Fireside + Black Friday Information

Hello Sunshine Sticker
Here are a few updates about Fireside and Black Friday.

Black Friday will not be starting today. We want to get Fireside out first, and there were a few issues with adding items over the past few days. You might’ve seen an item or two Fireside related pop up in the Item Directory the other night and then disappear, that was because I made them 'staff' rarity after realizing things weren't adding correctly. We’ve pushed a lot of changes, and tested with those delicious forum shop items, so I feel confident that things won’t break for y’all.

What’s that mean for start dates?

Black Friday will start THIS MONDAY. It will end on Monday December 9th. Everything from the previous post about Black Friday, like retirements and what isn’t on sale, are still correct.

Fireside will start tomorrow! You might see items added around midnight tonight, but the event itself will begin during the day tomorrow. Tomorrow’s news post starting Fireside will have all the information you’ll need about the holiday this year (end dates, how to unlock that gosh darn bonfire thief challenger, etc).

We’re truly sorry that everything has been delayed more so than usual. Y’all have been very patient with us and we appreciate it. <3

Reminder that Luminaire will not be changed at all with Fireside running into December. You will still get 31 days of gifts from Melody and enjoy the Luminaire festivities… while also enjoying a nice bonfire.
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Posted by Amber


@Uadjet You're more than welcome, and of course I accept your apology as well. When you said: "Arguing helps very little and I hope you can accept my apologies for dragging out an unnecessary bit of discussion and pulling you back into it," that was decidedly meaningful. It was articulate and impressive, in terms of responsibility. I hope I was able to convey that as well. I'm not feeling well, and if we talk anymore I"d prefer it to be in private. I'm impressed by how this has played out. Very meaningful, more than words can say, especially in a public forum.


We haven't started an event at midnight in a long time, @CrowCorvus. :) Events start when they start. It'll happen today, I'm working on it now making sure everything is working correctly first.


@Amber can we get an update on what time BF is actually starting up? Usually when an event is slated to start on a day I tend to take that as meaning it starts at midnight, which iirc was true of the previous events I've participated in. Can we get a warning when events aren't going to start at midnight?


Thank you. I'm sorry as well. Arguing helps very little and I hope you can accept my apologies for dragging out an unnecessary bit of discussion and pulling you back into it.


here in germany is monday 12:47pm, so 6 hours and the day is over, nice black day start...


@Uadjet I apologize for specifically mentioning the 27 seconds. I honestly didn't even know who had said that, and didn't ping anyone but by the time I realized that I had "called someone out" (inadvertently by stupidly being specific instead of general) it was too late. I agree that we all have a valid right to our opinions and POVs. I hope you'll accept my heartfelt apology.

@Turokai wow, that's a cool story, HELLO fellow old timer!! We didn't get a color TV until 1972 when I was 17 and almost out of the nest!! I remember having the opportunity to watch The Wizard of Oz at a neighbor's in 67, when I was 12, so I could see the colorful land of Oz, Before that, my mom always described it to us (she saw it in the theatre when it first opened in 1939 when she was 8). Memories!!
That's cool about you riding your horse to the general store. I also grew up in a rural area where kids road horses, but we lived in town and I was always a fraidy cat about horses. I DID keep my sister's horse calm during a thunderstorm one night when the poor thing was tied in our back yard (awaiting transport to the farm where she would be boarded). I told the horse fairy tales because I needed to keep talking and that's all I could think of. I was holding onto her bridle and talking softly in her ear as we stood under the aluminum patio roof. It's a fond memory.

@PUNK right on!!

@Stiles thanks so much and keep on being sweet!! Weren't we on the blanket fort team together a few years ago??

I hope everyone is enjoying Fireside. I just got here. Haven't been online all day (since late last night) and now it's Monday, officially, but not in CA just yet.


Yay @ salon base/highlight/shadows being fixed, fingers crossed we can get streaks back soon! ????


I'm not at the half century mark but I was born before personal computers, cell phones, and the internet as well. However, just because I couldn't have gotten online at all in my youth does not mean I should be totally fine with waiting 27 seconds for a page to load. Someone else has it worse than I do so my problems/comments are suddenly invalid? The problem with advancements is they advance expectations as well. The phrase, it was fine in my day, isn't acceptable anymore. I'm not exceptionally patient, but I'm not streaming movies or other activities while I'm playing Subeta. I'm on this site to play Subeta, and if the site isn't functioning or isn't functioning well it's not a pleasing experience. Yea, in the days of dial-up and the infancy of internet and the world wide web. I would expect to wait minutes for internet access much less a website connection, and things like Subeta would be out of the question. I spent a lot less time online in those days because I'm not into staring at a screen, counting seconds or minutes. That still doesn't invalidate my comment about it taking 27 seconds, my lack of enjoyment that it does so, or my concern that the lag will make a busy holiday event feel very unfun.
My 2 cents are worth just as much as anyone else's, whether I'm kissing ass or not.


@Cerredwyn - you're welcome! ♥️


@Cerredwyn :heart: Another old-timer here :heart:
I remember riding my horse to the general store, and watching my neighbor build a bomb shelter in his back yard. My folks drove us all 20 miles to my uncle's house in 1961, to see the first episode of Disney's Wonderful World of Color, in color. Our TV was a black and white for another 5 and 1/2 years. Funny how we can take things for granted. When my microwave broke down recently, I almost panicked over how I was going to re-heat my coffee..., yeah, almost. :D


I can't wait to start putting gifts under people's trees. <3 I've had my frustrations w/ the site issues and such but I try to be as objective as possible, especially considering how this is a heartbreaking time for me, after losing my father earlier this year. I know staff is working as hard as they can dealing w/ these issues and it's overall a stressful time of the year for many.

It will make me feel good to gift people, knowing they will smile brightly, in just a few weeks and that that's really what keeps me around. Plenty of GREAT people here and I do like how some are really trying to remain positive, which is inspiring. I'm trying too... it just isn't coming out through my words.


@Cerredwyn this was a really interesting perspective to read, and is valid in the sense that there's so much want for instant gratification on this site. I get that, too, it's frustrating to have things broken or not work, but point is, they do fix it and if not they keep trying. A lot of our suggestions come into play, a lot of our criticisms are taken to heart, a lot of our complaints are addressed, we are honestly lucky to have their Staff we do here. A lot of sites have very inactive Staff, or very rude and uncaring Staff, and we don't have that here. So I get being frustrated about things not working, I've sighed in forums before about it, but I also get that sometimes it takes time to work those issues out, but they usually always get worked out. And I also get seeing it as ridiculous just the amount of complaints when something doesn't immediately go your way or instantly happen to the speed in which we've become accustomed to perhaps even elsewhere. Anyway, thanks Staff, and hope everyone has a good Holiday week and everything runs smoothly soon.


I'm ready for Fireside and have all the red rreign items I am going to throw in the bonfire in my trades. Thank you Keith and all the Subeta team for all your hard work and dedication!!!


Ahhhh, thank you @pointycatears, I forgot. I was thinking of all the extra csc they would be selling. Heh.


@Witchy I was told that they don't do Bonus Weekend in November specifically because of Black Friday.

@Amber I don't know if you've noticed already, but your hair is back.


Glad the site run better. More important then any sale or fireside. Keep it that way!


I guess I missed the announcement, but was it also decided that there would NOT be, bonus weekend?


Fireside isn't just about getting new items, it's also about working towards achievements. In fact, all events have achievements that can only be worked towards or finished during those times. So even if you gave out the Fireside items while skipping the event itself, we would have to wait another year for another chance to get those achievements.


All the people suggesting skipping Fireside are somewhat missing the point. The only way to know how the new server deals with the strain of a site event... is to have a site event. Imagine your reactions if they skipped Fireside, then Luminaire started and everything went to hell. How about we skip that too? Then we'd get to the New Year and only find out then if the server can deal or not. Let's just skip every event in future in case there's lag.

This wasn't maintenance, this was a full server migration. They could have closed the site for a few days to work on it, but then as soon as it reopened and players started using it we'd have found broken things. The admins can't test every single feature and page themselves on a site this size and even if they could it wouldn't help once player load kicks in. We've been stress-testing the new server by playing and helping to find bugs for the staff to work on. Yes, it's been frustrating, but it's necessary. If the players don't find the problems, the staff can't fix the problems.


My only complaint about the downtime and the errors caused by it is that maybe it should have been done during summer when we didn't have any events - Oh wait, we had the Gelatin War, didn't we? Well, nothing really went on in August after that, it could have been done then, but maybe there's some reason I don't know about for why it wasn't. What I'm saying is that the timing could have been better, but maybe they didn't want to wait until next summer after all these upcoming events because people would complain even more about any lag that those had?

I don't know, I just don't like the negativity here. Yes, it's frustrating, and I even stopped questing for the last few days of my GA partly because I was too busy and too tired, but also because of the lag and a few instances where the site briefly went down while I was in the middle of one of them. But it's not the end of the world. I'm sure that once this is all over, things will get better and next year's events will go more smoothly.


To clarify, I enjoy Fireside as much as the next person, I didn't say scrap it because I don't like it, re-read what I wrote.
I am also NOT complaining, I'm happy that the site is being upgraded, because I said something isn't fun, like wading through lag and errors doesn't mean that at all, it's an observation.
With that observation I believed that it would be easier on the site and staff as a whole to pass on Fireside so they could focus on ironing out the current issues because I like most others think the events are going to put a strain on an already rocky foundation and stretch an already over worked staff, because you and I know that people WILL bitch when the event doesn't work properly and the site possibly crashes out completely!
And I ain't privileged and just hit the half century so am too old to give a shit about wanting things straight away hence why I suggested the wait.


Its when I try to get into one of my galleries from the "your shops" page.
It had worked before. I would go into another one and just replace the number in the url, but that doesnt work anymore.
Also had a ton of application errors with the shop search when trying to do quests last night.


well at least black friday is early on subeta this year? and awesome for fireside starting tomorrow!


"It used to be worse so you can't complain about this lag now"

We'd be far more patient if it hadn't lasted this long. Shop history still not working. Vending still not working. BQs broken. I would really rather the site be DOWN for a few days entirely than have all this lag and things not working. I'm actually afraid to buy CSC because I don't know if something will mess up and I'll end up double buying or something like that.

It's not entitled millenials. It's people tired of things not working, and then on top of things not working we're going to have another event going on. No, scratch that, two events. The site can barely handle sub-500 people as it is. I foresee more down days, and worse lag.


(This is a PS at the beginning of my comment: @PUNK I LOVE the fire breathing snow person!! Thanks for that.)

OK well here's MY 2 cent's worth, once again, more like 2 dollars worth, lol.

I LOVE subeta!!

I sometimes enjoy reading the comments, especially when people are so angry about not being able to be instantly gratified in the manner to which they've become accustomed . . . or they were always accustomed if they're young enough that they can't imagine a world w/out the internet. I certainly can because I lived in it for a long time.

Here's an old person's perspective. I grew up in a world w/out the following technology which allows instant stuff:
Microwave ovens, calculators, VCR's, DVD players, computer games, computer anything, certainly no internet, so all the things that the internet allows. (that's a partial list)

In the 60's we waited for the movie to come to a theatre or we waited for it to come to one of the 4 TV stations (the world before cable TV) and we waited for ??? Oh I don't know, I guess we waited for a lot of stuff. (we also got up to change the channel on the TV set, there were no remotes) While we were waiting we went outdoors and rode bikes, walked, climbed trees, swam, etc or we read books, played board games or beat up our sister (that was ME, the beated, not the beater, I was one of the bullied). We also waited until we got home to make phone calls.We certainly didn't have cell phones, or personal phones, in fact sometimes we had to wait for the neighbor to get OFF the phone to make a call from our home because we had party lines with 3 or 4 families using the SAME phone line (I do NOT miss that, and I appreciate MUCH of the technology of today's world). SO . . . complaining about the 27 second lag seems ridiculous. I watch streaming movies or TV shows while playing on subeta.

I'm one of the lucky people who has seen amazing technology change the world, and despite my age (over 60) I truly love this website. We also lived in a world where anyone who wasn't "so called normal" (and I KNOW I'm normal, despite being pansexual) didn't get a voice and wasn't SAFE to let people know about being gay or trans or ANYTHING that people thought was wrong. Now, we can be ourselves, for the most part (at least here at subeta we can) so . . . thank goodness for @Keith that he left that other pet site where we couldn't even type the word gay . . . and he started this one. Thank you for that, Keith!!! I applaud and salute you. And thanks for keeping subeta going despite the fact that it's a hobby and that you've got to make a living, just like everyone else!! :)


Thank you Staff idkh you have the energy ❤❤


@Amber I just saw your post from earlier today, asking about where errors are occurring. The one that seems to show up consistently is with the Quick Stock page if I try and Quick stock to many items - maybe 25-30 or more. I can go to my to my inventory though and usually all of the items have transferred. I also get them while training my pets and when quick stocking from my vault to a shop, which also seems to depend on how many items I'm transferring.


I like Fireside too but I also like a working site...

I'm not trying to be mean, because I know things are being worked on and I appreciate the mess out of that, but realistically can the site support an event load? I'm not sure. I just fought to do quests, and I've been waiting a good chunk of the afternoon for the lag to go from on and off to just being off lag. It didn't happen today.

We still don't have things like event notifications for training center. Or the shop purchases record. Amber even said that battling isn't 100% ready to go.

Again, I'm thankful for a staff that is working diligently to get these things fixed, and more. That they are updating code left and right. But I don't think that an event is going to make their life any easier.



Sorry but I like fireside and don't want to skip it.


Oh yeah. Looking forward to the fun. Thanks Staff for all your hard work.


Black Friday would normally start next Fri so hats off to the staff for getting it done earlier. Remember to sleep and eat, take care of yourselves :heart:


Sorry was on auto pilot and messaged it to the wrong person (Keith), apologises again to you both for that


Ok I admit that I've been considering leaving so I guess all of the problems haven't helped and I'm in a bit of a 'half empty' rather than full situation ATM with the site but I'd really prefer (as a long term patron and gold account member) to scrap Fireside this year.
I would completely be ok with missing one Fireside that is not going to be enjoyable with the site as it is and have staff continue to work on getting things up and working again so that December runs smoothly.
For the die hards that MUST have their items maybe just release some basic stuff directly to accounts, free up sever loads so things like questing and basic day to day things can be done because honestly ATM the (more) on and off lag is still making these things seem like a chore rather than a thing I WANT to do, let alone pay to do and I can't see how overloading servers with Fireside is going to make things any better, let alone enjoyable.
I think most people will, while disappointed, agree with me to some extent, a working site is far more important than a few holiday items, I really hope it will be considered for all our sanity because it's surely got to be a huge help to you the programmers.


Thank you staff for all your hard work! I wish you all good luck! I probably will not buy many cash shop or CW items with this lag! I think we should have waited to do this down time after Luminaire, but that is my opinion !


Lagging is still horrible, and logging in from the main Subeta page still isn't working. I log out daily so I have to log in daily. I've bookmarked the other login page, but it'd be nice if I could use the main login page again.

I hope the events can take place without any issues. I'm not seeing much upside to the server move as of yet (aside from getting away from Amazon...I used to work for them..I get it).


I'm not getting any errors but I'm getting some heavy lagging!


Just to pass it on to you; got an error just a minute ago while deleting a weapon set in my armory.


Thanks staff for all the hard work.

I look forward to all of the stuff coming up and know that no matter how it all goes, we'll survive.


No worries. I know you got this and that you are all so awesome! Thanks for keeping us in the loop - I can't wait to see what you've got in store for us! Hugs and thanks again.


Thanks for all your hard work! I hope that you guys feel the love more than the disappointment from the crowd. We should all be very thankful that you are so dedicated to the site and not throwing in the towel. Enjoy your holidays with family and friends!


Thank you for all the hard work that you and your team put into Subeta and trying to keep things running smoothly for us all. You are all amazing and put all your effort into keeping Subeta running thank you once again.


So nice to see more positive comments than negative for a change. Let’s hope we can keep this up from now on!

Enough of the negativity, lets be positive and grateful we still have a site to play where staff actually CARE.

Thanks to staff! They’ve been busting their ass trying to fix this this past week with little breaks for themselves, and it’s not perfect yet but it’s getting better every day. Thanks for not giving up on us even when the negativity takes over.


As always I am thankful for the updates, transparency and hard work but I can't help thinking starting Fireside is a mistake.
Events always cause problems and the site isn't up to full fighting fettle yet. I'm sure we would have understood a further delay to have a smoother running site.
Us subetans are a hardy stock, we're not going to be scared away from the site for good by a little maintenance downtime ;)


Sidenote, I wish all the people complaining would try running a site for well over a decade with the changes in coding and applications supported by browers etc.

Especially on only the funding given from purchases and MINOR ads, because let's face it, they could go full YouTube and have a commercial every 30 seconds.

This site is amazing, and staff's constant efforts to improve the site is something everyone should be grateful for... grace is something that we should all consider, especially at this time of year when staff is working on the site and not focusing on their family and friends.


Thanks to everyone for all of the hard work. <3 You are so appreciated!!!!


Another thanks for you hard work staff, and I appreciate y'all taking the time to get things right. :) Remember to take care of yourselves too!


Crossing my fingers! Thanks for all the hard work!


Thank you for all you do for us!! Looking forward to the events!




Woohoo! ♥♥♥


@Amber, I'm glad to hear it, thank you! I saw 'later in the day' and got worried, but if it's still morning Subeta time, I rescind my worry. :3

Again, thanks for all the hard work. To all the staff.


@BoaConstrictor In regards to the challenger, it’s just part of the bonfire code. I’m more than happy to keep it around a little past the event so people have time to battle it. We’re def aware of the issues with Battling right now and it’s going to be worked on soon!
@Saturnine I was considering that, but a lot of people would rather see *everything* at once so they can decide what to get and what will have to wait. Some people are on very tight budgets and I don’t want them to miss out on something rad <3
@far Where are you getting errors? I’ll pass any new ones along to the staff.
@CastlesInTheSky Are the application errors happening right when you go into your gallery, or on a specific page within the shop set up? I’m not sure where Keith and Bug are on fixing shops, but I know they were working on it yesterday while I was testing item/vending updates with them.
@o0SnowyOwl0o As far as I’m aware, yes!
@Luce Anywhere specific?
@Ziorac No! I’m going to get the items added tonight so we can the holiday earlier in the day. I figure if I get all the items added tonight, do some last tests on my dev, it’ll be easy to just flip a switch and add a news post tomorrow. :) Which honestly means I don’t even have to be on, anyone on staff could technically do it.
@Decadent same
@Laurey Once these get sorted, it will be a lot better! Bug and Keith are, like I said earlier, wading through a lot of code that’s like 10 years old. As they’re fixing things, they’re making it more efficient and just overall better. It sucks that so many things broke, but that’s what old code mismatched together does ;_;


Broadband into my house at 1Gb speed, MSI laptop can handle average 400Mb, 1 other browser window open, nothing else running but the basics, a little more than 400 users on Subeta...took 27 seconds to load this comment page from the news page. I'm not running a monster but it's no potato and that's a long time "waiting for Subeta" :(
I know you've been busting you backsides to get things working, and I'm seeing improvements every visit, but I visit for less time and less often while the site is not running smoothly because it's not fun to wade through errors or wait for extended periods for a page to load. If the site struggles to handle less than half the player load it will see during events, it's not giving me much hope that it'll handle the holiday rush. The knowledge that things aren't fully functional but something this large is going to hit leaves me feeling sad about how it's going to play.
Fingers crossed but..I'm not real hopeful.


Well it's not the first time Fireside has been running into Lumi. I'm glad it will be starting soon!

Thank you staff, for your continuing work in fixing everything, ilu <3


Thanks for the update and hoping all goes well for all three events! Looking forward to new stuff. :)


Aw man, I was sooo ready for a big spending spree! I hope the site can get more stable, I have had a couple errors today buying items from the loyalty shop and cash shop so it's better to delay if the cash shop stuff is still wonky.

For me the site is still running a bit slow, but improved from right after the downtime. The place I get consistent heroku errors is in my user shops. And I got the page that says "Looks like the page refreshed, this page is to make sure you didn't make multiple purchases" when I bought an item both from the cash shop and from the loyalty shop a couple hours ago. Everything else seems to load okay for me if a bit slow.

Keep up the good work guys, can't imagine trying to run events and getting all the errors under control. Fingers crossed you guys are able to make good progress this weekend. I wish I could buy y'all a pizza and some gatorade or like a nice dinner or something haha. It will be worth having the messiest holiday season if it can all be fixed up going into the new year I hope! And I'm still amped for the black friday sale, even if it's on cyber monday or beyond. :P


I am ready for Fireside and can't wait to see the new items, but also a bit worried about how the servers will handle the event! Let's wait and see...


That's logical. Pitty for all the stuff being glitchy, but stores get revamped and renovated a lot too. It happens. Thank you so much for keeping us in the loop, and putting up with the saltiness too. <3 Thank you for all the hard work. I understand sleep is needed while trying to fight lines of coding. <3 you've done a great job.


Still way too much lag to enjoy questing, let alone a big event like Luminaire, with Fireside added in to put even more strain on an already wobbly platform. Not going to spend any real money on Black Friday, or anything else until the snail's pace lag, constant application errors, indiscriminate log outs, etc. are fixed.


now that's what I call being salty

guys try to be a bit less pessimistic, if they say it'll work if we wait for it then wait for it

thank you for all the work and communication! transparency is truly the most important thing.


When Luminaire starts
♪ Oh, the bonfire is slowly dying
And my dear, we're still goodbye-ing


Thank you all for all the hard work!

Now Bonfire is more like Winter Solstice!


can't wait for BF! hope the lag issue is fixed until then


I realize the site isn't 100% yet, but I actually haven't been getting constant lag 24/7 anymore. It comes in spurts, and then it sorts itself out after a few minutes. I'm still able to do a lot of things.

I know some things still aren't working, but based on some of the stuff stated in recent updates, it seems like they're working on a lot of things on the backend that may need to be fixed before they can fix more individual things. Like especially the code for shops and stuff, they have said multiple times is outdated and causing some issues on the newer servers.

I understand the frustration, but there have been improvements over the past couple of weeks, even though we're still not at 100% yet. I'm not trying to invalidate complaints or annoyances or anything, but some of the comments are making it seem like nothing at all has been done when that's just not true.

Anyway, hopefully once all of this is over, there won't be as many issues in the future. ;~;


Thanks for the update, appreciate it. But the site is running worse than it was before the maintenance. Maybe it should have waited until 1st of the year so it doesn't make any of the many events make the site go down again. Hope everything gets fixed and things start running well soon.


i just want my hair back, man


Thank you for the updates, but honestly? The site is still not stable. There is still lag to no end, which I imagine is only going to get worse during the holidays. There is still errors such as being unable to access large shops/wishlist sections, shop and other similar notifications still not popping up, and battling still isn't working among other things. I understand the staff is small and spread thin and you guys are working on it, but I'm honestly not expecting this to go well.


Thanks team :heart:


>Fireside itself will begin during the day tomorrow.

So.... Does that mean us Europeans are gonna get screwed by time zones again? As in, it'll release at 4pm Subeta time/10pm EU time, meaning I won't be able to do anything at all that day? I get that there's issues with items and releasing and etc, but I'd rather it release midnight sunday/monday then.... .___.

Anyway, good luck with the release, I hope it doesn't crash the site. :x Thanks for all the hard work!


Thank you so much for the update! All the hard work you guys are doing to get this sorted is so greatly appreciated!


Thank you for the info ❤


Thank you for the update. Bringing BF into December makes me become interested in creating my own custom items for the first time. We know you work hard behind the scenes. xoxo team! <3 (Whoever wants it. lol)


Thanks for the detailed update ♥️


Looking forward to it :)


thanks for this. However i'm still getting loads of error messages around the site. So i hope the site can handle fireside


Thank you for letting us know!


That’s a bummer. I was going to pick up a GA today as mine is expiring tomorrow. Maybe I’ll still pick one up later to squirrel away.

Thank you for the update.


i'm with some others here: as ready as i am for the events, the site doesn't seem 100% yet on my end, so i'm curious as to how it will do under event stress. doing quests is still laggy for me ):

that said, thank you for the updates and transparency!


Thank you for the update and all your hard work on the site. ♥️ Really looking forward to Firenaire... or should we call it Lumiside? Haha, either way I can't wait for the festivities!


Will the writing contest still be hosted for fireside? @Amber


Ya, no thanks.
I do appreciate the stuff yall have done for us to make up for the problems but

Id love to know what keeps selling in my shop. Last known item that was bought was on 11/14/19 - 10:54:59 pm.
Id love to get to my galleries, But those damn Application errors always pop up.
Id love to do all my quests but those damn application errors & the lag show up.

Now you want to throw more stuff at us.
My guess this site is going to bog down even more.


As much as I'm ready for everything, the site isn't stable on my end :( ?


I'd ask if it would be possible to put the BF prices on stuff already in the shop and have the new things on Monday, but it's your schedule and you're already working hard!


danke for the update amber!


Thanks for the update! Just hoping 3 different events in Dec doesn't strain the severs too much. x_x


You said, you'd wait, till the site is running again? It definitely isn't, not the slightest.

Huge lag with nobody online and without event stuff happening in addition to dailies?!?!
So it'll be even harder not to be caught in application errors or to get the dailies done without spending close to 24 hours here?

"how to unlock that gosh darn bonfire thief challenger"
battling among the things not working yet?!!!!??

Why are you doing this after all?!


Thanks for keeping us updated. :) A Luminaire bonfire sounds cozy.


Thanks for the updates and all your hard work to improve the site! And especially for the information regarding the specific start day of events. That's super nice to know! :D


aw that's a bummer, but thank you for the update & honestly for waiting it out! the silver lining tho is that now my weekend is a lil less stressful/hectic :sparkling_heart:


Honestly? I feel that a nice warm up by the bonfire after hours of Luminaire shopping is just the ticket. I know technology upgrades and changes always result in headaches.

When I worked at a bookstore, we were promised that our new registers would be fully functioning the next day. Upgrade hits, 4 out of 6 registers were down and the other two were spitting pea soup and rotating 360 degrees for a full week before things were back to normal...

Thank you for all your hard work!


Well anyway, it's good to actually know what day an event will start for once. I can't wait to see what the new items (Besides the ones someone in the forums managed to get images of before they disappeared) look like. And I also can't wait to find out just how the carnival will be involved in releasing the 2018 Morostide items and those two minions. I'm sure I'll have enough tokens if those are needed.


Thanks! :D

Hopefully the rest of the updates and bug fixing goes smoothly for you guys <3


@pointycatears & @Laurey They’ve been delayed not just because of the issues with battling, but in the case of the Friendly Challenger it’s usually Bug programming that unlock method and he’s got his hands full with …. everything else haha. We haven’t forgotten though! Cranberry and Purge were able to get the challenger done (with a few hiccups, gosh darn apostrophes) and we’re going to try to get them out before the end of the month.


♡ Thank you so much for the update and the transparency! I super appreciate that and all the hard work you guys are putting in.


@Johnny Bug and Keith have been great at getting things fixed for us. They've been working through code that's old as dirt (so much of our site tbh) and I'm amazed at how much they've been doing the past few days. Like it sucks that all these issues happened, but things are working better as they get fixed which is rad.

@Frost doing my best!!!


Happy to wait if the site will be reliable and able to handle the activities! Wishing y'all smooth sailing behind the scenes!


Looking forward to seeing all the new items once everything is ready. :)

It's okay if you don't know, but I was just curious if there's any idea of when this month's battle challengers might be released? I know there have been issues with battling not really working correctly, so I understand if those need to be delayed a bit more.


Do you have any news on the Friendly and Cash Shop challengers? I know who the Friendly Challenger is from the loot, and I know they're probably delayed because of the battle errors, but how will this affect the Cash Shop challenger? Will you release them very shortly one after the other, will you release them at the same time, or will you delay the Cash Shop challenger into December? Sorry if you haven't decided yet, I'm just a bit worried and would like some reassurance.


I'm ready.



I really, really appreciate the news posts! Thank you for keeping us all in the loop and for all the hard work! <3


Thank you!!!


Nooooo! lol I was so excited I could hardly sleep and will now have the same experience on Sunday-Monday and all because I am anxiously waiting for BF new items! lol (*tries to store up extra sleep from other days*)

At any rate, I am still super excited and waiting sooo patiently, but with so much excitement it hurts!

(-looks for fireside to start with high anticipation-)


I know most live for events here - I would rather see the site work without any lag!!


I super appreciate the communication regarding the server issues and holiday delays, and I hope that level of communication continues. ♥️ Thank you very much for all the work, and thank you for not leaving us all worried and wondering too!


thanks for the info! and @ohwellheythere65 fireside is subeta's Totally Not Thanksgiving that you can read up about here.


Thank you Amber! I'm so sorry you guys are struggling in the back end, I really can't wait to see all that BEAUTIFUL work
I'm 100% sure the wait will be worth it, thanks for keeping us updated


i was hoping bf would start today so i could beg my parents for money instead of bringing up that im not gonna pass my exams next week adskljflkjlgñkjñljlñh can we get an F


@Johnny We planned on having Fireside first, so artists got a lot of their art uploaded for Fireside first. And trust me, it was insane. There were issues on the backend for uploading art, not just adding items. So a lot of the Black Friday things are in the process of getting uploaded still.


Thank you all for everything you do!!!


I'm so excited for this season! This will be my first Fireside and Luminaire!


Thank you so much for the continued updates and doing them right away so no one is left wondering. Much appreciated <3


As long as the bonfire doesn't melt the snow fairies..... ;)

Thanks for the update!


Thanks for the heads up. Gives me time to get my CSC in order.


Thanks for the update! You guys rock :heart:


What exactly is Fireside, anyway? This'll be my first one.


I was excited about buying things today ☹️ well at least Fireside is tomorrow?


Thank you for the work you do, staff! <3


Thank you guys for the hard work!

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