Pet Spotlight Changes

Hey, pet lovers of Subeta!

We've decided to make a small change to the pet spotlight! Instead of the pet spotlight being every night, it will now be three times a week. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, a pet will be chosen from the accepted pets to be the featured pet on-site. We will be testing this new schedule out for a while, so get out there and work on your pets - there's still plenty of opportunities to win!
User Avatar: 744

Posted by SubetaTeam


"...had upwards of 1000 entries in the queue. Now we have about 80." The reason your numbers are so low, staff, is because NOBODY KNOWS WHAT YOU WANT! The ONE page you made with a VERY ROUGH idea of what you're looking for in a spotlight winner is vague and opinion-based, and you won't tell us what you rejected us for! Your system was made to actively work against us, and then you blame it on US when no one enters by implying that you think we lost interest! We're giving up on this mess, not telling you its few selected entries need more cowbell!


This ↓↓↓


I support spreading spotlight wins farther apart. It might be a bummer to those looking for the achievement, but otherwise I think it would make spotlight wins feel more special for owners as well as give more time for other users to see the pet (say if the winning pet were on the side of the homepage rather than in a news post), rather than have the news post for a day disappear down the homepage. And besides, I don't think there's anything wrong with having to actually work for an achievement rather than having it be instant gratification. Same goes for the spotlight itself. I actually would prefer a spread of a week for the spotlight. Any longer however seems a bit too long/difficult for the number of people wanting to participate, and might poorly affect site traffic for those who spend their time here focusing on readying pets for the spotlight.

Personally I gave up on the spotlight over a year ago because my pet kept getting kicked out, and when I asked on the forums, no one else who replied had any idea as to why either. I didn't see any conflicts with the spotlight rules. And then after getting frustrated, I eventually stopped coming on this site for a while because it was actually a blow to my abilities since most of the work done on my pets is by my own design and effort.

So, I do agree with many users here that there needs to be feedback for rejections, whether it be just a broad checklist of reasons or a detailed description. Or even a checklist with a box for optional extra comments by a staff member. And I agree that perhaps more than one person should be dealing with the spotlight as user HADES suggested, to give a broader range of opinions as to the quality of a pet as well as deal with the sheer number of nominated pets. If the reason feedback is not being given for rejections is because there is a fear of users ganging up on whoever handles the spotlight (or at least holding a poor opinion of the user since I don't think it's allowed to actually gang up on users on this site), perhaps hiring another person or persons would also help, in that staff feedback could be made anonymous and users wouldn't know *exactly* who reviewed their pet.

I don't have much qualms about whether pets are nominated by owners or other users. I kind of like that it's nominated by other users since that means that someone else actually already likes the pet. But I think it might be a good thing, if the number of nominations goes up once again, to only put pets in the queue for staff revision after a certain number of nominations by unique users. The number I think would depend on the number of nominations the site gets total, but my idea is maybe five to ten users rather than one.

And finally, this may be less of an issue for everyone as opposed to a personal qualm but I think that maybe a rule should be added for users to complete a certain percentage of their own work on pets. It bothers me when users hire other people for *everything*. I understand profiles and art but am especially bothered when stories are written by someone else because I don't consider writing a story as a skill you have to learn to do to the extent of drawing well and learning to code... and if the effort is there in the writing, I think that is enough.


Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, a pet will be chosen from the accepted pets to be the featured pet on-site
Friday 5th - no winner? :(


We used to have 1000 pets in the queue. We have 80 now. But we don't have any extra time to tell you guys why we are rejecting your pets.

Logic... you are lacking it Subeta staff


pet spotlight is serious business folks. lives are on the line here. how will people survive without daily winners nooooooooo


A lot of people make their own profiles, art and stories.. but often that people do not win. I really can understand, when people buy art (not everybody can draw and I even buy art in some rare cases and I am capable to do decent art) or if they ask for coding help (but in the end code the thing themselfs with help).
But it is really disheartening to see your ownpet rejected you did put so much work and hours in.. only to see pet XYZ win.. with owner A.. and you read in the Credits: Profile by X, Art by Y, Story by Z.. and then it is also a fanpet od some series.. It feels like a slap in the face for all people who do a lot on there pets themself..

Also I really support a feedback system why a pet gets rejected.. I want nothing big.. only short messages like story needs to be reworked, font not ok.. and so on.. cause allways guessing, what could be wrong is alo pretty demotivating.. when your pet gets rejected again and again.. and even the nice people from the support threads can't help anymore.. and also a big thx to the nice Anon.. that allways gives nice and very helpfull tips.


It seems like people ask their friends to nominate their pets and those of us that don't troll for nominations get nowhere. And I agree about getting feedback as to why our pets do not win/get tossed out of the queue would be great.


I thought only pets with lots of overlays, pretending to be human instead of beautiful creatures, and very long sad silly stories were in the spotlight. The few I've checked out, anyway, were like that. Guess we'll see how this works.


I'm all for getting feedback since I've had pets be kicked out of queue and I had to guess why. I'm actually not surprised they decided to space out the PS winners after seeing my friend's pets win practically every few days which was kind of evidence they were running out of nominations.


The staff simply do not receive enough nominations to keep having winners without running out eventually.
Maybe this would be easier if you guys actually made a feedback system so we'd know what's wrong with our pets. That way, we'd be able to fix what's wrong and actually get them into the queue.

That'd be a great idea, wouldn't it? HMMMMMMM?


I think this change will make each win a little more special ^_^


It feels like a cheap way out-- rather than trying to see why they're not getting nominations or pets that are capable of winning, its become, "Lets space it out!" :/ I'm in the stance of "space them out, but tell us why pets are rejected. Or give us a hint, at least."


this basically means i will never win even if i tried, because i have even less chances [fewer days]
well.. i'm not hatin' on the change... maybe it's a good thing tho...


If you've read some of the staff comments below, then a fear explanation was given as to why this was done. The staff simply do not receive enough nominations to keep having winners without running out eventually. They're just spacing out PS winners, so if your pet is already in the winning queue, then you don't need to worry at having less of a chance to win. You just won't get your shiny trophy tomorrow.


"Maybe I'd care more if there was an emphasis on character design opposed to all the visual things someone commissioned,"

I've seen a few comments like this in other threads that people who enter the Pet Spotlight just pay for commissioned profiles, which implies that they don't deserve to win. Just wanted to put out that not all of us do that - I make all my own profiles, stories, and overlays (well for the one overlay I have). And I do work hard on character design in my stories. (Although I do see Andrea's point that pretty visuals shouldn't trump good design. Just wanted to clarify things :) )

Oddly enough, someone commissioned me for a profile and their pet won the spotlight but none of mine ever have :P I'm still kind of proud though, because at least I know my profiles CAN win ;)


The passion is always most important to me, not the fame.

I'm sure those who make their pet profiles or pay for one are enjoying the passion as well. Fame is what we are wanting to begin with. Recognition, spotlight award. Something to pay off all the hard work and time/sp/$ spent.


I really dislike the idea of having fewer wins overall now. Haven't enough players lost all faith in PS already? What was this supposed to do? Get everyone really excited and lifts ours spirits? "Hey, it's already ridiculously difficult to win, let alone have your pet me nomminated, but now it'll be ever harder to earn a place. Only three chances a week now! Best of luck!"


there's still plenty of opportunities to win!
not when you reduce it to three times a week. This is just so not cool.


Whatever, I'm too poor to afford custom profiles and too lazy to teach myself how to code anyway.


so instead of prizes or a proper system... it's slimmer chances? awesome.....


I always thought having a winner every day was a little much :3 I like this.


Giving reasons why your pet was rejected may be something we will do in the future, but right now there's just not enough hours in the day :disappointed: Sorry, guys.
Take all those hours from the four days you aren't using to judge pets and write up rejection notices. Sounds like a good idea!


It broke my heart to see people being discouraged. Don't stop loving or working on your pets if that's what you enjoy doing :heart:! The passion is always most important to me, not the fame.


Maybe when the rejection end is redone to include /why/ (like the cws process) then maybe I'll think about it. I'll continue to flaunt my bland as bread empty pet profiles for the foreseeable future.


See, this is even more discouraging. I was planning on working on a profile but after hearing everyone say how heartbreaking it is to not get a REASON for being rejected, how it's tiring and saps all the fun out of it...this just seems like it's even MORE difficult to get through, meaning more waiting, and still no critique. :/ This turns me completely off from trying to use this feature.


Hey, here's a thought, maybe we'll have to pay for it...then it will work even twice a day :D :D


it does not matter how many times its organized we dont win it anyway, its always the same persons over and over that win with all theire pets - those that are good in it have won it already 3-4 or 5 times

the others like me that are not good in that kind of stuff even dont win with one pet so i gave it up long time ago to think i could win so to be honest, i dont care anymore when or how many times a pet is choosen ( only to see the same users over and over again)


This doesn't affect me since my one pet that i truly love and is nominated keeps getting kicked out and I don't know why.


I'm with everyone else on this. It's you guys who ruin this contest for everyone. You need to give reasonings behind kicks and you need to allow us to enter our own pets when we need to. The current system is the entire reason why no one wants to try anymore.


Maybe more people would enter pets if there was some sort of reasoning behind kicking pets from the queue! I know my pets have been kicked a few times and it's a bit of a guessing game as to why.. then you have to wait until it's nominated again, then who knows how long it'll take before you see if it's kicked again. The whole process is a bit of a pain.

I guess all we can do it wait and see how it turns out..


This makes getting those achievements more than twice as impossible.


I gave up on the spotlight after the whole thing was revamped and every single pet that was nominated kicked out. That told me my pet was in the queue for a year at least and never once looked at. Now I have feeling that no one would be impressed with any of my pets as I like a simple profile and don't really care for overlays.


This screams of lazy.
"Hay gaise, instead of figuring out why people aren't entering/aren't getting pets as polished as we want, we're reducing the number of winners in a week because we have no time to tell you WHY YOU AREN'T WINNING."

The system needs an overhaul.
With this, I would damn well expect to see reasoning. :/


Initially I was bummed to read this, but then realized that there must be fewer pets in the queue compared to when the Pet Spotlight first began. It makes sense, anyway. After thinking about it more, I think it'll make the pet spotlight wins more exciting. Really need to work on my remaining pets and get them PS ready xD

However, I also agree with giving a little more feedback, especially why a pet might have been rejected. But I understand that staff would need more time in order to do this.


I also want to say a pet leash is 100csc and a great way to "advertise" pets you're both proud of, and would like to see nominated c:

While I rately look at bragging prt boards (I assume it's just an indirect nominate me thing) or spotlight winners I almost alwaays click on leashed pets because I assume someone is really pleased with a pet to directly link it in the forums.


While I understand that cutting the number of winners a week is necessary due to fewer pets in the winning queue, maybe you should try looking at it from the view of "Why are there suddenly fewer pets in the queue?"
New pets are constantly created and people are still working hard to get pet spotlight. But a LOT of people have given up on certain pets due to lack of feedback. Overall, the process has discouraged people, so there are fewer winners.

Honestly, it seems the process should be re-examined. Maybe consider changing your system from "two buttons" (accept and reject) to:
Rejected for story
Rejected for credits
Rejected for graphics
Rejected for content
(There is a suggestions board about this, so I will just say people should go there-LINK).
But honestly, even if that is all the reviewer does, having the system send that alert to the owner would definitely help out. Maybe there are pets out there that just need some very small change, but the owners gave up after so many tries. Maybe then you could have more winners in your queue again?

While I don't mind it being every few days (yeah, it kinda sucks since I have two nominated pets and a third which is ready for nomination... with more pets that are almost ready), I really think you all need to consider some changes to the system if this change is what you feel you have to do to have winners. I also suggest adding pet spotlight to the side of the news page (under the potion winners) so it can be displayed better. For example, if your pet won on a Friday, the event won't show again on Saturday and Sunday, right? Might as well add it to the side if we are now showing the winners off for longer.


Trying to find out why many people that love to work on their pets don't give a crap about the spotlight probably would have been the better way on the long run but hey, this might work for the moment, too.


I like this ^^ I think it's good, especially if the queue was starting to slow down a bit. Makes it a bit more of a challenge :B.


Well, one of my pet was entered, was in a queur for long time, and then suddenly he got rejected, I have no clue at all why it happened after more than a year in the queue. I changed things, and it was rejected 3 times again. So I gave up, and did nothing with my other pets as well.
If 3 PS per week, or one would help to at least give some base explanation, I would truly support it. I guess people got tired to work a lot on the profiles, and then fail again and again to enter :/


Chill, guys. Neopets only had a pet spotlight winner once a week and I'm pretty sure they had way more entries to slog through.

On that note, I actually support the tick box critiques suggestion. Since you've already established rules as to how a profile can be rejected, you might as well add the why whenever you do reject. I'm not sure if this is difficult to code in, but I think it'd be way easier than the individual critiques you usually have to write out for CWs... And lets be honest, you're definitely getting more CWs in queue than pet spotlight nominations.


I don't give a crap about the whole spotlight thing.


Still doesn't really encourage me to work on pet profiles. ._.


I can see the reasoning, but a bit sad... I'll keep working on my pets anyways in hopes they'll eventually be noticed for a nomination. X)


It seems like instead of cutting down on winners every week, the process needs to be updated.


This doesn't effect me at all xD; I never look at the winners (unless they have a fan name or custom OL) and I have no desire to enter my own pets into what should really be re-named "Profile Spotlight".

Maybe I'd care more if there was an emphasis on character design opposed to all the visual things someone commissioned, but as it stands now I'd like to see it removed entirely. All it's done is fester animosity and self-entitlement -shrug-


Mostly though, I wish there was an easier way to get pets nominated. I have several pets who are ready to enter, but since we can't ask for nominations, nobody knows! I think there would be more entries if we could self-enter or at least ask others...
That's a good point - if there was an easier way to get a pet noticed for nomination, then the queue might not be quite so small ;)

....I'm sure there are people like me who stopped entering queue due to the frustration of getting them kicked and trying endlessly to fix an issue that they don't see.
After 5 rejections on one of my pets (obviously I was changing things, but as I have no idea of the reason why the pet was booted, I can't be certain of changing the exact thing that's needed), I can't help but feel a tick-box reason for rejection would actually be quicker than the staff having to check through a pet for the 4th (or more) time, just to reject it again? :innocent:


I agree that a notification when you're rejected from the queue would be nice. Obviously I'd love to have reasons why I was rejected, but I understand there aren't the resources for that... so just a general alert would be fine.

Mostly though, I wish there was an easier way to get pets nominated. I have several pets who are ready to enter, but since we can't ask for nominations, nobody knows! I think there would be more entries if we could self-enter or at least ask others...


The spread isn't a bad idea, but I'm sure there are people like me who stopped entering queue due to the frustration of getting them kicked and trying endlessly to fix an issue that they don't see. I would like to see someone hired to post changes since I do understand it's a lot on one person.


Considering there has been a significant drop in entries in the queue, I think it's a good move to spread them out like this.


Guys, like 90% of people in the winning queue today are bound to win by June anyway. And that's if you are incredibly unlucky.


Cut by -80% my chance of winning the Spotlight in the month of Dec.
Damn. I wanted it to win in Dec .. for .. the whole theme purpose.


I found a link that seems useful to what you're trying to do, instead of cutting here and cutting there till there's not much left. I am posting this link, if I am not allowed please give me a verbal warning, I'll understand.


This change is going to help give the queue/winners a bit more diversity.
Everyone loves the word diversity, every sentence with the word diversity is cool

Ii have no clue how this change has anything to do with that though. Less winners = more diversity ? xD


:/ i feel like i'll have even less chance of ever winning once now that there's less winners weekly
*gets slapped away*


Well, I hope this leads to greater diversity in pet owners who win, not saying the winners didn't earn their wins, they did, but it's disheartening to see a pet you nominate again and again never make it.


Really do not like.... I'll give it a chance, but I doubt I'll be changing my mind any time soon

If there's not enough pets in the queue, then maybe some changes like the suggested tick-box rejection reasons might encourage more entries, rather than there just being less spotlights in the week?


I agree that it seems like too much to have a pet spotlight every single day... But I also have never had a pet nominated. Interested to see...


7 days a week to 3 days a week. That's 4x the amount of an already-too-long time to wait to see if you need to wait another two weeks just to make it to the final queue and do some more waiting. Really? :l If you're going to do this, please lessen the amount of time it takes to be re-accepted into the queue. The amount of time users with perfected, winner-quality pets will have to wait is, at this point, utterly ridiculous.


This in the combination with it being ridiculously hard to get accepted and with a two week cool down to get nominated again? Not cool


I guess nobody likes this....
Bring me my torch and fork! Someone is going to get lynch ~.~


Interesting. No biggie for me. I've been keeping my pets outta the queue until I can polish them up for awhile now... and not being quite as active as before the baby arrived, it isn't exactly a priority. Maybe with scaling back like that, they may be able to give rejection info? Who knows... that would def be nice for sure.

Okay, so who has the magical 'add hours to the day' machine? I need one.... lol.


Translation: "we're falling further down the money hole, screw everything else."


I'll ponder my pets profiles some more but the whole process seems discouraging. /sigh

...some day...


100% support.


Hopefully this will spur some more interest :)


I was just wondering how come we are not runing out yet actually xD


:/ *sigh*

I hope this works out for the best


Don't like this. Why does it need to be a thing? It'll just make those achievements take years to accomplish.




Umm @Kurumii, I don't think subeta could afford to just higher a few new people or take other's away from their current responsibilities just for the pet spotlight, which clearly already works, just not that well on the rejection side. even if they could afford it monetarily, it makes absolutely no sense business-wise o.O


I'm indifferent in this matter. Never been a huge Spotlight person. (although I do admit I would eventually like to figure out a story and profile for all 26+ of my pets....)


I like this. It makes winning seem less... Common. In my opinion, a daily winner kind of diminishes the importance of winning in the first place. It would only be a matter of time before every pet won the spotlight. ;P


While I don't like this change, but I somewhat understand it.

I'm still upset there's no notification for your pets being rejected. >_>


What about the possibility of starting a new section of staff or having a few devoted people for that by itself? It seems pretty reasonable considering all the things necessary to critique a profile, might also help with the number of submissions, since people would get feedback faster. I'm not sure how many staff or how the responsibilities work, but if possible I think it might be helpful ^^


Hmmm, interesting...
Well im not creative and im a totally fail for code the page for pet x.o


awww :( Unlike!


Until then, like Freak said, at least those who do win will get to enjoy the spotlight for another day. :) You winners deserve it. It is damn hard getting that win. Haha.


it makes sense if the queue is low, but if it'd been full, i wouldn't like this idea at all. of course, this comes from someone trying to win the pet spotlight. i enjoyed seeing them every night, but i guess this will have to do.

and i agree with the others saying notifications should be given when a pet is removed. i would imagine that once i enter, it will get frustrating very quickly waiting and waiting.


the upset is real


Thanks for replying, Jessi. I understand. Hopefully it can eventually be done.


I like the idea, I don't really plan on entering my pets ever (I'm lazy like that) but if I did I would rather my pet be spotlighted for longer than 24 hours... Show him off for as long as possible.


Giving reasons why your pet was rejected may be something we will do in the future, but right now there's just not enough hours in the day :( Sorry, guys.


Potions/elixirs/zapping, profiles, treasure, battling, spotlight, some games, feeding and playing with (if you don't use the resort), roleplaying in the forum (if you enjoy that), etc. There's plenty to do.

But no, you'll keep being snarky and rude about everything with no legitimate complaints, because that's what you actually do on this site.


maybe just a tiny notification in your event box giving the reason for your rejection, given by the judge who rejected you from the queue. example:

"Your Pet ____ Not Accepted Into Spotlight!
Clashing colors, story too short."

literally that would be worlds better than quietly removing the nominated text after weeks of waiting to see if your pet will show up in the news.


I dig this idea. I dig this idea very much.


It would be so wonderful to know WHY your pet is rejected instead of it just being so. The people in the Pet Spotlight threads are sooo helpful trying to guess why your pet may have been rejected. I have received so much help from these guys. But even they are still just guessing. You can do all of the things suggested and it may still be something else. And you just have to re-enter the pet again, and then it needs to be looked at AGAIN just to be rejected... again. It is so discouraging.


Lol yeah look at all the pet things to do on site
damn son i have so much to do


I'm sort of amazed that there are so few pets in the queue, have that many people won already, or is subeta just having trouble staying up to par o.O Well I guess this is a pretty big motivator for me to actually get to work on my pets, not enough to make me actually do it, but it's a push in the right direction XD.


"waiting weeks only to have the "nominated!" notification removed is really crappy tbh. it would be so nice to know why you're rejected."

PLEASE, please, please a thousand times.


if we're doing this (making the process of winning the trophy harder/more drawn out when it's already both of those things to begin with) can we work on a way to be notified if we're rejected from the queue? waiting weeks only to have the "nominated!" notification removed is really crappy tbh. it would be so nice to know why you're rejected.


I much prefer having it just a few times a week but this is coming from someone who has no interest of the pet spotlight atm lol


Hum... Interesting change... hopefully it doesn't make it too much harder to win if/when I ever get my other pets besides Tornadic finished x)


I don't see why people are complaining? It's not really a big deal. I never liked having spotlight winners every single night, so this is nice.


Yeah I'm so sure that's the case, considering all the pet-related things there are to do on Subeta. Yeah-huh, Subeta sure does have it out for the people who focus on the pets!

Anyway, this is a good change if the queue is that low. :) Makes sense.


Sounds good to me... I still have to work on my pets to get them entered, but someday. And if entries are down, why not space it out?


OKAY i figured the queue running a bit low was the case!!
nothing against it since im pretty neutral when it comes to getting spotlight, but it just seemed like a really out of nowhere change haha


ok well if the spotlight is THAT hard up for contestants, then yeah. scaling back the number of wins might be the best way to go, until the numbers build back up (assuming they do)


@Rah, oh alright, well that makes much sense I suppose :3! Thanks for that explanation, *hugs*!!


And just when I was thinking of entering my pets for the PS again...:(


Oh, alright!! That makes sense!! Thanks for explaining, staff! B)


bruh why tho


Back when we first started doing Pet Spotlight we had upwards of 1000 entries in the queue. Now we have about 80. We need to space it out, otherwise it will basically very soon get to a point where there will be days with no winners at all!


Why lessen the number of spotlights per week? Are users not producing enough spotlight-ready pets to keep up with a daily spotlight?


This change is going to help give the queue/winners a bit more diversity. Try not to judge too fast, everyone :) Let's give it a chance!


Inb4 pet spotlight gets scrapped because subeta doesn't care about pet people


is the queue running low?






Not really sure I like this change, but ah well, guess I'll have to get use to it since it'll be sticking around. I wonder why this sudden change though ;3;?


agreed with Lindsie - do not like. Even if there are fewer entries being entered into the queue, the achievement itself is still difficult enough to get (as it should be!) that having a pet's chances of winning essentially cut in half by this change is pretty saddening.


I find it too hard to begin with. Every time I'm rejected I need to take a break from trying for a few weeks so I'm less upset when I try again. Lol. Oh well.




Just.... NO.
I've worked on mine, I don't even know if they've been accepted and I am just here waiting for them to be either rejected or accepted. This slows it down way too much!


why tho
what was wrong with it as it was??


I was literally just thinking a couple of days ago that we ought to slow down with this. Seems like a positive change to me. c:


Has the Pet Spotlight queue been running low lately?




why? :0


That's an interesting change. I can imagine that this will make it more competitive - and maybe more fun!


interesting, but will not affect me because I will never have a story/profile.


Hmm. :/


:( Do not like.



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