
Complaisant has a minion!

Sanctuary the Constellation

Legacy Name: Complaisant

The Galactic Kumos
Owner: emiliers

Age: 17 years, 7 months

Born: November 16th, 2006

Adopted: 17 years, 7 months ago (Legacy)

Adopted: November 16th, 2006 (Legacy)


  • Level: 24
  • Strength: 52
  • Defense: 13
  • Speed: 13
  • Health: 13
  • HP: 13/13
  • Intelligence: 80
  • Books Read: 76
  • Food Eaten: 2
  • Job: Expert Technician

Name: Akira
Species: Human Mage
Likes: the small things in life, the ordinary
Dislikes: being the center of attention


Shiro's roommate, Sakura's cousin, and kind of a doormat (if you can't tell by the fact that he defines himself through his relationships to others), Akira is the second son of a well-established mage family, the kind that just screams "old money." Having played the dutiful son all his life, Akira was surprised himself when he decides to go against his family's wishes in order to live in Tori's townhouse with Sakura. He technically got through the encounter intact, but he understands more than anyone that this little "rebellion" is just that--little. And the moment his family requests it, Akira will probably return, not exactly with his tail between his legs, but close.

For now, though, he might as well enjoy what little freedom he has. Even if his roommate Shiro is at times too, uh, energetic for him, Akira can handle it, mostly. Well, he can definitely try and convince everyone to exercise moderation. It'll help Loki's nerves, at least.

More often than not, though, Akira's roped into helping Sakura with her experiments, and he can't remember how many times he's had to wash conspicuous stains out of clothing or rebuild the television. But, hey, at least he's become really good at doing those things, right? There's always a silver lining somewhere, is Akira's motto. Even if the silver lining is as small as finally getting rid of that nasty slime without destroying the whole house. Sakura's family, and even if his father and brothers like to pretend she doesn't exist, Akira loves and values her (she was kind of his only friend as a child), and genuinely wants to help her. If only that help doesn't involve so many explosions...

His relationship with Shiro is a bit more complicated to define. They're roommates, sure, but they also sometimes sleep together--a fact that Shiro takes in stride by telling everyone about it and that Akira can't help but be embarrassed by.

Pet Treasure

Fidele Violin Bow

Student Violin Case

Brava Violin

Grazia Violin

Prima Violin

Sonora Violin

White Grand Piano

Grand Piano

Calligraphy Pen

Devonti Hair Calligraphy Brush

Telenine Hair Calligraphy Brush

Pherret Hair Calligraphy Brush

Pet Friends