
Nimbus Leonardo Artena has a minion!

Xiano the Plutonium Dragon

Nimbus Leonardo Artena
Legacy Name: Nimbus Leonardo Artena

The Nuclear Devonti
Owner: Shinku.Suiren

Age: 13 years, 7 months, 1 day

Born: November 21st, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 7 months, 1 day ago

Adopted: November 21st, 2010


  • Level: 11
  • Strength: 21
  • Defense: 20
  • Speed: 20
  • Health: 21
  • HP: 21/21
  • Intelligence: 2
  • Books Read: 2
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed


This story is Subject to Change as he develops

Name: Nimbus Leonardo Arte’na
Alias: His Nickname is Nim
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Date of Birth: March 22

Orientation: he is not sure
Status: His heart is already taken
Nationality: Speaks with a medium accent of Russian

Lover: My Dearest Love Leinaia
Children: None

Occupation: Metal work/ Gun Smith
Location: before Nimbus was 17 he live in his homeland with his family but after an accident that affected his health, doctors forced him to leave his family and move to the large city Centropolis on the main Island of Subeta for the sake of his health. In the first months he lived by himself in a small apartment, but after then he disappears for a year and a half. When he was found, he was severely injured but alive and had no memory of what happened in the duration he was missing. He wonders about the city aimlessly sometimes going to the Manor of the infamous Aidenell to visit a dear friend by the name of Yuriko


Hair: Medium, Mid back Length hair, though most of the time he keeps his hair tied in a messy pony tail which is very loose
Eyes: a bold teal eye color. due to his accident his eyes glow alittle when it is dark out
Height: 5’7
Build: has a toned body not muscular , he was more looked at as feminine especially how his face is so gentle, he has a slim body with small shoulders and a little bit of a broad waist.
Complexion:has a light complexion to him

Common Attire: from his homeland he wears a green tunic top, bordered with thick brown fabric and then a layer of gold fabric under it is a green shirt and a dark colored sweat shirt, the sleeves he has on his arms are a light brown color almost golden. He wears a collar around his neck that is leather; with a gold plated pattern he also has a leather belt around his waist. He wears grey pants under brown chaps that have three gold buttons at the bottom. His shoes are a simple style of Old Fashioned Boots
Work Attire: he basically wears the same thing only he wears a apron to avoid making a mess on his clothes
Piercings: none as of yet
Tattoos he has none
Other: because of the accident he blushes a neon green color. His body has body patterns of green splatter

Person: he only remembers Yuriko as a dear friend but he knows there is someone who loves him
Hobbies: reading on old gun blue prints and trying to build them, or make his own"that are not usable"
Color he loves blue and purples, green is a good color too
Food: Blackberries

Nimbus is a gentle spirit, when he makes his guns the purpose is not to kill but to protect or give strength to another, or at least give a decoration. he is always a gentlemen being polite to others. he is always positive and a hard worker always getting the job done right, but if he feels that it is not safe or will bring harm to others, he will refuse a job if it goes against his morals. though he is far away from his family, Nim is a independent young man with so much potential


- after the accident he was terminally ill, constantly coughing up radioactive fluids...his body became the it was after a few months
- the reason he was truly sent to the City was because he was being tested and experimented on along with others who were in the same accident
-one of the symptoms is that he blushed a neon green color
- after being found he was diagnosed with amnesia
- even though Nim has no memory of it, he has dreams a dark place over and over again
-Nim loves to make little metal trinkets and other little projects as much as the guns


To be developed


Xiao: Information coming soon


Subeta HQ HA Generator
These HA were editing by myself
Normal Attire

by Myself

Layout Order was borrowed from Sinclair

Pet Treasure

Single Strand Onyx Necklace


Pumpking Plushie

Pet Friends

((Lover)) We can finally be together without the fear of being separated. I know with you by my side, I won't be afraid anymore.

Ishlam Schroder
((Friend)) You have done so much for me I really don't know how to repay you, I only wish for only the best in your future... and I hope to see you again soon.

((Friend)) I still consider you a dear friend....even if you tried to keep me away from Lei. I understand why you did the things you did, which is the reason I am not upset with you.

((Enemy)) I remembered what you did to me and why I am afraid of you...I want you nowhere near me

((Friend)) I hardly remember why you hated me, but now that really doesn't matter since we are friends now.

((Friend)) Even though I live with you, there is still so much about you I don't know about....and maybe that might be for the best.

Valmina Zaliki
((Unknown)) I don't understand why you are being so kind to me, I mean I recall you tried to get rid of me. Perhaps it is because I can make weapons .Whatever it is, as long as you are not trying to kill me or take me away from Lei, I am happy with it.

Victor VanDort
((Friend)) Thank you for being supportive and there for me, I hope to see you again someday. You are a cherished friend to me and I only hope the best for you.

((Friend)) I miss you very much; you took care of me when I needed it most. I want to come back to see you someday, but right now it will have to be secretive.