
Penicellin has a minion!

Ariabia the Kizzal

Legacy Name: Penicellin

The Nuclear Celinox
Owner: Montreal

Age: 14 years, 11 months, 1 week

Born: June 23rd, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 11 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: June 23rd, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 4
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 14
  • Speed: 0
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

You seem dazed as you walk down a street, crowed with buzy people and smells of street vendors fill your nostrils. You relise how starving you feel, and as you do so you hear a distant sound of jazz. Looking up you read a sign that says "Cafe" It seems almost deserted as you push open the door, guided by your stomach. The room is dimly lit, candles placed causally here, and there, and filling the already sented coffee house with a warm scent. You walked to the counter where inside you can see little pastries, and a few sandwiches. The waitress looks up and smiles. You sigh, relived its a sweet face, but notice the large black cat ears with little glowing signs on them. "Can I help you hun?" She asked polietly, a southern untertone to her voice. She rests her body on one foot as you take a better look at her. She had a face of a panther, and wore large red glasses. Her face looked as if it was splattered with glowing green paint dots, which from them extended white whiskers. Her emrlad eyes were captivating, and you pulled your eyes away, taking a breath. "Hun?" She said, quietly. She extended a black furred arm, which from it there was a paw, but had as much mobitlity as a hand would of. Her paw was gray, and her arms were covered in scars, and more green spots. She touched your arm with a silent grace and you said you'd like a cup of coffee and a sandwich. She smiled and grabbed a medium cup of coffee and a vegitaran sandwich. You were to tired to complain, and took them willingly. As you walked away, a bell rang and you could hear some vocies of women and men from the kitchen. The waitress that was at the counter, took off her apron and put it under the cabnet. She started to walk towards your direction. Her body swayed gracefuly as you saw she was completely covered in a black fur, douced in speks of glowing green. You finally relized what the markings on her ears were. "Nuclear. . ." You thought, while looking at the white summer dress, and pink sandals she wore on her lower paws. She sat beside you. Felling more alert from eating you noticed a few necklaces, ear piercings. Her eyes were more tired and worn out looking than before and she gave you a wery smile. "I hope you don't mind me sittin' her doll. I just wanna watch the boy play his music." You looked at her and nodded a agreeable gesture. She pulled her eyes off you, and you pulled yours away from her as you both looked at the stage. A tall man walked out on the stage, as the lights withen the shop lowered slowly.(Read Rieds story to know the rest)

Pet Treasure

Gothic Collar

Orange S-Pod

Pet Friends

My gay friend. :)

One of my friends.

I tutor this kiddo!

My younger sister. :)

My love