Introducing Custom Wearable Shops

Girly Fighter Wig
Zombie Gnome Companion
Overflowing Cat-Themed Hosiery Box
Proud Dove Tresses

Today we\'re introducing Custom Wearable Shops. Creators of custom wearables can open up a shop with all of their items, set at prices of their choosing. This makes the process of creating and selling a custom wearable much easier for everyone!

You can follow your favorite creators by clicking the "follow" button in their shop. Creators can then alert you when they\'ve added new items, or when they are having a sale!

If you want to browse the available wearables, try looking in the beta wardrobe under custom wearables! You can use the sorting options on the right to browse the custom wearables, and if you try one on that you don\'t own you can open the shop directly from the wardrobe!

Note Because this system is new, you may notice some missing wearables that were not in the Cash Shop before. We\'re working on getting items that were meant to be in the cash shop forever transferred to these shops.
User Avatar: 1

Posted by Keith


This is a great idea and I really like it! But I really wish there was a way to just... look through shops, rather than refreshing on the "feed" page. :/

I also like looking through all the custom wearables in the wardrobe, but it would be nice if there was an option to only view wareables that are actually being sold in a CW shop. Right now it appears to be a mix of everything, and I would much prefer to only look at the items that I could actually physically buy if I want it.


@Keith I'm sort of with Rock on this one. While there are features in this that I do like (for example being able to submit items with limited batches) I wish there was a way to integrate the old WITH the new.

I also enjoyed being able to search an number of different "bottoms" that were for sale for example. Perhaps have the feed for the shops you follow, a browse option to see all the shops that are available, and a third one that was like the cash shop and lumped all the items in a certain layer together.

That way say: oh look I'm browsing the cash shop and saw this awesome item while looking at the different wigs for sale and think "gosh I love this lets see what else they have?" and click a link to the shop which you can then follow. Also it would be cool if we could link shops especially for items that are collaborations.


Is there not a search for these on the page? How do I FIND shops that I'm looking for?


Fantastic idea!


Love this idea and so glad it was put into effect so quickly. Also.. yay my Zombie Gnome is on the news! :P
Zombie Gnome Companion


Oh my god, this is such a great idea. TBH I always wanted to make custom wearables but couldn't because I really didn't understand the system. This is so much simpler and I'm stoked.


@odduckOasis I think most of it is more of the style of art at that time wasn't as detailed as it is now, I can definitely look back at some of the things I've bought and think "why would I ever buy that, that's terrible" That's why I think artists should be able to update their own art if they are comfortable doing so. If not, they should be able to ask if the staff artists could give it a look and see if they could update it to the more current style.

Yeah, I was following the brainstorming thread. The problem though is it's not just about the buyers not knowing whats going on, there are lots of artists/comms that are confused. I think mainly with the pricing and how things generally work. The staff should have had a faq already set up and in place, the brainstorming thread was basically to get ideas, but the faq should have been put in place before it went live (to the artists) so they would understand.

What I'm trying to say is; Everything should have been outlined and explained in detail, first to the artists and then when the shops went live, all the details should have been released with the news post.


i like this ..





So, do we only get to see items from those we follow? What about wishlist view? There were items in the cs for a limited time but now idk where those went x.x Does that make this dependant on the wardrobe now? Boo.


I love this option I really do, I hope it goes over well...


I don't get it.


awesome idea!!! thank you!!!


What a splendid idea. Great job subeta staff.


I noticed under the followers tab there's an option to send out events and it suggests you can notify followers of a "sale". How exactly can we make a sale when items have a minimum price?


10/21/14 8:33 pm
Stupid question but where do we find the passwords? Do we sMail the artist?

Passwords are set by the sellers usually because the items are private or exclusive. Generally you won't be able to buy those items unless you're included in one of those groups.


I get what you mean and I agree, some items aren't probably worth as much as some people think or perhaps hope they are. I can almost guarantee that all of my very early cws aren't worth that much lol. (Cuz they're pretty bad lol). As far as the guidelines or FAQ, I think that's what comments on here are for? lol. I dunno. But there was a discussion thread about this, which is where it came from. It was brought up first of all because Keith wanted to limit the amount of ping groups people could join (limit them to like 15) and a load of people flipped out because how many people are in cw groups for different reasons and didn't want to be forced to pick and choose and even when he offered to up it to a larger number (like 100) it was still not what everyone thought was fair. So, there was brainstorming and many people were involved... but I guess a note like 'please ask questions in the comments for any concerns and we'll answer you as quickly as we can' or something like that. lol


I really love this feature, though I do wish there were a way to search for usernames or browse categories of items all across the site.


@Luxe If you know their username you can just put that after So for instance your shop would be

For now that's how I find people's shops, I'm sure there will be other ways to search them eventually.


If the CWs I want were for sale for SPs I'd be completely broke. But I think I'll be checking the pawn shop & trades before buying in any more user CW shops.


This is a fantastic idea!


@odduckOasis No, I would buy the one for 300, I wouldn't even go to the other shop after that, lol. Joking aside, I get what you are saying, but I still firmly believe that some items are not worth what some people want for them.

It is sad though to see items in the pawn shop that someone paid 6000csc for on the forums only to see it sit in the pawn shop for ages for 500csc.

Wouldn't that be great if we could buy cw's with sP though! Dreaming is good for the mind and soul even if it never comes true, lol.


Okay but how do I actually find the users I want to follow? There is no search function, unless I'm missing it.


I just want to come on here and apologize to the artists/comms if it seemed I was rushing to conclusions about the way some of you have priced the items in your shop.
Now that the whole pricing process has been explained to me, I feel regretful that I was quick to judge. I sincerely apologize.

That being said, I feel that this site is old enough to know that a faq or guidelines should be posted when something is implemented or more preferably, before it's implemented.


Very cool, thanks for all the work that went into this update!


My only worry with this is people making their CWs ridiculously expensive just because they can o-o Unless I read it wrong that is. Otherwise I think this is a great idea, it means I'll be able to keep an eye on artists who have made my favorite items and look at all their CWs easier!


This is great but now I have no chances of ever buying a CW because the prices are higher than before. Oh well. Just another thing I can't do because i'm poor lol.


I am amazingly excited about this, you have no idea. I have found a few of my most-wanted items ready and waiting for me to buy!!! I really, really wish there was a search feature though - either just a simple alphabetical list of artists/commissioners, or a way to search for a CW specifically, or something!


this is a nice thing, not only that, but I'm sure there will still be the CW Forum, to announce items as well. This helps the Creators as well as others, trying to find a lot of smaller things..I hope that this is going to be better(?)


PSA: After buying from the CW shops, don't ever ever click the back button unless you want to insta-buy another copy of the item. The idea of the shops themselves is pretty cool, though.


Not sure where people are getting the idea that you'll be able to buy from the shops with sP. No where has this been mentioned or offered. It's all still CSC... so... yeah. Sorry. But trust me, if I didn't make cws for myself, I'd never own any cuz I don't have extra money to spend on the site, at least not very often. Maybe $5 every 6 months lol. But yeah, the option is still Cash Shop, and I don't think that'll be changing any time soon (if ever).

I think with some of the cws, like for me- some of the smaller items I have in my shop, like the hats, were sold at 600 even though currently if I were to upload a new hat of similar size, it would be cheaper. The reason is because the different prices for size of items was not part of the system for a long time and only changed a few months ago to allow lower prices for smaller items. So the base price for some things is set for what it says when you upload- which is 'minimum price'. As far as I can tell, it doesn't look like you can set it for lower than the base price anyways. So if for a full batch, an item would be 4k, so 400 csc each- you can't put it at 300 regardless if you've seen the same item sold for 300 in the pawn shop.

One thing about the pawn shop tho- is you have to think about it in reality. If you went to a real pawn shop and saw a flat screen 45" TV being sold for $300, would you then go to a retail store and tell them they have to mark down the price of their TVs of the same size that cost $2000 just because you saw one TV being sold in a pawn shop for much less?
Same thing applies here. Just because there may be one copy of an item that is being sold now in a shop, doesn't mean that the value has gone down, especially because one item does not represent all those on site not being sold by those that own them.
Yeah, still love the feature, but there are some things that could def be tweaked, for sure. ^.^


This may to some damage to my sP....


I like this very much, Im seeing things I thought I'd never get. it will give creators more time to create without having the boring bit to do :0)
Can I ask will sellers cw shops be accessible through their profile? that would be fab, or if not, will there be a full list we can browse? I know theres the Wardrobe option which is going to be a nightmare for my purse! Ill have to get two jobs :0(


this.....this is an amazing idea.
I just found the artist that's been doing all those CWs I love so much. I'm so happy.
I'm 'bout to blow a paycheck


yay I'm excited! most of my wishlist is comprised of custom wearables! :D


OMG, I love this feature. And I also hate it. Because I can't afford it. Already found/purchased 3-4 of the CWs on my most wanted wish list. Afraid to check my CW wish list. But then again I've found CWs in the pawn shop and trades cheaper so I will probably do a shop search before buying any more from user CW shops.


EDIT: *wasn't directed at me.


@Muerte Thank you for clarifying a little more, I appreciate! It wasn't you though, just so you know! And no problem, I knew the last part was directed at me. :)

@MoondustDreams I wasn't talking about backdrops at all, I realize that a lot of work is put into those so I don't have a problem paying 700-800 for them. They should be worth that and most of them are, some of them though...It's great to look back at some of the artists original cw's compaired to what they do now, some of the old ones are pretty bad (and are not worth 700-800) and you can see how the artists have grown tremendously. I'm a BIG believer that cw artists should be able to update their art.
Anyway, I got off topic...

I was talking about small things that would have cost 300 or 400csc to make being sold for 600. That is way too much.
Also, no, the pawn shop is a great indication of what things are worth, not everything is worth 600-700 csc no matter what it originally sold for.
Check the pawn shop more often, there are tons of backgrounds that end up in there, they are, as you said bought very quickly. Not by people who want them but more for reselling purposes.
I's gotten to the point when I get a ping from the buy/sell thread and can tell who is buying from the pawn shop. That's fine by me, I don't have a problem with it. But really, refresh the pawn shop every 20 minutes or so, you would be surprised at what ends up in there.



Ok thank you. :)


This was implemented really quickly! high-five to keith and the other staff that were working on it and taking suggestions from the thread. Can't wait to see what else is done with this :)


This is such a great idea! Will maybe reduce all the millions of trades! :)


Yes, those passwords are to make it so that they can have "private" CWs, and in order to buy a locked CW you would need to get the password/key code from the person who is releasing the CW. Most of them will probably have a note on how to do so.

But since slotting is still possible, they could always still slot instead of put it in their shops (if they are private to only a few people etc..)


Thank you for saving me so much money in the future! As a non artist/comm, just someone who bought a lot of CWs, this is actually great. No more real world money on things in the CW shop. I hate the beta wardrobe, so looking in there ain't gonna happen, and I can't even search for a few artists I would follow if given the chance, so overall, this will curb my spending on CWs. TY!


An update I didn't know I wanted. 8D


I am most pleased... But wallet will not be. ;)


Also, keep in mind the "base price" they refer to isn't the 500 CSC minimum, it is the price of the 10 slots divided by 10 (like 3000/4000/5000 when submitting the CW so 300/400/500), so theoretically, people shouldn't be needing to change their pricing from their forums to the shop, because if you keep it the same, you should still make the same amount of profit off of it.

I didn't know this at first so I was hesitant to put my item in shop because I thought the profit would have been less than what I would have gotten in my forum shop, but when one of my items sold it was the same profit. So just keep that in mind when putting up items in your shop. ^-^


maybe, they have been selling 600 but only a small percentage. then again it matters on who made it because there are some art out there that are worth 700 csc and not 600, for example phasma, who makes wonderful backdrops. its not much of an issue for most people,because its been happening for years. every backdrop I sold or every backdrop I seen being sold at 700,never complained about it being 700..well if you can find them at 600, then great.


Stupid question but where do we find the passwords? Do we sMail the artist?



pawn shop isnt really a good example on the true cost because your reselling it so its basically like clearance. People only give up their stuff in the pawn shop to get some csc back to buy new items, etc so subeta sells it at a discount. The true value is when the original owner sells it and most will never go under 700 per slot. I have never seen a backdrop sell less then that,but maybe there is people who sell it less.However that is just a small percentage compared to other shops that price 700-800 csc. Not to mention I havent seen a backdrop in the pawn shop, and usually its an old one, a spare one after batches,and they go pretty fast.

There is alot of work and effort invovled in making these items. I am afraid Backdrops are gonna stay 700, maybe even 800 due to the percentage we get. So im not sure if people are gonna stop buying them because they are a couple 100 csc difference when majority of backdrop artists are good artists.

PS. Besides 700/800 csc is alot better compared to those who resell it on a rarity thread,which can go anywhere from 1k csc and up. So I honestly dont see why some people are upset over this, anyone who buys alot of cws will tell you most backdrops sell from 700 and not alot of people will charge less when the area of space in backdrops is more compared to clothing,etc..hopefully i dont sound mean about this but there is alot that goes down behind the scenes.


Seems like an interesting idea. I would like to be able to search the shops though. Like, have a listing off all shops or something.


This is awesome!


Can I suggest changing "password" to "key code" or something? Your password is what you use to log into your account which is entirely different, so just making a small change to the terminology could make this new system a little less confusing.


That second paragraph isn't directed at you, Aloysius ! Forgot to clarify that.


I had some items selling at slot price in forums just because they are harder to sell. With this new system, I can't actually do that except for the first batch or if I exclude them from the cash shop. But let's be real, this system is far easier since we can set passwords and do smaller batches (in a way).
That is one reason why some items may seem like they have been jacked up.

As for this debate over prices on backgrounds... It's up to the seller dude ! I still sell all of my backgrounds for 600, mostly for personal issues. But don't use others like me to try to determine how everyone else sells. Backgrounds, though they are my favorite things to do, are much more complicated and time consuming. So naturally artists feel a desire to charge more. And it's completely understandable ! Why do the work if you feel undercut ? And from a sellers point of view, why charge less than what you are spending ? If it isn't worth it, it won't get done.


this is great tbh. it eliminates alot of finding people, pinging slots. people fighting over slots, dropping slots and all the other unpleasantness that come from a shop. you can also see how many copies are left in stock and no fighting over it which is great. its like having a little etsy.


One of the things that is really annoying me, is artists/comms trying to jack up their prices, hopefully no one will buy and they'll be forced to lower it.

What I'm talking about is certain artists/comms that had a price set at 500 csc on their forum shop and are now trying to sell it at 600csc. There is also someone that had an item in their forum shop set at 400 and it's now priced in their custom shop at 600 csc.
Those were items I was going to buy but now, forget it.

I seriously hope buyers are aware and refuse to buy from those people.

I understand that this is overwhelming for the artists/comms right now and that maybe they have set prices temporarily and will change them when they get all their items over, I'm remaining hopeful that that is the case.

Also, I would urge artists/comms to do a shop search for each of their items (I know some of you have tons) but there is a lot of stuff in the pawn shop for 300-500 csc that you have in your shops for 600-800 csc.

I wanted to add that I've had excellent experience with the majority of artists/comms I've dealt with, whom I believe to be genuinely good people, there has only been 2-3 the entire time cw's have been available that were in my eyes bad. I hope my opinion doesn't change about the good ones.

I don't want this to come across as me being a jerk (and I fear it is, unfortunately), I love what the artists/comms do for us and themselves. This is genuinely how I feel, I know that artists/comms can set their price how they want. I'm just trying to explain how I feel as a buyer, and sometimes I think the buyers are left in the cold when they are the ones that a lot of the time are driving the market.


Sounds good to me :) As long as there is an SP option anyway xD


@MoondustDreams The only two I bought, both within the last month, where 600CSC each.

I dunno, the whole thing is just confusing. I can't see the item names when looking in the wardrobe, I can't see any wishlist items, if they are available or not. I was hoping there would be a site update ping to explain this more, I'm clearly not the quickest on the uptake of it all, but I would assume there's more than just myself who doesn't understand all of this.


The only downside is now some CWs that I couldn't slot for are too easily accessible to me and I end up spending more money on CSC. *cries* My poor poor wallet.


700-800 csc is the right price for backdrops, I dont know where you found them cheaper,probably the older ones. but from the artist/commissioner angle, Backdrops take alot of work,alot of time whether its an average backdrop with minimum detail or complex. Most artists charge usd for backdrops, so commissioners usually charge a little extra get back some profit. Its just not fair to charge 600 csc for an outfit that takes up a small portion compared to backdrops that take 50% or more,it really makes sense to me.


Prices for backdrops is set up completely by the sellers, not the system. The base price has always been 500. Us sellers have put it higher because of how much time and effort is put into making a backdrop compared to any other item, so hence it's 700-800 depending on how much we want to sell it for (and the popularity of the artist it seems too lol). It's not new, trust me.


Yes, you can put it directly into the CS and you can say how many you want to sell, either limited number or unlimited. Some of the items I put up were just however much was left from the previous limit they were uploaded. So if I had 2 batches left, only 20 copies are available, 1 batch left, 10, ect. So yeah, people can still control how many they want to release and are still able to do a private sort of release too if they want. Totally in their control, which as a seller, I love. =)


Im not sure how 700csc for a backdrop is bad. That is pretty much the base price for them even outside the shop. Sure 100 more may seem like a lot but there is wayyy more work that goes in to bgs than other item types.


I agree duck, I want to see all the shops and not just random/following.

I also just noticed that there are people with pw protected cw. Is that so only those with a pw (aka someone who had a slot or a private item) can be bought? It seems even more useful than the invite bit!

And is there a way to set a time limit on the invites? So if someone doesnt buy it with in three days it auto removes it?


Not that I really do CWs, but is there a way to search by username?




Well it looks like I won't be buying much CSC anymore, I think the price of backdrops being raised to 700-800CSC is just too much. :( I was already unsatisfied with the lack of backdrops being made and now the new prices. :( Add the fact that I would have to search all the shops individually(?!) just for backdrops is frustrating. I don't see how this is an improvement at all.


*knows stuff so answers things*

The creating of shops has been put into place and active for those that knew about it already- and have been trying it out. So some people probably already announced it to their buyers before staff officially released news about it. It's only been live since like... yesterday. lol.

The option for uploading batches is still available. This is just the change make to 'direct to cash shop'. Some people may opt not to use this shop feature at all and still sell slots as they have been doing all along. It's totally up to the seller. =) This is just an option, not replacing anything already currently in use.

As said above, people will still have the option to put stuff in their thread 'shop' but this is another option, esp for items that didn't get that one batch filled. Keith is saying you can still browse 'all items' on subeta via the custom wearable option in the beta wardrobe... that's always an option. *shrug*

This had been discussed over the last couple of weeks because Keith was searching for a way to lessen the load and need for so many ping groups- because as it is now, there is a large majority of people that belong to a butt load of cw pings and it's putting a strain on the server. This in place uses coding already in place and so it eliminates the need for that strain, if people use their shop more and their ping groups less. Just saying. It's not replacing it, it's just another option. *shrug*

I like it! Especially because since I have limited time to worry about getting batches set up and putting people's names in, this will lessen the load on me and how much time I spend reading posts and putting people in slots and all of that! So yeah, thank you for pushing this out so quickly!

I still say there ought to be a list of all current running shops instead of being able to search through the wardrobe. That seems a little weird to me... *shrug*


I'm SO EXCITE about this!! I've been stalking people down since last night. Yes, stalking. Hunting. ahhaaaa >_>


This is an awesome idea. Thanks Subeta.


Yay I bought my dress from Clamps shop last night!


omg they show up in the shop search THANK YOU. My balloon gallery thanks you too!


I believe the invite feature does that @lovecraft
I havent tried it yet but you invite a user, and if they dont want it/dont pay you remove the invite and it goes back to the store :)


This is really great. I had some people interested in my older items that I couldn't pull a full batch of... now they get to have their item, I don't have to cover slots and have extras around and everyone is happy!

Also, all the people putting such lovely items up for grabs, hmm <3


For someone who sells some cw, this is amazeballs. I always worry I type names wrong in slots, and even just waiting the day for people to pay can be a bit annoying if they dont do so in a timely manner. It will be fail safe :) Will there be a way to just have fav shops shown? So beside new items you can easily get to the ones you follow?


I have so many questions...okay not many but a few...But my needing to know is more of a wanting to know. I have no real need to know since I am not a CW creator or release them. Maybe one of them know, are you able to slot like before or do you just put them in the shop and those who want it have to hope for a slot. I noticed that they are able to limit the number released already.


@Tserel The front page is going to have some "newest items added" type things soon :)


Thanks for this!


@Undoubtedly It's meant to take the forum work out of it for most creators. This integrates with the wardrobe and the shop search - so there shouldn't be a ton of work for people who just want to buy a CW. No sifting through forums, signing up for slots, etc.


Hmm. I'll miss browsing the CS for new ones that had been added, but I suppose these shops are pretty nice too. The pings for new items is nice and I love how it gives the capabilities for private and "free for all" type selling. On the other hand, I feel like it'll be more difficult to find those new items unless people ping them in the forums or you're already following their shop.

Either way we'll see how it turns out ovo


This this weird, like am I missing a catch somewhere? Maybe its a little weird, because it just makes me think of another place like the custom clothing forum.


Oh! This sounds like an awesome feature and more convenient. If I understood this right, does that mean no more limited release CW's? That would be so nice. So many ones that I wanted and wasn't able to get due to not getting a slot.


I love this feature! Thanks so much! c:


^-^ Love this. I'm so excited to be able to get stuff I've always wanted without the slotting process. ♥️

@MarissaUnderground The shops were discovered yesterday and people setting them up since yesterday, but this is the official announcement about it.


This is a wonderful improvement. Thank you for your hard work!




I just gotta say, that this is the best friggin thing to happen since sliced bread. Besides that penicillin stuff I mean. Seriously great idea guys!


Proud Dove Tresses




Now that is awesome!! Thank you!!


What a neat feature, thank you ^_^


I already LOVE this idea. Thank you so much. :)


Really? I thought the shops were around recently because I just discovered and followed several minutes before this thing was even announced. XD

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