
Tel has a minion!

the Hollyberry Pie

Legacy Name: Tel

The Custom Marsh Telenine
Owner: Paula

Age: 8 years, 9 months, 3 weeks

Born: July 8th, 2015

Adopted: 1 year, 8 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: August 11th, 2022

This pet has been nominated for the Pet Spotlight!


  • Level: 46
  • Strength: 116
  • Defense: 116
  • Speed: 110
  • Health: 115
  • HP: 110/115
  • Intelligence: 38
  • Books Read: 38
  • Food Eaten: 49
  • Job: Hopper


Profile template (c) helix (get yours here);
Free background from Wallpapers.Net;
Overlay by dalice;
Story by Pureflower!
He lounges against the side of a red sports car, running his fingers on the hood and staring off into the distance, the classic impatient male waiting for his ride to arrive. An easy grin stretches over his face when he realizes your gaze is turned in his direction.

Well, hi there. Quite the beauty, isn't she?

Mine? No...not in so many words. Let's say she's the car I'm driving every night in my dreams. Except I'd have her seats custom fitted. Does this body look like it would fit in that tiny space?

He certainly has the imposing look down. Large and bulky, he looks like he could take out a wall just by leaning on it. His brown hair casually flops in all directions and the dirty bandages around his wrists are evidence that this brawler isn't afraid to literally get his hands dirty.

My work? Let's just say, I'm one of an elite group of demon hunters who will go after any troublesome spook or spellcaster...for the right price. He digs a candy bar out of his pocket and starts to eat with gusto/ My partner...she'll be off pretending she's a master thief, as usual. She has no appreciation for the value of muscle power. Or a good meal. Ichi eats like a bird. I'll never understand how she doesn't drop dead from malnutrition. Me? I eat every chance I get. I'm still a growing boy, you know.

You're thinking if he grows much more, he'll burst right out of his clothes. You wisely keep the thought to yourself.

Yeah, there aren't many things as fun as annoying Ichi. It doesn't take very much. She likes things quiet as a church on Sunday. Me...I like to crank it up. Music, the occasional explosion, you name it. Where's the fun if people don't even know you've been in the room?

Though it really isn't a party without good food, you know? I like me a good home-cooked meal but I'll settle for boxes and cans, when we're in the busy season. You've got to keep a handy emergency supply of snacks in this line of work. Demons are so blasted inconsiderate, you know. Always rearing their ugly heads (and they can have a lot of heads) right when you're sitting down to table.

I think the ones that mess with your mind are the worst, though. There was this one...she could plant a vision of your greatest desire. Almost drove me crazy when I realized this sparkling gold table full of all my favorite foods was just a mind trick. Too bad you can't beat up a demon proper. They just get cowardly and vanish back into their own realm when things start getting hairy. I wanted to pound on that greasy dimensional soul-stealer until there was nothing left but a tiny black smear on the ground.

Fighting is almost as good as eating. Your fists connecting with a satisfying smacking sound. Your muscles singing as they go through the motions. Yeah...almost as good.

But nothing quite compares to a flavor explosion in your mouth.

Where was I? mind wandered to this especially glorious sandwich I made last week.

Oh...there's Ichi. With the usual sour lemons look on her face. She must not have eaten enough for breakfast. That's usually what grumpy looks are about, the way I figure. People may say they're annoyed at their boyfriend or frustrated by the latest seemingly impossible mission or yelling at their (charming) partner for making too much noise when assisting with cracking a safe. We all know the only really valid reason to be irritable is hunger.

Ichi says I'm the only one in the world to really believe this.

She's just jealous she can't pack away food the way I can.

I'm only half-listening as she describes our next big mission. (She'll ask if I was paying attention later and I'll say no and she will practically blow steam out her ears. It will be hilarious.) We both know how this will go down. We'll find the demon, she'll do a few cute knife tricks and I will proceed to pound that demon into submission.

Then we'll go back to the lair and feast.

Well...I'll feast. Ichi will probably go down to the vault and ogle the treasures there.

Maybe if I could figure out a way to turn gold into gouda, she'd find a way to relax for once.

*shrugs* Oh well. Time to go destroy some demons.

There's an indent of his arm on the car's hood when he stands. He takes no notice. Once again, you wisely say nothing.

See you around.

Pet Treasure

Mori Bandage

Mummy Mask

Bamboo Food Steamer

Brown Swashbuckling Baldric

Half-Eaten Sandwich

Book in a Bottle

All Sorts of Pudding

Pet Friends

Just saying, man, take it easy.

You worry too much, now.

Ouch, hey, I was kidding!

all the fire must be good for baking.