Update on Site Loading Issues

Curse This Lag Sticker
Computer Geek Sticker
Hello, Subeta!

Last night Subeta's servers had a severe outage, bringing the site down for about two hours. Keith brought back-up servers online, but several features are still being impacted. The reason for the outage is still under investigation and, while a fix is being worked on, there may still be disruptions to features such as wardrobe, access to forums, and autopricing.

Subeta was one of the earlier pet sites and continues to provide fun and content, integrating old features and adding new ones, but this means that problem-solving for its unusual server load and output can take time. We will be posting more information on #siteupdate as we get it, and those posts can be read through the Staff Forum Posts on the sidebar even if you're unable to log into the forums. The status page is also being updated!

This was not put in as a news post earlier because we wanted to have more information for y'all if at all possible, but we're open to feedback on whether that works. Please let us know what you'd prefer in the comments!
User Avatar: 605589

Posted by Galaxia


wondering if this all of this fixed now as I'm still having problems :(


i didn't even know a discord existed until now - if the site is down how are we meant to find updates at all? i went to twitter, there was no post there. i had to go to facebook to find what was going on, lol. who still uses facebook these days? (jokes aside, i do, but certainly not for updates from websites). if all these avenues exist for communicating problems, from forums, to news, to facebook/discord/twitter, why aren't all of them being used? so weird.

thanks for the update though.


@Kinky This is how I feel too.


I hope my Melody day/items will be restored since I couldnt get on during that time because the site was down. I tried several times and I dont want my streak broken already by something that was not my fault.


Thanks for the update! It has been said again and again that it would be nice to have a quick message on the news page along the lines of "we know about the issues and are working on it" and maybe a link to the status page (which is hopefully updated and shows a recent status). There doesn't need to be an elaborated report on what is wrong if you don't have that information yet. Just let people know you are aware. The elaborated post (like this one) can come later when you have more information.
Also, it is a really bad idea to scatter information on different media, like discord and whatelse. People will check here, not everyone is on any or all of the other channels.


ah, my last comment needs more clarification: " i come onto subeta to get news" i mean in terms of downtime, with the terracoon smashing the server. although, i dont want to be missing out on news via other social medias, either, tbh.


Can there be a place to check if the site goes down without needing social media? i'd rather not be in the subeta discord, and twitter is awful. i come onto subeta to get news, not anything auxiliary. i stay away from social media for my own mental health, i don't want to be missing out because i am taking care of myself.


I don't know what this is about 2 hours. Site went down. I waited. I got back on around 10PM, still not up. The twitter didn't have news, but people had been asking why the site was down five hours prior to 10. I continued to check for another hour before I gave up and went to bed. Yeah thanks, appreciate the info, sure.


I really love and appreciate how Subeta keeps on top of making the site better, adding better items and features and modernizing. A few months ago I got back on Neo because I remembered my accounts logins and the site is a dumpsterfire, its really sad. Half the site you can't even use anymore and of course they pulled that whole "cryptopet" bs. The experience with neo made me appreciate subeta and the staff more. Like they actually care about the userbase and game not just keeping it barely alive to make a quick buck. I don't mind anymore if the site is down because I always know it will be back up again, I just get on FR or something for the downtime.
I also just learned to expect the site being wonky during Lumi lol


Info right away is my preference. I'm not super active in the Subeta Discord and noticed some updates there, long before this post was made. For people who don't frequent or aren't a part of the Discord, I think an immediate update (be in a news post or banner post) on the website would be more fair! I prefer news from website more than the Discord as well.


Looks like things are working again! Yay! :D But still can't autoprice since it says I already did and wants me to pay another 25csc. Darn.


I would personally like to see the info right away and in a news post or at least a blue bar across the top, like someone else mentioned. I don't check auxiliary places like Twitter or anything. Before I realized it was a site-wide problem, I was troubleshooting my own PC, clearing history and cache, restarting my PC, even restarted my router. Then I did a little digging and found a page that said there were issues. (Not even sure what page it was I saw. I can't seem to find it again now but it said something about a server being down.) Anyway, I am a scattered, disorganized person who doesn't have a ton of free time on his hands, so putting the info RIGHT THERE makes it accessible to me, which I appreciate. Thank you!


I'm trying to have patience, but it's really irking me that I can't access the forums in the way I need to. I wanted to try logging into the 'new' subeta, but I can't get the damn page to load TO log into new Subeta, and I can't access the forums from my computer to do the gifting I need to on my gifting thread. I'm not going to reply to 60+ comments with gifts from my phone, it's just not feasible. I can't see trees, I can't see HAs, I can do nothing based around Lumi except get my Melody gift. I love this site, and I know y'all are working your butts off, but seriously... Some disaster happens every.major.holiday. I've never had this much of an issue on the older pet sites I'm on, so that cannot possibly be the biggest reason. And what is our money going towards if the site keeps failing us? I'm trying to be optimistic, but this is really straining my love of the site, and of Lumi. It's killing my Lumi spirit fiercely.


I've cleared my cache/cookies several times in the last few days (I use google Chrome) and it hasn't resolved anything for me. I cannot view anyone's HA, including my own, and anyone's trees, including my own. The wardrobe is also not working for me at all. I also am having trouble even getting forum posts to load. The site isn't really functioning on my end. I hope it is working better for others! <3 have a good Sunday everyone!


The site isn't fine. Wardrobe, HAs, trees and autopricer are all broken. Here's hoping everything can be fixed and working soon. :)


Setting up trees is not working for me:
If you are experiencing problems with your tree or ornaments not showing up, please clear your browser cache and try again, as we found this to solve the issue in most cases.
I've cleared cache around 10 times now, different days & times. ​The workaround isn't working...

Furthermore, past tree images are not loading.

Is anyone else having tree issues?

I understand that staff is dealing with a lot (& thank you) so they might not be able to verify or reply. Could a kind user please verify & notify if it's an issue for them too?

I lead the Empty Trees board for Lumi, which is why I am so concerned about the trees not working.


Site seems fine now, only problem that I and many other players are having is that the autopricer is not working. Keep showing a coloured code message. Keep up the work on the site! I know it's a pain, but you guys are always on top of things.


Another morostide disaster with half the site not working again? Hope they can get it fixed soon. :(


Thanks for all your hard work. My only complaint is my shop wouldn't price yesterday and the same thing happened today


thanks for all the hard work.

as for the news post, i would prefer a news post saying "we're working on it. we'll get back to u later" so at least we know it's being handled and then u guys can let us know the details in a later news post.


I have never ever EVER understood staff's reluctance to use the news page. It's the first page you see when you come to the site, you see it again right as you log in, you would think that if there's something you want the whole userbase to know asap, that's the first place to put it.

Somewhere in the murky depths of my memory I remember reading something about not wanting to clutter it up. If that's the case, then do what other people have suggested and use the sitewide banner for "we know there's a problem, working on it" and update the news with details later. If the entire site is down, sure, post updates on whatever social media site you need to, but otherwise use the News page. (It was very hard to type that without resorting to Strong-Bad style screaming. "JUST USE THE FREAKIN' NEWS PAGE!!")

As a side note, I am aware of the Staff posts link on the News page, and that it works even when the forums are down. It does come in handy sometimes; however, I don't find it very useful most of the time when there's a problem with the site. When I'm experiencing issues with Subeta, the first thing I want to know is if anyone else is having the same or similar issues. That will tell me if the problem is on my end or Subeta's. If the forums are down or (currently in my case) I can't load threads after a minute or so because of issues with new Subeta log in, I can't readily see other people's posts. Usually it's several hours or even days before a staff member posts anything related to an issue, and even then it's usually something along the lines "we're aware there's a problem" or "I've reported the issue".

Which is fine! I understand not every staff member can fix every problem, and they're good people doing the best they can in a bad situation. Even just that little bit of acknowledgement is a good thing. I don't want to make any one of them feel terrible for doing that.

But see, sometimes the thread titles users make aren't all that descriptive when it comes to relating an issue - maybe it's that same one I'm having? Maybe not? Maybe a related issue? A very similar one? Without the context from other users describing what they're experiencing, it's more difficult for me to tell. Filtering by staff posts only doesn't really help with that, and that's probably why I'm aware of the feature but don't use it all that much.


Better communication has been asked for many times yet it always ends up being posted everywhere off site but not on the news posts (or it gets buried in the forums). It just makes it look like staff doesn't really care to even be on the site and the users are just shouting into the wind.

I understand if the site is completely down then yes, use those other sites to get the word out. However, as soon as the site is back do a news post. In fact being better at getting info out on time would be great as well. No saying you'll have more info later that day then never post anything.

Though I have to say, editing a news post afterwards, while nice can be overlooked if it's a long post. I completely missed the edit about the delay in Lumi info until I finally went back and slowly looked over the post the next day. I don't know if maybe putting the edited part first instead of at the end would help.


News Post ASAP. I don't know why this is so complicated. I rarely judge this site because I get it, it isn't a big website and you guys are not a large crew...but like others have said, every time this comes up the users say News Post please! It's the best way of keeping your player base semi-informed that you are aware of the issues as it's a place that at least loads for everyone, 99.9% of the time.


I reported this like a week ago, before it got so bad...it wasn't all of the sudden, but gradually. And yet...


Are we going to get an update or just "wait until there's more information" before you communicate?


Disregard my previous comment.....seems I had you blocked for some odd reason o.O


Can't access any of your topics, considering you have me blocked for some reason @Galaxia


I prefer news posts since my playing is sporadic and a news post I will notice. But I also enjoy seeing the site update tag so it's real easy to find there. Thought I'd add my little piece here too with everyone.

Happy advent!


Every time the site has major issues we beg for news about the site to be posted to the site news or use a blue banner, because 1. not everyone can access the forums 2. not every subeta user uses social media, but every subeta user uses subeta.

The fact that staff is asking again, after what happened during Morostide, feels very mocking. Asking for these kinds of updates to be posted in the news is a years-old request. We can only beg so many times and watch it not happen before losing faith that it will ever happen. I will not believe it until I see it happen consistently.


This should be put on the news area.. It's more likely to be read by us players that way, I think.


Tbh thanks for an update, but, idkw this post reads as almost a notice of we can't figure out what's broken, so we play as is until it burns down, thanks for playing? Anyway, i hope that's just fun paranoia stupidly kicking in for no reason, and whatever the issue/s are able to be fixed 🤞


Honestly... after ALLLLLL this time you guys still don't know where or when you should communicate to us about these problems? For the god's sake.


thank you so much for the update! Glad to know I didn’t mess something up on my end. I cleared my cache yesterday and not only would the tree still not load but I thought it broke my wardrobe lol.


Thank you for the news post. I think you should shout out with a news post and a forum post and as soon as you can. I do appreciate the effort that goes into keeping Subeta up and running.


Thank you! News posts are much easier for me to see, when it comes to site glitches or updates. The banners are nice if it's a WIP sort of issue.

Might I ask if the 500 error I get when trying to view HA or Trees on profiles is related to this? It seems like it started happening more widely right at that time. I'm a little sad about not being able to see trees, but I know that these things take time! I just can't really tell if I'm having an isolated issue with a few other people or if this is site wide and related to this crash so I can troubleshoot more. I've done the usual things (cache, tried logging in and out, but can't login to the new site anymore since the 3rd.). Can anyone help clarify?


I'm still so curious that if this is a known site breaking bug, why hasn't it been addressed before? What issues prevent it from being addressed properly?


Not everyone uses the other places where messages can be posted about the issues (discord, twitter etc) so I think a blue banner above just noting "you guys are aware of issues and are working on it and a news post will follow soon" is a good start.


I don't get that after 20 years, staff is still in doubt where and when to post news updates. Where? EVERYWHERE. When? RIGHT AWAY.
If you have multiple official channels of communication, then use ALL of them. A blue banner on site with a short acknowledgement of the issues. A news post with a more in-depth explanation. And all other channels (status page, twitter, facebook, discord, whatever other channels there are, ...) should at least have a short acknowledgement (in case the site is completely down) + a link to the news post.
If you want to go all detailed and technical later, feel free to use the forums with a siteupdate ping for that, but don't ever use the forums as your main and only channel when there are severe problems with site access/lag/errors, since forums are usually the first giving problems.


Thanks for the update! We appreciate you, Subeta staff <3


i prefer postings in the news than on the forums because if the forums aren't loading for whatever reason, then it's frustrating.


Thanks for the update!


I trust, you will reimburse the users for their lost Melody and Bathhouse.
And also hope for more battling time.


I agree with everybody, who said, please let us know pretty much immediately, when there is an issue.
Subeta has cost us all sooooo much time over the years, struggling lag and problems. But that's up to us to decide, that we want to stick.
However, it is not necessary to each time let us invest hours, to try to fix something on our end, that might be broken, when it again is "just" Subeta.


PLEAAAAASE make news posts *immediately* when it comes to site issues!! especially when the forums refuse to load at all for some people, so they can't see any threads or staff responses that y'all make :(


Along with everyone else, I would like an immediate 'there's a problem, we're working on it, details to follow' news post so I don't waste my time trying to fix a problem that isn't on my end. Spent a while yesterday messing about with browsers trying to get my tree working before a staff member acknowledged one of the several threads.


I personally appreciate the "Yes, we're looking into it." post. It helps me to determine if it's an issue on my own end, like my connection or a need to clear the cache. I would assume it also helps to prevent some premature tickets from being made by new users who are less familiar with the seasonal crashes.

Also, I am wondering if the Trees are a part of the loading issues or if that's just on my end?


Due to the downtime I lost my bathhouse streak and a day of Melody items... have been super busy and the downtime was happening during the times I tried to get on. It's not a huge deal but it is a bit disappointing.


I do appreciate the update though I would have liked a "please be patient we're investigating stuff" when it first happened just so I could rule out it being on my end (ya know internet or hardware issues and all that). Anyway hopefully ya'll get thinks fixed up soon if only because I want to decorate my tree some more and it kinda... is invisible right now lol.


I appreciate the news post and agree with a lot of people here. The moment there begins to be sitewide issues I feel in the very least you should put a blue banner at the top saying you're aware as well as a news post stating such, as that's usually what people see when they first log in. Even if you're not inherently aware of what the issue(s) are, knowing you're aware and are attempting to fix the issue(s) is always reassuring. As you get more information, update on the news post and status page as well as anything else you use. I personally have no social media nor chat services beyond Steam (which isn't even a chat service), so I have no way of seeing this information aside from these pages (and if the site's down I automatically assume you're trying to fix it and it will be back when it's back).

I apologize if my wording is very blunt and weird and unneeded, but there it is. I appreciate this site and its community and I appreciate the work you guys put into it regardless of my own paranoid trains of thought. Please know I really do appreciate everyone here and I really hope you are all having a good Lumi/holiday season.


News posts are good for when the forums won't load, but it's also good to have both.


Do we get another chance for meoldy??? When I logged in I couldn't get her prizes :(((


Is the wardrobe still down? I can't seem to load it.


It took a really long time for the server status page to accurately describe the site issues. Also even though the wardrobe is covered under “new subeta” it’s a big enough feature that I would list it on its own


Well a news post won't exactly work when the whole site is down, for that we pretty much have to depend on Twitter and Facebook. Other than that the News is the first thing we see when we open the site usually, so I'm all for any site updates here, especially when forums aren't loading.


I, personally, would like staff to acknowledge an issue as soon as they are aware of it. Preferably in a news post. Even if it is a quick fix. As soon as most of the player base finds an issue and tries to bring attention to it, only for it to never be mentioned, makes it feel like we are being ignored and aren't even cared about. I've ran across numerous people dropping decade long subscriptions to this site because they've felt this way. I didn't even mention the lag issues I've personally been having because, honestly, I don't think I've had a full day on this site without lag yet. And I get it. I'm patient and super chill with a lot of things. But don't continue to stay silent on issues you ✨know✨ about. It's infuriating. However, thank you for this update.


Ugh... the site outage just had to happen when I tried logging in for the day to get Melody's items. I tried multiple times for over an hour, but to no avail. I'm curious to know if those who couldn't visit Melody will be given a second chance?


I do hope that those who were trying to get their Melody items and couldn't will have the chance to do so AND will have them count towards their achievements. It's not fair if people who are legit trying to earn the achievement get barred just because the hours they can play Subeta, the site goes down.


Thanks so much for the update!! I'm still struggling to get images to load on my end. Perhaps I should try relogging into New.Subeta and see if that helps.... (I just wanna edit my tree :sob:)


I don't care about the technical stuff, tbh. It means nothing to me. I just like to know that there is an issue that is being recognized, is being worked on, and if it impacts anything (like dailies that stack i.e. melody and bath) that we get the prize for that day of we tried to get it and couldn't. Or if it eats our CSC or sP, that we'll be reimbursed. But please, please just give us a news post here cross posted to the social medias right at the start of things so we're not freaking out trying to figure out if it's just us or if it's everyone.

Mainly, I just want this site to work. I know y'all are doing your best though, so thank you.


Even if some don't use Facebook, Twitter, etc. (which is the case for myself), some do. It's an additional way to communicate (especially if the site is down). I think it should be treated as secondary whereby the initial message should be focused on Subeta... even if it's just to indicate the site is down (I miss the image of the pet ready to smash things).


I'm definitely in favour of a news post. All the technical stuff can go in an edit or a new post but just an acknowledgement of an issue is important.


Thank you for the update and all your hard work


Hi, the Lumi tree is not working for me. Yes, I've tried to clear cache (five times, different times during the day). Thus, the suggested solution isn't working. I can't load the tree or ornaments. Furthermore, I can't see images of previous years.

Is anyone else having this?

As a user, I appreciate the faster we know that an issue is occurring so we aren't left wondering if "it's only me".

I appreciate the staff working on the issues... if the news post could specify other problems while people are reporting/commenting on them it would also help reassure that it's more than 1 person.


As others have mentioned, I also prefer news post, even if it's just to say that you're unsure of what's going on but that you are at least aware of the situation goes a long way!

Thank you for all your hard work and I hope the entire Subeta team has a wonderful lumi/winter holiday this year!


My 2 sP is that people don't necessarily want to wait to know what the issue is specifically (like behind the scenes) or wait to know when it'll be fixed (because that can't always be known).

What people want is:

- acknowledgment that there is an issue (generically, like an error with avatars, shops restocking, autoprice)
- to know it's not just them
- to know that staff also know that there is an issue
- to know staff is working on the issue

The details can wait until later.

Ex. Use a banner on site when there is an ongoing issue (to acknowledge that the issue is happening).

If the issue looks like it's going to continue after an hour so, then a brief news post stating that it is an ongoing issue staff knows about / they're working on it / thanks for bearing with us we'll update as we know more.
Update that news post as the issue progresses & when staff are done for the night/will work on it tomorrow. Maybe a once an hour brief addition to the news post (not a new post every time(!) of course). Even a "1 am: we're still working on it!" would be good.

Also make a social media post (twitter, facebook, discord announcement) stating that there is an issue with X & link to the onsite news post for more information. It looks professional, keeps all the information in one place (the news on site), because people follow the social media accounts for reasons like this. If the site isn't loading at all & people can't view the news post, then that information should be mirrored on the status/notion page & linked in its place (like, linked on the social media sites).
Lastly, thanks for all you do, staff. ♥️


Always appreciate you all!


Thanks for the update :)


Even if you don't know any details I would like to see a news post along the lines of we know there's a problem and we're looking in to it, then something a little more detailed when you find out more. So at least we know you're aware of a problem and we can be assured it's being worked on. Thanks.


The site just did a redirect on me when trying to come in this evening.
Luckily it let me in without giving me an error message this time.

Thank you for the news update :).


Any site news should ALWAYS be a news post, I don’t know why we keep having to say this. majority of the user base will not be checking facebook or discord for game changing info so please stop burying it. I hate to be negative but come on, we tell you guys this every single time


Thank you.
I love knowing what's happening, by being updated either by a news post, or the little text I sometimes see in blue on the top of the page, that has a small statement saying something along the lines of "we are working on the issue"
I'm old and don't venture into Twitter Instagram or Facebook.
Hope you get it sorted soon, but hey quests still work and we can access melody shops and games.


Thank you for all of the hard work y'all are doing & thank you for keeping us updated!


technically letting us know when an issue occurs is news, so i think a news post makes the most sense overall. because when people encounter an issue, i think most people tend to refer to the onsite news posts or announcements pages in order to see if there’s been any recent acknowledgement of any issue.

some people (like myself) didn’t even really know there was a status page, and also don’t use twitter at all or enough for an update on twitter to be the most viable option. that’s my take anyway. letting us know you’ve come across an error and are looking into it and we will be updated accordingly once you find out more information.


Thank you for the news post! I think a little banner would work, too, if you don’t have a lot to share and it’s impacting forums. I joined Subeta a little while before the last major reset, so pretty much any lag, downtime or bug since then feels pretty minor. I just appreciate the communication, so I know it’s not just me. :)


I didn't even know we had a status page. Personally, I prefer news posts here, it's more convenient.

Thank you to Keith and all the staff for the work you are putting in! We all appreciate what you do, from the day-to-work to the crisis mitigation!


Thank you for you're hard work and all the staff for working on it.
A news post would be awesome~


It's nice to know that y'all are informed and that I don't need to bombard the admins with abnoxious reports. However I AM sad that my auto price didn't work BUT said that I couldn't use it again (I have a screen shot of a wild code appearing)


News, please. I ignore the forums if at all possible, so yeah, a news post is much better for me.


Agree with Lucifer. It should be a news post or a blue banner at the top acknowledging the ongoing issues. I've been getting a Failed to fetch error all day when trying to login to be able to access forums so when I saw the siteupdate hashtag, it was rather irritating since I can't access the forum threads.
Also, the fact that it took ALL day to mention what was going on is pretty bad. I'm just glad I didn't try to autoprice.


Use the news page. Otherwise we are likely to miss it, I barely check the staff posts feature. I forget it's there more often than anything.


news post. even if theres scarce information for the staff, users can easily make a concise list that the staff can refer to when the forums fail.


We ask for a real news post every time there's a major issue like this. Please just use the news, especially with how often there are issues with the forums.


A game-breaking error like the entire site going down should always be mentioned on the main news, at least in my opinion. Thank you for addressing this and the hard work to bring it back up! I know a lot of site-breakage things get discussed on the forums, but it tends to be a 50/50 crapshoot as to if a user can even access the forums when things go haywire.

My feedback on keeping players updated - Subeta's Facebook page (which is largely ignored year-round) was the only place that I could find any official mention of the outage at the time it occurred - I still haven't seen the downtime mentioned on any other form of Subeta social media, even Keith's twitter. I feel like like the site going down is the #1 thing that should be an all-hands-on-deck broadcast to the users since no one can access the site to begin with and won't know if this downtime was planned, accidental, or even someone just flipping the switch and walking away for good. Or additional social media posts to say that users should expect issues and/or disruptions when the site is back up. There's a missed opportunity for better communication by ensuring updates like this are cross-posted both on and off the site itself, just in case the site or forums go back down again.


Does that mine that even if you visit Melody all 31 days it's not going to matter if the site killed the Melody count and the user that did all 31 days ain't going to get the final 31 day achievement prize?


If doing a news post every time something like this happens feels like too much, especially if you don't really have much info about what's going on at the time, maybe something like the blue banner at the top of the page just to at least acknowledge that the issues are being investigated and a reminder to check the status site for updates would be good? That way people could still see it even if the forums aren't loading. Unless the banner feature is one of the things that broke with the other stuff or something.


@starfish I did all my quests - LOL it went really smoothly, very little lag when doing quests and shopping. Nothing seemed to disappear, no site errors while questing, etc. But, take that with a grain of salt since the site errors seem to be at least somewhat variable with different people (different browsers?) having different problems.


Also seconding Lucifer. Even if it's not super in-depth, use the banner feature with some brief, preliminary updates. "We're aware." because sometimes it feels that no one's aware for hours.



I was going to cover that in the status and updates (news post this time) tomorrow and suggest that people file the tickets then, since it may be easier for people to cover several days' reimbursement in one ticket, but it's fine to have already filed a ticket as well.


Okay. Thank you for letting us know. ^__^ :heart:


Thanks for putting it in the News, where literally 100% of players are likely to go, instead of on the Discord. It helps!


I agree with those saying the more the merrier with channels of communication! Right here is probably going to be the easiest place for most folks to access, anyway. Wanna know how it's going with Subeta's server situation? Boom, front page of Subeta, right there.

Thanks for all the hard work!


If you paid CSC, you should file a ticket to get it reimbursed.

I think you want to mention tickets for the autopricer?


I'm in the news post wagon, i really appreciate all the work you guys out in this website and I wish everyone could be in the same page as soon as possible


The site update hashtag posts would be great if I could access them...but of course those posts are like the Forum posts and inaccessible. This is undoubtedly due to the fact I cannot log into new.subeta.net. For two days now, all I get is a constantly spinning wheel, but am never able to log in. Wardrobe, as well as my avatar image and tree are also still not available.

At least making a news post like this one, or Staff Admin post gives us the latest info as to what is ongoing in terms of problems and fixes. That helps a lot. :)


nobody autoprice! it took my csc but didn't autoprice!


yeah no autopricing, mine got wasted yesterday and today too :')

personally, i think it'd be more useful in the future to make a news post right when errors are noticed, even if vague. typically when the site tanks people are immediately scrambling for info or to confirm whether or not it's only on their end. not everyone remembers to check twitter or to have the status page open. it also makes a good heads up to users not to do anything that may result in lost items/progress on an outfit...and may steer people away from the more intensive parts of the site while work is being done. when you can make it look like at least one member of staff has eyes on the site at all times, as impossible as that is, it'd give people some peace. when more info is gathered on what exactly the issue is or what is being done to resolve it, you can always make another news post or, better yet, have a staff member comment on the first news post. maybe consider some kind of comment post cosmetic so people don't have to look too hard.

that, of course, is just my onion 🧅 thanks for the update!


Just wondering if it’s safe to move stuff around right now or if anyone has noticed things disappearing? I don’t have working forums or wardrobe but that’s not going to keep me from doing quests etc if possible, I just want to make sure there’s no item issues. Thanks for the update and communication ⭐️


So that's why I lost my pool and Melody counts :(


Since the news is the first thing I see when I log in, it is very easy to see if something is going on, whether pleasant, or not so pleasant. Staff posts can be seen, even if the forums don't work, but not everyone reads those, or even knows what they are. Most folks DO see the news posts though, and if an update is in the News, no one can say there wasn't any communication. o.O Thank you SO much for your hard work during the oopsie moments! :heart::star::heart:


News post is good idea^^ we can all read it here

Cheers for the update, everyone's hard work is very much appreciated


I like acknowledgment, even if we don't have a lot of details. A good "we know there are problems" is always nice, especially when we don't know what's happening behind the scenes or if the programmers are around.


Thanks for the update, and for working hard on figuring out the issues! <3

As far as updates go, I think that a brief "we're aware of the issue and are investigating" at the start of emerging problems would be good, as well as a follow-up later when there's more information to give! For me at least, it's always comforting to at least know that staff are aware of issues, even if they don't currently know why there are issues. :) Before the site officially went down and had a note referring users to the status site, I was left wondering if anyone was even around who could do something about it. not in an impatient or angry way, as I know that site staff is mostly (entirely?) made up of volunteers, and I appreciate what you all do!


Someday I hope to see my tree LOL

The forums are buggy obviously. Clearing cache and cookies, then restarting browser works but it times out.


I appreciate y'all's hard work as well as the update! Best of luck with the bug smooshing.


Thank you to all who had put in effort to recover subeta as fast as you could, it is really appreciated


Thanks so much for the update. I prefer this sort of info in the news comments, as it's usually more accessible. So, yes, this is great!! The forums haven't been reliable, in terms of loading (as you all know) which is why it makes the most sense to update us here. Thanks again!!


Things are bound to get janky here and there, but appreciate the transparency and relative speed y'all have on informing us and keeping us up to date. Love that there's a detailed status page too!


Thank you for the update, we appreciate all of your hard work!!


I really appreciate the news post personally as I'm not able to access forums at the moment. Thank you for all the hard work and dedication!



They meant on communication


Thanks for the info! The more communication the better. Especially when the forums are strongly involved in the issue s lot of people don't know or realize we can read forum posts in a couple of different ways even when we can't access the forums, so they feel lost and out of touch. Making a news post, even to say "we aren't sure what's going on" at least makes us feel that its being worked on and we can bear it with a little more patience and less panic.


Thank you so much for all your hard work,
We appreciate you so much :)


tbh, i don't mind some lag as long as the staff does a good job communicating what's going on. thanks for doing so!


Thank you so much!


Appreciate the update being in the news as I cannot access the forums on my phone at all, nor use them properly on pc.


Thank you for addressing this! I'm not sure I understand what you mean by the last two sentences there. What exactly do you want our input on?


Thank you so much for keeping us up to date! It seems that some things that weren't working yesterday/this morning are slowly coming back.
(HA's, trees, and other images now work for me!!)

We appreciate all the work y'all are doing behind the scenes and for keeping us in the know! <3 I hope yourself and staff are having a lovely Lumi/Winter holidays so far!


I think a news post AND forum post work out well just to be safe. Thanks for the info.


thank you for your hard work ^^

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