
Bandpaw has a minion!

Edward Scissorpaws the Sewts

Legacy Name: Bandpaw

The Spectrum Pherret
Owner: Mistakes

Age: 15 years, 2 months, 3 weeks

Born: April 3rd, 2009

Adopted: 15 years, 2 months, 3 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: April 3rd, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 2
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Beach Comber

Somehow everything's gonna fall
Right into place
If we only had a way to make it
All fall faster everyday
If only time flew like a dove
Well God, make it fly faster
Than I'm falling in love

This time we're not giving up
Let's make it last forever
Screaming "Hallelujah!"
We'll make it last forever

Holding onto patience wearing thin
I can't force these eyes to see the end
If only time flew like a dove
We could watch it fly
And just keep looking up

Full Name: Bandpaw Ailbhe King
Nickname: Band, Bandy Boy
Age: 27
Race/Nationality: Irish
Occupation: Full time student; artist on the side
Orientation: Homosexual
Standing: Single

Band hails from Ireland, adopted from the country at the young age of five. He never knew his parents; the earliest memories locked away in his head are all that of forced smiles and stares. The reason he sat alone for so long is obvious from the moment one meets this boy. Growing up, people were frightened off by the overly happy, bouncy boy. Hyperactivity has always kept an iron grip on his mind, and the child found himself, more often than not, locked away in isolation for "bad behavior" until Rozai flew into the country, accompanying a friend who was there to adopt her own child. His loneliness struck the kindly woman's merciful side, and soon after her visit with him Band accompanied her to her home in the United States. She set up her own treatment regime for the boy, focused on artistic expression instead of running wildly about.

Her help caused Band's true nature to emerge, and within months the once sulky child became bright and vibrant, but restrained from going too far overboard. He is given to being very over excitable, seeing what can arguably be too much happiness in simple things. A cuddly side may be his downfall; whenever he's comfortable with someone, it becomes instinct to deliver a hug without thinking of side effects. He's also a simplistic soul, given to random singing and dancing. Band bears a highly artistic side, as a result of his early treatment, always finding time to begin on pet projects. Friends may be forced to become used to having tiny scenes painted upon their hands or feet when around him.

Perhaps his biggest quirk is his absolute obsession with survival horror games. His friends never have to look far if they're in search of one, because Band has a collection of games and the systems they belong to. Despite being such an avid fan, Band cannot play his games alone. Only too easily does he spook, at which times the controller goes down and his favorite "gaming pillow" comes up to be clung to. In concern for the character's life, someone has to be there to take over control. After all, if they died because he was too busy whimpering, how could the games progress?

Roleplay Status:


Anthro or Human

He is roleplayed with Ironhand, and possible mentions of Rozai.

Originally coded by: dreamsky
Edited by: Mistakes

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