Fluffy Muffin has a minion!
Stuffing the Dark Matter
Stuffing the Dark Matter
Fluffy Muffin
Legacy Name: Fluffy Muffin
The Darkmatter Magnus
Owner: bonita
Age: 12 years, 1 month, 2 weeks
Born: October 16th, 2012
Adopted: 12 years, 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Adopted: October 16th, 2012
- Level: 2,063
- Strength: 5,158
- Defense: 5,158
- Speed: 5,158
- Health: 5,155
- HP: 5,154/5,155
- Intelligence: 2,885
- Books Read: 2092
- Food Eaten: 10243
- Job: Director of SAI
Originally coded by: dreamsky
Edited (poorly) by:bonita
Story by Virus
Bonita, her mother, had hoped that if she battled she'd get mellow out and eat like a normal pet, ah but it seems she wanted something so bad and it kind of backfired, for you see all this battling only made FM even more hungry, wanting more and more food no matter what kind it was. If she could force it down and keep it down, you bet your bottom she wanted more of it in great droves. Funny thing is all that eating hadn't actually fattened her up, sure she has a belly on her and she can barely fly because of it but she wasn't by any means a two-tonne beast ready to be made into the world's largest beanbag chair. Probably has something to do with her battling prowess.
Maybe some day she can stop searching and put an ease on her mother's funds, though that seems highly unlikely at this point. Until that day comes though FM will keep cramming food into her mouth, being mostly ungrateful for the bounty she receives. She has no plans of stopping her battling either, how else could she possibly help Bonita fund her obsessions hmm?
Pet Treasure
Autumnal Matter
Heartbroken Matter
Darkmatter Blob Plushie
Dark Matter Crossing Road Sign
Darkmatter Magnus Plushie
Dark Confessions
Dark Matter Facts
Darkmatter Pet Care
A History of Dark Matter
The Prettiest Matter
The Truth about Matters
Malerias Dark Matter Plushie
The Oracles Dark Matter Plushie
Shinwas Dark Matter Plushie
Alien Matter
Beach Ball Matter
Bottled Dark Matter
Bottled Love Matter
Brain Matter
Cake Matter
Celebrating Dark Matter
Coal Matter
Costumed Matter
Dark Matter
Discordant Matter
Matter Imp
Darkmatter Neko
Darker Matter
Dust Matter
Envious Matter
Firework Matter
Frozen Matter
Gingerbread Matter
Holiday Dark Matter
Ink Matter
Light Matter
Love Matter
Malerias Dark Matter
Nuclear Matter
Particle Matter
Pilgrim Matter
Darkmatter Sugar Pixie
Pollen Matter
Pure Matter
Rave Matter
Reborn Matter
Rift Matter
Roiling Storm Matter
Skull Matter
Snow Matter
Snowflake Matter
Spark Matter
Spooky Matter
Springtime Dark Matter
Tainted Matter
Time Matter
Vampire Matter
Watercolor Matter
Angry Dark Matter Sticker
Annoyed Dark Matter Beanbag
Assorted Dark Matter Stickers
Dark Matter Love Sticker
Dark Matter Sticker
Darkmatter Imbued Crystal
Darkmatter Fruit
Darkmatter Pet Rock
Happy Dark Matter Sticker