We...are back up!

Dawn of the First Day
Computer Polish
Mini Arcade
Hello, all! We were able to move the database successfully and everything should be running along smoothly now! There was a period of time where the site was up but the databases were still in a state of crossover, so there were some hiccups with quests and items at the time. If you had something go missing in that time, please file a ticket and we'll reimburse!

You can go to https://dev-keith.subeta.net/explore/shengui_guo/bathhouse/fix.php to get back the day for your bath house streak if you missed it because of the maintenance. Also, to make up for some lost time, the weekend quest will run through Monday.

The Cash Shop page now directs folks to https://auth.subeta.net/shop/credits for purchasing CSC credits, with some nifty new functionality like coupon codes when you purchase through Stripe (Paypal has its own structure that is harder to customize). If you can't use Stripe or are using Paypal, you can still purchase through https://subeta.net/payments.php To celebrate the new spiffy system for Stripe, we have a coupon code SUBETA22 for 15% off for the weekend when you purchase through Stripe!
User Avatar: 605589

Posted by Galaxia


I totally understand that Sub is probably a small break-even business that is most likley only just sustaining itself now for the benefit of nostalgia and its users (thank you for keeping it going). And as such, staff would have to find small ways to lessen extra charges. It sounds like paypal itself has created the issue and staff just isn't able to pay to support that issue any longer while also continuing to run the site. However, I do remember when Sub was accepting paypal and stripe for monthly support items. I was using stripe and then you phased out stripe in favor of paypal. So I signed up for paypal even though I didn't really want to, just to continue to support Sub. And now I'm being asked to flip back again. XD I understand that it can't be helped but sometimes it just feels like...make up your mind already. <3

Oh well...at any rate I'm here for the duration until or unless something happens that literally blocks me from being able to support it any longer which is what is happening to the international peeps right now. I feel for you guys.


lol sorry for pinging EVERYONE


echoing the others that have said they would prefer if they found out news through subeta dot net and not discord.

i'm even in the discord and didn't see it. you'd think something like that would warrant like an @EVERYONE ping or an announcement, but it was just posted in #general. and that's beside the point that stuff should be relayed on the literal site!!! we have forums and news specifically for this!!!

it's really frustrating. i love subeta & have been here 14+ years. it's not fun to watch staff members not even use their own site to communicate. like why are we finding this out through a screenshot of discord in a news comment thread????? ive used PayPal here for years and understand the reasoning behind it being phased out....but that's not the gripe here. just asking for a minimal amount of communication.


o.k., so I now saw and read the spoiler.

The news should have read: whoever decides to use Stripe, helps us because... and will be rewarded with coupons.
Also don't know, what discord is apart from a word discribing a social state, most people would try to avoid, so I wouldn't use it in the first place. Like tumbler, the link to which in downtimes never displays any information.

I agree with everybody, that the info about cancelling out subscriptions for paypal users is vital and needs to be officially announced. And a workaround found.

I'm still waiting for another bonus item enticing enough for me, to buy a new subscription in order to finally get my battle challenger. Ideally before I no longer can.


Does that mean, only Stripe (what ever that may be) users are entitled to a bonus?!???? Why would they privileged?
Doesn't matter anyway... 404 or wants me to log in on auth, which I can't...


i dont want to join the subeta discord, the idea of it makes me wildly uncomfortable since the whole block thing doesnt do much. i really dont want to be finding out news from discord.


I really don't want to have to join the Subeta Discord and start using f'ing # news again, but I will...


Is there going to be a response from any staff member on this?


Well it has been fun being a subscriber while it lasted. :(

I will also agree, you guys REALLY need to quit the Discord only thing for pushing information. It is upsetting a lot of your player base it seems.


Ugh, Discord again..


Definitely should be more updates on Site instead of Discord


I think the whole "getting a community manager thing" was exactly because of the issue of there being announcements on discord and not on the site itself. I'd actually like more clarification on why paying to do your taxes is something that became a user payment option problem. I'm not trying to sound snarky but that's a random one for me. I'd also love to buy credits this weekend but the page directs to a blank white page for me so. eh.


This is a big problem for me: I have been supporting this site for a long time now and I have always been using Paypal. I also don't live in the USA. If the Paypal Option gets removed completely I have no way to Support the site anymore. This sucks..


Galaxia I feel you on the apostrophe thing, I actually work in ebooks and the number of times I have groaned over code because I can't tell if I have to use a unicode character or the character itself is fine?? why is there a non-breaking space here? what absolute nonsense is in this book from 2011 and do I have to put up with it? arrrgh

like I said you guys are doing just fine!! I am giggling only


I know PayPal is a pain to deal with, and I hope the change makes up for losing money from those who can't use Stripe. I see that Discord comment as something off the cuff that wasn't ready to be announced yet, but it is a pretty big thing that would fit into this post.


I agree that the information that was shared off-site by Keith about Paypal being "phased out to a degree" really needs to be officially posted on here with a full in-depth explanation of what that means for international users who want to still continue having their subscriptions. We really should never need to sign up to any other site (discord), or rely on others posting screenshots to get information like this.


So you are going to DO something for the international players that still want to give you money, right? (...as promised a looong time ago...)


So if I cannot use stripe i cant get subscription? what if im auto subbed through paypal now?
or I am misreading.... well considering I dont know how long i will be gold if I cant auto sub through paypal...



thank you for the screenshot.
I'm sad that once this hits it means I won't be able to make a subscription ever again :c


Even for someone who is on the Discord, I also missed the message about Paypal and why a bonus isn't being offered there. This kind of information should be shared with all players, not just those who happen to read the message at the right time.

I understand the additional complexity and expense for Subeta, but it's a shame that some people will no longer able to support Subeta once PayPal functionality is removed.

I hope the Subeta team will be publicly sharing this information onsite to all users soon so that those who only use PayPal can plan accordingly. Again, this is extremely important information that shouldn't be buried offsite.



i am thankful for the coupon, as australia has a 15% GST for all international purchases, even online ones!!! i don't usually use stripe, but it's nice to have a coupon! thanks, subetateam!


I do not check offsite on any regular type of basis and feel like that is the type of information that should have been included in this post rather than "Paypal has its own structure that is harder to customize" because the way the news post reads it sounds like there's no real reason for the favoritism which in turn caused hurt feelings and animosity.
Thank you for brining that to my attention rather than being an argumentative person seeking to feel self righteous.
I bid you all goodnight.


@Delphi hi! not sure if you check offsite things but there is a legitimate reason:



No. It is easier for them to /set up/ the incentive on Stripe and harder on PayPal.
If it was easier for them to accept Stripe over PayPal then that would make sense but they never said that.
By doing this they are alienating a portion of their user base on the subject of real money.
"These people get a discount and you don't and it's not because they did anything to earn it over you, you just aren't getting it."
I am not complaining about how they accept money I am criticizing a bonus that is being given to some and not others.
And so what if this is a pet site? You are clearly playing it too? Lots of hobbies can be boiled down to "that's stupid and not worth it" by someone who doesn't care about it but that doesn't mean it is an invalid way to spend time and money to the person doing it.


'its really easy to do this thing, its pretty hard to do the other" is........ more than enough reason for them to incentivize it......... you are complaining on a pet website about how they accept money


Yeah PayPal users also got a free item though, they did something for /both/ types of payments and didn't leave anyone out.
Cash was brought up and used to compare the situation so I see no problem with the point I listed.
And the only reason this news post gives for not giving PayPal users the discount is because "its harder" not because they'd rather you use Stripe (maybe they would rather Stripe be used but it wasent specifically stated here) so that's kind of a slap in the face to me. "Its too hard so we're just not going to give it to you".
I do agree that both ways of payment are fine I just don't agree with this execution which I am allowed to think that way and let the site (that I give money to) know that I think that way.


Stripe getting coupons over Paypal has ALWAYS been a thing on here. We used to get a free item for subscribing through Stripe too way back when. Also no one ever stated Paypal didn't use 'real money' and what an arbitrarily odd argument to raise when it wasn't brought up in the first place. It's likely being pushed to use Stripe because it requires a direct card link transaction then with Paypal that has additional steps. Neither are invalid forms of payment though.


It is absolutely appropriate, I have every right to voice my opinion just like everyone else.
Paypal is cash just as much as Stripe is, I don't even get your argument there??
It's like giving one person a treat and not the other and the other also has to watch.
I can't speak for others but personally it makes me feel like I'm less appreciated because I use Paypal.
If there was a reason for this like "in this country we use Stripe not Paypal and we just have to go with that" I could understand but both Subeta and Paypal are American companies so I see no reason to favor one payment type over the other in this case. If I'm supporting the site by giving them my money I should be appreciated the same as anyone else.
I get that in the post it was stated that Paypal was different and harder to do this for (in fact I don't even think it's possible to do coupons with Paypal though I could be wrong I've just never seen that anywhere) but there are ways of compensating those that use Paypal. Having them create a ticket to name just one.


Quote by Delphi:
What the heck? But I thought Stripe was gonna stop being used :pensive:
So sorry that my PayPal money is apparently not as good.
this is an inappropriate response -- do you get mad when people give discounts for cash? or is it more of a "they get this for doing a certain thing so i should get it too even though i'm not doing that thing" type of deal?


Quote by chocolate:
Fyi- I bought some CSC through the new system, but didn't receive a sidebar alert to check my loyalty card for points. Viewing it manually did get my points, but that's not a great experience.
This comment reminded me to check my own loyalty card, and I don't think I got the points? I don't know what I was at before, but I can say I definitely didn't get the newest points popping up at the top of the page like they usually do when I check it


I have a Stripe account; I wonder if I can log in instead of looking for my info and putting it in.


Whoops, got too ahead of myself, didn't see where you put the code in and purchased without it lol


Fyi- I bought some CSC through the new system, but didn't receive a sidebar alert to check my loyalty card for points. Viewing it manually did get my points, but that's not a great experience.


What the heck? But I thought Stripe was gonna stop being used :/
So sorry that my PayPal money is apparently not as good.


Make sure you're signed in on the new auth site too.


I was getting a similar error to Draken on Firefox, but the page works on Chrome.


Thanks for everything guys, great that Subeta is working. However Paypal cash buyers are using real cash too, they worked for them too, maybe they deserve some "nifty" advantage too? Just saying...


It worked for me. Thank you for the discount!


@Cream @Darkrai
Yes, I got the same thing and was checking the developer console for info. He's working on it now!


I'm getting the same error Draken posted, but the page with the denomination choices seems to load for a second and then it goes to that error.

I have a card saved with Stripe in case that's a factor


@Galaxia @Keith

New csc purchasing page is broken, i went to buy some and it comes up as 404 not found


we! thanks for all your hard work!


@Galaxia it seems like it was bc I was logged in on the old system! I switched over and it's working.


Are you getting the same issue as Draken posted? And is it the entire page or when you click on a denomination?


From a germ of an idea that you've developed and nurtured for close on 18 years and the cycle repeats!
Thank you so much for giving me a playroom that has so many compartments.


I think the new CSC page is broken!


Thank you for working so hard! 🥰


Y’all are awesome, thank you so much for the planning, foresight, hard work, fixes, etc etc!


RE: title, it doesn't like apostrophes. ^_^;;

@Draken @Bliss
Keith is taking a look shortly!


I'm assuming only the character limit is preventing every comment on this post from being "We"

<3 you're doing fine guys


lol same @Mort I was like "....are the Crystal Gems?"


Same vibe as


Sorry but the title made me cackle... :joy:
Thanks so much for the fix!


I get the same thing and I tried the link multiple times. I'm sure they'll fix it soon enough c:


Still having issues XD


I get this on the new buy csc page



how dare you tempt me with csc with such a nice coupon. ):<



Thank you for all you do. <3

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