
Felicia Thomsen has a minion!

Venus the Infurrno

Felicia Thomsen
Legacy Name: Felicia Thomsen

The Reborn Malticorn
Owner: Demon_Valentine

Age: 15 years, 10 months, 6 days

Born: August 10th, 2008

Adopted: 15 years, 10 months, 6 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: August 10th, 2008 (Legacy)


  • Level: 12
  • Strength: 18
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 13
  • HP: 13/13
  • Intelligence: 24
  • Books Read: 23
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Register Supervisor

|| -- Felicia -- ||
Sweet :: Beautiful :: Determined

"I know you can do it."
Hair: Long / Red
Eyes: Red
Age: 25 (looks 23)
Height: 5'6
Weight: 127lbs

Likes: The color red, maturity, sweet dreams.
Dislikes: Demands, jerks, being alone.

Bio: Felicia was your normal college graduate with a corporate job. She lived her days with the same boring routine and little to no friends. She wished day in and day out for something more interesting. She learned the hard way that you should always be careful what you wish for. A few months after her twenty third birthday, she was attacked by a vampire on her way to her car one Friday evening. It bit her quickly, and then took her home. She was much too attractive to just feed on once and leave alone. Only a few days later, the opportunity to free herself arose. The vampire was slain but she was still turning. She broke from work for several months, eventually ready to kill herself with the only idea she could come up with to fight the sun. A sufficient layer of sunscreen proved to be her lifesaver. She was able to continue working, and attempting to keep her life as human as possible. Through one of her friends at work she met a pair of demons like herself trying to live in human society. Adaon and his younger brother, Dilan showed her that there were others out there living the way she was and it made her feel more confident about living the way she did. After meeting them she knew the way she lived would work out fine in the end even though she was a vampire.

Pet Treasure

Coral Dahlia

Sun Flower

Survival Bouquet of Red Lilies

Red Split Bellflower

Red Plum Blossom Sprig

Red Lachenalia

Red Bellflowers

Survival Red Calla Lilies

Crimson Tulip

Survival Red Carnation

Red Floral Hair Piece

Sunset Celebratory Stardust Hairband

Paralix Screeching Battle Ball

Fire Defense Tear Crystal

Flame Damage Counters

Red Glass Beads

Red Bowling Ball

Red S-Pod

Red Rreign Mask

Climbing Red Rreign Firework

Red Rreign Plushie


Wreathed Red Rreign Toy

Red Purdeflowr Plushie

Rose Scented Candle

Raspberry Scented Candle

Cinnamon Tea

Garnet Birthstone Collectible Mug

Bag of Reborn Chocolates

Reborn Subeta Shampoo

Red Sunscreen

Apple Subreze

Red Lipstick

Red Nail Polish

Red Mini Nail Polish

Red Shower Puff

Red Handbag

Red Fishnet Stockings

Loveless Box of Lingerie

Crimson Academy Scarf

Super Feathery Crimson Boa

Red V-Neck T

Red Fitted Jacket

Ruffled Blood Blouse

Red Party Dress

Red and Black Frilly Top

Flowing Red Skirt

Red Heart and Diamond Lingerie

Red Lacy Underwear

Red Thong

Red Panties

Orange Hearty Sticker

Red Heart Plushie

Tales of the Heart

I Love Your Blood Type

Blood Soup

Vampire Fangs

Red Realistic Fangs

Red Mirror

Red Vanity Rose Brush

Pet Friends

Dilan Valentine
You're very nice, but too bad you're too childish

Adaon Valentine
You're such a jerk to me...

Gene Eugenios
Do you have those papers for me?