
Adaon Valentine has a minion!

Broken Dreams the Naphal

Adaon Valentine
Legacy Name: Adaon Valentine

The Galactic Legeica
Owner: Demon_Valentine

Age: 15 years, 11 months, 3 days

Born: July 13th, 2008

Adopted: 15 years, 11 months, 3 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: July 13th, 2008 (Legacy)


  • Level: 13
  • Strength: 18
  • Defense: 11
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 32
  • Books Read: 32
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Register Supervisor

|| -- Adaon -- ||
Cautious :: Kind :: Lovelorn

"Why did this happen? I don't understand!"

Hair: Medium Length / Black
Eyes: Dark Red
Age: 21
Height: 5'11
Weight: 142lbs

Likes: Family things, understanding people, affection.
Dislikes: Zephyr, all demons, his brother's attitude.

Bio: Because of an insane father, Adaon became a science experiment and was infused with demon DNA. His father's lab was destroyed when one of his experiments grew too strong and destroyed it. He was later found by a young man named Arc who helped him, but later in their lives they learned that Arc was one of the 4 keys to the gate to hell and they were taken to The Devil's Eye against their will. The vampire lord Zephyr tortured them and played with their emotions for many months before he assigned Adaon the job of guarding Arc because many demons would be out to get him because of what he was. Adaon accepted the job of guarding his best friend, but only a few days after he was given the job a demon stole Arc and disappeared. Zephyr beat down on Adaon for letting the demon take him and said that he should go and look for him. Adaon began the search because Arc was his best friend, not because the vampire had told him to. On his travels he became a demon hunter because of the how the demons had treated him at The Devil's Eye. He vowed to keep looking for his friend even if it killed him.

Pet Treasure

The Horribly Bad Day!

13th Cat

Broken Heart Tales

Pumpkin Spice Coffee

Coffee with Whipped Cream

Milky Coffee


Smushed Paper Coffee Cup



Sample Size Dark Lager

Sample Size Wheat Beer

Free Beer

Shot of Whiskey

Brewski Brand Brewski

Shot of Brandywine

Liquor-Filled Truffles

Galaxy Mug

Navy Stylish Blazer

Blue Suit Jacket

Black Sunglasses

Love Sucks Candy Heart





Common Six-Shooter

Twilight Six-Shooter

Bleeding Rose of Deepest Blackness

Rugged Survival Kit

Vampire Hunter Jewelry

Vampire Hunter Stake

Vampire Hunter Crossbow

Grave Robber Toolkit

Vampire Hunter Belt

Bloody Wooden Stake


The Vampire Hunt

The Lost and Found Book

Stories of Despair I


Pet Friends

Dilan Valentine
My troublesome younger brother

Felicia Thomsen
Even though my brother loves you. I don't trust you at all...

Loyal Bruce
You're insane for how you live...

Gene Eugenios
Why do you still fight for me?