
Hikaru has a minion!

Hoshi the Gustiss


The Galactic Lasirus
Owner: Darwin

Age: 15 years, 10 months, 2 weeks

Born: June 21st, 2008

Adopted: 15 years, 10 months, 2 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: June 21st, 2008 (Legacy)

Pet Spotlight Winner
January 28th, 2011


  • Level: 22
  • Strength: 61
  • Defense: 54
  • Speed: 58
  • Health: 55
  • HP: 55/55
  • Intelligence: 25
  • Books Read: 25
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Part-Time Test Subject


Art, character, and story by Darwin.

Profile coding by helix.

Background pattern made with COLOURlovers.


Name: Hikaru Higa

Age: 24 years old

Gender: Agender

Orientation: Demi

Species: Ryukyu Flying Fox

Hair: Short, thick, and slightly unkempt. Hair is very dark brown, basically black in most lighting.

Fur: Wooly and thick ranging from brown to dark brown in color. Fur around neck and down their spine is thicker and light sienna in color.

Eye Color: Ruddy Brown

Height: 5 ft 2 in [158 cm]

Weight: 101 lbs [46 kg]

Build: Average height for their species though they are very wiry- bordering on underweight.

Other: Top surgery scars, a pair of light-colored scars beneath each pectoral area. Deep claw scars across their back, kept well-hidden by many layers of clothing.


[+] 1/2/3

[o] 1/2/3

[-] 1/2/3




Primary Occupation: Bookkeeper for the Scarlet Syndicate

Secondary/Cover Occupation: Bartender at the Lion's Den Bar & Casino


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse fermentum dui mattis euismod laoreet. Morbi non leo nec libero condimentum auctor ac feugiat lectus. Nunc auctor blandit dolor, quis vehicula augue pretium et. Donec blandit porttitor diam. Vestibulum at adipiscing nibh. Suspendisse ac enim quis ipsum pulvinar vulputate vel et tellus. Curabitur mattis porttitor sapien, tincidunt fermentum diam lobortis ut. Vestibulum ut neque vel purus elementum blandit et eu ante. Donec vitae nulla libero. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer suscipit eros ut blandit semper.

Cras mattis, arcu sit amet faucibus tincidunt, sem purus elementum odio, eget tincidunt lacus purus non augue. Nullam ullamcorper ante vitae eros venenatis cursus at sit amet magna. Donec fermentum, nisi facilisis varius accumsan, urna felis posuere nunc, quis consequat augue mauris sit amet metus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed condimentum condimentum velit. Pellentesque blandit lorem eget orci sagittis tempus. Morbi et sapien id felis imperdiet rhoncus sed non leo. Aenean nibh sapien, sagittis eu bibendum et, convallis non odio. Donec sagittis nisi a orci facilisis dictum. Ut et diam volutpat, semper purus vel, auctor velit. Morbi faucibus, est et tristique placerat, dui lectus sollicitudin urna, non pulvinar nibh magna at metus.

Suspendisse ligula quam, ornare at imperdiet in, ornare a enim. Nulla at tristique mi. Etiam eu euismod libero. Quisque malesuada mi risus, quis imperdiet lacus porta eu. Morbi viverra ultrices risus nec rhoncus. Praesent in erat vel turpis venenatis bibendum et ac nunc. Integer at ligula id risus interdum commodo vel nec justo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur eu nisi tellus. Aliquam nisi mauris, luctus a elementum sit amet, ultricies non est. Duis pellentesque accumsan augue, vitae bibendum nisl fermentum quis. Donec mi dolor, tincidunt non enim pretium, congue porttitor lacus. Nunc dignissim pharetra odio, sed sodales arcu vehicula sed.

Pellentesque commodo odio lacus, quis scelerisque lorem pellentesque id. Suspendisse tincidunt vitae tortor nec mollis. Donec ut enim sit amet orci suscipit semper. Praesent congue vehicula euismod. Donec nec sodales justo. Praesent sem dolor, feugiat tristique molestie sed, consectetur et ante. Pellentesque fermentum nisl vestibulum eros aliquet adipiscing. Aenean vel ipsum a lacus ultrices elementum ut eu odio. Nullam pretium ante a nulla mattis, nec feugiat elit mattis.

Aenean ac odio in orci varius hendrerit ornare at eros. Mauris sit amet libero lectus. Curabitur ipsum sem, vestibulum a ornare non, feugiat at nibh. Donec vulputate tempus massa sit amet consectetur. Maecenas suscipit vel magna non aliquet. Nullam facilisis faucibus consectetur. Morbi gravida risus quis adipiscing volutpat. Nullam tincidunt mauris in lobortis egestas. Donec tempor, dolor ornare laoreet tempus, justo eros hendrerit dui, ut tristique enim eros vel sem.

Suspendisse non odio rhoncus, vulputate sapien vitae, tempor ipsum. Nulla molestie lectus nec magna euismod mollis. Quisque egestas, libero sit amet vestibulum sagittis, magna turpis lobortis mauris, tempor hendrerit tellus metus a nibh. Aliquam dui orci, sollicitudin eget nulla ut, adipiscing ultrices ipsum. Pellentesque porttitor, lorem ut volutpat accumsan, nunc eros consectetur diam, ac molestie erat nibh sit amet enim. Aliquam cursus ipsum eu dui sodales commodo. Maecenas pretium, velit nec tincidunt sollicitudin, elit eros placerat ligula, sit amet vestibulum arcu magna ac dolor.

Pet Treasure

Kampyo Hosomaki

Avocado Hosomaki

Tuna Hosomaki

Radish Hosomaki

Negihama Hosomaki


Bloodred Sushi

Darkmatter Sushi

Graveyard Sushi

Glitter Sushi

Tuna Hand Roll

Spicy Tuna Hand Roll

Salmon Hand Roll

Octopus Kelp Roll

Shrimp Kelp Roll

Crab Kelp Roll

Butterfish Kelp Roll

Unagi Sushi

Maguro Sushi

Ika Sushi

Hirame Sushi

Hamachi Sushi

Sake Sushi

Ebi Sushi

Seaside Roll

Orange Seaside Roll

Octopus Rolls

Brown Rice

Steamed Rice

Fried Rice

Forbidden Rice

Eight Treasures Rice

Sekihan Rice


Shrimp Eggroll

Rotten Shrimp Eggroll

Chicken Eggroll

Beef Eggroll

Pherret Eggroll

Avocado Roll

Kitsune Udon

Tanuki Udon

Miso Soup


Toshikoshi Soba


Toadstool Fungus Sushi

Sickener Fungus Sushi

Sickener Topped Fungus Sushi

Toadstool Topped Fungus Sushi

Inkcap Fungus Sushi

Inkcap Topped Fungus Sushi

Anko Dango

Mitarashi Dango

Tsukimi Dango

Goma Dango

Hanami Dango

Soy Sauce Senbei

Sake Oyakodon

Citrus Carp Dish

Leek Bao

Sushi Slingshot

Bamboo Food Steamer

Azure Satin Kimono

Emerald Satin Kimono

Crimson Satin Kimono

Black Satin Kimono

Elegant Kimono of Legend

Koi Kimono

Crane Kimono

Cherry Blossom Kimono

Bamboo Kimono

Soy Sauce

Sushi Plushie

Smiley Sushi

Baby Sushi

Japanese Textbook

Japanese Dictionary

Shengui Guo Spirit Offerings

Knotty Bamboo Slips

Lotus Petal

Pink Lotus

Cherry Blossom Plushie

Blush Plum Blossom Sprig

Pink Plum Blossom Sprig


Darling Koi

Ogon Koi

Tanchu Koi

Kohaku Koi

Showa Koi

Shusui Koi

Sanke Koi

Bekko Koi

Chagoi Koi

Single Paper Crane

Xi Paper Lantern

Shuang Xi Accordion Paper Lantern

Shou Paper Lantern

Shou Accordion Paper Lantern

Mei Paper Lantern

Lu Paper Lantern

Lu Accordion Paper Lantern

Ji Paper Lantern

He Paper Lantern

Fu Paper Lantern

Fu Accordion Paper Lantern

De Paper Lantern

Cai Paper Lantern

Cai Accordion Paper Lantern

Ai Paper Lantern

Arid Paper Lantern Ornament

Gold Paper Lantern Ornament

Cream Paper Lantern Ornament

Lilac Paper Lantern Ornament

Dawn Paper Lantern Ornament

Sun Paper Lantern Ornament

Dusk Paper Lantern Ornament

Twilight Paper Lantern Ornament

Field Paper Lantern Ornament

Lucky Coin

Opulent Coin Medallion

Passionate Coin Medallion

Fresh Coin Medallion

Elegant Coin Medallion

Tranquil Coin Medallion

Tan Conical Hat

Gray Conical Hat

Brown Conical Hat

Red Conical Hat

Black Conical Hat

Lunar New Year Firecracker

Elegant Fuu Statuette

Tranquil Fuu Statuette

Opulent Fuu Statuette

Passionate Fuu Statuette

Fresh Fuu Statuette

Black Round Fan

Blue Round Fan

Green Round Fan

Pink Round Fan

Red Round Fan

Red Round Paper Lantern

Purple Round Paper Lantern

Pink Round Paper Lantern

Green Round Paper Lantern

Blue Round Paper Lantern

Fancy Chopsticks

Plain Chopsticks

Snap Chopsticks

Bamboo Chopsticks

Decorative Chopsticks


Cranbulle Cocktail

Bubbly Apple Spritzer


Lipstick and Lace

Super Bellini

Peekaboo Bunny Pop

Gut Wrencher

Grilled Cherry Sour Cocktail

Bubbly RasBlu Tonic

Rosewater Champagne

Triple Bloody Caesar

Lemon Drop

Rhubarb and Tequila Cocktail

Whiskey Sour

Mimosa Punch


Black Bear

White Bear

The Haze

Slippery Nipple


Rusty Nail

Mint Julep

Gin Fizz



Subeta Sunrise

Fun On The Beach

Strawberry Daiquiri



Bloody Marian

Dark Elegance



Flaming B-52



Wood Bourbon

Long Island Iced Tea

Butlers Tray


Pina Colada

Bloody Mary

Champagne Dream


Mai Tai

Gin and Tonic

Beer Flavored Beer

Beer Flavored Ale

Ale Flavored Beer

Homemade Dark Rum

Pirate Rum

Tankard of Rum

Personal Tankard of Dirty Matty


Free Beer

Beer Keg

Red Wine

The Mega Grog

Ginger Rum

Rattail Grog


Tankard Of Grog

Distilled Rum

Cask of Rum

Shot of Whiskey

Dry Gin

Shot of Brandywine

Shot of Vodka


Pet Friends

My boss-unfortunately. Such a deplorable man...

One of Rico's head goons...I suspect he isn't as loyal as he claims.

Another one of Rico's thugs- a sniveling coward of a man.

A man with so little ambition and a coworker of mine.

A friend and coworker, I just pray she doesn't get involved with the Syndicate.

One of Zoe's old flames and an absolute sleaze.

A friend of Cassidy's, but he's far more tolerable. Pretty likable honestly.

He dances on the edge of the underworld...much like Zoe..

A kind man and talented musician that plays at the Den from time to time.

Another victim to Rico's need for control, she was in the wrong place at the wrong time

A frequent visitor to the bar part of the casino...she is pleasant enough I suppose.

One of the few herbivores patrons of the Lion's Den- he's a bit too bold if you ask me.

Our city's Mayor and a victim to Rico's scheming...

Chief of Police and one of many under Rico's thumb.

The doctor that treated my mother before her passing.

Dr. Hirsch's daughter, she comforted me during my mother's wake.

A nosy reporter who needs to take my advice and stay away.

A detective who is snooping around with that skunk.

A friend of my parents, she' been a godsend since their passing.