exactly.


I truely hope that the open hours are spread so everybody in the WHOLE world has a fair chance to get there! If so, this rule is fine by me! If not, that would be ... uhh ... well ... fucked up really!


...Sebastian is ugly. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/smiley_xface.gif" border="0" />


No complaining for me, if it's in a time of day for me too, thats nice.otherwise i ask a very lovely friend on the other side of the world to make me one. i'm glad we got such a gorgouse color and another opertunity on getting nice pets. So thank you Keith


Bah. As long as those two hours aren't rediculous times for me (like say 12 PM subeta time... which is 1AM for me I think)

And btw I think people have a right to complain (if they have, that is, cba to read 200 coments rofl) 'cause I think it's unfair to change the rule *now* after so many people have got a glade pet any time they want, and besides the rarity of the pitcher's rare enough as it is, and the rarity is still going to GO UP, I just don't see why it has to be made even rarer o.o

...Unless the point of the Glade pet is to be even rarer than Angelic pets? Then I think y'all doing a great job :3


Hopefully, 1 hour will be in the night and one in the day (although night here is day for me)


Thankfully, I don't even want one anymore. Maybe in a few months I'll feel differently, but all the bitching and hell raising surrounding this lovely new color has turned me off of it.


<b>Quote By Carol:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">

We are TRULY the generation of instant gratification. My GOODNESS.</blockquote>

Yeah isn't it sad? Spoiled, spoiled, spoiled so many people are. Their parents probably never told them no.


I love this rule. I think it's great. I mean, hell, we've got a new Glade potion. We are able to get the pets what color we want.. I think it's perfect. So what if it's 2hrs a day? We're going to be members of Subeta for a long time.. And with that being said, everyone will eventually be able to own a Glade pet of their choosing. Stop the whining.. It's very immature. Be thankful for what we do have. :3


<quote>It's unfair if the hours that it's open is midnight, 1 pm-3 pm for the other people! </quote>

Like me. My mom will kill me if I stayed up that late just to get a Glade pet >< I mean, can't it just be every random 2 hours a day or so?


And probably those 2 hours will be somewhere in the hours my mom forbids me to use the computer. Great... Just great. If it's gonna be the same time everyday, I'm gonna go berserk.

Hmm... *Mouses over the Ornate Floral Pitcher*
No Rarity, No Official Price, No Average price?
What's going to happen now with it?

User not found:


It's unfair if the hours that it's open is midnight, 1 pm-3 pm for the other people!

User not found:

ugh!! this really bugs me!!!
i just can't stand that sebastian pic..
calling all revamp masters!
<img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif" border="0" />

User not found:

I'm not even sure why it's such a big deal the spring is limited anyway. If you've got a pitcher, all you have to do is wait for the timing of the Glade to get the potion. That's not as difficult as getting the pitcher in the first place. It's just a little time.


I don't know why you guys are complaining so much - you can only get galactic pets twice a month - and these ones are available twice a <strong>day</strong>. Hydrus pets you have to complete a map - then a quest. And the potions that restock in the TS only do so very, very rarely. Right now the vases are showing up all over the place - in seedlings, in the TS, and with several different questers. I don't think they're being stingy at all. I really want a potion, but I'm certainly willing to wait for it.


'm just glad he put pants on. It's hard to take someone seriously when their naughty bits are a-wavin' in the breeze.


twice daily means "when Alska's not here" <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif" border="0" />

I always miss restocks lol!!!!


We are TRULY the generation of instant gratification. My GOODNESS.


"that face looks alien XD"

Sooo.. we shouldn't wait for Ornate Floral Pitchers at the TS for awhile? because i really need a break of checking it xd


I dont get it.
Can someone clarify what it means by,"Twice daily"?


Sebastian Phoenix needs a revamp, that face looks alien XD


I'm sorry guys, I'm not really one to complain and I'm not trying to be greedy or whiny. But I'm just a little frustrated since I first spent several million on the bottles that didn't work, spent 5 hours straight refreshing the Token shop and still managed to miss all the restocks, and when I finally resolved to just save up for the potion there aren't even any in shops. The possibility of restocking or questing one is very slim. Of course I don't expect them to be handed out, and I really appreciate everything the staff does for us, the new color is amazing! But maybe a few more in circulation wouldn't hurt, at least some in shops would give hope that we could save up for them, you know? =)


I HAVE A SWOLLEN ANKLE AND I'M PREGNANT i can haz free potion nao?

Seriously though, I LOOOOVE the Glade pets and I can't wait to own one... but I refuse to fork out 30mil sP or however much cash for a Miracle Potion. I'll stalk Seedlings and do Wizard Quests.


i like they ads here .. user supported and no virus scripts in them! What an AWESOME idea .. and we CAN get great stuff for free here .. we just gotta work for it .. better than paying!


Hmm...I sense this will make Calvin Blackmoon more popular in the next restock war. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif" border="0" />


Which pet site makes you pay? o.o none that i know of.


It's a free site, with no ads, like a lot of the pet sites. Keith and staff try to make everyone happy, but yet people complain about everything. Be happy we donb't have ads or this becomes a pay to play site.

Save your Sp, buy a miracle potion or the Glade potion and quit complaining.


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">I think that enough are getting out right now, that it's not really needed to make another give another method of having them out.</blockquote>

Based on the fact that there are no Pitchers or Potions for sale at the time of writing this, and the rarity will soon be going any higher, I personally feel that there aren't enough Glade potions out.
What's the point of releasing such an utterly amazing new color and rapidly releasing a bunch of them if there simply isn't any supply?

I don't mind spending money on my pets, as evidence by their paint jobs and the fact that I have 20. However I'd at least like to be able to purchase the potion. Why not stick it into the MC for 50mill or whatever if you want it to cost that much.




I'm not saying anyone is greedy, I totally think that this is an amazing color, I'd be wanting one too <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif" border="0" />

I think that enough are getting out right now, that it's not really needed to make another give another method of having them out.


What would be nice is if they posted park hours. Like a real protected park.


everytime I go by this post I go "bishonen eyyyes"


*shakes fist* I'll get you next time...


... they are open to a time, when no ones online right xD?
whateva .. i love the new pets and i will get some of them. I KNEW!!! but... well, it doesn't metter how often they the glades are open.. because I don't have any potion or pitcher or something xD so ... doesn't matter at all


ah, I'm not complaining, it's all in fun as far as I'm concerned. It just shows what a great success the new pets are, the Subeta Team worked hard on them and it shows. I love them all, but the Glade pets are my favorite.


Maybe the times will be morning and night? that would be nice


Maybe the times will be morning and night? that would be nice


Stop complaining about people complaining first <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif" border="0" />


Glad I'm not worrying for now about Glade Potions or pets. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" /> Nice idea, tho, Sebastian.


S'kinda weird for people to be freaking out over this. I mean, it's not like the potions are going anywhere. They'll be around. You can get 'em from the lottery and quests and various other places. Plus, some colors are always going to be rarer than others. It's just the way it is. If you really want the color now, sit tight with your sp and save it. Otherwise, wait. Stuff like this takes time and effort to create. It's not like ideas like this just poof out of thin air and then just happen.

But maybe it's just me because I came from Neopets, which was absolutely awful, and there it can take years to get a color that you want. Here sp is relatively easy to make. :/ So I guess that's all I can say. Stop complaining. Especially about the bottles, no one ever said they were for the glade pets.


Well I have my pitcher but even though I LOVE the glade pets- I'm a HA junkie and when I think of ALL the wearables I good get if I sold my pitcher... I really need to see the glade Sheeta. Oh Keith can we have HINT when the glade is open? For some reason my hubby isnt sympathetic when he gets no dinner because I'm refreshing the token shop or waiting for imaginary springs to open...go figure! <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif" border="0" />


thank you Chix0r! i don't have much luck with the token shop restock but maybe some day i'll catch it <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif" border="0" />


Ohh... And the Vesnali plot thickens. o: For the record, I think it's a neat idea. Anyone know at what times it's open?


yes, you have to take it to Peka Glade to get it filled with water <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" /> Then it turns in to a Glade Potion <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


just a idea but maybe the bottles that we filled with the water (that everyone thinks was a joke) in the future will be the way to fill the pitchers maybe combine at Asmodeus lab


do the pitchers in the token shop guarantee a glade potion?


Yeah but you can't play tricks on your users and not want to get whiny people afterwards, wth ¬¬' Those were on purpose and you know it. So while everyone has to "deal with it" wishing for a potion, well you're gonna have to "deal with it" about people whining too. You can't do something like this and not expect people to whine, that's unrealistic. Same thing happened last month at another website with pet releases, but nevermind.


... SEBASTIAN! :3 *fangirls wildly*

Anywho. Seems like a good development to me. It's best to not have the market saturated with them


And for the record, people are allowed to give their thoughts or opinions without necessarily being greedy <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif" border="0" /> I don't get how people saying they wish a few more potions were being put out into the system are any more 'greedy' than the few people who DO have them asking for 50 million. Part of what makes Subeta so great is the staff is willing to listen to users, learn from them, and sometimes use their ideas. Not everyone has to always post about how great Subeta is to appreciate the site.


yuppers jessibean <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" /> And that was awesome you were gifted yours xox


A few hundred isn't really what I'd consider a large amount, especially when a regular potion restock stocks a few hundred sometimes twice a day when they do restock. No one's asking you to hand them out, I think (Well, I'm sure some people are ;P I'm not one of them). But supplementing the supply certainly wouldn't hurt. Sure, it'll deflate - but considering there were what, 5 that restocked in the seedlings shop in a 24-36 hour period (might have been longer, actually, I don't remember), it won't be any time soon - really any time feasible.

Not that I expect you to listen to me. Just getting my two cents out. It's kind of sad we have this beautiful color that everyone wants and only a select few rich people are able to get the potions - I only managed to get mine because it was gifted to me by Lindsey, even.


<b>Quote By HPY:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">
I can not believe how greedy and pathetic you all sound. Why can you not appreciate the fact that we even get a new potion. Yes I have 1 played many wiz quests to get it. I missed token shop I cannot afford it right now. I got lucky. I for one was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth in real life. Would it be any fun if you got everything you wanyed? what are goals for. Be respectful, thank keith and the staff, the artists. All work hard for your entertainment. sssshhhheeeeesssshhhhh</blockquote>

My grandmother had a name for all those of you whining... ungrateful wretch!

It's supposed to be rare, right? So, this is a fair way of keeping it rare, but letting everyone have a little chance. I think it's great. I LOVE the new Legeica, but I'm not in any hurry. It will all be figured out in time. I for one, am NOT bitching!

P.S. I don't have a pitcher, or a miracle potion, or any other way of turning my pet Glade, ATM.


This will make it very interesting and hard to get the pet, BUT, it'll make it so much more rewarding when I get it =3 Maybe once the craze settles down and /if/ they release more pets in the Glade color things will calm down and they'll un-limit it (: Who knows


Will it be set times that it is open or will people have to rush for the random openings?


I think it's kinda cool that the colour's going to be kept a bit rarer. At least for a while. Not everything is easy to achieve, those of you whining. x_x;; If this whole game was easy, people would get bored quick. The potion costs a lot, yes. If you're desperate for it, start saving instead of complaining? =/


...My luck with this has been unimaginable. I'm so glad I didn't hesitate and wait for other species...

User not found:

and i just won't understand why the visits to springs had to be limited right now. (no, i'm not really after the pets, my head's just humming)
it was a little much for one week. so maybe others are as exhausted as i am, or everybody is.
either way.. good night =)


Well i thought it was to 2 ppl per day, i was like "woah" meh what ever, i just cant wait to snatch one up ;P


It's just that the rabid Achievements folk that have been buying up all of the pitchers that were for sale, since you have to fill the pitcher yourself to get the Achievement. It will calm back down soon... I think... XD


It's open to everyone, two hours a day, pretty sure


We don't ALL sound greedy and pathetic ....

Can someone set me straight, its only the floral pitcher that holds the water we need correct?


Hey, that's better than I thought. I thought it would be restricted to Vesnali! 8D YAY.


When a place ceases to be fun and begins to feel like work.. it's not a good thing. As awesome as the new color is.. this is drenched in lame sauce *shrugs* just one person's opinion. agree..disagree.. no matter


I agree with HPY. We just had a really fun event and got a new colour released. Come on guys, lighten up a bit. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy_sweatdrop.gif" border="0" />


Wait, does this mean it's open to EVERYONE who has the pitcher twice a day? Or only open to two PEOPLE per day? I'm confused :/ If it's the latter, that sucks... if it's the former, then it makes sense I think. If there's only a max of two possible potions being created per day even if someone restocks a pitcher then that's crappy <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif" border="0" />


thanks sebastien and keith for all this info. now i`m really glad i dished out 43mil for the miracle potion. i dont mind at all. at least now i have one glade pet.


I can not believe how greedy and pathetic you all sound. Why can you not appreciate the fact that we even get a new potion. Yes I have 1 played many wiz quests to get it. I missed token shop I cannot afford it right now. I got lucky. I for one was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth in real life. Would it be any fun if you got everything you wanyed? what are goals for. Be respectful, thank keith and the staff, the artists. All work hard for your entertainment. sssshhhheeeeesssshhhhh


Oh... I didn't even know you could visit it before, lol! I wonder what it looks like...


<b>Quote By Jibrille:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">

I was thinking, stocking them in the TS -without- tricking people into getting other things first so they can't get the pitcher? I've been stalking Seedlings along with a bunch of people, I've never seen even one of those Glass bottles that tricked everyone into spending millions for nothing.</blockquote>

lol Those other glass bottles don't stock in seedlings. They stock in the Home Appliances store I think it was.


Jibrille are you talking about those glass bottles?
Yeah I would like to know what the point was for those bottles..feeding purposes or?.. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/smiley_xface.gif" border="0" />


I am with Tche-- I am a total plant person and would love to have a pet of this colour.. but for me, I am just waiting it out, like I have learned to do with most new releases.. I didnt know we could zap our pet this color either.. thats a great idea!
And shoot, I just notice the lottery has the potion!! *runs to play*


argh. I was waiting for more pets to be available, as I'm not sure which I will want to be Glade...so I had tossed the pitcher in my vault without filling it first. Now I'll have to play tag for it. *sigh*


<b>Quote By Keith:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">Even though, once the times are found out, it's really not that bad.

And you're totally right, it's only been out for less than a week. I really don't see why everyone has to have the first glade pet, and if you are that commited to your pet colors, you shouldn't feel bad shelling out 40,000,000sP for a potion.

Otherwise, there are over 100 unused pitchers in inventories right now, 200 potions in inventories, and over 200 glade pets. So the amount of glade potions doesn't seem to be too scarce. </blockquote>

I agree with this. Come on peeps, prices will drop as time goes by. I had to wait a while for a Galactic pet, but I didn't complain, and now I have one. Also I've been wanting to save up for a nighmare potion but can I afford it? Nope, but oh well, one day.

Just everyone chill out. You'll get your potion some day. Besides, this is a game. If everything was easy then there would be no challenge, no fun. There would be no special feeling for finally being able to obtain something, or getting your hands on a rare expensive item that you know others want but can't get yet.

Also the glade will still be open twice a day. I was expecting less than that, so I'm happy. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


I'm sorry Tche, but those tricks WERE mean, even for us with a sense of humor =/


Well said Tche <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />
As for those who are complaining, can you stop being so anal about the whole matter?
I mean really, dont you want the color to be -somewhat- rare?
We dont want them to be handed out, cause then it would ruin the fun.
All you need is patience, its the key. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif" border="0" />


I was replying to some one else.


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">
At the Token Shop...none have been stocked today</blockquote>

Keith is talking about Seedlings, pretty sure.


So basically, if you want the pet, pay the cash <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif" border="0" />


I was thinking, stocking them in the TS -without- tricking people into getting other things first so they can't get the pitcher? I've been stalking Seedlings along with a bunch of people, I've never seen even one of those Glass bottles that tricked everyone into spending millions for nothing.


At the Token Shop...none have been stocked today


Guys, guys, guys.

The color was released earlier this week, and won't retire anytime soon. It can still be zapped, can still be gotten via Miracle Potion, and you can quest / restock the Pitcher still. Plus, it has restocked in the Token Shop (Pitcher again)

This is really similar to r99 potions, such as Spectrum and Nightmare.

Yes, it may seem unfair because it is difficult to get one RIGHT NOW. But, it always has been hard to get a new color RIGHT NOW, at its release. There was a really small number of Nightmare Potions released, at first (500 as well, if I remember well) via TS.

It's not mean. It's the way it is, for everyone. Including us on staff.

Everything new sells for a lot of money. If you're unwilling to pay that much, wait, and it will deflate

User not found:

ah, do the pitchers finally restock?


We can get them from quests.. oh cool!


Where do the Pitchers restock???? I think i missed that.


HEY KEITH, if youre reading;
Do the pitchers still stock in Seedlings?
And are they vendable?


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">
And you're totally right, it's only been out for less than a week. I really don't see why everyone has to have the first glade pet, and if you are that commited to your pet colors, you shouldn't feel bad shelling out 40,000,000sP for a potion.</blockquote>

If someone -REALLY- wanted a glade pet, the prices in the shops are manageable. But knowing that the pitchers are only r.80, and that a few hundred were available in the TS, makes it frustrating because they are/were cheaper to get.

I definitely agree that people need to be patient (since we all like instant gratification), but it is difficult to be patient when there's so many pets being released X-x. So say you have someone who likes koras, and someone else who likes legeicas.. well both groups will want these potions. And the more species you release, the more people will want them. Add the number of users who want pets, to the number of collectors who want these potions for their galleries, and a few hundred potions hardly seems like enough :s


For those of you complaining, you are aware that you don't get Ornate Floral Pitchers from Peka Glade right? They restock at Seedlings and come from quests too. The limiting of Peka Glade would have almost no bearing on the circulation of pitchers on the site, just that you might have to wait a day to convert it into Glade Potion form.


Maybe release them more in the TS? xox


well getting the bottles through quests is a good idea yes at least i have chance there thanks byt what quests????????????


@ Keith - 40mil for a potion? Nope. No way. I hope they do come down in price despite the limits on supply, otherwise glade pets will be reserved for the truly hardcore players.


So we should hand them out? I'm not sure what else you want us to do.

They're restocking, you can get them from quests, and we even supplemented a really large amount into the system <strong>just</strong> because a ton of them weren't getting out from those venues.


I agree with BitterLimeParakeet.


Of course I wouldn't feel bad about having to spend 40 mil on a potion. If I ever had that kind of sP. WTF Subeta. The only one I saw on shops was for 50 mil.
Unused pitchers and potions in inventories aren't helping anyone if none are for sale ¬¬' It's the same as having ZERO potions.




...thank goodness I have my Glade Potion...*puts it in Jip's treasure* guard it, good girl... O_O


But, you have to understand, I need two pitchers for my Potions gallery, two for my Flowers gallery, (so I can have a before and after) and one to use. When you take into account collectors, there are not nearly enough out yet ... (mine, mine my precious, mine)


That many in inventories is great for those who already have them, but there aren't even any in shops right now, very frustrating for the rest of us. =(


Eh, that's annoying I guess, but it would be worth it if some more pitchers were stocked.


*clap* Yeah!!!!


Still Keith, how many unique visitors does Subeta get per day? I know lately there's about ~1500 people on at a time but obviously more than that play. So roughly ~500 potions have been released for how many unique users? It just seems a little stingy. Even stingier than normal for Subeta.


@Keith: And how many of those vases and potions belong to 'unique' users. Meaning, how many users have these potions and vases?


The wizard gave me mine!!! trying to decide what pet I want to change.. good luck to all of you




*cough* release <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif" border="0" />


Because making a Glade Potion needed to be harder, right.


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">
xD Normally I'm irritated by people who baww over things they can't get, but for once I agree agree with the users. This new potion was -just- released. It's annoying when you're online and miss the pitcher because it was released after you bought something else. And the pitchers have only been released for a day, and there's already a limit on when you can get it.. Even the nuclear pets don't have a limit of when you can go to asmodeous.

Even though, once the times are found out, it's really not that bad. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif" border="0" />

And you're totally right, it's only been out for less than a week. I really don't see why everyone has to have the <strong>first</strong> glade pet, and if you are that commited to your pet colors, you shouldn't feel bad shelling out 40,000,000sP for a potion.

Otherwise, there are over 100 unused pitchers in inventories right now, 200 potions in inventories, and over 200 glade pets. So the amount of glade potions doesn't seem to be <u>too</u> scarce. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif" border="0" />


Wait, what? Naked? Where? *confused*


Ok I did not read every post . However you are all assuming it will be specific times. Maybe If we all say Pretty Please they will make it. 2 times a day does not matter when but only 2 times a day??? Sounds like a plan 2 me. makes everyone happy


<b>Quote By AeriaLure:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">xD Normally I'm irritated by people who baww over things they can't get, but for once I agree agree with the users. This new potion was -just- released. It's annoying when you're online and miss the pitcher because it was released after you bought something else. And the pitchers have only been released for a day, and there's already a limit on when you can get it.. Even the nuclear pets don't have a limit of when you can go to asmodeous.

How about we put Phoenix and Emma in the battle coliseum so we can beat them up</blockquote>

And be sure to make them EXTREMELY and ANNOYINGLY easy.
Mwhahaha! Why do we need a chancellor anyways?

User not found:

that sounds like a good Idea to me. but I hope it can be 2 SET hours a day, not random or varying from day to day




<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">Posted by lamby

Just use a miracle potion. Is the real reason you limited the glad so people will buy those in the CS? </blockquote>

Not quite -- It doesn't really add a new level of difficulty or anything. You need the pitcher to go to the glade anyway. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">T.T Now I'll never get to the glade, or get a potion, or even have enough money for that vase. </blockquote>

xD Normally I'm irritated by people who baww over things they can't get, but for once I agree agree with the users. This new potion was -just- released. It's annoying when you're online and miss the pitcher because it was released after you bought something else. And the pitchers have only been released for a day, and there's already a limit on when you can get it.. Even the nuclear pets don't have a limit of when you can go to asmodeous.

How about we put Phoenix and Emma in the battle coliseum so we can beat them up <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif" border="0" />


Will there be some sort of sign at the Glades posting the times perhaps? Maybe with the hours for the following day or some such thing? Or will it be totally random? O_o


Aside from the unnerving naked Sebastian ... I think this is a very good idea. Not everything should be shit easy to get.


Hopefully it's two back to back set hours of the day and not two random hours of the day. I also want there to be other ways besides the token shop to get these pitchers. I really wanted a glade Kerubi. :


I have no idea why my comments posted blank.

Anyway, I don't see how this would be such a huge problem since I can't find a pitcher anyway.


aww... I'll miss being able to visit it whenever I pleased!

I'm still trying to figure out what pitchers work, but now I know I have to get really serious 'cause I'll only have 2 attempts a day! ò_ó


Um..okay then. That didn;t really help.


Lol, bye bye chances of getting a Glade pet. xDD


Now that's sounds good.....Fair<img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


<b>Quote By KITSUN3:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">Thanks a lot for not helping.</blockquote>

I think what she means here is, "Thanks so much for looking out for our wonderful planet".


Just use a miracle potion. Is the real reason you limited the glad so people will buy those in the CS?


hmmm,yupp. No chance of getting a pretty pet now. x3


Naked news posters 'arches eyebrow'

What were YOU doing in the glade hmmm ?

'backs away slowly'


You can visit 2 hours out of the day... The question is, what two hours? Perhaps its random every day? Or maybe its the same.


more Pitcher, please <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" />

User not found:

Two a day. You should at least make it possible for people to at least get to visit from different time zones. :c


Thanks for the achievement... no thanks for taxing me xD

Sounds good- it's best for the surrounding areas to remain undeveloped. Wouldn't want explorers trying to pick all the Blood Lilies, now, would we?


Well, it is evidently open for an hour, twice a day, so if you check every hour, you should be able to figure out the times.


Thanks a lot for not helping.
T.T Now I'll never get to the glade, or get a potion, or even have enough money for that vase.


2 a day, huh?? I'd be happy to be able to visit once!
*is confused*


*sigh* oh well, it's not like I'll ever get one of the pitchers anyhow. =(


Hey, at first I read that as "twice YEARLY," so twice a day isn't too bad. I'm still irritated that I saw the pitcher in the token shop but wasn't able to buy it, though...


aw darn.
when i read it i thought we could go twice a day at any time...now its going to be even harder to get a potion Dx

[NPC] Emma

Oh, thank you mister Phoenix. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" /> I know we all understand and appreciate the desire to bottle some of the amazing water for our own pets, but I do believe we need to honor and preserve Peka Glade.


That's a cool idea though! But what hours is it open?


Ah that makes things fair ^^ gotta keep that place nice and clean!


The glade is only open for two hours each day, as made into law by Sebastian Phoenix. Sadly, you seem to have missed one of the open points.


I like the idea. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" /> Like the MC where you can only purchase an item every so often or the TS which is one item (when stocked) every 12 hours. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


wow thats very convenient but where is the place?? i dont see it on the "explore" section ?? :S


As if the potion weren't already difficult to obtain...well at worst the Miracle potion is bound to work, isn't it?


Can we use other containers to make glade potions now?


I was expecting something like this, but I figured it'd be a lot less often


So we can only visit twice a day and its random? O_O?


Hum. I'm curious to know if the times will be random, or if it's the same time every day. It'd be neat (though frustrating sometimes, maybe. <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif" border="0" />) if they were random. And for how long is it open?


well that sucks x.x so is it two set hours or two random hours?


that's gonna be tough.....vase i can't even see to restock and an open area that's gonna be open only twice a day during times not posted that i'll probably end up being at work! dang it!!


And the schedule would be.....


Very responsable! Thanks! <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />

User not found:

0.o Awwww.

Oh well, I guess that's fair. Will we know what times though?!


Wow, cause THAT will help the potions be more in circulation and lower in price a bit!


What times I wonder...


Okay? xD


Sounds very responsible. Will it be a particular time, or can we just go 2 times at any time?


That's fine... at this rate I'll never rs a pitcher so it won't make any difference. -sigh-


will there be times?


hmm, since I have no way to hold the water...not much of a worry for me. ;P


*sigh* It's not like I'm ever going to get a potion anyways.


Bleh <img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" /> If only I could get the damn item needed to make my glade I'd be all set.

User not found:

Like two certain times? Or twice a day per person?


Fair if I knew what this meant. hahaha


Makes sense, but you can't help but wonder when the 2 times are.XD

User not found:

that should help balance things out and help to keep things kinda rare for a while!! Good idea!!




lol..man allot of people may be upset about this. Especially if they have to figure out what time of day it will be opened at.


er...same time every day?


<img src="http://images.subeta.net/smilies/6398_emoticon_shocked.gif" border="0" /> Okay.


Yeeaa? Well she hugs trees! I hug tree pets... I dunno. :3 fun flower event


sounds good to me.




Sounds fair.


makes sense, wouldn't want all the pretty flowers to be trampled




Well now ...


2 a day? Wow...


No wonder I saw you online in my buddy list. :p



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