
Antoin_415 has a minion!

Punt the Anpu

Legacy Name: Antoin_415

The Reborn Rreign
Owner: Homorenamon

Age: 15 years, 2 months, 2 weeks

Born: March 15th, 2009

Adopted: 15 years, 2 months, 2 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: March 15th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Name: Antoin (Annie) Bellamont
Age: 18
Occupation:Works at a Hollister store with Cat and Aden.
Orientation: Heterosexual
Status: Single, looking for a friendship
Studying: Only a freshman in college, wants to pursue a career in law, but will study her options first.
Ethnicity: Caucasian (French descent)
Theme song: Dollhouse by Priscilla Renea.

Annie is a trigger-happy, snappy teenager. It is not in her nature to think things through too much and she often pays the consequences for that. She isn't very bubbly or hyper, but, instead, a very gung-ho person with an independent sense of self. Though she loves adventures on her own time, organized exercise bores her, and she is generally lazy in that field. Unless, of course, it comes to soccer, in which Annie is literally a nightmare to be up against.

Despite her fiery tongue and snappy attitude, Annie is very, very serious in school. She is a diligent student, and always has been. She does not take pride in any grade under a 95 and, be it a bit ridiculous, she sets very high standards for herself. School being her top priority, she spends many hours every day studying and perfecting her work. Being one of the top students in her class when she graduated, Antoin has room to brag. And she uses it.


Annie grew up in a small town outside of the city she studies in currently. Her family was middle-class, her life was average. She was never abandoned, beaten, or tormented, though she did not have too many friends, mostly due to her arrogant attitude. She was not teased, however. I'm sure you can imagine why.

Cat picked Annie up on the first day of the sixth grade. They only had lunch and science (a particularly bad class for the both of them) together, but they made the best of it. Though their personalities differed greatly- Cat being the spunky dreamer type and Annie being the girl with a down to earth attitude- the two hardly fought and soon became best friends. All throughout middle and high school, the two stuck close together, neither of them wanting or needing any other companionship than their own.
One day, halfway through their senior year, each girl announced- with some sorrow, as they knew they would probably be going elsewhere- where they were studying at. Imagine the joy when they found out they were both going to the same place. The next fall, the two moved into a shabby apartment building near the college.

Little did they know trouble was just down the hall.

Night on the Town

"Annie. Hey, Annie!" Cat shook her roommate awake, "C'mon, we gotta go to work in a second. Aden's bound be over here soon promised him we weren't gonna be late this time."
Getting up, Annie growled, surly, "Oh yeah? And when's that little fluffball ever been on time for us? Just last week..." She grumbled on, though she proceeded to get up. She tossed on a clean blouse, applied some fresh makeup. You had to look good to work at Hollister, you know? How Aden, Cat, and herself all managed to get a job there was a mystery to her.

Cat, paying her no heed, flopped down on the bed, already ready for work. She sighed. Her friend just never learned.
"Okay," she said finally, "Ready?"
Annie, looking down at her friend, a smirk on her face, said, "Sure. Let's go get Aden."

Pet Treasure

Pet Friends

Ha, I love you, ya little fluffball ;)

Kid, get some sun! For God's sake, I never see ya out!