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Rating: 17.73%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: Cosplaying asHiccup from the Dreamworks movie How to Train Your Dragon. The dragon in my HA is Toothless. While in the movie he is large and black, this Toothless is a depiction of the smaller book-version.


Rating: 17.7%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: Kratos, from the God of War video game series.


Rating: 17.61%

Team: Manwar

In Their Own Words: Mindy Macready - aka "Hit-Girl" - of the popular "Kick-Ass" comic book series turned movie of the same name is a 10-year-old vigilante who likes Hello Kitty, Clint Eastwood movies, and bloodshed. My cosplay is of her film adaptation, played by Chloe Moretz.


Rating: 17.57%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: This is Dolores Umbridge from the Harry Potter series.
Here, she is pictured in front of her desk and with her precious kitty. She is still seeking to avenge Harry Potter. He will soon regret messing with Dolores Umbridge.


Rating: 17.42%

Team: Manwar

In Their Own Words: This is a weeping angel, a monster from the TV series Doctor Who. It is essentially supposed to be a murderous statue that can only move when no one is looking at it. When I remembered about the stone face paint, it was obvious to me that I had to try one of my favorite villains from one of my favorite shows. It was fun to make.


Rating: 17.23%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: "Him", one of the recurring villains from the Powerpuff Girls cartoon.


Rating: 17.16%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: Princess Zelda


Rating: 17.14%

Team: Manwar

In Their Own Words: Groucho Marx of the Marx Brothers films


Rating: 17.09%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: I am Celesse from the Coda Caves on Atebus. I wanted to do a Subeta character and I think her outfit and style is very unique and innocent-looking.


Rating: 16.84%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: altair ibn la ahad - ala assassin's creed (assailant's credo)