Another Survival Update

Hello! It is I, your humble staff member here to update you on Survival 2021.

I know in my last news post, I let y’all know that quite a few of us on staff were dealing with weather issues that made getting the holiday done hard. We’re still sort of in that position, unfortunately. While I’m not personally under a lot of snow anymore, my internet connection is either the pace of a snail or just trying its very best to connect. Which really makes it hard to add the really cool items we have in store for Louis and Skitters!

So instead of risking losing one of those items or spending half the day adding things, I’m here to express my regret that we’re going to have to push Survival back a bit more. Before you get too upset, hear me out!

Some things to look forward to:
  • Survival will still be the same length it has been in previous years, roughly 15 days.

  • We’ve decreased the time between stages for a skin by hours! You’ll surely get more skins for your collection this year… also that sounds very gross.

  • This year’s skins have fewer stages than previous years, so hey! You’ll get them even quicker!!!

  • We’re going to try very hard not to use the word ‘virus’ or ‘infection’ when the holiday starts, because of the actual real-life pandemic. Gunner has to do some rebranding but it’s fine!

I’m really sorry that this holiday has been pushed back so much when I know so many of y’all enjoy it.
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Posted by Amber


Thank you for the update! Everyone is struggling a bit between the ongoing pandemic and the weather being a complete nightmare (though thankfully it's at least warming up where I am so there's definitely hope for all of us here, LOL).

I look forward to being active during another Survival season. Thank you for all the work that you guys are doing on the back end to make it a great one!


y'all be like well if INFECTION is bad what about the word DIE??? what about SICK???? like you're just being willfully obtuse here. They're making one small gesture that doesn't impact the event in any way. get over it.


Who cares if they change the words. Does it change anything about your enjoyment of the holiday? Does it change anything about the way the holiday functions? Then they can change the words to "doodly doot doodle dop" and I wouldn't care. Honestly irrelevant.


Please stay safe all! <3


♥╣[-_-]╠♥ You shouldn't take life too seriously; no one gets out of it alive. ♥╣[-_-]╠♥


Always better to delay than to start on-time and have it executed w/ hiccups.
Thank you Subeta team!


I am so excited for the shorter times between changes. The last few years make me feel so impatient to see the final result. :) Even though many times I haven't been real excited to collect all the new ones there have been a few awesome new skins.


Your Pickle Could Get You in a Pickle

Does Your Junk Have a Funk?



I didn't think Subeta was ever that strict (though I could be wrong), that sounds more like a Neopets thing. Subeta NPCs have kids of their own, and several of them are in ongoing relationships or have been for years. There were also references to, er, specific care that should be taken to avoid specific problems during summer festival fun, with that book still being in Medicontra.


Also, something I've been wondering since last year's Survival items, though I forgot entirely until I saw the top comment here. Are mentions of sex and sexuality no longer against Subeta's rules? Used to be your pet couldn't have a spouse with a child because it implied they mated, but, uh...Louis had some full-on adult items last time around. What are the rules now? I'm not angry or offended by anything on the site or any answer I could possibly get, just sincerely wondering because it's clear times have changed!


Also, something I've been wondering since last year's Survival items, though I forgot entirely until I saw the top comment here. Are mentions of sex and sexuality no longer against Subeta's rules? Used to be your pet couldn't have a spouse with a child because it implied they mated, but, uh...Louis had some full-on adult items last time around. What are the rules now? I'm not angry or offended by anything on the site or any answer I could possibly get, just sincerely wondering because it's clear times have changed!


No need to apologize; you guys are doing great. Stay warm and safe! That's all that matters right now. Can't wait for Survival once it does happen; I'm sure it'll be great!



Probably not feasible navigating that minefield. There are some people who think that LGBTQ+ stuff is automatically more 'adult'. There are people who see whips as nothing more than an Indiana Jones or Catwoman cosplay opportunity. There are people who think any reference to sex at all should be behind a cut. There are people who get into kink not even as a sexual thing. Trying to figure out what's more adult or needs special handling other than just avoiding explicit description or artwork and putting a baseline 13+ on the site (which is in the rules to even be on Subeta) would get messy fast.


Thank you so much for the update! And I would like to applaud you all for rebranding Survival. <3


@Dandelion Thank you for taking it upon yourself to speak for the collective human population who has dealt with this pandemic for the past year. That was a great move.


Thanks for letting us know and I hope everyone is safe. :heart:

I really like the suggestion of moving kink items to another page for people who are upset by them and because, you know, there ARE kids who play Subeta. It'd be great if there was some sort of toggle to hide adult items like that but I don't know how feasible that is.


I haven’t been really active in the events for the past few years I’ve been here, so I’m really excited to participate in this one!


Bad take: this thing isn't upsetting to me so it's not an issue.
Please be respectful of others, it's not very hard.
I'm not bothered by the words but I understand that others may be and my irrelevant opinion doesn't matter.
I appreciate the staff's efforts to be sensitive to the current world state and those who may be more affected by such things than those of us who are lucky enough to not be put into a situation where it does make us uncomfortable or distressed.
I'm looking forward to the event when it is ready. It's my favorite subeta holiday. Hearing that we're going to have less time between progressions is wonderful. I can't wait to see what goodies y'all have cooked up for us this year!
Stay safe everyone. ♥️


Nobody said the words 'virus' 'infection' and 'pandemic' were offensive. Nobody is offended. But some people find them upsetting in the current environment, particularly those who have lost friends and family, and there is absolutely no sane reason why anyone could object to using them a bit less while this situation is going on. I'm glad most people here are capable of basic empathy, at least.


Glad you are all well, thank you for the update. Postponing and modifying our plans is part of life and we who have followed and grown with Subeta for so many years, understand and support you.
And I hope that the players reading this are doing well too, of course.


Thanks for the update, very lovely explanation there, quite funny too, so no problems, take your time. How about instead of the dang hated "virus" we use zombietis? :D Survavitis sounds more of a tongue twister :D


I wish everyone the best and it's okay if things get pushed back. Stay safe and warm.

(May I also suggest a "Back Room" for Louis if he's going to keep getting mature stuff? Not all of us want to see that kind of a content, and it makes sense that a romance shop would have a Back Room for the adult items.)


I also wanted to say, I don't think "virus" or "infection" are offensive, though I can understand not wanting to make light of something that has been extremely devastating to so many of us.


I'm looking forward to this, whenever it happens to start! :) Stay warm and safe, y'all.


Just popping in to say take care of yourselves first and foremost, we can wait + I don't find words like "infection", "virus" or "disease" offensive in ANY WAY. Those are normal words used in everyday life and I, personally, believe we should stop stigmatizing words simply because they refer to real-life events.
Stay safe everyone, and have a great day.


Thank you for the update! I have to agree with the majority here posting. I am not offended by the survival words used. It's been a year now that the real pandemic has been around. Subeta though is just a game we play and enjoy...I have always thought of the survival event as the walking dead...zombies and skins. Nothing about it reminds me of real life... Most of us are here to play the game. Peace out


Thanks for the update! Love and respect to all the staff working hard, especially during this pandemic. Thank you for always doing your best Subeta staff! :)


Main one that would be effected per my guess is masquerade as staff permanently moved vesnali to early May.


First and foremost I am glad everyone is ok and I appreciate the update, I am wondering if the start date of masquerade will be effected?


I understand that this had to be done considering the circumstances, but it makes me wonder if pushing Survival back will affect the starting time of the next two holidays (Masq and Vesnali) since they are all pretty close together as it is in the schedule? Might end up being a hectic spring if that's the case XD


We love and respect you all


That's fine! Thank you for letting us know, we understand all the craziness that's been going on has derailed a lot of things. We're just excited for it whenever it does happen! ^-^


ngl kinda sad there wont be more stages, i liked the slow manifestation


Would love to see more masks. IRL I have masks that have a kitty mouth, puppies, rainbow color paw prints, etc. My HA would like to wear some like that. :)


I wonder how this is going to affect the other holidays that are coming up.
I don't think Mas-querade will require any rebranding ;)


I'd rather have it later than things glitching all over. Real-life first. There are times we'd like to say everything is ok or things are getting better but the reality is that sometimes things take longer to get better. Rainbows come out after a storm... it will get better :heart:


My heart goes out to all the staff who are suffering in this awful situation, hoping you all get heat, power, and especially water soon. I'm grateful for the hard work you guys are doing behind the scenes, and I'll be happy however the event takes place. I think Survival was always going to be weird this year... but I know I'd rather focus on all the ways you're planning on making it a special one for us. Thank you!


I'm not surprised they're no longer being referred to as "virus strains" or "infections" at least for this year given the events of the past's probably gonna be a while before it's OK to refer to them as such again, if ever (after all this has traumatized millions). Probably a good call to rebrand, I know while many of us may not be upset by the original words, some may be now, so I'm glad you're thinking of them. Anyway, I'm glad Survival is still happening despite a real life pandemic, and I'm not surprised the winter storms have had a hand in this. I also am glad that infection times have been reduced by several hours now, that's honestly something I've wanted for a while. Idk about fewer stages though for the new ones, but hey - more skins, so I'm happy about that. Looking forward to Survival 2021!!


I'm sorry, but shouldn't "survival" be offensive too? People are literally every day struggling to survive in the real world, so the fact that we're acting like virus or infection are somehow bad words is incomprehensible. I just don't understand how before 2020, it was ok to get an infection, but afterwards, it's insensitive. You can have an infection that has nothing to do with covid. Pretty soon we're going to be so limited in our vocabulary everything is going to have to be named after made up stuff, which in reality, Survival already IS made up. I like that we have our made up Subeta holidays!

Some things I agree with the site on making things more sensitive and inclusive, but this feels like a step too far, in my opinion.

I will still be enjoying survival, but I just think if the staff had more time to spend planning new things and less time to go over fixing old things, it would make life easier. <3


Thanks for the update! Hope everyone is doing okay and staying warm - even zombies need to keep above freezing!


:heart: The safety and health of the staff comes first. Stay warm and stay safe


Thank you for the update. I hope you all are staying safe and warm!

I earned myself an almost 2 month hospital stay from October 2 to November 27 last year due to a bad case of pneumonia. I had half of a functioning lung and was told I was 2 days to death when I finally went to the hospital. It wasn't COVID, but it wasn't good either (intubated twice, chest tubes to drain my lungs, kidneys stopped functioning and I had to have dialysis, medically induced coma, on oxygen for over a month, and so on). So, as for the rebranding of things, even though I personally don't feel it's needed, I understand why it's being done.


I think it's fair to rename things just for the duration of COVID. It doesn't have to be permanent but it's a caring gesture from the staff, which I personally appreciate. From the sound of it, it's not like our Oktoberfest holiday, where the entire thing shifted theme and everything was overhauled. It's just minor word changing.

But one thing that makes me both laugh and sigh -- when the cute face masks came out, people were mad that they were being reminded of the real life lockdown. But now when staff try to not do that, people complain that it isn't reflective of real life.

damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Thank you for making such an effort to communicate with us, even with everything going on. It's very much appreciated! <3
And thank you for being aware and sensitive in regards to the parallels of this particular event and the state of the real world. That's something that didn't even occur to me, so I'm very glad that there are people on the team thinking of these things and making the necessary changes! I know that a lot of - hm, let's say more cynical - users regard this as unnecessary and would probably go so far as to call it pandering, but I think it's a really kind thing to do. Especially for those who have been infected with the RL virus we're living with now, or who have loved ones who have been. I can imagine how painful seeing all of that stuff thrown around carelessly on site would be. :(
Take care! <3


You guys have been super communicative throughout this whole pushback, and I just wanted to mention how much it means to be in the loop for this. I'm sure the users also affected by the weather/internet/power and such as well appreciate the push too. Stay safe!


I wonder how this is going to affect the other holidays that are coming up.


Thank you staff for working hard on this upcoming survival! I know that real life situations can definitely take its toll. Hope the weather gets better soon! ^^

In terms of other names for the infection/virus, I can see the term 'affliction' being used as its has more uncommon usage as well as capturing the unliving vibe.


Thank you staff for working hard on this upcoming survival! I know that real life situations can definitely take its toll. Hope the weather gets better soon! ^^

In terms of other names for the infection/virus, I can see the term 'affliction' being used as its has more uncommon usage as well as capturing the unliving vibe.


Reading this post and looking through comments really makes me feel thankful to live in SoCal. Snow is pretty but can be dangerous and miserable to have


Real life sucks, prioritize your safety okay? Don't feel guilty about pushing things back because it really does kinda feel like we're facing the end times at the moment. ^^;;


Hey np, I don't mind waiting at all! RL comes first, and all. :)

Wouldn't personally be bothered by those terms but I know some would, so I have no complaints there, either. *shrug* No harm in temporarily rewording stuff while the world's still in a mess, right? Hopefully it'll all be back to normal this time next year :) in RL AND Subeta, I mean.


Thanks for the update! Considering what you all are dealing with weather-wise, take your time. Idea for avoiding "virus" and "infection" (and likely "strain" as well): we have a new 'line of bites' to tickle your fancy. Choose one below and be sure to show it off.


Thank you for the update. Hope everyone stays safe and is able to stay warm. I appreciate the sensitivity. Never a bad idea to be considerate of how others are feeling. Looking forward to faster transformations!


I'm very glad that we might be able to get more skins this year for our collections. Thank you.


Events like this are important to the community but even more important are the people that run this site and make it happen for us. Take your time and take care of yourselves; we can wait. ^^


Thank's for let us know more about.
I appreciate it you try not to use the words virus or infection.

Stay health everybody in real life.
Corona is awful.


Mother Nature is having a bad time. We all need to make her cocoa and get her a weighted blanket while cranking up her favorite videos. Nice calm vibes. Hope everyone can be safe and sound soon.


aww, disappointed we have to wait longer (was so hoping it would occur during my break from school)
.....but super excited about the shorter times and stages and all the neat goodies I know are coming!! :D


I am absolutely in favor of postponing Survival. Subetans living in Texas and other places affected by the blackouts are dealing with so much right now, they wouldn't be able to enjoy the holiday properly or potentially at all if they have no Internet or no power. Their safety and well-being, and the safety and well-being of Subeta's admins and staff, is much more important to me. And I hope that we will all be able to enjoy Survival together when the weather is less dangerous.


Take your time! I'd rather y'all be safe, and have the holiday start later. I also don't mind the changes to Survival wording. It's honestly not that big of a deal, it won't change the actual events from what I understand. I appreciate the thought and sensitivity :).


this will be the first year I will be able to do this event


Thank you for the update, and stay safe and well! The past 12 months have been a HELL of a ride and I'd rather y'all take care of yourselves. :> I'm excited to see what the site has in store for us!


Yes! Finallly!

I was worried it was cancelled due to Covid-19


Hope everyone on staff stays safe. That said, please dont completely rebrand virus/infection items. Yeah, we're in a pandemic, but Survival/Subeta is something a lot of us turn to as a distraction or to help cope. If the event itself isnt a zombie plague, then why bother?


I live in NY and we had a terrible storm back in... I think October? I'm 100% working from home now. The storm knocked out my internet, cable, and home phone service (live with an old person who loves her landline lol). It was a good 5 days until we got internet back, and I wasn't able to even work in the meantime so I lost money as well as my mind! LUCKILY, we had power, I'd always sacrifice internet for heat and electricity any day. But yeah, I at least sympathize with the no internet = torture angle.

I also would much rather wait for an event to be functional and running well, than it be "on time". Time doesn't mean anything anymore anyways :P


The beginning of the year has gone by in a flash. Thanks for the updates!

The Great Pandemic is an important part of Subeta’s lore and history, and I am admittedly kind of sad that it’s being pushed into the shadows. That has always been the meaning of the holiday to me. Survival was made for the living, and for “life after death.” But Pandemic is about zombie agency! Skitters rallied the zombies to insist that they don’t need to be cured! They don’t stand for life *after* death, they stand for life *in* death! I have a lot of feelings about zombies, lol.

That said, there are a lotttt of people who will benefit from the site not constantly going “you’re infected!!” at them for 2 weeks. There’s nothing lost if staff and the site’s official characters don’t say “infection” or “virus.” The Subeta Team is creative and I trust that they’ve got something up their sleeves!

(Although it feels important to add, no one is preventing users from calling them “zombie viruses.” That’s what they are to me, always will be!)


I appreciate the updates we've been receiving on this and I'm more than happy to wait until everything has a better chance of fewer problems. I hope @Amber and all the rest of the stuff under dangerous weather is doing alright! Take care of yourselves y'all!


Thanks for the update.


Thank you, Amber!!


It's so hectic that I haven't really noticed the delayed holidays tbh. I fully understand the delay and I want staff to be safe and secure before we start our holiday!

I don't mind the reduced usage of the words, it's been a tough year for a lot of people. I do hope we're able to fully embrace our SURVIVAL(!!) next year but this year I'm all for sensitivity regarding some terms.


Thank you for the update! No worries about the delays. With all these things happening around us, better to prioritize your health and safety!


Thanks for the update!


Thanks for the update - delaying survival is absolutely understandable and a wise choice at this point.
Just stay safe and take care of yourselves! <3


@Schneizel same, but at least the words will only have a reduced usage this year, but they won't vanish completely.


I think removing virus/infection from Survival is silly, but w/e. Hopefully it won’t be a permanent change.


Thanks for the update, Amber! Hopefully things go okay for you guys. <3
Really appreciate the clarifications. c:


@thercery stop attacking people just because they disagree with you, you’re acting like a child.


Thanks For the info. Take all the time you need!


It's okay, thank you for the update, Amber!! (I live in Central Texas and we're finally above freezing for the first time in like a week, it's been hell. Stay safe and warm, everyone!!!)


Thank you for the update and everyones hard work! We'll be ready when you are ;) Stay safe!


It can't be helped, and thanks for the update! :)


Thanks for the update, I hope everyone is doing well despite the terrible circumstances!

I'm glad you guys are being responsible with everything, I know some people get mad at people who make changes to things, even when those changes are out of consideration and kindness lmao, but they don't speak for everyone! :)


Hm this is gonna make describing the stages through the doctors notes significantly more interesting. Oh well, I'm sure I can manage somehow.

May our Holy Lady Zombina bless this Survival and protect the Staff and their internet.


As long as there is hope, there is.....h o p e....LOL Can't wait for matter when it comes! :heart:


It's nice to see all of the mostly supportive comments, and I personally appreciate the sensitivity. I'm just thankful the event will still be happening. thank you for the update! :heartpulse:


I really appreciate the sensitivity (and humor!) with the language this year. Looking forward to it!


Stay safe for everyone that's what counts the most :)


Understand the sensitivity, but...

I do think that the "wash your hands" stickers someone mentioned would be cute and I would really be into some cute frilly lacy masks in pink and mint and white and red.


Thank you for all of your work and please stay safe and warm the best you can!!


Whoohoo! New life forms to explore!


No arguments from me! I'm just thrilled that the temperature got above freezing today WITH NO MORE FREEZING in sight!

I'm seriously running out of clean pants and long sleeved shirts for my boys because I haven't been using the washer + dryer as requested by ERCOT and we simply don't have that many cold weather clothes!

And I just realized that I used an exclamation point on all of my sentences which makes sense because I'm super happy that there's no more freezing temps in sight.


Life happens nothing that can be done about these kinds of things. Hope everyone is safe!


Stay safe and warm <3 I hope things improve weather and internet-wise!
Thanks for the update, it's much appreciated. While I'm sad it's not starting today, I'm very happy to hear stages will be shorter :D I'm very excited to see what new skins well get this year. <3<3<3


No worries! We still have the event to look forward to. Stay safe and warm.


Thank you for the update, as long as Survival gets here eventually, I'm happy. I'm glad to hear there will be decreased times/shorter stages for the skins as well.


Thanks so much for giving us an update, it's appreciated! As others have said, I'd much rather have a late event than an event which isn't fully functioning. I hope life calms down a bit for staff soon, you've had a rough old ride this past year. <3

Also appreciated is staff's sensitivity around the event branding. It wouldn't offend or upset me but so what? There are users who would be upset to see so many pandemic reminders so being sensitive to that is the right thing to do. The rest of us don't need to understand how those users feel, we just have to respect it. That's not too much to ask of us.


I will try my best to survive until then


We're not going to change the entire holiday to cut out viruses or anything, just we're going to avoid using the words too much! Gunner is going to just do some sassy post when he brings about the holiday. :)


Just stay safe and mentally sane. Life is tough enough right now to stress over the virtual. Thanks for letting us know though. :)


I just want y'all to be safe. ♥️


Thanks for the update


I don’t get why some people keep calling the event Pandemic rather than Survival. As far as I’m aware, the Great Pandemic was only ever used to refer to the first year of the event with subsequent years going with Survival instead?

For the record, while I wouldn’t have been bothered with “virus” and “infection” still being used, I still think not using them is a better decision at least for this year. Better safe than sorry (or whatever phrase works better).


Thank you staff for the update. It will be enjoyable no matter when it happens. The important thing is that you are all safe and warm. That goes for users too.

Be safe everyone.


I didn't used to have a problem with the word "Pandemic" but 2020 made me hate that word. I don't like that there are still people calling this event The Great Pandemic, it's always been just Survival to me.


Hmmm... guess we'll have to see what changes before I can update my post template and pet profile. @Amber I'm guessing you don't want to reveal any of the rebranding ahead of time?


Please take care of yourselves and know that we appreciate your hard work and letting us know.


Glad you‘re all trying your best to stay safe, and considering all the obstacles being thrown our way I’m on board with shortened viruses this year.


Hey, it's fine! We're still getting an event at the end of the day! Just be safe out there~!


@Amber I am personally offended that you guys are re-branding this unique, one-of-a-kind, Subeta only traditional holiday "PANDEMIC" into something other due to RL overdose.

We come to Subeta to escape the the humdrum of RL, please don't alter our Subetean experiences due to RL issues.

PS: also looking forward to a fun & functional Pandemic, so take your time...


Of course real life concerns come first! Stay safe and good luck to everyone struggling with the weather or anything else.

I do want to second an opinion I've seen a few other comments - I'm not sure I understand the need to avoid the use of the word 'infection' etc. Of course the pandemic is an extremely serious situation, but this is a zombie-themed event -- clearly the context is different. COVID has been terrible, but that doesn't make 'virus' a dirty word. What's more, the holiday is literally called Survival - why not use it to acknowledge what everyone's been through in the past year, and what hope there is for the future?

I'll be happy to see whatever you come up with, and I appreciate that you're trying to be sensitive - I just wanted to throw my two cents in because it struck me as odd.


:) I appreciate all the hard work the Subeta team has been doing on this. Stay safe and warm guys! <3


Thanks for keeping us updated and stay safe!
Excited to hear the event will still be the normal length of time and for the decreased stage times/fewer stages for the strains this year.


I dunno, why not change "virus" to parasits? Like, instead of calling these things just use 'hoast' or something like that? I think it's pretty neat imo


Thank you Amber! ♥️


it sounds good, i prefer a steady event.
i dont agree with avoiding general terms like virus and related stuff.... *eye roll*


i would certainly rather have a functioning, fully accessible holiday than an on-time holiday! you all do what you need, we'll be fine. <3 i also don't entirely see the point behind rebranding due to the actual pandemic happening, but i see that some other people appreciate it. it doesn't matter to me either way tbh.


I totally get the push back but I don't get the reason for the added sensitivity? Skitters is a zombie and the skins are mutations from classic zombie bites. I don't understand how anyone can be offended by using normal genre terms.

I'm not offended by the pandemic. If anything you could've just used this as a little bit of a reachable moment with the items (a wash your hands sticker, maybe more mask variants?)

I don't think Subeta needs to exit from these words because they aren't inherently malicious. There is a time and place for sensitivity and we cannot shield from everything.


This all sounds fabulous, especially if it comes with all ya'll being/staying safe. Anyone who begrudges this needs to reassess their priorities...


Dude, I'm just glad you guys are safe. Hang in there, and we all know the event's going to be baller when the forces of nature aren't conspiring to keep it from happening.


Less time for skins sounds exciting!
VIP = Very Important Progressors (just a suggestion, and not sure of spelling, because you progress through the skins.)

I personally can't wait to see what's in store for items and skins this year. I'm sure all good things come to those who wait. Thanks for the update. :)


I'm definitely looking forward to Survival, but it wouldn't be fair to start it until most people can be assumed to have power again. I'm glad to know it's coming, and really glad to hear I might be able to get more skins! Stay safe and thanks for all your hard work.


Controversial opinion incoming: I don't think we should be avoiding those words due to real life issues. Zombie games haven't stopped being made/marketed because of the pandemic so why should we, a niche petsite, avoid using these terms for a make-believe holiday? One that subetians treat like a costume change (as if it isn't.) It's not as if rebranding it as "experimentation" or "mutation" is going to be any less insensitive to the current crisis' because people in poor countries have been used for experimentation and the virus has mutated several times over to the point where the vaccines may not be effective so... I don't see how we can avoid this. Like, sure, that one spotlight win was insensitive as all get-out, but it was also racist so that's a legit reason to boot it from existence. This holiday, however, has been going on for over a decade and was made despite the SARS epidemic still being a thing 2004 and didn't cease for the swine flu of 2009 and bird flu of 2013 so.... yeah, it seems a bit late to try and be sensitive now. Better late than never, I guess???


Happy for the news that Survival is still coming, but also hoping that it won't affect the length of Masquerade which comes after it, as that is my absolute favorite Subetan holiday. In the meantime... do your best to stay warm and safe out there everybody! We're going to make it through all this craziness. It's been subzero temps most of the past week and a half here but today... today is sunny. We're gonna get there!


Glad to hear there will be updates to be sensitive to the current real life pandemic!


It was such a hectic week I barely noticed it was the 20th already... looking forward to Survival :)


Yay!! Thank you, Amber for finding a way to keep survival for us, even with all of the chaos that we all call life now :heart:


Stay safe. :heart:
I mean maybe the zombies would like to be a part of Masquerade? I'm so sure many love to dance.


Wait, if you're going to avoid using the word "Infection", does that mean the VIP can no longer be called the VIP? Or will you find a way to keep the acronym?


I'm honestly not even worried about it, I just hope you all are safe and unharmed. Whatever you guys want to do to keep any part of this holiday going is good with me. I know and very much appreciate that you're all trying your best in very difficult situations.


Take care!


Whatever works best. Glad to hear the same length of time for it, less hours and less stages for the skins. My main thing about survival is seeing how many skins I can collect, so all this sounds good. Thanks for the update.


Although it is pushed back, I am glad it is still going forth. All the work you and staff do to make our experience here is so worth it. Especially these updates. Gives me something to look forward.


Thank you. Who knew we would have an actual pandemic? I appreciate the sensitivity :heart:


I'm so glad survival isn't canceled! I was worried it would be due to the pandemic.


Thank you for the updates! I'm very excited at getting more skins this year, I still need a bunch in my wardrobe, so being able to add more to the collection is very much appreciated. :)

I also can't wait to see what this year's new skins will look like, along with all of the new items. I'm sure it will still end up being a great event, even if it's delayed. Be sure to take care of yourselves, safety is more important than internet games. Sending love to all of my fellow players in Texas as well, it's been very bad here. <3


I just hope we get better L'amour items than we did last year. I don't actually mind BDSM items but why were they all blue? I can't even use them because the 'black leather' is actually blue


Thanks for letting us know, and assuring us that it won't be shortened. And I'm excited for the faster progressions, that was one of my biggest complaints about Survival, especially that one year where most of us lost our strains and had to start over (yes I know we had an extension to make up for it but it was still tedious). I'm actually more concerned about the skins and the technical issues than I am about the new items, I don't know exactly where it is that Bug lives or if he's being affected by the weather too.

Do you think we'll be seeing something else happening later today? For example, a new challenger, or a new item being added to a certain shop?


Thank you for keeping us up to date! I know you are trying your best but also safety first. :)


Thank you for the update. The situation is completely out of anyone's control. Sending out all the good vibes that this family and everyone's RL families are safe and warm.


Take your time, do all the things you need to first. Your real life safety and needs come way before this game you guys. <3


All this ice is the perfect weather for Hoarfrost to come out and play.



that is wonderful Keith gives everyone a chance to do some, like me, for example, I have been stuck in my room in the house that has no only two rooms in my whole house can be warmed, and it got down to 3* here. only wish the weekend quest could be ongoing and trade up for a while....but you can't have everything..lmao
stay strong and don't worry I am sure everyone understands this. :)


Thank you so much for decreasing the time needed to earn a new skin! That is wonderful. :)


Thank you for the update! Wish you all a swift recovery from this whole situation, stay safe ♥


I guess this means Masquerade will also be pushed back a little. Oh well. Be safe. Be calm. Be kind.


Thank you for the update!


Thank you for the update.


You staff take care of yourselves! Waiting a bit longer isn't a big deal c:




No worries! Stay safe and warm! Thank You for the update. I'm looking forward to what's in store!!


I'm excited to collect more skins this year, watch the new strains progress, and see how Gunnar managed to rebrand the VIP without the word infection.


Stay strong. This too shall pass. :-)


Thank you for the update. I'm really looking forward to the event, and especially now that I have hope catching up with my skin collection (eww).


Finally more news. I loved to know that it's coming.
I love that event. ♥️


I live in the Houston area of Texas so this is just fine for me. I finally got power and water pressure. We still under a boil water ordinance! It is what it is.


Thank you for the updates Amber ♥️


Hakuna Matata


So then it will be going right into Masq? Seems like this happens a lot with holidays lately and it's very unfortunate :( However, real life is more important and therefore I'm sure we can all just wait a tad longer, not a big deal <3 Thank you Subeta Staff <3


It’s definitely one of my favorites, it and Morostide, but I understand how rough things are 🖤🖤 All that matters is staff is as safe as they can be!


@Rick honestly I agree with you. I didn't realize just how much my life in covid has been tied to the internet until this past week. It's been very boring and I am at the point where I'm just going to deep clean my apartment to give myself something to do


Thanks for the update! :) I am hoping to collect more skins, I just don't know which ones :)


thanks for the update! Please take care of yourselves first! the holiday will happen when it happens.


That is completely fine! Personally I don't mind waiting anyway. Thank you for the update and hope all of you are safe out there :)<3


You have a very good reason for being late. Better late than never!! Thank you for all the hard work you do!! :)


It's all good. There's some things you just can't control. As long as everyone is safe


Thanks for letting us know all about this and totally understandable too. Nature tends to do what it whats anyway.


I'm not in Texas but friends with quite a few people who are... from what I understand of the state of things there, the users who live in Houston as well as many other cities will be very grateful you waited until they have power and can participate as well!


I'd rather have a late holiday than none at all. Just stay safe, drink lots of water and take regular naps. Looking forward to all the new stuff!


Thanks for the update. Life is not exactly simple these days, so we'll just sit back and (try to) be patient :). As long as everyone stays well, I'm happy.


Sorry to hear about your connection issues but I'm happy with the new skins information. Hope everything starts working smoothly for you soon.


As long as its not canceled outright. I can wait a few more days.


Don't worry about the event. Please take care of yourselves and know that our thoughts are with you in these trying times.


Thanks for keeping us up to date! Like sure it's a bummer to wait for an event we all enjoy but obviously you guys' real life struggles are more important.
I'm still excited all the same ;u; Hope all the staff stays safe and warm!




I'll look forward to the holiday when it arrives, thank you for all your work, even in this crazy time.


don't worry about it and stay safe! thank you for the update on the situation :)


Thank you for the update! Hope you and the rest of the staff are staying safe and warm :heart:


This is my first survival and its sounds like it's going to be very... awesome. Been waiting with much expectation to get my first skin. :D


Thanks for the update! :3


I totally understand the current situation, weather-wise! And I know you're trying your best. Take your time!! :)


Thank you for the update and I do hope your connectivity improves soon. Stay safe, stay warm, and thank you for everything that staff does.


I can't wait! I have 10 skins on my list that I'd love to get out of the way and hopefully I can get them all this year! :)


I totally understand the current situation, weather-wise! And I know you're trying your best. Take your time!! :)


Thank you :)

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