
Legacy Name: Pitchback

The Glacier Kumos
Owner: Romanteek

Age: 13 years, 7 months, 3 weeks

Born: October 30th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 7 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: October 30th, 2010

Pet Spotlight Winner
February 14th, 2013


  • Level: 245
  • Strength: 256
  • Defense: 128
  • Speed: 121
  • Health: 122
  • HP: 122/122
  • Intelligence: 213
  • Books Read: 207
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Housekeeping Manager

name:: Ace Perdue
alias:: Pitchback
gender:: male
race:: human
age:: 24
persona:: quiet, affectionate, bit of a daredevil
hair color:: pale blond
hair length:: short
hair style:: shaved down on one side
eye color:: pale blue
complexion:: pale
build:: well-toned
height:: 6'0"
clothing:: baggy khaki pants/shorts, tank tops, and engine oil
occupation:: professional pilot
home:: previously with Bomb and Grabber on their own ship; now aboard the Dreamgear
preference:: straight
status:: single
talents:: flying, aerial acrobatics
previous jobs:: crop duster, barnstormer, stunt pilot

Ryan Star

:: Profile by Ringo
:: Coded by Meow
:: Content/Overlay by Romanteek
the crew

Ace was the only son to a set of farmer parents. From a young age he was taught how to care for the farm, being told that one day it'd be his.

One thing he loved to watch was when his father would go crop dusting. When he was old enough, he begged to come along, and some of his best memories are in the backseat of the plane with his arms in the air, cheering as his father flew over the crops. His father was ecstatic that his son took an interest in flight, and taught him all he knew.

By his late teens, Ace was doing most of the work around the farm, insisting to his father that the older man take it easy and ease out of all the hard work. His father was stubborn, however, and insisted he be able to continue some of the work. Early one morning, Ace and his mother awoke to a crash. To this day neither is sure exactly what happened, but his father crashed his beloved plane, and was lost. The resulting blaze took out most of their crops before it could be put out, and while they mourned their loss, Ace and his mother were convinced to move into the city with his aunt.

Ace immediately started working in any way he could, usually in planes, and helped his mother and aunt out around the house. While he was out getting groceries one day, he noticed he was being followed home by a kid who looked quite intent to snatch one of the bags away from him. Ace himself was rather amused by the kid's indignant and brash persona, and instead of scolding him, invited him along home after learning that the child was an orphan. Royce has never left Ace's side since.

He immediately took to being a big brother, enjoying every minute of teaching Royce how to read and write and roughhousing with the younger boy in his spare time. Royce would go on and make up stories about being a fighter pilot, or an old western cowboy, and Ace would often spend some of his extra money to get Royce toy guns and airships, much to the younger boy's delight.

In his early twenties, Ace continued to work for his mother and aunt, and Royce quickly picked up the habit. On Royce's eighteenth birthday, he asked Ace if they could go out flying together to see new places and meet new people. There was no way Ace could deny that request, and after talking it over with his mother and aunt, the two were on their way. They worked while they flew around, eventually pooling their money together to get themselves a larger aircraft.

On their travels, they met a young thief named Caleb. Royce immediately picked up on the other trying to pickpocket them, being quite good at it himself, and called out the other young man on it. Despite their rocky start, and Royce nearly beating Caleb with a crate, Ace caught his younger brother looking at their new friend more than once. He knew better than to question it, or tease him for it though, having suffered a barrage of pillows when he teased Royce about his crushes back home.

They welcomed Caleb into their ship, working with him and growing to adopt him as something of a brother. Ace constantly keeps a watch over them both, breaking up fights and acting as the voice of reason against two very brash and stubborn boys.

:: he's very affectionate with Royce, and cuddles with him whenever the younger brother wants it; he would do so with Caleb as well, if he requested it
:: he secretly enjoys romance movies; something he picked up from living with his aunt and mother for so long

Bombardier:: "My younger brother, not by blood, but that doesn't matter. I love him dearly, but I do think he should attempt to be more friendly with our new crew mates. When he no longer needs me, however... I'm not sure what I'll do."

Grabber:: "A young man we met in a city, he tried to pickpocket us. Obviously, he was down on his luck, so I offered him a place on our ship, and he has since become part of our family. I daresay he should lay off the grand adventures a bit, though."

Geminate:: "A beautiful noble I met in the market. Friendly, but not overly so. We visited him recently, and took Cutlass to him when he was in need of medical attention."

Brass:: "A lovely young woman who has graciously allowed us onto her ship, and into her crew."

Salt:: "A former military man. He reminds me of Eli. The two would get along well."

Cutlass:: "Crass and vulgar, it seems, but he took down many men to keep Caleb safe. I don't believe he's as terrible as he seems."

Boom:: "Caleb and Royce stare at him a lot. A giant of a man, but with a tender heart."

Cog:: "There's a definite air of nostalgia when I see Cog. He's so very similar in looks and actions to Royce, when he was younger."

Pet Treasure

Flying Ship

Rusty Toolbox

Model Airplane Kit

Wild Aces Vintage Aviator Jacket

Fighting Fester Model Airplane

Jolly Roger Model Airplane

Stinger Model Airplane

Soaring Mallarchy Model Airplane

Wild Ace Model Airplane

Ziaran Lady Model Airplane

Ceremonial Plane Key

Pirate Treasure Map

Pet Friends