Recent Pet Spotlight Win

Teeny Sleepy Taco Minion
Hello, everyone. You might’ve noticed earlier tonight that the pet that recently won pet spotlight was in bad taste. I’ve deleted that post and will be working with staff on how we are going to handle the pet spotlight win tomorrow due to the fact it’s the middle of the night for most of us on Staff!

We appreciate everyone messaging us on our social media platforms and comments here about how inappropriate this pet win is.
User Avatar: 217

Posted by Amber


Guys this is still being addressed. Please be patient; a lot of our staff, including moderation staff, are just logging on now!


Wow I remember not having much time but seeing it pop up as spotlight and I didnt think anything of it as I've seen previous pets turn a light on virus', disabilities, mental illness and the like, I had NO idea that it was actually anti-lockdown and such I hope that the owner has learned as its very sad the state of affairs in the world at the moment and how people are treating others. I hope any that unfortunately saw that is ok now ♥ I know how damaging the pandemic is and how it may have hurt users on this site at home, I apologize for how tone deaf the person was but there are lot more informed and helpful people here and it was taken care of quickly! ♥ If anyone needs to vent my comments are open :) and my inbox


The pet profile is still up and ALL of the other covid related pets are also Lasirus. That's... not cool. :/


the truly scary thing to me is not just the amount of excusing the gross racism and misinformation in these comments, but the amount of *likes* said posts have gotten. the silent people that don't add their names to the pile of support for this pet and the views expressed outright, but still think these defending parts are right...

on a completely separate note, people with pets sitting in the queue for 3 years watching this profile with all its terrible connotations get fast tracked through the process? quality control, who's that?


Hey everyone, we are closing comments on this post and are temporarily hiding some news comments until a moderator is around. I've also removed the pet spotlight trophy from this pet, so it no longer has its win, and will no longer show up on the home page or pet spotlight page. As Amber mentioned, we will address this further in a post later when more staff are around. Thank you for your understanding.


me logging in, seeing this post, visiting melody, and logging off





@Marine Thank you.


"The panic is slowly dying down as of today."

Covid literally just became the leading cause of death in the U.S. surpassing Heart Disease. The U.S. has been labeled as a hot spot for Covid. People are still dying every. single. day. Children, grandparents, mothers, fathers, wives, husbands, people with pre-existing conditions, people who are fit as a fiddle. It is completely disrespectful to put on a pair of rose colored glasses and almost have this absolutely ignorant way of portraying the "current/past events" with Covid. We're all living in the same world, the facts are the facts. A little research goes a LONG way and the person who spewed out this pet was obviously Very uneducated about Covid and current world events.

And for people who Don't see how this is BLATANTLY RACIST and bigoted because it is specifically referencing CHINESE PEOPLE EATING BAT SOUP AND SPREADING COVID (a very uneducated and Racist opinion) then I feel sorry for you. You're not seeing the bigger picture, at all. My boyfriend IS Chinese. He and I have to be SO careful when we are out in public BECAUSE HE IS CHINESE. BECAUSE OF COVID. BECAUSE OF UNEDUCATED PEOPLE LIKE THIS. People want to ATTACK and HURT my boyfriend BECAUSE HE IS CHINESE.

These are real actual problems effecting the world and humanity and it makes me physically ill to my stomach to see this. Thank you for removing this awful pet, staff.


Thanks for removing that xenophobic and negationist junk from our sights.


@Dandelion def agree comments should have been closed, not even monitored. Staff can't and shouldn't have to be a referee, and if they saw the pet as controversial, then just remove and announce the removal and leave it. But it's done now. Maybe since this isn't the first time a pet has been deemed "controversial," rules can be amended a bit so this doesn't happen again, if Staff feels the need. Personally, I don't think everyone is going to be comfortable or approve of every pet, and that's okay, sometimes discomfort takes spotlight, but with this kind of thing it's just temporary. I don't think pets should be removed entirely from site for people finding them offensive (someone mentioned that), but just monitored for this competition more. Anyway, hope everyone finds the rest of the day well.


Yeahhhhh the pet is pretty distasteful, specially the "mystery soup" part. The infamous bat soup video wasn't even filmed in China, but in Palau! However...I don't really see anything wrong with the pet being a Lasirus since it's a fact that coronavirus originated in bats.


This post really should have been closed for comments if staff weren't going to moderate. This was predictable. Especially certain usernames who crawl out of the woodwork every time there's anything remotely contentious, some of whom should have been banned long ago.


I read all the comments here. I also found the pet in question but I will admit there are other Laisurus pets of similar naming but nothing on the profiles, so idk if people would also take issue with that. I did read the profile and it does seem rather yikes. But I think it is more upsetting that it won an award for it that all users got to see.

But I also hope this doesn't cause some sort of witch hunt. Like, I get that it is rather distasteful, but a whole hoard of users harassing the person in question is kinda like a "two wrongs don't make a right" sort of thing. I am also interested in the people who aren't from the US sharing their comments about their experiences in the pandemic in relation to maybe the user in question is not from the US? It is a sensitive subject, but it is something that is different for every country and region, so painting them with a broad brush of "you should've known better because in the US xyz happens" is a little close-minded because the world doesn't revolve around news, behaviors, and rhetoric from the US.

That being said, as someone who lives in the US, the TC with the "mystery soup" is upsetting to see. Please don't send me hate mail/hate comments. I am someone who has traveled (not this year lol) both within and outside the US and I will say that a common US stereotype is that people think those from the US are always frustrated that other cultures aren't completely educated on all things US. Telling others to educate themselves but never providing resources on where to start is kinda odd because you can't expect everyone to know everything that offends a different country.

But if this user is from the US, then yeah I do see where y'all are coming from.


Oof big yikes on all of this. This whole thing was a train wreck and done in poor taste. Definitely text book definition of 'too soon'. This kind of pet could have been done in such a more respectful way, but even then I would have personally waited until the situation was far past before doing it. My stepmother ended up getting it since she works in the hospitals and is still dealing with long-hauler symptoms/issues months later. It is not a joke or something to be taken lightly... Glad the staff acted so quickly on this one though!


Wow this got messier after I left. Honestly probably should have been handled without a news post announcing it being handled, other than literally saying, "It's being/been handled," and that's it. Three words. The Pet was removed from spotlight for drama and now the post announcing it is creating drama.




Hm... Nah.


Thank you for addressing the situation so quickly


You forgot to answer? Or... coward?


JAKFOSOG COWARD??? ily bro keep it up hahaha


Ssevora, what was the nonsense again? Coward?


I read this last night and can say it has not been edited in any shape or form. Shame on those who are try to add fuel to the fire.

That being said, I read the comments and the explanations people have given as to why this is upsetting. I now understand why people are upset but I still see it as a hopeful story. It references some things I may not agree with but it’s all stuff I’ve either heard on the news, from a friend, or experienced myself.

As for the soup in TC and bat choice for the pet species. Yeah, that did happen. Asian people were ridiculed, mocked, discriminated against, ostracized, and even attacked for a narrative that was never even confirmed. I remember in the news that many Asian restaurants lost business or closed because of COVID.
I wouldn’t hide that, rather the creator should dive more into it, as to how people were unfairly treated just because of their ethnicity.

All in all, I think that the comments about timing were right. This shouldn’t have won pet spotlight right now. Maybe in a year after we DO overcome this.


Honestly when it popped up I was like "...... huh..."

I read the spotlight. If anything it was a much rosier version of events than what we are experiencing in the US. If it had touched on lives lost and acted more as a tribute it might have been a little more palatable.

I don't think it was good enough to win a spotlight, regardless. It was basically one person's diatribe about a worldwide event killing hundreds of thousands. Probably millions by the time we are done. That and the layout was literally just a centered box.

TBH I think the biggest thing to come of this should be staff reviewing how this came about and setting up a way for more eyes to go on these before they are published.


So not to defend this pet because...yikes.... but i actually think the Lasirus is an apt species for the pet to be? Not because of "bat eating soup" but because this "novel coronavirus" is only novel in humans and was actually first isolated in bats. Like most new coronaviruses that impact humans. Both SARS and MERS were also from bats through other animals to humans. I super don't care for the TC and other undertones of the pet and hope that others aren't right about the intention of the species, but epidemiologically it does work as a species based on the zoonotic origin point.


everything else has been explained ten times over so I'll just leave this meme here.



I saw this profile when it first went up and my reaction was more "lolwut" than anything. It's remarkably low-effort for a Pet Spotlight winner: minimal page decoration, childlike prose, just the bare minimum. So was it championed solely on the basis of its topicality? If real user votes went into making it a winner, it bears looking at why such a small number of people is participating relative to those who are outraged.

For the record, I see bat-related COVID jokes on Chinese social media. The link hasn't been proven, as far as I know, but it can't be taken off the table. The idea that it's racist to reference a real scare that actually occurred seems more applied by Western viewers than homegrown in China. There are so many more racist items that could have gone in that treasure chest (generic-Asian Shengui Guo anyone?)


it's not really nonsense, and i don't entirely get why you think it is, but sure.


yikes................................................................... thanks, staff


i'm glad for the swift response and look forward to the more in-depth explanation later.

now why are there so many people in here saying "well i don't see how it's racist" etc. over and over again when it's been explained over and over again why it is. like thanks for taking the time to share that you're ignorant but maybe read one of the hundreds of comments on this very page explaining it instead of making your own...

i'm getting more annoyed at the amount of people either defending this crap or playing devil's advocate when they self admittedly don't understand than i even was at the initial spotlight win. i'm glad there are so many users with more patience than i have.




@somnomania highly doubt they're on your side when it comes to (justified) criticising of government response but by all means sit with them as they spout their nonsense


@Ssevora the one about what's happened because of covid? yeah, and i agree with it. the united states is collapsing in on itself because of the overtly political response to the pandemic. we're on track to have one in six people going hungry by christmas. the moratoriums on rent and the unemployment benefits are running out, and it's highly unlikely we'll get another stimulus check until trump is gone. people are scared, angry, suicidal, and a dozen other things. if franken supports trump (i can't actually tell from that comment), that's fine, to each their own.

the story in the pet profile as it is right now is a highly optimistic view of where we're going, and there's nothing wrong with that.


The number of people defending or finding anything redeemable about this pet spotlight is actually staggering.

I appreciate that the staff team are addressing it.


@somnomania yea but did you see their bonkers post before the seperate one saying the story was fine


@Sevora i'm with franken tbh, there's nothing offensive about that pet profile as it is right now. i'm white and can't speak to the pet type choice or any of the TC items; if others say it's racist, then it's racist, but the story itself is fine and i don't understand what the fuss is about.


◔_◔ Lame.


Lol Franken u crack me up keep being insane my guy


the post is gone and yet the fight continues


*current form


And seriously, how heavily edited is this profile? Absolutely not offensive in any way in its cure3form wtf, I severely hope it's been massively changed and you people aren't as bonkers as you look.


This got on social media???

Uh oh.... am I going to hear a summary of this situation on a Youtube video soon? Sometimes when a controversy goes down on Twitter various Youtube channels comment on it.


oh yikes




@jigo No pet found: covid19


what's the pet that won? i feel like i'm missing out by not actually seeing it


Its still on the unlogged in page...Is it really hard to take it off there? Please.
I know its late but... if you arent logged in or a user its...still right there, featured.

I have opinions but others have stated the same thing better then I could. Tone deaf is the light word for it. I live in a place we are still surging in numbers with record deaths and it was unpleasant to be dismissed as only sick people used to die to similar things. There are people whos parents friends grandparents fighting covid that dont love the minimizing of it. And that TC bat soup implication :(. Yikes. I hope the user who made the pet isnt getting dogpiled but rather learn a bit more about why this was inappropriate? Being hopeful is nice but needs to be done very carefully. Especially when its generalizing something so serious. And whoever approved this needs a chat with, yeah. Thank you for addressing this anyhow. Take care everyone.


I really don't have the energy to continue this discussion, and I apologise for engaging with it in the first place. If I can't commit to responding as helpfully as I'd like to, I really should just let others address it.

I'm not here to argue, and I know it came off that way. It's too nuanced an issue to be discussed effectively in the comments of a preliminary news post anyway. Goodnight, and stay well.


what in the fuck


@Ziorac the difference is that the alt-right aren't throwing slurs at people in the Netherlands about mink.

When time has passed and the pandemic is finally under control, then there will be room to calmly point out facts about bats and Asian meat markets. Right now it's only ever brought up in a racist manner, intentionally or otherwise. If it's true that the Netherlands got over their racism quickly, that's great, but it's not the case in a lot of other places, including elsewhere in Europe.


@Queer: "So in all of this, maybe we should consider that this is a European view, not an American, which can explain why some things that have been heavily politicized in the US (like mask wearing and 'bat soup eaters') aren't such a big deal in Europe. We did have a short bout of people refusing to go to Chinese restaurants and racism, but that died down in a month or two. The bat soup thing here is just a (false) believed cause of the human-animal transmission."
I thought I did with this. I don't think it's racist to state that the transmission came from the wet markets they have in China and their consumption of 'unorthodox' (to Westerners) meat. Just like I wouldn't think it was racist if someone pointed out how the 'Q fever' was caused by keeping goats too tightly packed here in the Netherlands. Or how mad cow disease was cause by feeding cows cows. These things happen and if we pretend they didn't because it's racist to say that, it means we won't learn and change. The backlash against how wet markets function as a festering grounds for inter animal transmission is correct. Just as the backlash against how minxes are being kept here in the Netherlands as a festering grounds for covid mutations is correct. Just because 'a different race' is doing it, that doesn't mean we can't speak out against it.

I admitted it was in poor taste to let it win Pet Spotlight. And I think whoever approved it should be reprimanded. But that's not the user's fault.
How can you attack a story you haven't read yourself? Here am I quoting it and adding arguments when you've not read it... I suggest you do that first and form an opinion then.


hehe sleepy taco go zzzzz


*addendum: I have been informed that the pet in question still has its profile up, which unfortunately means there are two covid related pets that are lasirus. Yikes.


Why are people saying the pet story has been edited? It's exactly the same as it was when it was announced for Spotlight.


anyway, thank you for taking care of this so promptly, @staff
and thank you to all the people who spoke up!


I think people are really missing the point here.

The story itself was clearly only part of the issue. I didn't get the chance to read it, the profile has already been scrubbed clean. The pet species and TC people have pointed out are what really concern me here. Maybe the story was also peppered with inappropriate details, but it's hard to overlook the underlying racism in the choice of species and items that were in the TC.


i will also add, in response to the post before mine, unless you are affected by these stereotypes you do not get a say in whether they are racist or not. you don't deal with the consequences of it so it's easy to shrug it off, but as i mentioned before these are things that harm real people and create a stigma. it is not fair to invalidate the people who endure not having that privlege. their pain is real, learn and do better


@Ziorac How did you see all those points brought up and not respond to the overtly racist elements people have pointed out?

Honestly, without skimming through this whole comment section, @pierce is one of the only people I've seen who has responded appropriately. Pity/sympathy and coddling will not facilitate growth. Please stop making excuses for this person and instead do your best to educate yourselves and others as to why this was in such poor taste(which I feel is an understatement) and has initiated such a strong reaction from so many users.


i didn't read the pet profile earlier when i saw the spotlight post, and like others have said, apologies if the story's been changed since then. i just read it, and i really don't see anything wrong with it at all except for the fact that yeah, most people probably don't want to encounter anything to do with covid on a site like this where they're just trying to have fun. it just seemed like a fairly optimistic retelling of what's happened so far and is still happening, and yes, they do seem to have confused some of the BLM stuff with the covid stuff. maybe there's some racism with the pet choice and that one TC item, maybe not, i don't know. i feel like a lot of people got really worked up over it when they didn't need to, assuming the story is the same as it was when the spotlight post happened.


The number of people defending this is more than a little uncomfortable.


i understand people may be feeling pity for the person who wrote the story, but let's unpack this for a second. when something is so racially charged you need to step back, be an adult, and own up to your mistakes. this might "just be a pet site" but a very real person wrote this story. these are the stereotypes that affect very real people every day. we should be educating each other on why this is wrong, and how we can do better. it's okay if you don't understand, what's not okay is if you *choose* to not understand. everyone can learn, everyone can grow. but in this case pity doesn't make us grow, it doesn't allow us to learn from our mistakes. if anything it encourages us to take the same cycle. i sincerely hope that people take what i'm saying to heart, we can do better. this isn't something you approach coming out for blood, but rather with a fierce compassion in understanding what was said and why it's harmful. they shouldn't be attacked, but educated, that way this doesn't happen again.


Okay.. So... I read the story. And if it's been edited in the meantime, I take back everything I'm about to say. But.

People are saying the story claims to say it's over now when it's clearly not. But "At this typing, the season is changing from winter to spring like it always does." is at the beginning of the story. But it does say 'Back in February' and mentions months of time passing. So I can only assume this is supposed to be set in the future, aka, start of spring 2021. And if all goes well with the vaccines, we should be in a much better and more hopeful position by that time. It's not saying we're doing better now, but that we probably will by that time.
People are saying the story claims to say covid isn't that bad, like a flu, but 'thought to be just another variant of the flu virus that usually comes around this time of year, was actually found to be more lethal than normal.' Right away saying it's worse than the flu. It goes on to say that unlike the flu, covid can cause serious problems in people who have no underlying conditions. ('But... this new strain wound up afflicting those who were quite healthy.') I also don't see how saying people who die from the flu had underlying conditions is ableist. It's true, isn't it?
People are saying the story is anti mask and anti lockdown, which I don't think it is. It's saying that in some places, things got a bit out of hand, which you have to admit is true. In countries like Spain and Italy you needed a signed piece of paper to go outside and here in the Netherlands, people were fined around 400 euros for sitting on a bench with their parents. There were excesses. As shown with 'But this was not the views of leader from all countries, just a very few, and the rest of the world's leaders began talks to ease these troubling issues.'
As for riots due to anti covid protests, that did happen. Maybe they were overshadowed in the US due to BLM movements, but here in Europe, we had some pretty serious riots and issues with those protests. And this line 'at a loss to find even the simplest of items, such as soap or tea!' makes me think the person is British. So in all of this, maybe we should consider that this is a European view, not an American, which can explain why some things that have been heavily politicized in the US (like mask wearing and 'bat soup eaters') aren't such a big deal in Europe. We did have a short bout of people refusing to go to Chinese restaurants and racism, but that died down in a month or two. The bat soup thing here is just a (false) believed cause of the human-animal transmission. And, honestly, from a British point of view, it is dying down. They're already vaccinating there. Things are slowly coming around.
So I think a lot of the issues with this pet come from looking at things through the wrong glasses. I mean, if this was an American who wrote it, there might be a few more issues, but I don't think it is.

Should this have been pet spotlight? No. It's really not the time and too confronting for people who are still in the thick of it.
Is it a horrible anti mask, anti precautions, 'it's just the flu', racist, ableist tirade? I don't think so. As I see this through European eyes, it's actually a little bit wholesome. We are going to get through this.

Please don't send me hatemail for this, I'm just trying to take the sting out of this whole pet issue with my own viewpoint. After reading the whole profile, even with the TC items, all I see is a pet that should not have won Pet Spotlight given the circumstances, but not a horrible person.
Feel free to point out any flaws in my reasoning though, politely. I'm always willing to listen to other points of view.


My last post got cut off. I’m genuinely sad for this person. Imagine winning the Spotlight, having the announcement redacted, and then waking up to all this backlash. I’m not saying people shouldn’t voice their feelings, but please have some empathy. I’d be absolutely mortified if I had to apologize for the cringe stories I’ve written.


that isn't the hot take you think it is


I hope people aren't harrasing the owner


Ok, defiantly missed the Drama. Can someone comment me with a link to the pet? I get the gest from the comments but I'd like to read it myself and they deleted it from the line-up.


Um, why the witch hunt? I implore people not to send this person any hate over something this petty. Are people really this sensitive? I did think the choice was tacky, but I didn’t think this was enough to pick fights over.


Um, why the witch hunt? I implore people not to send this person any hate over something this petty. Are people really this sensitive? I did think the choice was tacky, but I didn’t think this was enough to pick fights over.


@DryadGurrl Anne meant the word "their" was spelled incorrectly regardless of its correct usage.

Optimism and hope are fine. I think people are finding the ending trite because the writing is tone deaf and because there are places, like America, where leadership has repeatedly used optimism and hope without actually acting on the current state of COVID19, as if to gaslight people with "everything is fine" when the data tells a different story. This is a highly charged current events issue which will stir up a lot of opinions and emotions in people. It needed better writing and awareness of these issues.



They're pointing out that it was spelled thier instead of their, not that it was the wrong usage c:


@youngexplorer I'm not sure if you missed the part where the pet is a lasirus (bat), and the "mystery soup" in the TC... whether the owner of the pet intended it to be racist or not, it definitely is.

Anyway, thank you Amber for removing the news post. Sucks that the pet won in the first place, but I hope we can all learn from this.


@Written Ah okay, I see, my apologizes for being mistaken.


@wintear - Oh yeah I totally agree, but was just clearing up the confusion before the rumor mill really started churning on that one.


@Anne - not to defend any of this thing, but that IS the correct usage of 'their'
Their = belonging to them (Their homes, their elected officials, their risky behavior)
They're = They Are (They're taking risks, They're staying home, They're listening to the CDC)
There = A location (There is somewhere to sit, There is someone taking risks, There is someone staying home)


While I agree that the story, certain TC items and sections of the pet's story are tone deaf, I do think we need to remember that COVID-19 is not the same everywhere. I am someone who lived through 3 months of extreme lockdown (restricted to 1km of my home, marriages banned, all non-essential stores and businesses shut down, mandatary masks, etc.), and I can confidently say that for my country the sentiment is absolutely, "it's gonna be okay." We haven't had a new COVID-19 case in over three weeks, restrictions are rapidly easing, and the general population has put its hands up in celebration. I am certain that most of us do not know where this user lives. Perhaps they do live in a country where COVID-19 is getting better. Does that make the story less tone deaf? No. But it does remind is that we should not assume we know someone's intention or breadth of global knowledge. If you asked me how bad COVID-19 is in the U.S. or Canada or the U.K. or any country that isn't mine, I couldn't tell you. I have a general idea that yes, things are still very bad in some of these countries (mostly because I have several friends who live in NA), but if I were someone who actively avoided the news, which many people do, I would have no idea.

In short, yes, the pet had distinct tonal problems and came across as tastleless given that COVID-19 is a global pandemic with which many countries are still fighting a terrible battle. But to assume that the user is racist, ableist, etc. without knowing knowing their intention, the context, their history, their home, etc., isn't fair, particularly given that Subeta fosters a community of understanding. In the very least, let us educate instead of vilify before knowing someone's truth.


@Chai I'm pretty sure the phrase was never there. It was the implications that were the problem.


There are even typos in the text, not even regarding the disgusting theme.
('Folks were now being ordered by thier country's leading officials to not leave their homes unless strictly necessary.' THIER. Seriously?!)
Is nobody proof-reading what pets are sent in?


ALSO I forgot somehow! "Bat soup eaters" is a VERY alt right thing to say and well, a lot of alt right stuff is racist to be honest sigh.


@Anrivef I was reading what people said here but you might be right in that it was not edited. However. I urge you to read what user Marine said down there, please.
They said it much better than I did.

"The combination of the racist details and references, the whole demonizing of social distancing in the story ("people getting aggressive when they weren't at all before" etc), the ableism/"it can kill healthy people too, that's why it's bad!!!" bit... just the overall super hopeful/saccharine tone towards a very serious, awful event that's ongoing, too. All that together is why."

I'm asking that you guys try to understand a little. And what I said aside from the whole they edited thing (guess they did not edit!) stays though.



I understand how upsetting it can be; however, I hope people don't lash out at the user. Age, country, education, etc. all affect perspective. The person's account is over 12 years old... I honestly don't think the person wanted to put that at risk.

In my opinion, the issue was more that the person was chosen for spotlight. It's a sensitive subject that can easily rub people the wrong way... add to that references that can be derogatory (I'm sure the person didn't mean it that way, but it can still hurt nonetheless), it wasn't a good idea to choose it.

Did staff mean to offence, definitely not and it was taken down. Keep in mind they're a skeleton crew.

I think the best thing is to take a deep breath and get some sleep. It won't do any good to lash out at the person... I'm sure she's feeling pretty bad already. It's Lumi... a time for forgiveness and to show love to others. 2020 hasn't been what anyone expected and it's been darn tough for many. Let's find the strength to rise above and focus on what's good... because there are times that it feels like there's so little good that it's tough to find but in the darkest moments even a small light can shine brightly, given the opportunity.


@Written it looked edited to me, phrases such as "Bat soup eaters" is not there anymore and it looked like they edited the part of people dying of influenza as it no longer mentions people with disabilities. but I could be wrong. Either way, it was a bad pet (and that's an understatement) and never should have won spotlight.


I saw nothing wrong with it at all. And it was not racist. Just factual.


@wintear - I don’t think the user edited the pet page. I saw the whole profile right after it went up and I don’t see anything noticeably different now.


Ive been refraining from saying anything here, but Ive been reading and seen 2 people now say the profile has been edited, can someone tell me what has changed because I dont see anything different than when I looked at it when it was in the pet spotlight news?


@kitsche Oh ok no worries, I did not realize, but understand now.


Also to add to my last comment, I don't know what the USER of this pet intended. It could just be ignorance but don't say that the original spotlight submission is "fine" because now they know better because it was in really poor taste


Oh wow, that...I am glad it was taken down. Hopefully it will also be able to be removed from being seen on the main page when not signed in as well. /sigh


' "Bat soup eaters" is racist rhetoric used by the alt-right to shame China - it's right here with China Virus. ' What @Sopheroo said god I, I just... the fact that some people don't understand they're being racist out of ignorance or just straight up racist baffles me?? Why do you think YOU are right and everyone else different (not your race) is not good??? I swear some people just wanna throw stuff around to hurt other human beings

Also don't forget that this user EDITED the pet to seem innocent lmao please don't forget and say, "it doesn't seem that bad" :joy:

No, the government wants you to social distance because it's still at large and very contagious (and causing deaths), they are not taking away your rights



I did, actually. I was referring to previous comments on this thread. Apologies if that wasn't apparent; I've just woken up and am a bit foggy!


I read the story myself and agree that it definitely is not appropriate to be showcased on the site. The tone is off, and the TC items are questionable. That said, I do hope people are not being needlessly cruel to the person in question. After reading it, I do agree that it isn't appropriate. That said, I didn't get the feeling that it was written to be malicious in any way. It's just very tone-deaf and misinformed. The owner isn't a bad person from what I can tell, just made poor judgment. Letting the pet win in the first place was also poor judgment. It happens. I hope that the owner learns from this and that people aren't too harsh.


@Beck bro did u read I said covid protests did not reach BLM levels. I didn't say they didn't happen xD

But I'll clarify: covid protests existed, but they weren't cracked down on as bad as blm ones. Extreme responses mentioned in the story also didn't really start to pick up until the BLM protests. Why? Because they wanted to wrangle minorities, not annoyed white people sad they have to wear a mask.


@kitsche The person literally continued on to say that this effect healthy people as well. So you didn't read the entire story then...


Wow. Yikes.

I was in ICU for 2 weeks on a ventilator in May, and my family were told I probably wouldn't come
home. I was fit and healthy, so, really, there's the 'only sick people die' narrative out the window. Didn't expect to log into subeta and see that spotlight win.
I feel like this could have been done in a sensitive, informative and educational way - even if it was a more personalized perspective. As it stands, it just felt like it wasn't something that should have been highlighted here at all. Thanks for addressing it.


@Ssevora I can only speak on the US but there were absolutely many protests regarding masks "violating ones freedom". Also, I didn't see the issues with the influenza comment because they did not make light of that issue either.



If you view subeta's front page without being logged in, it should still be there in the Pet Spotlight spot. Alternatively, the pet's name is Covid19, just edit it into a pet profile URL and you should find it easily.

Also, one of the people here who /did/ read the whole story; while a lot of it isn't really... anything special, it's the whole presentation and the small details that condemn it.
The combination of the racist details and references, the whole demonizing of social distancing in the story ("people getting aggressive when they weren't at all before" etc), the ableism/"it can kill healthy people too, that's why it's bad!!!" bit... just the overall super hopeful/saccharine tone towards a very serious, awful event that's ongoing, too. All that together is why.
It's tone-deaf at absolute best and distressing at worst, both with the realization that a staff member okay'd it and that it won spotlight and is thus made for everyone to look at.


I would like to read the full story. Is there a link to the pet profile?


So I read the story and it wasn't /as bad/ as I imagined. With the bat choice I Can't blame people for being suspicious with something that blatantly horrible. The influenza part is also terrible.

A part that bothers me is that they seemed to have gotten the BLM protests and covid mixed up? They mention government abuses and protests in this story about covid, when it was people protesting police brutality towards minorities that got the brunt of it. I can't recall any covid protest reaching that level, and lord knows the USA gov just shrugged it's shoulders and 'strongly urged' people to stay in doors for the most part. Local government had to pick up the slack. Maybe they don't live in the US though...?

Regardless, defenitely a tone deaf pet. Would like it gone across the board but I'm not sure if it's reached that level site rules wise.


Did anyone actually read the full story? The bat I agree was not a good idea. But the story itself was not anti mask or lockdown. The story was meant to be real life based with a hopeful ending, not taking away from the tragedy that this pandemic has caused.


@Chai I'm not sure why you think that the pet was edited. It looks exactly the same.

And tbh, if it was edited, that would be a good thing, because it would mean that the owner has addressed the issues and taken steps to rectify them.

There is no "sweeping it under the rug" at this point.




@Sopheroo A lot of people keep writing stuff that it's not even written in the story, nowhere does the story says "it's gonna be okay uwu", if you wanna give that meaning to
"We will overcome this nightmare, and hopefully learn from the mistakes that were done during this hard time." then that's on you, as I think it's a perfectly fine sentence.

You say it's not positive towards lockdowns, in any way it's negative towards lockdowns too, it doesn't say anything close to "let's all hang out now."


Thanks guys♡♡♡♡


Bats are not the problem. I have a pet based on a bats with a huge bat TC. Bats are one of my favorite animals and I adore them. I follow and donate to a lot of bat rescues and rehabilitation centers all over the world. Bats are vital pollinators that we should be fighting to protect instead of needlessly condemning or fearing.

The problem with the bats in this context is directly connecting them to COVID and bat soup. If you're not familiar with those connections, there are a lot of comments that talk about it here.

It would be possible to make an educational COVID pet that's a bat. The 'story' could even go into detail about the real connection to bats to help quell fears and stop the spread of misinformation about bats, which is rampant this year. In a context like that including bats would have been fine. The bat soup in the TC and overall "othering" of the virus' origins in this problematic fanfic send up humongous red flags. Even if the writer did not mean to be racist with these elements, intent is not magic and including them was racist.


You've been blessed to miss the mountains of racist rhetoric blaming Chinese people for "eating bats" for catching and spreading the virus, thus causing the pandemic (this has no basis in reality beyond the virus originating in bats; to date nobody has figured out which species spread it to humans, but it wasn't bats). Including it in the pet's TC/species was at best tone deaf/ignorant and at worst intentionally racist.


What a disgusting racist and ableist pet, thanks for addressing and deleting it. I hope the user gets a warning at least as well too. Cause wtf.
Also, the user/owner of the pet has edited it seems! Like their kinda trying to perhaps get away with it, or sweep it under the rug...


y'all crack me up


@Holden it has to do with context, imo. Like I said in an earlier comment, it could've been played off as simply factual, (bats are natural reservoirs for corona-viruses due to a number of different factors, mostly having to do with the metabolism needed to sustain flight and what that does to the immune system, and thus the co-evolution of viruses with them. This has been proven and was first published by Shi Zhengli- probably the world expert on this- and her team in a paper published in 2005. Understanding bats and corona-viruses are literally this woman's life work.) But take with everything else, it's not.


@Nami read the comments, it's been explained multiple times.



"but I didn't think it was making the problem small, or diminishing it or even giving bad advice in any way? (for people saying it was anti-mask, anti-lockdown)"

It's not anti-mask - but it absolutely is not positive towards lockdowns and social distancing.

BUT ANYWAY, YEAH, IT MINIMIZES THE PROBLEM. Look at the entire last paragraph, the "it's gonna be okay uwu" and look at the case numbers records happening on a daily basis over the world. It's not okay. It's minimizing the pandemic.


...This was not what I expected to wake up to. Big yikes from me dawg. I really hope the pet owner has been reading all this, understands what they did wrong and alters the story/TC accordingly... rather than showing up playing the victim and screaming about censorship. I don't know the user in question, not sure how they're going to react.

I'm glad Subeta are dealing with it, at least. Hopefully going forward the pet spotlights will be scrutinised a bit more before winning?


Thank you for removing the post. I completely agree that the pet's profile is not only insensitive, but just plain inappropriate on many levels. What I'd really like to emphasize is how concerned I am that a profile like this was able to win a spotlight in the first place. A severe lack of either oversight or good judgment is apparent. I'm not asking for heads to roll by any means, but some answers regarding the how and why would probably put my mind at ease.


Thanks to everyone else who replied to me, too!


That makes sense. Thanks for the explanation.

I thought it was just poor wording and exaggeration, but now I realize I just wasn't entirely making all the connections. Maybe because I was trying to read and understand something at 3am and my brain isn't entirely awake, at least I hope that's the reason.


The poor taste of this is like going into town, and just spitting on the huge memorials to all the people covid has taken. Who would do this.


Skimmed it and didn't see the issue until I read the comments. Thanks for explaining for those that did!


@siellby @Holden the "bat eating" stuff being racist is less to do with the fact that it's a bat and more to do with the general racist connotations behind eating meats such as horse, dog, frog, bear, or anything else that's not an easily farmed/traditionally western food animal. people who are already racist use statements or imagery that seem innocuous but portray groups of people as "other" or lesser because they eat different foods. you can even see examples of this with traditional food animals like chicken when differences in preparation are taken into account- such as the stereotype that black people love fried chicken (used to portray black people as dirty or ill-mannered as it's a food you eat with your hands rather than a fork/knife). as far as ableism, the topic has been mostly covered by others but something else to be taken into account is that covid-19 deniers often don't talk about the people who catch the flu/covid and become disabled rather than dying as a result of it. they operate under the assumption that you fall ill and either fully recover because you were already healthy(young, not disabled, no health conditions), or you die (old, ill, disabled, pre-existing conditions).


Thanks for removing the post.


It's ablesist because it's basically saying "only sick people die", and if you're a fit and able person, you have nothing to worry about. This also ignores that about 1/6 people have "per-existing conditions". Likewise this ignores the huge number- about 30% of people who get it developing long term complications.
It's racist for the use of the mystery stew, indicating that only weird, not normal foreign people eat that kind of thing, (us and them mentality) in addition to the bat thing. The bat/lasrius aspect could've been played as simply factual, but in context with everything else it comes across as racist and stereotyping.
It's denialist because it's minimizing and downplaying what we've been doing to slow the spread as silly or overplayed instead of legitimate life saving measures, as well as trivializing the potentially life threatening work essential workers and hospital staff are undergoing every day.



The ableism part is from the whole sentiment of "influenza already killed people who were already immune-compromised or disabled, so it wasn't nearly as bad as this new virus".
It's not as obvious as some other sentiments in the story, but it more or less throws disabled people and people with health conditions under the bus as "it's not so bad as covid because only they die".

It hurts to read, honestly. I'm disabled and have some chronic health problems that make me miserable (not necessarily immune system ones, but problems all the same), and I have at least three people in my family here that would either seriously suffer or very likely die if they got the virus.


Considering the poor taste of this pet, and that it should never have gotten this far, let alone win (HOW it even won in the first place, let alone end up in the queue, is something I find baffling), should the owner of the pet get a warning for their offensive pet? I hope so. Pets shouldn't be used for hate speech, so getting their pet deleted, or being sent a warning message, might be a good idea.


who wants to touch strangers anyway???



"Bat soup eaters" is racist rhetoric used by the alt-right to shame China - it's right here with China Virus.

There are parts of the profile spreading misinformation about the lockdowns, and also amalgamating the BLM protests with COVID.

Implying that people changed for the worst because they didn't want people to look at them (a gross exaggeration) is also pretty much anti social-distancing, and the final paragraph still throws shade at strangers being unwilling to make "real physical contact"


Reading comments that were posted while I was writing, I think I understand better, at least as far as the tone goes and I agree with that. And I had no idea there was any stereotype related to bats. I guess I have some research to do.

But I still don't understand all of the complaints. I can only guess the ableism is because of the part about influenza? But how it was anti- anything I still don't get. It doesn't say anything against social distancing or lockdowns or masks or anything. It just says that's how things were/are. At least that's how I read it. Maybe I need to look at it again, and more closely, but it's 3am here so that will have to wait.


Minimalizing the efforts of people who take Covid seriously is not cool. It's definitely not getting better, unless your country is super cool like New Zealand. I'm reading through everyone's comments and I'm glad these discussions are happening.

However, I'm ashamed to admit, despite that it affects me directly, I'm not too familiar with where exactly the line is around the dialog about bats and covid being racist. People mentioning the virus's bat origins always made me very uncomfortable, because the Pres and friends giving the disease some stupid nicknames have contributed to racist steroptypes which have led to a lot of harassment and violence. Living in a red state, I never really know who I'm talking to so I avoid it altogether. But from a scientific standpoint, unless I'm very very mistaken, the virus origin is still linked to bats (and pangolins) regardless of who in what country first contracted it. I'm not trying to debate anybody here, but I'd love to be informed if anyone has a perspective on this. It's all been such a cloudy gray area over my head since this all began, and it's nice to see so many people who do have strong voices here concerning anti-racism.


And to add insult to injury, the story had a typo.


to me, it sounds to me like they were trying to legit just document what is going on but accidentally let the systemic racism shine through like @Virus pointed out


I think what's so sad/depressing/disheartening, other than the.. well, racism, ableism and denialism of it all, is it COULD have been an awesome pet. (Yes, even keeping the species the same) It could've educated about safety, how we've adapted, where/what it comes from and why (there's some really interesting science behind why bats are natural reservoirs of different corona-viruses) but it... wasn't.

Anyway, thank you staff for acting promptly.


Okay I forgot to mention in my comment: Yeah the part about people dying from influenza good. And there's some other stuff that seems like poor wording choice to me. Like they just didn't really think through what they were saying. But I'm still missing some things.


everyone's already said what i feel about it (short version being i am Very Disappointed) but i just wanna say, you just don't have to log out to see it on the widget.
it's still on the pet spotlight rules page that lists all previous winners -- so i hope that's dealt with whenever staff gets on in the morning.


Thanks~ Soon as I saw it I thought it wouldn't last very long...
Hope the owner feels some shame


I did see the pet earlier and I found it so I could actually read and look at it. I didn't get the chance to read the comments on the news post. It's definitely in bad taste, especially the timing but I'm not sure the timing would ever be good for something like that. It even still has the pet spotlight trophy and maybe it shouldn't.

However, people are saying there's racism, and that there's something wrong with the pet being a lasirus, and that there's something wrong with the TC and I just...I honestly, legitimately do not understand. I don't see the racism or ableism (maybe--well, probably--because of privilege) nor do I see how it is anti-social distancing or anti-lockdown or whatever else people are saying. I am definitely missing something, or several somethings. There's a few items in the TC that to me don't appear to even be related at all as far as I can tell, but it doesn't sound like that's the problem...

I mean I agree with it being removed just for the name and reference alone. I'm just missing whatever it is that other people are seeing...


Gotta admit, deeply unimpressed that pet made it to the front page. I'm very glad for the quick response, of course, but that it was needed in the first place is troubling.


"They believe this virus originally started in a small, but highly populated country on the other side of the world from us."
bruh is this supposed to mean ITALY because i literally can't with this


Dear subeta; tomorrow I am going to be able to tell people unironically that I stayed up late due to covid, and it'll be our little sick, no pun intended inside joke.



Log off, look at the front page in the pet spotlight section. You can freely look at it on your own.

Don't skim it. Read all of it.


literally me when i saw the news post. i ended up sending screenshots to my boyfriend between games of league because he didn't believe me when i was telling him about it lmao


Not to mean a witch hunt or something, but reading all the comments makes me wish I'd seen this when it happened, to read the story by myself and do my own judging.
It sounds awful tho, I think the owner's inbox might be dead by now, but again, I can only judge for what everyone is saying.


thanks for taking it down, but the pet should also be taken down/deleted considering just how awful it actually is
also whoever approved it in the first place should probably get talked to :/


Yeah, when the news first updated with this spotlight, I looked at the banner and had a little " [laughing nervously] wtf? " moment. I assumed it was at least done in good taste if it had won the spotlight, thought "ok wouldn't be my choice for the spotlight either way, but ok." Seeing this, I went back to look a bit closer and ugh, I'm very glad it's since been taken down.
This is such a harmful attitude to take towards this whole thing, + the racism, ableism, etc. as everyone has mentioned. Heck, even if it didn't have those things and was just an introspective on the situation, I still wouldn't want it to go through just because it would probably pain a lot of people to see it plastered across the screen first thing they logged in (people who have lost loved ones, suffered through it themselves, etc.). The only context I would be content with it winning the spotlight is if it was a well researched educational resource, like @Sopheroo mentioned.

Anyway, thank you Amber and whatever other staff members were involved for listening to concerns and responding to this quickly, I - and others - really appreciate it. <3


Racist content aside it's also kind of embarrassing that the profile used a stock template with no alteration whatsoever done to it. I have some genuine questions for whoever approved this particular win.

Also it still shows up on the front page for anyone who isn't logged in, which looks pretty bad to non-users right now.


Just logged on, and I'm so confused, but... still slightly curious to read the profile, to have my own opinion on this apparent mess.


also how racist was it?

well, if you ask me, it was mickey rourke in breakfast to tiffany's level of racist.


it is still showing up on the front page of the site if you are not logged in (i was not logged in and saw it)


Like this comment if you audibly gasped or otherwise reacted IRL when you saw that banner pop-up.


"The name alone should have immediately disqualified the pet"

I disagree on that; it would have been great to see a pet educating people - either by debunking common myths about COVID, or by educating people about the entire situation; giving tricks about social distancing, how to make/wear a mask, ways to entertain yourself with in isolation.

A pet called after an illness can still be tasteful. The one that was showcased today absolutely wasn't.


@sickestambition Ok so now I am seeing what you mean! The whole bat thing went right over my head! I don't think this pet ever should have got the spotlight. If I didn't say that in my original comment, I should have. Anyway thanks for your further clarification, I appreciate it! <3


Glad you removed it, thank you for doing so quickly. The fact that it got past an approval process is still horrifying. The name alone should have immediately disqualified the pet; add in the racism, ableism, and overall downplay of a pandemic that's already a huge danger in part <i>because</i> of how it's being downplayed, and I'm baffled as to how anyone could think that was a good thing to reward - <i>and then showcase to the entire site</i> via the news update popup!

The staff owe a massive apology for doing this, especially to the people who have lost loved ones, the ones who are struggling with the virus themselves, those who are still battling the side effects months later, and the healthcare and essential workers who have to stare this and the risk of contracting it in the face every day. This was a horrible thing to subject them to - a horrible thing to do to all of us, really. What a slap in the face.


it was a big old yikes


The pet profile is still up in its entirety. Its racist, ableist, anti-social distancing, anti-quarantine, and all around terrible. It tries to pretend the virus is over and now we can move on, yay! Happy sunshine positive vibes time! The words "tone deaf" and "factually incorrect" don't even come close to describing it. The opinions expressed on this pet profile are awful and dangerous. They're not things that Subeta should be supporting or promoting.


covid isn't controversial. making a subeta (BAT) pet about it with a flowery fiction story about the pandemic and giving it the pet spotlight is controversial.



The pet was a Lasirus, and there was a bat and mystery soup in the TC "Bat soup eaters" is a harmful stereotype.

Add to it anti-social distancing and anti-lockdown rhetoric, and that's no bueno


@Reekoh i think it's fine to make the pet to process your feelings or whatever but it doesn't need to get awarded the pet spotlight and be shown to everyone


Wonder what the pet was (I was asleep) but judging by the comments it sounds like another anti-mask crybaby sad they have to consider other people.


Probably going to get a lot of hate for this, but maybe I read a different story. To me, it was this persons opinion of how the pandemic was going for them. I didn't see anything racist, but again, I understand that some things will go over my head and I might not understand them, while to another it was a clear sign. The racism from this pet profile is why it should have not been allowed, nothing else. Talking about how people who get the influenza are more likely to die with underlying conditions is a fact. I can see how this person wrote the story almost trivializes that fact, almost acting like death in those cases is no big deal. I had a grandparent die from influenza related causes, so that cuts close to home. But I really don't see why people are up in arms over this. TBH, Covid 19 shouldn't be controversial. It's out there. People are sick, people are dying. Having an opinion, one way or another, should be allowed. If we start telling people their opinion is wrong just because it's not our opinion, where does that leave us? You might be saying, but it's a FACT that such and such works, or whatever statement you want to make about the virus. Truth be told, this virus is so new that not much can be stated as a one hundred percent fact right now. All doctors agree, it's so new we just don't have enough information about it yet.

Please don't hate on me, I'm just stating my opinion. Subeta is usually a pretty friendly place, and I've always felt welcome to voice my opinion. I'll continue reading comments and try to figure out why some are so upset. I recognize they have valid feelings too, I am just not sure why they feel that way! <3


okay @delsomebody's summary of the pet was way more succinct and funnier than mine, the noise i made when i read it lmao 5/5


to anyone wondering what the deal was and what they missed, basically imagine your bog standard trite facebook post about covid-19 from your conservative aunt dressed up in a ~heartwarming~ reader's digest story about how we can all just ~overcome the virus~ (which is totally dying down now, it'll all be over any day now! what do you mean exponential growth) laced with a rant about how the mean ol' scawy gummint is oppressing people by doing lockdowns/social distancing on a backdrop of thinly-veiled racism in the form of the pet's species and treasure chest

it was, as the kids say, wildly inappropriate given current events


If anyone's left wondering what they missed, just imagine a 'Live Laugh Love' sign hanging around the neck of a corpse. Something like that.



So far only one, hopefully it stays that way. -lol- I don't mean to be offensive, I just don't understand things sometimes, not because I'm literally slow, just sometimes I can read something and an hour later it just hits me out of the blue.

Comments are on a cache so they are slowly showing up about 30 seconds later or more I'd say?


@_blackwolf_2009_ My bad! The posts are showing pretty slow for me, so I didn't see that someone had already explained it to you. I'm sorry to hear people blocked you over just asking a question.



Great way to put it! I wish they had explained their side to me rather than just outright block as I have no idea who this person even is in the end, never seen them before in my life on this website, I thought I did something outrageously horrible besides just skimming a story and not understanding it, even some parts of it wasn't clicking until some of the comments pointed out somethings I just flat out didn't realize.



Yeah, like I said, I skimmed it but re-reading it again, yeah I can see the bad taste of it, the TC being pointed out was helpful as well, I totally neglected the TC cuz I keep forgetting those are a thing on this website. I was working on one years ago and stopped.



My time is not wasted, I'd rather tell people how that kind of rhetoric can be harmful and triggering, rather than just block.


EDIT: I Don't need an explanation, people explained it well enough in comments. I should have read more thoroughly, it's just there were a lot! <3



Yeah, I'm getting it now, I just regret even asking if this was going to get people upset enough to block me over trying to even understand the situation in full. *shrugs* Sorry for wasting your time.


Thank you. I know I appreciate it, as do many others.



Like I told someone else

"The recount was actually anti-lockdown, anti-social distancing and minimized the current state of the situation, where we have more cases than ever. It was tone deaf and patronizing."


As soon as I saw that the news post was up to 120+ comments in the span of an hour, I was like “oh no”, but then I scrolled through to see what was up and I just... oh... oh no......

Thank you for the swift response!


I didn't see it, can someone explain how/why it was racist? Or what it was, exactly? Just wanting to be in on the loop.


@_blackwolf_2009_ My personal biggest issue with the pet is that it's making light of a very serious situation. It talked about the pandemic like it's something that's already over and the world is now recovering from, even though we're stick in the thick of it. Like talking about how 'the panic is dying down', even though it's no less severe now then it ever has been, and the panic dying down is actually a huge problem because people are taking it less seriously.

And, like people have said, there's a lot of racist undertones, though as I'm not apart of the group in question I'm not comfortable talking about that. I'm sure someone else can explain that in a more educated manner. And someone also pointed out that saying the flu isn't as bad because 'it only kills sick people anyways, so it's not a big deal' is. Pretty gross. Overall the whole pet is just in very poor taste.

I hope that helps you understand a little better why people took such issues with it! I totally get missing a lot of the subtext, I didn't know how bad it was my first read through, I just found it uncomfortable because I know people who've lost friends to the virus. It was only after reading other peoples comments that I realized how bad it really was.



The recount was actually anti-lockdown, anti-social distancing and minimized the current state of the situation, where we have more cases than ever. It was tone deaf and patronizing.

Add to it things like "flu only kills ill people so it's ok" and the entire association with bats, and it's a giant pile of yikes.


Apparently missed something, only an hr into the new day, lets pace ourselves


Thank you and thank you to the staff member who reached out.
You're appreciated. ♥️


I am confused. I caught the pet's name, looked it up and quickly read the story. I cannot see, how there is anything of bad taste? It's just a run down of our current situation? Not even names or countries are mentioned.



Ah, well that explains it all then. What's upsetting me is I asked about this and I have been blocked by someone already for it. Simply by asking what was wrong with it because I didn't understand what was wrong with the story (neglected the TC entirely) and apparently that deems me bad enough to block. :/ Going to have to rethink asking anything in the future.


this is a violation of my civil rights and i'm gonna lick the mcdonald's toilet in protest >:(

(i kid. thank you for dealing with this so swiftly because that pet was extremely a layer cake of Very Bad Choices)


*logs in* What... What could be so offensive that it--

Thank you. It being a Lasirus... yikes.
Ahh, I can definitely hazard a guess, now. 😬


Good, I was about to leave a very angry, very profanity-laced comment...glad I don't have to now. But yeah, there needs to be a loooooong and thorough discussion about what gets approved for the Pet Spotlight from now on. I know y'all wanted it to get more attention, but...not like this.


Thanks for listening to the gathered concern and disdain. I was actually pretty surprised that a pet like that got so far into the spotlight queue. I hope this means better monitoring in the future, because I'd hate to see this happen again. I saw the pet name and had hoped for it to have been about getting through these times as a community, and not... the racist social distancing hate garble that it was...


@_blackwolf_2009_ the concept of a making a subeta pet about a pandemic that is still killing people every day is already cringe imo. there were issues with the species of the pet and the mystery soup item of the TC relating to racial stereotypes and myths about the virus that are harmful to asian people. different things about the way that the lockdowns and precautions were talked about, the tone of the story in general.



Not once did I say it was bad or not, I just said it seems like a recount, I may be missing some chunks of what is going on from all over the world but if it was bad and there is things I'm just not catching, as I said to KiaArra, glad it was taken down.


agreeing with @soren : that pet never should have made it into the queue. thanks so much for taking it down.



That's not very helpful in explaining it but thanks, I guess? :/


Good riddance


Skimming over a story is the equivalent of just watching the first twenty minutes of a movie, and the final fifteen minutes.

Look at the whole picture before saying it wasn't that bad, please.


Whoa what did I miss? O_O; What pet was it?



I posted my comment before this one showed up due to caching but that helps with it. It looked to me like just a mere recount of the history of it so far. Glad it was taken down then.


thank you for responding as soon as you could, at least. i understand that it's super late for you guys, but also seeing that this is stuff that's (usually?) proofread afaik.....

that said, anyone who posts or agrees with tepid takes going against the very basic concept™ of caring for other human beings can kick rocks, please and thanks


@_blackwolf_2009_ highly suggest you do less skimming and more active reading.


Thank you for your prompt response to the situation. It really should have been evaluated on many levels before being approved and going live and while I understand that mistakes happen...there's kind of a moment where as a site runner you gotta ask yourself "is this truthfully in the best interest or taste and if the image I want to be promoting on my petsite?"



I think that "rule-breaking" was more the kind of wording I expected for the removal's justification; but fair enough. Sleep tight!


@Fyreheart - you can still go read the story on the pet profile. The last paragraph was about the only thing that might have been considered ok. If you read the whole thing, there are a lot of undertones of racism, and belittling of the disease and the measure we have been taking to prevent it's spread.


Again, a big shoutout to every user who has vocalized concern over this; you are true rockstars and I'm so proud of you.

You pointed out some things that I skimmed over originally, and I'm impressed to see that the notes imploded, but we didn't turn on each other. That was true solidarity, and I'm so proud that the HUGE majority of the community stood as one.

Way to go, Subeta Userbase. I'm proud of you.


Thank you for removing it. I know it's late, and I'm grateful for you being on top of things as always, Amber. I hope in the morning we can get an official statement addressing the main issues with this, but the fact it's been removed is more then enough for me right now.


Not trying to be to dense or anything, but why was it even taken down? Skimming over the story now it seems to just be a recount of what's happened?


I was just about to go to bed, @Sopheroo. A night owl on staff messaged me like UHHHHH PLEASE CHECK THE SITE. I'll try to be more detailed and more articulate tomorrow!


Thank you for taking it down promptly and as others have said I hope there is a larger discussion from this that will help prevent something similar in the future


Glad that it was deleted. I think the spotlight queue needs to be better managed to avoid pets like this to make it in.



You're silly.

Who's a little sad we lost all those comments? I was really feeling the love in that Chili's tonight.


Thank you for taking action. I hope staff take this seriously and make sure nothing like this ever happens again.


Knew that wouldn't last long.


Thank you @Amber, I appreciate your action.


I didn't even look at it, I figured it was a memorial pet for all the bad times. Oops.


I literally just logged on for the first time tonight, read the post and then boom, taken down. Fun coincidental timing there

As I was trying to say, as soon as I saw 151 comments I knew something had gone down. That was an... /interesting/ win...


Thank you. It being a Lasirus... yikes.


Ah, so that's why my comment didn't go through on the news post.
Thank you! I hope whoever approved it in the first place is given a firm warning.


Thank you, and also: Can we have a good, hard look at who's in charge of the spotlight queue? This pet NEVER should have come this far to begin with.


Thank you for working hard! It's just my luck to login right as this is posted. Sweet dreams staff!


"in bad taste" is quite the understatement, but you know, I appreciate the prompt reaction.


It was in poor taste? I just skimmed it but the ending seemed nice saying we'll get through this.


Thank you for removing it


Thank you so much, bless you and everyone who addressed this.
I wouldn't call it bad taste, more like "something that should NEVER be allowed on the site due to its racist and generally tasteless execution and premise", but it's definitely at /least/ bad taste.


Thank You.


Thank you Amber.


Thank you for getting on this so quickly. It's really appreciated.


Thank you Amber ♥


thank you for addressing this, it really is appreciated


Thanks, Amber; get some rest!



Thank you very much for listening to us concerning the previous Pet Spotlight Winner. I hope there will be a thread up later if we wish to give suggestions on how to make picking Pet Spotlight Winners better so nothing like this happens again.


Thank you.
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