New Free Item

Rainbow Wedding Cake

Equality reigned supreme today in America, with the Supreme Court ruling that marriage is be legal no matter your sexuality. We\'ve got a new Free Gift to celebrate today!

Although this isn\'t the end of the fight for LGBT rights, but it\'s a great moment to celebrate.
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Posted by Keith


Three cheers for equality!

I'm so glad and proud that this decision was finally made. It was frankly long overdue. And this is such a lovely item too and I enjoy seeing the LGBT being represented here on Subeta.

Love is love.


for anyone wondering why america legalizing non-heterosexual marriage is so important, esp. if you're not american, consider that america is the cultural superpower of the world. they actually have the power to effectively sanction other countries for not legalizing non-het marriage, so it's a big step for us queer folx not from the us too! not that i agree with cultural imperialism or anything but yknow


No fair, you deleted my "Super win" comment to Sleeb!
Now how was that out of line, party-pooper? :p
(And since voice inflection doesn't carry over into typed words, I AM just joking here)


Um what. I didn't say anything offensive.


@ChibiStraws @RedCalypso @Frankenchokies and some other people I forgot to copy/paste the name of

I've deleted your comments. I'd suggest taking a look at the guidelines you agreed to :)


Let's all please remember the Community Guidelines we've all agreed to. Be kind to each other!


God is Love, Love is Love. Love wins.


Congrats to all those who get the happily ever just like everyone else! It's a human right to have the one you love right beside you :)


All those people complaining about this... what do you want to bet they still accepted the free gift? ;)


Finally. Really its a great news. I listen this yesterday and i be joy for the people who was waiting so long for that.
In argentina its able to this marriage of same sex. Really is a nice and good goal reached.
Nothing wins against love.
PD: thanks for the cake :D!


Thank you for the gift! Love Wins!




Beautiful! :)
Very happy with this!


Thank you!


As a christian I have my right to my beliefs. That however does not give me the right to break the terms and conditions of this site. To disrespect those who believe differently is actually against my beliefs. I believe in tolerance and love for all God's children irregardless of their orientation.
We are asked to use the golden rule on this site and I hope I can do that. This is a wonderful and generous site. Being disabled and almost home bound, I appreciate getting to come here and play. It is a beautiful gift. Great art. Thank you, @Keith and the whole Subeta staff.


Y'all know the site you are playing on is owned by a gay man, right?


honestly coming to news posts like this and being reminded that being gay is a sin is so refreshing because i LOVE sinning and am constantly looking for ways to collect more sin points. i'm hoping that once i eventually get gay married i'll have compiled enough to be sent directly to hell!


Matthew 6 passages seem relevant here --

6:1 "Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven."

6:5 "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full."

Respect that this discussion is 100% not about Christianity, or even the specific Christian definition of marriage, and let people have their moment.



After some clarification (thanks to PhoenixRose) I became aware of the fact.
The original news post (not on Subeta) I read was worded a bit oddly and made it seem as though a law had been made. That's why I asked for an explanation.
Thank you for you help. :)


I think people confuse strong friendships of males with being gay...
Do they even do that with females???


Such a beautiful item. Brought tears to my eyes. Once again, congratulations to all the happy couples!


Oh no! My poor greedy gourmand pet is just salivating to get her teeth into that cake...but I can't...just can't feed it to her, because then it will be gone and its so pretty!

Congratulations to all the Americans for living in a country which is now a little bit more fair and equal!


*vacuums up confetti from the floor* XD

Congrats to the LGBT, I am very happy for you!!

(I posted this in the other news thing, wanted to post it here, oops.)


@Keith I think it's time to cast some of this crew off your ship. *eyes the guidelines*


Wow, it's been a full day and the Earth is still spinning. Who would've guessed?!
This item is freaking adorable I love it ouo


Because I believe in traditional marriage?
Lmao Christians didn't invent marriage bruh, it's changed a hundred times before and it'll change a hundred times more in the future. Saying you believe in traditional marriage is kind of ignorant, it's just picking a set of ideals you believe are right and forcing it on other people - your traditional marriage is not the same as anyone elses, there are other religions that practice marriage and far older ones than Christianity. Or do you believe in marriage so traditional that you have to cut out the heart of a mammoth to propose to your cave wife or something in which case godspeed man.


Oh and Congrats to the US and thank you for the free gift. :)


For those worried that they may be forced to do business with the LGBT community most states have or are trying to implement the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Clinton put it into place in 1993 but States seem to want to implement their own act.



Yeah, most people I've heard were really supportive, and it is a great step forward. But, there are these people who are pretty much just



Thanks for that extra information! I don't think anyone sees him as a role model though. I only brought it up to say "See, the bible does include us without us being struck down or being ordered to death by Christians" because the number one argument is always "Well the bible says it's a sin!" Well so is eating shellfish and wearing mixed fabric clothing..


Quote by @Marchen:
Also, fyi, there was a gay couple in the Bible and God blessed their union. Just saying. (David and Jonathan, in the book of I Samuel and II Samuel)
David definitely wasn't gay. At most, he was bisexual. After Jonathan's death, David had multiple wives and concubines as King, by which he had many different children, and thus slept with regularly.

Also in II Samuel, David was strongly attracted to Bathsheba, a woman, whom he got pregnant and even ordered the slaying of her husband, Uriah, so he could marry her. According to Wikipedia, "He immediately desired her [Bathsheba] and later made her pregnant." David not only caused Bathsheba to be unfaithful to her own husband, but tried to trick Uriah into sleeping with Bathsheba to then get Uriah into thinking Bathsheba's child was his. This "displeased the Lord", quite obviously. David was not a good person. He went out of his way to murder and trick an innocent man who would die for him, and I don't understand why any people, much less gay people, would look up to David as a role model.

The true nature of David and Jonathan's relationship is also still very divisive among modern day scholars. On the Wikipedia page, there are arguments both for and against the romantic interpretation of their relationship.


Just so y'all know. Not all heterosexuals claim marginalization because of equal marriage rights ;) Married heterosexual male here who doesn't feel like his marriage is invalidated because other people who love each other can marry each other XD. I mean seriously how can you look at something like this and not think it's a great accomplishment (regardless of the future steps that need to come). Religious or not, if you don't support equal rights, you need to think about your own life more-so than worrying about anyone else's. It's completely and utterly ridiculous and absolutely not okay to base an opinion solely on one part of a book that contradicts that very same view time and time again (and many branches of religions have addressed that by addressing the hatefulness and fixing it for the good, as someone has already pointed out). It's completely and utterly ridiculous to base an opinion on sheer ignorance as well, they're different so you shouldn't have to treat them like humans? Not taking in to account that any person you meet could be different from you in any number of different ways and you'd never have a clue?
/end rant

Anyways, in closing
<---- Proud to be a heterosexual man, and proud of my country for making a step in the right direction, and befuddled at anyone who thinks its a bad think, regardless of basis.


This is a really nice item! Very cute!

Concerning the topic: I'm happy for every bit of freedom any kind of people gain if I'm concerned or not. So for that I'm happy for all LGBwhatever people in the USA which can have a relationship legalized now how it should be for every consenting couple.
To those who feel disagreement about laws like this: I can't understand in which way this could diminish my heterosexual relationship in anyway and I just don't understand how anyone else can feel that way.
To be honest, I really don't understand why it should matter for me or anyone else if consent adult people want to marry and are allowed to do so. It's their thing what they do or not and not mine.
As long as no one forces me to divorce my husband and marry a woman (and honestly, who would want that?) do whatever pleases you.
As far as I'm concerned: every lesbian is a girl less to worry about so go on girls! Be happy with each other and leave my man alone ;) . Any other sexual orientation just is no concern of mine so be what you are, do what you want and be happy with it. As long no one is hurt or forced I'll be dammed if I care.



People need to remember Heterosexual didn't chose to be that way, we were born like that way. I have nothing against LGBT but I don't want the site to go all gay. LGBT says they didn't chose to be LGBT but straight people didn't choose to be straight either. Please be respectful.
Heterosexual cis people ALREADY HAD THE RIGHT TO MARRY, so they shouldn't silence people who are not cis straight.

Going and saying "I don't want the site to go all gay" is an attempt at silencing people who are beaten up, forced in convertion therapy, and are considered subhuman still in many parts of the world.


What baffles me is how players really believe they can take something that means so much to a LOT of other players and either make it all about themselves and how they worry about their world-wide accepted sexuality being threatened (you know who you are) or push their own personal beliefs into it and try to ruin it (you also know who you are) based on a religion that was literally founded on incest and marriages based on slavery and the exchanging of money/land/livestock for a bride (or brides since a lot of Biblical men had MANY wives). Also, fyi, there was a gay couple in the Bible and God blessed their union. Just saying. (David and Jonathan, in the book of I Samuel and II Samuel)

We've been in the closet long enough, okay? If you have reason to speak out against this decision for ANY reason, how about you just go give that closet a try and keep it to yourself and your little like-minded friends through sMail? Yeah, don't think no one noticed the heart counter going up on certain posts and people leaving comments on the author's profile asking to friend because they share similar views. We noticed.


Congratulations to the usa for finally catching up! And big congratulations to all those who can get married now!


Since I forgot to say this before, I LOVE that Subeta is 'so gay'. I was thrilled with the Jaxon + Ian outcome of the Morostide plot, and about Esther and Emma too. It's WONDERFUL that this site, unlike so, so many others, has a representation of GLBT people. I love all the rainbow clothes (look at my HA lol!) And the cake was brilliant! Go gay, Subeta! Go gay!




*carries a giant paint can full of rainbow paint*

America is finally going the right way in equality for all people of all pursuits. LGBT rights are no longer snuffed out by congress or the states.

That said, the cake looks amazing. Perfect for this occasion.


This is a small step, but for once, our justice system has done s/thing right. <3


I wish I had the energy to comment to EVERY one of you who is so brilliant in standing up to attempt to communicate why this is so important to those who don't get it--and who are apparently feeling SO threatened--which is interesting because two gay men can't hold hands in public in most places in the world w/out fearing for their lives, and this is a very small privilege that many people who are blind to those of us who are LGBT take for granted.

And I remembered the other thing I wanted to say: "Hate is NOT a family value" that was one of my fave T-shirt slogans in the 90's. I'm NOT saying that people here are being hateful, that comment (and slogan) is directed at the religious right who think it's NOT a family value to support gay rights.


@Turokai THANK YOU! I like that one better, it rhymes, and Happy Birthday fellow Cancer (mine was last weekend).

@Hoshi Thank you and I must say that's a brilliant comment about the regularly schedule programming continuing soon enough.

@Life so glad you're here making a difference, educating others, and hugging people (and being brilliant).

@Muerte Thank YOU for your brilliance and for sticking your neck out and saying a LOT of important things. I'm very tired (and old) and if I had the energy I'd be more specific.

I can't comment to everyone who's saying the great things here, but I am very happy to see so many people working at communicating with the unfortunate souls who just don't "get" how important this is.

As far as people being murdered for NO reason, for those of you who are willing to expand your horizons and try to understand why equal rights for all are so important please google Matthew Shepard. He was brutally murdered in the 90's by two young men who picked him up at a gay bar and feigned interest.

Also . . . I can't remember what I was going to say, but hours ago someone said they were going to pay attention to who was saying what so they could avoid those who were being NOT gay friendly, good thought. I wonder if there's a cult here for LGBT--and others, maybe, since being exclusive would be like everyone else, right? Not sure if that makes sense, too tired . . .


@Suzaku @time4majic If either of you are making your comments from a Christian standpoint, let me tell you, you're failing hard. core. at Christianity. Like, SERIOUSLY hard. And running afoul of a number of rules laid down by JC Himself in the process, which you'll kiiiiiind of have to answer for on the day of judgment. Just sayin'. I can provide chapter and verse for each and every one, too, if you don't believe me.

Also, LOLing at the "BAWWW TEHY'RE GONA FORCE CHURCHES TWO MARRY TEH GHEYS" and "But what about ME, a STRAIGHT person?!?!?!?!" posts. Keep it classy, guys.


I don't understand how anyone could be opposed to other human beings lacking basic human rights. It doesn't affect you, yet you're making it about you anyway. Fun fact: you can support something on a political level that you personally disagree with. Because it's the right thing to do. Just because something is legal doesn't mean you have to have anything at all to do with it.

If you don't support gay marriage, don't have a gay wedding.


super happy for all my fellow queer friends in america! <3333
hopefully australia is next :D


bless this gay site


How anyone could stand for legal inequality is beyond me. A long, long time ago, it was illegal in many states for black people and white people to marry, too. In a very wise decision, that injustice was also corrected (by being made illegal,) by the Court. The rights of LGBT people are not lesser than the rights of hetero people, regardless of how you perceive us, or how the religion(s) of some view us. To deny gay (and all the other non-hetero and/or non-binary) human beings a fundamental human right, marriage, is to deny us equal justice under the law. It is to support state-sanctioned bigotry. As a nation, we have just lived through one terrible and tragic example of what bigotry can lead to. LGBT people have also been murdered for nothing more than ignorance and prejudice. All lives matter. Equally.


@Muerte hey you


I am excited for this! Two people in love should be allowed to be legally married, no matter what gender.


*joins the cheer* Good for you, America! ^_^V


Heterofriends: Subeta - a site that has always had a vocal and thriving LGBT population - is celebrating a monumental day in the fight for equal rights for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, et al. Please do not make this All About You. I assure you that your regularly-scheduled heterosexual status quo will be returned to shortly.


Man, straight people trying to claim oppression of any sort towards them is just the hot new trend to silence others, eh ?

Deeply sorry you feel uncomfortable or unwanted because of a joke about the site going 'all gay' in response to a disapproving comment regarding the meaning behind this item. Why don't you go sit and think about the actual horrors other people face on a daily basis. How many LGBT+ people are murdered, disowned, kicked out of their houses, get fired, the ridicule from family and strangers alike, the harassment, physical abuse, mental and emotional abuse, commit suicide, self harm, get raped, etc... On a daily basis.

And no, not everybody is gay. No one ever said that. But not everyone is straight, either. You see, Subeta is actually one of the very few placed with legit character representation for ace and aro people. If the site coming up with ways to represent non-straight people upsets you... Imagine how it is to have so many queer characters magically turn straight in media. I can give you a list of characters off the top of my head right now that you straight people have taken and changed to be straight, stripping away our already minimal amount of representation.

Imagine how that feels. Unwanted. Like monsters. Diseased creatures to be hidden away. It is a daily reminder of how little we have actually come where we aren't allowed to be seen. We aren't allowed in your spaces. Because in your spaces, we risk death and complete erasure.

So, sorry you feel so hurt over a minimal joke on a little site. I'll remember that the next time I fear for my safety.


People need to remember Heterosexual didn't chose to be that way, we were born like that way. I have nothing against LGBT but I don't want the site to go all gay. LGBT says they didn't chose to be LGBT but straight people didn't choose to be straight either. Please be respectful.


@Cerredwyn One Halloween on Castro St. they closed the bars early on us. The cry was "We're here! We're Queer! We're outta Beer!!!!" close enough?
Yay for this decision! it's long overdue! 9Tosses rainbow confetti)


Thanks for the cake :) It took me some time to figure out what was i looking at. hahaha. i was tired u.u

Perhaps, now that the US took this step, other countries will follow suit. We can't deny that many things happening in USA affect people everywhere for some reason. To whoever is gay and not from US: don't lose hope as things will change for you too.
It's really nice to hear that now nobody can bully gays in USA - it would be against the law ;)


Reading some comments on here I feel really unwanted as heterosexual person..
All people talk about to respect gay, lesbian.. relatioships, sexuallities (an all others as well) but somhow I get the feeling as "Hetero" I am like some illness here.. only to say that..

And sorry.. comments like "I want the site to go all gay.." of people here are off in my eyes.. cause here are a lot other too, that play the site, that like the balance the site has atm.. not everybody is gay.. so please respect that people as well as you want to be respected.


some comment-sections are really ....different

but it's a cute gift and wohooo for the accomplishment! c: congrats to everyone!


pretty much one side goes by how the law should be and the other side bases things on their own personal beliefs and not how the constitution is actually supposed to work.
Not saying this with any judgement, though I could.
it's been the same debate for a long time and I honestly don't see how it has gone on this long.


Nico, PLEASE DO (darnit, we need a way to ping NPC's here).


@kbbob yeah that was kind of the whole point, of all if it. One side arguing against it for religious/moral grounds, and the other side saying, at least as a legal standpoint in these cases, that religious matters have nothing to do with things like filing taxes, willing your estate to heirs, visiting your children in the hospital, things like that. That was the basis for SCOTUS' decision, I believe, although I haven't read the entire thing yet.


didn't think so, yet somehow they're always brought up in this conversation.


@kbbob they don't XD


I can't specifically respond to some of the comments that seem to be "off base" because some people don't seem to be making sense.

I just want to point something out. Marriage is a LEGAL contract that SOME people choose to sanction by getting married in a church. Churches perform marriages BUT when any two people get married (no matter WHERE they get married) they must obtain a marriage license which is usually issued by the county clerk and is THE first step to legitimizing the marriage and to (thereby) granting the participants in the marriage all the legal protections (such as health insurance for the spouse as well as inheritance if one precedes the other in death) that marriage is intended to provide. When there is a HUGE group of people who are denied the privilege of marriage based solely on their sexual-affectional orientation that is a HUGE violation of basic human rights (equal rights) that are granted by the constitution of the US. It's wrong to deny those rights to ANYONE who is a citizen of the US.

I honestly don't understand why anyone would think that a church is going to be forced to perform a marriage for a gay couple--separation of church and state, don't they teach that anymore??

The separation of church and state grants freedom of religion (as long as the church follows laws such as "it's a crime to kill" so no human sacrifice, or any sacrifice of any life, actually, which I realize might be out of line with SOME religions, but that's a completely different topic). Therefore, churches would never be forced to perform marriages that are not in line with their doctrines.

By the same token--religious beliefs are NOT supposed to stand in the way of matters of state. Marriage is a matter of state and should NOT be denied to anyone just because some religions don't support it. It's unfortunate that when our forefathers wrote the constitution they did not foresee the issues of being gay since people who were gay hundreds of years ago had to be SO deeply in the closet that many were not even "out" to themselves. That's why those wise men who wrote it (along with the women who helped them) thought to include something called "amendments" which allow changes to the original ideas that founded this country.

Thank you @Life for explaining to those who don't understand all that you did, and thank you @Inknote for the ping. Yes, let us be more gay than ever on this site I find it hard to believe that there are people here who are as offended as some seem to be, I'm 60, I've been around the block, this supreme court vote was WAY overdue. People who don't understand why this is so important MAY be those who have never had to question the issue of human rights. If you're not aware of the injustices that the LGBT community have suffered for so many years this might be a good time to try to educate yourself.

"We're here, we're queer, get used to it" (does anyone still say that?) I'm getting REALLY old and I might be out of the loop, but I haven't lost my ability to attempt to teach people what I believe is basic and good.

[NPC] Nico

@Muerte Next holiday i'll make sure to share some dirt and maybe even get Manwar to post some!


I still am confused how churches have anything to do with equal protection under the law.


yay. just don't make it obligatory pls.


So happy, it was about freaking time.


congrats! This is a huge step up in consciousness!


Also side note - the statement or idea that 'the Christian churches are opposed to same sex anything' is highly innacurate as it is a blanket statement that leaves out many formidable rank and file of Christian churches that are indeed not opposed. Please research before making such assumptions :)


It's nice that Subeta is overwhelmingly supportive of this kind of thing, it can seem commonplace to be accepting but there's plenty of online places that aren't so nice.

Also, waaaahh lovely NPCs posting! I guess I don't hang out around event forums enough because I don't see you guys very often.


@ anyone interested

The government can not force churches to perform a marriage ceremony. Marriage as defined by law, and a marriage ceremony in a church, are two different things. Most churches have governing bodies that meet at least once a year to make decisions about things like that, and many of them have already decided one way or another on parts of this issue or the whole. For example, the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) voted at its national assembly in 2009 to allow gays and lesbians to be ordained as pastors withing the ELCA branch of the Lutheran church.

In 1976, the General Convention of the Episcopal Church declared that “homosexual persons are children of God who have a full and equal claim with all other persons upon the love, acceptance, and pastoral concern and care of the Church." In 2012 they authorized a provisional rite of blessing for same-gender relationships.

One of the more liberal branches of Judiasm, in some of there communities, perform ceremonies for same-sex couples. There are lots of churches/religious groups that already do this. The ones that don't, don't. The government is not going to, and does not have the legal right (or desire, I promise you) to force that upon any religious group.

Today's ruling is in regards to civil rights regarding domestic matters. It does not affect churches in any legal way.


ALSO, traditional marriage wasn't really marriage. It was a passage of ownership.
"Here is my daughter, who is still young enough to be deemed a child, do with her as you wish."

Ah, yes, traditional marriage. So good.


Because I believe in traditional marriage?
Marriage is older than Christianity.
So is God ;) And Jesus didn't judge anyone, never said the word hell, and would have been the first to say that hatred/discrimination was a terrible thing. But, I digress.

Back to celebrating!


Because I believe in traditional marriage?

Marriage is older than Christianity.
I'm freaking dying thank you holy shit. Love dem people who think they invented the idea of marriage.

I know right I nearly cried too. ;_;
Don't you love it when you get great ideas that you totally didnt mean but GOSH they're good. I will not be satisfied until I know everything about everyone ever XD


@time4majic You are welcome to your personal views insofar as it effects your person. Also, the pro-LGBT baker -was- investigated but since she made an accommodation (such as offering the icing required to write the hateful message rather than writing it herself), that was dismissed. She still provided her services to the man, regardless of her personal beliefs.

I am very sorry that you equate your profession with becoming involved with a same-sex relationship when you are doing nothing more than photographing the happiest moment of a different person's life - one that otherwise doesn't effect you - and being paid to do so.



I am always here for more NPC info ! I wanna know all the dirt.

Yeah, I am not big on IRL Pride for reasons (ew, public with loads of people… in hot weather). And because of how we do exclude aces, trans*, non-binary, bi, etc. And not just the ones in hetero-romantic relationships. It sucks and I am so sorry. Growing up with multiple bi and pan people around I thankfully never got behind that ignorance (though obviously not perfect in any way). Being gay does not excuse my ignorances in the past and I hope that others within our "family" grow and learn to be more accepting of, well, ourselves.
But Subeta could do it right, even if it's something like a booth within an event. I wasn't serious with my initial Pride Month comment, but I'd be a liar if I said I wouldn't love something like it.


Keith is so happy that his HA has jumped right outta its clothes! XD


Because I believe in traditional marriage?
Marriage is older than Christianity.


@time4majic "actually since I am a photographer your statement wouldn't normal be true. I can now be sued for my livelyhood if my views don't match up with theirs and I refuse to take their pictures. As of today I am no longer a wedding photographer."

That's not at all true. You are welcome to have whatever views you like. But actions and beliefs aren't the same thing; and you don't get to do whatever you want because of what you believe. Don't treat people like second-class citizens and you'll be fine. And if you just can't stop yourself from doing that? That's not anyone else's fault or problem.


oh my god



@Varsna so how am I prejudiced? Because I believe in traditional marriage? Wow so since I am a Christian I now have to abide by what is in my religion a sin and am being forced to participate in what is considered a sin and if I don't I get sued even tho there is a competitor down the street that would take their picture, yet when a LGBT baker is asked to make a cake that doesn't conform to their views it is ok for them to say no or a photographer who is a LGBT photographer doesn't want to do a straight marriage it is ok for them to discriminate and get away with it. Good luck in my new career? I just won't shoot weddings I can still sell nature pics. Have a good night.


Dear LGBTQ friends, im so very happy y'all!


This scares me. The Christian churches (Catholics included) are opposed to same sex anything. While this has been legalized (and even though I'm Bi, I oppose the legalization), I hope that churches are not going to be forced to marry same sex couples as it goes against their beliefs. If that happens, there probably would be blood on the moon.

Like I said - I'm against same sex marriage. I'm not against LGTB and all the sexualities in between. I'm one of them. If they want to get married, that's their prerogative. I'm not one to put down, bash, belittle or in any way conceivable hurt same sex couples for wanting to marry. I am not one to support or promote, but I will not discriminate.

That being said, there needs to be reciprocated, mutual respect between both sides - those that are all in and those who aren't in at all in regards to same sex marriage. Those who are opposed for whatever their reasons, those who are for it should show them the respect and dignity they deserve. Those who are for same sex marriage should show equal respect and dignity to those who are opposed.

Yes there will always be the two sides. Maybe even a minority third group who is indifferent. That doesn't mean the two sides should be at each others' throats for the decision of others. Respect begets respect.

I have no issues with two men loving each other or two women loving each other or a man and a woman loving each other. Like I said - I'm Bi. I have a distant relative who is Trans. I have my own views on what marriage should be. Does that change my respect, dignity and courtesy for their decisions? Absolutely not.

All I can say is - don't force churches and other religions to perform marriages that go against their beliefs. That would be the cruelest thing that could ever be imposed upon them and would be showing absolutely no respect, dignity or courtesy for the belief systems that they have in place and teach.


That's sort of your fault, though? For being so prejudice that it's now become unconstitutional...?
Best of luck in your new career, though!


I'm actually quite grateful to the people leaving negative, petty comments, because now I know who to avoid like the plague. the cake is just a bonus. :+1:


@Varsna actually since I am a photographer your statement wouldn't normal be true. I can now be sued for my livelyhood if my views don't match up with theirs and I refuse to take their pictures. As of today I am no longer a wedding photographer.





Oh gosh I did completely forget. (I'm blaming it on the time of night and no one can take that excuse away from me.) I'm so happy you exist though ok ;_;

[NPC] Liz

There's no need to wait or beg! I'm here and I've always been aro ace. :) Nico and I have talked about it before, but I guess people have forgotten!

(We're the best BROtp, and we're gonna make sure you all remember this stuff about us.)


Your side won, congrats. Now lets move on.
As you can see from this newspost, not everything is won. There are still so many issues to fix, starting with adoption, inheritance and insurance rights, and so much more. Th battle is not won, it has just begun.

Also, congrats to Mexico's Supreme Court as well! Why?


I'm sorry but "not being on the side of LGBT" is being against basic human rights and supporting the suffering, death, and trauma that people go through for being who they are.
Sorry our happiness at being treated as equal human beings is "throwing it in your face", though! I'll have more sympathy when straight folk are being persecuted, ostracized, and/or murdered. Oh, and not dominating the media with a full array of representation and special privileges.

It's a pixel cake and a lot of weddings you won't even go to. Don't worry so much, yo.


Beautiful item for a beautiful day! Yes there are many more battles ahead but that doesn't mean you can't celebrate the victories as they come too!


So very glad to see this happen at last. :revolving_hearts: *throws love-y stuff in with User not found: tinyyettangy 's rainbow-y stuff in the DC.*

[NPC] Nico

@Muerte Man, how many times do I have to tell people? You must not frequent the SB or the event forums.


Thanks for the gift and yaay :)


Thankyou for the gift and gratz to all you couples.




I think this should be for the other side of the tracks also. You throw it in our faces and feel that you can degrade anyone that is not on the side of the LGBT. As one person on here said if you can't say something nice then don't say it at all. Your side won, congrats. Now lets move on.


Don’t Be That Guy
Think of what a jerk would do, and then don’t do that thing. No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or other types of phobia/ism/hate speech, no matter how subtle you think you’re being! Remember, “freedom of speech” only applies to freedom from government persecution, it doesn’t mean everyone else has to put up with your gross behavior.

I think this should be for the other side of the tracks also. You throw it in our faces and feel that you can degrade anyone that is not on the side of the LGBT


Well, it's about time. Progress may be slow sometimes, but you can count on it.


So, for finally.. They accepted Same-Sex Marriage.


Quote by suzaku:
At least we get an item out of this travesty
Sorry you lost not sorry.


The Donation Corner has gone all rainbow-y. :D


Thank you! We had a huge win today and I'm so happy to celebrate it. The war isn't over, but this battle victory is sweet!


I persnally don't like IRL pride because in recent years, it has been used as a tool of gatekeeping, especially towards bisexuals, asexuals and trans people in relationships with partners of a different gender, but I'm sure Subeta can do it right :D


- An asexual woman in a long-term relationship with a man


"Love wins"
So true,and let's give a big hooray for marriage equality!


Oh gosh YESSSSS. How did that not even cross my mind? Yeesh. I would adore a pride event. That would be such fun, and I'm ALWAYSSSS game for fleshing out our NPCs.

I'm with you on that :( It's always so surprising to see people being bigot-y on subeta. I'm glad so many people on this site are more open-minded. And getting to see actual characters on the site as part of the lgbt+ community is so wonderful. You'd think we woulda run the more unkind people away by now!

We'll just have to get EVEN MORE GAY


Oops, make that @Frankenchokies.


And Nico can finally officially say he's ace. It'd be amazing.


Thank you for defending my comment @Frankenchokie (with YOUR comment to someone who countered it). I wrote you a note. Also, @Muerte I agree with you and @Inknote that it would be VERY cool to have a gay pride event in subeta that's a very real event. I think there are enough people here who would really like that, and for those of you who are making homophobic and anti gay comments (albeit they are thinly veiled) I just say that do you even realize that we OWE this site to one amazing gay man who started subeta??? I believe he left neopets because of the ban on "being" gay (saying the WORD gay, etc) anyway that's the story that I Heard when I was easily lured to this site since it had NO censorship and is VERY gay friendly!! :)

I realize that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I was raised with the idea that if you don't have something nice to say, say nothing, and I think that old fashioned value would make the world a better place. I don't see the reasoning behind the need to say anything that is even slightly "off" in terms of same-gender marriage. I will never understand the bias that some people have in which they don't seem to understand that people do NOT choose their sexual-affectional orientation. It JUST is. I don't believe that orientation is any different than any other trait, it's how one is born, MY opinion.


How dare you dishonor Britney Spears's 55 hour totally legit union with your long unions that have been going on for years, where you truly love each other and are commited to be with the other, no matter what.


*stares unblinkingly at people throwing a piss baby fit*
*rubs my gay little hands over everything you love and enjoy*



Oh my, I hope the site goes full on gay. A queer themed month. Rainbows everywhere. NPC's of all kind come out as some form of queer. Bi, pan, trans* characters. All of it.
With pretty cake.
Can we have this??? And can we pretty please have an aromantic character too oh goodness *0*


"At least we get an item out of this travesty"

Suzaku doesn't deserve any cake.


thankfully there are very few people in the comments here against it!
glad that people I love can finally fully enjoy the benefits of being partners in life


@Kittyclaws911 When a religion bases their entire belief system on your lifestyle being against their God and how you're going to be damned to eternity in Hell unless you repent your evil ways, I consider that to be hate.

" Just because someone doesn't believe or support the same thing as you doesn't mean they hate you or view you as lower than themselves. "
You might want to reread that. If someone doesn't believe in you having the right to love someone because your genitalia match and doesn't support you having basic human rights that they get without a second thought, you pretty much are seen as lower than themselves. If they didn't view you as lower than them, they wouldn't throw a fit over you having the same rights they do. They may not hate you but they definitely see themselves as better than you.


America, meet 21st century. 21st century, meet America. We hope you enjoy your time together.


Sorry about the previous post. I clicked "ADD COMMENT" too soon. (slow computer problems)

1. Oh, okay. That makes sense.

2. "Under the 1st Amendment, however, no church that does not support gay marriage can be forced to marry someone who is gay"
That's good to hear. I would just hate if the discrimination wasn't solved but instead merely redirected.

"And, really, would you want a holier-than-thou jerk who hates you based on your choice of life partner officiating your wedding? I don't think so."
Um, not to start conflict, but that's pretty harsh don't you think? Just because someone doesn't believe or support the same thing as you doesn't mean they hate you or view you as lower than themselves. (Maybe you didn't mean it that way. It's just how your wording sounded.)

"(Also, of course, you can get married in a church but you need to be in a court house for the license so we can just skip the church like non-Christians/Atheists/people who don't want a large wedding and just do that)."
Yeah, that's true.


-refrains from responding to some people-
it's a whole lot easier to just ignore certain things.

again a big Woohoo to the ruling!


1. Oh, okay. That makes sense.

2. "Under the 1st Amendment, however, no church that does not support gay marriage can be forced to marry someone who is gay"
That's good to hear. I would just hate if the discrimination wasn't solved but instead merely redirected.

"And, really, would you want a holier-than-thou jerk who hates you based on your choice of life partner officiating your wedding? I don't think so."
Um, not to start conflict, but that's pretty harsh don't you think? Just because someone doesn't believe or support the same thing as you doesn't mean they hate you or view you as lower than themselves. (Maybe you didn't mean it that way. It's just how your wording sounded.)

They're going to kick their heels and cry oppression, but that's as far as that one is going to go. (Also, of course, you can get married in a church but you need to be in a court house for the license so we can just skip the church like non-Christians/Atheists/people who don't want a large wedding and just do that).



The Supreme Court did not make a law, they decided between already-existing interpretations . Two different suits had been brought before other courts, and two conflicting decisions were made by two different judges on different appeals. The Supreme Court decided which decision was held up as precedent, using the Constitution as a basis of ruling. This led to the invocation of equal protection under already-established arguments and laws.


@Suzaku 06/26/15 10:16 pm
At least we get an item out of this travesty

The travesty is that you're playing on a pet site started and ran by a gay man who you apparently don't think deserves the ability to settle down with someone he loves (should he choose to).


@Kittyclaws911 06/26/15 10:50 pm
Not to rain on anyone's parade, but I have a few questions. Hopefully, someone from the comments will be nice enough to answer them for me. :blush:

1. The Supreme Court does not have he ability to make laws. Their job is to interpret them. Congress is the one who make laws. (and the president enforces the laws) So with that being said, how was the Supreme Court able to rule gay marriage be legal?

You're right, they cannot make laws. Thankfully, the anti-LGBT group already had a bunch of discriminatory laws made up that they could rule as unconstitutional, however. Now that those laws are off the books, it's legal.

2. I'm concerned that one act against discrimination will actually cause discrimination against another group. Weddings generally take place in a church, and many Christians don't support homosexuality due to their religious beliefs. Will this ruling force churches to marry a gay couple even if it goes against their beliefs? (I know certain churches don't care) If so, wouldn't that be discrimination against Christians and their churches? (I guess that one was two questions)

Not all Christian churches support same sex marriage, this is true. There are, however, a lot who do. Under the 1st Amendment, however, no church that does not support gay marriage can be forced to marry someone who is gay. And, really, would you want a holier-than-thou jerk who hates you based on your choice of life partner officiating your wedding? I don't think so. They're going to kick their heels and cry oppression, but that's as far as that one is going to go. (Also, of course, you can get married in a church but you need to be in a court house for the license so we can just skip the church like non-Christians/Atheists/people who don't want a large wedding and just do that).

I left off your last question because I think the second one pretty much answered it. :)


Not to rain on anyone's parade, but I have a few questions. Hopefully, someone from the comments will be nice enough to answer them for me. :)

1. The Supreme Court does not have he ability to make laws. Their job is to interpret them. Congress is the one who make laws. (and the president enforces the laws) So with that being said, how was the Supreme Court able to rule gay marriage be legal?

2. I'm concerned that one act against discrimination will actually cause discrimination against another group. Weddings generally take place in a church, and many Christians don't support homosexuality due to their religious beliefs. Will this ruling force churches to marry a gay couple even if it goes against their beliefs? (I know certain churches don't care) If so, wouldn't that be discrimination against Christians and their churches? (I guess that one was two questions)

3. If number two takes place, how exactly would that work according to the 'separation of church and state'?

~ These are honest questions. Please no rude responses. Thank you. :)


Suzaku 06/26/15 10:16 pm
At least we get an item out of this travesty

You know, if you don't support others having basic rights then maybe you shouldn't say anything about it..


This is great for you guys to do! Love it :)


Ah, the one joy of reading other people's comments: learning first-hand whose comments not to bother with reading anymore.

Thanks for the free item, staff! #LoveWins


This is awesome. :D


@ anyone unhappy with the news:



Yay! I was hoping you guys would do a free gift for this.


At least we get an item out of this travesty


*throws confetti everywhere* ...I hope one day my country will wake up too ^^


Now that Mexico and the US have changed their laws, all of North American now supports gay marriage. CONGRATS ON BEING THE BIGGEST GAYEST LANDMASS, NORTHAMERICA! :D


YES! Finally!


FINALLY! Finally we did it! It was the best news to wake up to this morning and I have been off and on in tears ever since learning about it @ 9:30AM here in Wisconsin. FINALLY.

Thank you for the beautiful free gift, straight to my gallery it goes!


but really, it's a great day for the gays. Now only if my country can legalise it...


I really love how this site commemorates special events or marks the passing of special people with items that all users can get. I really appreciate it. Today's item made me smile and I'm grateful for this nice cake! :)


Thanks as always for the free gift. It is pretty.


Yay! #LoveWins Thank you for the cake :D


What a cute gesture! Thank you so much, I will definitely cherish it forever B)


I am so happy about this! <3 <3


About time, America :) so happy for all the couples who can/will finally get married!




#LOVEWINS!!! Thanks for the gift, its a great day


Today has been a really awesome day #LoveWins :)


Perhaps those who find this the place to air their political opinions should actually have a piece of cake and think about love.


Thank you for the cake, its a proud moment in history :3


congratulations everyone! this is incredible news.
but i have to say....
bluemoonlightgirl maybe once your country takes out its drones from the middle east, and stop killing innocent civilians for the sake of imperialism, maybe then you will have the place to say that.


Hell yeah! It's about time is the understatement of the year. So glad we've finally joined other progressive nations who already have equal marriage rights for the LGBT community. Marriage for all who want it, and despite what some people say it's effing awesome if you find the right person. ;)


Thank you. This means a lot.


yay! thanks for the free gift :D




Love this! I've been to two gay weddings, and one was over the top fabulous (my very dear friends), and the other was simple and sweet (my lovely daughter and my adorable daughter-in-law). I'm so happy that all the people I love have legal standing in the entire US. Wish they had done it sooner so that my family didn't have to drive from central Texas to New Mexico, but at least they can say they married in Loving, New Mexico! Many happy rainbows to everyone!!!!!


My only issue here is that this cake is not gay ENOUGH.

4srs, 2000% happy for America today. Love wins.


I was waiting for this - both the announcement and the free gift C: thanks for such a lovely item.


This is fantastic. :) I am so excited. Its about damn time. *happy dance*


@ people bein shitty about this announcement in the comments????

OTHERWISE i'm so freakin happy about this!!! finally!! and this gift is so precious. say hello to my gallery lil buddy.


I'm surprised it came about so soon. I knew we'd eventually get it right, and it certainly took too long, but it doesn't change my surprise XD. Anyways, I'm glad. The arguments against it are, well just opinions, it's not debatable in terms of facts. It was discriminatory not to allow it, and now its fixed. One large step in the right directions, hopefully more to come :D.


Yay! Wonderful news and such a cute item to celebrate it, thanks!


About damn time! Thank you SCOTUS and thank you Subeta for recognizing this historical day when equality and love triumphed over bigotry. The cake is beautiful, and no one will be eating mine. YES!


With this announcement, I'm looking for more on Esther and Emma y/y? ;)


*happy tears* :)


WHOOOOHOOO !!! so awesome, thanks for the gift :)


I'm sure that wedding planners are now dancing in the streets with the news!


It is about time, let's celebrate America for coming out of the dark ages!


Let's get married at Hogwarts @Luthien
I'll be the Slytherin to your Ravenclaw.


Aww that is beautiful!! Thank you Subeta. I am very happy for this news (about time, I think!!) XD


What an awesome day! Thanks!


YES! Thank you <3


Thanks for the love and support subeta staff! Today is a wonderful day indeed.


Really, really hope to attend a gay ceremony some day. ♥️


holy mother of everything that was much bigger than I meant it to be




"The US is a backward country, when it comes to human rights, yet we're very much on top of the heap with SO many other things."

Excuse me? The US is the backward country when countries in the Middle East kill women and gays on a daily basis? Our human rights are SO MUCH BETTER than other countries.

On another note, that Equaldex map is quite interesting. I didn't know gay marriage was legal in so many countries.


Beautiful item! Much thanks :D

Not eating mine, I want a permanent reminder of this day!


The majority of the people I've seen *~*~super excited~*~* and *~*~losing it~*~* are Americans. And you know, Subeta IS an American based site.
But even still, why shouldn't we be excited and celebrate ? I'm sitting here in California and I legit screamed when I heard about Ireland (also cried a little, not going to lie). I saw so much support and so many people speaking of it. We're allowed to be excited over something like this. Perhaps you're seeing more of it right now because you're surrounded by Americans.

Oh dear (but thank you for pretty cake)
Oh my, I hope the site goes full on gay. A queer themed month. Rainbows everywhere. NPC's of all kind come out as some form of queer. Bi, pan, trans* characters. All of it.
With pretty cake.


That's wonderful! Congratulations, America! Enjoy your weddings, everyone who has been waiting to get married!

And I hope that someday this is the case in every country in the world. :)


This is awesome! ^^


Beautiful! Love wins, always! ... and that cake is way too pretty to eat. ;v;


Can't wait to get married =D Avenger themed wedding here I come! Thanks Subeta.


Super awesome! I wonder if any Subeta players soon to be married would use this as the design for their own cakes?


Congratulations USA!!! I really hope one day Italy will finally join all the other countries and realize everyone had the right to love whomever they chose, the road is still long for us but today we celebrate with you!




Perfect item, perfect description, so happy SCOTUS did this - however it would've been nice if it was unanimous.


Really really really happy about this.


This is so amazing. I just stopped crying but now I'm crying again.
I can't wait to finally have the wedding that my fiance and I have dreamed of for 9 years. ♥
Thank you so, so much to all of the staff members of Subeta for the awesome item. You are all beautiful.


Thank you for the gift ~ ^.^ ~


*large sniffle*


The cake tradition (which was very popular years ago) was to save the top layer (all of it) in the freezer. If you have a tiered cake it's a small layer, but it DOES ruin the cake. When I got married the first time (a million yrs ago) we saved that top layer for 2 days and had a two day anniversary while on our honeymoon (in 1979) I guess we were more into the cake than the tradition, lol!

The subeta item is AWESOME. Hooray for rainbows and for the GREAT news.


Two thumbs way, way up!


Just hope someday we can have that in Mexico too, and soon...too.


Today is a good day.


Aww this is amazing, thank you!!! ^_^ I was so damn excited this morning when I heard. So much more to do, but this is such a good step.





I think there's some kind of tradition/superstition where you just save a single slice for a year in the freezer. Then you eat it on the first anniversary and it gives you luck or happiness or upset stomach from stale cake, I don't know. But it exists!


Yep, "here we go" is for sure! I'm shocked that here in subeta there is anyone who would say "oh dear" about this wonderful news. We all have a right to our opinions, but at the age of 60 I have the strange idea that EVERYONE who is playing here is going to be open minded, but I guess that's not the case. I'm sorry for people who don't see what a WONDERFUL thing this is for our country. Obama said (in his speech today) that when human rights are extended to ALL people it increases the freedoms for ALL people. I agree with him.

Thank you to Keith and subeta for posting the links to the news at CNN!! It's great cause I don't see much news otherwise (and I wouldn't have known about this as soon as now).


@Wolf_Spirit tbh I would probably do that too. But the bf and I would like to get married on Halloween so it would probably be a pretty kickass cake topper anyway ;P


Apparently, there shouldn't have been any mention about this because America wasn't the first one. Seriously, there are still over 170 countries in the world without this right.


Wonderful and just SO happy! I still can't get over the fact that gay marriage is legal in my home state now, which is Texas!


It's Adam and EVE not Adam and STE-- no, no I can't get through that with a straight face. I just can't. XD

Of course marriage based in crappy religious awfulness and really means nothing, but the fact that the government gives it meaning with rights to spouses that they don't give to NON-spouses, well... it's about time. ^-^


@Darkrai my parents saved the topper of their cake XD


p.s. how the hell do you come up with these items so fast


Progress! America moves forward with the world! :)


Congratulations to the USA and all the very happy couples!


I took the US long enough. Thank god I came on today or I wouldn't have heard this great news :'D


This is a beautiful item, thank you Subeta!


Just woke up and actually got the news here on Subeta. So glad to hear about this decision. It's way past time. With all the hatred and bigotry that seems to be ever growing in our world these days, it's so fantastic to see some progress being made for love.

@Amber - I agree - it is way too beautiful and special to eat!


Fantastic news! :)


A beautiful gift to celebrate the right to love as your heart dictates!!! :heart:


omg I just opened my FB and one of my friends has already married her girlfriend, and one of my oldest friends proposed to his boyfriend



Quote by youngexplorer:
Oh dear (but thank you for pretty cake)
lmao here we go


lmao your avatar

I made it edible! Though I don't see how anyone could eat something so pretty <3


I need so many of these :O one for my pet to eat, several for TCs, maybe one for a gallery... one to lock in my inventory.. :D it's just great


Considering the fact that this issue was in the forefront in the US about 20 yrs ago and Clinton signed the act that Squashed gay marriage AND the fact that there were 21 OTHER countries that legalized gay marriage BEFORE the US I would say that it IS a HUGE deal, and not a LOL. Consider that the US is supposed to be a world leader and that it's one of the most affluent countries in the world (albeit we have WAY too much of the world's resources here) and yet we are SLOW to come to this. The US is a backward country, when it comes to human rights, yet we're very much on top of the heap with SO many other things. It IS about time that the basic rights to marriage (and the MANY benefits that come with it) were granted to ALL of the tax paying citizens of our country.


Thank you!!! I love this cake!
I'm so happy for all the LGBT in the USA!


Love and cake. This is good. :)


Oh dear (but thank you for pretty cake)


@Life There's four tiny people on that cake. You're telling me not a single one of them wanted a taste immediately? D: (Side note, I never did understand the point of saving a piece of wedding cake but hey maybe that's me :P)


this is such a beautiful free gift to commemorate an incredible event, thank you so much!! * w *


While I'm really really glad this finally happened irl (about damn time, really) and this is a super cute item I'm yet again kinda like loling eyerolling because yet again someone else does something, no one cares. America gets around to doing something, everyone looses their mind.

Because apparently it only matters in america. Where's my rainbow pint, huh?

(PS: I'm so american I'm actually Texan... but it's kinda lame that it only counts when we do something apparently).


I love that cake, I need ten of it for various TCs.
One small step, but a great one.


We'll get this made edible asap :)


I was waiting for Subeta to come up with an item to commemorate this historic event and, as usual, you guys did not disappoint! Love makes the world a better place!


It's about time politicians get their heads out of their butts about this one thing at least!!


"Love wins". Yes, so true. What an amazing day this is!


I was kind of expecting the name for that item to be "BIG GAY WEDDING CAKE".
Props to you to being much more reserved than I am.


@Darkrai you have to put it in your freezer, and they'll make it edible a year from now, on your one year anniversary maybe?


#lovewins #GAP! lol


Glad that SCOTUS came to the decision they did, and this is a lovely tribute item. Any chance it can be made edible?


The cake is not edible though? :c


thank you for the gift on this amazing, historical day! :)


My Aunts have been together for 30 years... and now they're ALLOWED to be. It's about time. Beautiful free gift!


I'm so happy! thank you guys! <3 Love won!


Awesome item and awesome decision on the part of the Supreme court, though I have to say that it's sad to think that I helped elect a president of the US in the 90's who had HUGE LGBT support (and made promises) and then he turned around and signed the DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act which stated that ONLY a man and a woman may marry in the US) and it took 20 yrs for that to be overturned. We're making progress but I would have liked to see it faster than this. It's all perspective. For the average person here who is under 25 I realize this seems very wonderful, and it IS, but for those of us over 50 it seems it took a VERY long time for the US to "get with it" and get into the 21st Century. (stepping off soapbox now)


YES!!!! thanks much....LOVE for everyone....


WOOHOO!!!!!! :D


I just started weeping. I slept late today and hadn't heard about the decision until now.

I have so many friends who have faced terrible, terrible pain along their paths as LGBT persons fighting for not just basic civil rights, but even for love and acceptance from their own families. I know that the war isn't over, but when I think back to some of the stories I have heard from them, I can have hope that this decision from the Supreme Court will not only ease some of their painful memories, but prevent similar things from happening to future generations.

Thank you, Subeta, for this free gift <3


Yay! A piece of history with an item to always remember it by on subeta :3


Rainbow, Cake and Equality? Heck yeah!


That's great! Also, great desc, love winsXD no better way to put it!


Thank you <3
Now my wife and I don't have to worry. Such a wonderful day.


Lovely item, and lovely saying. Love wins. May we continue on this path so that everyone is truly equal no matter what.


yay!!! *throws confetti* this makes me happy!


Wow this is wonderful thank you so very much!


That is awesome news and I was hoping that would happen soon. That law should be same all over the world too!! Thanks for an amazing gift for a very important cause!!


And Keith is so happy, his clothes leapt straight off and his soul ascended into heaven. *glances at his HA*


*thumbs up to the Courts* I heard this on the radio today and my daughter and I both were like woohoo. Love is love. :)


Thank you so much c:


:D hooray for marriage equality! we're not perfect (particularly regarding the rights of trans people) but it's still a huge win.


!! #LoveWins YES :) Ty!


"Love wins"
omg perfect.




Awww! That's so sweet!


How cute! Thanks for the gift!

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