
Legacy Name: Ubba

The Glacier Celinox
Owner: Helka

Age: 5 years, 2 months, 2 weeks

Born: March 14th, 2019

Adopted: 3 years, 5 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: December 13th, 2020


  • Level: 3
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Name: Ubba Trygsson
By names: inn hvassi(sharp, keen)
Age: 21
Birthday: August 26
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Hometown: Sigtuna, Svealand
Occupation: Farmer, hunter, warrior

Extrovert or Introvert: Introvert
Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist
Typical Mood: Warm, kind-hearted, curious, pensive
General Attitude: Wants to believe the best of people, extremely aware of his own internal feelings as well as other people’s feelings, though he does not usually express his own feelings, values security and kindness, respects traditions and laws, strong sense of responsibility and duty. He may be quiet, but he isn’t afraid to say what’s on his mind when the time comes. Curious about other people.
Strengths: kind, thoughtful, humble, dedicated, supportive, reliable, patient, observant, imaginative, unquestionable loyalty, hard-working, responsible, sharp, assertive, compassionate, curious, opened minded, self-disciplined, level-headed, quick thinking, smart, resourceful
Weaknesses: tendency to underplay his accomplishments, can sometimes overload himself, neglects his own needs for others, can be sensitive, can be seen as too serious, self-conscious
Mannerisms: Intense eyes that seem like could almost pierce your soul, mouth is usually straight lipped and serious, lifts brows when interested/playful/curious, furrowed brows when deep in thought(resulting in marionette lines between his brows), broad stance when standing
Habits: Taking on too much,
Pet Peeves: Prideful tactlessness, inconsideration, lying, arrogance, entitlement, touchy-feely strangers, people not doing what they say they will do, lateness
Ruled by Heart or Mind: Mind(though occasionally the heart)
Mindset: “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that but the really great make you feel that you too can become great.” - Mark Twain
Philosophy: “How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.” – George Washington Carver
Motivated by:
Life Motto: "There is some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for" - Samwise Gamgee
Energy Level: High
Memory Level: High
Mental Stability: High
Emotional Stability: High
Phobias: Making a mistake, letting others down, losing those he cares about

Diet: Meat, fish and vegetables
Favorite Foods: Lamb, Mutton, Goat, Sausage, Elk, Deer, Salmon, Trout, Duck, Cheese, Skyr, Eggs, Hazelnuts, Walnuts(imported), Almonds(imported), Chestnuts(imported), Plums, Apples, Blackberries, Raspberries, Elderberries, Hawthorn berries, Cherries, Strawberries, Crabapple, Rowan berries, Carrots,Celery, Spinach, Cabbage,Peas, Beets, Leeks, Onions, Honey on buttered bread
Favorite Drinks: Ale, mead, water
Favorite Animal: Dogs(for hunting)
Favorite Place: With his loved ones
Hobbies: Training in swordplay and shieldwork, wrestling, archery, running, swimming, playing Hnefatafl, drinking games, carving wooden things(toys, totems, etc)
Interests: Bettering his fighting skills and competition skills(wrestling, archery, running, swimming, drinking)
Loves to do: Any of his hobbies, spend time alone outside
Hates to do: He doesn't really hate anything, he knows all chores/tasks are necessary and likes to do them to help take care of his family and community.
Inspired by: His father
Age Character Appears to Others: Early 20's
Height: 6ft
Weight: 180lbs
Face Shape: Oval
Build: Tall, athletic
Skin Tone: Normal
Complexion: Normal
Eye Color: Pale blue
Hair Color: Dirty blonde
Hair Length: Shaved on the sides, however the top is long enough to go down past his shoulders almost to the middle of his back
Usual Hairstyle: He keeps his hair in plaits and twisted and tied back with leather scraps to keep it out of his face.
Posture: Upright
Birthmarks: None
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None
Makeup Style: None
Distinguishing Feature: His eyes
Mother: Olga Guðbrandursdottir
Father: Tryg Hjálmarsson
Brothers: Bergthor(older brother by his father's first wife, died while raiding at the age of 27, would be 33), Eyvind(age 19), Oddvar(age 17), Sigmund(age 16)
Sisters: Haldora(older sister by his father's first wife, age 32), Åsa(age 14)
Extended Family: Children of Bergthor(age 13, 11, 8), Children of Haldora(age 12, 9),
Pets: Swedish Elkhound
Past lovers: Arnora(a couple times with a neighboring farm girl when he was 14 and 15, but she died of sickness), Ranveig(a couple times with a thrall who served in the Hall of the Jarl of Fornsigtuna when he was 16-18), Saehild(several times with a neighboring farm girl when he was 16-18, but ended it when she got married to the Jarl's son), Gerd(a few times with a girl of Fornsigtuna when he was 18-19, until he found out she was mentally unstable, and he broke it off with her.), Najma(several times with a Moorish thrall in Fornsigtuna when he was 18-19, but she was killed by Gerd out of jealousy), Eithne(a couple times with a beautiful Irish thrall in Fornsigtuna when he was 19, but she was mysteriously killed(most likely by Gerd, even though he broke it off with Gerd many months earlier) after revealing she was pregnant), Halfrid(once with a thrall who served in the hall of the Jarl of Hudiksvall when he was 19), Freydis(a few times when he was 20, while she was fostering with the Jarl's family in Fornsigtuna)
Other People of Significance:


pet friend 1


pet friend 2


pet friend 3


pet friend 4


pet friend 3


pet friend 4

Pet Treasure

Este Evvu Skipari Torc

Old Coins

Non-Candy Coins

Viking Helmet

Patriotic Superhero Shield

Viking Weapons

Woodcutter Axe

Unadorned Core Sword

Lost Schoolboy Sword

Hand-honed Miniature Sica

Wildman Crude Spear

Vampire Hunter Crossbow

Dark Ranger Quiver

Triple Arrow

Dark Ranger Arrow

Broken Arrow

Vanity Bear Hat

Torn Bearskin Pelt Cloak

Leonardo Faux Chainmail

Oaths Maiden Breastplate

Fairy Tale Knight Gambeson

Warm Fuzzy Anorak

Sheer Emerald Tunic Top

Plain Undershirt

Loose-Laced Leather Vest

Dark Ranger Rugged Leather Shirt

Green Polished Buccaneer Vest

Gray Polished Buccaneer Vest

Dark Ranger Rugged Leather Vest

Viking Shirt

Grassland Warrior Buffalo Hide Leggings

Viking Pants

Norlander Hide Pants

Knights Boots

Knightess Boots

Ytivan Mukluks

Viking Boots

Viking Arm Warmers

Dark Ranger Gloves

Rreign Tamer Burnished Armguard

Sturdy Metal Ring

Rreign Tamer Burnished Pauldron

Rreign Tamer Burnished Armguard

Leonardo Belt

Forgotten Adventurer Pack

Brave Explorer Handy Pouch

Viking Chest

Left Hammered Copper Metal Brooch

Right Hammered Copper Metal Brooch

Handforged Triskele Brooch

Dark Shaman Raccoon Tails

Dark Shaman Deer Hide Cape

Rugged Leather

Torn Blood Stained Fabric Patch

Torn Blood Stained Strip of Fabric

Woodcutters Broken Comb

Pilsener Beer Horn

Bronze Drinking Horn

Beloved Mismatched Candles

Still Burning Torch

Burning Debris

Cozy Cottage Book

Snowy Village Blacksmithy

Tormirgard Forge

Melting Kettle

Stone Sword Mold

Lucky Piglet

Scrumptious Platter

Simple Beef Stew

Hot Fireside Soup

Salted Meat in Gravy

Goat Chops

Jerkied Beef

Artisan Whole Grain Bread

Hard Dough Bread

Artisan Marble Rye Bread

Nut Roast

Ship Biscuit




Dappled Mushrooms

Uncooked Fish


Side of Smoked Fish

Salt Cod

Salted Fish

Uncooked Fish

Bilge Water

Tribal Fisher Harpoon

Fisher Hook

Tribal Fisher Hook Pendant

Lean-To Tent

Woodcutters Chopped Log

Pet Friends