
Dilan Valentine has a minion!

Soul of the Deemin

Dilan Valentine
Legacy Name: Dilan Valentine

The Bloodred Malticorn
Owner: Demon_Valentine

Age: 15 years, 10 months, 2 weeks

Born: August 10th, 2008

Adopted: 15 years, 10 months, 2 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: August 10th, 2008 (Legacy)


  • Level: 12
  • Strength: 15
  • Defense: 12
  • Speed: 11
  • Health: 13
  • HP: 13/13
  • Intelligence: 15
  • Books Read: 15
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Register Clerk

|| -- Dilan -- ||
Misunderstood :: Neglected :: Violent

"But that's not fair!"

Hair: Long / Black
Eyes: Bright Red
Age: 16
Height: 5'6
Weight: 94lbs

Likes: Steak, attention, Felicia.
Dislikes: Being left alone, vegetables, what he is.

Bio: Dilan is Adaon's younger brother. When Dilan experimented on Joveer was successful. It was only 50% successful, but it was better than anything else his father had created. After his breakthrough with Dilan he did a few more experiments on him, but there was a problem. Dilan had grown too strong and broke out of his cage and went insane, destroying the lab and all of Joveer's experiments as well as his father. After the area was completely destroyed he flew off in an uncontrollable rage and flew to a near by city. The people went into a panic when they saw the demon flying above their city. Those who had guns pulled them out and shot at him. Dilan got shot it in arm and in one of his wings causing him to fall from the sky and land in a child's sand box in some ones back yard. After he hid in a cave for a few months before he was found by Adaon and Arc and nursed back to health. He went with Adaon and Arc to The Devil's Eye as well, but was treated very differently than his brother. After Arc was taken he traveled with his older brother to find him. On their travels they met a young vampire girl named Felicia and Dilan grew to love her despite his brother's objections to it.

Pet Treasure

Obsidian Petit Demon Wings

Ebil Malticorn Toy




Khaki Cargo Shorts

Innocent Shirt

Etched Heart Shirt

Incubus Wings

Black Devil Tail

Demonic Blob


Demonic Plushie

Chocolate Cherry Filled Heart

Anatomical Heart Sugar Cookie

Cherry Gummy Heart

Heart for You Sticker

Gently Used Heart Present

Bloodred Heart Plushie

Broken Heart Plushie

Strawberry Chocolate Heart

I Heart Black Sticker

Super-Deformed Harvester Doll

Bloodred Piggy Bank

Bloodred Toilet Paper

Meaty Bone Present

Eco-Friendly Beef Jerky

Roast Suckling Pig

Meaty Mallarchy Cookie

Mini Meat Muffin

Bloody Cookie

Chicken Pot Pie

Big Sloppy Burger

Roast Beef

Cerberus Bait



Salmon Steak

Heavily Garnished Salmon Steak

Raw Boneless Chicken Breast

Raw Sirloin Steak

Slab of Gate Keeper Meat

Questionable Meat

Smiley Steak

Bovyne Steak

Slab of Raw Meat

Wooden Steak

Juicy Steak

Pet Friends

Adaon Valentine
My big brother!

Felicia Thomsen
My lovely Feli! Wont you come play with me?