Introducing Project Kumos!

10k Items Kumos Plushie
Cyber Caching Device
Overexcited Carved Pumpkin
Hello everyone! January 2024 is coming up, another year for the world and Subeta. From those of you who have been here from the beginning to those who joined further along our evolution, you've seen a lot of change and progress. So the announcement of a new site framework may bring up a lot of conflicting emotions, and it's important we break what and why Project Kumos is going to be starting December 1st 2023.

We WILL all need to update our passwords again if you haven't done so already on/for; On the new kumos page you've got to click the "forgot password" thing under where you would put your credentials to get an email to reset/establish a PW for the new log-in You will then get a reset link in your email. IT will then update your password for everything. You will need to check your email on file at and be able to receive new emails at that address! If you need to change it but don't have access to that account anymore to do so, you can file a ticket and staff can reset it. OR, if you know a friend that wants to return but lost access to their email, they can email to get that changed.

TLDR; the Kumos Project is a test environment to build new stuff and THEN add it to features are not being taken away and will continue working! The Kumos Project is a way for you to see and interact with new stuff before it's implemented, as well as give feedback.

We look forward to seeing you on for the Kumos Project, and having more fun together on Subeta!
User Avatar: 605589

Posted by Galaxia


Do we have to do the change password thing by 1st December or do we have some time?


How do we log out of the Project Kumos site?


So, I wanted to look at project Kumos but there isn't even a link to it on this site. I understand it's optional, but... Why is there no link to it on this site? No one will know about it who didn't happen to log on (this site) in the week the news article was on front page.


Yo, name buddy @Ryuga ~ ♥️
Pretty sure that you can change your email on this page: just type in a new, currently active email that you can use & access in the email text box & hit the "Submit your profile" button to update all of your info on that page.

If, for some reason, that does not work & doesn't update your email? Since you're logged in, you can try filing a Ticket & Staff should be able to fix it for you. Hover Subeta tab, Tickets:

Or, if something were to happen & you're not able to log into your account at all, there's an official email to contact Staff on the Contact Us link, at the bottom of every page:

Hope that helps you & anyone else who may be having similar issues.


So I have a ....weird problem. The email I used to sign up for Subeta nearly 11 years gone from hotmail/outlook/msn (I put it into outlook, it says it doesn't exist). So logically I can't reset my password to peek at kumos.subeta. I guess I'm fine without seeing the new stuff before it gets implemented but if someone else has this issue and does really want to see the new stuff - what should we do?


some of these comments are appalling to me. tell me you undervalue software development as a career without telling me you undervalue software development as a career, yikes.

as much of an inconvenience as it may be to have to navigate between sites and reset passwords and get used to change and learn new things, in the end it will get you a more functional site that will fix all the things you folks are complaining about to begin with, so perhaps instead of saying things like "just fix xyz features already, that's what we all want, who cares about all of this," perhaps have an iota of patience and understand this is an aging game trying to catch up to old code when tech is changing every year and trying to do exactly that for you.

i work in QA and i'll be here to see it through the good and the bad! see you next year, subeta team!


Quote by @Jasper:
@antheraea Thank you for the detailed explanation, even if it's not the same exact field. Would you be able to answer the AI question; would it be a viable option for subeta?
Yeah no worries!

In my personal opinion I don't really think it's viable for this. AI code at the moment tends to make a lot of mistakes, and in a project as big as this one, those mistakes will pile up. Also, I don't think its existing dataset would really help it with ancient PHP code or how to correctly work with terabytes of SQL data. It's just not a very common use-case to begin with, but also PHP, especially an older version of PHP that the current Subeta is written in, is just not very popular anymore, so I don't really see it having this kind of code incorporated into its model to make accurate code for this even if the AI was perfect right now.


@hannah6666 and @Shelbie - Subeta already has a "Patreon"! It's the monthly gold account features, you can sign up for a monthly amount each month for gold account + CSC + a special item. I'm in the Quester tier, which is $5/month for CSC + a cool item + gold account. Totally worth it, big fan.


My only concern is that Keith as solo coder will have even more work to do while new subeta develop is basically at slug steps, I just feel he already has too much on his plate and is trying to put even more food at the top, or he is just...lost.
I like new things, I really do, but I fear subeta will become a bunch of cardboard pieces glued with spittle. Sorry, I don't wanna sound mean, I'm just worried. With tons of old problems(richest user, games failing to load, potion lottery recurrent bugs, holidays recurrent and perpetual bugs, lag and delays)I can't see how bringing new stuff into the mess will make the other stuff more organized.


I love this and am very excited!
Also protip - you can change the theme with the emojis at the bottom of the page! So cute!!


Just keep playing. Kumos is a Beta Page to test features on. If they work, they are moved over to regular Subeta.

You also do not require a new account there - the accounts are moved over, you just need to request a new password, since these can’t be moved. But either way you can keep playing regular Subeta!


Thank you for a reply @Bliss ❤ been a while since I saw your name in my notifications, I hope you're well


oh this is exciting


People seem to misunderstand my question. It is, if I do not have a kumos account am I REQUIRED to make one there or can I just keep playing subeta here like I always have?


@antheraea Thank you for the detailed explanation, even if it's not the same exact field. Would you be able to answer the AI question; would it be a viable option for subeta?


Oh yay this means we're not losing bookmarks! :D This is fantastic~


If I'm understanding correctly, the first things up are infrastructure and a new feature that will hopefully reduce server strain. After that it's going to be recoding the other parts of the site in chunks to test and then port back over here once they're functional.


I can't log in to the kumos site at all. Just says my credentials don't match. 100% using the correct email and password


Quote by @Jasper:
"Ive seen the estimation of $180k for a new coding team; can someone please explain to me how the hell that's reasonable? How big of a team are we talking? What are their hourly rates and are they actually fair?"
I probably could shed some light on this based on my own career. I am software quality engineer - that is, I don't write new features but I test them by hand and also write programs to *also* test them.

My salary is $92k. I work for a non-profit.

That's just me, and mind you, software QAs, even the ones who have a lot of experience doing test programming like I do, are *underpaid* compared to standard software developers at my skill level (my career is, at the time of writing, eight years long). Experienced software devs, which is what you want for a tech-debt-laden, long-running site that you also want to implement "in place" without kicking out all your current users, breaking the stuff they're currently doing, or data loss, is ruinously expensive even if you farm it out to a "cheaper" territory like eastern europe, or india, etc.. And yes, even if they're contractors - if anything, contractors are even more expensive than salaried staff in most cases, and that also means that once the contract is up, it all falls on you to support code that *other* people have written, which is more difficult to keep up with than, say, writing it yourself, or being part of a consistent team who had written it.


Disregard my previous message. They are new cash shop items, not Fireside items. I got too excited and didn't check the rarity. -sigh-


I hope this all works out in the end.

Side note: Fireside items are in the Item Directory Building!!!


it makes a lot of sense that Subeta is old and patchwork, especially considering how it started and how young its creator was.
anything that works towards making it easier to update and work with is good by me. I'm fine with whatever changes come, I trust the team to make those decisions <3


You go to the Kumos site, click reset password and it goes to the e-mail that you have on file that you use on Subeta. You can either make a new password or use the same one on Kumos. Basically, it's a testing site. Things will be tested there before it's implemented on the main site (here)


So... Fireside when? :(


I have a question, what if you don't have a kumos site account do you need to make one? Is it mandatory or an option?


Been waaay overdue on changing my password, so this not only looks to be a hopeful step forward for the site, but a much needed heads-up for me.
:) Wishing everyone working on this new reiteration good lucK!


I am constantly surprised and delighted to see that Keith and the rest of the crew still have passion and enthusiasm for working on this site and trying to make it even better. :) I know some people would prefer the site just be fixed as is, but I think the point of this post and Keith's on the Project Kumos page is to say that the current site CAN'T be fixed, no really, because of how old and patchwork the code is. That's why things always break and features have been put on hold for so long. I don't know much about coding, but I can imagine anything written 15-20 years ago must be pretty obsolete by now, and the work of Keith/Bug in the past few years have basically just been bandaids trying to keep the original site going. I appreciate that AND I am looking forward to the fresh new site, I hope it's easier to build and deal with being totally new and separate.

For now I'll leave the playtesting for Project Kumos to others, and I look forward to seeing updates about the new site. I'm grateful the the old site, wardrobe, holidays, etc will still be going forward as usual here! Thank you for keeping it afloat, staff. <3


Had some trouble resetting my password but got it fixed now. Excited to see Subeta possibly revitalized. Been playing for more than 10 years. My late sister and I played together. After she passed, I logged in again to remember her.



This is still the main site for all your activities, including the dailies. Kumos is just a skeletal site for fixing and changing things and making sure things work before implementing them here on Also, Keith wants to try out new things on Kumos and work out the kinks there instead of here and if they work out then he will transfer the code over to here.


I'm really divided on this. The staff recently did me a favor so I don't feel right not being enthusiastic about all this, but we've been down this road so many times; having another subdomain to sign up (and password reset again) for what I feel will be another abandoned project just weakens me. The timing is just god awful as well; the holiday season? Really mate? Reality is, I think Subeta's gone far and beyond what a single coder can do. (IDK what happened to all the others you brought on but you clearly need help with it.) I've seen the estimation of $180k for a new coding team; can someone please explain to me how the hell that's reasonable? How big of a team are we talking? What are their hourly rates and are they actually fair?

That asked, you can code entire games via AI right now and honestly, I am fine with subeta doing that. I'd rather an AI take on the workload than lose all that I've worked towards over the passed two decades I've been here. That said, if @Keith doesn't want to go that route and honestly can't afford to bring on human help, than I think it's best if Subeta just shuts down or is sold to a company that can. Those are the only options left that are healthy for everyone, heads and users alike.


There are 8 super~cute emojis on the bottom of the page on the test site lol


And, yeah, I was wrecking my brain all along, chiming in with THESOVEREIGN "What is actually changing on December 1st that necessitated a news post though?"

The way it was posted made us all nervous, thinking we could no longer use original Subeta and we had to act quick in order not to lose our accounts and not be able to play anymore.


I'm all pro for rewriting/fixing old code and testing it on Kumos before remerging it with Subeta. Sounds fab. This, by itself is a tedious time consuming job. Why is there need to waste precious time on (like I read) new facilities like crafting things (?) instead of healing the old, existing features?


This is really exciting !! Go Keith and team.


The Kumos site will eventually be integrated onto this site. It will still be Subeta. That's why he's moving it over to this one, so we don't have to update links and whatnot. Really good explanations are further down in this post.


Okay, I’m logged in on Kumos, but how do I get here to do my dailies and other stuff from there? All I can see is news, my profile, and explore? Do I now need to log into two locations to do my daily interactions?


I'm also wondering about Fireside, since I assuemd it would start before Black Friday, but if Black Friday is starting today then that means it won'e be until at least tomorrow and if we end up with only a week or less, we won't have enough time to get all the items we need unless there are less items. I don't know if it's been decided that there will be no more new Red Rreign items since there are already loads and it might be better to just re-release all previous items and their Wreathed counterparts so that the artists have one less line of items to draw and we can get older items that we missed out on.

Also, while I understand that you would probably want to pay coders and artists, I'm sure some of us wouldn't mind volunteering for free as writers. All you need to do is give us some information on the lore and pets and NPCs that isn't on the site or is hard to come by as a guide, and we can write item descriptions, Subetapedia articles, and any other written content that hopefully won't be too difficult for you to check for any inconsistencies with said information.

And all I really want when it comes to the Teahouse is for you to either ignore the vote from years ago (that most users who voted might not even be around for anymore), and just release the Garden Revamp and Lower West Side map already, or have another vote on what to do about those. If you do have another vote, maybe also list a percentage of completion for each of them so we're more likely to choose the one that's closer to being finished. It's been over 6 years now.


What exactly are the current features on the new new Subeta? It's a weird hassle having to do the password reset thing yet again when everyone already did that on the... old new Subeta. Why not just do this on new Subeta? Why create *another* new Subeta? How many Subetas are we gonna end up with?

Are all of the games ever going to be playable/accessible again? Some can't be played on a mobile device like Sudoku, and some have been gone for well over a year like the Item Drive.

Whatever happened to the minion zoo battling feature? Not that I think it was necessary since our pets battle and it felt like a pushed attempt at content, but it was brought to users' attention then quickly dropped after.

Also, isn't the "richest user" thing still broken?

I feel like some of these things like fixing the games would be an easy fix since every other size has their own version of some, but I'm not experienced with coding to say for sure... It feels though like another attempt to push more content rather than to fix what's currently wrong here.

I'd love to know straightforward what is actually needed for Subeta to get on its feet again. I think there's a lot of users and people with coding experience and great ideas who'd be willing to help if the need were just put out there. Even if the staff can't pay much, or even if they can't pay with real currency, there's a chance that someone is willing to make a good win/win deal here to help out.


Apologies if this is worded badly! I'm trying lol.

I get that they're struggling with funds but I feel like there's more they could do to address it... for example, maybe Subeta could make a Patreon, with special monthly items only going to people supporting it? They could be locked to the account like that hoodie prize they did in the past for a quest-a-thon. Everything they earn on site could be used to keep the site running, and all Patreon proceeds could just be for hiring people. I'm not a business person myself - I know it's not as simple as launching a Patreon, it's just an idea. As things stand now, I'm hesitant to give Subeta much money but I love the site and would jump to support a Patreon or something similar if it meant we'd get staff and a living site again. I miss plots and stories and all the scenery that came with them. Back in the tumblr days I think I saw some folks who offered their services free or just for csc... maybe Subeta should open spots for users who want to help? Again, I'm just grasping at ideas.

At the end of the day, I love this site. I've been here for 14 years - about half my lifetime. I worry when I read they're testing new features rather than fixing old ones... Tea House, anyone? (Speaking of, we all accept it's never coming, I just wish they'd tell us what it was meant to be. I'm genuinely curious)


*groans* Just start Fireside. 99% of the userbase just wants their holiday events, preferably with no lag.

My heart sinks every time a Brand New Feature is announced. Subeta doesn't have the best track record for finishing features. It seems like Subeta flits back and forth like a hummingbird, never sticking with something for long, and certainly never finishing anything. The wardrobe is already on another site, which is very jarring and not instinctive to use. Maybe finish up the pet colors, revamps for outdated ones, missing beanbags and plushies, fix whatever the Minion Zoo is supposed to be (or make it into a real zoo instead of battling?), ensure that MM and the Snowapult are going to work, tackle that backlog on the errors and suggestions forums, and go over your old announcements to see if there are promises and hints that never ended up happening.


so what I am given to understand, is for now, this site is staying put. the Kumos site is the testing ground, for the features being programmed for the As they finish features, and have them tested on Kumos...they'll slowly be migrating site functionality to the new subeta. They will also be trying to make it as seamless as possible...and work out glitches and item caches for user funds and csc and pets and so on, as much as possible before they implement things. I think that's what I got from this. I appreciate them trying to make it as painless as they could for us users. ^_^


A lot of the explanation went over my head but I'm incredibly excited to see new life being breathed into Subeta. This site means SO much to me and I'm so happy it's still around, and even happier to see that things are actively being worked on. I really hope this pans out, I've spent a lot of time this year concerned about this site's future and it's made it harder for me to be as active as I'd like.

As a pet person, I have a lot of questions about homesteading and was wondering if there's a general overview of plans/goals with it? It sounds like it will help make users like me (126 pets and counting! can't wait for my next pet slot!) less problematic for the site haha, which is great, but I do also wonder what things I'll still be able to do with my pets, if their profiles will still be accessible, etc.

And while I know that hiring a team to entirely rebuild the site is out of the question due to costs, this does again make me wonder - is there any chance of something like a fundraiser to temporarily hire someone on to help Keith out with the programming, or is that out of the question due to the cost/difficulty?


!! Wow this is exciting!


@Galaxia Thank you for trying to explain what's going on. It is and can be a bit confusing. But thanks to you and some others I think I understand most of it now.

@THESOVEREIGN as far as I can tell this is the first time that this news is being stated on Subeta's main site. It helps those of us who do not have or want Discord accounts to know what's going on.


Just wondering what happened to fireside. If it starts tomorrow that means we only have a week right? I don't remember the usual time line for fireside, was it always a week? Looking forward to throwing snowballs in December.


@Hannah66665 According to this update (and the other links here) they simply can't afford to fill out the staff. :'( I can't say what any of this is going to look like and I'm still trying to process it all, but I /think/ this is an effort to get the site all on one working code (because a lot of it is still the code wrote when Keith was literally 14??? Which is insane to think about) so the staff they have can add things and work on site features without having intimate coding knowledge. That is, I THINK that's the main goal here.

Would it be too out of character to post a tl;dr of what exactly is going down here? Possibly, lol.


Instead of new-fangled features, I wish Subeta would focus on, idk, hiring new staff..? A new artist, coder, or a writer. Fill up the skeleton crew a little bit before launching something new. :')


What is actually changing on December 1st that necessitated a news post though?

(or was this just never announced on the main site, and I just knew about most of this already from discord?)


What is actually changing on December 1st that necessitated a news post though?

(or was this just never announced on the main site, and I just knew about most of this already from discord?)


I really tried to grasp what is going on with this news post, but I really don't understand it. I see that the new password isn't universal between the new new site and legacy subeta? I'm quite hesitant to change my password now if that is the case :/


I hope that's the case. The new project mentioned about building and adding new stuff, although I'm not sure how existing stuff will be managed, especially those which need fixing. I hope it can also serve as a test environment for existing stuff that needs to be updated or fixed.


How do you log out? Plz ping or comment me the link?


And I did the new password for kumos but it's not what logs me in here so I'm confused


Okay this has been a bad week and my mind is fried tbh, can I get a basic explanation if this means will still be the main site once the changes are implemented, or will now be known as sorry not thinking just need to know which one we'll be logging into from now on. Will this change the new subeta old subeta layout? I need the desktop layout because I can't find anything on mobile. Thank you, sorry ❤


Honestly I can't imagine how hard it must be to work with a site this old. This definitely sounds like the easier option, since it means nobody on the main site has to deal with any unexpected problems.


Looks like it is going to be so much fun already made the wood shack. I love it


That is the goal - which I can definitely see is confusing here with how this is explained. It would be helpful to probably move over at least Keith's main forum post discussing the what and why that he posted on the kumos mirror over here even if it's a locked thread so folks get a better understanding of what's going on. A basic rundown below:

He can't do a lot of what he's talked about because too much of the site code is too old and breaks when trying to integrate. What he did was build things that "work for now" at the expense of the later where they may break down or not integrate or need to be redone. He's been piecemeal redoing things but it just breaks other things when he does. The kumos site is a way to work ground up on fixing infrastructure and testing it and making sure it can integrate in the things that cannot be easily redone before bringing those parts to the actual main site. And he's trying to build them in a way that will make future updates and integration actually work rather than breaking things down the line. People are mentioning Homesteading which is a new feature, but the purpose is to hopefully stick the pets you're not actively using off to the side so all of their data isn't being loaded in every single page (they'll still be there and they can do other tasks to help with site engagement and that will benefit users eventually with boosts and buffs and stuff - but they won't be calling all of the data about the pet and its stats and its petpage coding and its tc contents etc). He admitted he made mistakes doing new.subeta and auth.subeta in trying to build things pieced out still too much and one at a time, so this is a hopeful overhaul, inspired in part by that other famous pet site getting itself new ownership and trying to relaunch with new energy. He also said he did try to price out coding help to have the site rebuilt by a team but it was $180k at the cheapest and Subeta cannot float that and does not have the new user numbers to justify a loan or business investment like that from a bank etc.




Pretty much! It's a very different approach than Keith has tried in the past, but one that should be a lot easier to work with and doesn't need y'all to migrate to patches or work with incomplete stuff.


Thanks for the updates! Pull the band-aid right off, and let's get this going! We will be fine and adapt to any changes/issues, like always. I'm grateful for Subeta for keeping the site up and not selling out or shutting down. We appreciate everything, and are entitled to nothing. Everything will be okay, and most of us will support you - regardless. 🤗


It just looks so soulless. The current layout is so much nicer to look at.



Hmm, new area of the world yet to come?


From my understanding after re-resding a few times, kumos will be brought over to this Subeta when it's ready. Unless I misunderstood


@Galaxia Thanks for answering, I think I'm getting it now.
If I get this right, INSTEAD of updating the main code to modern standards bit by bit and from the root, that was, I think, the diretion new.subeta was going to? the kumos.project is working ON the oldie code... bones? standards? structure? but adding a new process to new content that will it make easier to be updated?
I'm going on the right direction here?
And now I get the kumos site is a optative option, like, a closed testing park to get the next update ready before implementing it on regular subeta, but,not mandatory and not future site to move all the page content.


Thank you!


Is the site going to be so plain-looking? looks like an online hospital room.


WOW, after reading @Keith note on this system and what it has taken to get here, and what it will take moving forward, and I REALLY excited for this,
And thank you so much for caring enough to troubleshoot and create etc. It's made me rethink my frustrations of the past. I wish this communication
had been done sooner, it really gives perspective and I feel a lot differently and more positively not only about the sites moving forward, but what you've
been striving towards in the past. I hope this open communication and behind the scenes looks continue, it's eye-opening and I'm really appreciative being
able to see the work that's gone into this. Thank you, Keith!



Oh and playing on Kumos is just an added bonus but not a must for playing on Subeta. So you can continue to just enjoy your time on Subeta and leave Kumos alone. Up to you. :)


@Bliss and @BoaConstrictor

I just put in my old password when I got the reset link. You do not have to make up a new password now. It is recommended that you make a new password every 3 to 6months. ;)


I'm dreading the reset password, contact through e-mail, etc. Always close to a heart attack for fear I'll be locked out of my account for ever!


So we do not have to do anything or log in at Kumos, but can keep playing here? For the time being, at least? Like I've never used new.subeta except for wardrobe and borders. Kumos is just a test or project for the future, like that other thing many, many years ago and the GA special trials?


I’m going to endeavor to remain open minded and optimistic. I’m honestly just very thankful and excited that the team is working on improving/changing/expanding Subeta. Sometimes it’s so sleepy around here it can feel forgotten. I am glad to see Subeta still lives and has people that want to make it better!


Thank you for the update! I've done as told. Looking forward to seeing the new stuff : )


me, logging off my engineering meeting at my SaaS support job: ahh, time to relax

me: opens subeta


kidding tho, this is exciting! sounds like a great idea that will help move things forward more easily. to anyone that's worried: this is a good thing. source: bro just trust me


Thank you! Can we still use our current password once we get the reset link, or is it recommended to make a new one? If so, whoops, but I find it easier to just make them the same. I just don't want to be frozen for being logged in on two sites


While a test environment is very useful, it would be helpful to give the same attention to existing things that needs to be fixed. Many of them are idle for such a long time, some with announcements and nothing new after that.


I'm having the same issue as Jess and Life with the password on Kumos not working on Subeta!


You have to hit "forgot password" on the Kumos site. Then you can reset it.


Do I have to change my password right away or can I wait for some of the bugs to clear first..?


Honestly kinda excited to see some new changes to Subeta.~♥️


Very excited!


I love crazy things like this. Doing the Homestead is a bit chaotic now, but it's nice to see things being developed.


Just got back from the store & haven't had time to read all the comments, but my take on this is if we don't want to or don't have the time to check out new stuff then we just don't need to do anything.


so basically


I’m having the same issue as Life. I logged out of Subeta and reset my password through the email link on Project Kumos. Normal Subeta is still requiring my old password while Project Kumos is taking the new password :frowning: I thought they were supposed to be synchronized across everything?



Thanks :) I'm in Israel and between siren and rockets, this is my second home, Subeta. I must admit I am in freakout mode every time there is a change, especially when I don't understand much, or at all...and when it happened before that Subeta went poof...


All of that, CSC and galleries and subscriptions and outfits and battling and everything, will stay as it is and be usable on Keith will test new things on and then bring them over when they're ready, but it won't take anything away from you. This is an addition to and a way to improve the main experience rather than a complete redo on short notice, promise!


The password I created for Kumos does not work for regular Subeta, it still requires my current/previous password. I am not going to change any more passwords until we get further clarification on this, thanks!


Ooo, exciting!


sit on couch, chill with music and wait to do anything till everybody say, yesss i understand all and all is working... 😄 than and only than I roll out my red carpet and follow ur' instructions...👍



Thanks for answering, but what happens to our existing CSC and GA? My GA will expire towards the end December, does it go through? Even if it's buddy gift? So many explanations, so hard to understand it many questions still not custom pets and wardrobe and galleries and...



Yay!!! That clears up everything! Thank you. :D <3

*hugs* <3


You're wonderful love, thank you!





Ignore my more recent question because I think this answer it as well lol

So Kumos is optional for us to use AND Legacy (and related coding for artwork/profiles/etc) isn't going anywhere if I understand correctly then?


What I'm understanding is this is just simply an open beta type thing and we can give real time feedback, nothing more than that


Also wanted to add, I'm just now getting into commissioning artwork/profiles for all my pets. Things I'll likely spend real money for. Should I put a pause on that if Kumos is going to be a thing? I assume what we purchase (coding wise) for Legacy will not work for Kumos.


@hannahharmin @Gambino
Hannah's got it perfectly. Things will be tested on then brought to main when they're ready, rather than having to make a whole new site or redirect you somewhere else.


I'm real confused and also a little weary because I had to manually change my passwords for all three sites.


I'm with @Gambino with liking the legacy site. Not entirely sure what's going on with Kumos. Is it a site used to test new code and updated code and then implement that code on


As one of those old users (on the site and irl), I don't think I understand entirely what this is, even after the extra explanation in these comments. Will Kumos eventually take over entirely?

I will say I am not currently a fan of how Kumos looks/feels overall on PC, but, I'm sure lots of changes will come. I'll try my very best to keep an open mind. However, I'm firmly in camp Legacy Subeta. D:


i'm confused. i changed my pw on kumos and it's supposed to change for everything, but it still needs my old pw here....


If this Subeta stays, please please keep posts/news here and don’t move them to Kumos! I don’t want to check three separate pages (new Subeta? Legacy Subeta? Kumos??).
Kumos sounds nice as a beta project thing, so yes, do it! But please keep everyone informed.


Echoing @Sheap on the layout aspect! I am not a mobile user, and the times I do visit the legacy site on mobile, it works fine enough for me. I hate websites turning their layouts to be more mobile-friendly at the cost of becoming less desktop-friendly!


@Sheap @Roadkill
It sounds like you both kind of have the same question or concern, so I am going to try and answer you both?

Think of it as...hmm. Let's say you're making jewelry. You have ideas for all sorts of nifty little projects and pendants and styles, and you make individual pieces that look great, but when you try to connect them together the connectors don't fit or the pieces snare or the metals clash. On their own they look great, but you can't turn the smaller pieces into a nice cohesive whole. Or if you're knitting and you use different weights of yarn or different kinds, trying to put the sleeves on a shirt body doesn't make a good garment overall.

That is what Keith was doing before, and it wasn't working. A new project would be difficult or impossible to integrate with Subeta's older code. So this is the opposite approach; an updated framework, and projects built OUT from that standard. It's going to be easier and should not lead to individual pieces that get left behind. Plus, being a test environment rather than main production, shouldn't break main functionality of the site or disrupt your experience.


lol remember cults


So I had changed my password for the Kumos site, but I still need my old password for the current site. I thought it was supposed to update for both?


@Disasters @Shelbie

...we're missing CSC?

@User not found: _@;;;;


Again, I'm not wanting to sound ungrateful for the work Keith is putting in. But without an explanation it feels like... why are you (staff, not you-you) doubling your workload unnecessarily? Is this what the crafting thread in the forums was alluding to even though most of the responses were "crafting is boring, I never use it anymore"? Is it just a proof-of-concept or is this going to be The Thing(TM) that's gonna be basically the only thing worked on for the next year+?

Obviously neither of us have the answers, and again, I'm happy there's a future for subeta that isn't like, dwindling into nothingness. Just that from an outside perspective it looks like an unnecessary burden Keith is taking on in addition to trying to rewrite the entire website's code.


Just kidding, it's me, I'm just dumb. Logged in fine lol


I try to log in and it says my info isn't in the system :| I'll have to file a ticket but I'm still looking forward to new stuff


@Evy no problem! It wasn't really explained clearly. Happy to help c:


Can someone explain a bit simpler/shorter? Explanatory walls text are nice (not irony lol, I read all that, I'm in process to read the Keith post also) but, just for a quick look because this are new-news for me.
I get the site code is oldie and the new things are newer are may not be retrocompatible? Like, triyng to use a Gameboy Advance cartdrige on a Swicht?
It's the site getting mirrored on another URL? What's the difference between kumos an new.subeta?
If you don't get a kumos password you will... locked out from subeta or something? There is a countdown to get the password?

PS: I hope the new layout will not be much different... I aprecciatte A LOT this site being for PC/computer... I'm... tired of... big letters in enourmous colored buttons... taking half of my screen for two sentences, maybe three, but only in the middle leaving empty both sides....


welp, lets see how this goes.


That was part of Keith's epiphany! He'd been treating as separate projects, one at a time things to add to it, but as he looked at adding new things to, well, he realized it would just run into the same problem. is a more unified approach that can use new versions (great catch, @Saturnine) of some old programming tools to move things back onto once they're ready, rather than having to do a whole new site.


Quote by Aurora:
I've been here nearly twenty years, practically two thirds of my life. I remember when every click said we were using 2400% of the bandwidth!
Hahaha... it's funny to think Subeta has been a part of our lives for more than half of it. That does make me a little more excited for whatever is around the corner.


I think Keith has a bit more to it, he's been working on it for a bit so he knows WHAT is going on. The why and how are just the parts where if he pulls too hard on one bit of code something else breaks. At one point for battle he deleted a years-old table that looked like it didn't do anything and it ended up resetting some pretty important battle stats; he does NOT want anything similar like losing information happening to the CW system for y'all's sake as well as the users just buying. Artists and releasers do amazing things and the wardrobe system is so vital and fun because it is this intertwined labor of love throughout the years from so many people, with so many items being everything from fun fashion to deep tributes to loved ones, but it means there's a lot to lose as well if he pulls the wrong domino.


Mixed feelings! On one hand seeing this is a relief. I logged in again after more than a year away (and on other pet sites) and coming back to Subeta can be a bit jarring. It's definitely lagging in several areas, and you can feel just how small the team is. I'm really glad Subeta is still being worked on and I'm on board, even though I don't totally get what the plan is.

I am nervous at the start date and... I really have no idea what to expect. But I guess that's par for the course on Subeta. It sounds like you're rebuilding the site from the ground up so all features are on the same code at last? I sense the imminent growing pains but I'd love to see the finished project. Idk I guess let's do this!

Now to figure out this password reset. *puts on elderly lady reading specs*


Been here since before to global reset of 2004, i.e., my real join date is June 23rd, 2004 prior to the user tables being deleted and everyone needing to rejoin. I've been here nearly twenty years, practically two thirds of my life. I remember when every click said we were using 2400% of the bandwidth!

This is nothing. Aside a small concern regarding pet stats, I'm not worried at all. We've been through worse. We'll get through it again. And largely, this should help fix other problems the site has been having. We can only go up from here.

I hear a lot of oh. Why were you working on homestead... but that was much needed new content for Subeta. I'm not sure how many folks have noticed, but the site isn't as active as it used to be,this is deeply saddening. New features, more activity. But. The old framework was a roadblock, according to the forum post. That helped lead to this whole new framework idea. I'm thankful to Homestead and I think it'll be good for the site and even fun. Obviously the new structure is now the priority,

Also, fun thing I noticed... you can react to forum posts on the new framework with stickers in your inventory. I started laughing since the only once in my inventory were not appropriate for the project announcement.


I thought was supposed to be the updated project? Was that abandoned?


Fireside and other events will happen! This is extra stuff, not in place of.


@Galaxia the timer is a good idea but if Disasters and I buy the same exact cw at the same time it’ll just happen again. I hope this will be addressed with the new site! And if money is an issue, why not start a GoFundMe or a Patreon?



You don't have to change your password. You can input your current password and use it. That's what I did. :)


I got seeing excited the new post thinking fireside was starting and now…my head hurts 🤦‍♀️🤣 I will re read later and hopefully it will make sense then 🤞


@Shelbie @Disasters
This has not been ignored and there have been staff posts on it. But it is a situation of timing with the current code that is tricky to address without overhauling the entire system. Keith and even bug are/were digging deep into how or why it is happening, but it's an example of that technical debt; the older system was coded to work but Keith didn't realize at the time the volume it would need to handle. His plan right now is to add a simple timer to the purchasing process (1 CW per minute) as a solution until a new and FULLY TESTED, SCALABLE version of the CSC system can be ported.

Once you reset your password it will reset it across all sites but yes, it does have to be changed for the new site.

Credit card is going to be the best option, PayPal is a logistical issue in its own right including being expensive and having customer service issues. Keith is putting together a post on what's been going on with some of that and other financial matters on Subeta and will be putting it up on soon.


Hmm I really hope this breathes new life into Subeta. That would be wonderful!


Managed to log in successfully and have a look.


I'm not quite sure about all this, but I logged onto the new site with no issue. Thanks for all the hard work that's being done, and fingers crossed that everything turns out great!


So I have to change my password? 🤬


So I have to change my password? 🤬


As English is not my main I had to read it a few times but still don’t understand it all.
Can someone explain it simple for me

Magic it basically that we all play on this Subeta website per usual, but the dot kumos is like a testing field people can log on and play with if they want to? And once something passes beta it comes onto this subeta website for everyone to use?


I think we should probably all remember that at the end of the day, Subeta is a passion project.
The crafting portion is something Keith has wanted to bring to the site for a long time and it seems like he's really excited to be working on Subeta again.
Which really makes me happy for the site's future!

So yes, there are still other things to be doing/fixed around the site but I think letting Keith/Staff have fun with Subeta as well is also very important.


Looks pretty ugly, ngl


i just hope the -new- site will be optimized and the pages properly scale
i got small laptop and wardrobe literally goes offscreen for me. and with shit sight i cant play this game zoomed the hell out. i just don't care enough for avatar making anymore to complain about much just yet lol


“One more thing: what happens to CW, CSC and cash purchasing for NON USA users? It was finally working..”

Nothing in regards to csc works. Releasers are losing csc daily pretty much and no one on staff (save Jessi) gives a crap about fixing it.


Considering they made the minion zoo for this reason like, what, 8 years ago? And it's still useless lol



does this mean that issues like the missing CSC from CW purchases are going to be ignored until this project is done? I mean that's a serious 2 YEAR old issue and staff is still ignoring the post.


Like it reads like you're going to be basically rewriting the site piece by piece.... whyyyyyyy would you add the work of creating an entire new crafting/questing/house(???????) system on top of all that? It sounds like you're wanting to build a completely new petsite instead?

I'm not wanting to sound ungrateful for the work Keith is putting in to this project but I just want to understand.


@Roadkill what I understand is that homesteading feature is to give your pets more things to do while on site, rather than just sitting there.
So you will have small and large tasks to do, and I believe it was mentioned that at some point creating items or completing tasks would give items. (Which, isn't a sure thing yet)

(Since the site runs on clicks as well, then it would give the site more clicks and basically keep it alive in a way.)


Ohh so that's where notifs for purchasing csc on the ~new~ page have been going (as I was greeted by 2 events for Oct purchases haha)...


Ah. Confused why y'all have made an entire new crafting system/pet quests? Is that gonna be a major thing being worked on in addition to all the other stuff?

Might also want to explain at all what migrating your pets over actually does, I chose my least favorite pet because I had no idea what that entailed for it. :I


I'd like to formally apologize to my chibi neela for immediately sending the tiny man to build a shack in the woods.


As usual, at a total loss of what's going on. Still don't understand this "Kumos Project", is it now going to be the "New Subeta"? I've never changed my password on kumos dot subeta dot net, I've never been on kumos dot subeta dot net. And why, oh why, are you doing this at the same time as Lumiaire? A time that just about everyone looks forward to???


Ok, logged in - it also said that I received 500 CSC in an event, might not want to have that up there.


@Cheshire Thank you, that worked! I re-read the news post several times, but I didn't quite get what we were actually supposed to do.


I hope all these future plans don't involve more item limits like they did to the shops/galleries (still not over it lol)


One more thing: what happens to CW, CSC and cash purchasing for NON USA users? It was finally working...


*headdesk - always remember to refresh before posting -sigh*


Ok then.
All I have to say is that this kind of thing always confuses me no matter how you all try to explain it.
I shall just keep on playing as I am, and when things change, they change, and I'll adapt :)
Good luck all!


Does getting a new pw also change the pw for signing in the rest of subeta? Legacy etc.


You basically have to reset your subeta password.
You will get something sent to your email, and you will reset there.

Take note that resetting your password for Project Kumos means resetting your password for as well.

Also you must use the same email you are using for!


Wishing staff the best while working on this new site.


if i'm not mistaken, you have to RESET your password on Project Kumos by hitting the FORGOT PASSWORD button on the log in screen


Over time the new features that are tested and stable will be integrated into the main site, and they will likely have different layouts.

@Roadkill @Bliss is staying in its current form and features will not be removed until or unless a better, stable, more tested option is ready. the Kumos Project is about adding to Subeta rather than taking away! I specifically checked with Keith to make sure of that. We'll be keeping our items and accounts and functionality will still work. Basically is a test environment, an addition to the site where things can be perfected before they're added to


@Roadkill @Bliss
it doesn't look like it. I think it's saying this site will run as-is but on Kumos.subeta is where new features and fun things will take place. I don't think they've addressed yet if the site will fully be integrated into Kumos but it states that eventually the plan is to have it redirect from here to there


@Bliss Thank You ❤️ I didn't see that *sigh* I'm losing my eyesight.


On the new kumos page you've got to click the "forgot password" thing under where you would put your credentials to get an email to reset/establish a PW for the new log in. Hope that helps


Read post below. I pinged the wrong user. Sorry MarchOnOff


@Solas @MarchOnOff
I got the same thing. Then I re-read it and it said it's still in testing stage


From past experiences, I do not expect anything that dandy soon. I might be pessimistic, I might receive nasty smails from staff like before, but my fears are that no Melody, no Lumi, no Subeta. If I'm wrong and all goes well, I will publicly apologize, but till I see it to believe it, all I have is a wing and a prayer...The most heart felt best wishes and good luck to the staff and all the people working on this <3


Yeah, you guys may wish to look into the kumos login thing because it didn't work for me 😢


I don't get how we log in or update our passwords on the kumos site?
Entering my email (same email as here on subeta), I get: These credentials do not match our records.


Okay, just to make sure, we will not be losing anything on our accounts (pets, wardrobes) as this project goes forward and/or overtakes the site in the future? If so, I wish the project luck.


So, this site will no longer work and we'll have to use a new site in January? Can someone please break this down for me in very simple terms? Thanks lol


Also, did I miss how we update our passwords on kumos.subeta?


So the entire site layout is changing because it's now built on laravel (? I do cloud work, so I see programming languages maybe once a week)?


here we go!!!


excited, even hahaha


im so exciting for the future of subeta :)


Yay fun stuff ^_^

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