Reward Card Notice

Stamp My Card!
Baby Griffin Talisman
Fancy Pug Plushie

There will be a brand new reward card in the Cash Shop on October 15th. That means the current card, along with its prizes, will be retired at that time as well!

Remember that you earn stamps on your card for each 1000 credits you purchase through Paypal or Stripe. These purchases do not have to be all at once!
User Avatar: 744

Posted by SubetaTeam


So what's going on with the new card anyone know?


I definitely filled the card at least twice already, so it sucks that none of this will roll over. I guess I'll avoid spending more cash on the site until October if possible.

It would be super awesome if csc spent over the first 100 gave you credits toward something else, like the upcoming forum shop. |D Maybe $5 = 1 forum shop point? Or even $10? It would be nice for the people who support your site every month but have better things to do than spam the forums all day.


@Andrea No, I wouldn't? If I were running out of csc and needed it within this 2 weeks, I wouldn't refrain from spending just because the next card is not out yet, especially when the prizes can easily be purchased with sp/csc right now for less than what it takes to fill up the stamps (well inflation happened because of the news announcement but otherwise yes you can buy the baby griffin talisman for ~ 6 usd and that's the most expensive item as far as I'm aware). So for those that really are doing it only for the items, why would you not purchase it from another user for cheaper if maxing out is a big deal for you? But that's another thing I don't get altogether. xD


There are those that are upset they won't be able to complete the card and those upset that they have completed it more than once over so it sounds like 3 months is the perfect time frame. Not everyone will be able to complete it and it's not meant to be completed by all. I do agree that it might be a good idea to restart the card to have more of those items available onsite but then people will most likely complain about devaluing the items. It's not like you aren't already getting what you paid for anyway. In the past all you got was the credit for what was spent and a first time achievement for donating. Now they have many additional perks for donating to the site. Many would be donating even without the perks. Not everyone is going to be happy no matter what is done.


I understand, but it kind of sucks. $10 CSC lasts a very long time for me, so I feel as if I will never fill out one of these cards. =/ I understand some people spend more and more power to them, just a little sad that I won't fill out a punch card.

Now if it were $5 a punch, I could possibly milk it =)


I'd personally appreciate if there was a preview of every item in each stamp placeholder, so we can see what is available and in which order (:


Yeah, what FLUX said. Do we have a list?


Does anyone have a list of the items IN ORDER of how they are awarded?


Quote by Starloard:
I don't get why people are saying it should roll over... because they need to be rewarded for spending money after maxing out?
If you were told something would be on sale or come with a bonus in 2 weeks... wouldn't you wait, too?

I don't think every single CSC purchase should roll over (that's just ridiculous) but I think it's more than fair to allow purchases starting on the day of the announcement to roll over because it's been announced.


I think I've filled this card like 2 or 3 times over (I know I filled it "once" with just pet slots :P) so yeah I'm more than ready for a new card. I think 3 months is more than reasonable, my only thoughts are:

1. Tbh it's really a .... catch 22, to tell people they have 2 1/2 weeks to finish a card. Because yeah on one hand people might rush to get all the stamps... people like myself have no desire to spend csc on the site (unless I have to) until the new card is out.

I was planning on submitting an overlay this weekend, and name swapping a pet.. but instead I think I'll just wait until the 15th /: I think a better idea would have been two weeks + telling users that HAVE completed the previous cards, that all purchases from today will count towards the new card that isn't out yet. Then I'd have no reason to wait.

Vs. yeah I'ma be nickle and diming it on subeta until the 15th.

2. PLlleeease spoopy items (and fall in general!)


I don't get why people are saying it should roll over... because they need to be rewarded for spending money after maxing out? If you're doing that, you obviously are doing it for a reason or you wouldn't be doing it? Cws? Training? Isn't that enough of a reward? What more do you want? To me, csc is in itself a privilege, but then again, I don't spend a dime on the site, so for me, just having the csc would be enough of a reward. /shrugs


Wow, I'm glad you posted this because I just got all the items/stamps xD I'd totally forgotten about this.


It would be so nice if one of these went back to the first time we bought from the cash shop.I have spent thousands in there, in Subetas beginning.


It would be nice to restart the same card if you collected all the stamps before the next one was released, then people who couldn't buy CSC would have more opportunities to buy the items with SP. I'm not overly bothered though, I found the timeframe to be about right for me.


I checked my Card when I realized I had the griffin talisman..., how the heck did I manage to spend $87???? I only need to get one decent tip in the next couple of weeks to finish this card. Will we have an archive of our filled cards that we can admire like an achievement after they retire?


@Iridescent Actually, you could buy CSC to buy a GA. That's not fair if GA subscription dont count for the card. I also asked for a mod and she said it counts...


I hope you guys get rid of the useless/prizeless stamps. I hated spending 10 dollars anc getting a stamp but no prize. :/

The one stamp which I did manage to get to gave me an item that is not what I collect, so I wish there was an element of choice, but eh.

*sighs and tries to get the wears with SP*


Wow, I filled that card two or three times over! I didn't realize it had only been out a couple months, lol. I was just complaining to myself there needed to be a new one ;)


Yeesh, been a while since I looked at my reward card. I'd just about fill another card so it would be epic if it rolled over to the next card.


Iridescent, the rewards aren't random, everyone gets the same things on the same stamps!


gee, that was quick!


I really want that Griffin Talisman and I'm over halfway through the card. He's just so cute! I kind of wish the rewards weren't random. I might be tempted to spend more if I knew what I was working towards.. But I can see how they lose rarity that way. Personally I think 3 months is a good balance. There's no way to make everyone happy and still keep it simple and prices low enough for people get the prizes that don't actually want to spend a ton of money. And if you do really want to spend money on it I guess the easiest route is probably buying csc cards to sell for the sp. Kind of a circular way but you still pay for the item you want and it's not random. Maybe they could release smaller prizes to those that only spend a little money, or maybe just for your first cards purchase? That way even those that can only spend five bucks will feel good about it. :)

I also agree that it would be nice if GA payments went towards the card but on the hand you do get lots of perks for it on it's own. I wonder if that was intentional or if they just didn't consider it. (curious)


Though yeah, I do think there should be a rollover/extra card thing going on when you get all the stamps. Because I wouldn't spend a $ extra once I hit the top reward. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.


To keep it simple, as a reward for buying csc, why not do away with the card system and just let us earn points for buying csc? you make a shop where we spend our points and put all the goodies in there so we can choose to save /spend whatever, and you dont have to worry about changing cards etc?
If you wanted to add or take away gifts at any time thats your choice.
It be like the recycle centre & encourage people to buy a bit more csc if they wanted something, as it is now this might encourage people to 'only' spend up to the $100 and wait for the next card [myself included]


These cards and the bonus csc for purchases are way way better than the crappy bobbleheads. Despite years of spending, I never got a single rare bobble. So I don't really get what's unfair about the reward cards? I think they're analogous to the referral prizes and haven't seen anyone in uproar over them; tiers of prizes for a 'real life' contribution to the site. I'm sure Subeta would like to treat everyone the same, regardless of their personal circumstances, but that's totally unrealistic when it's trying to stay afloat. The site has never been cloaked about the importance of cash contributions to the site.

Plus, nothing stays retired forever. That's Subeta 101. Watch this card and set of prizes return in a year or two.


I REALLY wish there was another way to get csc besides stripe and paypal. The other game cards that retired were what I used, but now I can't.
I'll just end up having to buy the griffin. :/


@LucidDreams I agree with that. I don't get why I would like to get a stamp if it don't give anything.
Also, 3 months could be enough for you, but not for those who can't pay $33/month...

@curbdirt your idea is nice... That'd be cool, because the freaking griffin talisman is 18m O_o it was 12m before it was announced. I had only 14m and when I saw it, the price already was 16m lol


I think it really sucks cash doesn't roll over :/, I mean I knew it probably wouldn't. I will say that knowing that it doesn't roll over will probably me mean I'll spend less now, and sit on my hands for the next card. I just see myself waiting for the next card so I know that I'll get all the items, instead of spending the extra for no additional stamps or anything.


@sbslink No problem! And I do agree, it would be nice if those who can only spend 10 dollars in the timeframe at least manage to get the first prize; maybe next time the very first stamp could give out a prize. Then everybody has a more realistic goal to work towards. (I was confused at first too when I got to the first stamp and didn't get anything, lol)


@sbslink and others

I want to point out that Subeta DOES reward people who can only donate small amounts at a time or just once in a blue moon. There is the bonus csc you earn for spending $10 or more at a time, which over time adds up. There are the special items that you can earn for buying any amount of csc between certain dates, and sometimes even larger amounts of free csc from things like the recent 20% event.


This is so ridiculous. It's a bonus, I get that. But this is sounding like it's really unfair to both sides already. For the people who can't fill their cards in the allotted time this really sucks for them, these items could get rather pricey. And for the people who spent way far over the amount it doesn't even roll over?! It's not really adding up to be "fair" for anyone, here. After all, it is only a bonus.

In my opinion, there could maybe be just two versions of each card, so people who fill it up sooner can at least get doubles for many reasons: collecting, TCs, transformable items, books, and selling/giving to users who were unable to obtain otherwise. I should say, especially so the items aren't completely unattainable to newer players or people who missed out on filling up their cards.

I have real money to spend here, but I don't want to piss off other users that don't or can't. I would rather have the option to sell them my double at a competitive price, or host a giveaway or ...something, anything! I don't want long-time users or completely new users to be left out, but if they can't spend the real money here then they are. But after all, it is just a bonus.


Thank you for the very special reward items. It is nice to know that the love is returned!


@LucidDreams: Aha okay, thanks for the answer :) That is too bad though. Maybe you guys could make it so that the next stamp card only gives you stamps that also give you prices. Because the smaller ones that don't seem rather useless if the amount you spend is also listed under the stamp card.

I am still a bit bummed that there isn't any reward for us people who cannot spend a whole lot of money but do support the site on a regular basis. I do cheer on the fact that there are some nice prices for those who spend their money that helps keep the site running :)


Subeta isn't "shafting" anyone. They release gorgeous items that are readily available for SP all the time, it doesn't hurt to have a few exclusive prizes every now and then for those that spend a lot of money here. Three months is reasonable. And the bobbleheads just annoyed me personally, I always ended up with the worthless ones. This is definitely more of an incentive to me anyway.

@sbslink I think the bigger stamps are the ones that come with prizes, so the very first one wouldn't have given you a prize.


Just a question out of curiosity. Do you, or do you not get a reward for the first stamp on your card? If so.. I might have missed getting it, or didn't get it. And if you do, is it a fixed one?


Never said that. Just pointing out another site that rewards only the people who can financially help maintain the site. Those of us who support the site when we can should not get shafted for rewards because we can not spend whatever 50 - 100 in 3 months. I am not sure the total to fill a card. The bobbles were a nice perk because you were rewarded no matter your amount spent. Even if it ended up being a cheapo 50sP bobble it was always nice. I know it is to better the site which is where I justify spending that money even though sometimes it is a choice between milk and Subeta. I do not think it is right that the reward perks only benefit the people who can drop that 50-100 on the site. Rewards should be for everyone no matter the size of the contribution. This site is supposed to be fun and no not all sites a fair, I get that, nothing ever is. I think instead of saying oh sorry you get nothing for not supporting our site with your money. Instead there should be a compromise. Keep adding cards for those of you financially able to fill them and keep the old ones for the rest of us to work on. Sure it would be a pain in the behind but it would make everyone happy and not just the people who can spend all their money here.


Taffy - would it be more fair if the site started requiring everyone to pay for a subscription in order to keep afloat?

The rewards are a perk for helping to keep the site running - and the items are obtainable with sP which you don't have to spend a penny of real money to get.


So basically. You are rewarding the people that can keep maintaining your website and those of us who are struglling financially and can not afford to buy more than a month ga at a time are shafted for rewards? Feeling the love.


Personally I was over the $100 before the last promotion, so I'm glad to hear about a new card. Disappointed our cash won't roll over. I like the idea of a tiered card system but understand it may be hard to implement. I will be changing my spending habits, though. I don't want to spend cash with no reward, so I'll pace myself better this time! Good to know it will be every 3 months. Thanks!


But actually it's nice that it's lasting only 3 months... more money in my pockets :P


@Phantomhive I filled a ticket about that because I thought it'd last at least 10 months, so I could subscribe for monthly GA + 500CSC to fill up the card, and the mod who signed my ticket said it counts. Fill a ticket if that happened to you, it should count


I'm curious so can I ask why the cost of subscriptions for GA's don't count as part of this? Yeah, they're part of the CSC shop too so why don't they count. Even if they're discounted because they're a subscription, they're still purchased from the CSC often times at the same time as CSC and by the same method.


Aw, man. I'm at $50 right now, and I was really hoping I'd have enough time to get the other $50. Now I definitely won't be able to. I can't toss around that much money in such a short amount of time.


Sorry, accidentily clicked submit! ...some people can pay hundreds and that's great and good for the site!! I just am sad to see my $5 to the first reward vanish. I want to support the site, but meds are expensive. So that's my take on it, though I'll accept my loss ;)


Ah - you should, if you keep up your current rate, at least get the first prize. I don't remember how the tiers broke down and it doesn't list them.

That would be handy - if the list of rewards achieved still appear on the card page - so you can see at what point you got what rewards.

I agree with @Seerow - there are tons of things that are very very difficult (if not impossible) for me to obtain because I came onto the site later. I don't think its really an issue of fair or not - you weren't here so you have to obtain it another way or let it go.


Aw, I wish we could carry over $5 purchase gaps to the next card. I am totally cool with greater contributors getting new and better rewards but my $5 was a lot to me and I was rather looking forward to getting a reward for that contribution eventually. Actually makes me want to spend less on the site knowing my purchase reward opportunities may vanish before I can pay another $5. For reference, I'm disabled and on fixed income. I get that some people can pay


I filled up the first card the day it came out and haven't spent money since. Glad to see a new card. I suppose I'll be saving up for October, then. Right around my brithday too. <4


..... yeah.... I'm not even close to finishing the /first/ one...


@Reaper: Yeah I got one stamp, but I don't think I've gotten a reward for it. Or I must just be missing something. (Current Level: 1 -Qualifying Purchases: $17.00) I am definitely not saying you shouldn't be rewarded for your support for the site. I just think it would be nice if even people who can't spend a whole lot would at least get something. Like we did with the bobbleheads.

@Ferinsy: It is indeed around that.


Also, does anyone know if the Baby Griffin Talisman is the first reward, or it's random?



Ehh stuff gets retired all the time. The same can be said for bobbleheads - new users didn't get a chance to complete those.


@Reaper if sbslink spent $5 each month, she'd get 1,000 CSC, or 1,500... The rewards are given each 2,000, I guess, since the gold stamps are the odd ones.


@Keith Don't you think the newbies would find more unfair the fact that the cards are retired? I mean, if you can complete a card and skip or skip to the nex one, at least you CAN complete all the cards, and don't need to spend a lot of sP on an item.


Avedis - Yeah, like I said. We really wanted this to be a simple system and we tend to make big over complicated rules that then are really hard to explain. Imagine going to the page for the first time and seeing a card from two years ago, with a bit about how you can skip to the current one, etc etc. We're figuring out a balance, this is a new feature! One year+ was way too long for the bobbleheads, so we're seeing how three months works. If a lot of users aren't able to keep up with it we can extend it to six months. It's all about watching and seeing what happens :)


Also, I'm excited to see the new card. I finished this one the other week and was wondering when we'd see a new one.

Idea request: Can we please see our purchasing history on the page? Like
Total: $105
July 20 - $15 Stripe subscription
August 10 - $25 Stripe purchase
August 20 - $15 Stripe subscription
September 4 - $50 Paypal purchase


Sadly it won't.

The lowest amount of CSC you can buy with cash is $5 - so even if you'd only spent $5 a month for the last two and a half months you'd have hit the first reward - your explanation is confusing.


@Keith Yea, I can see that. Though if you let them skip past cards, they could go straight to the current one - and maybe you can only do cards from this year. If you're working on a 2014 card, then when it becomes 2015 it retires for good. Either way, I totally get that it's a delicate balance! (And for the record, 3 months is a pretty decent release schedule.)


It'd be worse for people who want items for the 4th card, for example... They'd have to spent $300 and something more to get the items. Imagine if there are more than 10 cards... Items would never be on the usershops.
Also, people who spent $1000 on this first card will have to spend at least more $100 on the next card, because it wasn't released yet. (Unless if they put the amount to rollover)


Thanks for the additional explanation of why they aren't rotated out sooner for those that have filled them, part of me wondered but figured there was a reason. Also I'm excited that they might be themed around the time of year/NPC who releases it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some dark and spooky Morostide items on this next card xD


@Keith: I think you meant to say: "Everybody who spends a lot of money on credits" because I spend money steadily every month.. but never enough to fill up even for the first reward. I don't want to sound all whiny, and I know I probably will. But I just don't have a lot of money. And now it just feels like my contribution isn't worth anything to you.


If we've filled our current card and purchased more since then will the extra carry over?


O_o less than 3 months? I was expecting at least half year




This was a bit soon for me. Wish I could fill it up, but so many unexpected things. Ah well, just those colelctables, ugh. lol


@Keith I know that with most stamp or punchcard soon as you fill yours up, no matter how slowly or quickly you do it, you move to the next one. The business doesn't just say oh well, you filled it up, so you can't have another until x time. They're just given a new card. Why not let the ones that have filled up their cards move to the next one in line? Is there a reason why that wouldn't work here? I don't know. Maybe i'm dumb. ><


@Avedis I wish! The problem that we'd run into there is if we continue to release them every 3 months the people who've been maxing them out will have items that people who are new to the site have to spend thousands of dollars to get to, at once.

They're typically going to be themed around the time of year / particular NPCs and to be honest there will be some that people will want to complete because of that rather than actually wanting to buy CSC.


I personally am happy that we are getting a new card, I just wish it actually came out at the start of the month rather than the 15th. We've had this card for almost three months now, and it's time for there to be a new one.

Yes $100 to fill a card is a lot of money to spend on a luxury like Subeta. But for the people who support Subeta above and beyond need to be encouraged/rewarded for their continuing support otherwise this site would be in big trouble. Making sure these items retain some rarity is a great way of doing that. You don't have to fill up a card to get these items, like everything else, you can always buy with SP if you can't afford to buy the CSC to earn them.


No problem @Keith - I knew it was longer than 2 months - because if I'd spent the amount listed under my card in only 2 months I might cry haha.


Such a tough balance to maintain between users who don't spend much quickly (and might miss out on cards) and those who go through cards quickly (and miss out on rewards for purchases after the first $100). A tier system could definitely ease this.

Card A released. Users earn rewards until maxed.
Card B released. Users who maxed card A progress immediately (carry-over balance would be especially great). Users still working on card A have the option to continue with card A or skip to card B (but forfeit the ability to finish card A).
Card C released. Users who maxed card B progress immediately. Users still working on card A/B continue with progress on those cards or skip ahead to C and forfeit completion of earlier cards.

Rinse, repeat.

This would also mean that staff doesn't have to fret over the timing of cards so much - just keep adding new ones at the same pace or whatever is about average for users to complete a card.


Quote by MarchOnOff:

I can understand why it has to be 15th of October, with Morostide coming. However I was wondering if maybe the items on this current card could be moved to the cash-shop for purchase till the end of October?
Unless they charge the CSC equivalent to the amount we had to purchase for each item in its tier (i.e. a tier 5 item that was awarded when you had spent a total of $50 should cost 5000 csc) then I don't see how that's fair to anyone who filled up their card in order to get the prizes.


Thanks @Reaper I was looking for that in the news history to figure out exactly how long it's been!


Hey guys! I'm here to answer some of the questions.

1. There is no rollover. If you spend $150 on this card, you will not have $50 on the next card.
2. We decided to keep it simple and not have the cards work as "tiers" or allow you to work on multiple cards at a time, etc. It made the system a lot more complicated than what it is meant to be which is...

A bonus for purchasing cash shop credits. I understand that everyone wants to be able to collect everything, but these are specifically items meant as a bonus for purchasing credits from the cash shop. I hope that this makes sense and of course we're watching the feedback and are happy to make changes to the system but right now this is just a little bonus for people spending CSC, not a big system or something we want to make endlessly complicated.


technically you do not have to spend 100$, i know that and i also know that the servers don't run on sunshine and buttlerflies... but it's just so quick o_O those bobblehead were up for over a year!


For everyone saying this was too soon:

Cash Shop Reward Card Announcement - July 20, 2014

Your purchases towards each stamp don't have to be made all at once! As your ongoing total reaches a level, you'll receive your next stamp. There will be new cards released from time to time - complete with new stamps and prizes!

The Loyalty Card considers all CSC purchases from Thursday, 17 July, onward as qualifying purchases.
When the card retires, you will have had 2 days shy of 3 full months to acquire all of your stamps. Those of us who spend frequently have been asking for quite awhile for a new card and/or for the ability to fill up multiples of the same card.

So as unfair as you feel it is to you that you didn't have the ability in 3 months to fill one card, we feel it's equally unfair that with as much as we've supported the site with our cash purchases of CSC, we don't get any additional rewards - unlike the bobblehead system which used to at least give us the chance at getting some rare ones.


I can understand why it has to be 15th of October, with Morostide coming. However I was wondering if maybe the items on this current card could be moved to the cash-shop for purchase till the end of October?


I like that idea, Kaiidth,


Definitely dont agree with the retirement of the first stamp card. I used to buy a lot of CSC on a fortnightly basis but I am unable to now and I dont think its fair that it will be retired. Why cant the new stamp card be the next tier? Because when i first looked on the stamp page that was definitely the impression I got.


Thank you! :) I spent more than enough to run through the first and than some. Will this be a schedule thing? Every couple months a new card will come out? I know that will keep me buying CSC regularly if the cards are switched out often enough.


Wow, that is incredibly quick :( I only got one stamp and totally no items. Now I have to start all over again on the next card and probably won't make that one either. So do spend money on Subeta but eventually have nothing extra to show for it.

I know I am probably whining. But it would be nice if us people who don't have an awful lot to spend would be able to fill up over a long period of time. I like the suggestions that the new card could be added as a new tier or something.


yey! cant wait for a new one :D i got all the items really early on so have been waiting for a new card :D


I have to agree with Alaizabel! Spending 100$ in two months is a lot! I can't do that, but I also want to have fun with this game ... but not giving users like me a chance to fill up a card in a decent pace ... really, thats just unfair :/


I was hoping for a new one soon! Will our extra
points past the last tier count towards the
next one?


I completely lost track of time there, I agree that it would be nice to have cards sit longer than just two months at a time.


I'm excited for the changeover too. I've filled this one up and then some - kinda bummed that the item rewards don't repeat on the cards since there's a transformable item and a book =/


What Evy said. I spent a shitton on this card. Interested to see if any will transfer over.


Will our over payments past the 100 count? I do also agree maybe not retire but add more slots a tier 2 something?



Baby Griffin Talisman
Fancy Pug Plushie
Flowered Coffee Tuft (can become Loyalty Coffee Tufts and vice versa)
Kitty Print Leggings
Stamp My Card!

There was also a title.


woah, that card came out in august? two months to spend 100$ on subeta? wow, that is a lot.


And now I'm afraid to buy cash... I'm sure there'll be something awesome I totally need.


When said that we would get a while to fill our card, this wasn't what i imagined :s


so ... this means that users who do not spend 100$ have no chances to get the other items? why retire one card and do not see the new card as a tier 2 of the first one :/


Don't remember if this was discussed on the release of the cards, but will the extra money we have on this card be transferred to the next one? (150 spend on this card, is 50 worth of stamps on the next one?)


Yay!!! :D


...oh. So purchases made via PBC aren't rewarded? I don't think I had realized that :/

It'd be nice if purchases made from now until Oct 15 would count for the new card, otherwise I foresee everyone waiting until then to buy anything, heh.


Yikes, that's kind of incredibly quick isn't it?


What a bizzarre time to change things over. o_O


Does anyone know a list of all of this ones reward items?


Def. the end of the month.

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