Community Guidelines

Friendly Visitor
Lovely Friends Sticker

We\'ve just launched our Community Guidelines to the site. You have to agree to them before you can view any part of the site where you can leave a comment, so make sure to read through them!

Over the years, we\'ve had a more laid back approach to the site, and we\'ve noticed that sometimes things can get heated. We love the passion and commitment to the site. However! We\'re all here to have a good time and get away from the real world and should never feel attacked or harassed for our opinions.

If you break the guidelines the user administrators can restrict your access to that feature until you read and agree to the terms again, and after that we\'ll start giving you increasing time bans from that area of the site. We will also start removing posts that go against these guidelines (some of the comments in the Shinwa revamp post are great examples of this).

Remember the golden rule and you\'ll be fine! Also, any time we make changes to the community guidelines, you\'ll be asked to agree again.
User Avatar: 744

Posted by SubetaTeam


@Tribunal Oops, I must say that I totally concur. I'll implement that change right away.


Better late than never!



Awesome! Can we no longer 'un-agree' though? I was going to try it just to see how the forums look now, and the box seems to stay checked no matter what I do.

I'm pretty sure it was working the other day but I won't swear to it. I don't see why it shouldn't be allowed, posts would still be counted under what it was at the time (and obviously what it was was agreed to, since the post was able to be made). I might just be crazy, but just curious if something changed.


Actually i dont go to think too much about to say..
I only join forums when i got a problem/dude
Only when was event forums (dance and etc)...
And only aleast for the post of subeta at minecraft...
Really i dont use too much forums and etc...
And i dont go to pretend sound smart, because im not care of too much...
Maybe the other 99% of people with do care...
I avoid any problem for myself out of this site and avoid it from my english because spanish is my mother talk...
Always changes are welcome...for end my comment...


According to the Texas Penal Code, you can be charged with disorderly conduct if you do any of these in a public place:

1. Use “abusive, indecent, profane, or vulgar language,” of the kind likely to provoke a physical altercation. These are known legally as “fighting words.”

2. Make an obscene gesture that is likely to start a physical altercation.
There are more but I didn't want to take up a lot of space. So as ridiculous as it might sound. It is there. Sorry if it may seem a bit off topic but it was in response to Snowflake.


Opinions that are right or wrong can still be offensive even if stated politely.
Polite was more the word I used for lack of a better one. I meant more "as long as I'm not trying to attack or offend anyone," or "as long as I am just trying to have a calm conversation or debate."

Hahaha, I can't blame you. I actually do have a Tumblr account, I made it before things got the way they are now. I pretty much avoid logging in anymore, though.

Also, love your other posts. You basically said everything that I couldn't. And as another example, a lot of people seem to be overlooking it but I had often found that calling someone "too sensitive" was extremely offensive. I myself have been put into that category many times. It didn't exactly "offend" me, but it used to really hurt my feelings. Nowadays I do tend to take some offence to it though, because calling someone who is extremely sensitive "too sensitive" doesn't solve anything. Instead saying something like that just implies that the individual's personality trait is a "problem" or that it's "unacceptable" to others. I'm not making a huge fuss about it though, because I figure that most people probably wouldn't take me seriously.

Empathy for other walks of life and views is cozy, like a snuggie.
Unless you're like me and you take the whole "being considerate of other people" thing too far, then you just wind up a quiet pushover with anxiety problems. That's not fun, or cosy. It's more like a snuggie of needles. Personally I'm trying to find a medium between thinking about others too much and not enough.

Anyway, took a good break from reading everything, came back and read the relevant comments a few times, then I went back and re-read the guidelines. They honestly make more sense now, but I do still think they could be improved. I think that things like "Our community is full of people who are just looking to have a nice time and escape from day-to-day drama, so please don't ruin the fun with a negative attitude when dealing with others!" might sound nice and positive to some, but but some others, especially people who may be lacking in confidence like myself, see that vague statement (and all of the endless ways one could unintentionally ruin another's fun) and immediately start freaking out and thinking things like "What if I mess up?!" Then everything from that point on is read through glasses colored by that fear. I think that's a lot of what happened with me, and it seems to me like the same has happened with some others here in this post. Some might argue that this notion is ridiculous, but I know that psychology supports it. My suggestion would be to make sure that the individual rules get to the main point first, instead of dancing around some fluff and getting to the real point last like they do.


I think everyone needs to understand that there's a difference between blatant censorship (which doesn't allow you to say what you think) and a push for positive thinking. These guidelines don't mean you can't have a negative opinion or be sad or angry. There's a contrast between being opinionated and being an absolute ass.

Sometimes you don't know the difference when you're angry or uninformed or hurt, and I think a positive push in the right direction isn't harmful, particularly in a small, private (and generally friendly) community like Subeta. If you're hurting or shaming someone else, their body type, etc. you deserve the inconvenience of reading these terms again. They're not long.

It's not so much censorship as it is more like reality. If you say to a person's face that you aren't comfortable with something about them, particularly something that makes them who they are, they're not gonna wanna spend time with you. Same rules apply, people. People who are arguing against this are people who want to be foul. Subeta's just saying find somewhere else to do it.

Looking forward to see how these rules will adapt with the community though. These sorts of things are hard to get right on the first try. Thanks.


that is ridiculous. i don't know texas law but ppl say f word and curse all the time in the us. it's not something ppl get arrested for.


sorry, I meant "fictional character"


As I stated I was not offended by it because I see that you meant no offense. (: You do not have to apologize for something like that. At least not to me.
I´m asking because the first time I posted in the forums I got a slap in the face by stating that I´m wary of extreme feminists and prefer calling myself a humanist and like to include all people.
I was heavily surpised by that discussion, let my tell you. I have not been called offensive and a terrible person before this fast simply by disagreeing with someone.
And it happened a second time not many days after in another forum on Subeta, just by stating my impression on the antique shop. I tried to give arguments instead of simply crying unfair.
The posts under the Shinwa revamp cemented it for me further, that I need clarification.
When you aren´t allowed to use the word "fat" anymore because someone not thin (and I´m not thin myself) gets offended by calling a non-fictional character fat and ugly (both words do not go hand in hand), yes, then I need those clarifications badly. Because I don´t know anymore what is offending and what is not. Honestly, to me none of the comments to the Shinwa revamp were offending.



Sure, I'll apologize. I don't intend to come off as demeaning or completely flippant and since it was still perceived as such, I'm sorry. I'm pretty casual in my chatter because I tend to conduct myself in a way that's sincere but not overly serious since we ARE playing a game together, but that doesn't always translate to being well-meaning in everyone's reading. I legitimately and overall feel that people are overthinking this is all; you're concerned at what I said or how I said it, but I don't think within the context it would ever be perceived as ban-worthy because we're hashin' it out like adults with no petty slapfights or namecalling. :] This whole thing is not as slippery slope as most people are fretting about it being! It's just a reminder, I think, to be kind and be held accountable. One everyone can use, myself included!

Again, a sincere apology! I mean that. Feel free to message me if you've got more to hash out with me. That goes for anyone reading this. I'm a goon, but I'm a goon with a heart.


I forgot: There is a reason why I will never have an account on Tumblr (-;


Your reaction to my post is exactly what I meant. I asked for clarification, I asked nicely for it and almost pleaded, and what I get is "duh, be quiet if you are not sure, if it is okay, what you are saying".
You are "attacking" me by assuming I´m always offending others and should examine myself and what I´m saying. You imply that there is something wrong with me/my writing in general.
I´m not taken seriously and If I were less sure of myself or more sensitive I could be offended now. Should you apologize now?

The same goes to @Keith. Asking for clarification and help does not mean we aren´t happy about the rules. Neither does it mean we don´t understand them.
There is no reason to be aggressive or demeaning in your answer and your answer might be percieved as such.
Beginning your sentence with "Le me be super clear" and repeating what other users said is exaclty that and not helping. You are treating us like we are some small stupid childs and don´t take us seriously either.
Should you apologize now too because someone might get offended at your words?

I´s clearly not as easy as you are making it. There are posts who ask for clarification because language is not only about flaming or shouting or swearing. You can imply, assume and belittle without calling someone a doofus or prick direclty to someones face. And that can happen with or without wanting to offend someone.
Comments which belittle and demean others, by implying they are stupid (childish, intolerant or something else) happen a LOT here to everyone who doesn´t share an opinion or asks for help. Too me it´s no problem because comments like that say more about the person who states them than the party who recieves them. I personally do not get offendend by them. But others might.

And I just would like to know if comments like that are except from the rules or not.


Opinions that are right or wrong can still be offensive even if stated politely. I've found Subeta to be full of self-righteous knights who like to demean and belittle a user for saying something that could be twisted to be taken *gasp* offensively. I've also found that like any internet community we have users that are overly sensitive. It'll be interesting to see if the people who do the reporting are just as bad if not worse than the supposed offenders.

Also, is there a system in place so that Staff do not handle cases involving their friends or people they dislike?


You don't have to apologize every time something you say offends someone else, though... Sometimes people are just really over sensitive. Half the comments in that shinwa thread, if the word "fat" was put into the sentence, suddenly people were crying they they were being personally attacked because they're "fatter" than the revamp. It wasn't intended to personally attack or offend that person, they took that onto themselves. It's not a case where you have to apologize to each person who took it to be about themselves or someone of their size... If you mention that a revamp looks tall in your post, are people also going to get offended because they happen to be tall? There's a time and place to require an apology for offending someone. If it's not an attack on them, I really don't think it's necessary. @Keith


If we're talking offensive comments and such, then quite frankly I find some of the comments on this very post offensive. A few people are sitting on their high horses saying they'll be happy to watch others get punished, like they're somehow exempt from the rules. I find that just as rude as people they're pretending to be above.

You may say it's easy to say something and not be offensive, but in my experience it can be a lot more easy to not do anything wrong and still be offensive. Lately I've had a lot of people twisting my words or making assumptions about me and getting offended, these same people have proceeded to attack me for their own misconceptions. Although I would imagine that as long as it's clear that those people are making assumptions, and as long as I was polite in my initial post, then I should be in the clear. Theoretically speaking, anyway. Even staff members are subject to human error.

And just to make the point, even if the staff can sort through any multitude of reports they get from people who feel offended, the fact stands that if the rules are made more concrete then they would likely have a lot less unnecessary reports to deal with. So not only would it be in our, the users', benefit, resulting in a lot less confusion and decelerations of censorship, it would be in the staff's best interest as well.

You guys can argue with those of us who feel like the rules are questionable all you like, but if there are already this many of us who can't clearly understand the rules then it's not going to spell anything good for the future. That's not to say that I don't appreciate those of you who are trying to make it more concrete, though. Even if you are being all "omg people" about it you still manage to help at least some of us form a better idea of what the rules are supposed to mean.

Quote by Archimedes:
...on no other site I have seen the people get offended this easily.
Then you clearly haven't spent much time on Tumblr;;


Thank you, based @Keith.


Let me be super clear. It's easy to be wrong and not be offensive. It's easy to be right and not be offensive. It's easy to state your opinion without being offensive. It's easy to understand why someone is offended by your posts and say "hey, I'm sorry that offended you, I get it and I wont' do it again" instead of digging yourself into a larger hole.


My friend who is a bee continues to make good posts on the subject. I trust bees.


Holy LOLy guacamole, people. Pretty sure if the staff gets a report, then looks at it, sees it's just someone steamed another user disagreed/a petty slapfight over wording/a misunderstanding, they're not gonna follow through with the report and just close it. The phrasing of the penalty system clearly indicates it won't be an automated system so you won't just get a ban out of nowhere because someone THOUGHT you were calling their dog ugly. If you're really that scared of how you'll be perceived for saying something, maybe don't say it! At all. This isn't as hard as you're making it out to be.

BE DECENT. That's all it is. You can still disagree, you can still debate, you can still offer negative, opposing and critical opinions. Just BE DECENT. Word stuff as civil as you can manage or just don't say it. Don't frame this as "WELL PEOPLE GET OFFENDED AT EVERYTHING, HOW IS THAT MY FAULT" or "PC GONE MAD, CENSORSHIP CENSORSHIP". This is just about treating other people nicely on a goofy pet/doll site and doesn't constitute this much hand-wringing.

Otherwise, maybe if you find you consistently bother people with an opinion or phrasing of yours, examine it? Apologize? Saying sorry ain't no skin off my nose. Try it sometime, it frees you. Empathy for other walks of life and views is cozy, like a snuggie. Let's all put on our snuggies. Our snuggies of understanding.


These seem REALLY vague. And way too easy to get someone you just plain disagree with in trouble for saying something you don't like, even if it's not hate speech.

I don't even interact on the forums most of the time, so these don't affect me. Good luck to all those who do, though. I hope nobody cries "bigot" or "bully" just because they don't like people disagreeing with them.


Honestly I get more upset with the people who go around policing saying "that statement is whateverphobic, you're an awful person" than the people who make the ignorant insensitive statement. It is demeaning and often just aggravates the conversation. Mods should really only be the ones to do this, I feel like for the most part users don't really treat people who (possibly accidentally or unknowingly) make insensitive statements with any respect after said statement, which just brings everything else further down.


I have a question:
There are some people who want to be offended by everything whatever words are used. They WANT to misinterpret what is said to feel self rightous and being able to answer with an holier than thou attitude.
My question (or rather plea) is: Will you give some examples what is still okay please?
I haven´t seen too much bad or hurtful language so far but a lot of people who are offended easily by every trifle or someone simply stating facts.
It would be helpful to have some explicit guidelines because on no other site I have seen the people get offended this easily. And I´m 32 years old and have some experience with the internet.

(I´m not sure anymore, this post won´t offend some users as well)


Two things:
(1) Negativity is a part of life. I hope we don't force everyone to pretend we live in Spongebob's brain.

(2) I hope we realize this doesn't mean that just because someone is offended by something that the other person is wrong. Being a diverse group we will all say things that offend others. Let's grow up and get over it. (this does not pertain to offensive language, just differing opinions)


I think that "religion" and "lack there of" should be included with the "Don't be that guy" part. As a person of faith, I feel terrified to post anything around Subeta. I have for years because of the sheer amount of negativity and hatred I've felt directed at people of faith.

-I agree with this post. Also, I'm glad for this, because I have met some...snotty people who were rude to me for like no reason what so ever. One of them even blocked me o.o..for no reason, lol. I just hope this don't turn people into being "report happy" though. Because there's always going to be one person (or people) who like to report things just because -.-. In any event, glad this is happening and I wish everyone a great time :)!!


Inflammatory words that are either injurious by themselves or might cause the hearer to immediately retaliate or breach the peace. Use of such words is not necessarily protected "free speech" under the First Amendment.


"Be decent to everyone and make this site a pleasant experience for all. :)"


Laffo. You guuuuuys.

Also, @TrueRukiaFan , I pick up what you're puttin' down, but I think the overall intention of it being included in the rules is simply because a lot of folks like to blindly invoke it as to the reason they can say whatever they want and not face repercussions. I guess if you get to that part and didn't have that context, it reads kinda weird, though, you're right.

Also also, for the question regarding intent vs. offense, it's pretty easy to navigate! Be accountable for what you say, even if it ends up being ignorant, admitted or otherwise. Someone telling you gently (or bluntly) that what you said is considered offensive, even if it's to a subgroup or culture you're uninitiated on, just be like, "Oh, sorry, my bad. I didn't mean to ruffle feathers and now I know that!" Just conduct yourself civilly. Also, have a little faith in the folks behind the report system; if you're afraid of being reported for something you didn't mean, pretty sure that's gonna come out in the context when it's under scrutiny for being flagged. The only way I could see someone ending up in baby jail for it is if you're just ostentatious about being a tit even when corrected or confronted.


*stamp of approval*



How do these guidelines work when it comes to perceived offence vs. intended offence?
For instance, what if I take offence to being called an American, while someone else might call me one in the kindest and most complimentary of ways, what happens then? Can I tell the person to stop it and report them resulting in the post deletion or will the intent matter and as such nothing will happen? Likewise, on the 'fruits for insults' thing I saw here, if I call someone an apple, intending horrible offence, but someone does not perceive it as offensive at all, will a UA have the post deleted and warn me, absent a report from the 'not-offended party' or will I instead 'get away' with the offence?

I ask because I want to know what happens when I intend no offence whatsoever, but someone takes offence. Because it happens.


Yay, censoring! It's fun being afraid of posting anything mildly negative! Here's some friendly criticism, though: how about sharpen up those rules so people know -exactly- what they can and can't do, rather than having every situation come down to a matter of opinion? Right now you're just whipping your entire community into submission so nobody says anything "negative" at all. Honestly, it's tyrannical. I hope you don't consider this to be bullying.
Because there is a difference between being "critical" and being "mean-spirited"

You can be critical of how the site is run, but you don't have to be mean-spirited when you do the criticism.


Yay, censoring! It's fun being afraid of posting anything mildly negative! Here's some friendly criticism, though: how about sharpen up those rules so people know -exactly- what they can and can't do, rather than having every situation come down to a matter of opinion? Right now you're just whipping your entire community into submission so nobody says anything "negative" at all. Honestly, it's tyrannical. I hope you don't consider this to be bullying.


Here's another thought. Regarding the new guidelines, Freedom of Speech shouldn't even be an issue.

While amendment I expressly forbids Congress from restricting free speech, it is perfectly legal, and in fact common, for private parties to enter into binding agreements that restrict otherwise protected speech. Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are one example of this. In the case of the new guidelines, as a condition of using the site, you are expressly giving up rights to certain rights of expression. Subeta is within their rights to require this, since it is a private site.


My point is that Amendment I of the constitution expressly forbids Congress from abridging free speech. There is nothing in the constitution that gives the government the right to prosecute anyone for expressing their opinion. In fact, that sort of thing was common in the British legal system of the time in regards to the colonies.

As I said before, The new guidelines make a lot of sense, even if they are still too vague. I simply think that the 'freedom of speech' part should be re-worded, as it implies a government power that simply does not exist.


Good thing, I have no issue with the rules.

Would be great if this would magically bring more life into the forums again, feels like a walk through Atacama Desert each time I go there. *diehard optimist*


I like that very much but when you have agreed there should be something happening on the site with the rules that shows that it has worked. Maybe a text could appear that says thank you, have fun or something. Just to make this more clear that you have done something.


Really happy this has finally been introduced! If you are the sort of person that can't communicate without insulting someone then I look forward to not seeing your posts anymore. It's great to see Subeta policing some of the nasty things that go on around here - it had honestly gotten a bit out of control what people could get away with.

And there are situations where I have posted something and then been like 'wow awena thats a bit extreme um geez' and regretted it, I'm glad that these rules will force people to think twice and possibly make them step away and cool down before replying to something.


The reason i was inactive on here for the past 2-3 years was because of the stinking attitudes of a lot of people on the forums, every posted turned into groups all ganging up on one poor person and it was so ridiculously petty. i'm glad these guidelines are here to help remind people Subeta is an online community and does not exist solely to amuse a few people who feel like being nasty from the safety of their own home.


@Tribunal Oops, I completely agree. I'll make that change now :)


I just want to say I really love how these were written. They are so easy to read and sound so nice rather than a list of don't do this etc. ^_^


I think these are all fair points. Basically you're just expected to show common courtesy to fellow site users and imo that should be something that happens automatically, be it written up somewhere or not.


What if I'm being offensive against myself 0.o
could other people report me?

I know, I tend to be harsh on "non-brainier me"


InSaNe 06/1/15 5:50 pm
I'm just gonna start calling people fruit names from now on. Please, know that if I call you an Apple or an Orange, I actually mean something very bad in my head
Cranberry 06/2/15 1:35 am Staff
...but my username is a fruit name... now I'm going to be so confused...
Don't be a banana, you know I Kumquat you


I'm glad this was updated, The Subeta community here is super nice, but on Tumblr people were so hostile towards me for not knowing what "Arid" was. Real classy -_-.

Sadly they can't control what Dumblr users do :B.


InSaNe 06/1/15 5:50 pm
I'm just gonna start calling people fruit names from now on. Please, know that if I call you an Apple or an Orange, I actually mean something very bad in my head
...but my username is a fruit name... now I'm going to be so confused...


Just: Thank you. One of the biggest things that has bothered me about Subeta over the years is the way people treat each other here, and it just seems to get worse. This is a huge step in the right direction.

I play on another site that has a general rule of "no mean-spirited comments toward another user" and it pans out just fine. The majority of people know how to handle each other, and the ones who don't are always the ones that end up getting multiple bans. The community there is loved by everyone for the friendly additute, and people can vent offsite if they really need to.

I like that here you'll restrict access to the parts of the site, it's a much better alternative than cutting them out completely. :)


@InSaNe Fun is for grown ups. You still have a few more years *pat pat* :3


Is this like a TOS that no one ever reads?


Keith's birthday.. Happy belated!

PS.. On the guidelines I check then click the button at the bottom and get nothing. Now all I see are checked guidelines. Hope that works.


These guidelines seem simple enough to me. I doubt Subeta UAs are interested in micromanaging every interaction of every user, so I don't really see the problem here. These are the most basic rules that really just say "you can disagree on things, but don't be a dick about it." Seems pretty reasonable to me.

On another note, hope you had an awesome birthday, Keith!


It gets a little problematic though when perhaps you're having trouble explaining exactly what you don't like, like perhaps you try to explain it but you fail to do it well. That's certainly what I wound up doing in the comments of the Shinwa update. :/


Also, yeah, you're allowed to not like things.

However, when you go and post "THIS SUCKS." and when you're asked why it sucks, and the only thing you can say is "IT'S MY OPINION I CAN SAY IT SUCKS", there isn't much worthwhile to read in your comment. The rest of the community learned that you don't like a thing. You. One of Subeta's 131 000 users do not like a thing. That's not changing our lives, and that contributes absolutely nothing to the community.

But, when you do not like a thing, and you go and explain politely why you don't like the thing, we actually have something to go and read. Something that is usually worthwhile, and even if we disagree, we're learning something about each other. As long as things are polite and that you're able to express yourself, either in the comments, or in the forums, we both gain something. Sometimes, we butt heads and disagree, but we're getting to know each other.


Happy Birthday, Keith, although I might be a bit late! *cheer*

I don't see why anyone should have trouble with these guidelines. They're all about just plain civility. I'm not fond of Shinwa's makeover either (and it's the general appearance, not the "chubby" factor, since all sizes are beautiful to me,) but I do think a lot of those remarks were way out of line. Seems common sense to me to not make a vicious dick out of yourself in a social setting.


Depends on the person. Personally I go back and forth, sometimes I get to that point where I cuss like a sailor in general conversation and then I wind up having to make a point to stop myself. Right now is actually one of those times where I'm trying to retrain myself to not cuss so much.

Haha, understandable~


@Mayonaka- He said it was disorderly conduct. I should have stuck with When speaking casually though one doesn't tend to curse a lot so I really believe it will be ok. :) For me the biggest issue I face on here is not cursing or being rude but remembering not to type a Dutch word or two. I seem to always want to use them.


I'm glad that people won't be able to spew their hatred on the news anymore.


Stop whining, you silly pitahaya


No, you're right, but when it gets to the point where you're afraid of speaking casually, where you practically can't say a word unless you coddle everyone around you, then I think that's too much. As for the store owner calling the cops on you for cursing, just... seriously? o_o That seems really over-the-top to me, but I guess some people are like that.



That works too! :3


@theraphos I thought your emote was patting the other on the head



Even on pay to play sites people have the right to be treated with respect. And as far as curse words go I am not from the US but I was visiting in the US. I was in Texas I used the F word in front of the owner of a business. She called the cops and he came and told me he could have taken me to jail for that.


I think that "religion" and "lack there of" should be included with the "Don't be that guy" part. As a person of faith, I feel terrified to post anything around Subeta. I have for years because of the sheer amount of negativity and hatred I've felt directed at people of faith.


Has anyone else noticed that both on this post and on the Shinwa revamp post, there are more people calling out the negative posts then there are actually negative posts? It's funny because it gets to that point where the ones calling it out are only perpetuating the negativity.

Well, actually this news post itself probably answers that question for me. Personally I think the rules are somewhat vague, and I myself have said some things that could apparently be seen as rude or hateful due to their slightly more forceful nature, but for now I think I'm fairly happy with this implementation. I would like to know exactly where "a little harsh" turns into "breaking the rules" though. I know another site that wouldn't even tolerate that much, heck they'd ban people for using a curse word despite it being a pay-to-play site. The community there was suffocating, the people were so fake it wasn't funny. I wound up rage quitting. I'm sure Subeta would never go that far, though.


Read terms. Agreed to terms. Try to be kind and respectful.
Don't see a problem with this. Have a nice day and happy birthday Keith.


We call each other that all the time too hahaha. And yeah, like @kbbob said, I don't think to us it comes across as personally attacking, but who knows from an outsider's perspective. That worries some of us haha.


@Reaper, if someone reports you for calling your friend a bitch in jest, they would probably also speak to your friend! So unless your friend felt honestly bullied or harassed by what you said, I think you're safe! I call my friends assbutts all the time, and I will continue to do so ;)


I love the site and I try to help any new member, like everyone helped me when I first started! Thank you Staff for all the fun I have had here!


I imagine something like this could be handled case by case through tickets? I don't think friendly teasing ever gets to the point where it would be that bad though... When's the last time I pretended to personally attack you? :p


I am one of the oldies here and honestly. Before the reset and after for a good while these rules were used on Subeta and we knew that. It is just as easy to be nice as it is to be mean.
The golden rule should be practiced by all. No one should ever speak in a rude manner.

Also when one dislikes art, why can't we just give constructive criticism. I am guilty of being unkind before and I am so ashamed of that behavior now, because artists have feelings too.

I remember once I was mad about the 1st Fester revamp and it was because I was friends with the artist who drew the original Fester. Then I found out I hurt the new artist's feelings. That made me sad to know I hurt someone's feelings.

People's feelings matter.


One quick question though - how do you handle outside people not understanding that people are seriously just joking around with their friends, because we call each other names and say things other users might think we were being serious about but we're honestly not and we know our lines with one another and don't ever go beyond.

What's to stop anyone from seeing a comment, taking it out of our own group context, and reporting it and us losing our account over something that wasn't in any way serious?


I like this. Thank you. I stay pretty much only in one forum group (you know who you are Bears!) and this is because I've seen too much negative elsewhere. I am happy to see this!


Shinwa's revamp + this:

An honest opinion? I love this site for actually caring about the users' welfare. So thanks for this, really. It isn't hard to follow. At all.

Also happy birthday. Hope you had a good cake.

theraphos high five emote is missing an arm. The site's ways are mysterious.



( ._.)/(._. )


Good idea
Late reply, but I agree (to disagree)


So many negative comments on how Subeta is trying to create rules to stop the negativity.

I do hope the new rules create a slightly more positive atmosphere. :)



/awkwardly throws gang signs at u


I am excited for the dawning of a new era… a time where two or three people can voice their dislike of site art, and not be confronted afterwards by fifteen people saying "I DISAGREE WITH YOUR DISAGREEMENT." That will be a beautiful day.
Seriously, guys. If you need to start a respectful debate with someone else's opinion, then please, everyone else after just like that one user's post. -_- You're already in the majority. Your views will be heard without you making a stink.


About time, bad manners was put it in it place. If i have one comment that would be, that other players. Really dont want the grammar and spell checker police on their backs. I know, it really bugs some people that others do this. But can we just let things go in this aspect. Lets have fun and be the subeta community of fun, friendship, acceptance and no judgmental issues. Have an issue address it to the staff, not the subeta community. Lets have calm discussions and learn about each others lives and cultures, since we have people from all over the world.


Oh hey del posted while I was posting and her post is good.


I love y'all most for the fact that the guidelines include what "freedom of speech" actually IS. So many people have no idea at all, and it drives me batty.


@TrueRukiaFan and anyone else who's curious:

Here's a pretty cut and dried break-down of the 1st Amendment. The bulk of it protects US citizens from the following:

-Freedom of expression and religion without govt interference (explicitly Congress)
-Due Process as explained in the 14th amendment is also protected from govt interference
-Disallowing the govt to establish an official religion or having preference of one over the other
-Disallowing the govt to interfere with your religious practices
-Freedom of expression in publication and dissemination without govt interference
-The right to gather and protest in peaceful and lawful demonstration without govt interference
-The right to associate with and hold whatever beliefs you prefer without govt interference
-Disallowing the govt to require associations to disclose their membership or withhold federal benefits based on that association past or present (assuming the association is not promoting or encouraging illegal activities)
-The right to petition the govt for a redress of grievances or relief from a legal wrongdoing through the courts without fear of reprisal from said govt

So I dunno why anyone would say Subeta's quick summation of it is incorrect! That's all of it right there. Additionally, @Keith is within his rights to simply shut down anyone on his own terms on the grounds that this website is his private property and we are all playing in his sandbox. If he dictates that you can get bans for being perpetually toxic/unpleasant/unhelpful, you have no legal recourse to protest this. It's his property, he maintains it and pays the bills, so he gets the final say on what does or doesn't fly. So invoking the Constitution in the first place isn't really the way to go and is kind of a moot point. It also neglects the fact we have tons of non-US users here who that wouldn't even apply to and thusly calls for the aforementioned line of thinking outside of crowing FREEDOM OF SPEECH and shooting our guns in the air.

Finally, this is a good idea and people in fear of these changes should maybe take a long shower and think about how they act on this internet site about colourful animals and doll dress-up.


People say they breach every guideline daily, even ones like "please don't ruin the fun with a negative attitude when dealing with others! If your only contribution to a discussion is to insult anyone else involved, you don't need to participate in that discussion." so...they literally come to subeta to be insulting. Even though the guidelines seem vague, I very hope they work.


The News Comments are read-only until you agree, the forums should be too. Keep the banner to explain, but otherwise it's kind of shitty ("Agree about what you'll post even if you're happy to never ever post!!!") and also cutting people off from a massive means of staff communication.

Once someone has been temp banned they can or cannot be read only, whichever, that's different. But just before the initial agreement they should still be visible imo.

Other than that, good to see these finally official at least, not just floating in the background. I think they can be just fine, just have to wait and see.


I like these guidelines. I have always loved things that basically said, "Use common sense and don't be an asshole." It's not hard to stop and think before you hit the send button.

And I also thought the discussion about Shinwa's update got out of hand. It's not hard to be constructive, but apparently it's easier just to say the first thing that comes to mind and be rude. It may be entirely possible that the tone of the message is being misinterpreted, but just taking a minute to read back through what you say will make a word of difference to how your message comes across.


I agree with everything I saw on the list. And I especially love the part about "kitten pictures" :) :) :)


I like this idea. I have shied away from the forums lately because I have been bullied just for speaking my opinion. I wasn't being offensive, or aiming at anyone, just telling my opinion, and I felt like I was getting attacked.
I think it is really awful that some people think its ok to have an opinion and others aren't.

I hope that this helps users to be able to vent their opinions in a more respectful way.


Although we've had to agree to the commuity guidelines for awhile, this is a great change. It has been pretty laid-back with people getting away with whatever blunt thing they can do, and its not nice when someone goes around and be able to be excessively harsh. Being constructive is more of a good thing, and it helps to do it correctly. This might help turn things around, cause it gets pretty heated from time to time, and it helps to practice being a good sport and learning to be considerate when its needed.

I know I'm gonna get it, but everyone's opinion counts.


@kbbob I've seen the Shinwa revamp comments, partially why I didn't post what I disliked about her. That was probably the nastiest I've ever seen Subeta get. Usually the site is pretty laid back.

I just felt like I needed clarification. I don't want to get dinged because I'm one of the handful to post "I don't like this for x reason" on a newspost. :|


I'm actually really glad to hear that! While I've never had the issue with people hell-bent on ruining my in-game experience (unless they were just really bad at it and I'm unaware), I know it's definitely happened in the past and it was always really sad to hear the major solution was just "block them and tell your friends to block them and hope it goes away" since that typically just means that person targets someone else and people like that don't need to be allowed to behave like that.

I'm glad this is also going to address that as well.

(PS: Even if I didn't like the past pet profiles I'd never wish you to jump off a bridge okay |D) (Also happy birthday HOPE YOU HAD MANY CAKE ♥️!!)


just be kind, folks.


@Andrea Basically from this point forward we will be more active in policing these things. If we feel like a comment has gone over the line we will 'hide' it on our end and send the user a note, asking them to please look over the guidelines again. They can make a ticket to get further information (from a UA different than the one that hid the post) at that point if they feel like it was unwarranted.

It's no longer harassment = block that person and hope they stop talking about you, it's that we don't condone it at all and will remove it from the site.


I don't think it's so much to have tact when interacting with other people, or at least having tact and composure 95% of the time-- I think it's unreasonable to assume people, who are human beings and as such tend to get worked up over things we're vested in or sore spots, will ALWAYS be on point because everyone has something they just can't even and when someone goes there it's like an instant AWRWGhg moment. I'd like to think that staff, as human beings, are aware of this and if someone fires back at an instigation the situation will be treated as "you started it and they took the bait, you're just as guilty as they are".

I also don't really read any of the COMMUNITY guidelines as something that related to coding or artwork, so I really don't see people getting warnings for saying "Shinwa's revamp looks like a pile of poop" or "oh god the new pet profiles make my cry so hard I can't even whyyyy" because you hurt the artwork or coding's feelings.

However saying the pet profiles or shinwa looks like poop is extremely different than saying "Shinwa's revamp looks like a fat pile of steaming poop that was vomited up by my dog after he ate the entire meat lovers pizza with extra cheese and jalapenos whoever did that shoudl quit" or "The new pet profiles look awful Keith should jump off a bridge because he ruined my pet profiles this site sucks I'm leaving forever". The latter, I would expect to get deleted+ because those are hurtful shitheaded things to say about a person and their work. (Disclaimer: These were examples because Shinwa's revamp has been brought up several times and y'know if anyone recoded pet profiles it'd be Keith-- but I don't mean either statement obviously they're examples).

HOWEVERR-- I am 100% curious about how reporting in general will work as it previously has? Like we've always been encouraged by the UAs to block everyone we're having issues with, but blocking half the site is extremely anti-community because there's no block-half-the-site in community, and you can't really engage with other users if you have most of them blocked.

So, going forward if people say rude things/are being assholes is the course of action still going to be "just block them and act like they don't exist"?


*sorry i restated my first sentence >_< sounds silly haha
:3 i'm just still waiting on a kudos or montre update honestly... please guys? X3


I like these guidelines! :)


I think this is more than reasonable, being rude over something is unnecessary. Being constructive is ok, but theres a fine line that we as a whole can respect. We're for the most part adults on this amazing website. They are still saying we can disagree and give feedback but in a respectful manner. I think that's more than simple.


I feel these guide lines are moving to a more positive light, once the dust settles and people find out it's not the end of the world. There is a line between 'not liking something' and being 'rude' about it. It's not about sugar coating, and 'can't state my opinion now', 'I've lost my voice.' No you haven't, you can still voice your opinion, like or dislike, as long as you word respectfully. As someone else said, we've always had guide, I don't know where the shock is. TBH I find it more sad that people are upset over having to be respectful now.


@Carpathia- People can disagree with someone and state their opinion. People just don't have to be bullied or belittled in the process. Again I am talking in general.


so many people upset about not being able to voice their own opinions..
no, that's not true! you can still voice negative optinions - you just have to, y'know, be respectful about it.
there's a huge difference in HEY THE PROFILE YOU MADE ME IS BAD YOU SUCK AT THIS versus HEY, THE PROFILE YOU MADE ME HAS A FEW THINGS I'D LIKE CHANGED: *INSERT CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISMS HERE* or if it's like the debate forum, there's no need for personal attacks and bigotry.
I think it's really easy to disagree with someone without calling them names / personally attacking. I think a lot of the fat shaming in the Shinwa post is a great example of people not being able to walk that line very well.
The rules are simple, don't be an ass to people. You can still have an opinion on everything, just be adult about it and treat people like you want to be treat. Simple.
You can still say: "i don't really like this drawing that much. Something is a off for my taste". What you cannot saiy: "yuck, that is so horrible, I hate it so much. Did you actually expect me to like that!?! You suck!" There is a big difference between those!
There is a fine line between "Your drawing is ugly, seriously. I can't pay for it" and "I'm sorry, it's not to my liking. Is it possible to modify or find a common ground?"
I think some people are confusing the rules in thinking that they are saying you can't have negative opinions when I think that the rules are saying that your opinion doesn't have to be voiced in a way that is rude and vulgar and hurtful and over the line. Again, I guess I'm just old-fashioned.
What about the drawing is awful? THAT is how you can be helpful. By explaining what parts need improvement and what the artist can do to make it better.
I'm sorry you just refuse to dig deep and try to help an artist and instead choose to be a jerk.

People need to take responsibility for their own emotions and reactions?

How about you take responsibility for your words and accept that maybe it's you who needs to change.
or really literally everything @ren is saying


You can state that you don't like something, but you shouldn't state it in the most offensive way possible. It's more about jumping down people's throats.

If you need examples, the shinwa revamp news comments are good. Some people state that they are unhappy with the revamp, others are just plain rude about it.


Every website has moderation rules-- the fact that Subeta's making them clearer shouldn't be such a shock. Thank you for this. Hopefully it works the way it's intended to.


Sigh, seems to me like you guys are saying "If you won't say anything positive, you won't be allowed to say it at all." So if I dislike a revamp or a redrawn character seems off to me, I won't be allowed to say anything?

Or is this more about people jumping down others' throats because they don't agree with the status quo/their opinions?


I'm kind of wondering if any part of that exchange that I was having with someone on Shinwa's revamp would have been considered against the community guidelines. I'd expressed my opinion against the new revamp and got some unwanted beef for it. It really ticked me off. -.-


You're acting the same way I am so nope. Try again.

It's like two brick walls talking to each other at this point. I'm not here to try and change your mind. You can't change mine.
I'm going to agree to disagree.


I've never had an issue with someone on here being mean or rude. So its hard to really get that they exist. These seem pretty fair and reasonable...something we all learn when we are in school as kids. Shouldn't be hard to follow :)



I honestly don't understand what part of "don't be an asshat" is hard to grasp/makes people fear for their freedom on this site. Are you that mean and petty on here normally?
Mean and petty? That sounds like a personal attack to me. ;D


No problem :)


I honestly don't understand what part of "don't be an asshat" is hard to grasp/makes people fear for their freedom on this site. Are you that mean and petty on here normally? Because if so, yeesh.


I don't understand why people are so freak about this. The rules are simple, don't be an ass to people. You can still have an opinion on everything, just be adult about it and treat people like you want to be treat. Simple.
You can still say: "i don't really like this drawing that much. Something is a off for my taste". What you cannot saiy: "yuck, that is so horrible, I hate it so much. Did you actually expect me to like that!?! You suck!" There is a big difference between those!


Now that we're being moderated, can we moderate what is and isn't submitted to the site yet


I think this is perfectly reasonable, honestly. There has been too much drama associated with this site, people losing their crap over one thing or another or targeting other users and its time to transition into a better place for everyone.

Thank you for the guidelines. :)


Ok ty very much for the response


The confirmation comes in tbe form of being able to post again - you're good! ;)


Will an undertaking be given to ban or remove the right to report from users who make malicious and frivolous reports of 'harassment' and 'bullying' under the new guidelines?

Will those cases be handled by user admins who are not listed as friends of either party involved?


Not sure if this was mentioned but I clicked all the boxex and agreed but didn't get any confirmation response.


Baby hippo, anyone?
Buy your own cute squishy baby hippo - OUT NOW

Pygmy Hippo Calf Squishy Doll


Oh, okies- gotcha :)


Finally, the people making rude comments to people who complain on news posts have something to complain about themselves


Act and I shall assume.

Also, no. As I said, a person needs to take responsibility for their own emotions an reactions, an apparently outdated notion. I've had people tell me "Wow, your drawings suck!"
My response? "Wow, you're an ass!"
Simple as that.


Whaaaat? Now I have to treat people like they're people? That's just silly.


@ChibiStraws- I was meaning in general.I put that in there because I couldn't think of anything else mean to I know you didn't say that and I wouldn't begin to say you did. :)


So really, there's only one rule. Don't be an asshole. Just because you have one, doesn't mean you have to be one, people! ;)


Could you guys add an option to completely block (can't see/post) the news comments section? Please ~


Why didn't y'all also give out An Idiots Guide to Constructive Criticism again?
I mean if we're going to do things on the site because people get their feelings hurt over comments on an NPC revamp, might as well give that book out as a free gift.


Is it really that hard for people to not be complete arses? These guidelines don't seem unreasonable at all :/


Looks sensible to me. :)


There is a fine line between "Your drawing is ugly, seriously. I can't pay for it" and "I'm sorry, it's not to my liking. Is it possible to modify or find a common ground?"



@Konijntje I don't believe I put a "you suck" in therw, I was pointing out that people don't need to flip out when they're criticized- it's childish. And needing soothing after every criticism is even mioreso.


Good guidelines. Thank you for reminding us. Some of us were getting too snarky at times.


Freedom of speech is the political right to communicate one's opinions and ideas. The term freedom of expression is sometimes used synonymously, but includes any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used.

Governments restrict speech with varying limitations. Common limitations on speech relate to libel, slander, obscenity, pornography, sedition, hate speech, incitement, fighting words, classified information, copyright violation, trade secrets, non-disclosure agreements, right to privacy, right to be forgotten, public security, public order, public nuisance, campaign finance reform and oppression. Whether these limitations can be justified under the harm principle depends upon whether influencing a third party's opinions or actions adversely to the second party constitutes such harm or not.


Good thing.

Are we still allowed to curse and to use them?


Way to assume my age.

You don't have to like everything. That's fine. But you're literally choosing hurting someones feelings over evaluating how you say something.


Not that I ever say a drawing is awful just because I think it is, I think people can keep that to themselves, but the point is, a person does not owe a "poor darling, let me make you feel better" after every opinion.


Then wouldn't the best thing to say be "I don't like it " instead of " It's awful,you suck"?


Overall, a good set of simple common-sense rules. However, I believe the phrase “freedom of speech” only applies to freedom from government persecution, is incorrect. Please read ammendment I of the constition and reword it.


We have repeatedly voiced our concerns that the guidelines are too vague and unclear for every admin to be able to apply the guidelines consistently between them.

Nothing has been done to address that concern.


@ren Sometimes a drawing is awful for the simple reason that a person doesn't LIKE it, and as a member of the self-entitled generation, you seem blind to that fact, as well as the fact that people do not OWE other people anything, including explanations as to why they won't like them and give them those lovely little words that seem to make most people feel their life is worthwhile nowadays.


Baby hippo, anyone?

(Invalid img)


wonder how many people just agreed to them to keep having access vs those that actually read them


Um, no.
What about the drawing is awful? THAT is how you can be helpful. By explaining what parts need improvement and what the artist can do to make it better.
I'm sorry you just refuse to dig deep and try to help an artist and instead choose to be a jerk.

People need to take responsibility for their own emotions and reactions?

How about you take responsibility for your words and accept that maybe it's you who needs to change.


I think some people are confusing the rules in thinking that they are saying you can't have negative opinions when I think that the rules are saying that your opinion doesn't have to be voiced in a way that is rude and vulgar and hurtful and over the line. Again, I guess I'm just old-fashioned.


Very short and to the point. A nice set of rules.


I'm sorry @ren, but I just had to laugh at "instead they can be helpful and encouraging."
Yes, there are times when that helps. But I really seriously wonder when telling a person the truth became a reason for said person to flip out and demand valification of their self-worth.
I mean, going "this drawing turned out awful, sorry." is not bad, it's an opinion. And someone does not need to scramble to provide an ego-soother after everything they say.
People need to take responsibility for their own emotions and reactions, too.


see? anyone can post gibberish


jelly be trippin' on our pancakes


Uhoh anon site that shall not be named what will most of the submissions be about now? Anyway, I'm assuming that you can still be free to speak as long as you're not being ignorant toward another user and/or a bully. Because I can def guarantee I will have opinions within my own profile (that don't attack other users) Lol :)


you can be honest without being an asshole. example: "those pants seem to be a bit small, maybe try a bigger size?" vs " omg those pants make you look like an ugly ass fat whale, you cow"
it means be respectful...jeeze even my 5 year old gets that concept


Whatever happens don't let us get as restricted as Neopets is. If I come on here one day and suddenly can't say uncle or something, then I'll feel we have a serious problem.


@Snowflake Of course it's not okay...but again, Keith was giving an example, and again if you read the guidelines, any kind of hateful speech violates them. So yes, it's included.


I think that rule in essence says if something seems wrong, it probably is. If a trend occurs I'm sure a new specific rule would be added


just because there was less doesn't make it ok. i just want to know bc skinny shaming tends to be overlooked and deemed less important when they are equally important as any other kind of body shaming.


This is a really great way to see the kind of users we really have on Subeta, just based on those who feel that these rules "silence" them.

Like if you're being that much of an asshole so often that you feel you can't say anything at all anymore then you're probably one of the reasons we now have these rules.

I think they're all pretty reasonable rules. I am a bit concerned over the "anything else" bit, because I like rules to be very "it says right here exactly that this thing you're doing is against the rules". So the vague ones like that sort of make my stomach twist, but I'm sure if something under the "anything else" bit becomes a regularly occurring issue then another rule will be added specifically about that problem?


As far as I know these rules are similar on any interactive website...forums, game sites, whatever. Glad to see Subeta having some guidelines


Why would anyone be so against treating others with respect? That is all these guidelines are saying o_o


I love you guys. I love the environment you've created here, love the ideals the guidelines attempt to support. That is all. :)


I think it's good to have guidelines. As long as the restrictions are followed through consistently, when rules are broken. Otherwise it defeats the purpose of having them. ~ ^.^ ~


@evolution There are some users you should literally never take seriously. You found one.


I don't see how this could lead to an increased abuse of the report system. If you wanted to report someone for being an apple, you could have done that before the guidelines.


I agreed to things because I hate being restricted, just hope no one takes me the wrong way when I'm being brutally honest about stuff.
Sort of terrified about this though, because a good portion of the time I don't even realise when I'm coming across as "mean" or "rude". Even when I think I've done nothing wrong, someone else will feel I have I bet.


Honest opinions can be stated in a way that isn't blunt or rude. Instead they can be helpful and encouraging.
A lot of users on here fail to give constructive criticism so if it shuts more of these people up then I'm happy.
It can be such a drag to come on here nowadays.


Why do people think that you can't give honest opinions any more?
Just be respectful towards the other parties, you decent and stuff.

There is a difference between:
wow this artwork is absolutely shit, this should have never seen the living daylight. Does the artist even know what they are doing?
I don't like this artwork and I'm surprised because of the anatomy issues with the head/body that it got approved.

Also: right to express your opinion doesn't mean right to express your opinion without consequences.
Want to be a dick? You can ... but you can be punished for it.


Someone said " I just actually read the community guidelines for the first time and it feels like I breach every single one of them on a daily basis. can't we have fun in this country anymore "

..really? you can't go through the day without generally being an asshole? (as that's, in short, what the community guideline is preventing"... wow.


The point is that people are being over-sensitive and take everything as personal attacks.


@Snowflake It does, if you read the guidelines. But there were way, way less people skinny shaming on the Shinwa revamp post for starters, and that was just an example.


Why do people seem to think that if you can't be mean to someone you lost your right to share your opinion? There is a right way and a wrong way. It's all in the way it's presented.


I really hope this works as well as intended... c:


You can still leave profile comments and send sMail without agreeing to the guidelines. :P


i hope this also extends to skinny shaming since u've mention fat shaming. those two tend to go hand in hand whenever people talk about body types.


Yay! No more honest opinions now. Everyone just be sugary sweet and everything will be puppies and rainbows.


It worked. :)


First of all, happy birthday, you're old.
Second, I know that ! Not being 'overly sugar-coated' doesn't mean name calling though. I mean someone simply stating 'I don't understand the reasoning behind this suggestion, for this/these reason/s.' and the person reporting them for not saying something more along the lines of 'I don't really agree, you lovely beautiful God/Goddess all of the love here's some gifts kisskiss.'
Because let's face it, some users will abuse the report button. I'm not against the site being more 'don't be a flippin' dick about things', I was just voicing a quick thought.


Had to go in through Opera to be able to agree to the conditions. Now logging out on this browser and checking FF.


I am happy that this step has been made, so many users lately who think everything they say is okay because it's their "opinion", news flash: It's not when it hurts someone :(


that Shinwa revamp really was Lemon though


Maybe I'm just old fashioned but I feel like I'm missing the reason why there's people on this site that dislike the fact that they can't be rude and hurtful to people?

Remember, “freedom of speech” only applies to freedom from government persecution, it doesn’t mean everyone else has to put up with your gross behavior.


The prove that we really need that has been delivered today. For me personally the Shinwa topic really crossed the line.
Anyway, good to see that they finally made it to the site after.

And Happy birthday Keith <3


Somhow it reminds me more and more of Neopets...


lmao so I can get silenced on another petsite, great news


Honestly I have to wonder how much of this revision is because of staff getting tired of being called out on their mistakes and how much is rudeness


Thank goodness these are being implemented. Subeta needs to be detoxed thoroughly.


I hope things don't turn bias.


Remember, “freedom of speech” only applies to freedom from government persecution, it doesn't mean everyone else has to put up with your gross behavior.

100000000% this. Oh and happy birthday


Its not except when you're in the middle of posting a response from your phone and it just stalls with no explanation haha. Its fine, it was just frustrating to be wondering why it says "making your post" but didn't go anywhere (including no redirect to the guidelines page - had to open the thread in a new tab to discover that).


I think this is a very good idea, I just hope members of staff will be able to act quickly if anything arises. :)


I'm just gonna start calling people fruit names from now on. Please, know that if I call you an Apple or an Orange, I actually mean something very bad in my head


@Muerte I think it's really easy to disagree with someone without calling them names / personally attacking. I think a lot of the fat shaming in the Shinwa post is a great example of people not being able to walk that line very well.


This great! I hope it will change they way people give feedback and they will be more respectful and kind to others :)


@Nonchalant Nope! From this point forward :D


Oh, you poopie heads.

Seriously though, I wonder how many people are going to report others for simply disagreeing and not being overly sugar-coated about it.


Its funny, out of all the Avatar sites I have been on, Subeta has always struck me as the nicest. But these revamps really heat people heated!


Please tell me that this is the last revised part of the guidelines.


Is this retroactive? Like if I made a post 3 weeks ago and someone reports it will I get a forum ban?


Thank goodness. I'm all for passionate heated debates, but things have been getting out of hand. I hope these are enforced, if not super rigidly.


i'm glad this is being taken more seriously. I tend to avoid the forums, since so often i find the comments made by other users hurtful, even if they aren't directed specifically at me! hopefully this will encourage everyone to be nicer to each other! share the love!


Also, I didn't check "everywhere else" and so far, I can go everywhere else. I feel so bad ass


@Reaper We will continue to change them, spending two seconds to agree to them isn't that bad :)


I just actually read the community guidelines for the first time and it feels like I breach every single one of them on a daily basis. can't we have fun in this country anymore


Thank you! Some of those comments under the Shinwa revamp hurt me in my heart. :)


Thanks for taking a stand against trolling!


This is the 4th time in 2 weeks we've had to re-agree to these guidelines. Is this finally it now?


Good enough. Thanks.

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