
Vapan has a minion!

Cocorin the Brass Whelpling

Legacy Name: Vapan

The Golden Torrey
Owner: Dragon_Cloud01

Age: 15 years, 2 months, 1 week

Born: March 21st, 2009

Adopted: 15 years, 2 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: March 21st, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 0/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Vapan, captain of the Dasdigre.

He was always a bit 'wild,' even as a child. Imagining 'adventures' and losing himself in the forested area near his home in the outskirts of the city, keeping his parents and his caretakers on their toes. It never changed as he grew up, becoming more wiser to the world as he expanding his knowledge through a good education that his parents provided for him. He knew etiquette, yet the open world called to him more than the safe cushiony life that was to be his. When his brother was born, he was sure that his parents would have the Heir they so wished for. His mother, who was more tolerant of his ways than his father and he acquired his ship, the Dasdigre through her contacts. Guided in the ways of the airship by one of the best in his home-city and after two years of guidance, he was flying with his own crew, a bundle of men that he knew and trusted from his childhood adventures.

A few years or so passed, and Vapan had started to build up a reputation for himself. Generally as a good airman and a competent transporter, occasionally taking on an 'adventure' or two, or a dozen. Whatever took his fancy, and careful enough not to damage his reputation. But a request from his own family would change his life for the better.

Asked to attend a rural masquerade in his parents stead, he used one of the smaller, two person aircraft that he aquirred for the Dasdigre recently. It was a stylish entrance, that warranted him hounded by a swarm of girls, more interested in his looks and status than him and his multitude of stories of the world he had seen with his own two eyes, his deeds and the Dasdigre's travels. He soon grew bored of the party in general, it was slower paced than the usual city masquerades. He was standing out on one of the balconies of the 'palace' in the middle of nowhere, he was approached by a young woman, asking him questions about his adventures. Of course he was more than happy to supply them, and they spent a time just talking, ignoring the rest of the party as it continued on within.

He did, just before the party ended manage to get a few dances with her, quietly admitting to himself that she was entrancing. Not just for her beauty but she was clever and thought 'out of the box' like himself. Her parents didn't take to him overly well, taking her time and filling her head with stories of intrigue and adventure.

Pet Treasure

Gin and Tonic

Steampunk Pocket Watch

Arid Warador Plushie

Brass Gyroscope

Silver Gyroscope

Gaslight Wrench

Pet Friends

The girl he met in the fateful masqurade and she might not realise it but she stole his heart. He writes to her almost everyday, keeping her updated on what the Dasdigre does. When he gets back to home port, he seems to bump into her alot...

Quit following me! I'm not who you are looking for!