
Fingal has a minion!

the Nocturne


The Glacier Harvester
Owner: vorpalwyrm

Age: 1 year, 2 days

Born: May 31st, 2023

Adopted: 1 year, 2 days ago

Adopted: May 31st, 2023


  • Level: 14
  • Strength: 29
  • Defense: 13
  • Speed: 13
  • Health: 11
  • HP: 11/11
  • Intelligence: 52
  • Books Read: 48
  • Food Eaten: 220
  • Job: Getaway Driver


profile template (c) helix (get it)
background (c) Bryan Rodriguez on Unsplash
story (c) vorpalwyrm
section titles from:
We Know Where You Sleep by The Paper Chase
Bark Like a God by Sloppy Jane

don't cry, don't scream, good lord.

There is no stopping the clock, only tricking it.

A sickening crack, the pain of a break, and. . . .

And then his eyes opened, his body cold, everything aching and stinging as if he'd been torn to shreds. His body was mangled and torn, the only thing recognizable his eyes. His eyes, full of life despite the violence he'd been through and the pain he was full of. Despite the coldness that lingered there even before. Despite the lack thereof.

His hands pressed against the concrete, pushing against it with ease. His blade clinked prettily against the ground, shining up at him. The only part of him reflected in it were those blues, shimmering under the daylight in an unnatural way, filling him with the same unfeeling disgust that he'd held the first time he saw them after they left.

For someone so uninterested in everything else, of course they came to mind when he'd been down and out. Where were they now? He wondered how long it had taken him to rise from the position on the ground, as if it mattered. He would find them eventually, after all. He always did. He had a way of finding what and who he needed exactly when he needed. It was only a matter of time before. . . .

Ah, no matter to that, he supposed. Now it was time to be on his way.

He had business to attend to, and a former partner to find.

let's get down, i wanna bark like a god.

he/they | gemini
fingal - "fair," "from finland."

Come back later, I'm a work in progress.

Pet Treasure

Plas-Tek Giant Morostide Meat Cleaver

Boot with Foot Inside

Zombie Chompers

Unholy Pages


Pet Friends

greetings, partner.

a hard worker.

how ferocious.