
Chibou has a minion!

Shuzo the Fury

Legacy Name: Chibou

The Common Experiment #911
Owner: Chrysariel

Age: 11 years, 2 months, 4 weeks

Born: March 19th, 2013

Adopted: 1 year, 8 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: September 28th, 2022

Pet Spotlight Winner
June 10th


  • Level: 90
  • Strength: 141
  • Defense: 28
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 293
  • Books Read: 285
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Certified Mad Scientist

Profile Code by: Yuzu
Edited by: Chrysariel
Story by: Pureflower
Overlay by: the nk
Background by: Pixabay
Metal frame by:
Free PSD Freepik
Name Art by: Chrysariel

Thanks to VINYL
for letting me adopt him~ <3
(Legacy Name Chibou)

The Chef

“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”

~J.R.R. Tolkien~

Though the restaurant has won a combined total of twenty-six awards for culinary excellence, there is a feeling of family when you step through the doors of Chez Chibou. The padded maroon velvet chairs are molded for maximum comfort, the lighting is soothing without being stingy, and the soft music playing from hidden speakers makes youths exchange charged looks while older Subetans smile and remember strolls through Riverside in the days before Bits & Bytes opened its doors, a time when the only screens ever viewed were those of rabbit-eared television sets.

The wine bar offers exquisite vintages from smooth Cherry Chai Chardonnay to Shinwa's Sweet Riesling. There are non-alcoholic options, though even the water comes flavored with mint or lemon. Framed newspaper clippings and autographed pictures of celebrities hang on a wall with three spotlights, a station for the viewing pleasure of those interested in the prestigious restaurant's history. The bathrooms are conveniently located in alcoves to either side, boasting stainless steel stalls and touch-free technology.

The kitchen is state-of-the-art, housing sleek black ovens that can control temperature down to a half degree. Glowing copper saucepans that are as spotless as the day they were removed from their packaging hang from wire hooks up above. There are separate stations for preparing soup, sauces, salad, main course plates, and desserts.

Employees of Chez Chibou know their stations and what is expected. Though they develop a routine, there is not one that will tell you his or her job is boring. Every ingredient measured is a challenge in coordination and attention to detail. There is no such thing as good enough. Even the Experiment #3485 that washes the dishes takes the greatest care to clean her tentacles before each spray and to blast even the tiniest particles from the surface of each plate.

When you love the one you're working for, striving for perfection is never a burden.

Chibou is master of the kitchen, but he is never conceited or prideful. He takes the time to hear the concerns of every employee and does not dismiss the views of the lowliest shelf stocker any more readily than he would the opinions of his partner in business and best friend, Salvatore. He does not care about your gender, age, or who you love. If you have a passion for cooking and the motivation to keep up with the fast-paced environment of Subeta's best restaurant, he will welcome you to his world with open arms.

He does not tolerate laziness, harassment, or rudeness of any kind, regardless of whether you work for him or come as a guest. Those who try to pass their work onto others will find themselves back at Quick Bites soon enough. Master chefs that insist on using their authority to bully will be looking for a new job before a single saucepan comes to a boil. The customer may always be right, but they do not have the right to be nasty. If you mistreat his employees, you will find yourself escorted to the street by two very muscular mortikings who have a combined total of over five thousand battles between them.

That is not to say he is ruthless. Chibou seeks perfection, but he is forgiving of those that make the effort, even if they do not always succeed. He looks for improvement, especially in those youths he takes right out of culinary school. If you do better on the next dish and do not try to blame the world for those faults that come from within, his patience can be as deep as the oceans of Subeta.

Chibou passes through the central aisle as the evening rush begins in earnest. He takes the time to pause at the sauce station, a small silver spoon allowing him a taste of the creamy alfredo sauce that gets his sigh of approval. The Filet de Bovyne looks just right, paired with baby asparagus and potatoes that have been carved into roses and browned just slightly to give them the appearance of blossoms dipped in gold.

Most days he is right there in the kitchen, whistling snatches of his favorite songs and giving constructive criticism on every flavor to pass through the stations but some days require the boss to take a day in his office. Today is one of those days.

Shuzo the Fury forsakes his perch on the deep sill of the kitchen window today, following Chibou into the intimate office paneled in oak and carpeted with a cobalt rug that feels like the softest velvet beneath his paws. Despite his species, the dragon is no less popular than his master as a fixture in the kitchen. He will watch the preparation of food for hours without trying to steal a taste and he excels at lightening the mood by cracking jokes. His bed in the office is padded to cushion the contours of his lithe body, allowing him to lie for hours while Chibou dreams up the next food sensation that will sweep Subeta.

Chibou barely has time to sit before Salvatore is there, thick leather tome in hand. The Experiment #104 is a math wizard, on top of being one of the most respected chefs to ever come out of Pete's Kitchen. He sees to it that Chez Chibou always turns a profit, even on those rare occasions when a new dish bombs. While Chibou is responsible for all the financial reports, he much prefers to leave the daily number crunching to his practical partner.

"Our figures for the third quarter are looking good, Chibou. I think we'll be able to afford the Ultron 3000 mixers next month, assuming Miss Feliana doesn't decide to cancel her wedding reception. The appetizers she's requested will pay for half the equipment."

Their discussion spans over the financial needs of a restaurant, covering everything from the quantity of silverware sets to be ordered to the feasibility of expanding the western wall of the restaurant.

Chibou nods in response to Salvatore's last comment, his mind playing over a problem that has plagued him all week. The Mallarchy Au Jus is a popular dish that has been on the menu for many years. While the custom orange ginger glaze is delicious, Chibou has always felt there is some ingredient lacking, something he could never quite bring to the front of his thoughts. He knows he is close. He knows he can figure this out. Sometimes it just takes a few quiet moments.

"I trust you, my friend."

"Your confidence gives me confidence. I will have the report on your desk first thing in the morning for signature." Salvatore takes his departure, well accustomed to the habits of Chibou after so many years. There are times when the founder needs to be left alone with his thoughts. His fixed gaze on the lighted curio cabinet in the corner is a telltale sign that his mind is far away. Behind the pair of glass doors at the base are the precious writings of Grandma Chibou and other family recipe books passed down through the generations. On the shelves below them are mostly books on wines and food around the world, and a few other topics dealing with the running of restaurants. The glass doors at the top reveal a growing number of chef tchotchkes given to him over the years from friends, employees, and a few customers.

Inspiration strikes from out of nowhere, as all creative minds know it can. Chibou rummages through the center drawer of his desk, coming up with the green leather book that has different slices of cake printed in each corner. It is his recipe correction journal, used to improve old tastes and develop new ones without ever altering the original recipe cards.

Rosemary. How could he possibly miss such an obvious herb compliment as rosemary?

The new and improved Mallarchy Au Jus is an instant success and award twenty-seven is not long in coming.

Pet Treasure

Holiday Meal Ideas

Spiraled Cookbook of Feasting

Recipe Binder

Recipes Through Generations

Baking Secrets

Compiled Ingredient Notes

Handy Recipes

How to Bake Using Magic

Frozen Baking

Edible Cookbook

Quick Guide to Food Preservation

Cooking with Chef Zombie

101 Ways to Cook Terrseo

Lounge Drink Menu

Wine Pairings

The Great Vetan Bake-Off All-Stars Recipe Book

Uncommon Jams

Pumpkin Pie For The Heart

Campfire Cooking

Bumbles in the Kitchen

Black Chef Jacket

Black Chef Toque

Rectangular Cast Iron Stove

Electric Meat Grinder

Manual Meat Grinder

Chef Bread Knife

Chef Carving Knife

Chef Fillet Knife

Copper Casserole Pot

Copper Kettle

Copper Saute Pan

Large Iron Pan

Iron Saute Pan

Analog Meat Thermometer

Metal Spatula

Nut Cracker

Muffin Pan

Pie Pan

Rectangular Baking Pan

Pizza Cutter

Bamboo Measuring Spoons

Muffin Mans Oven Mitts

Purple Place Setting

Fancy Chopsticks

2008 Celebration Champagne

Port Plunder Port Wine

Peka Glade Champagne

Delphi Beach Sparkling Wine

Bottled Rose

Bottled Riesling

Bottled Pinot Noir

Bottled Merlot

Bottled Pinot Grigio

Bottled Chardonnay

Bottled Cabernet Sauvignon

Filet Mignon with Wine Sauce

Gold Dust


Ground Redpepper

Ground Cloves

Herbs De Provence

Dried Basil

Cocoa Powder

Baking Powder

Baking Soda

Carton of Two Percent Milk

Raw Chicken Eggs

Book of Melted Butter

Consecrated Olive Oil

Corn Oil

Omen Islands Hot Sauce


Homegrown Sacred Lands Vanilla

Homegrown Veta Vanilla


Champagne Chocolate Truffle

Black Truffle

Fiery Book of 911s

Experiment 911 Plushie

Warm Experiment 911 Beanbag

Pet Friends




Burning Embers









Fire Heart







Phoenix Rising







Mare Ingenii




