
Hinata has a minion!

be right there, I just need to water the Lilis

Legacy Name: Great Mother River

The Glade Serpenth
Owner: kudzu

Age: 15 years, 4 months, 1 week

Born: February 16th, 2009

Adopted: 15 years, 4 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: February 16th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 20
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed


profile template (c) helix (get it)
Story by kudzu

you enter

Speaking text

Narration text

Pet Treasure

Miss Nanny Mirror

Gourd Witch Ingredient Drawer

Sustainable Garden Fairy Vegetarian Potting Soil

Mysterious Bearded Iris Bouquet

Sweet Bearded Iris Bouquet

Spring Mix Sachets

Triceratops Snack

Potted Fern

Yucca Plant Pot Plushie

Potted Dieffenbachia

Spider Plant Pot Plushie

Snake Plant Pot Plushie

Rubber Plant Pot Plushie

Planted Triostar

Potted Queens Ann Lace

Cheese Plant Pot Plushie

Planted Geranium

Potted Yellow Daisies

Violet Potted Cactus

Plain Potted Cactus

Planted Prickly Pear

Potted Succulent Arrangement

Succulent Hair Care Set

Rose Succulent

Succulent Variety

Overflowing Basket of Flowers

Sweet Winter Floral Arrangement

Elegant Flower Cage

Bashful Bearded Iris Bouquet

Kiwi Bonsai Tree



Miniature Herb Garden

Oddly Shaped Terrarium

Carnivorous Plant Terrarium

Vintage Seed Packet

Veined Leaf Ornamental Cabbage Seeds

Pink Variety Seed Packet

Yellow Variety Seed Packet

Green Variety Seed Packet

White Variety Seed Packet

Blue Variety Seed Packet

Bare Root Bulb

Yellow Lovely Seed Pod

Potted Weed

Painted White Flower Pot

Painted Gray Flower Pot

Painted Black Flower Pot

White Potted Petunias

Purple Potted Petunias

Pink Potted Petunias

Gold Potted Petunias

Mixed Potted Petunias

Stone Garden Starling

Stone Garden Oriole

Stone Garden Goldfinch

Stone Garden Cardinal

Stone Garden Bluebird

Gourd Witch Stolen Gourd

Stained Glass Goldfinch

Glass Oriole Garden Stake

Glass Deco Phoebe

Blue Butterfly Suncatcher

Mixed Grass Seed


Grass Seed Bag

Vintage Watering Can

Weedkiller Pump

Weedkiller Spray

Weedkiller Bottle


Long Coiled Hose

Bulb Basket

Wheelbarrow of Fresh Clippings

Soil-Filled Wheelbarrow

Wheelbarrow Farm Tool

Handheld Bulb Shovel

Bulb Planter

Horticulturists Tools

Dirty Beige Gardening Apron

Handful of Soil and Beige Glove

Garden Dirt

Terracotta Pot and Beige Glove

Upturned Dirt Pile

Pet Friends

Visit the Tavern

Visit the Rockhound

Visit the Hotel

Visit the Pyrotechnic

Visit the Shaman

Visit the Mage