
Legacy Name: Geminate

The Cream Legeica
Owner: Romanteek

Age: 54 years, 5 months, 2 weeks

Born: December 31st, 1969

Adopted: 54 years, 5 months, 2 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: December 31st, 1969 (Legacy)

Pet Spotlight Winner
August 21st, 2012


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

name:: Elijah Richelieu
alias:: Geminate
gender:: male
race:: human
age:: 24
persona:: caring, polite, attentive, selfless
hair color:: blond
hair length:: to shoulders
hair style:: wispy; pulls some back with a ribbon
eye color:: seafoam blue
complexion:: pale
build:: thin
height:: 5'8"
clothing:: slacks tucked into boots, loose blouses with floral vests
occupation:: none; studying medicine from his home with tutors
home:: large home of his own
preference:: gay
status:: my Kitten
talents:: fencing, sword play, bandaging and herbal medicine
previous jobs:: none

[To be determined.]

:: Profile by Ringo
:: Coded by Meow
:: Content/Overlay by Romanteek
the crew

Elijah was born the younger of a set of twins. His older sister, Elanor, arrived only a moment before he did. Their parents were quite wealthy, his father a doctor, and his mother a noblewoman. Suffice to say he did not have many troubles growing up.

He and Elanor were inseperable in their youth, always going out together, and even dressing up as one another to fool the help, or the people in the city. As they grew into their teens, they still occasionally dressed up to fool their friends, but Elanor quickly became more interested in flirting and courting young men. Elijah settled into his studies, learning from tutors and his father about medicine.

Tragedy struck, and their mother passed from illness. Their father, grief-stricken that he could do nothing to save her, became a mere shell of the man he once was, giving up his practice and holing himself away in his home. This seemed to bring Elanor to her senses, and she began spending more time at home. Elijah's bond with her grew again, however one night she disappeared, and has not been seen since.

Elijah put his studies on hold, and went out in search of his sister. He spent two years traveling as far as he could, but to no avail. He learned that his father had taken his life, and was gathering resources for the long journey home when he happened upon Ace, who looked to be quite lost in the market. Elijah helped him around, and soon gave Ace the location of his home, telling him he was welcome to stay should he ever find himself in that city, and then departed to his home.

Ace, Royce and Caleb have since visited him on one occasion, and Elijah was amused to find that Ace seemed quite oblivious to his subtle flirting. He also took great delight in slinking along behind Caleb, speaking up when the other seemed to be trying to steal things from one room or another and scaring the daylights out of the young thief.

Elijah has settled back into his studying, occasionally taking time to tend to his large garden, or help in the hospital when he's not busy. He enjoys company when he can get it, as his house is quite large and mostly empty, save for himself and a few servants. He looks forward to the next visit from the trio.

And as his luck would have it, two of the boys would visit again soon, however under unfortunate circumstance. This is how Eli met Cutlass, whom he patched up, and has been taking care of. He teasingly called himself the man's guardian angel, and it seems to have stuck with the swordsman, who's taken to using it as a petname. Eli, himself, has been all too happy to bend to Cutlass' whims and need for attention, often pushing aside his studies or other errands to give the man all of his time.

:: will always put someone else's well-being before his own
:: good-natured tease
:: often plays dumb to incite amusing reactions from others
:: favourite prank to date; stepping up behind Grabber when the thief was sneaking into a room, and casually stating that his mother died in said room; Grabber's reaction was priceless
:: enjoys drinking tea and chatting with friends
:: enjoys playing with hair and having his own played with
:: loves cold weather and taking walks when it snows
:: often falls asleep on the couch while studying, and has woken up with print smeared onto his face
:: dislikes being woken up early
:: free spirited in the "I don't mind walking around naked to air dry after a bath" way
:: only sort of regrets getting Cutlass handcuffs for Christmas

Pitchback:: "Ace is quite the gentleman. Sadly, he's also quite oblivious to one's advances. Still, he's a kind and generous friend."

Grabber:: "An adorable little thing, really. So jumpy and easy to get riled up. I've caught him more than once trying to steal from my house."

Bombardier:: "Ace's younger brother. I've caught him glaring daggers into the side of my head before. So overprotective...~"

Cutlass:: "He came to me under unfortunate circumstances. While he's been healing, however, I've grown fond of him. He's not unlike a kitten who doesn't get enough attention at home."

Boom:: "I'm not sure I've ever seen a man this muscular before, but he seems like such a gentle soul. It was clear he was worried for Cutlass as well."

Pet Treasure

Fencing Rapier

Sweetheart Potion

Elemental Reversal Concoction

Nurse Bertha

Bottled Antilovirus

Dr. Lockhearts Amoryl Cream

Dr. Lockhearts Amorisporin-Medicated Bandages

The Old Book of Ghost Stories

Frostbite Desk Reference

Beauty Plain Ribbon

Tiny Blue Hair Ribbons

Little Blue Ribbon

Blue Sweetie Ribbon

Blue Hair Ribbon


Extract of Loveberry


Doctor Mask

Creation Petticoat Bandages

Mori Bandage

RoQ Candy Xtra Emergency Kit


Yellow Bunny Adhesive Bandages

Pink Bunny Adhesive Bandages

Purple Bunny Adhesive Bandages

Green Bunny Adhesive Bandages

Blue Bunny Adhesive Bandages

Round Hearts Bandage

Round Bandage

Round Floral Bandage

Round Pie Bandage

Round Love Bandage

Round Striped Bandage

Floral Bandage

Hearts Bandage

Heart Bandage

Striped Bandage

Pie Bandage

Sticky Bandage

Pet Friends