
Force_153 has a minion!

Slumber the Muunpumkin

Legacy Name: Force_153

The Galactic Endeavor
Owner: Montreal

Age: 15 years, 1 month, 2 weeks

Born: April 29th, 2009

Adopted: 15 years, 1 month, 2 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: April 29th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 4
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 0/10
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

You walk into a great hall of mirrors, glad to see your own refection in the mirrors. A voice calls out on the speaker above your head as your fixing your hair and you look up to hear this,

"Hello. . .May I tell you a story my good friend?"
The speaker repeats it in a ominous way over and over.
You shiver and nod you head cautiously and look back at mirrors to see no reflection. You only feel a hand on your shoulder. With fear, you turn your head to see a young handsome man behind you. He is about 6'2, and has brushed blond hair, that swoops gently over his face. He has a muscular frame, but still is lean. He has many marking across his blue body, that are gold swirls that seem to glow and sparkle when the light hits them. He is wearing a graphic tee, with skinny jeans. He has no shoes on but you relize that he has more markings on his feet. He smiles, even with his eyes which are covered by large black rimmed glasses and turns around, so you can see his wings. He clears his throught and starts,

"I was born with out a care in the world. not knowing how sad my life would become in the next few hours. . .

My whole race was swept away, and the ones that fled were caught and put up to the black market. . .We used to all live on Atebus, free and happy. . .it was peaceful then. . .This is my side of the story. . ."

He seems upset and holds back a cry of pain. The man leads you out of the hall, and takes you to a pallor. It's decorated with fine silks and leather furniture. A table is set for two, filled with foods and wine. He sits down and says,

"Sit, my friend. . .drink some wine and listen. ."

You sit down and he continues,

"I was named Dasion, by my father. He was a dragon and my mother was a lion. There is none left of my hybrid kind, for you see when I was young I was kidnapped by black market traders. They took my away and re-named me Force."

He sighs, and mumbles something as he sips some wine. You look at him with a kinda and worried face, trying to show that you care.

"The market was in the outskirts of Centropollis, and at a young age I was able to escape. . .I lived in the wild, knowing they killed all my race. . .the rest were sold for food,"

"While living in the woods I met my first true love. He was built well and knew his way around the city. He got me a home and made sure I had food. . .He bought me my glasses, belt and my first tattoo. . .He taught me to morph to human as well, for all Subeta pets can morph, but some don't know how," He winks a sly wink and waggled his finger, "He loves me, and I love him. . .we're getting married in the fall, after the many years we have spend together."

A wide smile broke across the mans face. He held out a hand to show you his wedding ring. It was a large, raw diamond on a silver band.

"We own this flower shoppe together," He said as he pulled out a picture of his shop. You looked over it and saw it was the famous Seedlings shop. But you only knew the woman who works as the cashier.

"The cashier was kidnapped during the summer, but not many people cared for her. . .She came back though, as sweet and sarcastic as always." He giggled, and then said. "That's about all you need to know about me. It was lovely meeting you, hopefully you'll come back for tea sometime." He winked and walked you out of the pallor to the city street.

Pet Treasure

Arid Flower

Regular Watering Can

Dawn Flower

Moon Charm

Pet Friends

My bookworm buddy.

My younger brother. :)

My favorite customer. :D

Horny mermaid girl. :|

My best friend. :D