
Ancient Relic_266 has a minion!

Abijah the Shinwas Helper

Ancient Relic_266
Legacy Name: Ancient Relic_266

The Golden Hikei
Owner: Spheniscine

Age: 14 years, 10 months, 2 days

Born: July 31st, 2009

Adopted: 13 years, 10 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: July 7th, 2010


  • Level: 4
  • Strength: 14
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 17
  • Books Read: 17
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

#pet_image {background-image: url(;}
[b] Be sure to click the link below to listen to my theme song while you're checking my petpage!
- Tiye[/b]


[b]...:::RP INFO:::...[/b]

Pet Name Here: NEFERTARI

Background: [b]NEFERTARI[/b] is an ancient Egyptian princess. She was ruler of the Egyptian kingdom after her mother, Cleopatra, died. NEFERTARI was born in C. 50 B.C. and born into royalty. While Cleopatra had slaves, NEFERTARI never liked having slaves. She always made sure she treated her servants well, but would sometimes be taken advantage of for her sincere kindness. She's naive, but she has the great leadership skills from her mother that can make-up for her naiveness. She's often draped in gold and jewelry. She's very shy and has a difficult time with socializing, but she is also very gentle and kind and loves to help others.


Name Origin: Means "The beautiful one belongs to me" or "the most beautiful one."
Nicknames: Tiye, Tiy, Teye, Tiyi, Ty
Nickname Prouncement: TEE
Age: Looks to be around in her 20's
Species and Color: Golden Hikei
Birthdate: Unknown
Sex/gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Nationality: Egyptian
Religion: Coming Soon
Hair: Brunette with golden highlights, long, wavy
Eyes: Emerald
Skintone: Smooth, silky tan with golden hikei stripes
Birthmark: N/A
Tattoo(s): Ankh, Feather of Maat, Shenu, Nemes, Was, Nebu, Leb, Sesen, Tiet, Djew, Winged Solar Disk, Ka, Udjat, and Shen symbols all over body
Scar(s): One on her thigh after being hit with a whip by a royal guard when she was really young, a burned scar on her upper area of her breasts.
Piercing(s): Golden piercings all over body
Personality: Sweet, Down to Earth, Naive, Caring, Wanting to see the best in any situation, loyal, shy, faithful, unnecessarily hard on self, overcomer, survivor, takes on challenges if they're worth a challenge.
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130
Body Type: Toned, fit, sexy, healthy
Hobbies: Collecting flowers, relaxing by the nile river, swim in a pool filled with lotus flowers
Other Likes: Relaxing music, being out in the sun, helping others
Dislikes: Being betrayed, seeing people in pain
Fears: Eight-legged things
Phobia(s): Eight-legged things
Mental Illness(es): Shyness, depression, anxiety
Physical Impairment(s): Hikei ears, hikei tail, hikei hooves

Mother: Cleopatra
Father: Unknown
Sibling(s): Only child
Lover: N/A
Status: Single
Offspring: N/A
Other relations: N/A
Friend(s): Invictus, Nirvana A., Snariph, Sutekh, T-1000
Rival(s): N/A
Enemies: N/A
Pets: Shinwas Helper
Pets Name: Abijah
Pets Name Origin: Means "my father is YAHWEH" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this was the name of several characters, both male and female, including the second king of Judah.
Job/Career: Owns and runs the Ancient Bazaar, as well as has a job in the bakery, yummy!

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Pet Treasure

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Pet Friends

Nirvana A.
Royal Relatives

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God of the Desert

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