New Maleria Quest Shop Items

Shocking Shinwa Secrets
Item not found: dark matter popping candy
The Prettiest Matter
Assorted Dark Matter Stickers

Spare Fabric Beanbag
Ragged Feather Shoulder Covers
Ragged Feather Cape
Item not found: dark matter earrings

Cruelty Beanbag
Cruelty Plushie
Corrupted Birdie Plushie

The quest shop has new items in the Maleria section in honor of her new revamp!
User Avatar: 744

Posted by SubetaTeam


So many people commenting on how badly drawn this revamp is like did anybody even LOOK at the original?


I like her. :)


While I do agree with a previous critique to do with the pose of her shoulders, I really like this revamp! I think her face has good character, and I like the way that you can see her eyebrows slightly through her hair without being all ~anime eyebrows~.


I'm really disliking the last 3 NPC revamps I've seen.
I think I'm going to take a longer hiatus now. This is just way too weird for me.


Well honestly the first thing I thought when I saw this revamp was that she looked like a man but I don't think it's the nose :O She looks more like a harpy now; it suits her. But! The eyes are not angled right which is probably why the nose is looking so prominent. Or push the nose more to the center of her eyes?

I like the nails ^^ Woot long nails! But I agree that the wing position looks a bit funny. Such drastic changes are sure to cause some kind of an uproar :O Maleria went from being a chinless baby nosed anime chick to a buff/muscular harpy. Definitely going to take some getting used to...


I liked the original more.


I agree with the artist here. All these stupid "she's a man" comments are disgusting as hell.
Yeah, this may look more masculine than the original, but hello??? women come in all different forms??

ugh. why did I even come back here to read the comments?


Maleria has 2 eyes??? What???


Love the design and yay new books! :D


What did you do to her nose.


I agree with Yoshi in that the eyes are a bit off. I liked how in the older version of her she looked possessed/crazed with... malice hahaha. The nose is fine :)


Please make the nose smaller.


And for your ignorant information, I said 30-40 artists, not the entire planet


It's not opinion. It's ANATOMICALLY incorrect. I'm sorry as an artist you can't tell proportions, because those who can, are disliking it.


Also, you assume every fashionista agrees. We don't! You only know your corner, so speak from it. And people are offended by the idea that a woman appearing masculine is offensive to anyone. So what? The character was a clone of every other character on the site. Do we seriously need clones instead of characters? I really don't think so.


Just because the most vocal members - not the entirety, the world does not revolve around you- of the community have 'very specific tastes' does NOT mean every piece of art must cater to them. We do want new players too and not all of them will be part of your societal group. As for the artists on this site: you assume every artist agrees with you. We don't, so stop speaking for us. :P


Actually, I love the wings a lot. Liked the old face much better though...


So, based on all the comments I've seen so far, this is a compilation of everything I've seen and thought myself.

1. Her nose is not proportional and doesn't sit right on her face. It's too high up and too far to the left.

2. Her wings are at an angle that just doesn't look right. Avian styled wings, weather they be used for flying or not, don't bend like that.

3. Her shoulder is too far out, and is making her look like she's standing at a strange angle or that her shoulder joint came out of her socket.

4. Her side boobage is just too much. It makes her look like she has mega tits, and I would like to point out that if she did, her back wouldn't have the strength to hold her boobs AND her wings. (Actually, the first time I saw the side boob, because of her shoulders being so strangely placed, I had no idea what they were.)

5. The bottom of the dress is extremely thick. For a dress that's supposed to be tight fitting, it makes her look like her thighs are the biggest part of her body, OR that she's pregnant or something.


i meant stop being butt hurt on it stupid computer >_>


if she looks like a man then she looks like one it's a freaking opinion stopping butt hurt on it >_>


The artists of the game really need to realize their target audience is composed of a large handful of artists and a large handful of fashionistas that have both very specific tastes and a good eye for things being misplaced. When we note something is wrong as a collective, that is 30-40 artists noticing that something is amiss. That's probably a sign something should be fixed, especially when it has to do with anatomy. We're not simpering idiots. We know what we're talking about.


Also 1. She does look extremely masculine. You drew her like that so don't get insulted when people NOTICE that you drew her like that. 2. The proportions and pose and the placement of her nose aren't anatomically possible. The nose is too far to the left of the image and if the image was a dead on portrait it wouldn't be in the center of her face. THIS is why people are so offended by it. 3. The wings don't look broken and unusable, they look like something you'd see on a cherub. The lines are soft and cute looking. It ruins the menace supposed to be achieved here.

When people get a revamp, they expect it to at least LOOK LIKE the original. If the staff wants to release NEW npcs that look different and uncute then fine, but don't botch one already existing because your personal preference has changed.
But keep in mind the game itself has a cute to elegant style in general. Making things less appealing on purpose just removes some of the attraction to the style Subeta was based off of


I really like that type of face. Not even in a reactionary hyperfeminist "you can't say bad things about womens' looks!" way, it's just instant love.


Man up, Pie. If your update was anywhere close to what she's actually supposed to look like, no one would have been insulting her.


I like it. Not everyone has to be pretty or cute, and since when did a dark goddess have to impress everyone with her kawaiiness?


I think she looks fine. ...Those nails though.. D: Whooo!


The only sorta masculine part about her seems to be nose... Might be just the pose? I doubt any of us saying that she has masculine feature(s) mean to offend anyone, that's just how some of us see it. It's not like it's a bad thing anyway and all revamps take some time getting used to. xP


Oh, never knew Maleria was a man.
I feel bad for the comment but really...


Nice to see some facial diversity in the NPCS these days. I hope you can do the rest with the others!


Ya'll are assholes if you're saying she looks like a man, because Maleria can look however the hell she wants. I mean, really, do all NPCs have to be perfectly feminine and flawless for you to like them at all? Geebus.
Not everybody has tiny animu noses and perfect faces, wow. I'm glad there's body type / facial feature diversity in NPCs. :x

Personally I think she's really! pretty! and is much nicer-looking now. Her birdwings look peculiar but that may just because they don't have much musculature to them (which would fit a humanoid body more), and her eyes look fine. Pose seems decent, boobage isn't freakishly huge to make sense with that pose.


also: good job on being gross, commenters, with your tasteless 'she looks like a man' comments! :D absolutely disgusting. and i really hope pie keeps it just how it is, because this is super lovely.




I find it hilarious that people are basically complaining she isn't cute enough...Like. Seriously? Why does everyone have to be Kawaii-chan?


I like this revamp, but maybe make her irisless again? She seemed a bit more menacing with "no eyes"


Holy crap. Dat face. I looked at it and immediately knew that face. She's the spitting image of one of my rl friends. >->' Minus the blue skin..and stuff..
Anyways, I think she looks beautiful now. Nice revamp.


the new face looks rather masculine, but I suppose Mal can appear however SHE prefers


I honestly think Mei's critique and edit makes the most sense. The odd pose really throws some parts off, but the face looks fine to me. Reminds me of Elphaba from 'Wicked' which enters a lot of other music theatre characters and I can't help but love Maleria's new face because of that. C: Definitely a wonderful change from all of the 'normal' feminine appearance.


New body, old face. The art is amazing. The wings look spectacular (and so matted) it's perfect! But that face. I love the new eyes. I think the nose is very VERY out there. (I love large nosed people. I only date large nosed people. I'm not trying to hate.) It might just be the angle though.


Okay, so I was delighted at this revamp and came to say so. Now, however, I have more to say. Not only do I stand like her - arms squished over my breasts just like that, because I get stares now that I'm pregnant and teased throughout school even before that- I ADORE her nose. My first thought was, "Revamp? Oh thank god, she looks like Elphaba! How pretty!" Hating on girls (even imaginary ones) for their appearance is totally 2000-late, people. That jealousy shit is dead. Having preconceived ideas about how a 'lady' should behave, appear or conform is not only sexist, it sets you and every other girl up for disappointment when she looks in the mirror. Don't be so misogynistic; did all the posts online after Santa Barbara teach you guys nothing? Button noses are wonderful... but pretty rare in reality. Hawk noses - a common Roman and Celtic trait - are also wonderful. Big ol' Aztec noses shaped like triangles (whoa, what do you know, like mine!) are wonderful too! Humanity and all of our humanoid imaginings are as diverse in appearance as there are stars in space. Come back with real criticisms before you expect respect.


To all the people who comment the side line of her boob is wrong because it would give her a G cup:

I have tried this pose in the mirror just now (since i was curious) i have a D cup and my line goes about that far.
my boobs are not close together but more on the left and right with quite some space in between them. If i dont wear a bra i can put about two or three fingers inbetween them.

So just saying, It is possible to have smaller boobs then G if they are a bit to the sides.


Okay, I generally just ignore things like this, but all this criticism is bothering me. I do believe in HELPFUL criticism, but people should keep in mind the wording they choose when they state what they think. In my opinion, the whole masculine thing is very uncalled for, and those that said it could have found a lot nicer way to get their point across.
Also, to the users that are condemning those who did suggest a nose change, please remember that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I for one thought the bridge of the nose just needed more of an arch and thought it just didn't match this particular character. I am so used to her old form that the drastic change just doesn't seem right to me. That's all. I am NOT saying that no character on Subeta should ever have facial features like that just not her particularly, and if the artist doesn't want to change her than it IS TOTALLY FINE. Besides, given enough time, I'll get used to it. It just irks me to see people on both sides of this argument being so hateful, especially towards one another (I'm not referring to everyone).
So, overall please be kinder and more considerate of others in their works and opinions, and in the end, it really doesn't matter. The world will keep spinning.

(Also, keep in mind that I did not type this with any intention to get a thumbs up from anyone nor any hateful responses but merely state my opinion.)


I thought her nose was big at first but after coming back a couple times (i like to read peoples opinion), it doesn't seem too bad.
Looks more like a normal human nose? (not sure what i'm trying to say here) She does look a bit manly though. idk.
This is just one of those things that will take time to get use to. Sooner or later people will get use to the way she looks.


I think she's sexy as hell; big nose, big boobies and all!


I think she's sexy as hell; big nose, big boobies and all!


I love her face. To the folks who are saying her big nose makes her look ugly and 'masculine', can you not? There are so many things wrong with that way of thinking and I'm going to touch a whopping total of none of them.

Pie, don't change the nose. Draw that nose on every NPC you revamp. Make even bigger noses. Broken noses, beaked noses, hooked noses.

I do think the pose is a bit awkward, though. I had a hard time understanding the physics of her boobs -- that's what he said -- and it just... doesn't feel like a pose that should work, anatomy-wise. I dunno. Love the nose though. A+, would nose again.


I shall now hide inside my own pants. Presto!


dem angles


Actually, I retract my earlier complaint about the drastic change to her nose. She looks much better if you remove the hunched shoulder (please do!). C: I fail to see why people find her masculine.


Oh my god, she's gorgeous! I'm baffled at the amount of butthurt going on, 'cuz this redesign was really needed and I enjoy the direction the artist took with this. I love her nose and how sort of uncanny and pitiless she looks -- way more threatening than the generic 'fiesty anime girl' look she had at first. And her wings are really neat when you consider her backstory canon and how she was stripped of power -- they finally fit that detail! I'm so glad she got revamped, and I really hope more characters get that treatment soon (Quentin, omg do Quentin soon, their revamp would be so awesome!).


I totally didn't realize she had been revamped until I actually had a moment to look at the prizes and what not.


To the artist who drew this (Pie?) Pleeeaaase do NOT make her nose smaller, do not give her a small in-curve of the bridge, don't change it at all if you feel pressured.
People get very mad when women are drawn without the usual "pretty girl formula" (tiny nose, full lips, large eyes). I think Maleria is beautiful and I hope these people commenting that her large nose is ugly feel really bad.


I can't stop looking at her nose, it's so... I don't like it


i don't get the 'she looks more unique now' comments. she just looks like a blue elf now


Will SOMEONE please address the fact that she looks pregnant?!


I LOVE her new revamp, I have a largish nose myself and would never change it so wear your nose with pride Maleria. :)


I must admit though, there are beautiful people no matter what size of nose they have. I know a few people myself who have large noses and are women. They're beautiful people. It's just her pose, and such, I suppose, that make it look off a bit on her. Other than that, she has been very well drawn


Making a ton of mental notes on who to avoid. I guess a lot of Barbie-doll nose types (or people who encourage cosmetic nose jobs?) are on Subeta. Can't wait for that PYP thread. :)


How do you coverup the image??


LOVE her nose, maybe some nostrils would've looked nice but still, very nice!! The transparent hair for the eyebrow is lame though, you could have thinned out her hair to show her eyebrow. Great work though I like it!


Well, thanks to someone I have a coverup for her now. Not site-wide, which would've been nice, but at least on her quest page which is a lot better than nothing.


I think the only reason the nose looks off, to me at least, is it's the "classic anime" nose. They almost always end up looking like an afterthought or like someone just drew a black triangle on their flat face since they don't have much detailing. Though I have to say, why the transparent hair? lol The other "classic anime" art that bugs me. The old version of course has the floating eyebrows. She really seriously reminds me of some anime character. Which is funny since most are generic looking when you get past the hair.

Either way, she doesn't look bad. I kind of like her now. However, this will the only time I see her since I adblock all the NPCs.


I think this update of Maleria is quite beautiful, actually! The only thing I find slightly off is that the bridge of her nose seems a little too big? Everything else looks great! I love her eyes!
Her wings look perfect too! Just the way I imagined they were meant to look! And I honestly find nothing wrong with her pose. So she is tilting her shoulders at you - it gives her attitude! Seriously, try it. Tilt your left shoulder up and your right shoulder down, and then look to the left and maybe you'll be able to imagine what I mean about attitude. It works really well for her, don't you think?
Just... the nose. xD Might take some getting used to!


Definitely needed a revamp and many aspects of the art are improved. I agree with the people who say she looks broken. The angles and lines between the shoulders, the one breast, arms, and neck are the hardest to follow visually. The nose is, uh, much more prominent, as well.


I agree with the comments about her shoulder sticking out too much. It looks weird. I think that is what is really throwing me off this revamp. I do like the details in the feathers and hair, though. The nose doesn't really bother me, I like unique features like that in characters. Not everybody has a Micheal Jackson type nose.


I knew coming in here would be entertaining lol I think she looks bad ass!!!! Excellent work Pie!


I knew coming in here would be entertaining lol I think she looks bad ass!!!! Excellent work Pie!


I like the update, and the fact that she has pupils now. I thought the eyes on the old version were kind of odd without pupils, especially with the hair in the way of them. I really wish that instead of saying revamps are 'awful' or 'ugly' people would give actual constructive critisism, or at least if you're going to state your opinion do so with respect to the artist instead of throwing insults. You can have your opinions but geez, would you like it if someone called something you made ugly?


her wings were meant to be gross and unkempt and not even remotely suited to flying, if they look 'wrong' then I did my job. as for the not so borderline insulting 'she's a man' comments? tasteless.


Oh goodness... just because it's more detailed it does not mean better.
Maleria looks awful right now! And am not talking about beauty (she can be an ugly goddess), but the art itself. The anatomy is wrong, the perspective is wrong, she shows no personality/is boring, the shading is bad...!
She does not look menacing, she looks like she's constipated and trying to hide it. Her former self looked like a mean wicked goddess ready to do mischief and ruins someone's day for fun and "just because".
Don't ruin her, please!

This is a problem that is getting more noticeable in the last months' revamps. More details is not better if the piece has no personality yet full of errors!


people complaining about a female character with a big nose lmao
I love the nose (tho yeah it might look a bit better w/ if it wasn't QUITE so triangle I guess), it reminds me of Annie from Attack on Titan, as.. other people have mentioned :'D And tbh I'm really glad that Subeta is starting to move away from the ultra generic anime everyone has tiny nose and big eyes art style, the character designs have been more diverse lately I think and that's good. It is kind of jarring to have a design of such an old character changed like this tho...

the pose is bugging me a lot, I kind of wish it had been changed from the original just because something about it looks so.. awkward? I never really notice when things look off but something about this revamp is.. huh. I also do think the sideboob looks the slightest bit awkward (and this is coming from someone who is busty herself and LOVES BUSTY GIRLS, I have 0% problems w/ sexy top-heavy girls; the revamp just looks odd to me because of the way the pose is handled haha, she looks like she's only got one breast although I'm sure that wasn't the intention and.. frankly I'm not sure how to fix that without redrawing some other things :c) The wings also.. look a bit odd, though I'm not sure if they were INTENDED to be abnormal, maybe? IIII am also not really sure why her purple aura was kept looking so awkward.. it doesn't quite look like an actual aura and it's jarring with how updated the art is.

I bet it's hard to revamp such old and.... questionable site art, especially with how much people on here can get offended by the CHANGING OF THE PERSONALITY and POSE and how EVERYTHING IS RUINED FOREVER, so I think I can get why this is mostly just purely an art update rather than character redesign...
Regardless tho, the art quality is definitely loads better! I really love this artist's shading, it's super pretty, and the way her.. uh, clawhands were handled is weirdly eye-catching. It still strikes me as somewhat of a strange character design choice, but it looks pretty damn good! I like the way her dress was handled and I really love all that hair, soooo pretty. She also looks better with pupils to me hahaha, I've never been a big fan of the 'blank pure white stare' look so I'm happy to see it was changed


Much awesome! :D I quite like the strong nose. And dem feather cape items


...wait. I'm not sure if it was mentioned before, but the image link is , so there's a bit of a misspell there... as long as it's linked right everywhere it shouldn't be an issue, but yeah. Just saying ^_^;


-runs for cape and shoulder thingy-

I'm glad to see she finally got a revamp! xD Hoping Shinwa and the Oracle are coming too ^u^


Her right shoulder is off (it's way too far out and facing the wrong direction), but she has an actual nose now so I will forgive it.


@CallaSoreon That's a bird wing. She's not a bird ;)


I find the omg she's a man comments quite frankly disgusting. Noses come in different sizes and shapes. Even on .. wait for it.... women. Oh my god. The horror! As a person with a larger nose, I wonder if exaggerated comments like that are just as easily said irl. Ridiculous. I hope the nose isn't change to accommodate your sensitive eyes.


It looks great except the face looks more male than female. (Unless that is the look you were going for)


R.I.P You will be missed.


It's not the size of the nose that bothers me; it's that the rest of her is so carefully-drawn and her nose looks like a pasted-on triangle. I also kind of preferred the hair more obscuring her face. But that's just me. She does look a lot better now.


It's a man, baby!!
-Austin Powers


Gosh, quite a few girls have larger noses AND are pretty. There's nothing wrong with that. My main issue is with the wings. It would be nice to have more realistically-sized and anatomically correct wings. I just find really small wings rather comical. Which works with the Angelic Dillema but not so much Maleria.


I was so excited over the new items that I didn't notice the revamp right away XD


I think Maleria's nose looks fine... It could use a little more detail/definition but it is not that bad. (I'm horrible at perspective so I'm impressed the artist did as well as they did, even if it might be a little bit off... Maybe. IDK.) Honestly the only thing that is bothering me is her lips... I have been studying different art tutorials for faces trying to figure out how to do character busts for my boys... One thing they all seem to point out is that female lips are fuller and have more color. She has thin lips, which are the same color as her face. Combined with the large nose, it does give her a more masculine look.

She looks like the kind of woman who would wear outlandish lipstick, like the purple Wolf_Spirit suggested... (I mean, look at that body-hugging orange dress.) If fuller/colored lips were added, I'd be perfectly happy. I can't speak for anyone else. LOL


She looks like a he. I do not like it. It looks effortless. Loveless. You can give an evil character more defined traits. I actually always loved this charactter and now it feels as if someone took her away. Not even kidding. Just ugly.


Her nose just has such a straight line to it. It's not that her having a big nose is wrong, it's fine--it's the way its just so straight. A very slight dip at the tip so it's still big but isn't just a straight line would make it less... Weird.

Mei's adjustments are great; the nose is better (and you can see the bump on her bridge, huzzah!). How far back her side boob goes is still weird (NOTHING WRONG with big tits), since when you look at her arm then her side boob, it creates an odd look. It just needs to be slightly further in, not even by much.


If she had always had a big nose this wouldn't bother me but just changing character's longtime appearances so they are less ~conventionally attractive~ and the site looks more ~progressive~ is annoying as hell lol


I didn't know long noses were exclusively a male trait??

I like the revamp, her face gives her a lot of personality.


The problem I have with her is the wings. I feel like the are too low on her back- its should be sprouting more from he shoulders. Also the way they are curving is not how wings work. Yeah they have a bit of a curve but lot that much.

As you can see wings are jointed much like human arms just with a stretch of skin and feather connecting the 'shoulder' and the 'wrist' and covering up the 'elbow'. I feel like if her wings were built more like this they would look far better.


At first I was not so sure what I thought of her new look, but the more I look at her the more I like it. I love that she's not overly feminine yet is still beautiful.


Mei: That fixed a lot of the angle issues. :D But the amount of side boobage throws it off again. D:


I'm a big fan of this revamp - she's got a lot more personality now, and looks a lot more menacing than before. While there are some valid comments about what could be changed for the better, a lot of the complaints seem to boil down to 'she isn't my exact definition of pretty, so she needs to be changed.' While I don't think she's unattractive as she is, (she certainly isn't warty and wrinkly like typical scary witches are) I also don't think she needs to be a super hot, sexy evil person because while yes, there are unattractive evil women in games, stories, movies, etc. it's much, MUCH more common to have super hot babes as villains, which is why people can point out so many. It's overdone, and something a little different (like a bigger nose and no lipstick) is a nice change of pace imo.

I also don't think her boobs are too big, like I've seen some people say - with her arms crossed in front of her, they are going to be pressed down against her chest, thus the little bit of sideboob. At least on the one side - her arms are crossed at an angle a bit different from her body, so only the one is affected. If they WERE some of the sizes I've seen people compare them to, they'd both be spilling out the front over her arms, which they aren't. She may look well-endowed compared to some other Subeta NPCs, but I don't think they're by any means unrealistic.

I do agree that her left eye (on the right as we're looking at her) could be moved in a little bit. My only other critiques for her would be for her neck, but it's pretty minor. Since the pose is now a bit more of a 3/4 view than the last one, the neck should be a little more forward in the front so the other shoulder isn't sticking out so dramatically.

All this aside, I really like the new Maleria!


tbh i think it's the pose that's throwing it off, if you fix the shoulders the face becomes a lot less offensive


I notice the people defending this are still stuck on the 'oh the nose sucks' comment from earlier. The main problem that's been pointed out now is that the posing and angling of it is just plain wrong. Anatomically wrong. That is a pretty bad sin when it comes to drawing characters and /should/ be pointed out. For future reference, cause we all know this ain't changing.


also, i really love the hair twirl around her finger. such a small detail, but adds a whole lot of personality to the piece.


i noticed the nose immediately and let me just say THANK YOU and please DO NOT "fix" it as there is nothing wrong with a nose like that
i'm sick of seeing button noses everywhere.


I actually love the way she looks. Females don't have to look super-feminine. I'm not really fond of the side-boob and her wings, though. The wings just seem weird to me, and while the amount of detail in them is lovely, it just seems awkward compared to the rest of the art. The side-boob just seems to be in a weird position. Then again, I have small boobs, so I don't know what side-boob with gigantic boobs would look like. XD


So much negativity :c She looks so badass now. Before she was just some generic animu thing with no character or definition. Don't listen to them, Maleria, you are flawless queen.


Ugh, it's only AFTER I post that I realize I was way too modest with the highlighting. X_X Ah well, you get my point and just in case anyone says, "Well her tits aren't bigger than her hands," may I remind you how ridiculously oversized her hands are, with this:
Wearable preview: Maleria Gloves


....Uhh.... No offense, but I have no words to describe how the re-vamp makes me feel. -_-'

....On the other hand. Love the items! <3


The nose puts me off a bit in this revamp. Angle needs a fixing as well. Overall, I don't find it too bad.


Okay I know this has already been stated, and I'm NOT hating on the artist. BUT I'm going to post my opinion...One, the nose is just too large and the bridge of it needs adjusting. Second the eyes, I loved how she had no pupils before the update. It seemed perfect and added to the overall "fear factor" she had going (being an evil goddess and all). Besides, it was unique.
Her old form was evil but gorgeous which would make sense since she IS a goddess, but if the nose was fixed, I think she'd be beautiful. Also, I've looked over some the re-draws/edits in the previous comments, and they present very good ideas.


everyone is complaining about revamped Maleria and Im thinking she looks hot as hell. I love masculine looking chicks, especially if they are....ahem...EVIL.


Besides...just because she's the evil dark goddess doesn't mean she has to look like the wicked witch of the west. There are some VERY hot looking evil villains out there! Lori Quaid from Total Recall, Maddison Lee - Charlie's Angels Full Throttle (Demi Moore), Baroness - G.I. Joe the Rise of Cobra (Sienna Miller), TX - Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines (Kristanna Loken), Dr. Julia Harris - Horrible Bosses (Jennifer Aniston), Regina George - Mean Girls (Rachel McAddams), Xenia Onatopp - Goldeneye (Famke Janssen), Sil - Species (Natasha Henstridge), Jennifer Check - Jennifer's Body (Megan Fox), Catherine Tramell - Basic Instinct (Sharon Stone)...I could go on. So Maleria has just as much right being a hot, sexy, evil bitch as the next evil villain ;)


What is she Ganondorf? New nose please


What is she Ganondorf? New nose please


Glory: The problem with the side boobs is that the line suggests that Mal is queen of the GigaTits. Look:


Again, it doesn't help that the angle, all the angles, are just wrong on this piece. Her left (our right) eye is wayyy too far back up on her head,--I haven't seen anatomy this questionable since Hellsing Ultimate XD--the way her nose is angled makes me think her snoze could rival Waluigi's if looked at from the side or headon; she's supposed to be looking at us from the side in moderate disgust because she's mean like that but looking at the body, it's really contorted. Her lower half seems to be facing towards us, the torso's facing away, her tits are aimed at us instead of facing the same way as the rest of the torso and her arms'n'shoulders are drawn on an angle half facing us, while her neck is clearly straight despite her head being turned, looking straight at us.

sdjbask It's a mess. Not to mention those wings... Ugh. Please fix the wings or at least, don't redraw the item/wardobe poses to match because as it is, no one's going to use those wings if they look like hers.

Now for some disclaimers:
-What's really hurting Maleria are the angles of this piece. They're all wrong.
-I have nothing against big titties or big noses. (I'd be a bit of a hypocrite if I did, seeing as I have both.)
- Also, I have nothing against sexual or sexy characters but it's a rather dramatic change to go from a modest D to Triple G overnight.
- As for the nose being too large, I actually disagree. Having a broad and proud English Nose myself, so I'm fine with that, but, like I said, the angle is all wrong. From how her face is facing us, it should be more slender and higher up. I know from experience my nose looks "normal" or "pretty" at such an angle.

However, unless other NPC's--that are not male--are going to have such appearances in the future, I have to protest the use of it here because it promotes a villainous stereotype that villains are ugly and/or, bad/evil women are manly.

Also the misogyny in these posts. XD Way to make me feel like shit for existing guys! (FYI: I happen to look like her so... Thanks for all this. XD)


To me she looks like she has Link from Ocarina of Time's nose, specifically one image where he's hanging off a ledge in the guide book. If it was in her old art, fine, but it doesn't seem like it was. it is an.. interesting characteristic, but it looks so... manly. The art style is great, the revamp is wonderful, but when you change the expression or minute aspects of someone's face that you've been so used to, it's hard to get used to the change. I'm sorry but, she's being adblocked like Cinthia's image so it won't bother me and I won't complain beyond this.


Actually Muerte I'm mad at you because you're doing a better Sailor Saturn cosplay than me. Let's fight.


*Snorts* Oh, Kilala. I don't need to change my language. By no means does swearing make anybody less of anything, let alone a gosh damned 'lady.' If you honestly believe something so childish, you need to get off the internet. Oh, probably shouldn't say that, you'll take it literally.
Also, I'm male. I don't give two craps to look or seem like a pretentious *~*~lady~*~* ... Ever.


Oh, and I forgot about that side boob line... I think it looks kind of strange. And when I look at it again, it looks like she just has one big boob. o.o


Kilala I know you want to sound righteously indignant but honestly you're just being condescending and fussy. Everybody needs to relax.



I personally don't like the revamp either, the nose looks undefined, the hands are too big, I can't figure out /how/ she's standing, the expression feels off, the wings look droopy, her neck looks like it's floating, the shoulders seem wrong and it looks like she has one boob. Honestly, it's all wrong. Mostly anatomically; to hell with 'she looks like a dude', she looks like she has a joint disorder of some sorts.

BUT, I'll get used to this.I highly doubt they'll change it back. So I'll make do. As we all should. (And if I really don't like it, I can use adblock to block the image. So whatever.)


I do find her nose odd, but all it could use to make it a bit more natural/less obstructive would be a very slight dip nearish the tip like what you see in the photo Muerte posted. I agree with Muerte on that side boob line o_O


Wow. Maleria looks a bit more evil (like she's supposed to be).
I think the nose could have been better, maybe not just a straight line. Yes, the wings would look better if they were darker. And the aura is a little too solid, but that doesn't matter as much to me. But overall, I like the new Maleria.


The boob line looks a little too far behind her chest, if that makes sense? BUT HOT DAMN.
She looks fantastic!
I actually like the nose. She would look too "pretty" with a little dainty nose!! I love the wings. They look beautiful :)
The eyes are definitely throwing me off, but just because she has pupils now I think. Idk if I like it, it always seemed so badass to me.


Muerte, Wow you really could work on your language, could you? But that's just what I personally think. Ladies just don't have such foul language. But then again, that's how I was brought up. Doesn't really mater, that's just my opinion, you could think other wise and that's perfectly fine. *shrugs*

My point is, EVERYONE is entitled to their OWN opinions. Some people are going to think she's gorgeous and nothing is wrong with her revamp, some people are going to think she needs a few changes, and others are just going to flat out dislike it and hate it till the end of the earth. But that's how they personally feel and no one should be bashing another's opinions and think their opinion matters the most. All I'm saying (and was TRYING to get across) is just respect each other's opinions. That's really all.


I don't see a problem with the side boob, considering she is not wearing a bra, and is crossing her arms. I just tried it myself in the bathroom mirror, and the line goes to around the same spot. Sure my bosom is on the larger side, but what's wrong with Maleria being busty?


LOVE Maleria's new look! Although I feel the wings could have a bit more depth to them - more darker shading. But even without that, I love how her face looks and all the new items are great!


Well fuck my ass and call me slutty, Kilala. I'll get to work on my language as soon as I find my fucks to give.

For the record, if you would read over what I said before I did not tell people not to complain. Not even once. You may read it that way, but by no means did I say that.


Her eyes were always gray? o,o
Just dropping by to ask... is there such thing as custom css that could be used to replace images? I'd still prefer to see the older image wherever she pops up but I'm not sure how to do that on chrome.


Some people around here could really work on their language. And yeah, Muerte you're one that I'm talking about. Anyway, I don't think it's the size of the nose, just the way it looks. It could have had some curve to it, like how Wolf_spirit showed in her example. Also personally I also think its her lips and claws that make her look many to me. Her claws could have been more small and dainty like in her old revamp instead of being large. But other than her facial area and her claws, (like I mentioned before) the rest of her looks great.

And also, I got a problem with people who are telling others not to complain about something, yet they are complaining about something their own selves. Like you, Muerte. You're telling people that her nose is fine, yet you seem to have a problem with her wings and eyes being gray? Everyone has a right to have a different opinion about something; some people love her revamp and others don't. Not everyone is going to like the same thing. Just like you don't like her wings and eyes being randomly gray, some people tend to not like her nose.


I like the fact that she doesn't look dainty and lady-like anymore. She's the Dark Goddess guys... She doesn't give a shit about looking nice for people.
I love this revamp and her nose looks fine. It fits her character perfectly. Like others have said before, she looks like the wicked witch. It's great. xD
I do want to say that the aura looks a bit cartoonish. Maybe it would look better if the lines weren't so sharp but misty.


While her nose is very different, it's fine you fuckheads. Subeta needs more diversity in their characters.
However, I cannot get behind her wings. Or her eyes randomly changing to gray. Or that sideboob ? Even if her boobs were G's, that line wouldn't be that far back. Unless her torso is shockingly thin compared to the rest of her body, which ow I am sorry.

Quick note: I am fine with sideboobs. I would be fine if she had been done practically topless (so long as it were done before the revamp as well). It's just that the line is too long.


The feather shoulder covers totally reminded me of Jon Snow.. haha so you're not the only one.. xD
GoT items will always be loved <3

Also.. love the new look.. gives her more character.. and shows that even if you dont have a small nose.. yesh.. you can still look gorgeous <3


So. Am I the only one who looked at the cape/shoulder pads and thought, "You know nothing, Jon Snow"


Hehe, she totally has tbe big honker that runs in my family! Go Maleria!
I didb't even notice the boob-line until someone freaked out. Seriously? Freaking out about the curve of aboob now? What a new low for decency-whining.


Her nose is fine! Stop fussing with her nose!


Ohh Maleria you're looking mighty evil! Excellent job on the revamp! I hope they don't make any more changes to her (or her nose)


Played around a bit more and gave her a set of more defined lips along with the nose:

*giggles* Personally I think she looks fit to kill now XD


There are noses in all different shapes & sizes. Some of those shapes being straight & triangular rather than a more "dainty" curved shape.
Her nose/face reminds me somewhat of Annie's from AOT.♥


1. She looks like Annie Leonhardt is doing a Maleria cosplay.

2. Is it just me, or does she look pregnant?


I agree with Democrat. It needs shape of some sort. If it had a cute curve to it instead of it being just so straight it'd probably look a lot better.

I actually played around in Photoshop just a tiny bit and came up with the following (one in regular size and one in larger format to see the shape more easily):

Possible Nose Suggestion

It's still a larger nose but there's some shape to it instead of there being literally no shape, just a triangle.


I cannot lie. I think she is sexier than both the sqb and news reporter lady! Yeah i said it! I also wonder if the people complaining are the same that complained about the toy and kitchen quest npcs revamps. Or maybe they dont ajust well to change and tried to find something they could say it was instead. Idk.


Yeah, guys… How about commenting the art instead of other people's opinions?

Personally, I think the revamp is okay. Not hating it, not loving it.


We are all entitled to our own opinion about something. People just don't have to be rude about it. Me personally, I don't like the revamp, only because well, to me (personally) she looks rather manly. I mean her wings are beautiful, and her hair is nice and so is the rest of her appearance, but her face just looks a bit manly and her claws could have been more..I don't know, petite and dainty? I guess I feel this way because I'm such a girly girl. Not all women are girly girls so others wont find a thing wrong with her revamp. I just don't like her face.

On the other hand, great new items c:


Damn girl you look good.


I really love it! Now for the light goddesses revamp:B


I adore her distinctive look, she's no longer generic and anime. She doesn't look like all of the NPCs anymore. I love it.

I do find the people calling her manish offensive though. People come in all shapes and sizes, lay off the insults.


Wolf_Spirit, she had a really generic face before. if you kept the same facial features from old art, we'd end up with a lot of same-facey npcs which personally i don't want.

also, i can't help but noticed that's hardly a point anyone has been bringing up. rather, it's been a lot of immature and frankly gross comments calling her 'manly' and everything. so, i can't honestly believe it's about that rather then just gross, misogynistic beauty standards.


It's not the size of the nose that bothers me, just that it looks so...flat. It needs some shape, or shading, or something, cause right now it looks like a triangle.


York - it's because she never had one to begin with. Her nose was tiny and sexy. It just really changes her whole look and makes her look, well, awful. :x

If she had one initially, I don't think there would've been as much issue with it.


I think she looks fantastic. This is the first NPC revamp I have liked in a really long time. I enjoy her big nose -- not everyone looks the same, you know? People were complaining about Subeta art becoming too cute and now you're upset because she isn't "cute." I really love this. Shading, proportions, line widths. It's all fantastic. AMAZING job, artists.


mostly digging this revamp! i love the face. not sure what all the complaints about the nose are. should all women be baby faced with little buttons noses? that's silly. the only really big glaring detail i don't like is the evil aura, it looks a little strange to me.


All in favour of a name change to Man-eria...?


Eh, so she has a big nose. A lot of people have big noses. I actually quite like her revamp. She's what we'd call "a handsome woman."


In her old image she had a sexy, small, little turned-up nose. Now it's huge and manly and ugly XS


She uh... looks like a man.


I like her new look all except for her nose. I find it way too big. Makes her look male instead of female :x She's lost her evil elegance with that huge nose :(


Not sure if you were talking to me or not, but still that seemed a little rude.

If you were talking to me, then I don't have a problem with people hating her new look, I just said I don't understand it. People are allowed to have opinions, no one is right or wrong.


what's wrong with a little sideboob @predator? girl should be able to flaunt what she got.


if it's our opinions about hating the nose then deal with it and stfu >_>


I think she looks awesome! I don't see why people are complaining about her nose, it looks totally fine and very fitting for her. She has a more... hmm, witchy look to her? I think she looks perfect c: I love the new cape too :3


It's nice to see more facial diversity, nice job here. :D It suits Maleria well.


...daaaaaang Maleria got some nice hips to fill out that dress now! :3
The face is going to take some...adjusting to, but it really isn't bad.
At least now she doesn't look like she's just gonna roll over and let you rub her tummy when you quit a quest. xD

Also, my darkmatter Anyu took one look at that Cruelty minion and said: "And I shall call it 'mini me'."


dabgkjötwjdn *hides*


I just noticed this and... HOW BIG ARE MAL'S TITS? She'd have to be like, a size G-I to have side boobage like that and I should know since I have giganto tits myself. FIX THIS PLZ! Just erase that line. It's not frigging needed!


I love her new face. ;3;

it's refreshing to see a female face that isn't just "cute and adorable". She looks fabulous and her quest shop items are even better, great work! <3


love! love! i think she is amazing!
@Pie ... draw me wings please!


And she's gotten even uglier... How was that possible? Before her dress couldn't stay on and now it does but first you had to beat her with the ugly stick. DX Seriously, aside from how the dress looks, everything else is worse. Her wings look underdeveloped, her arms/gloves are too big and there's almost too much detail now. Way too much detail, and the angle... it's rather wonky. She's supposed to be looking at us from the side to show how little she wants to deal with us. Now she's facing mostly towards us, but the arms are still at the side angle and--ow, my spine. Who can twist like this?


Poor Maleria. What the hell happened? Did the ufos kidnap her? O.o


I just noticed how her claw like hands remind me of Vincent Valentines spiffy glove thing...



I like her hair, but I don't like her nose.


the nose hate is unjustified but yeah, she's looking a LOT more masculine now
something about the eyes and the face shape? idk

but that's fine bc not all girls look what people would regard as feminine anyway!

Love that bird plush @User not found: __@


I love the revamp! She looks far more three dimensional as a character now, not just BWAHAHA I AM EVIL but more like she actually has plans and schemes and a back story xD *Lame* Also stahp with the nose hate, it's glorious. And the eyes being visible behind the hair isn't a fault, the opacity is lower on the eyes where the hair is covering them so really it's a nice little bit of extra detail for us. Hair isn't always like a lead curtain you know. n__n <3


That's a mighty sexy nose you have there, no joke. ♥️


All y'all complaining about that nose.



I lol'd hard at the nose. I like her revamp though, very witchy like. :D


So many books and plush and beanbags that I need! -cries-


She has my big honking nose and I dig it.


There's something about her eyes that's -really- scary xD Otherwise, yay for revamps.~


y'all need to stfu about her face. you're kind of...supposed to hate it, that's the point. she's evil and everyone hates her but people put up with her anyway to do quests.

though i have to agree that she does look friendlier in some aspects.


What is it with all this gross nose hate, girls don't need to look conventionally feminine and delicate wth.


I'm not really seeing a big nose here? Noses can come in all shapes and sizes and this one doesn't seem excessive to me at all. I really like the new revamp, I think it is one of the more successful NPC revamps. Still keeps her attitude and stance while updating the art. I like that you can still see a hint of the eye behind the eyes, seems like a nod to the original. The wings are fantastic and her hair twirling around her claw is neat.


Awesome! I lover her new design!


I like the new Maleria - but seriously why can you still see her eyes under her very 12 year old anime fan drawing style.


Holy hell... I love the updated Maleria! :heart:
I really like her strong pointed nose, her sharp little chin, and overall how her face and ears look.


Where's Blake Steele? He might want to know about this new butterface! Everything looks great, except her face. It's kind of flat and her nose is huge.


she looks more like a witch now. scary.
i suppose she needed it


Y'all are such bitches. Girls can have big noses too.


Whoa! With that new nose she kinda looks like my mom!


Thanks for new Quest Shop items :)
As for her revamp...imo she is less pretty but much more scary or menacing which in her case is perfect! She definitely has the whole Wicked Witch of the West look going on and she is working it fabulously. She's supposed to be evil afterall.


She looks friendlier now, not as mysterious. The face is off I think... agreeing with others.


Most of her revamp is really nice, but I don't like her face. She looks very... manly.


something about her new eyes makes her look quite not-as-evil as before, but otherwise i LOVE the revamp!
(especially the nose ahh i'm so glad she doesn't have that same tiny cutesy button-nose every other female character has!!)


I really like the revamp, she looks even more witchy than she already did! :)


Bought the birdie plushie for my gallery. So pretty.^^


Like everyone else is saying, I really don't like the face. While I agree with Tribunal in that large noses on a female character is nice for a change, to me it just makes Maleria look like the Wicked Witch of the West. :/


I like her revamp. If anything, I feel like there isn't much diversity in the female NPC's faces and that's why people are so put off about her nose.


I love everything about her except for her face. I agree that she doesn't look evil/mischievous enough. And there seems something just a little off about that nose...


She lost a lot of her evil look in this revamp. I always loved Maleria's look but now she's just kinda.. meh.. idk, like I'm not going to take a second look. The art itself is nice, it's just her personality didn't really translate to this new style imo.


She looks... nice. She never looked downright mean in her old form, but always at least mischievous. Not sure what it is, maybe that her eyebrow is blending into her hair for me? Other than that, I really like the art and the look. And a larger nose on a female is actually really nice.


I'll get used to it but I liked the old better. Now she looks like this girl I hated in high school *shudder*


I want to like her revamp, but her face looks off. For me it's specifically the eyes (her nose is fine to me). Somehow she looks really bored and/or really tired and old, rather than sinister looking. :c If the top of her eyes were also arched rather than just the eyebrows alone, I think that would bring back her mean look.


Hahah @Anasazi

I really liked her old version much better! Lol her nose, jaw and smile are really male-ish XD


I love the revamp!


I love the old version the new version looks like cinthia's new look


Nice new items, I really like the feather cape and shoulder cover.
But why do people think she looks male? Not every female has a button nose, y'know? :)


Wow! That is an awesome revamp! :D Love it!


MALEria ._.


Just putting this out there but I LOVE her nose & new face, it gives her character. I don't think her pose is defensive, to me it's more like: "Whatcha got on me fool. I aint afraid of no ghosts." Ya know - snobby & very sure of herself/laughing at you with her eyes. 8)


Glad I have lots of QPs but wish there were more wearables/hair.


She looks much better than before (although I wish her outfit could have undergone a more drastic change).
Love that one of the new items is a burn book.


The nose hate in these comments though. :(


Ah! She looked a bit weird at first glance, but it's growing on me. Liking the new look. :)

No Corrupt Birdie minion? Aww...


Old version for comparison:



And, for the nose: I think they tried to make her look more like a bird of prey, with that gloves and that wings. The nose is perfect in my opinion :)


Her nose reminds me of the witch's nose from the wizard of oz. overall nice revamp.


Dude looks like a lady. Or lady looks like a dude. Either way change her nose, please. :D


I've decided that I like the revamp. She looks more menacing, has more personality, not to mention more nose. It's awesome.


She look more evil, good thing. I like it, not the usual - bad - character. yay for the new items, BTW <3


Woah woah woah I am quite in love with her nose, she looks gorgeous! (also DA's Anders would quite enjoy the shoulder covers oh my)


Also she now looks like she's hunched in on herself defensively, which is really not how I imagine her. It's odd.


She looks great! :o My only complaint is that there's something about her expression that makes her look kind of sad or introspective, when I always got a more sinister vibe from her before.

It might be that she seems to be looking downward and kind of off into space now? I'm not sure she even had pupils before, but she always seemed to be making eye contact with the player in a sort of side-eye/glare look.


I love most of her new look. ^_^ The wings are far better. However, could her nose be made a bit smaller please? It's kinda huge, particularly when compared to her previous tiny one.
Also yay, new items! :D


what happened with her face omg


I didn't even notice her revamp at first, to be honest... A good thing, maybe? Love the items, though. ♥️


I like the shoulder covers :D Maleria is look nice, too.


I kinda love the new Male-ria, great job :D


Maleria looks like a man now >_>


Maleria, you look so pretty now! :heart:


She looks special but in a good way in my opinion. Was a little shock moment on the first glance but the more I look at her the more I like her new face, good job!


Love the revamp! Any chance we could get those eyes as an item?


uh... I don't know how I feel about this. But I'm loving the new items. :)


Gorgeous revamp! She's no longer generic evil animu grill :D


She needs some lipstick or something. Or her nose puts me off, I dunno ._.


I'm likin' her make-over... much more menacing :)


Most excellent.... <3


Oh pretty things! I have to say though, maleria looks so much better. Only problem is that nose seems so...wrong. Its like a beak. Or maybe its how high her eyes are. Either way, its sort of man face xD


Woah! Maleria sure looks different today! o_o


Her new revamp makes me cringe. ._.


Cool cape! :D Thanks!


Right after I spent all my points on junk items :D


Uh.... Woah. lol

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