Unique Pet Name Changes

It's happening! This change is a massive shift over what we've done for the past 15 years and we know upfront that this change will make some people happy, and some people upset. We're making this change to preserve the future of Subeta, and to keep excitement for new users as high as for those of us who've been here for the last 15 years.

We've listened to feedback on this for years, and have looked at how other popular modern games handle unique names like this. We've come to a decision and are implementing it today.

The goal at the center of these changes is to give everyone on the site the freedom to be as creative as they'd like, and build characters around their pets without having to scour for the name you want for months - and to honor those who fought for names and waited months.

Pet Names

From this point forward pet names are no longer unique. That means, for example, there can be two pets named Spot on the site at the same time. You can build stories and characters around a name, without needing to add numbers or strange spellings. We're looking forward to seeing a burst of creativity!

The new URL structure for your pets looks like: https://subeta.net/pets/keith/AwesomePetName

And the sCode for linking to pets is: Code:
...where "keith" is the username of the pet's owner, and AwesomePetName is the (hopefully awesome) pet name!

All of the links around the site have been updated to reflect this change.

Changing Pet Name

You can now change your pet name once per month with a gold account. That means one name change *per pet*, per month. We'll have a way for everyone to rename their pets soon!

Legacy Pet Names

To honor those who have spent time, effort and money in obtaining unique pet names up until now, every pet created on the site up until this news post now also has a legacy pet name that links them to their names prior to this update. The old URL structure and sCode will still work, and will link to the pet with that legacy name.

For example, if I owned AwesomePetName before this update, then https://subeta.net/pets/AwesomePetName here will still link to my pet AwesomePetName for the rest of time!

If I change my pets name to "TotallyAwesomePetname" the legacy name will continue to be AwesomePetName. This status will persist even if your pet is transferred to a new owner.

There is a line on the pet profile designating the legacy name, and this can be removed targeting the .legacy-name class with CSS. For example, the following CSS will hide it completely:
.legacy-name { display: none; }

Other Changes

We will no longer be clearing old pet names - all old pets will retain those legacy names.

We will still be clearing usernames at the same time, as they continue to be unique. No pet names will be cleared.

There is a helpful user-made FAQ here which compiles information from various staff posts/comments: Topic: FAQ about Legacy Names/Non-Unique Pet Names
User Avatar: 744

Posted by SubetaTeam


I'm later than late to the party, so I'm actually unsure if this comment will show up but I'm a big fan of this change as I just came back after a hiatus.
I was always frustrated because I didn't have such nice pet names as some other users but now I can join in on the fun.
Thank you for the change.


Oh, this relieves me so much! As much as I enjoy this site, I a not on it very much and I am relieved to know I will no longer have to worry about my pet names getting whisked out from under me if I take an unexpectedly long leave of absence. I also enjoy that I will get to have certain names I wanted fora long time. If only I can remember what they were. Well, at least I have all the time in the world now. =3


My pet names were all I really had to set my account apart from the rest xD It was nice to include a legacy feature though. I really appreciate the thought that went into the change, even if I'm (selfishly) not wild about it.


Love this! :D 100% support!


Legacy pet name concept... very good.
I have some really difficult/sought-after names that I care about a LOT (bless Vaixation's soul for grabbing Chara for me back when they cleared), but there's also some names that I've been lowkey stalking for awhile and would love to have. As would my girlfriend!

Nice update, and I'm a fan of the new name change style too. I can see why some people would be upset about this, but legacy names give old pets value, and new names allow more freedom. A+.


As someone who has been on this website for a long, long time, I am 100% for this change. I can finally change my pets' names to ones I've wanted for a long time, and this motivates me a lot more to actually give them love and attention.

One of the biggest issues I had with the site was twofold: 1) I couldn't even be on the site, even just lurking, without people literally stalking my profile and pet names, asking me when "they could have my username / pet names / etc..." and 2) People more active on Subeta than I was often stalking profiles to create more pets, as well as hoarding "real names / words" of dozens upon dozens of pets, without actually doing anything with them...sometimes, hoarding them for several years.

This not only completely removes the issue of "pet / name hoarding", as well as people constantly stalking users and pet names to pounce on inactive ones, but it also relieves that pressure and cutthroat competition, and allows people to create whatever character(s) they want with their pets, rather than worrying about "not having / getting the right pet name" for them. Thank you so much, Subeta team, and I wish this had been implemented years ago!


Been browsing the forums and looking at what people are doing for their pets, and it seems like making names non-unique is giving people HUGE waves of inspiration. It's so exciting to see that people are keen on working on their pets' profiles and personalities! I really like seeing how people have such different interpretations of the same name/noun. :D This change is definitely going to enable so much creativity from users!


I like the idea, but I'm mad about all the money I've recently spent for name changes. I swear, I think I've spent close to $50 in 2020 alone. Everytime I'm active, I search my list for availability. It's a major kick in the coin purse (and other places) to offer something free after I've already paid so much money to purchase the exclusivity of having original pets. Losing sP doesn't bother me, but this messes with my real life earnings. People take their real money seriously. I'm guessing no refunds or CSC compensation either, huh? Maybe people wouldn't be so upset if they were somehow reimbursed for the money they spent on name changes and transfers.. In the past 6 months at least.


Alright, well there goes the fun and creativity of pets on this site. You're now like every other pet site that doesn't have much interesting to offer. Congratulations to all the pets named James or Elizabeth or whatever.


WOHOOO unique names are just bulk goods now.
Sorry I personally don't like it at all.


i love this idea, specifically for memorial names or fandom names.
however, i've spent time and money to get the pet name that i have today and it feels like all of that was a waste.

but this seems like a nice way to compromise, and i'm especially glad there's no numbers or anything. it's also nice to have a 'legacy' idea for the original to be linked to.

still i'm not going to hide that i hate this change, of all the ones that are happening, but i'll just get used to it lol


I've only been here a year and a half, so when I first got here, it felt like all the good names were taken.

On the other hand, most of my pets' names are a lot more interesting and meaningful than they would've been if my first choice wasn't taken.

On the other other hand, I have now taken those names, which would've led to even more of the good names being taken. Unique names are ok when a site is small. But if it grows, then all of the good names really will be taken for real, no matter how imaginative you are.

So I am glad about this. It will cut down on:
- people frantically refreshing the adoption centre, trading them around on forums, and having to wait months or years for a name that fits their idea.
- people realising that a random word isn't taken, and wasting pet slots hoarding names they don't have an idea for.
- on the flipside to my last point, people with writers block feeling guilty that they are "hoarding" a good name without doing anything with it.
- the inevitable rise of ridiculously long names, weird spellings and numbers that would've happened if the site continued to grow without making this change.

If the good names are not all taken, it'll help the site grow, and people can focus on the fun stuff like writing. Thank you!


I don't play this site much anymore and I had anxiety that if I didn't log into the site that my pet names would get taken. I have quite a few desired ones that would get snapped up straight away. It would make me sad since even though I don't play much I still love them and wasn't easy to get them.

I like this change. Thanks for the legacy thingy to keep them a bit special!


Awesome change :D


Names were something to be proud of and work towards...now, they're just nothing. As a user of many, many years, and as someone who really took pride in hunting down names and coming up with alternatives, I can't say I'm fond of this change at all. I understand where the people who love it are coming from, and at least there's the legacy pet name thing I guess, but I'm not happy.


As some one who, 12 years, 6 months, etc, etc, ago had to come up with a creative alternate name for a pet who was attached to an account who's owner visited maybe 2x a year just so they could keep their pet names... I LOVE THIS!!! Thank you for the change! <3


finally... after 10,000 years... I can finally have my Adrien


I think this is pretty great. I got most of my pets from the adoption center, so they've all had some very random names over the years. I just never wanted to pay to rename them. Now I can't decide what to rename all of them! :')


I've been on this site for many years now and I had many unique pet names. You know what I think of all of this? BEST THING EVER, I think this was a brilliant move on the staff's part personally. From what I could tell on the comments on multiple social media there's a lot of people who are super happy about this compared to the amount that are torn up about it. I think this will lead to a new wave of users or at least a lot more happy users who currently use the site. Hell, I bought a gold account just so I could change some names around so I know it's going to be good for profits in the future! As within a big change I know this is going to upset some people. But honestly I'd rather good changes like this happen and keep the site afloat for a while longer. And yeah I get some of the concerns about pets being unique or what not, but if a name is all it took for some of these pets to be unique...well IDK I just think there are so many more ways to make a pet your own even if there's seven other pets with the same name. Honestly the unique name system was just a chance for name hoarders to have some kind of status pet in my opinion, which is understandable and some rights as it's human nature to want the one and only _. Plus as many users have stated now we don't have to feel guilty about not working on our pets as much if we have a certain name, and without that pressure I feel like a lot of people can flourish and work on pets at their own pace and have a good time with it instead of it feeling like a chore.


And before someone accuses me for being attacking the ''other team'' I'm saying you're wrong. People have the right to don't like this change, I'm just saying that this ''neopety'' system is not something I like and it is a reason why I always preferred non-unique names system, Subeta (was) just a exception in the middle of this kind of site.


What @Lea said is just what I was thinking.

It is NOT so easy to figure out another name for that pet concept you current have on mind for everyone and personally I'm very pick with this. Alternative names doesn't work always because sometimes the correct names has something intrinsic in its entire meaning for the pet and alternatives ruins it completely.
As a person with not much creativity and picky choices thousand times I got stuck with pet creation because I weren't able to create that most desired pet of all time just because someone took it years and years before me and it is pretty sad. The pets ideas commonly come to me with
spontaneity and not from a deep thinking after days and days so when I notice that I would not be able to create Peter Pan but just Peeter Pann it doesn't make me say ''go and find other name!!!''.

And as a complement for me pets aren't their names but their concepts, the fact that other player can pick the same name some time then doesn't affect MY pet because its name isn't everything. The point that someone more can also have one pet with the name of a character you love for example is fine, everyone can enjoy the same things and there is no problem with that. Characters themselves has no authority or owner inside the fan base.


As a user who joined 15 years ago I don't love it. I waited years for names to clear up and I had to brainstorm for different options. There was a thrill to the chase and caused me to get creative and really cherish when I got a name Of course it isn't fair to new users and makes it so certain names will just never be obaintable. Guess I just wish this was implemented years and years ago when the site was newer.


The arguments of choice overload are kind of confusing for me personally. Perhaps it's just a "me" thing, but I feel like Subeta doesn't lend itself to that kind of thing even with this change. The thing about Subeta that's different from many other pet sites is that there is a HARD CAP LIMIT to how many pets we can have. That number has grown a lot, but it remains true that for the higher numbers you have to spend real cash for new slots. I'm not buying slots willynilly and then going "but what do I want to DO with that slot??" Usually I have a fully formed idea for a pet before I spend actual cash on a pet slot. In fact the only time I ever felt the "what will I do with this slot??" feeling happened when I got my free slot totem on my anniversary a few times. Other times I had prepped for it and was ready with my idea.


I'm mixed on this honestly. Part of what made Subeta exciting for me was the thrill of searching for an untaken name and creating something with that specific name that was unique but qt the same time I understand it isnt fair to everyone else for me to have that one specific name just for me when maybe they could come up with something just as amazing.

Idk. I guess for me I'm losing more and more of what kept me here and that's ok. It's time for newer users to make this site theirs and create their own memories. :)


@Keith thank you for saying this


Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Siivet) is now named May!
Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Mr. Moo) is now named Cow!

I am so happy now. The first is a pet I made after my Mom passed away and the second was made after my 17 year old cat passed away. Glad I can have the name I want for them, not to be unique or cool but to honor them in my own heart


I guess the trill of the hunt is over then... But I see a lot of happy people so... I don't know. Mixed feels.


I like it.
It makes me more aware to be original and unique in my creativity's.


i've had mary-kate since 2008 and i can finally have ashley omg


@Sopheroo AGREE. And to look at a great pet profile and be able to really enjoy it instead of it being clouded with thoughts of, “well, I’ll never get this name, because this asshole is clearly more active than I am.”


I can’t say how much time I spent during my first ten years here stalking names. I’ve not been so active the last few years, but try to check in so I won’t lose the names before I’m able to come back and spend time here. I know people think I’m a “name hoarder” and I’ve been accused of being selfish when others claim they would do “more” with them than I do. I’ve gone back and forth over the years between feeling guilty, because I’m sure there are some people that absolutely would have done more, and feeling justified...I put in the time and effort and just because I have to work 12+ hours a day right now and can’t be on on here, doesn’t mean I should give them up while I still hope to be able to come back here and be active some day.

AND NOW I DON’T HAVE TO FEEL TORN. Thank you, Subeta! Thank you for giving us new opportunities. Thank you for relieving some of that guilt that I felt for not having the time to tend to my LotR babies. I always felt bad telling someone, “no, I won’t adopt out Frodo to you; he is my son.” And also, thank you for giving ME the opportunity to finally have a pet named for the one thing I love more than LotR...CROCHET.



Hey everyone - remember that it's fine that people are upset by this!


Man, it feels good to actively look at people's accounts for reasons other than "when are you going inactive? :D"


@AlienOctopus @Zii you can kindly stop with the ridiculous rude attitudes. People are allowed to feel upset by this change, i am one of them and i only had a couple cool names, and you can stop acting like they're wrong, because they aren't. And you can be proud of a name at the same time want it for reasons, and it doesn't make you elitist or "crazy." Just because a lot of people in this news post are happy they got what they wanted, doesn't mean everyone has to be, and doesn't mean its wrong. Just stop with that already.




This was a much needed change. Thank you.


On one hand I enjoyed hunting down the names of my favorite characters and put a lot of time and money into doing so, but at least now I don't need to stalk the handful of names I still needed!


I know some people are leaving over this but I think its a great idea, theres more people online and now theres a lot more creativity, there have been a lot of people that log in once a year to keep their pet names then dont show up again so I think this was necessary! Thank you so much team for listening and thanks @Bug you seem to be working so hard and youre answering everyones questions thank you so so much! ♥


I actually really like this. Thank you, Subeta team!


Thinking back to when I had a Megaman Zero tribute character I named .Zero. , this is a change past me would've absolutely welcomed! Since .Zero. started with a period, staff Bug needed me to change it, lucky me essentially got a free name change I still like to this day :V

It's really nice to know we have the freedom to give our pets clean names that aren't riddled with numbers or have site-breaking periods on them. I really do believe this naming freedom will help take subeta ahead of the competition. Believe me, there's few things more depressing than going to the neopets pound and finding nothing but names like koko_12_hf


Why does changing a pet name to something you love and enjoy need to be taken up 10 notches of creativity to get a similar result. If I want to name my pet Rex, I shouldn't need to put Rexaphilion. I certainly don't understand and can't sympathize with any "lack of creativity" comments because making a pet shouldn't need to be that much work for what is a project of love. You can counter argue that easily that with the new freedom, EVEN MORE people will put more efforts towards the pet functions and do even more snazzy profiles to compliment their creative exploring. I'm happy that pets don't need to be a competition of who has the most 'original' name. Thank you. ♡


I was on the fence when this idea was originally brought up, but seeing how happy this has made people, I'm glad this is the direction staff have decided to go! While I'm a little bummed about how much time/effort I spent getting the names that I had, it's also great to finally have other names that I've always wanted, and it's such a relief to no longer feel like I need to hold onto to a "good" name that I wasn't passionate about, just in case I might regret losing it later.

All in all, very pleased with this change, and I hope that this inspires people to create all their favorite characters on this site!


i don't do jack shit with my pets, but this is so nice! i hated being on neopets and have to spell names with y's and h's like a modern-day mom trying to call her child "mackynleigynh"


I have seen some people say "now there's going to be less creativity on the site" and I want to reassure you that that's definitely not true! People will still get creative with names, I can promise you that. I've never seen a place where users could name characters/pets whatever they want and everyone had a pet named Tim. It is still a lot of fun to come up with suitable and unique names and nobody is gonna stop going that- even someone who has a pet named Tim is probably gonna have 20+ pets with other naming conventions and plenty of creativity to go around. Plus we still have to customize species, color, treasure chest, stories, backstories, art, etc. People still think creatively about pet names, just because the hunt for a unique one is not a hurdle doesn't mean we aren't gonna be spending a lot of time and thought on this stuff. ^-^


This is so cool! I've been on this site for literally ever, so I have a few short real word names that I love and it took so.. so much time to find the right names, even back then. The addition of the legacy names really makes this work for me, just the idea that my boy Uproar is the OG and will be until the day this site goes up in flames is so dang cool. I also love that I can find names for my current interests, like I just created a pet named Adora and I love her!

Added bonus, people won't leave me sMail about wanting me to go inactive so they can steal a name, so that's nice. Hasn't happened in a long time, but I'm glad it won't anymore.


Thank you
This means I can make tributes of my real pets with their real names
I’m really happy


I'm glad about this.

If somebody else is not happy, it's their good right.
But personal for me it's better and a aprovement of the site.

A pet could be unique about what the owner would make up about the character.
In reality there are truly hamsters who are called "Hamtero". But each hamster is unique.


We basically wrote the same thing o-o

I noticed that people are putting others down and that's really disheartening.


I'm really disappointed to see people berating and making fun out of others who are not happy with the change. Is there a need for that? There is nothing wrong with people expressing their opinions and how they're proud of their achievements and the many original pet names they have. Even though this debate has been ongoing, the sudden springing it upon users without warning is upsetting.

I see a lot of pros and cons about this change. The challenge of finding a great untaken name is lost, but now there's added stress of finding a good name. Have you ever heard of "Choice Overload?" It's a cognitive process that people face when there's too many options. Then they have a hard time making decisions because there are so many options. It leaves the person second guessing themselves (Did I name my pet the right thing? Should I have named it what I wanted to originally, or should I just go for something else?).

Please remember everyone has a right to their opinions and everyone's feelings are valid!


Thank you Subeta! That means I can create a new angelic pet I like with the same name a certain user stole from me. They only took it because of it being together as one word. Now I just need to pay for a pet slot and get an Angelic Potion.


I don't think anyone would like any of my pets names, maybe entomology and cranidos? xD Unless someone loves Impractical Jokers and wants one of those guys. IDC though. I;m lazy with pet profiles and if someone else wants the same name to make them a fancy profile, let them make it. But this is also awesome cause I can get my babies names. <3 My son Odin, and my kitty Peppermint (I can change Pepperment :D)!


Dissapointed to see people berating those who are not happy about the change. There is nothing greedy or stupid about being proud of an achievment in a game, and for many that is what finding special pet names was about. Regardless, people are allowed to feel differently. I also see a lot of people arguing that there is no possible bad side to giving more options to people, and I disagree. There is a thing called choice overload that can actually make a game less fun and more stressful. People often think they want more choice when in reality it doesn't actually make people more satisfied with their eventual choice. There are studies on this! Imagine trying to pick a brand of ketchup at the store and there are 20+ options. You'd be paralyzed! After picking, you'd still be wondering if it was the right one. Finding a good untaken name allows for limited decisions, pressures creativity, and takes away the stress of thinking of the "perfect" name. For those thinking "well, that seems dramatic and I don't have this problem", the point is that many people do prefer less choice. So it's fair to be upset about the change! Lastly, the third reason people may be upset is that there was no warning or concensus. I'm happy for those who see this change as something positive and exciting, but I expect them to accept that others feel differently.


This is the best news I've heard all week! Thank you so much!


Pretty dope, happy thinkin' about all the possibilities for myself & other users with this update!


I personally think that this is a great idea. I'm happy with the pet names that I have now and I don't mind if someone else wants to use one of them for their pet(s). You can still build a unique character, personality, story, and plot around the same name. A name isn't the only thing that should make your pets unique. :D


bless whoever included the css for hiding the legacy names. always a step ahead of me lmao ♥


Ohh! I think this is a good move. I have mixed feelings on it, but in the end each pet is still uniquely what each user makes it and that's a really great thing. Now maybe I can get rid of that random period that is messing with me on my food pet.


There are some things I don't love about this, especially since I'd spent so much time waiting and trying to get good names... HOWEVER, if it keeps interest in the site up, then it is a wonderful thing. And I'm glad the site won't be filled with nonsense names (I hope!). The only thing I'll miss is looking up pets by name to see what people have done with those names, and adding those pets as friends when appropriate. The legacy name thing helps me feel a tiny bit better about investing time in getting good names.

Even when I'm not 100% on board, I am for any change that keeps people coming back. As long as it doesn't fundamentally change this site into something else, I will also keep coming back and I'll get used to those changes. I'm glad to see the site is abuzz and moving into the future.


I’ve been in this site for over a decade, and there are pet names I’ve always wanted and never been able to get, so YES this is good, but also a bit disheartening after collecting the unique names I have no longer matters as anyone can grab this entire names now (I know that sounds selfish), it makes my pet feel a little less unique. I am so 50/50 on this haha. Also the adopt r us is a total shame right now. I imagine a lot of people can’t afford or can’t wait to rename their pet so are just abandoning and creating a new pet with the name they want. Maybe just for now free pet names shouldn’t be limited to one a month?


I posted in the forums too but just wanted to say, once again, how happy this change makes me! Finally being able to get the proper spelling for some of my pet's names (including those who are tributes to real pets) really made my day. And there are so many other names I've wanted for years that I'd completely given up on. Thank you, Subeta. You rock! :"D


I am extremely pleased by this change. Thank you!


Personally I was never really into names, so I'm totally neutral on this change lol. But the majority seems to be thrilled, so I'm happy for y'all ^-^


I absolutely love that we can do this now - it makes getting my pets for characters with non-unique names easy and is wonderful!

I do, however, wish that legacy names could still be cleared, so that way if I wanted to pick up a name and have it be a direct link instead of going behind my username, I could. That's just a personal preference, though! Either that, or only refer to pets as their IDs and user-linked names, and not "Legacy Names", because otherwise I can see things heating up for Legacy name exchanges and adoptions!

I second the opinion that a heads up would have been nice, or I wouldn't have spent $50 or whatever in the last month on CSC to change my pet's names.


echoing a few others to say I rarely post/comment outside of event threads, but I really love this change!! i think it's a great move for the site going forward.


Apparently Petname Loyalty Tokens no longer work, so if anyone was thinking of using one don't use it now. Especially because it seems to be glitched - mine was taken out of my inventory without being used.

All I got was an error that said names can only be changed when using a gold account, and to file a ticket if I thought I had a free name change. Which...I did, becuase I thought that's what a petname loyalty token WAS. A free name change. But apparently I was wrong about that, so I'm now waiting for my token back even if it's useless now (since you get a free name change with a gold account anyway, and apparently need a gold account to use your token). At the very least I can hold onto it. It's my token after all.


My pet names look so much better without all the numbers behind them.
I'm happiest about Remus and Rex. I had to use Remus14 and Rex Rocks
because both names were taken. Now I won't have to add extra baggage to the names I want.
It sucked when you had a name you really liked and then you find out you can't use it because someone already has it.
So you have to improvise and come up with something you don't really want to use ,because you don't have a choice.
So i'm psyched about this.


I think this is great. Thank you!


I was on the fence about non-unique names. there were a lot of pros and cons to either side, so I was fine if the switch came. But I kind of wish legacy names weren't a thing. It's only adding to my indecision about characters/name switching. Ultimately it's only me holding me back, not the system itself. But OOF.


Thank you! I actually saw this notice on tumblr first and it made me very excited! Excited to work on my pets! ..... Shoot, now I have to work on my pets...


Now this open up to so many opportunities.


I just snagged Valentine from the Pound and I'm hollering.

Naturally it means basically nothing now, but still. I've been dreaming of that name for so long...


Make Battling more appealing for new users next. :)


Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Antonio the Flutist) is now named Antonio!
Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Melody the Tough Woman) is now named Melody!
Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Charles HERO) is now named Charles!
Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Ballerina Pearl) is now named Pearl!
Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly OceanWave Alexander) is now named Alexander!
Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Alice in Dreamland) is now named Alice!
Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Lucian from Space) is now named Lucian!
Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Arthur the Bear) is now named Arthur!


I am neutral.

The challenge of finding a good name is lost, but so is the stress of finding a good name.


Cue the hallelujah chorus. I know not everyone is going to be happy with this but y'all. this is a fantastic change, I swear. Was it nice to be the only one with a highly coveted name? Sure, but now you can have every name you have ever wanted. Everyone benefits from this. I'm so glad to see it happen.


As a member here for nearly 15 years I haven't left a comment/posted anywhere in forever, and only check the site occasionally, but this is an excellent update. It's a bit sad to me how people are commenting that they're disappointed in the change.. I thought the point of nicely named pets was because you wanted those particular names, and not that you just wanted to show off being the only one who owned them? Hopefully those people warm up to this update in time, because I sadly can't see it as anything other than greed/wanting names to themselves, and that makes me so sad because this update opens up soo many possibilities for pet owners on Subeta and will make a lot of people happy. This will obviously contribute to the longevity of the site. Thank you!!


AWESOME! That means I can change Tuc back to Metallica!!! I was so upset I had to change his name. Tuc just doesn't fit him, to me. Thank you for this!


As a member here for nearly 15 years I haven't left a comment/posted anywhere in forever, and only check the site occasionally, but this is an excellent update. It's a bit sad to me how people are commenting that they're disappointed in the change.. I thought the point of nicely named pets was because you wanted those particular names, and not that you just wanted to show off being the only one who owned them? Hopefully those people warm up to this update in time, because I sadly can't see it as anything other than greed/wanting names to themselves, and that makes me so sad because this update opens up soo many possibilities for pet owners on Subeta and will make a lot of people happy. This will obviously contribute to the longevity of the site. Thank you!!


this is a very nice quality of life update !!


Thank you so much!
I was so sad when I came back on after being absent and found I had lost my old pets name :(
It was pretty cruel the previous system tbh


I love this, honestly. One of my pets is a tribute to my heart rat, and it was awful not having the right name.

And, honestly, being elitist over names is so damn stupid. You don't lose your pet's name just because someone else has it too, and you don't lose it's value or your pet's story or it's significance to you. All you lose is an ego trip.


I dig it. Nice move with the legacy pet names, letting the OG's keep that "special" status in some way, while also letting everyone fully express themselves. I'm lucky with some of my pet names...but only because I've been lurking around here for 14 years and got in early on a few. Anyone under 10 never stood a chance for names without a serious dose of luck and patience. This is an AWESOME change, team!


@gemajgall This should be fixed now! This post got more comments than we've got in awhile on a news post and it was going REALLY SLOW, so we added some additional caching which made some people see comments as other people.


Subeta: You guys have more flexibility and options now!

Crazy Subeta users: NOOOOO WHY YOU RUIN A GOOD THING!!11!


I can get the names I want. ;o;


Thanks--it's not so much about people knowing which comments I've heart'd though and which ones I haven't. It's just, all of the "false hearts" have seem to fallen on comments that are the polar opposite of how I feel.


I'm so happy to see this change! Definitely felt a twinge of sadness at first, but honestly the elitism around having the "perfect name" was kind of a bummer. I'm glad to see that the majority of comments here are so positive, and I can't wait to find out what else is coming.


I think this was implemented well and I'm happy people will be able to get the names they want. I don't think I will change any of my current names as I've become attached to them, but if I get more pet slots in the future this will make it a lot easier to get a name I like. :)


I really like this idea! <3


@gemajgall - I think these comments are glitching because there are so many of them. I’m getting an option on a few random comments to edit or delete them, but the link just says “you don’t have access to this part of the site!” If it makes you feel any better, I believe the hearts are anonymous.

@capper09 - They’re talking about the normal username clearings, which I think they do after an account is inactive for a year? Up until now, they would clear usernames and petnames, but they only have to clear usernames now. (That part was phrased really weirdly in the news post, lol.)


The majority of people who I've invited to Subeta over the past 14 years have said no PURELY because of the naming issue. This is the only sustainable move that could be made and I'm glad Keith finally decided to just make a CHOICE. Do that more. Do it often. Seriously.


Okay, I have no idea what's going on with hearts...but I started reading the comments for the very first time, and I've come across several that I supposedly heart'd--when I've never been here before and haven't heart'd anything! I've been removing the ones I see, but no idea at all why random things are getting like'd without me.


I'm pleased with most of my pet names as they are now but I am excited about the possibility of having a real name with their legacy RW name displayed as one of their defining characteristics. That's a pretty neat feature. I might wait around for the linking issue to be permanently resolved before I start changing anything though.


I'm just happy I don't have to wake up at 3am to grab a pet name during clearing. 8'D


I love this! I can't wait to see what others come up with using my pet names!


This is the best move the site has made in eons, hands down. Names are not exclusive to singular individuals in real life, and they certainly shouldn't be in a creative space like Subeta. Well done! It's really lovely to see folks in the comments, after often YEARS, finally getting to bring their characters on sight in a way that feels whole. <3


Omg, yesssss. I finally have the names I've always wanted! This makes me so happy. No more looking in different languages to find a good name!


Oh good. I've had 'No my pets aren't UFA, don't ask.' forever, and yet: people still asked.
Does it kinda suck my pets aren't special anymore? Yea, I guess. But then again, I pop in here once every few months so *shrugs*.


Absolutely hollering @ people ragequitting and dumping their pets in the pound over this
Subeta is the only petsite i still use that still used unique pet names, i don't understand this reaction. It's only game, why you heff to b mad


*changes my pets' names to ones owned by people freaking out about this*


this is so cool! i can finally have the pet family i always dreamed of 😭❤️


Finally, all my babies can have their real names! <3


I think this is a fantastic clever solution! :D


!! :D All those time I got an experiment that I wanted but wasn't the right pet name! This changes EVERYTHING!


!! :D All those time I got an experiment that I wanted but wasn't the right pet name! This changes EVERYTHING!


Good. Every once in a while I get sMail asking me to give up one of my pets because someone wants the name SO badly - and one time the person called me selfish because I wanted to keep the name even though I was mostly inactive at the time (essentially "how dare you sign in once in a while to keep your account active, I was stalking your pet's name"). Now those people can just go create their pets and leave me alone :P

I also think it's amazing that tribute pets will be able to have the right name now :) Thank you!


Just wondering now since the uniqueness of pets is now gone/special pets, what other changes are coming is there a forum we can look so we can figure out if its worth it? Thanks (I don't visit the forums often enough to know where this overall section would be, but I guess I can browse)


I am shame. I cannot believe I just mixed up effect and affect. Dear staff: why oh why can’t we edit comments? My shame is eternal.


Well. As a word nerd, I really love unique words for names so this doesn’t really effect me at all. But while I’m here, let me pitch my 2 favorite pet names in case anyone wants to use them!

Maelid: (n.) A mythical apple nymph.
Chthonic: (adj.) [pron: THänik] Concerning, belonging to, or inhabiting the underworld. Ex. Hades is a chthonic diety.

I might change Abature though..... (in case anyone has made it this far in my ramble, Makena is just a name I like and my use of it predates this site.)


my translator is cruel and I have understood very little, maybe someone can roughly tell me by e-mail in German what is written here ... "We will continue to delete usernames at the same time because they are still unique" ... which means this please? what names are deleted, those of frozen accounts? can i change the name of my pound pets now? would be great because there are nice pets there with often impossible names of users who keep bored pets in the pound.


I would much rather share a pet name than have my pets deleted as an inactive user :)


Aaaaa, this is amazing! Can't wait to see the boom of creativity!
Only thing I'm wish to see now, is with all the pets in the pound, perhaps add the legacy name onto the pets adoption page? If thats at all possible? Not that I think it make's that much of a difference, but it'd be nice to see!

Now...who gets a name change...... :D


Question: how can you look up the profile of a pet in the pound? For example: there's a pet called "Louie" in the pound right now, but when I look it up via the legacy-link, it leads to a different pet. That would mean that Louie had a name change, but it would be important to know the original name of the pet before adopting (and seeing the profile too).


Most of my pets are based on my own story characters so I'm really glad everyone can finally have just their first name like I wanted. :)


This is awesome!


So at first read, I wasn't too excited?
But reading all of the comments here has helped my shriveled heart grow just a bit, and I am happy everyone is able to get pet names that they have been wanting for sometime now.


I can see how this will be so much fun. Nice change Subeta. :)


Loving all of the site updates lately, very nice. As someone with a handful of cool names before this change, I much prefer not feeling like a name hoarder when I just want to casually enjoy what I have and maybe yeet items into pet TCs every now and again.

I'm also intrigued to see what else gets added to new.subeta.net in the coming months. Nice to see it using react/redux as that's my jam!


Loving all of the site updates lately, very nice. As someone with a handful of cool names before this change, I much prefer not feeling like a name hoarder when I just want to casually enjoy what I have and maybe yeet items into pet TCs every now and again.

I'm also intrigued to see what else gets added to new.subeta.net in the coming months. Nice to see it using react/redux as that's my jam!


Sweet Subeta!!!


Subbed for the recent updates, keep 'em coming. Out with the old, in with the new. :P


Also - I just want to say it - for a long time a lot of people with unique covetable names said that it had nothing to do with name hoarding or elitism or anything of the like but some of the comments definitely speak differently.

I do feel sympathetic because it must be uncomfortable to have to own up to the fact it was never about character creation or ‘just liking the name’, you just enjoyed having something somebody else couldn’t have.

I am also not speaking from jealousy - anyone who has known me knows I have had quite the arsenal of unique coveted names! But for me it has always genuinely been that I just like certain names & it’s a bit sad to see that that hasn’t been the case for a lot of people who have otherwise claimed the same.


the new Code:

is not working right yet. Invalid user: turokai still links to the legacy pet whom someone else owns


I haven't so far been super into pets but this may just change my mind. I'm still secretly bitter that I lost one of my pet's names on hiatus. Now she can be reborn.


Can I delete my own comment? I hope so.


Thank you for this! I am so excited about this :)


This. Is. Great.
Finally I can get my real life pet name. This might get my interest in pets renewed again. Also smart move to add it to the GA status!


Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Luceat) is now named Lucifer! Yay!
Yeah, I think I'm going to like this change.


not big into pets anymore but I think this was handled well and this might make me excited about pets again 8D


Yes! This is so great. So many times I wish I had a specific name for very personal and emotional reasons and couldn't get it and now this is so much sweeter. Also I feel like this legacy name being visible is just going to create some great opportunities. Like a pet whose legacy name was Dr. Jekyll and then you rename him Mr. Hyde... I mean, come on.


"Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Snuff On Digital) is now named Akaash!" AHHHH I've been wanting to change that for a while.


Thank you so much for these changes! I still can't believe it, great improvement!
Have some names left that i really want! So, let's go! <3 :)


aaaaah! Thank you! I've been wanting to make character-based pets for YEARS but havent been able to! This rocks!


The more I think about this, the more excited I get !!!! Catch me revamping all my pets without a care in the world about whether or not I’ll get a name back !!!


Quick question and I'm sorry if this was answered in the post I re-read it a couple times and couldn't figure this out but if I want to change the name now to something that isn't taken ... will it be the new legacy name? I guess it doesn't really matter but I'm just wondering~


As a longtime member who's still here mostly because of pets, I really like this change and I'm super glad there are updates in this aspect of the site! I never changed my pets' names, but I have one that I wanted to rename for a long time (with a name that was occupied by a pet that was one year older than them), so I will eventually finally be able to do this change! And I won't even have to change the links on my profile, which is perfect for my laziness XP


THANK you this is amazing... I'm so so so happy... ;___;


Just when I wanted to make a new fan pet! I’m so happy for this change ;A;


I was fairly ambivalent about this when I saw the suggestion in the forums, but after some thought I'm pretty excited. I feel less pressure to hold on to names I'm not sure about 'just in case' I regret changing them or giving them up which has happened in the past, and now I can have the perfect names for my pets and so can everyone else! It will also be interesting to see different takes (for the character) on certain names.

Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Zilch) is now named Zero!
Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Moll) is now named Wren!

Only two changes for me so far, but...


Thank you!


You Subeta have just made my life on this site sooo much brighter :o I Love You!




As someone who has played for a long time, whose first priority here has always been pets and who has done the hard yards for unique names ... I am STOKED!!! Very very honestly for me it has never been about hoarding a 'good' name for the sake of it ... I love certain names for what they are, and I am beyond excited to upgrade SO MANY of my pet names and to get some of my dream names ... as someone who only checks in now and again I think this'll get me back to playing a bit more earnestly, even if I'm still only casual about it!!


oh my god thank you so much for listening to us and implementing such an amazing change! ♥️

i love how the legacy name thing is easy to delete (and also doesn't look intrusive or distracting). time to get rid of it on all my profiles because i never rly took pride in refreshing for a couple minutes and being chosen by the rng lmao


Oh man, I'm really excited about this! Although I think I'll wait until the kinks are ironed out.


My pets had unique names when I created them but they were gone after I came back from hiatus. It's nice to be able to give them their original names again.


I know not everyone is thrilled but...blessed be to those who have wanted specific names for tributes to pets who crossed the Rainbow Bridge or family members who passed or to honor those family members who they love and want to show their love for with a pet name. Blessed be to those who have fanpets and have been wanting specific names (I'm so glad I could finally use Starscream, dang it).


I can't change a pet name with a loyalty item. ;-;


Omg I’m so happy I’ve been playing for years and I never got to have nice unique names I liked, I’m so happy


Omg I’m so happy I’ve been playing for years and I never got to have nice unique names I liked, I’m so happy


this is awesome! both the fact that we can now no longer need to come up with a unique pet name, and that gold accounts will come with a pet name change! thank you so much!


Happy for everyone excited about the feature but the unique names was definitely an attractive feature for me so probably the kick I needed to take a back seat and leave.


I saw many happy users :) congrats to everyone who was finally able to get the name they wanted for their pets :)
Can't deny this piece of news cheered me up on this fine Monday morning! :D




Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Carassius Auratus) is now named Goldfish!

Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Maree) is now named Marie!

Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Spenser) is now named Spencer!

Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Mandie) is now named Mandy!

Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Vickie) is now named Vicky!

Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Harveigh) is now named Harvey!

Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Geffrey) is now named Jeff!

Also changed a few names I had no plans for to ones that I have wanted for ages, just so I don't abandon the pets to create new ones

Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Ryko) is now named Charlie!

Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Coddle) is now named Max!

Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Johana) is now named Bonnie!

Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Loka) is now named Shah!

Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Adie) is now named Skylar!

I've always been so pleased with the real names I had, but I'm also so happy now to be able to get the other names I wanted and share the ones I already had!


The number of pets in the pound has quadrupled


This is huge. Part of me is slightly disappointed that unique names have lost their "specialness," but the largest part of me is incredibly excited about the possibilities for my own pets.


@/quentin brings up a good point in which rightfully upset people are probably abandoning their pets and leaving so how is that going to be fixed so it doesn't crash and they might be *good names* but it doesn't matter now so if people want to drop them they should be able to, just saying to those wondering why. No point in having multiple pets the same, for some. Its good for some that are happy, but i'm sorry to those that aren't ❤ :(


I'm both sad and excited about this change! Wow, what a mix of emotions.
On the one hand, I'm sad that the amazing pet names I've had for all of these years will no longer be unique. I loved having the only Maika, and some of the other great names I've had.
On the other hand, I'm SO HYPED because this now means I'm no longer confined to what's available, and get some pet names that I've always wanted. (my Pokemon project is about to get MAJORLY overhauled!)
I'm also so excited to see how this affects future Pet Spotlights! I'm going to try getting back into coding and make some free pet profiles to celebrate this change. :D



I changed a bunch of my pet's names and when I go to the pet profile, it says the pet doesn't exist or goes to another user's pet profile. Please fix, thanks.

Also, what is the code for the legacy name so we can move it, change colors, fonts, sizes, etc?


So many pets being abandoned, this is sad :( I don't quite like this change, but It will not ruin the game for me. I guess I will just deal with it.


I love this. Finally able to use the names I wanted, and got rid of pets I was just holding onto because "good names" that I'm never going to do anything with!


also regarding the pets in adopt-r-us, I think it'd be a really neat project for people to adopt pets and name them cool things and potion, before offering to adopt them out! cause then you could kickstart someone's creativity by giving them a new challenge.

hell, I might even do this once I have my current pets all set up and good.

alternatively (and what I'll probably do) is to zap until you get something neat and then change the name (or offer UFA and let the applicants choose the name they want)!





Kinda bummed :c


Just letting you know when updating a pet profile the "view profile" link at the top of the page is still using the pets/petname link (regardless of renamed or legacy). Should probably be updated to ID like most pet links x:


I am extremely happy with this change. Thank you! I anticipate that this will foster a healthier community with greater longevity, and give users the ability to more freely express themselves creatively!


just deleted a bunch of clunky numbers from my pet names. loving the simplicity & cleanness of my pets page now!


What's going ton happen to Adopt R Us now? It is overflowiing with good names...


"Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Pieris) is now named Pierre!"

I have been waiting for this for over a decade.


"Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly BO Whiskey) is now named Whiskey!"

Bought a gold account solely for this purpose; finally, after almost 12 years Whiskey can have his Proper Name. Probably gonna change a bunch of my other pets names since I have the freedom now, but this is the one I was most excited about. Also finally freed myself of the numerous pets I was holding on to just in case I happened to get inspiration for them; the stress really has been lifted!


Not sure how I feel about this but mostly disappointment and annoyance. We'll see.


It's really cute how many people celebrated by changing to names that make them happy~ congrats to everyone who is finally able to do what they want with their pets!! :3
If the site wants to appeal to new users, this is the way to do it. Petsites are used to host people's OCs, so why limit their creativity? It's great that people can accurately represent their ideas now! There was a time when having a unique name meant a lot, though, and I think it's nice to have the "legacy name" label to signify that a pet had their name pre-non-unique names. Thanks Bug&Keith for answering so many questions! It makes a lot of sense to just make the decision on this. It feels like it's been in whispers around the site for a while, with most people in favor (and with the more compelling argument).

Also, if anything, it makes me more likely to come up with creative petnames! This is officially the era of fantasy names! That's the best way to guarantee a unique one XD


"Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly .Delilah) is now named Delilah!"

guys i'm gonna cry i have waited 10 years and 2 months to do this




i've been really excited with all the changes made to the site recently, and this has definitely got to be the one i'm most happy about! i actually just subscribed so i can change some of my pets names to what i originally wanted them to be. nwn

i used to feel guilty about not working on my pets a lot since i felt like i wasn't Using The Name Properly, but now i don't feel like i'm holding anyone else back. (i think legacy names were a great compromise as well!) it's gonna be real exciting seeing all the new pets in general people are working on, especially now that the floodgates have opened for fanpets, so to speak!!

thank you !!


And just like that I am going to be active and actually do something with my characters regularly again. I can't express how happy I am with this change.


So happy! So excited! I can't WAIT to get back into working on my pets and writing for the characters that matter most to me.



@Bathory Good question! I assume you're asking about the "disallowed pet names" notice, which I accidentally brought to everyone's attention in an unfortunate way just now. Currently, the Pets page only checks for this on the pet's current name, not the legacy name.

However, if a pet is found to have a legacy name that breaks site rules and this is brought to staff's attention, we do have options aside from deleting the pet: for instance, staff could just delete the legacy name from that pet without deleting the pet itself.


YES! This is a fantastic, much needed change and i'm all for it. There's way more to creating a unique character than picking a name no one else has. This new move pumps the site with a huge breath of fresh air and I can't wait to get started renaming my pets to names that I actually want rather than names I had to grit my teeth and settle with.


@Bug That's fine, it was one of the names I wanted to change anyway. I'll file a ticket, thank you!


@Ferrox ~That's a bit dramatic. There's unlikely to be a thousand of anything...it simply means that there MIGHT be more than one of something, and the original is marked as the first of it's name, like a king or queen. And people who want to name their pets after their kids, say, even if there's another pet with that name, can do so now. Or a spouse... or commemorate family members, pets, so on... That's what this aids the most. It's no reason to quit I do not think your particular pet name is in any danger.


One question - will pet friends be updated where we put in the pet ID number or something similar, so we can link to the correct pet with that name?


Thank you for this =D I didn't realize I had so many pets with additions to the end of their name, just so I could have them on the site. I was okay with unique names before, but this is so much better for me. No more stray S's and E's on the end of names.


@omg_carrie Yes, that one is actually disallowed, unfortunately. Pet names cannot start with periods. You shouldn't be just seeing this notice now though - I forget the exact time we changed this, but it was over a year ago that we updated pet naming rules and began showing that message on the Pets page. The message is now showing up when it's supposed to so if you're still seeing it under a pet, you can file a ticket for clarification and a free name change. Name changes done by UAs for these circumstances won't count towards your monthly name change limit.


Thank u Bug


heck yeah


I actually feel like my GA subscript was worth it alone for this! Can't wait to go through everyone super slowly and get the names they deserve now!




I am happy about this because if I get a new pet I will not have to try hundreds of names to see if it is used up or not. Hurrah! If someone has my pet name I do not mind.


Will it only be the legacy name attached to the pet or all name changes? I'd be worried if so because of the rude people we get every once in awhile that make banned pet names and I would wonder if you'd have to delete the whole pet to get rid of the bad name.


@Bug it still says my pet .Miya.'s name is disallowed?


The "disallowed pet names" notice was showing up by mistake due to a glitch in some recently deployed code. Please don't worry - your pet names were not flagged or anything; the glitch was just causing the pets page to erroneously display that message for ALL pets. This glitch has now been fixed, and I'm quite sorry for the anxiety caused!


I'm very happy with this, and I think the legacy addition is a good compromise! I haven't been too interested in the pet aspect of subeta for a while but this is really making me want to name change my pets to my OCs and work on their treasure chests, etc.


i also like the change because many times i have to go on hiatus due to real life situations. id remember to check in at least once a year so my account doesnt become inactive to the point where my pets names will be taken and added with random numbers. now if it happens again where im too busy to play for a long period of time, i dont have that worry anymore. plus it always guilted me when someone would reach out to me off-site asking for my pet name(s). i get it, they are active and will do stuff with the pet and im not but im hogging the name still and i dont want to let go cause i know ill be back on the site from time to time. now i dont have that worry anymore. =)


Soo all my pet names are disallowed .. that’s very disappointing because I like my pets


@Saturnine Yeah I was wondering about this too? My Miya has that and she's had that name for like 10 years now... I'd like to change her name anyway, but not sure what to do about that message? :o


This is a disallowed pet name. Please file a ticket for more information.

Can we get some clarification on this?


Fooking finally! Thanks a ton! :3


~The point is being able to Not be limited by someone else having the pet name already, and being able to name your pet what you want, regardless. All it means it there Might be more than one...Aziraphale, or more than one Chandra. It means that it doesn't have stupid numbers attached because there was more than one. It's allowing for greater creativity, by letting people use the name they want. User names still have the limiting, but that makes a lot more sense than Pet names. There's nothing wrong with an average common pet name of that's what someone wants. They're not taking anything away from us. It's not an insult to users who worked for a unique name because more than likely, they'll remain unique cuz they thought outside the box. I collect unusual names, so most of my pets are in fact unique names. The fact that those will be marked as Legacy names, cool that's an acknowledgment of players unique pet names. Not sad about this change at all. I think users will still work to find unique things to name their pets.

And last, cussing at the mods cuz you don't like something the programmers did.... rude.



I have the same exact notification on all of my pets too. I'm glad I'm not the only one.


Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Preciousness) is now named Genevieve

Yay my daughter :)


! This is a disallowed pet name. Please file a ticket for more information.
....This is on all of my pet names? What's wrong with them :( They've had those names for years.


I could cry from happiness. I had to misspell my pets name in 2007 and I was finally able to correct it 13 years later.

Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Ozmandias) is now named Ozymandias!


I think this is a really good compromise. I was bitter about the change at first, but this makes me realize how many of my names I was holding just because they are nice names and not because I was necessarily drawn to them. I'm stoked to finally be able to get the perfect names for me!! And that others can do the same (: Thanks staff!


@Sopheroo i know not everyone is, thats why i was careful in saying a lot are upset, and just because a lot are excited and can get the names they want now, they can't see how it is actually really disappointing for a lot, as well, and how *unique names* actually meant something and now they mean less so. thats what my point was. Hael and others being excited doesnt change that a lot of people are upset and have a right to be. It seems that the excitement is causing lack of understanding for that and invalidating that.


I ended up getting rid of 90% of my pets last year due to guilt. I felt panic getting all the names I had wanted, to the point where I got too many pets and was so overwhelmed I didn't know where to begin. The pets sat there, and I felt stressed out about people who might want those names, and it just made me feel more and more unmotivated to work on them due to that anxiety.

I am so excited for this change. I no longer will need to hoard names. I can work at my pace, and I can happily make pets as I feel invested in them, and worry less about my motivation fading away or turning to anxiety. My account just turned 12 this month, and now I finally know what to use my loyalty box on :) hehe


I ❤️ this idea a LOT!!!! I have only had one issue with the site and that was during Vesnali and my coins weren’t adding up right. I had screenshots of the coins I made blah, blah, blah but I had to delete them all bc I was running out of space and would rather spend my $$ here than pay (I know it’s only .99-2.99 but I’d rather apply that to Subeta instead) for a storage increase. I know I’m a miser in that regard. :). I can’t wait to be able to change @ least 2 of my pets names. Keep up the great work and if I can help it, I’ll be around for another 14 years!!



You're welcome to still have creative names that don't match up to exactly what you want if you really want to. There are plenty of pet sites with non-unique names that do just fine in that sense. Unique names are not what makes Subeta and while I'm sure some people enjoyed finding creative ways to have a name that was as close as possible to what they originally wanted, I would bet a larger amount of players would much prefer to simply have the name that they desired. Again nothing is stopping you or anyone else from using creative solutions to find completely untaken names. To me the only reason why you should be upset about this update is because people can now own names that you own because they're something of a status symbol for a lot of people.


I find it interesting how many people complaining about their ultra special unique names no longer being unique have 0 pets on their profile and seem to be extremely inactive.


I get needing to bring in users and drum up excitement, but you're also bringing down a lot of excitement for users and driving away users that helped build this site (not literally like Keith) from almost/the beginning. That does matter.
A lot of users who have been here since the beginning are also extremely excited over this update. The older users aren't all upset over this, a lot of them are overjoyed - even though they often had a lot of desirable names.


@Hael people are b*tching because a *unique name* was a source of pride, and that is taken away with this, regardless of the "legacy name" title. There have been many names i have always wanted, still do, but i realized that some people just got to them first, and that's just how it is. Having *creative names* is actually a cool part of this site, or was? because it did force people to have to think outside of the box, and that name actually became *unique* to their own. Now everyone can have all similarly named pets, and it does take a special part out of the name. Judt because you don't get it, doesn't mean their feelings and disappointment, even aggravation, aren't valid. They are. I get needing to bring in users and drum up excitement, but you're also bringing down a lot of excitement for users and driving away users that helped build this site (not literally like Keith) from almost/the beginning. That does matter.


Just got home, subscribed, and also bought a fair amount of CSC in celebration! I feel super hyped up and ready to work on pets for the first time in ages, I just don't know who to start with...! (Then again, I do have 101 pets...)

I used to be able to deal with the hunt for a good pet name, but nowadays I work fulltime (in a frankly physically and emotionally draining job) and have other responsibilities, and it just... always got exhausting very quickly, and I started settling on things that I wasn't sure I actually liked, because I wasn't sure I'd be able to find anything better (at least not without investing more time and energy than I could seem to muster on a task as tedious as looking up pet names to see if they were taken or not.)

It actually took me a while to fill my most recent pet slot because I was having so much trouble finding a name that I thought might inspire a character idea -- and the one I eventually settled on because I thought I *might* be able to work with it, is one of the several pets I have that I haven't actually managed to do anything with because the name just isn't clicking in the way I hoped that it might -- but that I've also been afraid to adopt out, because what if eventually I end up coming up with an idea for that name...?

For me if the name doesn't "feel" right for the character, I'll end up stuck and unable to develop them -- and I've actually had a number of pet ideas that I was unable to use because I couldn't find a fitting name that felt right.

For myself and a number of others, the unique name system was absolutely discouraging creativity, not encouraging it. Not everyone is able to figure out an alternative name that works for a specific character idea, which lead to certain characters not making it to Subeta. Again, I've had several characters I would've liked to bring here because they would be fun to build treasure chests for, but couldn't find workable names for, so they stayed offsite.

So I'm very, very hyped about this change, because I no longer have to worry about that, nor do I have to hold onto names that I'm not sure I'll be able to work with! To say nothing of no longer needing to watch accounts and hope for them to go inactive, or the pet name drama that I've thankfully only heard tales of...

While this is a big change and I do sort of wish we had gotten a poll and perhaps more warning, I think overall it's a positive for a lot of us pet people. There's so much excitement here and it looks like people are already jumping in and using them. One of my friends was finally able to rename a pet, which they've had for 10+ years, to have the character's proper name, and they're considering coming back to the site after a long hiatus. This is a really exciting change!


@ohwellheythere65 I don't see how we're being punished? People can get as creative as they want. Now, if they want a specific pet name, they can have it. If they don't, they can stick with their current ones. Ex. I'm not going to change my pet name to Ron just because it's available now; in fact, because everyone can potentially have a pet named Ron, I'm more likely to search for a word that describes the character I want to make to really convey what the pet is about ??? Or I could, and still be happy walking away with a pet name I am content with, without feeling disappointment over it being taken.


We can have 2 pets with the same name. I gave Hera a different name, but wanted to keep the name so I put it on another pet. Then realizing that the new Hera has a different legacy name, if I create a new Hera, she should be the first one again. Well, that didn't work either, but yes, now I have two Heras.
I would like to put their names back and pay for a name swap if that would keep Hera's legacy name with the newly renamed Hera.


omg you guys are abandoning some of the cutest names!!! ;~; someone go get Pesto!!!




I would have preferred a nickname system, as this definitely isn’t fair to those who spent lots of time and effort and creativity to get the perfect unique names for their pets. I understand that’s an unpopular opinion. But I’ve been looking for an excuse to be active on the site again, and this is honestly just giving me more excuses to stay away. Sorry, just wanted to speak my mind.


This has always been a huge thing for me... I coveted having my special names. But I totally get why this change is happening and I DO think it's a positive change for the site.

I just have to put down my ego!



I like that idea, and I hope it does get implemented, although I don't think the staff plans to. That way, people who do really like having unique names could still get the bragging rights of "see, I thought of this terrible pun first!"


Thanks for the legacy option for all my unique buddies. This will be a change to adjust to, and I have a number of questions (mostly involving the Search tool on Subeta having multiple "Exact name" searches and what will happen to Pounded pets with matching names) but this will definitely be an exciting change so I can have some of those pet names I've dreamt of. ^.^


I get such a bad taste in my mouth seeing all these comments bitching about the update because "there are plenty of creative names left". Well sure, there are. But I have a character named Owain, I want him to have a pet version on this website and want his name to be Owain. I can fudge it (and did) for the longest time with Owayne, but it makes me much happier that the pet's name is spelled correctly.

I really don't understand a lot of the upset and "I'm quitting" outside of being pissy that people can also own the sought after name that you own.

Super glad to hear that there will be an option to remove the "legacy name" thing on profiles, though! On a few of mine that I've changed since this upset I'd also like that to be removed.


Woah, was not expecting this! but i am very pleased and look forward to changing many of my pet names. Thank you for this!


Fuck this. We're being punished for being creative, because someone somewhere might not have the pet name they wanted? Are you fucking kidding me?! You might as well limit creative usernames too at this point.
You can still be creative. It just gives people more options


@ohwellheythere65 hey bro chill on the language. if you want your account to get yeeted, there's a disable option in the user dash.


In response to some people being concerned about them removing Unique Usernames; I don't think that's really something we have to worry about it. The two aren't really comparable; every user on this site can only have One Username. Meanwhile, one user can have 100+ pets. Literally. There are some users who have over a hundred pets. Which means if you got 10 users with 100 pets, you'd have 1000 pets. 10 Unique Usernames vs 1000 Unique Pet Names is very, very different. So I really don't see them removing Unique Usernames anytime soon, since there are vastly less users then there are pets.


Sure, discovering a name you use for your character is still available was a rush. But I love that I can correct the ones who never felt quite right with another name or word taking the place of their actual name. Thanks guys! Only I do think there should have been some kinda warning? Kinda a shock to the system. But I'm not mad at it.



I just adopted a pet from the pound and the previous owner has already changed his name to "Vendetta". I went to update his pet page, and when I went to preview the changes, it previews on a pet with the legacy name "Vendetta" who is owned by a different user.


Fuck this. We're being punished for being creative, because someone somewhere might not have the pet name they wanted? Are you fucking kidding me?! You might as well limit creative usernames too at this point.


A question: can a person have two or more pets with the same name in account?


Holy heck, really? This is kind of a big deal! My pet names are gonna be hella unique but damn, I'm excited to see what people do! Now people can copy my names if they wanted to! :O


I kind of enjoyed pushing myself to come up with portmanteaus and obscure etymolgies for pet names, but that's because I'm a word nerd :3 It'll be cool not to have to worry about the names I want getting taken though!

Question: can I name two pets the same thing if I want? I probably won't, but I'm curious.


This isn't the birthday gift I wanted.


Um. I'm firmly in the upset camp. I've put a lot of effort into some of the names of these pets. Many, if not most, long term players have. This was a sense of pride I had on the site. Now it means near nothing.


@Morgana fantastic comment - this sums up a lot of my feelings about it too - I get having to just push through an update sometimes, but even a comments-locked post saying "We're doing this and it's not up for discussion, it'll go into effect on [date]" would've been greatly appreciated.

Also god I'm sorry to hear you got harassed over this! I went through that on another site and it's the worst. I agree that that is the one good thing about this change, that hopefully that crap won't happen again.


Not a fan of how the "legacy name" looks on the profile tbh. Ty for providing a code to remove it.


Finally, we no longer have to hope that people with good names leave the site.


This might be a less common circumstance, but what happens if we create a new pet now with a name that never belonged to any pet before? There are a few names I have had in mind for pets but had not gotten around to creating yet, but they weren't inactive names, they just weren't ever taken at all. If we'd had a heads up I definitely would have created them so they would have the legacy name status now, which I think is a nice touch. But I'm guessing the legacy name status will only be indicative of being created at a time period before today? Or could it also extend to being the very first pet created with this name on the site? (sorry if I've missed this elsewhere)


@Bug you're always polite and good with everyone, thank you for that ❤ i didn't see your comment before i posted mine. I hope they stay unique but with this news i'm not sure, but thank you for taking time to still address the concern, your attention to users is always appreciated


I agree with you. I was always able to find good names despite many being taken and others saying "everything's gone".



Thankyou for the response, I really appreciate it. I understand that sometimes decisions just have to be made, but as @Bat said, even some forewarning would have been nice so people could have gotten their matters in order beforehand.

While it’s nice that @Bug is working on a way to remove legacy names, it would have at least given people time to exchange names and such beforehand if they wished to do so for legacy names they might want to preserve or get beforehand or to hold off on csc transactions for pet names and invest into something else instead. Any name changes I’ve used in the past I’ve long benefited from so I can’t complain personally, though I’m not sure how many people might have used name changes within say, the last two months or so and would have chosen to just wait if they had the forewarning and may have invested into something else on the site (angelic potions, gold accounts, etc) had they known in advance.

It could have also provided the userbase some time to come up with additional suggestions for features so everything could have been rolled out at once.

As someone who had faced a lot of harassment over my pet names some years ago, hopefully this will help provide a more positive environment for the userbase though. I definitely experienced the negative side of the pet community and it was a lot to go through, so I’m glad that shouldn’t hopefully be an issue anymore, since I’d hate for other people to go through it too.


@Bug OHhhh okay then, haha. Thanks for answering :)

(also ty for the confirmation that usernames aren't going non-unique! was worried for a minute there, lol)


@omg_carrie (guess it's not my last comment) I can definitely see the legacy thing happenimg with usernames, now. The reason this is being done is to attract new users and get them excited, so, there are a lot of usernames taken and they're lilely to see potential in allowing multiple to a name, as other sites sometimes do. This was never a possibility in the past, so now that door is open to anything. They changed the pet rule, they'll def figure usernames will draw in people, too. (I get people wanting to name their pets after their furbabies/loved ones who have passed, nothing I have said is a dig at that, I swear) The old system was good, in which accounts were cleared, gave users the chance to grab names or barter, and if they didn't manage (been there), unique and interesting names came into play. There isn't a reason to be creative anymore. Anyway, sorry all wall of text ❤


I am very excited to see the pets get made that people had good ideas for but just couldn't get the name they needed for it. Being forced to think outside of the box/go past your first idea can be a creativity boost for some people, but I'm sure there's others who just gave up on making an interesting pet profile instead. I think this is going to lead to a burst of creativity from all the people who already know what they want to do and just need the space to do it.


@omg_carrie Oh! We stopped deleting frozen accounts ages ago. I don't know when because it was before I joined Subeta.

And yeah - we understand many users would prefer their pets not be stuck with a their legacy name. So we are working on providing a way for users to remove legacy names from pets :)

@Stiles Never fear! Usernames will always be unique.


oh thank god for the first time in YEARS I want to get on my laptop and code here. bruh, I'm over the MOON.

(ps it's weird to say unique pet names made subeta a "unique site" because like... most pet sites did it for a long time. it literally makes 0 sense to say that feature made subeta unique, because neopets... legit has done that since the day it opened.......)



Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Occultation) is now named Eclipse!

I have been waiting 3 years to be able to do this!!!!


An aside:

Heaps of pets are in the AC! Over 70 as of now. A good time for anyone looking for a pet to go thru the AC too.


Look, I'm one of the "oldies" who have many unique names. My view is: YAY! I'm so happy everyone can finally make their pets how they want! I had 15 years of special, unique pets and I'm cool with this change :) I just want the site to thrive!


@Bug Yeah I got that, I was just specifically curious about what was happening with frozen accounts. Like are they just going to sit there now, or will they still be deleted and the legacy pets on there just *poof* now? I know it's a moot point, I was just wondering. Just kinda bummed I've got a pet stuck with a legacy name I was waiting to change I guess, lol.


@Stiles god I HOPE that doesn't happen, lol. Pet names are one thing - I preferred unique pet names since IMO it does lead to more creativity, but if this is how it's going to be then that's how it's going to be, I guess. But non-unique usernames... noooo thank you. Usernames should definitely remain unique.


Finally some good news in this cursed year that is 2020.


@omg_carrie No, pet names don't clear anymore because it doesn't make sense for them to "clear" anymore. Previously, you couldn't name a pet something if another pet already had that name. Clearings were invented as a way to make an exception for inactive pets.

But now, you CAN name a pet something even if another pet already has that name. So you don't have to wait for the frozen account to clear; you can rename your pets those names you want, right now :)


I mean...just because other pet/similar sites handle it this way doesn't mean we need to. I was always happy to spend hours looking for a unique name, and thrilled when I found one I liked. But to be honest the site is dying anyway. I hardly come here anymore because I'm not in the CW game so apparently there is nothing for someone like me to do. Either way it sounds like minds are made up and this is how it's going to be. I can finally name my tribute pet Omega!


Last comment, though. I definitely see there now being a time in the future in which multiple people will be able to share the same username, only with numbers to define them (Example; User [12345], User [123456]) I'm kind of seeing this as the beginning of removing all unique and a ton of same names and usernames all over the place, which will be weird and kind of boring tbh. Just a thought.


a bit disappointed. it was interesting seeing people get creative using fitting words for a character. i've found a ton of words and things that are open despite people claiming there's no good ones left, and i haven't even been here that long. lots of unique options and opportunities to explore characters beyond just what their names are. still, people seem excited despite the fact we aren't exactly in a neopets situation, so it's probably a good move for the site. it just sours things for me.


Since the pound already has 70 pets in it, is it possible for the pound to become flooded with pets?


Nice compromise ^_^


I can finally create a memorial pet for my soul mate pup who recently crossed the rainbow bridge, the one thing I’ve wanted most for quite a while. Thank you ❤️


I get people want to keep a "unique" name but with the amount of pet slots we have, it's going to come crashing down soon enough with the unique names. There is only so many and we are using up a fair amount. I just hope there isn't a mass exodus over this. I get it's upsetting to some, but I don't think this should really be a reason to leave. No one is taking away how special a pet is to you, you make them special to yourself. The name is just that, a name.


@Bliss i get your not being excited, this news actually makes me less motivated to work toward/on pets now but hope you don't leave ❤ i get the feelimg, though, I'm bummed, too.


Sorry to post again but I just thought of another question -

You said pet names will no longer be cleared; what about pets on frozen accounts? I was waiting for one such pet name to be cleared so I could grab the name. I guess it's a moot point now, I'm just curious.





I'm not crazy about the legacy name thing, so I'm glad there's going to be a way to remove it. Also thanks for the code to take it off the pet profiles, since the addition of it has thrown some of my profiles out of whack.

That said, I LOVE the free monthly name changes for gold accounts! That's super generous.


I am 100% in favor of this, having to scour for names you want among tons of others or being forced to use funny characters and numbers in order to have a name you had your heart set on wasnt a good way for new users to come into this site. The whole thing felt ridiculously elitist to me, and I'm really glad we now have the freedom to name our pets whatever we want. Thank you so much. (the legacy name thing is cool. I literally don't care but i know a lot of people were proud of their unique name and do care so its valid to want some way to show that off still)


Hey, thanks for the thoughtful reply. I figured that's what happened, at some point it's just better to rip the bandaid off right? I also understand my problem is a very specific one, and overall I think this sudden change was for the better. Thanks for hearing me out though, I really appreciate it, and it seems the suggestion to remove a Legacy name entirely is getting a lot of support, so there's that I can look forward to.

Seriously though, thanks for the reply and thanks for the changes being done to the site! I'm looking forward to all the new things to be implemented and change, this is all really exciting and I can't wait to begin work on my pets again. : D


whoops, got ninja'd! Yeah, I would've liked a warning so I could try and change a name or two, but oh well, hey-ho. Can't be helped now, I suppose.

Also I second the idea of a vote for future huge changes like this, please!


I don't get the point of having legacy names if there's going to be an option to remove it now? Maybe I'm missing something.


Not thrilled about this, and I wish we could have at least had some sort of heads up that it was happening (I only saw one vague comment along the lines of "it'll be addressed soon" on the forums - PLEASE put updates like this on the news too, not everyone looks at the forums!!), but I'm not going to be jumping ship over it either. I guess legacy names are an alright compromise (though I agree, please add an option to get rid of those too! if I want to rename a pet then I'd rather get rid of the original name altogether, lol).


I understand why this change was made, and I know many people are happy about this, but I wish there was some sort of vote or reaching out to see how most people felt. Maybe there was some sort of a vote I'm not aware of it? If so, sorry! But if not, I would like to see some sort of democratic system in place for big changes like this is the future. Thank you all for continuing to run and update the site!


I am working on providing the option to permanently remove a legacy name from your pet, for those who want it.
Thank you to the commenters who brought that up here and linked me to the suggestion topic! The topic is here for those who want to discuss it further: Topic: Please allow us to remove "legacy" status from our pets.

To clarify one thing: Legacy names are set in stone, because they are meant to honor the name a pet had prior to today's update. We will provide an option to remove it, but there will be never be a way to change the legacy name to a different name, as that would defeat the purpose of them.


this is the best news I've heard in ages


I guess a lot of people are happy about this, so thats good, but to me even though I didn't have certain names I wanted, its still a really cool part of what made this site unique, allowing one to a name. It also forced people to become more creative, including myself. Now, a lot of the ideas in the Name forums won't ever find homes. Honestly, I see this ad a negative. I loved having unique pets only I had. I'm sure others felt the same. This removes that now.


@setsuna A bit of both. I had been waiting to see what the announcement of non-unique pet names would be before I changed names, but these were names I did want to have exchanged. Like Bat said, I wish there'd been a grace period or forewarning of this, because I would have spent a lot of money to change names before the update to have the right legacy name. Now I have pets with the right name but with the wrong pet id, and there's not much I can do about it.


@Morgana @Bat

This came down to me, and if the lack of communication hurt you and your trust in us -- I'm sorry. I made the decision to come up with a plan that served, what I determined were the various needs, and just implement it. If we'd posted this plan, we'd still be responding and tweaking and changing, as we'd been doing for the last ten years. We've had conversations in the forums that have stopped and started because we were unwilling to make such a huge decision, so I just.. made it.

TLDR: The team continued to work on this policy in the back end, taking feedback from the forums and elsewhere and I made the decision to make the change.


This is SO exciting!! Oh man I have no idea what I want to do but I'm SO stoked that I no longer need to hold onto names I'm uninspired for, out of fear of regretting it if I adopt out. I'm so excited, and if I wasn't currently in a drive-through I would be buying a subscription to celebrate haha. Can't wait to get home and spend money on this site out of excitement and passion, rather than a feeling more like 'well don't wanna miss this month's book for my pet.' This is such great news!!! I'm so happy!!


This is really good and I'm happy it's been implemented, but I would've loved some kind of grace period or forewarning? There's a pet I wanted to rename with a special pet ID. I'm sad that I'm stuck with the Legacy name now, since the pet's name reminds me of someone I am no longer in contact with and wanted a better name... ):

Is there any way to get rid of a specific Legacy name completely? not just hiding it with csc, just... erasing it completely, since I don't really want to be stuck with it forever, but don't want to give up on the ID either...

I know this is an overtly specific situation, and I'm truly happy to be able to get all the names I've stalked for years and can finally get, but I might as well ask if there's any way to fix this... if I have to pay the 500 csc to change the Legacy name then I will, no questions asked.


Am I going to have to say goodbye to some of my friends on here who are too unhappy with the changes? I'll really miss them =(


Hopefully this will be a good decision for the longevity of the site.

That said, I am horribly disappointed with how staff had handled this change in regards to communication. This is a big change and for a year and a half, we had very little communication with staff other than few scattered posts about it (some not even on the Non-Unique Pet Names discussion on forums...), an update not terribly long ago about a proposed nickname system and promise for a poll to be held to see the userbase's options on it (especially since not everyone is going to be social, especially on something that is frankly on a very outdated platform), and we never even got the promised poll.

I guess the legacy pet names is at least something (especially since that still gives a "point" to adopt out pets for people who may wish to do so), but for such a big part of the website, I had hoped for far better communication and I am really disappointed how this was ultimately handled.


@setsuna Legacy names are meant to commemorate a pet's name prior to this change, and they are set in stone. They can ONLY be seen on a pet's profile, where you can hide them with CSS if you don't want them to be visible.

@Cyroris It's okay - you're allowed to feel the way you do and to express that. To answer your question:
If someone steals art/code from others is this part of the "Do Not Steal Or Redistribute Coding Or Art" rule and can be reported?
Yes, of course! All this update means is that pets can be named anything you want, even if there's already a pet with that name. Art theft, plagiarism, etc are still 100% against the rules and reportable.

@Hylian Sorry, that is still disallowed. I can see this changing, though, as we move more of our code to new.subeta.net :)


@Bug thanks for the clarification! I think I'll just delete the line for now.

There's a thread in the suggestions section right now asking for a way to remove the "legacy" option. I hope this gets implemented, because there's some legacy names I'd just as soon forget.


@Bug i tried but I still get directed to the legacy pet, no matter on which one I click.


It's finally here!

Excited to see what the pet community does with all this. :)


(Invalid img)


Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly aristokatz) is now named Saint!

oh thank you, staff ;-; Aristokatz was one of the first pets I ever made but.. I was 16 and couldn't think of any names I liked that weren't taken, so I settled for a weird spelling of a movie I liked. I've held onto my loyalty boxes for the last 2 years, trying to decide if I should pick the name change and if so, what to? Now I can finally rename them to what I've wanted for so long!

This is one of my favorite features on other pet sites, so I'm happy to see it implemented here.


Awesome thank you! I didn't think about it until looking at the pets I could potentially rehome. Thank you for looking into that!


For the pet search, are all names going to show up or just the legacy one?
They all show up.

Suzie search
Dimple search

The weird thing is that only one pet shows up in the "exact results" section, and it seems to be the pet who was most recently changed to that name. For example, the mortiking Suzie is mine, and I just changed her name today (originally it was Suushie).

Both Dimples (the illumis and the hipottu) are mine, but the illumis' name was changed today from something else, whereas the hipottu was always called Dimple.

So the "exact results" section might need a bit of revamping, but you can still see both of each in the "pets" section.


OMG! I've already changed a couple of pet names already. :)

I also had to go through every single pet to remove the legacy marker. I hope we get the option to completely remove that (not just hide it). I don't care if I had the first pet named that name. I have a couple of pets I'd like to erase any connection to their old names. I can't just remake one because he's a glitched birthday pet.


Actually had a rl pet pass away very suddenly this weekend. Was considering making a tribute pet, nice to know I can give her her proper name if I ever decide to do so. Thank you for making that possible, Subeta staff =)



Aww no :c Sorry your CSC went to this, were you experimenting to see if this would happen or were you trying to actually switch your pet names?

Thank you for the answer though! I'll hold off on name swapping my pets until I think some more and decide what I'd like to do.


@Andrea That.. was actually something I had overlooked! It is currently tied to the pet, but I'm working on changing that now to make it tied to the account instead.

@Emrah Thanks for the report! The Search page should have correct links now; could you check if it's now working for you?

@chris To be honest, the Search page is pretty out-dated, and was not updated to account for non-unique pet names. While we could put time and effort into updating it, we're opting to work on replacing it entirely with a new and better search experience instead. So stay tuned <3

@Kniga Sorry, we do have an existing rule against misrepresenting pet information. The rule (here) is about "fake pets" but it also clarifies that "covering up their pet profiles with a custom one using 'fake' pet images and false information about their pets" is disallowed.

However, it is 100% okay to hide the line if you don't want it to be visible on your pet's profile!


I hate it, but this is a net good change.
*crotchety old grandma who hates change*
I'm glad to see that the legacy names are a thing.
Thanks for all your hard work. ♥️


@setsuna I tried this and it's the first option: (ie pet1: Bob (legacy name Bob) name swap with pet2: John (legacy name John) -> pet1: John (legacy name Bob) and pet2: Bob (legacy name John).

0/10 would not recommend.


This is great news. As someone who has been on this site for 15 and a half years, I have a good number of decent names (including ones I've paid to change in the past), as well as a few names that are a bit 'off' to make them close to what I wanted. If this is going to help the site continue to thrive, I'm happy to share my names with others. And I'm excited to make a few name changes of my own. Thank you!


Yay for non-unique pet names and legacy names! I've been waiting all week for this ^^ Thank you staff for all your hard work <<3

I do have some questions that I believe someone also asked previously, if we were to use the pet name swap function for 750CSC, would the pets still have their original legacy name on their profiles, or would they have the legacy name of the name they've swapped with? (ie pet1: Bob (legacy name Bob) name swap with pet2: John (legacy name John) -> pet1: John (legacy name Bob) and pet2: Bob (legacy name John) OR pet1: Bob (legacy name Bob). and pet 2: John (legacy name John)? If this makes any sense? ^^'

I think it'd be nice for people who would like to keep the legacy names of their pets to have the second option available somehow c:

Also, is there a plan to modify the name swap function in the near future (ie make it part of the gold accounts also or a price adjustment?) If so, I'll wait a bit to see how things go before swapping names around.


Throw me in with the generally unhappy people about this change... After working so hard on my pets and their names, this still comes off a bit of a slap in the face. Just countless hours of planning, help of friends and actually being more creative towards characters, just feels like now it was almost for nothing. I know its an unpopular opinion but I'm just bracing myself for the ripoffs and plagiarizing. (If someone steals art/code from others is this part of the "Do Not Steal Or Redistribute Coding Or Art" rule and can be reported?)

For the pet search, are all names going to show up or just the legacy one?

I know the 'why' this was done and I know the team thought hard about this. I respect your choice and trying to do what's best for the site; it's positive to see more people happy about the change and being worth it over people grumpy like me. I'll probably come around in time once I process this more.


What about apostrophes in names again? Or will that never come back?


@Kniga Ah, ok, thanks!


I'm okay with the change, and the greedy bastard in me is happy about the "legacy" aspect for the original names.


Oh well that's boring
Not looking forward to renaming over 90 pets either




Wow this is amazing


@Saturnine it looks like they just don't have a legacy name field. For example: https://subeta.net/petinfo.php?petid=5996001.


Yes! Thank you so so much for this change! :D


So, with this change, are there plans for more pet slots to be added in the future? 0:)
Because I have way too many pets/characters/names I want!


@Life you absolutely can change what it says in the legacy name section.

.legacy-name b {display: none;}
.legacy-name::after {content: "Suzie"; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; visibility: visible !important;}
.legacy-name::before {content: "My dear sweet "; margin-right: -90px; visibility: visible !important; font-style: italic;}
.legacy-name {visibility: hidden;}
I'm using Invalid user: kniga as an example. Note that her name was originally Suushie, and I'm not sure if it's cool to change the legacy name coding like this or not. Thoughts @Keith?


Excuse me for not reading every comment - How do pets with repeat names that were just made have their profiles look, has anyone made one? I want to see if it says something like "Spawn: [name here]"


Oh, i was about to feel bittersweet thinking about all the time and effort i've sunk into getting certain of my pet names (or failed - shakes fist @ Sausage) but then i read about legacy names, so now i'm all sweet. Unique pet names are by defintion limiting and not conducive to a growing site population. Now if only we could use non-english letters in pet names....


how will the search page work now? Will pets that have same name be listed all next to each other?
i like to randomly look at pets by search random words/names.


Oh darn, just used CSC to change a name yesterday, lol.


@Staff don't know if this was mentioned yet, but if I search for a name wich was created more than once and click on it, I still get directed to the legacy pet.


Real non-unique pet names! Real non-unique pet names!!!! SCREECHES AT THE HEAVENS IN JOY.



Is the once a month rename account specific? Or if I rename a pet to RadJello and then give the pet to someone else can they also rename it? Curious as I have a handful of IDs I'll potentially be giving out to friends but if I lock them out of renames for a month I'd like to plan ahead.


Omg my Subeta life makes sense again. <3
Thank you for this awesome and needed change, excited for everyone who now can get names they always admired from afar. :)


Legacy Name: Catey

!!! That looks great :D


I was hating the idea of non unique pet names, but everybody being happy about this, makes me happy too. Now let the music play.


I was hating the idea of non unique pet names, but everybody being happy about this, makes me happy too. Now let the music play.


Well now if I encounter a "species and ID" named pet in the AC like afew times in the past, I can use the free name change on them with my GA.


I'm happy about it because I can get a few I've wanted & very happy for the couple users who kept looking up Cid & Weiss, only to discover that I'm never going to die & my crappy OCs already had those names & I do nothing new with them! haha.

On the reverse, dang, what do I need CSC for now, if not to rename a thousand old (& poorly named) pets into far more fashionable blobs? :(


Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Catey) is now named Catherine!

Aaaahhhh finally, my heart :heart:


Dang literally a few weeks i changed my pets name from her the name she got "cleared" to


Awsome! <3


I liked the unique names and am kinda sad that the ones I've collected aren't one-and-only's anymore, but it will be nice to be able to choose any name I want for future pets.


omg this is amazing.
Now I just need more pet slots for all the pets I want.


Is there a pet named AwesomePetName? There really should be.




Congratulations to all the Sailor Guardian tribute pets who will be able to get their names! There is a Moon or Jupiter or Pluto for every time anyone has looked up at the stars, their own personal shining moment or prayer, and it's good that people will be able to name their inspirations accordingly.


Ok cool, there is one name that I've been stalking for years and have missed twice.

The only thing I don't like is the wording/format of the Legacy Name line on the profile. I can probably change the format but just having it say ORIGINALLY PETNAME looks weird imo?

Like on my pet Hopes it says

Originally Hopes

I wish there was a better way to say that. Even Original Name or Legacy Name or something.


thank you for doing legacy names too


I appreciate this as years ago a pet name I wanted was taken and I am not the creative type


This is such an awesome change! I've felt guilty about having some real world nouns and other properly spelled words as pet names but not having the energy to develop a pet profile, so I'm glad other people can use them now as well! Great development, staff!


This is great news! I've lost count of how many pets I gave up on because the name I wanted was already taken and no other fit whatI wanted. Now I can finally get those :D


Very excited to see the note about extra name changes for a fee as well.

I was just having some heartburn over the inability to swap names around as a few of my names need to go on other IDs. Glad to know if I rename a pet to a random name for now I can potentially fix it sooner than a months time.


I’m not sure how to feel about this. On one hand I can correct some names and maybe get a name for an old irl pet but on the other I’ll miss the uniqueness. Guess I’ll have to think on it a bit more.



Fantastic, thank you for the answer and for doing this. I really believe it's a good big step in a more positive direction for the site and for the pet people. Very excited about this change!



idk how i missed that per pet part, what is reading comprehension LOL but thank you for clarifying! eager to see what you guys have in store


@Satyr Bug fixed it!



sorry the excitement has me using terrible grammar oops


@pierce You get one name change per pet per month, so right now you can only change a pets name once per month! We're working on the non-ga version of this, which will including purchasing extra name changes for a verrryyy small fee, and GAs will be able to do that as well


This makes me so happy! As a player that's been here for most of those 15 years, it's such a good idea to continue to foster growth on this site. Now I'm gonna need more pet slots!!


As someone who spent a lot of time and money stalking the names I wanted, sometimes spending months diligently checking an inactive account, counting down the minutes to when the names I wanted would go up for grabs -- I would like to say Thank God, and Thank You. Honestly, for me it's never been about having a Unique Name, it's been about having the Name I wanted, and that's the only reason I invested so much time into stalking accounts. Now that I can get whatever name I want, anytime I want? I see myself spending twice as much money getting pet slots. Thank you so much Subeta Team, this is an amazing change I'm thrilled to see!


@Andrea Yes to all of those things! This is the first step of us investing in pets :heart:

And, we've written the code for upgrades and downgrades - we just wanted to launch the subscriptions without complications and then add them, so you'll probably see that this week


Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Lets Go Eevee) is now named Eevee!



hi! i have a question about this

from what i understand so far, you get one free name change when you have a gold account, right? does this mean you only get one name change per month no matter what? will we be able to change a name more than once a month?

this is a pretty neat change though, i've missed out some names i've wanted during clearings so it's nice to have this as an option to revisit some old names i wanted


Oh, this is a welcome change! As someone who wanted to create their real world pets on Subeta, trying to find Subeta names similar to real world names was not easy. Thank you for this change!


Oh hey a legitimately great update! Glad to see this finally happening. I like the inclusion of legacy urls as well for those that care about having the ~ original ~. I think it's hilarious the amount of people that will quit or threaten to quit over a change that benefits the community at large.


This is awesome, I know I'm going to be changing a few of my pet's names around later for sure. Awesome job!


I'm absolutely glad to see this happen, I think it's an amazing step in the right direction for the site!

Super glad to hear clearing pet names will no longer include pets too A+

I've had seven stages of grief over the GA renaming but a friend walked me through it (it's late and Sunday so I'm slow atm ok) so BEFORE I bounce on a subscription I have a question or two:

Will subscriptions be updated to include pet stuff at some point?

If so, if I hit go on like the $10 one (ex) and later wanna change to a different tier... is that doable?


Speaking as someone who has both "desirable" names and names I had to fudge/expand to get close to what I wanted, I feel this is a positive change and the legacy name feature is a fair compromise to preserve the prestige of names for people who care about that.


I'm honestly so excited! I will kind of miss having the only Cloud, Flame, or whatever, but I think the benefits of this new system totally outweighs the specialness factor. It's just better for Subeta as a whole. There are so many pet ideas I have and TCs I want to build. I am really excited to see how this shapes our pet community.


All I'll say is that I really don't like that the original name can be hidden.


@Kniga Nope, they'll keep the name they have forever. It's their name now!


@Bug Just a heads up, the "view profile" link from the description page still uses unique names instead of IDs. Not sure if you're the person to report this to, but,


I wept. Thank you so much. So much. Thank you.


YES!! Thank you so much staff!!! This is incredible! ♥


I like this.


: D oh this will make my life so much easier for fanpets. Characters who don't have last names don't need me to make one up!


I was just starting to stalk some names I wanted! I kind of love this, I understand why people would be upset by it but I think the good outweighs the bad here. Do we know anything about reimbursement of CSC for name changes prior to this? I definitely spent a pretty penny swapping and renaming to get things where I want them.


I'm probably next! 15 years was nice, but 10 years ago was better ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oh wow this is awesome! I have a bunch of names that are unique that I love and I'm excited to change the ones I wasn't able to get to what I want them to be!


Okay, the thing that was causing the various issues (like the name change not working, etc) has now been fixed! All should be working smoothly now :)


What happens when you abandon or transfer the pet to someone else? Do they revert back to their "original" name?


Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Beloved) is now named Zoey!

As a person that has a lot of real names and real words, I am excited about this change for THIS REASON. I now have my daughter's name.


@Keith AWESOME! Huge thanks! :D


Congratulations!!! Your pet (formerly Khalo) is now named Azrael!

ok subeta is cool again


Anyway I'm so excited about this. I've been kind of down about pets over the last.. what... 8+ years.. maybe now I can finally get inspired and work on them with these changes. Thank you staff!


Yay! Honestly, this makes me really, really happy ^^ No longer do I have to go hunting on the forums or the pound to find a "good" pet name, I can just choose whatever I want!


I wasn't a fan of this to begin with, but oh well.


@Marybeth You'll be able to make whatever name you want from the start, I'll take a look at why it's broken right now!


thank you for doing this!


This is very bittersweet. I'm excited to have access to name I've always wanted, but I'm going to miss the uniqueness of the names


Worst change ever. Guess I am done for good now with this site. Enjoy the 200 Legolas to come. Was some nice 10+ years but I guess everything has an ending ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


anime,videogames etc fanpet TIME TO SHINEEEE


I tested the name change before we deployed, why does it break now T_T

I'm debugging it right now so sit tight (and sorry!!!)


Absolutely amazing feature and I think it's a super smart and generous move, so many thanks! It can feel sore to consider you no longer have a ~fancy unique name~ but in general this is better for everyone so I'm pretty stoked! :o)

My question though: When creating a pet for the first time, does it still have to have a unique name, or can it just be named a name already in use from the get-go? (ie if I wanted Bob, do I have to name the pet Bob12344356 and THEN change it to Bob or can it just be Bob from the get go?)

I tried to immediately make a pet with my name LOL and I got a blank page so I'm sure it's not ready yet, but just wanted to ask/clarify! :o)


this is fantastic :D


For real though, I'm so stoked to be able to bring a bunch of my characters onto this site that I otherwise wouldn't bother with. Trying to find suitable names was starting to feel like neopets.


Not understanding all of this but realize this took a lot of work on your part and thanks for your effort Subeta!!


Unfortunately, I also got a white page after trying to change my pet's name and the name was not changed. Hope it works soon!


Can we still get our "disallowed pet name"s changed for free? through the ticket system


I'm guessing by the way of linking a pet (pet=keith/AwesomePetName) that the pet names need to be unique to accounts, so one person can't have two pets with the same name?


Thank you for the thought, time, and consideration you've put into this decision and the infrastructure surrounding it. I look forward to seeing how Subeta continues to grow and evolve because of the love and dedication of the staff and community.


Huge fan of the change. But I just tried to use one of my name changes, and it seems bugged out.


this is such a great compromise!! thank you staff!!


I think the legacy name feature is pretty neat for those who still want to show that they had the pet name "first" while still giving others the opportunity to have names that are special and important to them.

Thanks for the updates!


Yeah, well... Not really happy about it, but not upset as well. I mean, it's nice for people who make stories for their pets.


Doesn't look like the free name change is working right now. I tried changing a pet's name, and it went to a blank page (with only the pet's picture on it) and did not update the pet name.


Pfftt I literally just asked someone about a name; now I guess I don't need to. I've been here since 2004 and I'm not really sure how I feel about this, though it definitely makes life easier. The adoption forum might get a little bit quieter, perhaps. Are names devalued? Idk. Some may say yes. Overall I guess I just feel neutral. I'm glad so many people will be happy. At worst I get confused seeing another pet with a name I have. xD


This is awesome!!! :D




On one hand... Damn, all of the 'rare' names I collected are no longer rare. On the other... More anime names. You win some, you lose some.


I have no interest in changing pet names but I guess this is a good thing for those who do. Would be interesting to have 1 pet whose name changes every month.


This is Cool.


You can now change your pet name once per month with a gold account.
Can you clarify this please? Does this mean your GA gives one free pet name change per month? Does this affect paying for pet name changes, or the existing free pet name changes for pets that get name bumped to Petname_123?


I'm crying because I can finally make a pet for my mother that passed away ...
This is. Very very great.


So quick question, do you still have to PAY for a pet name change or do you just need a GA?


I know there will be people that aren't happy with this but I am! This is awesome! Thank you for making this change!



That is the PERFECT GIF for right now <3


@Kniga Right this moment, yes! We're working on the free way to change the names and will hopefully have them out this week! (It'll be like you can rename x pets per month)


I like it


You can now change your pet name once per month with a gold account. That means one name change *per pet*, per month.
Does this mean that if you don't have a gold account, you can't change your pet's name?

Also, does this affect name swaps at all?


OMG Yes! I love this change! It's so much better to be able to name my pets anything I want! I'd much rather have that than any bragging rights.


THIS IS. A MUCH NEEDED CHANGE. I am so elated about this decision!! I think it's the best of both worlds, honestly. Thank you staff for listening to all our feedback!! Now time to get all those names I wanted and couldn't get!! >:')


this is amazing!!!!!!


I'm really into this change! While it was part of the thrill, waiting for a special name to clear, it was also... a total pain (nevermind those amazing names that we all had on our 'will never clear but i'm going to obsessively check anyways' list!). I'm grateful for name changes being a GA perk now, so thanks for that as well!! ♥️


ah i kinda liked the unique pet thing but i can see how its better because on other sites ive had to add numbers and symbols and it can be so annoying.


Yessss! Thank you!


Ongoing this is even more amazing than I anticipated!!


Thank you! :D


oh god people are gonna riot.


How long will the peace last in the comment section?


its here its here !! AAAAAAA


cool. cool cool cool


This is so amazing!! Thank you!!!


So exciting, thanks !!!!


I kind of wish this had happened a little earlier, I lost a few pet names from where I had been away.
Oh well, can't win them all I guess! xD



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