
Replace_475 has a minion!

Behjhu the Hydrabat

Legacy Name: Replace_475

The Hydrus Serpenth
Owner: Montreal

Age: 14 years, 9 months, 3 weeks

Born: August 9th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 9 months, 3 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: August 9th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 8
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 15
  • Speed: 0
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 2
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

As you walk further down on a sidewalk, away from the parlor you feel more safe than you did. The loud noises of the city seem to take away the nervous fear you had with Force.

You keep walking, for you can't really remember how you got to this town, but you finally see an aquarium, instead of all of these tourist shops. You quickly jog your way there, opening the door quietly.

A slender man approaches you with caution and asks you for a ticket. You dig in your pockets, and pull out an odd shaped piece of paper. You don't remember obtaining this thing, but you hand it to the man. He smiles a gruesome smile that shows how sharped his teeth are. "Welcome. . ." He says as he leads you down a corridor with a cloth blocking the entrance at the end. He holds it open for you and you walk in. . .

The walls are lined with aquariums, filled with exotic fish and sea creatures. You even thought you saw a mermaid with by as you walked futher into the center of the room.

Within the center of the room, there was a large circular couch, with pillows decorated in gold sequins and Indian patterns. You look above you to see ornate cloths hanging from the ceiling, some leading into the tanks. As you let your eyes wander further you then see one of the cloths being pulled on. It starts to lift up and the mermaid you though you saw came up, holding on to the Indian cloths.

She swung herself to one the cloths that was situated lower to the ground but seemed to swing like a swing when she sat down it. The mermaid had white hair, that seemed to flow like rivers down her dark skin. She only wore coral bits to cover her nipples, and a few pearl necklaces. Her tail was dark brown, darker than her skin, but covered in what looked like henna-like patterns, but in a deep gold. She smiled a bright smiled in your direction and you saw how sharp her teeth were as well. Her gold cat like eyes pierced you deeply, and she huffed and turned away. As she did she arched her back, which had a large, torn, dragon like fin leading down to her tail. She turned back to you and yelled harshly "Well?! Am I not the most beautiful thing you have EVER seen?!"

You eyes widen, and you side further away on the couch from this vain woman. She jumped off of the rope and landed next to you, and said "Why did I even ask you that? Ugh, of course you think that." She flipped her hair behind her shoulder and looked at you questionably. "Well are you here for are you here to see the fish, or listen to my story?" She asked you with harsh annoyance.

You deiced to nod and mutter out, "The last one. . .damn. . ."

She clapped her hands excitedly, and started to speak.

"I was born at the bottom of the ocean. . .I apparently killed my mother in childbirth, as my father told me. He wasn't a normal merman. He had shark-blood running though his veins. . .reason for my fangs. ."

She smilled and showed you her teeth. "My butler is actually my cousin. He's part shark, but didn't grow a fin. . .anyway," She paused and started to speak about her story once more.

"My father abandoned me above land, telling his brother about me. They ran an aquarium, and took me in since the sight of me in my daddy's eyes always reminded him of my mother. Apparently I look like her or something. . .when I arrived I was used for a sexual object to men. I didn't mind it actually. . .heh, I'm really good too."

Your eyes widened and you stood up and started to leave. "Wait! I'm sorry I didn't mean to-. . ." She paused and shrugged, while pulling herself up back into the tank while calling, "The door is on your right, you bitch." She waved while glaring at you and jumped into the tank as you opened the exit door, and walked outside.

Pet Treasure

Small Fighting Fish in a Bowl

Ocean Charm Bracelet

Coral Mermaid Top

Pet Friends

Ugly girl.

This mean gay guy. . .

The one person who will talk to me.

My pool boy. ;)

Penicellin's lover